Guest User


a guest
Apr 9th, 2020
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Lua 9.99 KB | None | 0 0
  1. if gg.isVisible(true) then
  2. gg.setVisible(false)
  3. end
  5. local v = gg.getTargetInfo()
  6. if v.versionCode ~= 220 then
  8. print('This script only works with game version 1202= 1.2009. You have game version ',v.versionCode,' Please install version 1 and try again.')
  10. os.exit()
  12. end
  13. local pass = '4140'
  14. local dev = '123'
  15. local signin = gg.prompt({"User: HIDDEN"},{"Input Password"},nil,"Join Discord for link to the DC User password")
  16. if signin == nil then
  17. gg.toast("Please click the 'Ok' button!")
  18. goto exit1 end
  19. if signin[1] == pass then
  20. gg.toast(" Welcome Guest! 😐")
  21. goto menu1
  22. elseif signin[1] == dev then
  23. gg.toast(" Welcome DC User! 😀")
  24. goto devmenu
  25. else goto exit1 end
  27. ::exit1::
  28.     gg.toast("Wrong password!")
  29.     os.exit()
  31. ::devmenu::
  32. gg.alert("Welcome 'DC User' to Forward Assault version 1.2009 script")
  33. devmenu=gg.choice({"Open Menu","EXIT"},nil," Mod Menu By Kilookuoma")
  34. if devmenu == 1 then goto ban1 end
  35. if devmenu == 2 then os.exit() end
  36. if devmenu == nil then goto noselect1 end
  39. ::noselect1::
  40.     print(gg)
  41. ::ban1::
  42.     gg.sleep(300)
  43. menuk = 1
  45. if gg.isVisible(true) then
  46.   gg.setVisible(false)
  47. end
  49. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  50. gg.searchNumber("-2,121,846,297,103,349,712;-2,188,661,454,170,902,520;-1,900,798,984,933,322,752;-2,265,592,083,691,667,100",gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  51. gg.refineNumber("-2,121,846,297,103,349,712",gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  52. z = gg.getResults(1)
  53. gg.addListItems(z)
  54. gg.clearResults()
  55. --rain ( headshot hack)
  56. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  57. gg.searchNumber("60",gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  58. gg.getResults(6400)
  59. gg.searchAddress("AC")
  60. a = gg.getResults(1)
  61. gg.addListItems(a)
  62. gg.clearResults()
  63. --spread ( No spread )
  64. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  65. gg.searchNumber("50",gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  66. gg.getResults(100)
  67. gg.searchAddress("30")
  68. b = gg.getResults(1)
  69. gg.addListItems(b)
  70. gg.clearResults()
  71. --crosshair always visible
  72. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  73. gg.searchNumber("360",gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  74. gg.getResults(100)
  75. gg.searchAddress("4c4")
  76. c = gg.getResults(1)
  77. gg.addListItems(c)
  78. --next
  79. gg.clearResults()
  80. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  81. gg.searchNumber("-481,296,381;167,772,163;-369,098,620",gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  82. gg.refineNumber("-481,296,381",gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  83. d = gg.getResults(1)
  84. gg.addListItems(d)
  85. gg.clearResults()
  86. --next
  87. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  88. gg.searchNumber("-2;-2;2;0;0;1;0;0;-2", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  89. gg.refineNumber(1)
  90. gg.getResults(300)
  91. gg.searchAddress('954')
  92. f = gg.getResults(2)
  93. gg.addListItems(f)
  94. --next
  95. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  96. gg.searchNumber("-382,908,176;-494,030,832;-315,782,398;-498,216,928", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  97. gg.refineNumber("-382,908,176")
  98. gg.getResults(300)
  99. gg.searchAddress('04')
  100. gh = gg.getResults(1)
  101. gg.addListItems(gh)
  102. --next
  103. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  104. gg.searchNumber("360", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  105. gg.getResults(1000)
  106. gg.searchAddress("EA8")
  107. g = gg.getResults(1)
  108. gg.addListItems(g)
  109. --next
  110. gg.clearResults()
  111. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  112. gg.searchNumber("21,995,168;-382,908,368;-494,030,840;-442,564,292", gg.TYPE_QWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  113. gg.refineNumber("-382,908,368",gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  114. h = gg.getResults(1)
  115. gg.addListItems(h)
  116. gg.clearResults()
  120. on = '✅ Turn OFF '
  121. off = '☑ Turn ON '
  122. radar = off
  123. spread = off
  124. fov = off
