Guest User


a guest
Dec 26th, 2016
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  1. mysql:
  2. user: mcus_9208
  3. password: [Blocked]
  4. host:
  5. port: '3306'
  6. database: mcus_9208
  7. storage: mysql
  8. message:
  9. auth: '&cYou need to enter your 2fa code with /2fa <code>'
  10. force: '&cThe server admin has indicated that 2fa is required for you. Please run
  11. the /2fa command to enable it.'
  12. not_required: '&cYou do not need 2fa auth at this time'
  13. invalid: '&cInvalid code, please try again!'
  14. success: '&aSuccess! Thanks for keeping your account secure'
  15. register_complete: '&a2fa activated and required for all logins.'
  16. remembered: '&aRemembered your IP address, logging you in automatically.'
  17. duplicate: '&6You already have two factor auth enabled, use /2fa remove to remove
  18. it'
  19. help: '&6We have sent you a map with your secret info. Enter it into your authenticator
  20. application and then run /2fa <code>'
  21. hotbar: '&cPlease run this command with at least one free slot in your hotbar'
  22. map: 2fa Code Map
  23. code:
  24. url: otpauth://totp/{1}{0}&issuer=SpigotMC
  25. window: 2
  26. session:
  27. time: 360
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