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May 25th, 2018
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  2. Scapex - 04/08/2018
  3. Hello, just looking for $40 worth of 07 via E transfer
  4. It’s in CAD
  5. Scapex - 04/08/2018
  6. Or you not deal with that small of amounts?
  7. Chicks - 04/08/2018
  8. I normally do 100m+
  9. Scapex - 04/08/2018
  10. Damn can’t afford that
  11. Any Canadians you know of that would do that amount?
  12. I would do the trade really quickly if you wouldn’t mind
  13. Chicks - 04/08/2018
  14. Can u do more?
  15. Is $40 all u can
  16. Scapex - 04/08/2018
  17. I mean I could do 60$ but would really just like to do 40$
  18. Chicks - 04/08/2018
  19. 50m for $60
  20. Scapex - 04/08/2018
  21. Alright what world and what’s the email
  22. Chicks - 04/08/2018
  23. <2 underscores
  24. Scapex - 04/08/2018
  25. World / location?
  26. Chicks - 04/08/2018
  27. W301 duel tely
  28. Scapex - 04/08/2018
  29. Sending now
  30. Sent
  31. My in game name is Dragon
  32. Chicks - 04/08/2018
  33. pass?
  34. Scapex - 04/08/2018
  35. Dragon
  36. Thanks
  37. If I post a could you vouch back? My first trade on the forum
  38. Chicks - 04/08/2018
  39. hi
  40. just wanted to say that's a nice rsn
  41. April 9, 2018
  42. Chicks - 04/09/2018
  43. if you have any need to sell it at all let me know @Scapex
  44. April 13, 2018
  45. Scapex - 04/13/2018
  46. Hey there it’s the dude with the cool rsn
  47. Was wondering if u sell rs3?
  48. Gold
  49. Chicks - 04/13/2018
  50. always
  51. Scapex - 04/13/2018
  52. Is there anyway I could get 100m rs3 and rest 07?
  53. For $60
  54. Pretty pleaseeee
  55. :smiley:
  56. I know it’s a pain but started playing both
  57. Chicks - 04/13/2018
  58. erm
  59. via what method
  60. Scapex - 04/13/2018
  61. E transfers
  62. Chicks - 04/13/2018
  63. ok send
  64. Scapex - 04/13/2018
  65. How much 07 do I get
  66. With the 100m rs3?
  67. Chicks - 04/13/2018
  68. 32m
  69. Scapex - 04/13/2018
  70. You rock!
  71. What’s your email again
  72. And what world / where in rs3
  73. Chicks - 04/13/2018
  74. < 2 underscores
  75. Scapex - 04/13/2018
  76. I sent the money and a lil extra if you wouldn’t mind giving a lil extra 07 for it :smiley:
  77. Chicks - 04/13/2018
  78. sure
  79. Scapex - 04/13/2018
  80. Where we meeting in rs3
  81. Chicks - 04/13/2018
  82. 34m 07
  83. Scapex - 04/13/2018
  84. What world
  85. Thx
  86. Chicks - 04/13/2018
  87. rsn? w15, north g.e
  88. Scapex - 04/13/2018
  89. Dragon
  90. I’m here with my panda
  91. Chicks - 04/13/2018
  92. worker is on his way
  93. Scapex - 04/13/2018
  94. Ok thx
  95. Workers only giving me 96m
  96. Chicks - 04/13/2018
  97. is 4m shards ok
  98. or u want cash?
  99. shards are 25 each at summoning shop
  100. just swap them there
  101. Scapex - 04/13/2018
  102. Could I get cash if it’s no hastle
  103. I forgot where summon is
  104. Thx u
  105. Where is summon shop again?
  106. Chicks - 04/13/2018
  107. tavelry
  108. Scapex - 04/13/2018
  109. Oh crap yes
  110. Sorry
  111. To be a pain
  112. Where in 07
  113. /world
  114. Chicks - 04/13/2018
  115. w301 duel arena teleport
  116. Scapex - 04/13/2018
  117. Do you know anyone who might be interested in the rsn ‘Bakery’?
  118. I never play on it and could use the extra gp
  119. It’s a login ‘Bakery’ too
  120. Thanks so much btw
  121. Chicks - 04/13/2018
  122. np
  123. i'll look into that sure
  124. are u interested in selling dragon for a price?
