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Jan 29th, 2020
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  1. Game 1
  2. In-Game
  3. Alpha woman: Bro but roam it
  4. Alpha woman: we win
  5. Alpha woman: eh didnt have redbuff
  6. Alpha woman: whatever
  7. Alpha woman: WHAT
  8. Alpha woman: ok another ff15 minute game :D
  9. Alpha woman: its ok i got her
  10. Alpha woman: anyways
  11. Alpha woman: free push
  12. Alpha woman: nvm
  13. Alpha woman: malz no r its fine
  14. Alpha woman: BUT ZIGGS
  15. Alpha woman: ROTATE IT
  16. Alpha woman: DUDE
  17. Alpha woman: AS
  18. Alpha woman: A:D|
  19. Alpha woman: dsa;
  20. Alpha woman: ;ds
  21. Alpha woman: s\a;sd;a\
  22. Alpha woman: whatever
  23. Alpha woman: we lose
  24. Alpha woman: u have no macro my guy
  25. Alpha woman: Tower is more important than drakes yes?
  26. Alpha woman: :D
  27. Alpha woman: No i suppose u to come and win the 4v4 like normal people?
  28. Alpha woman: DUDE
  29. Alpha woman: WHY NOT FIHGT IT
  30. Alpha woman: Malz had no r
  31. Alpha woman: xd
  32. Alpha woman: he thinks roaming is only with R
  33. Alpha woman: its a bit insane
  34. Alpha woman: u have no reactions fam
  35. Alpha woman: malz is way better than u
  36. Alpha woman: not letting a 9-3 player go on mid :D
  37. Alpha woman: ur mid is shit fam
  38. Alpha woman: u need to be aware all the time
  39. Alpha woman: and ure not
  40. Alpha woman: like that level 3 fight on river
  41. Alpha woman: u had prio in lane with jax and no one roamed
  42. Alpha woman: cant contest the drake
  43. Alpha woman: IT WAS 3v1
  44. Alpha woman: HE WAS ALONE
  45. Alpha woman: RIVEN WAS BACKING
  47. Alpha woman: Ah yes
  48. Alpha woman: just go next
  49. Alpha woman: mdis so bad
  50. Alpha woman: he cant press W
  51. Alpha woman: Jax why are u duoing with him tho
  52. Alpha woman: hes actually so bad
  53. Alpha woman: ah yes nice R
  54. Alpha woman: dont go too insane
  55. Alpha woman: Im not duoq with anyone
  56. Alpha woman: XD
  57. Alpha woman: 50 cs down when ur laner wasnt in lane at all :D
  58. Alpha woman: just end it
  59. Alpha woman: games a bit of mid diff XD
  60. Alpha woman: nah its over im tilted :D
  61. Alpha woman: my mids too good
  62. Alpha woman: I dont get how u can be down 50 cs
  63. Alpha woman: when u werent in lane at all
  64. Alpha woman: thhat level 3 scuttle play tilted me more tho he had prio and didnt rotate
  65. Alpha woman: same with his braindead jax abusing toplaner
  66. Alpha woman: that is his duoq mate
  67. Alpha woman: yes group as 5 and fight it u won the 5v5
  68. Alpha woman: ziggs is multi talented midlaner
  69. Alpha woman: besti n eu
  70. Alpha woman: nemesis can serve water to thsi guy
  71. Alpha woman: ofc i cant u guys have no prio cant contest when ure behind
  72. Alpha woman: xd
  73. Alpha woman: bronze yet im matched with u broski look at the mmr :D
  74. Alpha woman: what about htat level 3 scuttle ?
  75. Alpha woman: can u blame me for the level 3 scuttle fight?
  76. Alpha woman: jax and ziggs both had prio in lane but didnt rotate ab it too insane
  77. Alpha woman: Winnable never ffit!
  78. Alpha woman: he had level 3
  79. Alpha woman: riven was recalling top on 100 hp
  80. Alpha woman: and jax didnt roam XD
  81. Alpha woman: ziggs didnt let me mid and he ints it a bit too insane
  82. Alpha woman: :D
  83. Game 2
  84. In-Game
  85. Alpha woman: nice i couldnt see chat in cs
  86. Alpha woman: interesting
  87. Alpha woman: okayyy
  88. Alpha woman: can u stop inting?
  89. Alpha woman: who did?
  90. Alpha woman: ye ty
  91. Alpha woman: nice int on botlane
  92. Alpha woman: DOnt push it
  93. Alpha woman: its gg
  94. Alpha woman: play wukong more
  95. Alpha woman: maybe ull be more useful
  96. Alpha woman: early game and late game
  97. Alpha woman: with lowest w/r in game :D
  98. Alpha woman: Im not saying ure shit
  99. Alpha woman: im saying that ur champ is shit
  100. Alpha woman: ok do it
  101. Alpha woman: ye
  102. Alpha woman: if we can get 3 more drakes
  103. Alpha woman: its over
  104. Alpha woman: nvm its just over now
  105. Alpha woman: 1 more minute boys
  106. Alpha woman: 6
  107. Alpha woman: 6/11 bot nice
  108. Alpha woman: 10/3 vayne
  109. Alpha woman: yes
  110. Alpha woman: i can see ur jhin has 10 times more cs than me
  111. Alpha woman: aight just go next
  112. Alpha woman: dont vote no like an idiot
  113. Alpha woman: ah but ure also shit tho
  114. Alpha woman: so
  115. Alpha woman: ?
  116. Alpha woman: ah yes
  117. Alpha woman: yes stay mid when top and bot are getting annihilated
  118. Alpha woman: good macro decision
  119. Alpha woman: why should i
  120. Alpha woman: look at ur lane tho
  121. Alpha woman: inhib opened by ur laner alone
  122. Alpha woman: xd
  123. Alpha woman: and 1 nexus tower
  124. Alpha woman: why didnt u just ban the champ
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