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a guest
Oct 15th, 2019
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  1. if arg 1 is "debuge":
  2. if player have permissions "skyblock.*":
  3. set {_nick} to "Radin2407"
  4. set {_aa} to "_CreaM13377"
  5. set {_gracz} to {skyblock::wyspa::gracz::%{_aa}%::wlascicielWyspy}
  6. if {skyblock::wyspa::gracz::%{_aa}%} is "tak":
  7. if {skyblock::wyspa::gracz::%{_aa}%::dodany::%{_nick}%} is "tak":
  8. remove 1 from {skyblock::wyspa::%{_aa}%::ilosc::graczy}
  9. remove {_nick} from {skyblock::wyspa::%{_aa}%::lista::graczy::*}
  10. #run {_nick} command "/rg removemember wyspa-%{_gracz}% %{_aa}%" as op
  11. set {skyblock::wyspa::gracz::%{_aa}%::dodawanie} to "nie"
  12. set {skyblock::wyspa::gracz::%{_aa}%::dodany::%{_nick}%} to "nie"
  13. teleport {_nick} to {essentials::spawn}
  14. delete {skyblock::gracz::%{_nick}%::homeLoc}
  15. if arg 1 is "debuge1":
  16. if player have permissions "*":
  17. if arg 2 is set:
  18. set {_nick} to arg 2
  19. add {_nick} to {skyblock::wyspa::zalozycieli::*}
  20. #Generuj
  21. if arg 1 is "pokaz":
  22. if player have permission "*":
  23. loop {SkyBlock::bankLoc::*}:
  24. wait 0.1 seconds
  25. add 1 to {_index}
  26. if {_index} is greater than or equal to 1000:
  27. exit loop
  28. else:
  29. send "%{_index}%) %loop-value%"
  30. if arg 1 is "ilejest":
  31. if player have permission "*":
  32. set {_aaa} to size of {SkyBlock::bankLoc::*}
  33. send "%{_aaa}%"
  34. if arg 1 is "usuwaj":
  35. if player have permission "*":
  36. delete {SkyBlock::bankLoc::*}
  37. send "usunieto"
  38. if arg 1 is "generuj":
  39. send "STOP"
  40. STOP
  41. if player have permission "*":
  42. clear {SkyBlock::bankLoc::*}
  43. #if file "plugins/Skript/scripts/1operacje.yml" doesn't exists:
  44. #create file "plugins/Skript/scripts/1operacje.yml"
  45. set {_loc.x} to 5100
  46. set {_ile.x} to 5100
  47. set {_loc.y} to 128
  48. set {_loc.z} to 5100
  49. set {_ile.z} to 5100
  50. set {_world} to "%world of player%"
  51. set {_loc} to the location at {_loc.x}, {_loc.y}, {_loc.z}
  52. #add {_loc} to {SkyBlock::bankLoc::*}
  53. set {_numerek} to 1
  54. #wf "lista:" "plugins/Skript/scripts/BazaLokalizacji.yml"
  55. #wf " %{_numerek}%: '%{_loc}%'" "plugins/Skript/scripts/BazaLokalizacji.yml"
  56. #wf "%{_numerek}%) %{_loc}%" "plugins/Skript/scripts/1operacje.yml"
  57. #set {_ile1} to ({_ile.x}*2/150)#wartość x bo jest to długość między 0 a najdalszym punktem, razy 2 bo - i +, podzielić przez 150, bo odstęp między wyspami, a plus 1 bo jeszcze pętla na z
  58. #set {_index.ile1} to 0
  59. set {_index} to 0
  60. set {_ok} to true
  61. set {_cooldown} to 0
  62. set {_max} to 5000
  63. set {_info} to 0
  64. while {_ok} is true:
  65. set {_index.ile1} to 0
  66. set {_ile1} to ({_ile.x}*2/150)
  67. #wf "%{_index.ile1}% %({_ile.z}*2/150)%////////////////////////////////////////ile0 %({_ile.x}*2/150)%" "plugins/Skript/scripts/1operacje.yml"
  68. set {_jest1} to 0
  69. loop {_ile1} times:
  70. add 1 to {_cooldown}
  71. if {_cooldown} is greater than or equal to 1000:
  72. add 1 to {_info}
  73. if {_info} is greater than or equal to 10:
  74. send "Wygenerowano już %{_numerek}% lokalizacji"
  75. set {_info} to 0
  76. set {_cooldown} to 0
  77. wait 0.1 seconds
  78. add 1 to {_jest1}
  79. add 1 to {_numerek}
  80. remove 150 from {_loc.x}
  81. set {_loc} to the location at {_loc.x}, {_loc.y}, {_loc.z}
  82. #add {_loc} to {SkyBlock::bankLoc::*}
  83. #wf " %{_numerek}%: '%{_loc}%'" "plugins/Skript/scripts/BazaLokalizacji.yml"
  84. #wf "%{_numerek}%) %{_loc}%" "plugins/Skript/scripts/1operacje.yml"
  85. if {_numerek} is greater than 288*{_max}-15:
  86. set {_ok} to false
  87. #wf "====================PRZYMUSOWY KONIEC====================" "plugins/Skript/scripts/1operacje.yml"
  89. stop
