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Jul 11th, 2017
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  1. [20:35] <~MajPearson_Richards> Last time: A devastating battle, a furious fight..  and after a day has passed.. the rebuilding begins, with Parkkinen being the subject of a new award, coming straight from Summus to the new girl.. it would be a huge topic of discussion.  "As we rebuild here," the Major started, "We all remember those who gave up their lives to let us live..and fight on, and we reward our own heroes.. our own who have fought so hard.. so fast
  2. [20:35] <~MajPearson_Richards> this victory."
  3. 03[20:37] * ZzzzEva is now known as ZZeva
  4. 07[20:38] * Parkkinen wipes her hands on a rag, before wiping her brow "I think my job is done here."
  5. [20:38] <~MajPearson_Richards> "The efforts of Master Sergeant Parkkinen have.. they made the difference between defeat, and victory.. and will change the world, and with that, that is why I am honored to present Master Sergeant Parkkinen with the Medal of Liberty!" And with that, there was applause, as the small ceremony was over, the Major and the commanders agreeing on the fact that to keep up morale, medals and other awards would be given, as a way to s
  6. [20:38] <~MajPearson_Richards> the day's reconstruction efforts.
  7. [20:39] <~MajPearson_Richards> "Now!" she said to the crowds, "Lets work on rebuilding our base, no.. our home!" she said, grabbing a broom in a symbolic measure, as the people started to disburse, and Parkkinen was pinned with the award.
  8. [20:40] <~MajPearson_Richards> The hangar was the place which had recived the least damage, and needed little more than wires to be re-strung, and the ceremony had started there.
  9. 07[20:43] * Parkkinen is still standing at attention
  10. 03[20:43] * ZZeva is now known as Hina_Brace
  11. 07[20:43] * @Nicole_B is standing next to MajPearson_Richards congratulating Parkkinen
  12. [20:45] <@Nicole_B> "At ease, Master Sergeant Parkkinen."
  13. 07[20:45] * Mariah is sitting near the front of the mess trying not to fidget
  14. 07[20:46] * Parkkinen exhales as the situation is starting to ease up, with most of the audience leaving
  15. [20:46] <Parkkinen> "I think I would be the last to receive this, considering what happened yesterday."
  16. [20:48] <~MajPearson_Richards> "It's from higher up," she said, "Now don't worry, and lets help rebuild the hangar, the new weapons should be comming in, and we will soon have to fly escort to them!"
  17. [20:49] <Mariah> "Are they sending a T13E1 in this shipment? I never even got to fire the last one...."
  18. [20:49] <Parkkinen> "Already? That was some fast work, though they are direly needed."
  19. 07[20:52] * @Nicole_B looks at the lists of shipments
  20. [20:52] <@Nicole_B> "Hmm... Ah, yes."
  21. [20:52] <~MajPearson_Richards> "I get things done," she said, "New Britannia said they want us to escort the transport this time around.."
  22. [20:52] <Parkkinen> "I wonder if they got all I requested."
  23. [20:52] <~MajPearson_Richards> "They also said something about Tank witches.."
  24. [20:53] <@Nicole_B> "I suppose that they are sending tank witches our way?"
  25. [20:54] <Mariah> "Tank witches...."
  26. [20:54] <~MajPearson_Richards> "I think so, I'll have to read, they could have helped us when we were being raided.."
  27. [20:55] <Parkkinen> "Hmm, they could protect the base in situations like this."
  28. [20:56] <Helma_Lennartz> "Give them Flak instead of their regular cannons...."
  29. [20:57] <Mariah> (whoops)
  30. [20:57] <Mariah> "Just give them Flak instead of their regular cannons..."
  31. 03[20:57] * Helma_Lennartz ( has left #DitS
  32. 04[20:58] <Parkkinen> "Talking about Flak, did anyone see what happened to Delsma's one?"
  33. [20:58] <@Nicole_B> "It fell down somewhere."
  34. [20:58] <@Nicole_B> "That's all that I know at the moment."
  35. [20:59] <Lucy_Dowell> "Mark it down as combat lost I guess."
  36. [20:59] <Parkkinen> "Same fate as my MG and AT-Rifle"
  37. [20:59] <Mariah> "Hmmm..."
  38. [21:00] <Mariah> "I did find this last night..."
  39. [21:01] <Lucy_Dowell> "Guess I'm lucky to still have my PIAT and Shotgun, Anyone can take one till we get new weapons. No need to hog them I guess."
  40. 07[21:01] * Mariah is holding Hakan's Falchion "She mangaged to drop it over the base instead of over water..."
  41. [21:02] <Parkkinen> "Richards, any ETA on the transport?"
  42. 07[21:05] * Mariah geets a plate of food from the mess and starts digging in as the other girls continue to talk
  43. [21:05] <~MajPearson_Richards> "We have 4 days, so in 2 days we fly and escort it, when the New Britania squadron flies back, since they can't spare a carrier.."
  44. [21:06] <Mariah> "ah... so its not a 'today' thing"
  45. [21:06] <Parkkinen> "Good to know."