  125. Scapex - 04/13/2018
  126. I was thinking about it but now I’m back into the game
  127. Chicks - 04/13/2018
  128. gotchya
  129. i'll check out bakery
  130. Scapex - 04/13/2018
  131. Cool thanks I don’t really have an asking price just open to offers
  132. April 22, 2018
  133. Scapex - 04/22/2018
  134. Do you buy rs3 gold?
  135. Chicks - 04/22/2018
  136. price?
  137. Scapex - 04/22/2018
  138. I have 2.5-3b what are you offering per mil?
  139. Chicks - 04/22/2018
  140. .12 atm
  141. Scapex - 04/22/2018
  142. Ah darn ok, thanks anyway
  143. April 30, 2018
  144. Scapex - 04/30/2018
  145. What you selling 07/M for right now
  146. Chicks - 04/30/2018
  147. .73
  148. Scapex - 04/30/2018
  149. Can I get $60 worth?
  150. E transfer
  151. Chicks - 04/30/2018
  152. etransfer is $1/m cad
  153. Scapex - 04/30/2018
  154. I’ll be fast won’t take up ur time
  155. :frowning:
  156. Y u do dis
  157. Uhh alright I guess I’ll do that
  158. Same email?
  159. Chicks - 04/30/2018
  160. yh
  161. Scapex - 04/30/2018
  162. Duel arena what world I’m sending now
  163. correct
  164. Chicks - 04/30/2018
  165. w301 duel tely
  166. Scapex - 04/30/2018
  167. I got the right email?
  169. Chicks - 04/30/2018
  170. < 2 underscores
  171. Scapex - 04/30/2018
  172. Sent
  173. My RSN is Dragon
  174. I’m here
  175. You get it?
  176. Chicks - 04/30/2018
  177. sec checking
  178. Scapex - 04/30/2018
  179. Np
  180. Chicks - 04/30/2018
  181. cheers
  182. Scapex - 04/30/2018
  183. Thank u
  184. May 14, 2018
  185. Scapex - 05/14/2018
  186. What would you give me for $200 E transfers for Osrs GP, I’m doing some shopping around
  187. Chicks - 05/14/2018
  188. hi
  189. 200m
  190. May 17, 2018
  191. Scapex - 05/17/2018
  192. What’s the minimum amount of gold you’ll buy OSRS
  193. payment by e transfer
  194. Chicks - 05/17/2018
  195. hey
  196. 200m+
  197. Scapex - 05/17/2018
  198. How much /Mil?
  199. CAD
  200. May 21, 2018
  201. Scapex - Last Monday at 12:12 AM
  202. You active? Looking for some gold
  203. Chicks - Last Monday at 12:31 AM
  204. Sure
  205. Scapex - Last Monday at 12:45 AM
  206. Just want 60m, want me to send now?
  208. Chicks - Last Monday at 12:55 AM
  209. Sure
  210. Scapex - Last Monday at 12:56 AM
  211. Alright I’m about to send what world/ where
  212. Money is sent
  213. Scapex - Last Monday at 1:04 AM
  214. I’m at 302 duel ent
  215. Did it not go through? I got the right email
  216. Chicks - Last Monday at 1:12 AM
  217. Oki
  218. Checking
  219. Scapex - Last Monday at 1:19 AM
  220. Didn’t get it?
  221. Chicks - Last Monday at 1:31 AM
  222. checking
  223. Scapex - Last Monday at 1:38 AM
  224. Kk
  225. Chicks - Last Monday at 1:47 AM
  226. hi still here?
  227. Chicks - Last Monday at 2:09 AM
  228. got 60m worth
  229. Scapex - Last Monday at 2:38 AM
  230. Still here ?
  231. I passed out lol
  232. Chicks - Last Monday at 2:40 AM
  233. G.E W384 NW
  234. rsn?
