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Nov 17th, 2019
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  1. <h3>Two examples of AI in my daily life</h3>
  2. <p>1.</p>
  3. <p2>My first example will be the chatbot which is used in the Revolut banking app. In the chat section for help for clients, the first questions and problem solutions are written by a robot, depending on what the problem is. This information and direct interaction is referred to the most common questions and problems in the application and this is what makes it so useful, because there isn’t time spent on writing exactly the same things again and again by a human being. Of course, this also a disadvantage because the capability of the robot is reduced only to a limited number of information and knowledge, but this is where improvement should start.</p2>
  4. <img src="img_avatar.png" alt="Avatar" style="width:200px">
  5. <p3>2.</p3>
  6. <p4> The second will be the self-driving cars, despite that I have not experienced this kind of AI in my daily life. In my opinion, computers are more precise than humans, which makes this an interesting way of reducing the accidents on the road by applying a system that would completely take over the responsibility of people and prevent from wrong usage such as drink-driving, overspeeeding and lack of concentration. All of these examples are the main reason for car accidents. The argument that there are already car crashes caused by self-driving cars is irrelevant compared to the amount of accidents caused by humans. For me, the dark side of this concept is that the joy of doing this activity will be gone, speaking from a drivers point of view.</p4>
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