  46. 07[21:07] * Parkkinen grabs some of the usual from the kitchen, and sits on the same table as Mariah
  47. [21:07] <Parkkinen> "We need to talk later."
  48. [21:09] <Mariah> "Hm? okay..."
  49. 07[21:10] * Mariah wonders whether to be nervous or excited
  50. 07[21:10] * Parkkinen looks at the others "Do we have any further orders standing right now?"
  51. 07[21:11] * @Nicole_B looks at MajPearson_Richards
  52. [21:13] <Parkkinen> "I take the silence as a no then."
  53. 07[21:13] * Parkkinen finishes her bread "I'm going to check on the two who would have actually deserved this." She said, as she patted the medal
  54. [21:14] <~MajPearson_Richards> "Broadbrige?" she asked
  55. 03[21:14] * Arceonn ( has joined #DitS
  56. [21:14] <@Nicole_B> "Yes?"
  57. 07[21:15] * Mariah picks up the falchion "I'll go with..."
  58. 07[21:15] * Parkkinen exits the mess hall and starts walking for the barracks
  59. [21:17] <~MajPearson_Richards> "Now we have to all start cleaning up, Parkkinen after your rest you will join us, correct?"
  60. 08[21:17] * Arceonnn ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  61. [21:17] <Parkkinen> "I got some business to attend to, I'll join you in a moment."
  62. 07[21:18] * Mariah goes strait to the infirmary, eventually finding Hakan and Nienke next to each other
  63. [21:18] <Mariah> "Morning, you two... Hakan, I found this last night."
  64. 05[21:18] * @Nienke_Delsma is fast asleep
  65. 07[21:18] * Mariah holds out the Falchion
  66. 07[21:18] * Parkkinen goes into her room, takes the medal off and puts it in a small box on the table
  67. 07[21:19] * Hakan_Saevas is resting on bed, with her arm wrappep up, not sleeping. She turns to Mariah "I thought I lost it"
  68. [21:19] <Hakan_Saevas> "Ah.. I did, didn't I"
  69. [21:19] <Mariah> "It was on the beach."
  70. 07[21:20] * Parkkinen exits her room and goes to the infirmary too
  71. 07[21:20] * Mariah sits down between the beds
  72. [21:20] <Hakan_Saevas> "Mmh, thanks, can you put it in the scabbard"
  73. 03[21:20] * Hina_Brace is now known as ZZeva
  74. 03[21:20] * ZZeva is now known as ZzzzEva
  75. [21:21] <Hakan_Saevas> the scabbard is resting next to the wall
  76. 07[21:21] * @Nicole_B is going through lists of supplies and other things that are getting shipped with MajPearson_Richards
  77. [21:21] <Mariah> "okay....'
  78. [21:21] <@Nicole_B> -with MajPearson_Richards
  79. 07[21:22] * @Nicole_B is going through lists of supplies and other things that are getting shipped
  80. [21:22] <~MajPearson_Richards> "So we need more bandages.. always bandages.."
  81. 07[21:22] * Parkkinen arrives to the infirmary, and sits down to a chair as she hears the voices from the room
  82. [21:22] <~MajPearson_Richards> "Weapons.."
  83. [21:22] <@Nicole_B> "Mmhm... mmhm..."
  84. 07[21:22] * Mariah puts the falchion back in its scabbard and hangs it back up on the wall
  85. 07[21:22] * Hakan_Saevas is somewhat confused, she's been thinking ever since she woke up. She has a very deep-in-thought look on her face
  86. 07[21:23] * Mariah sits back down between the beds
  87. 07[21:23] * Hakan_Saevas looks like she remembers something and looks away from Mariah
  88. 07[21:25] * Mariah watches the other girl, smiling a little bit
  89. 07[21:25] * @Nicole_B looks at the list of weapons for the witches
  90. [21:26] <Mariah> "I'm glad to see that you are okay... did you sleep well?"
  91. [21:26] <Hakan_Saevas> "Y-yeh" slight blush
  92. 04[21:27] <@Nicole_B> "Okay... a new MG and AT-Rifle for Emma, a new Flak for Delsma, a new T13E1 for Mariah..."
  93. 07[21:28] * Hakan_Saevas collects all her courage, she doesn't know what she should really do, but I guess this is what people normally would
  94. [21:28] <Mariah> "That's good. Do you need me to get anything from the mess for you?"
  95. [21:28] <Hakan_Saevas> "I'm sorry"
  96. [21:28] <@Nicole_B> (retcon at-rifle)
  97. [21:28] <Hakan_Saevas> "You don't need to bring me anything"
  98. [21:28] <Mariah> "It's okay. I might have been too pushy"
  99. [21:29] <Hakan_Saevas> "No, you're not too pushy. I'm just messed up"
  100. [21:30] <Hakan_Saevas> Hakan doesn't really understand why Mariah is being so nice to her
  101. [21:30] <@Nicole_B> "Hm. 2 Brens and 3 replacement barrels for myself."
  102. [21:31] <~MajPearson_Richards> "I decided to triple the weapon orders, because I can't have our Witches waiting for parts.. since the mechanics are all working on making important parts for the ships.."
