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Feb 17th, 2019
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  1. CREATE TABLE public.invalidgeometry (id serial, type varchar(20), geom geometry(MULTIPOLYGON, 2154), PRIMARY KEY(id));
  2. INSERT INTO public.invalidgeometry (type, geom) VALUES ('Hole Outside Shell', ST_multi(ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((465000 6700000, 465010 6700000, 465010 6700010, 465000 6700010, 465000 6700000), (465015 6700015, 465015 6700020, 465020 6700020, 465020 6700015, 465015 6700015))',2154)));
  3. INSERT INTO public.invalidgeometry (type, geom) VALUES ('Nested Holes', ST_multi(ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((465030 6700000, 465040 6700000, 465040 6700010, 465030 6700010, 465030 6700000), (465032 6700002, 465032 6700008, 465038 6700008, 465038 6700002, 465032 6700002), (465033 6700003, 465033 6700007, 465037 6700007, 465037 6700003, 465033 6700003))',2154)));
  4. INSERT INTO public.invalidgeometry (type, geom) VALUES ('Dis. Interior', ST_Multi(ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((465060 6700000, 465070 6700000,465070 6700010, 465060 6700010, 465060 6700000), (465065 6700000, 465070 6700005, 465065 6700010, 465060 6700005, 465065 6700000))', 2154)));
  5. INSERT INTO public.invalidgeometry (type, geom) VALUES ('Self Intersect.', ST_multi(ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((465090 6700000, 465100 6700010, 465090 6700010, 465100 6700000, 465090 6700000))',2154)));
  6. INSERT INTO public.invalidgeometry (type, geom) VALUES ('Ring Self Intersect.', ST_multi(ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((465125 6700000, 465130 6700000, 465130 6700010, 465120 6700010, 465120 6700000, 465125 6700000, 465123 6700003, 465125 6700006, 465127 6700003, 465125 6700000))',2154)));
  7. INSERT INTO public.invalidgeometry (type, geom) VALUES ('Nested Shells', ST_multi(ST_GeomFromText('MULTIPOLYGON(((465150 6700000, 465160 6700000, 465160 6700010, 465150 6700010, 465150 6700000)),(( 465152 6700002, 465158 6700002, 465158 6700008, 465152 6700008, 465152 6700002)))',2154)));
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