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Oct 18th, 2019
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  1. On a vast and nameless thoroughfare, where the encounter with another
  2. human being was relatively uncommon for most who chanced to tread upon
  3. it, two men's paths converged at a crossroads.
  4. "Well," said the first man, " I guess there were some useful Jewish
  5. inventions. Jeans, the Uzi, stuff like that."
  6. Context mattered little to the other, and he responded as quickly as
  7. the thoughts occurred.
  8. "That's just stuff. Material objects, hardware. Anybody can make stuff
  9. and most of it won't derive from, or be a recognizable distillation of
  10. who, exactly, its creators are, and of what they really believe."
  11. "Well, with Jews, their blood rituals, such as child sacrifices, not to
  12. mention
  13. circumcision, are a couple of the things they could be said to have
  14. invented. Or at the very least, made them distinctively their own."
  15. "Yeah . . ."
  16. "But their persistence in preserving backward,ancient practices that
  17. are rooted in
  18. the violence and ignorance of man's distant past, and carefully acting
  19. as their stewards and guardians all that time . . ."
  20. "Well . . ."
  21. "And that they took pains to ensure that such repulsive notions and
  22. practices would be preserved not only in essence but also in the sheer
  23. animal violence and brutality which have always been their ultimate
  24. purpose, all the way to this civilized age, You'd say that really
  25. isn't much of a contribution, right? "
  26. "Pfft."
  27. "Yeah, but more than brutality, violence, insularity and all of the
  28. other negative shit we ascribe to them, what is most often overlooked-
  29. and I think it's by their very own machinations and subterfuge- is
  30. their mind-boggling capacity for narcissism,
  31. solipsistic grandeur, and most of all the vast, inexhaustible, and
  32. hard-wired rationalization engines which facilitate sociopathy not
  33. only in the indivdual but on the scale of nations."
  34. "Well, this is pretty dark so I can sort of understand why they'd want
  35. to keep people from really thinking about it. I mean, fuck man . . ."
  36. "Again, among people such as ourselves you find a degree of empathy, or
  37. of being able to understand why another person takes actions that might
  38. seem senseless or baffling in our own situations. Basically, to not
  39. only see others as we see ourselves, but to grant them the same
  40. presumed virtue and basic hierarchy of internal priority. And our most
  41. noble qualities- our strengths - are cynically turned back at us like
  42. the doomsday weapon they are proving to be."
  43. "Dude, come on, WHY would anybody inflict so much misery for such petty
  44. things?"
  45. "That's the right question if you word it like that, but something in
  46. your plaintive tone suggests you were asking, 'Why would YOU or I or
  47. WE?' And with extremely rare exceptions, most among us couldn't
  48. conceive of a rational answer because such abominations lay far beyond
  49. the scope of what we believe ourselves capable of inflicting on others."
  50. "At least we have that . . ." he scoffed with a hint of bitter disdain.
  51. "But for THEM, well shit, why not? And again, they have just the right
  52. combination of character traits, cunning, and endlessly malleable
  53. notions of ethics, morality, and even what constitutes humanity itself
  54. that there very rarely arises any significant internal turmoil in
  55. contemplating, planing, or even during the commission of their
  56. most hideous atrocities. Even in full view of all the horrors their
  57. petty but undeniable lusts drive them to unleash upon the world in
  58. order to satiate themselves, they are, most incredibly of all, seen to
  59. maintain and display an unwavering, impassioned certainty
  60. in their own virtues and of their own exceptional, indispensable and
  61. divinely ordained role
  62. in the world."
  63. After hearing all this the man who had listened intently found he
  64. needed a moment to process it. At length, appearing somewhat agitated,
  65. he finally remarked, "The same world which has known them only as a
  66. scourge and a menace, has expressed disgust at their numerous alien
  67. ways and practices- the world of men who have tried in every way
  68. imaginable to simply achieve some negotiated peace with what they
  69. consistently find is a deadly parasite to his societies, but who
  70. finally realize that humanity might in fact be a rather relative
  71. concept and that this loathsome parody of he, himself, perhaps best
  72. exemplifies the very principle."
