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a guest
Jan 20th, 2020
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  1. messages:
  2. withdraw:
  3. usage: '&2« &e&lBANK &2» &c/sb withdraw &7[&fALL&7/&fAMOUNT&7]'
  4. island-data-incorrect: '&2« &e&lBANK &2» &7Failed to withdraw!'
  5. enter-valid-amount: '&2« &e&lBANK &2» &7Please enter a valid amount.'
  6. withdrawn: '&2« &e&lBANK &2» &7You have successfully withdrawn $%amount%!'
  7. invalid-balance: '&2« &e&lBANK &2» &7The bank does not have enough money to do that!'
  8. deposit:
  9. usage: '&2« &e&lBANK &2» &c/sb deposit &7[&fALL&7/&fAMOUNT&7]'
  10. island-data-incorrect: '&2« &e&lBANK &2» &7Failed to deposit!'
  11. enter-valid-amount: '&2« &e&lBANK &2» &7Please enter a valid amount.'
  12. deposited: '&2« &e&lBANK &2» &7You have successfully filed: $%amount%!'
  13. invalid-balance: '&2« &e&lBANK &2» &7You don''t have enough money to do this!'
  14. view:
  15. usage: '&2« &e&lBANK &2» &c/sb view &7[&fPLAYER&7]'
  16. island-data-incorrect: '&2« &e&lBANK &2» &7Failed to view!'
  17. view-format: '&2« &e&lBANK &2» &7%player% island bank&7: &c$%amount%'
  18. admin:
  19. help:
  20. - '&7[&a&l!&7]&f&m---------------------------------------&7[&a&l!&7]'
  21. - ''
  22. - '&c/sba info &7[&fPLAYER&7] &7- get bank information'
  23. - '&c/sba reset &7[&fPLAYER&7] &7- reset bank of a player'
  24. - '&c/sba reload &7- reload the config'
  25. - ''
  26. - '&7[&a&l!&7]&f&m---------------------------------------&7[&a&l!&7]'
  27. info:
  28. island-data-incorrect: '&2« &e&lBANK &2» &7Failed to get info of that island!'
  29. info-format:
  30. - '&7[&a&l!&7]&f&m---------------------------------------&7[&a&l!&7]'
  31. - ''
  32. - '&cBalance&7: &f$%amount%'
  33. - '&cIsland ID&7: &f%id%'
  34. - '&cOwner&7: &f%owner%'
  35. - ''
  36. - '&7[&a&l!&7]&f&m---------------------------------------&7[&a&l!&7]'
  37. usage: '&c/sba info &7[&fPLAYER&7]'
  38. reload:
  39. reload-succes: '&2« &e&lBANK &2» &7Config reloaded'
  40. usage: '&c/sba reload'
  41. reset:
  42. island-data-incorrect: '&2« &e&lBANK &2» &7Failed to reset that island!'
  43. reset-data: '&2« &e&lBANK &2» &7Reset that island data. &8(&fOwner=%owner%&8)'
  44. usage: '&2« &e&lBANK &2» &c/sba reset &7[&fPLAYER&7]'
  45. orthyonbank:
  46. help:
  47. - '&7[&a&l!&7]&f&m---------------------------------------&7[&a&l!&7]'
  48. - ''
  49. - '&c/sb withdraw &7[&fALL&7/&fAMOUNT&7] &7- withdraw money from bank'
  50. - '&c/sb deposit &7[&fALL&7/&fAMOUNT&7] &7- deposit money in the bank'
  51. - '&c/sb view &7[&fPLAYER&7] &7- view bank of player'
  52. - ''
  53. - '&7[&a&l!&7]&f&m---------------------------------------&7[&a&l!&7]'
  54. permission-denied: '&2« &e&lBANK &2» &7You don''t have permission for that.'
  55. players-only: '&2« &e&lBANK &2» &7You must be a player to do that.'
  56. invalid-player: '&2« &e&lBANK &2» &7Please enter a valid player.'
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