Guest User


a guest
Apr 16th, 2016
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  1. Option Compare Database
  2. Option Explicit
  3. *************************************************
  4. Dim rsUser As Recordset
  5. *************************************************
  6. Private Sub CMDUpdatePassword_Click()
  7. 'updates password
  8. If Len(Me.password.Value & "") = 0 Then
  9. MsgBox ("Please enter a valid password")
  10. Else
  11. UpdateUserPassword
  12. MsgBox "Your Password has been updated"
  13. End If
  14. End Sub
  15. *************************************************
  16. Private Sub CMDUpdate_Click()
  17. 'updates user details
  18. UpdateUser
  19. MsgBox "Your details have been updated"
  20. End Sub
  21. *************************************************
  22. Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
  23. DoCmd.Close 'Closes form
  24. End Sub
  25. *************************************************
  26. Private Sub Form_load() 'When the form loads do this -
  28. Me.tempID = gettempID()
  29. Set rsUser = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblUser", dbOpenDynaset) 'Links the form to the table
  31. If rsUser.RecordCount = 0 Then 'If there are no records display this message
  32.    MsgBox "Sorry there are no records to view", vbOKOnly, "No User found"
  33.     Exit Sub
  35.     Else
  36.     rsUser.FindFirst ("Staff_ID = " & Me.tempID)
  37.     ShowUser
  38.     'Me.tempName = tempName
  39.    End If
  41. End Sub
  42. *************************************************
  43. Private Sub ShowUser()
  44. 'Gets the data from the relevent fields
  45. 'from the table and sticks them in the correct text boxes
  46. Me.tempID = rsUser!Staff_ID
  47. Me.username = rsUser!U_Username
  48. Me.firstname = rsUser!U_Firstname
  49. Me.surname = rsUser!U_Surname
  50. Me.title = rsUser!U_Title
  51. Me.emailaddress = rsUser!U_Emailaddress
  52. End Sub
  53. *************************************************
  54. Private Sub UpdateUser() 'Updates the data already in the table
  55. rsUser.Edit
  56. rsUser!U_Firstname = Me.firstname
  57. rsUser!U_Surname = Me.surname
  58. rsUser!U_Title = Me.title
  59. rsUser!U_Emailaddress = Me.emailaddress
  60. rsUser.Update
  61. End Sub
  62. *************************************************
  63. Private Sub UpdateUserPassword()
  64. rsUser.Edit
  65. 'saves password and encrypts it
  66. rsUser!U_Password = Encrypt(Me.password, 3)
  67. rsUser.Update
  68. End Sub
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