  125. rain = off
  126. random = off
  127. walls = off
  128. esp = off
  129. under = off
  130. be = off
  132. function START1()
  134. local menu11 = gg.multiChoice({
  135. radar.. 'Radar ',
  136. spread.. 'No Spread ',
  137. fov.. 'Hand Fov ',
  138. rain.. 'Fov ',
  139. random.. 'No Spread 2 ',
  140. walls.. 'Enemy Using fly Hack :DDDDD ',
  141. esp.. 'No Recoil ',
  142. under.. 'Triggerbot ',
  143. be.. 'coming soon ',
  144. 'Exit Menu'},
  145. nil,
  146. 'Forward Assault Mod Menu')
  148. if menu11 == nil then noselect()
  149. else
  150. if menu11[10] then
  151. os.exit()
  152. else
  153. if menu11[1] then
  154. if radar == on then
  155. radar = off
  156. gg.getListItems(z)
  157. z[1].value = '-2,121,846,297,103,349,712'
  158. gg.setValues(z)
  159. gg.toast('Radar off')
  160. else
  161. radar = on
  162. gg.getListItems(z)
  163. z[1].value = '-2,220,275,583,136,301,055'
  164. gg.setValues(z)
  165. gg.toast('Radar On')
  166. end
  167. end
  169. if menu11[2] then
  170. if spread == on then
  171. spread = off
  172. gg.getListItems(a)
  173. a[1].value = '60'
  174. gg.setValues(a)
  175. gg.toast('No spread Off')
  176. else
  177. spread = on
  178. gg.getListItems(a)
  179. a[1].value = '0'
  180. gg.setValues(a)
  181. gg.toast('No spread On')
  182. end
  183. end
  185. if menu11[3] then
  186. if fov == on then
  187. fov = off
  188. gg.getListItems(b)
  189. b[1].value = '50'
  190. gg.setValues(b)
  191. gg.toast('Hand Fov Off')
  192. else
  193. fov = on
  194. gg.getListItems(b)
  195. b[1].value = '85'
  196. gg.setValues(b)
  197. gg.toast('Hand Fov On')
  198. end
  199. end
  201. if menu11[4] then
  202. if rain == on then
  203. rain = off
  204. gg.getListItems(c)
  205. c[1].value = '360'
  206. gg.setValues(c)
  207. gg.toast('Fov Off')
  208. else
  209. rain = on
  210. gg.getListItems(c)
  211. c[1].value = '250'
  212. gg.setValues(c)
  213. gg.toast('Fov On')
  214. end
  215. end
  217. if menu11[5] then
  218. if random == on then
  219. random = off
  220. gg.getListItems(d)
  221. d[1].value = '-481,296,381'
  222. gg.setValues(d)
  223. gg.toast('No Spread 2 Off')
  224. else
  225. random = on
  226. gg.getListItems(d)
  227. d[1].value = '-481,296,380'
  228. gg.setValues(d)
  229. gg.toast('No Spread 2 On')
  230. end
  231. end
  233. if menu11[6] then
  234. if walls == on then
  235. walls = off
  236. gg.getListItems(f)
  237. f[1].value = '1'
  238. gg.setValues(f)
  239. gg.toast('Enemy fly hack Off')
  240. else
  241. walls = on
  242. gg.clearResults()
  243. gg.getListItems(f)
  244. f[1].value = '12'
  245. gg.setValues(f)
  246. gg.toast('Enemy fly hack On')
  247. end
  248. end
  250. if menu11[7] then
  251. if esp == on then
  252. esp = off
  253. gg.getListItems(gh)
  254. gh[1].value = '-382,908,176'
  255. gg.setValues(gh)
  256. gg.toast('No recoil Off')
  257. else
  258. esp = on
  259. gg.clearResults()
  260. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  261. gg.searchNumber("-382,908,176;-494,030,832;-315,782,398;-498,216,928", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  262. gg.refineNumber("-382,908,176")
  263. gg.getResults(300)
  264. gg.searchAddress('04')
  265. gh = gg.getResults(1)
  266. gg.addListItems(gh)
  267. gg.getListItems(gh)
  268. gh[1].value = '-484,380,672'
  269. gg.setValues(gh)
  270. gg.toast('No recoil On')
  271. end
  272. end
  274. if menu11[8] then
  275. if under == on then
  276. under = off
  277. g[1].value "360"
  278. gg.setValues(g)
  279. gg.toast("Triggerbot Off")
  280. else
  281. under = on
  282. gg.getListItems(g)
  283. g[1].value "250"
  284. gg.setValues(g)
  285. gg.toast('Triggerbot On')
  286. end
  287. end
  289. if menu11[9] then
  290. if be == on then
  291. be = off
  292. gg.getListItems(h)
  293. h[1].value "-382,908,368"
  294. gg.setValues(h)
  295. else
  296. be = on
  297. gg.getListItems(h)
  298. h[1].value "-484,380,672"
  299. gg.setValues(h)
  300. gg.toast('beforetimer_walk On')
  301. end
  302. end
  307. end
  308. end
  309. menuk =-1
  310. end
  313. function noselect()
  314. gg.toast('You select nothing')
  315. end
  317. START1()
  319. while (true) do
  320.   if gg.isVisible(true) then
  321.     gg.setVisible(false)
  322.     menuk = 1
  323.   end
  324. if menuk == 1 then START1() end
  325. end
  328. ::menu1::
  329. gg.alert("Welcome 'Guest' to Critical Ops version 1.15.f1038 script")