  103. [21:31] <Mariah> "It's okay. everyone makes mistakes... just... you know you always have someone you can talk to."
  104. [21:33] <Hakan_Saevas> "Why. I haven't done anything to make you care. I never do"
  105. [21:33] <@Nicole_B> "That's good."
  106. [21:33] <Mariah> "hmm... I don't know."
  107. [21:33] <@Nicole_B> "Ah, five new barrels for Mariah are expected as well."
  108. 07[21:34] * Mariah smiles
  109. [21:34] <Mariah> "That's half the fun. and... you were always there for me up in the air..."
  110. [21:35] <Mariah> "I guess I just want to see you happy."
  111. [21:36] <Hakan_Saevas> tiers started to flow from Hakan's eyes
  112. [21:37] <Hakan_Saevas> she wiped them off
  113. [21:37] <Mariah> "Hakan? are you okay?"
  114. [21:37] <Hakan_Saevas> "Sorry, yeah"
  115. [21:37] <Hakan_Saevas> "Don't mind it"
  116. 07[21:39] * Mariah puts her hand on Hakan's and smiles "Okay."
  117. 07[21:41] * Lucy_Dowell walks into the infirmiry to find the other witches and notices Hakan, deciding not to push anything right now she pulls up a chair next to Parkkinen.
  118. [21:42] <Lucy_Dowell> "Hey Parkky, hows it feel to have some ribbon and metal?"
  119. [21:42] <Parkkinen> "The more I think about about those two, the worse it feels."
  120. [21:43] <~MajPearson_Richards> "So much good news.."
  121. 05[21:43] <@Nienke_Delsma> The sudden commotion in the infirmary disturbs Nienke's sleep. She slowly starts to come by.
  122. [21:43] <Parkkinen> "I think I didn't manage to thank your properly."
  123. [21:43] <@Nicole_B> "Mmhm."
  124. [21:43] <Parkkinen> "For this, I mean" She pats her shoulder
  125. [21:44] <Lucy_Dowell> "Suck it up it could of always been worse and yes I know that sounds stupid but its true-."
  126. [21:44] <Lucy_Dowell> "I'm sorry what?"
  127. [21:44] <Lucy_Dowell> "Thank me for what?"
  128. [21:44] <Parkkinen> "The healing."
  129. 07[21:44] * Mariah looks over at Nienke and greets her, "Morning, Nienke."
  130. [21:44] <Lucy_Dowell> "Oh that, all I did was numb the pain and didn't really do anything."
  131. 05[21:45] * @Nienke_Delsma still in a daze moves around, unable to pay attention to what exactly is going on
  132. 07[21:45] * Parkkinen smiles "You did something, and I thank your for that."
  133. 07[21:47] * Lucy_Dowell laughs, "I'd slap you on the back but I fear I might break you in half."
  134. 03[21:48] * Arceonnn ( has joined #DitS
  135. [21:48] <Parkkinen> "I think I've had worse than a slap in the back."
  136. 05[21:49] * @Nienke_Delsma moves around some more
  137. [21:49] <Parkkinen> "But on other news, that Mariah is sure taking her sweet time."
  138. [21:50] <Lucy_Dowell> "I'm sure you can forgive her. Any idea where we're helping first?"
  139. 05[21:50] * @Nienke_Delsma manages to wake up, somehow
  140. [21:50] <~MajPearson_Richards> A medic walked up to Parkkinen, the young witch smiling, "Hey, are any of you aces healers, we need some help with the burn wards.."
  141. [21:51] <Parkkinen> "I can work with the traditional means, Lucy here knows some magic."
  142. 08[21:51] * Arceonn ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  143. [21:51] <Hakan_Saevas> "Do you stll have my bracelet?" Hakan asks Mariah
  144. [21:52] <Mariah> yep
  145. 07[21:52] * Mariah pats her breast pocket
  146. 05[21:52] * @Nienke_Delsma starts mumbling
  147. [21:52] <Lucy_Dowell> "Yeah I guess an help..."
  148. [21:52] <Hakan_Saevas> "C-can I have it back"
  149. [21:52] <Lucy_Dowell> "Show me the way..."
  150. 05[21:53] * @Nienke_Delsma falls asleep again
  151. 07[21:53] * Mariah pulls the bracelet out of her pocket and lays it on Hakan's hand.
  152. [21:54] <Hakan_Saevas> "It's not like I don't want you to keep it but I just remembered something a while ago so.." Hakan blushes and takes the bracelet
  153. [21:54] <Mariah> "Okay."
  154. [21:56] <Parkkinen> "I guess it wasn't that important, I'm going ahead."
  155. 07[21:56] * Parkkinen enters the room
  156. [21:57] <~MajPearson_Richards> Come with me," she said, nearly dragging Lucy with her
  157. [21:57] <Mariah> "Hey, Emma."
  158. [21:57] <Parkkinen> "Hi, hows our heroes?"
  159. [21:57] <Lucy_Dowell> "See you later Parkkiennnnn"
  160. 07[21:58] * @Nicole_B follows next to MajPearson_Richards
  161. [21:58] <Mariah> "fine. Nienke is snoozing and Hakan is about as chipper as i have ever seen her."