  73. "Yeah, I think you're starting to understand just what this is we've
  74. been infected with and why the entire problem is a lot more stubborn
  75. and possibly intractable than we ever dared imagine. It's pretty
  76. fucking bad, but you figure, 'hey, if we could just show them- if they
  77. were just to gaze inwardly and see in themselves all those nasty and
  78. abhorrent qualities that we so fundamentally loathe, maybe then they
  79. could change. Because if we could just find common ground and value
  80. between us we could finally exist together in peace.' Well, once you
  81. have a sense of how these people view themselves, of the rigidity of an
  82. apparently limbic-level sense of superiority, worthiness, and
  83. entitlement for which all mankind has suffered so much, the true depths
  84. of this morass become painfully apparent.
  85. "Confronted with a tireless and cruel nemesis
  86. whose very cognitive underpinnings and the innate filter through which
  87. they can see and trust in their own glory. Through which they see their
  88. own needs and desires as paramount and essentially standing alone among
  89. all possible circumstances and
  90. considerations . . .
  91. We look at them a little more closely and marvel at the spectacle of
  92. these people projecting their own arrogance and contempt for all but
  93. self with a well-honed acuity and easy familiarity that contort their
  94. every movement, expression, utterance and deed into a gross mockery of
  95. what we see of ourselves at our outer-limit absolute worst. Their
  96. dexterity in making their hatred and duplicity so clearly visible in
  97. their social interactions seems like a sort of joke or an act at first.
  98. 'They're doing it on purpose, they must think it's hilarious to see
  99. how appalled we are.' Then we realize that they don't care or even
  100. NOTICE that we are repelled by them until they sense an irregularity in
  101. the inner processes that guide him towards satisfaction and reward.
  102. The more we see the flashes of bestial contempt and hatred in their
  103. disturbing gazes, the less we believe it's necessarily in their
  104. conscious control or whether they know what they are displaying. And
  105. then, even worse, we begin to realize that whether they know or not is
  106. meaningless when they don't even have the capacity to understand why
  107. there would be any problems arising from an outside perception of
  108. their demeanor and mien to begin with. "
  109. "Basically, so self-interested and obsessed only with their own
  110. concerns and being that outside concerns only infringe on their
  111. consciousness to the extent that they are beginning to encounter any
  112. kind of obstacles or resistance to their inner ambitions and desires.
  113. Never as an abstraction or empathetically. Fuck . . ."
  114. "Well, the deeper and more fundamental our differences prove to be, the
  115. easier it then becomes to indulge in new lines of thought and
  116. conjecture as to our rival's nature and how best to overcome him. And
  117. before long we are no longer seeing something quite human, but perhaps
  118. some misbegotten cousin with whom we share basic similarity in bodily
  119. structure and processes, but whose mind and conscience, if any, are
  120. something alien and despicable by the same standards according to which
  121. we judge our own. We also note that over the expanse of years during
  122. which man first rose and saw his numbers climb, most of us have
  123. gradually developed and strengthened an instinct to foster between
  124. ourselves and other groups a modicum of assumed diplomacy and implicit
  125. trust between unfamiliar men when encroaching upon another."
  126. "Live and let live."
  127. "Yeah, that's the idea. We learned to appreciate our own unique traits
  128. but also understand key differences, and to approach our interactions
  129. with all the objective knowledge of the other we could muster. And
  130. this is very characteristic of man at least on the individual level,
  131. even if considerably less so on the macro or institutional level. He
  132. imagines the other man's viewpoint and attitudes and uses his best
  133. impressions to avoid creating tension or hostility. He can build
  134. temporary rapport with other people and has skill advanced beyond all
  135. other species in knowing the keys to winning trust, loyalty, affection,
  136. obedience and even devotion."
  137. "Well fine, but if that's what makes a human a human then why should we
  138. think they are anything but? They might be weirdos in ways we don't
  139. understand or relate to, but which don't necessarily pose a threat to
  140. us. Main point though, is that they also developed the same abilities
  141. as the rest of us to join ranks and work towards a common goal. I've
  142. seen them do that plenty. Jews have friends. Even among non Jews. They
  143. have fans. Supporters. Admirers, Rivals. And even those who love them
  144. dearly. Doesn't it take the efforts of both people to build these
  145. complex relationships?"
  146. "Yes, but you're missing the point. Although they know how to do what
  147. we do, the why that drives them is what presents such a stark contrast.
  148. There can be seen, when enough effort goes into the close
  149. examination
  150. of intricate and often seemingly public and transparent relationships
  151. between Jews and gentiles, that the Jew's actions are singularly
  152. cynical, calculated, self-serving, and shamelessly opportunistic. What
  153. betrays him is an innate inability to be concerned with concealing
  154. these aspects of his dealings except when, of course, he can sense how
  155. they might threaten his interests."