  330. menu1=gg.choice({"Guest Menu","EXIT"},nil,"Critical Ops Script version 2.1 for Critical Ops game version:1.15.f1038 Mod Menu By Kilookuoma")
  331. if menu1 == 1 then goto ban end
  332. if menu1 == 2 then os.exit() end
  333. if menu1 == nil then goto noselect end
  336. ::noselect::
  337.     print(gg)
  338. ::ban::
  339.     gg.alert("⚠️GameGuardian Version need to be 92.0⚠️")
  340.     gg.alert("⚠️Always Put Hacks Off Before Going To Menu, otherwise you will get banned instantly for hacking⚠️")
  341. gg.sleep(300)
  342. menuk = 1
  344. if gg.isVisible(true) then
  345.   gg.setVisible(false)
  346. end
  348. --rain
  349. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  350. gg.searchNumber("0000A0E3r;060050E1r;04D08DE2r;00000000r;1EFF2FE1r;F04F2DE9r;1CB08DE2r;0040A0E1r", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  351. gg.refineNumber('0', gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  352. m = gg.getResults(1)
  353. gg.addListItems(m)
  354. gg.clearResults()
  355. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  356. gg.searchNumber("0700A0E10010A0E3r;010050E33800001Ar;104A08EE144097E5r", gg.TYPE_QWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  357. gg.refineNumber('010050E33800001Ar', gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  358. p = gg.getResults(1)
  359. gg.addListItems(p)
  360. gg.clearResults()
  366. on = '✅ Turn OFF '
  367. off = '☑ Turn ON '
  368. radar = off
  369. spread = off
  370. rain = off
  371. walls = off
  373. function START()
  375. local menu = gg.multiChoice({
  376. radar.. 'Radar ',
  377. spread.. 'No Spread ',
  378. rain.. 'Rain ',
  379. walls.. 'Wallshoot ',
  380. 'EXIT'},
  381. nil,
  382. 'Critical Ops Guest Mod Menu')
  384. if menu == nil then noselect()
  385. else
  386. if menu[5] then
  387. os.exit()
  388. else
  389. if menu[1] then
  390. if radar == on then
  391. radar = off
  392. gg.getListItems(z)
  393. z[1].value = '0150001360009FE5r'
  394. gg.setValues(z)
  395. gg.toast('Radar off')
  396. else
  397. radar = on
  398. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  399. gg.searchNumber("0150001360009FE5r", gg.TYPE_QWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  400. z = gg.getResults(1)
  401. gg.addListItems(z)
  402. gg.clearResults()
  403. gg.getListItems(z)
  404. z[1].value = '0050001360009FE5r'
  405. gg.setValues(z)
  406. gg.toast('Radar On')
  407. end
  408. end
  410. if menu[2] then
  411. if spread == on then
  412. spread = off
  413. gg.getListItems(j)
  414. j[1].value = '3.14159274101'
  415. gg.setValues(j)
  416. gg.toast('Spread Off')
  417. else
  418. spread = on
  419. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  420. gg.searchNumber("1.0e-6F;360.0F;3.14159274101F", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  421. gg.refineNumber('3.14159274101', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  422. j = gg.getResults(1)
  423. gg.addListItems(j)
  424. gg.clearResults()
  425. gg.getListItems(j)
  426. j[1].value = '0'
  427. gg.setValues(j)
  428. gg.toast('Spread On')
  429. end
  430. end
  432. if menu[3] then
  433. if rain == on then
  434. rain = off
  435. gg.getListItems(p)
  436. gg.getListItems(m)
  437. p[1].value = '010050E33800001Ar'
  438. m[1].value = '0'
  439. gg.setValues(p)
  440. gg.setValues(m)
  441. gg.toast('Rain Off')
  442. else
  443. rain = on
  444. gg.getListItems(p)
  445. gg.getListItems(m)
  446. p[1].value = '000050E33800001Ar'
  447. m[1].value = '00009841r'
  448. gg.setValues(p)
  449. gg.setValues(m)
  450. gg.toast('Rain On')
  451. end
  452. end
  454. if menu[4] then
  455. if walls == on then
  456. walls = off
  457. gg.getListItems(g)
  458. g[1].value = '2'
  459. gg.setValues(g)
  460. gg.toast('Shoot Thru Walls Off')
  461. else
  462. walls = on
  463. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_BSS)
  464. gg.searchNumber("2", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  465. gg.searchAddress('10')
  466. g = gg.getResults(1)
  467. gg.addListItems(g)
  468. gg.clearResults()
  469. gg.getListItems(g)
  470. g[1].value = '-1'
  471. gg.setValues(g)
  472. gg.toast('Shoot Thru walls On')
  473. end
  474. end
  477. end
  478. end
  479. menuk =-1
  480. end
  483. function noselect()
  484. gg.toast('You select nothing')
  485. end
  487. START()
  489. while (true) do
  490.   if gg.isVisible(true) then
  491.     gg.setVisible(false)
  492.     menuk = 1
  493.   end
  494. if menuk == 1 then START() end
  495. end
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