  162. [21:59] <Parkkinen> "Good to hear that everyone is alright."
  163. 05[21:59] * @Nienke_Delsma fumbles around
  164. [22:01] <Parkkinen> "Mariah, do you have time for a chat?"
  165. [22:01] <Mariah> "I guess...."
  166. [22:01] <Parkkinen> "Let's go outside then."
  167. [22:01] <Mariah> "Okay. See you later, Hakan."
  168. [22:01] <Hakan_Saevas> "See you"
  169. 05[22:01] * @Nienke_Delsma moves around some more in her sleep. As if she's having a nightmare.
  170. 04[22:02] * Parkkinen glances at Delsma, before leaving the infirmary
  171. 07[22:02] * Mariah whispers to Parkkinen, "should we wake her up?"
  172. [22:02] <Parkkinen> "I'll come back after we are finished."
  173. [22:02] <Mariah> "Okay..."
  174. 07[22:02] * Mariah follows parkkinen
  175. 07[22:03] * Parkkinen walks for a few moments after they exit the infirmary "Alright, this is good enough."
  176. [22:03] <Parkkinen> "About yesterday."
  177. [22:03] <Mariah> "hm?"
  178. [22:04] <Parkkinen> "I have to clear this one thing. When the ships were sinking, and you said that they could fuck off.."
  179. 07[22:04] * Parkkinen turns to look at Mariah, with a stern expression "What did you mean exactly by that?"
  180. [22:04] <Mariah> ...
  181. [22:04] <~MajPearson_Richards> There was a young woman on a bed, her face covered in bandages..
  182. [22:05] <Mariah> "I pretty much meant what I said. they have no business being in a warzone."
  183. [22:05] <~MajPearson_Richards> "Ok, Ace," the witch said, "I just need you to heal this doctor, she's really important.."
  184. [22:05] <Parkkinen> "Can you really discard hundreds of lives like that?"
  185. 07[22:05] * Mariah looks confused
  186. [22:06] <Mariah> "'Yes' probably isn't the right answer here."
  187. [22:07] <Lucy_Dowell> "Uh sure of course. Here goes."
  188. [22:07] <Parkkinen> "Do you realize that I was one of those faceless numbers, sent to die in droves to defend their cause, before I was transferred to the airforces."
  189. 07[22:07] * Mariah pauses
  190. [22:08] <Mariah> "Sorry..."
  191. [22:08] <Parkkinen> "And when Hakan was wounded, how is she different from any other human who died yesterday?"
  192. [22:08] <Parkkinen> "What made you react differently to that."
  193. [22:10] <Mariah> "well, first of all, she's my friend, and I'll do anything for her. Second of all, Hakan can do just as much to a neuroi as 1500 sailors operating a gunship. Its a simple question of priority."
  194. 07[22:10] * Lucy_Dowell channels her familiar bringing out two plumes of feathers near each of her ear and a few tail feathers. She brings her arms out over the Doctor and closes her eyes to concentrate.
  195. [22:10] <~MajPearson_Richards> After Lucy finished her spell, the woman would turn to her, "A witch. You are an interesting specimen. Britianian, I see," she said, before putting on her glasses, "Your powers are good,  need more time to research them.."
  196. [22:11] <Lucy_Dowell> "Uh thanks I guess."
  197. 07[22:11] * Parkkinen clenches her fist "So, you could say that same to me, it could have been me in there."
  198. [22:11] <Mariah> "But you weren't."
  199. 07[22:11] * Lucy_Dowell thinks to herself, "I haven't put that much concentrate into magic for ages, I'll burn out if I'm not too careful..."
  200. [22:12] <~MajPearson_Richards> "So, I assume you know Hina?" the doctor asked, "And you should focus less on concentration, and more on merging the flow itself"
  201. [22:12] <Mariah> "Look. I don't think we should even be using naval assets like that. its wasteful, and it ends up making the witches less effective."
  202. [22:13] <Parkkinen> "Are you saying that they didn't help at all yesterday?"
  203. [22:13] <Parkkinen> "And same with the artillery support from the base."
  204. [22:13] <Mariah> "they helped a little, but the wisconsin and the missouri, huge ships, were no more powerful than me on a good day."
  205. 07[22:14] * Parkkinen sighs
  206. [22:14] <Parkkinen> "I guess you have a point, I was just getting worked up over the fact that you would have just killed off the normal soldiers."
  207. [22:15] <Parkkinen> "It could have been me and my squad in there. Dying at the snap of your fingers."
  208. 05[22:16] * @Nienke_Delsma wakes up
  209. [22:16] <Mariah> "It would have been easier to fight if they weren't there at all, because that is one less thing to worry about. mostof our injuries happened because we were too rushed to take a proper aporach, and the reason we were rushed like that is because there were a bunch of people that we had to protect that really werent doing anything to justify their being there.
  210. [22:16] <~MajPearson_Richards> The woman would get up, "So, Where are your injured, Witch?" she asked Dowell, "I don't have time to waste, I need to make sure that the Witches are in Prime condition."
