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a guest
May 18th, 2019
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Lisp 12.75 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function string-join)
  2.   string-join(("sb.") "")
  3.   dictcc--tag-to-text((abbr ((title . "somebody")) "sb."))
  4.   mapcar(dictcc--tag-to-text ((abbr ((title . "somebody")) "sb.")))
  5.   dictcc--tag-to-text((a ((href . "//")) (abbr ((title . "somebody")) "sb.")))
  6.   dictcc--translation-from-cell((td ((class . "td7nl") (dir . "ltr")) (a ((href . "//")) (abbr ((title . "somebody")) "sb.")) " " (a ((href . "//")) (b nil "commands"))))
  7.   dictcc--extract-translations((tr ((id . "tr1")) (td ((class . "td7cml")) (img ((src . "") (width . "40") (height . "20")))) (td ((class . "td7nl") (dir . "ltr")) (a ((href . "//")) (abbr ((title . "somebody")) "sb.")) " " (a ((href . "//")) (b nil "commands"))) (td ((class . "td7nl") (dir . "ltr")) (div ((style . "float:right;color:#999")) "19") (a ((href . "//")) (abbr ((title . "jemand")) "jd.")) " " (a ((href . "//")) "befehligt") " ") (td ((class . "td7cmr")) (img ((src . "") (width . "40") (height . "20"))))))
  8.   mapcar(dictcc--extract-translations ((tr ((id . "tr1")) (td ((class . "td7cml")) (img ((src . "") (width . "40") (height . "20")))) (td ((class . "td7nl") (dir . "ltr")) (a ((href . "//")) (abbr ((title . "somebody")) "sb.")) " " (a ((href . "//")) (b nil "commands"))) (td ((class . "td7nl") (dir . "ltr")) (div ((style . "float:right;color:#999")) "19") (a ((href . "//")) (abbr ((title . "jemand")) "jd.")) " " (a ((href . "//")) "befehligt") " ") (td ((class . "td7cmr")) (img ((src . "") (width . "40") (height . "20"))))) (tr ((id . "tr2")) (td ((class . "td7cml")) (img ((src . "") (width . "40") (height . "20")))) (td ((class . "td7nl") (dir . "ltr")) (a ((href . "//")) (abbr ((title . "somebody")) "sb.")) " " (a ((href . "//")) (b nil "commands"))) (td ((class . "td7nl") (dir . "ltr")) (div ((style . "float:right;color:#999")) "8") (a ((href . "//")) (abbr ((title . "jemand")) "jd.")) " " (a ((href . "//")) "befiehlt") " ") (td ((class . "td7cmr")) (img ((src . "") (width . "40") (height . "20"))))) (tr ((id . "tr3")) (td ((class . "td7cml")) (img ((src . "") (width . "40") (height . "20")))) (td ((class . "td7nl") (dir . "ltr")) (a ((href . "//")) (abbr ((title . "somebody")) "sb.")) " " (a ((href . "//")) (b nil "commands"))) (td ((class . "td7nl") (dir . "ltr")) (div ((style . "float:right;color:#999")) "7") (a ((href . "//")) (abbr ((title . "jemand")) "jd.")) " " (a ((href . "//")) "kommandiert") " ") (td ((class . "td7cmr")) (img ((src . "") (width . "40") (height . "20"))))) (tr ((id . "tr4")) (td ((class . "td7cml")) (img ((src . "") (width . "40") (height . "20")))) (td ((class . "td7nl") (dir . "ltr")) (a ((href . "//")) (b nil "commands"))) (td ((class . "td7nl") (dir . "ltr")) (div ((style . "float:right;color:#999")) "90") (a ((href . "//")) "Befehle") " " (var ((title . "to stress plural (nouns)")) "{pl}") " ") (td ((class . "td7cmr")) (img ((src . "") (width . "40") (height . "20"))))) (tr ((id . "tr5")) (td ((class . "td7cml")) (img ((src . "") (width . "40") (height . "20")))) (td ((class . "td7nl") (dir . "ltr")) (dfn ((onclick . "tpc('tech.')") (title . "Technology / Technik") (style . "word-wrap:normal;;float:right")) "tech.") " " (dfn ((onclick . "tpc('telecom.')") (title . "Telecommunications / Telekommunikation") (style . "word-wrap:normal;;float:right")) "telecom.") " " (a ((href . "//")) (b nil "commands"))) (td ((class . "td7nl") (dir . "ltr")) (div ((style . "float:right;color:#999")) "5") (a ((href . "//")) "Befehlssatz") " " (var ((title . "der - männlich (Maskulinum)")) "{m}") " " (a ((href . "//")) (kbd nil "[z.")) " " (a ((href . "//")) (kbd nil "B.")) " " (a ((href . "//")) (kbd nil "im")) " " (a ((href . "//")) (kbd nil "Übertragungsprotokoll]")) " ") (td ((class . "td7cmr")) (img ((src . "") (width . "40") (height . "20"))))) (tr ((id . "tr6")) (td ((class . "td7cml")) (img ((src . "") (width . "40") (height . "20")))) (td ((class . "td7nl") (dir . "ltr")) (a ((href . "//")) "additional") " " (a ((href . "//")) (b nil "commands"))) (td ((class . "td7nl") (dir . "ltr")) (a ((href . "//")) "zusätzliche") " " (a ((href . "//")) "Befehle") " " (var ((title . "to stress plural (nouns)")) "{pl}") " ") (td ((class . "td7cmr")) (img ((src . "") (width . "40") (height . "20"))))) (tr ((id . "tr7")) (td ((class . "td7cml")) (img ((src . "") (width . "40") (height . "20")))) (td ((class . "td7nl") (dir . "ltr")) (dfn ((onclick . "tpc('equest.')") (title . "Equestrianism, Horses / Reitsport, Pferde") (style . "word-wrap:normal;;float:right")) "equest.") " " (a ((href . "//")) "horse") " " (a ((href . "//")) (b nil "commands"))) (td ((class . "td7nl") (dir . "ltr")) (a ((href . "//")) "Reitbefehle") " " (var ((title . "to stress plural (nouns)")) "{pl}") " ") (td ((class . "td7cmr")) (img ((src . "") (width . "40") (height . "20"))))) (tr ((id . "tr8")) (td ((class . "td7cml")) (img ((src . "") (width . "40") (height . "20")))) (td ((class . "td7nl") (dir . "ltr")) (a ((href . "//")) "chain") " " (a ((href . "//")) "of") " " (a ((href . "//")) (b nil "commands"))) (td ((class . "td7nl") (dir . "ltr")) (a ((href . "//")) "Befehlskette") " " (var ((title . "die - weiblich (Femininum)")) "{f}") " ") (td ((class . "td7cmr")) (img ((src . "") (width . "40") (height . "20"))))) (tr ((id . "tr9")) (td ((class . "td7cml")) (img ((src . "") (width . "40") (height . "20")))) (td ((class . "td7nl") (dir . "ltr")) (dfn ((onclick . "tpc('lit.')") (title . "Literature / Literatur") (style . "word-wrap:normal;;float:right")) "lit.") " " (dfn ((onclick . "tpc('quote')") (title . "Quotation / Zitat") (style . "word-wrap:normal;;float:right")) "quote") " " (a ((href . "//")) "Spirits") " " (a ((href . "//")) "that") " " (a ((href . "//")) "I've") " " (a ((href . "//")) "cited") " // " (a ((href . "//")) "My") " " (a ((href . "//")) (b nil "commands")) " " (a ((href . "//")) "ignore.") " " (a ((href . "//")) (kbd nil "[trans.")) " " (a ((href . "//")) (kbd nil "Edwin")) " " (a ((href . "//")) (kbd nil "Zeydel]"))) (td ((class . "td7nl") (dir . "ltr")) (a ((href . "//")) "Die") " " (a ((href . "//")) "ich") " " (a ((href . "//")) "rief,") " " (a ((href . "//")) "die") " " (a ((href . "//")) "Geister,") " // " (a ((href . "//")) "Werd'") " " (a ((href . "//")) "ich") " " (a ((href . "//")) "nun") " " (a ((href . "//")) "nicht") " " (a ((href . "//")) "los.") " " (a ((href . "//")) (kbd nil "[Johann")) " " (a ((href . "//")) (kbd nil "W.")) " " (a ((href . "//")) (kbd nil "v.")) " " (a ((href . "//")) (kbd nil "Goethe,")) " " (a ((href . "//")) (kbd nil "Der")) " " (a ((href . "//")) (kbd nil "Zauberlehrling]")) " ") (td ((class . "td7cmr")) (img ((src . "") (width . "40") (height . "20"))))) (tr ((id . "tr10")) (td ((class . "td7cml")) (img ((src . "") (width . "40") (height . "20")))) (td ((class . "td7nl") (dir . "ltr")) (a ((href . "//")) "The") " " (a ((href . "//")) "window") " " (a ((href . "//")) (b nil "commands")) " " (a ((href . "//")) "a") " " (a ((href . "//")) "fine") " " (a ((href . "//")) "view.")) (td ((class . "td7nl") (dir . "ltr")) (a ((href . "//")) "Das") " " (a ((href . "//")) "Fenster") " " (a ((href . "//")) "bietet") " " (a ((href . "//")) "eine") " " (a ((href . "//")) "schöne") " " (a ((href . "//")) "Aussicht.") " ") (td ((class . "td7cmr")) (img ((src . "") (width . "40") (height . "20"))))) (tr ((id . "tr11")) (td ((class . "td7cml")) (img ((src . "") (width . "40") (height . "20")))) (td ((class . "td7nl") (dir . "ltr")) (a ((href . "//")) "a") " " (a ((href . "//")) "person") " " (a ((href . "//")) "who") " " (a ((href . "//")) (b nil "commands")) " " (a ((href . "//")) "little") " " (a ((href . "//")) "respect")) (td ((class . "td7nl") (dir . "ltr")) (a ((href . "//")) "ein") " " (a ((href . "//")) "wenig") " " (a ((href . "//")) "Respekt") " " (a ((href . "//")) "einflößender") " " (a ((href . "//")) "Mensch") " " (var ((title . "der - männlich (Maskulinum)")) "{m}") " ") (td ((class . "td7cmr")) (img ((src . "") (width . "40") (height . "20")))))))
  9.   dictcc--parse-http-response()
  10.   dictcc--request(#("commands" 0 8 (help-echo "For information about GNU Emacs and the GNU system, type C-h C-a." face variable-pitch)))
  11.   dictcc(#("commands" 0 8 (help-echo "For information about GNU Emacs and the GNU system, type C-h C-a." face variable-pitch)))
  12.   dictcc-at-point()
  13.   funcall-interactively(dictcc-at-point)
  14.   call-interactively(dictcc-at-point record nil)
  15.   command-execute(dictcc-at-point record)
  16.   helm-M-x(nil #("dictcc-at-point" 0 15 (match-part "dictcc-at-point")))
  17.   funcall-interactively(helm-M-x nil #("dictcc-at-point" 0 15 (match-part "dictcc-at-point")))
  18.   call-interactively(helm-M-x nil nil)
  19.   command-execute(helm-M-x)
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