  156. "So a lot of them are sociopaths. So what? We've got plenty in every
  157. color and flavor there is. Are they really something so far removed
  158. from . .. whatever we are?"
  159. "It's a question of what drives them, what their motivations are, and
  160. most importantly, what values or behaviors they actively propagate
  161. within their own enclaves and societies. And we can clearly see that
  162. the universal, constant, and therefore fundamental principles that
  163. guide these people are avarice, subterfuge, cunning, self-worship, and
  164. above all the delusion- made real in their vile inbred brains - that
  165. through their special relationship with G-d, they themselves,
  166. collectively, are the G-d of the corporeal world, and their subjects
  167. will pay tribute to their divine rulers; if they resist the divine will
  168. they will be brought to heel by any means available; and above humanity
  169. must defer, submit, and devote itself wholly to the adoration and
  170. worship of these divinities who reign over him. That is the earth's
  171. purpose, and that is exactly the end to which we shall force it."
  172. "That's a pretty extreme viewpoint. Even with all of the more
  173. plausible, deterministic and behavioral shit we talked about, do you
  174. really think they believe that they are so greatly superior and that we
  175. are so unworthy of the considerations that they're always entitled to
  176. themselves."
  177. "All I can say is this: Certainty in one's own peculiar perception of
  178. a deity
  179. can be dangerous enough. But where shit gets truly insane, where you
  180. became not only distinct from but fundamentally in mortal conflict with
  181. the rest of mankind, is when that
  182. peculiar deism includes a caveat that your designated group, and your
  183. people
  184. alone, are his favored few. The greatest horrors have arisen as
  185. carefully managed selective breeding for in-group loyality, mistrust of
  186. outsiders, and of course a certain cold and opportunistic cunning,
  187. began to bear fruit, inflicting upon our world and unshakeable parasite
  188. who knew how to confound and exploit you before he was even born- it's
  189. in his very nature to exact the proper submission and fealty from a
  190. world which is for his exclusive and unconditional exploitation to
  191. satisfy the firm belief in his own godhood and divine right to rule. A
  192. single man, or even a fair number of men with similar notions have
  193. periodically popped up from among our own ranks. Those, we could
  194. overcome because in the depths of their fine and sensitive human
  195. emotional cores they knew there was an inherent wrong in the imposition
  196. of suffering and subjugation on fellow men. It can be easier when you
  197. know your comparitive superiority in forcing your rule on a people will
  198. require so little effort and loss that you can then conclude that God
  199. is on your side, that this is so because God wants it so, or even that
  200. we are bringing God to this unenlightened people."
  201. "Of course. We've heard all of those before and there's a certain logic
  202. or sense of destiny that makes them seem, well, not the worst . . ."
  203. "No, not the worst. A man, meaning one like ourselves, is prone to
  204. self reflection, an ongoing drive for self regulation and growth, and a
  205. universal tendencies to go through numerous different self images and
  206. outward roles as he strives for the perfect package of personal
  207. excellence. Sounds nice and healthy, like a self improvement program.
  208. But the worst, I mean the FUCKING WORST, is when you have these amoral
  209. manipulative psychopaths whose conviction is so far beyond reason that
  210. among their absolute most abhorrent members reason is no longer even an
  211. abstraction to their minds. Their is only their divinity, how they
  212. will go about achieving absolute rule, and how long until we have this
  213. whole thing locked down tight? These freaks have been working that one
  214. singular collective goal from the very beginning, and their every
  215. talent, instinct and skill is geared specifically towards their
  216. singular need. They are too good at this, too smart and cohesive, and
  217. we may have joined the fight just a bit too late to even rattle them."
  218. He then handed to his new friend a small paper booklet, and with an
  219. exaggerated wink said, "You just try and tell them they're doing
  220. something wrong next time you get close. Give this a once over and
  221. you'll get a sense of the kind of benevolent divine rule we can expect
  222. down the road." He briefed the man's shoulder firmly for a brief moment
  223. before he gave a little nod and walked off and beyond sight.
  224. Hopefully, thought the man, as he stood alone, the poor guy's gone
  225. before G-d takes over.
  226. Hell, we all deserve at least that when we are burdened with painful
  227. knowledge of a dark and hopeless future we feel utterly powerless to
  228. prevent.