  235. Scapex - Last Monday at 2:41 AM
  236. On my way, RSN: Dragon
  237. Thx
  238. May 24, 2018
  239. Scapex - Yesterday at 10:23 PM
  240. If I can find you a buyer wanting 300M at $1.20/M would you give me 60M since you charge $1/M?
  241. Chicks - Yesterday at 10:23 PM
  242. sure
  243. you would need to send from your email though if you can
  244. I can take transfer from him directly, but would need to verify
  245. Scapex - Yesterday at 10:31 PM
  246. He has a discord
  247. Chicks - Yesterday at 10:34 PM
  248. sure
  249. ask him to contact
  250. Scapex - Yesterday at 10:34 PM
  251. Sounds good will do
  252. May 25, 2018
  253. Scapex - Today at 11:30 AM
  254. You around?
  255. Chicks - Today at 11:30 AM
  256. Yes
  257. Scapex - Today at 11:32 AM
  258. He’s paying $1.20 remember our little deal
  259. He’s not from any forums
  260. $360
  261. Chicks - Today at 11:46 AM
  262. Do you mind recieving the money?
  263. Is he your friend
  264. Scapex - Today at 11:48 AM
  265. I wanted to sell to him but don’t have enough stock
  266. Just a random customer
  267. I don’t think he’d be comfortable as he knows I have no gold
  268. Chicks - Today at 11:49 AM
  269. Where do you know him from?
  270. Scapex - Today at 11:49 AM
  271. Kijiji
  272. I post ads on there
  273. He’s scared he’s gonna get scammed lol
  274. Chicks - Today at 11:55 AM
  275. Have you accepted money from him before
  276. Scapex - Today at 11:55 AM
  277. Nope haven’t traded with him
  278. Scapex - Today at 12:03 PM
  279. Anytime I get big sales I’ll send them to you, we both make money
  280. Scapex - Today at 1:30 PM
  281. You think he has a stolen bank account? Why ask for fb?
  282. Just curious
  283. Chicks - Today at 1:34 PM
  284. you never know
  285. Scapex - Today at 1:34 PM
  286. Fair enough
  287. I should probably do it too
  288. My ign is ‘Dragon’ I’m here too
  289. Chicks - Today at 1:38 PM
  290. ok
  291. Scapex - Today at 1:47 PM
  292. Forgive him
  293. He’s new
  294. And paranoid
  295. Ty pleasure
  296. Chicks - Today at 1:50 PM
  297. cheers
  298. Scapex - Today at 2:40 PM
  299. Got another 280m sale
  300. 1.20$/m
  301. Interested?
  302. Chicks - Today at 2:40 PM
  303. ok from?
  304. Scapex - Today at 2:42 PM
  305. Found me on sythe
  306. Doesn’t have sythe account
  307. Chicks - Today at 2:42 PM
  308. ok
  309. Scapex - Today at 2:44 PM
  310. Wants 300 for 360 so 60 to me?
  311. Chicks - Today at 2:44 PM
  312. ok
  313. what sythe post is it?
  314. Scapex - Today at 2:48 PM
  315. My gold sales thread
  316. Chicks - Today at 2:48 PM
  317. link?
  318. Scapex - Today at 2:49 PM
  320. Sell & Trade Game Items | OSRS Gold | ELO
  321. Scapex’s Gold Sales [Canadian eTransfer/1.20/M]
  322. Welcome
  323. I am offering gold at,
  324. $1.00/M CAD - eTransfer only
  325. Discord: Scapex#1487
  327. I primarily deal with small amounts for now to earn a reputation, so...
  329. Chicks - Today at 2:50 PM
  330. shows $1 in your ad btw
  331. Scapex - Today at 2:50 PM
  332. Ope
  333. Thx
  334. Chicks - Today at 2:53 PM
  335. will get you the cut when he buys
  336. going to ID this guy
  337. Scapex - Today at 2:53 PM
  338. I trust ya
  339. Scapex - Today at 6:44 PM
  340. Got a non sythe user wanting 700M for $840
  341. Willing to provide ID matching bank account
  342. Wants to use an MM buy once I tell them who you are I doubt they’ll want one
  343. Chicks - Today at 6:47 PM
  344. ok sure
  345. Scapex - Today at 6:51 PM
  346. What happened with the other guy?
  347. I’ll add you to convo
  348. Chicks - Today at 6:52 PM
  349. no answer
  350. Scapex - Today at 6:56 PM
  351. This guys saying me redirecting him is gonna get me banned on sythe
  352. Is this true
  353. Chicks - Today at 6:56 PM
  354. no
  355. Scapex - Today at 6:57 PM
  356. Got all heated when I sent you vouch thread link
  357. We can be partners right?
  358. Chicks - Today at 6:57 PM
  359. absolutely
  360. Scapex - Today at 6:57 PM
  361. Your*
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