  211. [22:17] <Lucy_Dowell> "Uh yes do know Hina a little...I'm fine really nothing actually happened to me so uh you can give you're attention to someone else."
  212. [22:17] <Parkkinen> "That I can accept, I just wanted to make sure."
  213. 05[22:17] * @Nienke_Delsma looks around, not aware of what exactly had happened
  214. 07[22:18] * Parkkinen smiles slightly "I think this conversation is over, let's get back to the infirmary."
  215. 04[22:18] * Hakan_Saevas is deep in her thoughts and doesn't notice Delsma
  216. [22:19] <Mariah> "Okay."
  217. [22:19] <~MajPearson_Richards> The woman looked at Dowell, almost treating her like a machine, rather than a witch, "Show me your injured, and on the way, I would love to examine your familiar.."
  218. 07[22:19] * Parkkinen gets back to the infirmary with Mariah, and enters the room
  219. 05[22:19] * @Nienke_Delsma sits up
  220. 03[22:19] * Helma01 ( has joined #DitS
  221. 13[22:19] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Helma01
  222. [22:19] <Mariah> "hey..."
  223. 03[22:19] * Nicole_B is now known as Helma01-pee
  224. 03[22:19] * Helma01 is now known as Nicole_B
  225. 05[22:19] <@Nienke_Delsma> "H-hello."
  226. 03[22:20] * Helma01-pee is now known as Helma01
  227. [22:20] <Parkkinen> "Hey, our hero woke up."
  228. [22:20] <Parkkinen> "How are you feeling?"
  229. 05[22:20] <@Nienke_Delsma> "Couldn't be worse."
  230. [22:21] <Lucy_Dowell> "Um lot of broken bones and stuff at the infirmiry this way."
  231. 03[22:21] * MajPearson_Richards is now known as DM-R-Blade
  232. 07[22:21] * Lucy_Dowell edges to the door
  233. 07[22:22] * Mariah hears someone in the hallway "Come in"
  234. 05[22:22] <@Nienke_Delsma> "Ugh, what exactly happened? I remember hitting the core and a bright flash afterwards."
  235. [22:22] <Parkkinen> "We had to amputate your leg, it was badly injured."
  236. [22:22] <Mariah> "It exploded."
  237. [22:22] <Lucy_Dowell> "Uh so you want to look at my Kestrel?"
  238. 05[22:22] * @Nienke_Delsma looks shocked and throws her sheets off her
  239. 07[22:23] * Parkkinen laughs
  240. [22:23] <Parkkinen> "It took quite a few hits, but it will be alright."
  241. 05[22:23] * @Nienke_Delsma sighs relieved, before putting up an angry face. "The hell was that for?"
  242. [22:24] <Parkkinen> "Have to keep the morale up in some way."
  243. 07[22:24] * ~DM-R-Blade nodded, "Yes," she said, "I would like to see the other Witches, after all.."
  244. 05[22:24] <@Nienke_Delsma> "This is the first thing I hear after waking up here in a bed. It's not making things any better."
  245. [22:24] <Parkkinen> "Though that was quite reckless thing you pulled in there, you should be glad you survived with a broken leg."
  246. 05[22:25] <@Nienke_Delsma> "It's broken?"
  247. [22:25] <Mariah> "Yeah"
  248. [22:25] <Parkkinen> "Yes, and this time I'm not joking."
  249. 05[22:25] <@Nienke_Delsma> "That aside, how is everybody doing?"
  250. [22:25] <Mariah> "Oh and your strikers no longer exist on the corporeal plane
  251. 05[22:25] <@Nienke_Delsma> "Ah..."
  252. [22:26] <Parkkinen> "Hakan took quite a hit too, but others are fine part from few scratches."
  253. 07[22:26] * ~DM-R-Blade would then pull out a small measuring tape, taking measurements of Dowell's familiar, "Hmm.. its within standard values.."
  254. 07[22:26] * Mariah got a healing witch to look at her thigh. now there isn't even scar tissue.
  255. 05[22:26] <@Nienke_Delsma> "I'm glad to hear that that nobody got any fatal injuries."
  256. [22:27] <~DM-R-Blade> "Now on to the wounded.." the woman would walk into the room, "So, you are the Tropical Witches.." she smiled, "I'm Doctor Brace, and I will be in charge of your medical treatment from now on."
  257. [22:27] <Mariah> "We can get a healing witch to look at you guys eventually and get you out of here, but right now they have other priorities."
  258. 07[22:27] * Lucy_Dowell puts on her unamused face and mutters under her breath "Gee thanks you bint."
  259. 05[22:28] * @Nienke_Delsma takes a look at her body once again. Even more scars than usual, but something is missing.
  260. 05[22:28] * @Nienke_Delsma starts panicking and looks around once more
  261. [22:28] <Mariah> "Nienke?"
  262. [22:29] <Parkkinen> "What's wrong?"
  263. 05[22:29] <@Nienke_Delsma> "My goggles... Where are they?"
  264. [22:29] <Parkkinen> "You kept holding on them, even when you were unconscious yesterday. They can't be far."
  265. 05[22:30] <@Nienke_Delsma> "I need them, I really need them!"