  229. And then in a panic he thought to himself,
  230. What is this?
  231. What the fuck was that all about, and who the hell WAS that guy?
  232. Is this a metaphor, or a framing device, or perhaps the unthinkable,
  233. What if this some of this shit is actually real?
  235. 1
  236. The ancient covenant of Brit Milah- the mutilation by the Children of
  237. Abraham of their male
  238. hatchlings' gross and typically feeble micropenises- is practiced in
  239. order to satiate the arbitrary and apparently psychopathic lusts of a
  240. deity whom they believe is concerned with, and lends his wisdom and
  241. grace to, only this small, insular, and now deeply inbred ethnocult.
  242. 2
  243. They themselves exist as a widely scattered but unitary parallel G-d
  244. precisely equivalent in authority and wisdom. Their divinity is
  245. inherent, heritable by maternity, and typically concealed behind a
  246. facade of comic hyperbole when the goyim are getting too close to the
  247. heart of their megalomaniacal stone age cult. Even though the
  248. individual Jew or Jewess is disarmingly perceptive and adept at
  249. subterfuge and suggestion, and therefore able to confound a typical
  250. target or opponent with relative ease. However, despite apparent
  251. sophistication, the average Jew individual has undergone excessively
  252. specialized neural changes in a short time through aggressive eugenics
  253. at the expense of key functions. Shame, self-examination without
  254. secondary goal, and even the ability to shut down autonomic Jew tells
  255. at critical moments when detection is undesireable or harmful to the
  256. aims of Jewry as a whole.
  257. 3
  258. Judaism is presented as the worship of the Jew iteration of a single
  259. creator. Jewry, however, by dint of being the entire aggregation of
  260. all the Jews, who as "The Chosen People" are therefore, collectively,
  261. for practical purposes impossible to distinguish from G-d himself, so
  262. therefore their every action is taught to be fundamentally righteous
  263. and divine as it is the will of G-d. This characteristically shallow
  264. and cheap semantic fortress for their ongoing rampage against humanity:
  265. A) is achieved through likely disingenuous use or abuse of the
  266. grammatical and quantitative device of metonymy as commonly expressed
  267. by use of that very word; and,
  268. B) insults the intelligence of the audience for whom this loophole was
  269. exploited by a refusal to employ some new and infallible concept that
  270. could not be questioned because Jewry, and therefore G-d, insisted
  271. rather undeniably that it was a conceptually and linguistically optimal
  272. concept that perfectly expressed that Jewry is G-d, and that even an
  273. individual Jew would logically be divinely entitled to (at a minimum)
  274. no perceptible negative reaction even when hostility is incited by Jew
  275. insulting real white person by criticizing whiteness; and:
  276. C) having reached a superfluous footnote by way of justification, even
  277. more absurd lengths are being reached with every word; for such a poor
  278. multiply- self negating brand of psyops to justify itself was at last
  279. beneath the noble glory of Jewry; it is only to mock you for taking
  280. every single salve fired against you lying down as well as making sure
  281. the other dirty beasts like you don't act up either ; a good goy is
  282. hard to find . . . own forth wall senselessly undermined their own
  283. credibility because goyim are no better than livestock and we didn't
  284. have to explain bupkes to you animals.
  285. 4
  286. Most rational scholars postulate that their omnipotent, invisible
  287. tormentor/ champion and secondary, more abstract embodiment of Jewry is
  288. perhaps the most astonishingly destructive and
  289. retrograde delusion ever inflicted upon the whole of man, singular
  290. among world fictions in the historical scope and sheer consistency of
  291. its pernicious existence and its disgusting and execrable tribe
  292. members; also unique in
  293. its tendency to resist any meaningful reform such as being dismissed,
  294. finally, as completely made up and also retarded and fucking annoying;
  295. and indeed, to instead manage to grow ever uglier and more icky and
  296. sorrow-inducing in the full cognition of its vast reach;
  297. and proportionally to above, to continue to grow more ruthless and vile
  298. every second of our numbered days in its mad schemes for
  299. self-enrichment and
  300. subjugation of even shit they actively don't really want, just so we
  301. can't have it
  302. *(see also: being Jews about ____ ; "(goy name), you're such a Jew.
