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Jan 20th, 2018
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  1. #BuyKitPVPserver 専用Skript
  3. #定義づけ point
  4. variables:
  5. {%player%.point} = 1000
  7. #killした時の処理
  8. on death of player:
  9. if attacker is a player:
  10. message "&a+&e%{killpoint}%&apoint"
  11. add {killpoint} to {%attacker%.point}
  13. #---運営用コマンド---
  16. #運営用のhelp
  17. command /aphelp:
  18. trigger:
  19. player has permission "pvp.admin"
  20. message "&d----------------------------"
  21. message "&bBuyKitPVPserver 運営用help"
  22. message "&b必要permission → pvp.admin"
  23. message "&d----------------------------"
  24. message "&e/aphelp &a...このhelpが出ます"
  25. message "&e/apkillpoint <数値>"
  26. message "&a ... killごとの入手pointの変更"
  27. message "&e/appa <player> <数値>"
  28. message "&a ... pointを増加させる"
  29. message "&e/apps <player> <数値>"
  30. message "&a ... pointを設定する"
  31. message "&e/appaall <数値>"
  32. message "&a ... 全員のpointを増加させる"
  33. message "&d----------------------------"
  34. command "/playsound minecraft:entity.arrow.hit_player ambient %player% ~ ~ ~ 1.0 0.5"
  36. #killごとの入手pointの変更コマンド
  37. command /apkillpoint <number>:
  38. trigger:
  39. player has permission "pvp.admin"
  40. set {killpoint} to arg 1
  41. broadcast "&a----------------------------"
  42. broadcast "&a運営の&e%player%&aによって"
  43. broadcast "&akillごとの入手pointが"
  44. broadcast "&a通常の&e%{killpoint}/100%&aである"
  45. broadcast "&e%arg 1%&aになりました!"
  46. broadcast "&a----------------------------"
  47. command "/playsound minecraft:entity.player.levelup ambient @a ~ ~ ~ 1.0 0.53"
  49. #point変動コマンド
  50. command /appa <player> <number>:
  51. trigger:
  52. player has permission "pvp.admin"
  53. add arg 2 to {%arg 1%.point}
  54. broadcast "----------------------------"
  55. broadcast "&a運営の&e%player%&aによって"
  56. broadcast "&e%arg 1%&aさんのpointが"
  57. broadcast "&e%arg 2% &a増加しました"
  58. broadcast "----------------------------"
  59. command "/playsound minecraft:entity.arrow.hit_player ambient @a ~ ~ ~ 1.0 0.5"
  61. command /apps <player> <number>:
  62. trigger:
  63. player has permission "pvp.admin"
  64. set {%arg 1%.point} to arg 2
  65. broadcast "----------------------------"
  66. broadcast "&a運営の&e%player%&aによって"
  67. broadcast "&e%arg 1%&aさんのpointが"
  68. broadcast "&e%arg 2% &aになりました"
  69. broadcast "----------------------------"
  70. command "/playsound minecraft:entity.arrow.hit_player ambient %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ 1.0 0.5"
  71. command "/playsound minecraft:entity.arrow.hit_player ambient %player% ~ ~ ~ 1.0 0.5"
  73. command /appaall <number>:
  74. trigger:
  75. player has permission "pvp.admin"
  76. loop all players:
  77. add arg 1 to {%loop-player%.point}
  78. message "----------------------------"
  79. message "&a運営の&e%player%&aによって"
  80. message "&eOnlinePlayer全員のpointが"
  81. message "&e%arg 1% &a増加しました!!"
  82. message "----------------------------"
  83. command "/playsound minecraft:entity.player.levelup ambient %player% ~ ~ ~ 1.0 0.53"
  85. #---一般用コマンド---
  87. #一般用のhelp
  88. command /phelp:
  89. trigger:
  90. message "&b----------------------------"
  91. message "&dBuyKitPVPserver 一般用help"
  92. message "&b----------------------------"
  93. message "&e/phelp &a...このhelpが出ます"
  94. message "&e/pmenu &a... menuを開きます"
  95. message "&e/pkit &a... kit管理menuを開きます"
  96. message "&e/pp &a... 自分のpointを観覧します"
  97. message "&b----------------------------"
  98. command "/playsound minecraft:entity.arrow.hit_player ambient %player% ~ ~ ~ 1.0 0.5"
  100. #menuコマンド
  101. command /pmenu <player=%player%>:
  102. trigger:
  103. open chest with 2 row named "&aBKPメニュー" to arg 1
  104. wait 1 tick
  105. command "/playsound minecraft:entity.arrow.hit_player ambient %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ 1.0 0.5"
  106. format slot 1 of arg 1 with 368 named "&aロビーにteleportする" to close then run [execute console command "/tp 1195 4 208"]
  107. format slot 9 of arg 1 with {point.%arg%} of nether star named "&b所持ポイント &e%{%arg 1%.point}%" to close
  108. format slot 17 of arg 1 with barrier named "<magenta>キャンセル" to close
  109. stop
  111. #kitmenuコマンド
  112. command /pkit <player=%player%>:
  113. trigger:
  114. open chest with 2 row named "&aBKP kit管理メニュー" to arg 1
  115. wait 1 tick
  116. command "/playsound minecraft:entity.arrow.hit_player ambient %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ 1.0 0.5"
  117. format slot 1 of arg 1 with book named "&ekit選択メニュー" to close then run [execute console command "/pkitselect %arg 1%"]
  118. format slot 2 of arg 1 with gold ingot named "&ekit購入メニュー" to close then run [execute console command "/pkitbuy %arg 1%"]
  119. format slot 9 of arg 1 with {point.%arg%} of nether star named "&b所持ポイント &e%{%arg 1%.point}%" to close
  120. format slot 17 of arg 1 with barrier named "<magenta>キャンセル" to close
  121. stop
  123. #kitselectコマンド
  124. command /pkitselect <player=%player%>:
  125. trigger:
  126. open chest with 3 row named "&eBKP kit選択メニュー" to arg 1
  127. wait 1 tick
  128. command "/playsound minecraft:entity.arrow.hit_player ambient %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ 1.0 0.5"
  129. if {%arg 1%.1} is "true":
  130. format slot 1 of arg 1 with stick named "&e初心のkit" to run [execute console command "/kit %arg 1% 1"]
  131. else:
  132. format slot 1 of arg 1 with 160:14 named "&e初心のkit 未購入" to close
  133. if {%arg 1%.2} is "true":
  134. format slot 2 of arg 1 with 336 named "&eビギナーズkit" to run [execute console command "/kit %arg 1% 2"]
  135. else:
  136. format slot 2 of arg 1 with 160:14 named "&eビギナーズkit 未購入" to close
  137. format slot 18 of arg 1 with {point.%arg%} of nether star named "&b所持ポイント &e%{%arg 1%.point}%" to close
  138. format slot 26 of arg 1 with barrier named "<magenta>キャンセル" to close
  139. stop
  141. #kitbuyコマンド
  142. command /pkitbuy <player=%player%>:
  143. trigger:
  144. open chest with 3 row named "&eBKP kit購入メニュー"
  145. wait 1 tick
  146. command "/playsound minecraft:entity.arrow.hit_player ambient %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ 1.0 0.5"
  147. if {%arg 1%.1} is not "true":
  148. format slot 1 of arg 1 with stick named "&e初心のkit" to run [execute console command "/kitbuy %arg 1% 1 500"]
  149. else:
  150. format slot 1 of arg 1 with 160:5 named "&e初心のkit 購入済" to close
  151. if {%arg 1%.2} is not "true":
  152. format slot 2 of arg 1 with 336 named "&eビギナーズkit" to run [execute console command "/kitbuy %arg 1% 500"]
  153. else:
  154. format slot 2 of arg 1 with 160:5 named "&eビギナーズkit 購入済" to close
  155. format slot 18 of arg 1 with {point.%arg%} of nether star named "&b所持ポイント &e%{%arg 1%.point}%" to close
  156. format slot 26 of arg 1 with barrier named "<magenta>キャンセル" to close
  157. stop
  159. #kit購入コマンド
  160. command /kitbuy <player=%player%> <number> <number>:
  161. trigger:
  162. if {%arg 1%.point} is arg 2 or {%arg 1%.point} > arg 2:
  163. remove arg 2 from {%arg 1%.point}
  164. set {%arg 1%.%arg 3%} to true
  165. command "/playsound minecraft:entity.player.levelup ambient %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ 1.0 0.53"
  166. message "<yellow>購入成功!" to arg 1
  167. message "&a残りpoint &e&l%{%arg 1%.point}%&apoint" to arg 1
  168. else:
  169. message "<red>購入条件を満たしていません!" to arg 1
  170. message "&aあなたの所持してるpointは &e&l%{%arg 1%.point}%&apoint" to arg 1
  171. command "/playsound minecraft:entity.arrow.hit_player ambient %player% ~ ~ ~ 1.0 0.5"
  173. #kit選択コマンド
  174. command /kit <player=%player%> <number>:
  175. trigger:
  176. set {%arg 1%.kit} to arg 2
  177. command "/menu grab %arg 1% %arg 2%"
  178. command "/playsound minecraft:entity.arrow.hit_player ambient %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ 1.0 0.5"
  179. message "&bkitを選択しました"
  180. message "&blobbyモードに戻るをクリックで戻せます"
  182. #point確認コマンド
  183. command /myp <player>:
  184. trigger:
  185. command "/playsound minecraft:entity.arrow.hit_player ambient %player% ~ ~ ~ 1.0 0.5"
  186. message "&a%arg 1%の所持してるpointは&a&l%{%arg 1%.point}%&apoint" to arg 1
  188. #動作
  190. on click with book:
  191. wait 1 tick
  192. execute console command "/pkit %player%"
  194. on click with nether star:
  195. wait 1 tick
  196. execute console command "/pmenu %player%"
  198. on click with emerald:
  199. wait 1 tick
  200. execute console command "/myp %player%"
  202. on click with gold ingot:
  203. wait 1 tick
  204. execute console command "/realm"
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