  266. [22:30] <Parkkinen> "Mariah, check around there and I'll take a glance at here."
  267. 07[22:30] * Mariah looks in a basket in the corner
  268. 07[22:30] * Parkkinen walks to some closets, and starts looking through them
  269. 05[22:30] * @Nienke_Delsma is getting anxious
  270. [22:30] <Parkkinen> "Relax, they are here somewhere, I was them personally yesterday."
  271. [22:30] <Mariah> "Uh, here they are."
  272. [22:31] <Parkkinen> ( saw* )
  273. 05[22:31] <@Nienke_Delsma> "Hand them over please"
  274. 07[22:31] * Mariah pulls the goggles out of the laundry basket
  275. 07[22:31] * Mariah gives Nienke her goggles back
  276. 04[22:31] <~DM-R-Blade> The Doctor would then turn towards Delsma, "So, your leg is broken. We can't have that now can we," she said, turning towards the witch, "If you would let me..." she said, "I would take care of that leg injury, it would be.. inefficient to let you be hurt."
  277. [22:31] <Mariah> "they were just with your uniform."
  278. 05[22:31] * @Nienke_Delsma tightly clenches the goggles as she grabs them from Mariah. She starts calming down.
  279. 07[22:31] * Parkkinen turns to the doctor "Should we leave?"
  280. 05[22:32] <@Nienke_Delsma> "Go ahead doctor, I want to be ready to fight as soon as possible. The Neuroi aren't going to wait for us."
  281. 07[22:32] * Mariah steps back from the bed
  282. 04[22:33] <~DM-R-Blade> The Doctor nodded, as she focused, her own familiar, a sort of dog, would appear, as she formed a large, dark red spell circle over Delsma's broken leg, "This is going to hurt.. a lot," she said, "But its better than months of waiting.."
  283. 05[22:34] <@Nienke_Delsma> "Just do it already." Nienke says as she clenches her hands, ready for the incoming pain.
  284. 07[22:34] * Parkkinen pats her pocket, where the medikit is "I have a little something here, if you need it."
  285. 05[22:34] <@Nienke_Delsma> "I won't need it. All I need is with me here already."
  286. [22:35] <~DM-R-Blade> The spell would start to re-arrange bone, the hard way, altering the calcium and carbonates in the bone, the blood vessels, to fix them, and it would make several awful noises, but the healing spell worked.. violently..
  287. 05[22:35] * @Nienke_Delsma clenches her teeth and outs some painful noises
  288. 07[22:36] * Mariah watches, eyes wide
  289. [22:36] <Parkkinen> "You've had worse, hang in there!
  290. 05[22:36] <@Nienke_Delsma> "This.. is nothing compared to the pain the people in the base had to suffer today..."
  291. [22:38] <~DM-R-Blade> "Magically rebuilding bone.." Brace said, before wiping the sweat off of her brow, finished with the spell, "Is one of my more.. eclectic specialties. Now that you are restored, I can explain to you all, why that Neuroi attacked my project..."
  292. 05[22:38] <@Nienke_Delsma> "Please do"
  293. [22:38] <Mariah> "Hey, Hakan's arm is still broken..."
  294. 05[22:38] <@Nienke_Delsma> Some tears have shown up due to the pain.
  295. 04[22:38] <Parkkinen> "Before that, how long does it take for Delsma to recover? I guess she is not fit for service right now."
  296. [22:39] <Hakan_Saevas> "Well, I don't see the harm in recovering normally.."
  297. 04[22:39] <~DM-R-Blade> "The Witch needs a full night's rest, and she will be able to fly," she said, before offering Delsma an odd colored lolipop, "Lick this," she said, "And cry now, you aren't that old,"
  298. 05[22:40] * @Nienke_Delsma takes the lolipop but refuses to cry. "Thanks doctor."
  299. 04[22:40] * Parkkinen pats Delsma on the shoulder
  300. [22:41] <Hakan_Saevas> Hakan feels iffy about the healing method
  301. [22:41] <~DM-R-Blade> "Are you sure, Witch.." she then thought " Saevas, that's your name," she said, "I remember reading about your more.. unusual methods, using a sword in this age of modern weapons.."
  302. [22:42] <Hakan_Saevas> "Mmm"
  303. 05[22:42] * @Nienke_Delsma puts the lolipop in her mouth
  304. 07[22:43] * Hakan_Saevas thinks she isn't really in the position to be on the way of other people "Just do it" she gives the medic her hand
  305. 04[22:44] <~DM-R-Blade> The lolipop contained a form of morphine, and Delsma would be feeling quite.. happy, the lolipops something she made as a hobby, the mastery over pain another useful thing..
  306. 05[22:44] <@Nienke_Delsma> A seemingly bright expression starts forming on Nienke's face.
  307. [22:45] <~DM-R-Blade> The doctor would turn to Saevas, "This will hurt.." she said," forming the red spell circles, as she worked on reparing Hakan's body next...
  308. [22:45] <Mariah> "why not have Lucy help with the pain while Dr. brace heals?
  309. 05[22:45] * @Nienke_Delsma notices the pain is slowly fading away
  310. [22:45] <Lucy_Dowell> "That would be the sensible thing to suggest."