  303. *see also, also, arresting officer for thought crime of searching for
  304. uses of the hate slur Jew; release by grand jury panel pending such
  305. time as offender's minimum 24 hour combined enthusiasm baseline for
  306. complicity in own genocide and extinction reaches not less than 80%
  307. also mandatory for reasons too obvious to make reference to even by use
  308. of the present workaround, violator is to pay money, you have to pay
  309. money, we need you to pay money ; ; ; ; in order for justice to be
  310. done for the innocent victims whose lives you have changed forever with
  311. this one senseless act of baseless hatred and 6 Millionth Degree
  312. Attempted Shoahing, we must receive your moneyyyyy*
  313. *document continues in similar fashion for some time; in its entirety
  314. longer than present format allows
  315. 5
  316. What has been established
  317. beyond legitimate empirical doubt- or even the bounds of needlessly
  318. rambling self contradictory overexplanation of non-theory as obscure
  319. brand of humor without perceptible audience- however, is that this
  320. invisible monster YHWH or "G-D", in addition to being a perfect match
  321. in the parity of utter awfulness of the deity and deity's worshippers,
  322. whose name must
  323. never be expressed through the use of any vowels, vowel-diphthongs, or
  324. vowel based phonemes, is too crude and narcissistic in nature to be
  325. anything but purely imaginary, except it was indeed Jews who did and of
  326. course naturally would conjure the worst possible fake and imaginary
  327. thing that nobody except people as horrid as Jews would in fact ever
  328. even dream up for themselves to self-sanctify.
  329. Further, an observable belief among the
  330. modern tribes of David in the authenticity of their retarded deity- even
  331. to
  332. such an extent as might compel actual worship of what clearly amounts
  333. to the projection of a cross section of all the most repugnant and
  334. outwardly destructive personality and mental disorders yet documented
  335. in peer-reviewed establishment literature.
  336. The comorbidity of all these specific forms of being retarded and or
  337. crazy have revealed self-actuated recombinant adaptive synergy within
  338. neural feedback loop in order to redirect brainwave function in order
  339. to establish nuisance-dominance of specific disorder in diagnosed
  340. individual here described. { is noted for being exactly how crazy and
  341. retarded Jews are for dreaming up this horrible deity (ibid.)};
  342. depending on whatever will be the most obnoxious and unbearable for the
  343. greatest number of most sensitive targets within 20 yards of any
  344. situation- was, paradoxically, an even deeper sickness than would
  345. theoretically present within the psyche of an omnipotent and all
  346. knowing god who, despite these unimaginable gifts of creation and
  347. wisdom, would anomalously elect instead to pursue self-fulfillment by
  348. creating a giant, hostile and dangerous world where he would then be
  349. free to endlessly torture and confound the ugly little brutes who were
  350. roundly rejected in all other corners of the human world.
  351. In order to
  352. to still further amplify his own impossibly complex matrix of self
  353. contradictory and absurdist existential dilemmas towards a presumed
  354. goal of cognitive distance on a dimensional scale, said creator would
  355. take additional pains to convince these obviously repugnant and
  356. unwelcome outcasts that it was they, in fact, who stood above all other
  357. men; and that their repugnance to other humans was rooted not in
  358. disgust at his cunning ways but in blind envy of the fact that the Jew
  359. was, in fact Chosen by this God. was a shared fantasmic apparition
  360. precipitated by the unwitting ingestion of a powerful psychoactive
  361. fungus- not dissimilar to those of the type in widespread popular usage
  362. in our time. As I have retold nor told but never even
  363. the once, but now : it shall be said that during the tribe's mystical
  364. excursion deep into the desert wastes, where they sought refuge from
  365. the persecution of vile and inflexible creditors; and yea, for when
  366. they did weary of their toils and of the hideous unholy aridity of the
  367. desert air, by turns the multitude of them, one brother before the
  368. next, and still another after him, and for twenty and twenty and twenty
  369. score of days, growing in their be-famishment; in that manner did every
  370. man of the tribe issue a solemn vow upon his sacred honor, that should
  371. his brothers get him this one time, then by way of repaying that
  372. kindness this man alone would foot the bill for the next one. And thus
  373. did treachery, mistrust and recrimination grow in their hearts, until
  374. it was made lucid unto the tribe how sustenance might be procured by
  375. means not of lucre alone but of the bounty of the land and the life
  376. that trod upon it; and yeah, after noshing most righteously upon a
  377. growth of indecipherable provenance, which sprang bountifully from a
  378. mound of camel dung; then, my brothers, upon the taking into them of
  379. that strange among manna yet know to their tribe; didst they proceed to
  380. trip them unto their selfsame visages, and by the mysteries of a
  381. singularly demonic harsh sojourn that befell him within the visions of
  382. his withered skull, did Abraham at length embark upon the path of the
  383. Imbecile in the fullness of his mendacity ...
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