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Apr 24th, 2018
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  1. nick - Today at 5:57 PM
  2. What @Bosha
  3. All I’m saying is you made a mistake in judgement :pensive:
  4. Bosha - Today at 5:57 PM
  5. na nigga
  6. getting handed info by rot
  7. is cringe
  8. GIGGS - Today at 5:58 PM
  9. what did scaphion do
  11. YouTube
  12. GIGGS
  13. Seals vs CE 3-0
  15. @Rob add this to topic btw
  16. Bosha - Today at 5:58 PM
  17. its a shame that he ended up crossing into aiding ct
  18. really
  19. i genuinely like the guy as a person/member
  20. nick - Today at 5:59 PM
  21. Think you got the wrong guy
  22. Bosha - Today at 5:59 PM
  23. nah
  24. Mohd - Today at 5:59 PM
  25. theres no way its the wrong guy
  26. lol
  27. Bosha - Today at 5:59 PM
  28. bro
  29. i wanted it to be wrong
  30. 24/7
  31. honestly
  32. nick - Today at 5:59 PM
  33. Like there are 10 other people I would choose to be leaking before scaphe
  34. Bosha - Today at 6:00 PM
  35. i was hoping it was wrong
  36. yeah but you dont understand the basis
  37. Mohd - Today at 6:00 PM
  38. @nick the guy spied in di for rot back then
  39. Bosha - Today at 6:00 PM
  40. how
  41. like nick he might be ur friend
  42. Mohd - Today at 6:00 PM
  43. also hes like yolked bro
  44. Bosha - Today at 6:00 PM
  45. he was my friend 2
  46. i've seen this pattern before
  47. Mohd - Today at 6:00 PM
  48. if he wanted to be in rev he would of got sir servered and beyblade
  49. to join
  50. lol
  51. Bosha - Today at 6:00 PM
  52. and how he responded 2 me after lol
  53. nick - Today at 6:00 PM
  54. I’ve seen the pms
  55. Bosha - Today at 6:00 PM
  56. he gave himself more away
  57. replying
  58. nick - Today at 6:01 PM
  59. Idk man I guess you have some shit that I don’t know about
  60. Bosha - Today at 6:01 PM
  61. loads
  62. Beyblade came on ts once mohd he was sketchy anyway
  63. and went disappearing again
  64. nick - Today at 6:01 PM
  65. But I’m just saying you have way more people leaking Tj rot than just him
  66. Bosha - Today at 6:01 PM
  67. possibly who knows lol
  68. fanboys fanboys fanboys
  69. what can you do
  70. nick - Today at 6:02 PM
  71. They literally played a game with us on pd ya
  72. Bosha - Today at 6:02 PM
  73. If only everyone was a good guy
  74. :unamused:
  75. nick - Today at 6:02 PM
  76. Closest person to guess how many rot spies in rev wins
  77. Idk man
  78. Bosha - Today at 6:02 PM
  79. anyway going for a shower brother
  80. nick - Today at 6:02 PM
  81. Guess I’ll have to respect your opinion
  82. Bosha - Today at 6:02 PM
  83. this convo is 0v3r
  84. nick - Today at 6:02 PM
  85. Yeah see ya my man
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