  311. 07[22:46] * Hakan_Saevas grimaces
  312. [22:47] <~DM-R-Blade> "That would not work.." she said, finishing the final touches of bone and blood fusion, "It would alter her body in ways I cannot predict.."
  313. [22:47] <~DM-R-Blade> "It took me.. too many animals to make this technique work.."
  314. [22:47] <Lucy_Dowell> "I could knock her out instead, she won't feel a thing after my fist."
  315. 07[22:47] * Mariah holds Hakan's good hand
  316. 07[22:47] * Mariah glares at Lucy
  317. [22:48] <Lucy_Dowell> "What? I'm just saying."
  318. [22:48] <Parkkinen> "It's reasonable suggestion. Though I'm sure all parties here wouldn't accept it."
  319. 05[22:48] <@Nienke_Delsma> "I-i would."
  320. 05[22:48] * @Nienke_Delsma glares at Hakan, remembering her disobeying orders twice.
  321. 04[22:49] <~DM-R-Blade> "Take this," she said, after she finished the spell, offering Hakan a lolipop, this one blue,rather than the green one Delsma was enjoying. "This pain is something that has made grown men cry, and Witches, as strong as we are, are not men."
  322. [22:49] <Lucy_Dowell> "People are no fun."
  323. [22:49] <Parkkinen> "Now, what did you say about the prototype?"
  324. 07[22:50] * Hakan_Saevas takes the lolipop and starts to lick it looking down
  325. [22:51] <Mariah> "Can I try one of those?"
  326. [22:51] <~DM-R-Blade> "That," she said, "Is the first Artificially created Anti-Neuroi weapon," she would smile slightly, "It is made of what I call Micro-chips," she was almost bragging, "And this matter, we have learned, actually seems to repell neuroi, or if.." she turned to Mariah, "It would be a crime if I was to give drugs to Pilots who do not need them, Witch," before going on, "If adjusted improperly, attract them."
  327. [22:53] <Parkkinen> "That could certainly explain the yesterdays sudden attack."
  328. [22:53] <Mariah> so liek
  329. [22:54] <Mariah> "we could move it out to an atoll, crank the attract properties up to 11 and divert the neuroi away from the shipping lanes and the bases when we need to...."
  330. [22:54] <~DM-R-Blade> "That's the plan.."
  331. [22:55] <Mariah> "and we could tun the repel properties and put them on important convoys and in major cities
  332. 05[22:56] <@Nienke_Delsma> "Or attract them to a location and bomb the hell out of the Neuroi..." Nienke interjects
  333. [22:56] <~DM-R-Blade> "The problem was testing them.. the Major was part of the group that escorted the first prototype.. but .."
  334. 07[22:56] * Mariah already said that
  335. [22:56] <Mariah> "Ah."
  336. 05[22:57] <@Nienke_Delsma> Morphine makes Nienke not react as well as she should.
  337. [22:58] <~DM-R-Blade> "Now.." she said, "We will move the Prototype out to the Atolls,on the way to your escort mission.."
  338. [22:59] <Lucy_Dowell> "Oh Nienke? You still with us?"
  339. 05[22:59] <@Nienke_Delsma> "Barely"
  340. 05[22:59] * @Nienke_Delsma starts yawning
  341. [23:00] <Lucy_Dowell> "Don't sleep or Mariah will make you regret it."
  342. [23:00] <Parkkinen> "Mariah would have to get through me first."
  343. 05[23:00] <@Nienke_Delsma> "Haha, it's not like we don't know who's behind it. If she doesn't mind the brig, she can go ahead."
  344. [23:01] <~DM-R-Blade> "But Witches," the doctor said, "Try to not get hurt, I don't want to have t o explain to Hina why her friends are always getting hurt.."
  345. [23:01] <Mariah> 'Eh?"
  346. 07[23:01] * Mariah doesn't get it
  347. [23:01] <~DM-R-Blade> "I'm going to go research this problem," the doctor said, "You all stay well.."
  348. 03[23:02] * ZzzzEva is now known as ZZeva
  349. [23:02] <Mariah> "I only play with witches that are awake...
  350. 03[23:02] * SakamotoMio (~Talvi@ha.ha.ha) has joined #DitS
  351. 13[23:02] * ChanServ sets mode: +o SakamotoMio
  352. [23:02] <Mariah> "It's more fun."
  353. 08[23:02] * @Helma01 ( Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by SakamotoMio)))
  354. 03[23:02] * SakamotoMio is now known as Helma01
  355. [23:02] <Parkkinen> "I don't want to ask that do you have experience on that?"
  356. 05[23:02] <@Nienke_Delsma> "She certainly knows how to play with herself..."
  357. 07[23:03] * Parkkinen laughs
  358. [23:03] <Mariah> "A little from back in Jakarta... and... HEY! I SAID I WAS SORRY!"
  359. 03[23:03] * ZZeva is now known as Hina_Brace
  360. [23:03] <Parkkinen> "I still haven't heard from the culprit itself, what was going on that bath?"