  90. if {_jest1} is equal to {_ile1}:
  91. set {_jest2} to 0
  92. loop {_ile1} times:
  93. add 1 to {_cooldown}
  94. if {_cooldown} is greater than or equal to 1000:
  95. add 1 to {_info}
  96. if {_info} is greater than or equal to 10:
  97. send "Wygenerowano już %{_numerek}% lokalizacji"
  98. set {_info} to 0
  99. set {_cooldown} to 0
  100. wait 0.1 seconds
  101. add 1 to {_jest2}
  102. remove 150 from {_loc.z}
  103. set {_loc} to the location at {_loc.x}, {_loc.y}, {_loc.z}
  104. #add {_loc} to {SkyBlock::bankLoc::*}
  105. #wf " %{_numerek}%: '%{_loc}%'" "plugins/Skript/scripts/BazaLokalizacji.yml"
  106. add 1 to {_numerek}
  107. #wf "%{_numerek}%) %{_loc}%" "plugins/Skript/scripts/1operacje.yml"
  108. if {_numerek} is greater than 288*{_max}-15:
  109. set {_ok} to false
  110. #wf "====================PRZYMUSOWY KONIEC====================" "plugins/Skript/scripts/1operacje.yml"
  112. stop
  113. if {_jest2} is equal to {_ile2}:
  114. set {_jest3} to 0
  115. loop {_ile1} times:
  116. add 1 to {_cooldown}
  117. if {_cooldown} is greater than or equal to 1000:
  118. add 1 to {_info}
  119. if {_info} is greater than or equal to 10:
  120. send "Wygenerowano już %{_numerek}% lokalizacji"
  121. set {_info} to 0
  122. set {_cooldown} to 0
  123. wait 0.1 seconds
  124. add 1 to {_jest3}
  125. add 1 to {_numerek}
  126. add 150 to {_loc.x}
  127. set {_loc} to the location at {_loc.x}, {_loc.y}, {_loc.z}
  128. #add {_loc} to {SkyBlock::bankLoc::*}
  129. #wf " %{_numerek}%: '%{_loc}%'" "plugins/Skript/scripts/BazaLokalizacji.yml"
  130. #wf "%{_numerek}%) %{_loc}%" "plugins/Skript/scripts/1operacje.yml"
  131. if {_numerek} is greater than 288*{_max}-15:
  132. set {_ok} to false
  133. #wf "====================PRZYMUSOWY KONIEC====================" "plugins/Skript/scripts/1operacje.yml"
  135. stop
  136. if {_jest3} is equal to {_ile3}:
  137. loop {_ile1}-1 times:#-1 jest by ominąć punkt początkowy
  138. add 1 to {_cooldown}
  139. if {_cooldown} is greater than or equal to 1000:
  140. add 1 to {_info}
  141. if {_info} is greater than or equal to 10:
  142. send "Wygenerowano już %{_numerek}% lokalizacji"
  143. set {_info} to 0
  144. set {_cooldown} to 0
  145. wait 0.1 seconds
  146. add 1 to {_numerek}
  147. add 150 to {_loc.z}
  148. set {_loc} to the location at {_loc.x}, {_loc.y}, {_loc.z}
  149. #add {_loc} to {SkyBlock::bankLoc::*}
  150. #wf " %{_numerek}%: '%{_loc}%'" "plugins/Skript/scripts/BazaLokalizacji.yml"
  151. #wf "%{_numerek}%) %{_loc}%" "plugins/Skript/scripts/1operacje.yml"
  152. if {_numerek} is greater than 288*{_max}-15:
  153. set {_ok} to false
  154. #wf "====================PRZYMUSOWY KONIEC====================" "plugins/Skript/scripts/1operacje.yml"
  156. stop
  157. add 1 to {_index}
  158. add 1 to {_numerek}
  159. add 450 to {_loc.z}
  160. add 300 to {_loc.x}
  161. set {_ile.x} to {_loc.x}
  162. set {_ile.z} to {_loc.z}
  163. set {_loc} to the location at {_loc.x}, {_loc.y}, {_loc.z}
  164. #add {_loc} to {SkyBlock::bankLoc::*}
  165. #wf " %{_numerek}%: '%{_loc}%'" "plugins/Skript/scripts/BazaLokalizacji.yml"
  166. #wf "%{_numerek}%) %{_loc}%" "plugins/Skript/scripts/1operacje.yml"
  167. if "%{_index}%" is "%{_max}%":
  168. set {_ok} to false
  169. #wf "====================KONIEC====================" "plugins/Skript/scripts/1operacje.yml"
  170. stop
  171. if {_index} is greater than {_max}:
  172. set {_ok} to false
  173. #wf "====================KONIEC====================" "plugins/Skript/scripts/1operacje.yml"
  174. stop
  175. send "1"
  176. loop {SkyBlock::bankLoc::*}:
  177. add 1 to {_index}
  178. if {_index} is greater than or equal to 10:
  179. exit loop
  180. else:
  181. send "%loop-value%"
  182. send "Gotowe"
  183. else:
  184. send "&4Nie masz do tego uprawnień"
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