  361. [23:03] <Mariah> "Well, to Emma at least. Sorry Nienke... "
  362. [23:03] <~DM-R-Blade> "Oh. Hina," she said, about to walk out of the infirmary. "What brings you here this early.."
  363. 07[23:04] * Mariah grins "Ask me later and I'll show you."
  364. 07[23:04] * Lucy_Dowell chuckles
  365. [23:04] <Parkkinen> "I think I'll need to prepare for that."
  366. [23:04] <Lucy_Dowell> "That girl just isn't proper."
  367. [23:05] <Mariah> "Proper?"
  368. [23:06] <Parkkinen> "I think we should leave the two to rest."
  369. 05[23:06] * @Nienke_Delsma yawns again. "Yes. The earlier I rest, the earlier I'm ready."
  370. [23:06] <Mariah> "Okay. night, Hakan. night, Nienke."
  371. 05[23:07] <@Nienke_Delsma> "Good night and stay out of trouble."
  372. [23:07] <Hakan_Saevas> "Night"
  373. [23:07] <Lucy_Dowell> "Fine fine, I'm going to see if the showers haven't been blown up."
  374. [23:07] <Parkkinen> "Don't have any bad dreams now. Though I guess the morphine might do it's thing."
  375. 05[23:07] * @Nienke_Delsma closes her eyes and lies on her side, the blanket covering her.
  376. 03[23:07] * Nienke_Delsma is now known as Might_Gaine
  377. [23:07] <Lucy_Dowell> "Ohno! I left my coat in there!"
  378. 07[23:07] * Lucy_Dowell rushes out
  379. 07[23:07] * Mariah heads out of the infirmary and to the Mess, grabbing her usual pile of grease."
  380. 07[23:08] * Parkkinen goes to the showers as well
  381. 07[23:09] * @Hina_Brace stares blankly at her mother and hands her a package.
  382. 07[23:09] * Hakan_Saevas is in her thoughts, licking the lollipop
  383. [23:09] <Hakan_Saevas> As much as Hakan was moved by Mariah's kindness towards someone like her, who never would have deserve it, the other reason why she cried was that she had once said "I guess I just want to see you happy" to someone else. It was her father, who she hated. Her mother would always tell nice stories about him, but whenever he came to vacation from the army, and afterwards war, he was nothing like in
  384. [23:09] <Hakan_Saevas> those stories. But one day her father was driven to the doorstep with army jeep. He had lost both of his legs, and people said almost all of his squadron had died. He never talked, he just sat in his bed, and later on, in his chair. As Hakan spent her days in home she was assigned to take care of her father. They lived silent life with eachother. When mother came home Hakan could sometimes hear
  385. [23:09] <Hakan_Saevas> her cry and she had a new sort of bitterness towards her father. Hakan could only feel relaxed when her uncle came to teach her swordfighting. But then one day her father asked from his chair "Is that the bracelet I gave you?", she didn't anymore pay attention to it at all, the crappy bracelet which was actually her father's old necklace, which he gave to her, her mother maybe wouldn't even have
  386. [23:09] <Hakan_Saevas> protested anymore like she used to if she didn't wear it, but she had gotten used to it. "Yes" she said, and those were the first words his father had said in a long time, and they talked, and it was the first real conversation the two had ever had. It was about everyday stuff though, nothing special, chores and such. From then on she started to secrectly keep her bracelet, not because of an
  387. [23:09] <Hakan_Saevas> order or habit, but because she hoped that the bracelet would keep "alive" the father from mother's stories, who had seemingly become reality in the silent dad who sat on the chair, talking to her. She liked it. Unfortunately, her father was damaged too much and one night, as Hakan happened to walk by his room, he was sitting on the balconie's railing, where he had hoisted himself. "Da-", she
  388. [23:09] <Hakan_Saevas> liked to think that if he had heard her a moment earlier he wouldn't have fallen down. She had the feeling that before his face disappeared under the balcony, their eyes met. Maybe they didn't. That night Hakan ran to the army base with her falchion, demanding to be let join the army. During her time in the army she ever really could give herself a reason to wear the bracelet, but she still did.
  389. [23:09] <Hakan_Saevas> She would always fumble with it. But some weeks ago the pressure of this new person trying to get so close to her, and all the warmth the others gave to each other. Normally she would've just thought of it as sappy shit, to be frank. But now different sides of her personality started a fight and she couldn't get over it until she fell from the sky and wondered, if her father had felt the same
  390. [23:09] <Hakan_Saevas> when he fell. "I guess I just want to see you happy" that was something she once said to her newfound father, and when Mariah said it, she thought she might've come up with new reason to wear the bracelet, one she never had before. Though she can't really name that reason.
  391. [23:09] <Parkkinen> (what)
  392. 07[23:09] * Hakan_Saevas uses her teeth to wrap the necklace-bracelet because her left hand is still numb
  393. 07[23:09] * @Hina_Brace eyes the lolipops with mild distain.
  394. 07[23:10] * Parkkinen starts undressing at the showers
  395. [23:11] <Parkkinen> "I hope no Neuroi show up this time." She said, as she turned the shower handle
  396. [23:11] <Peorth> (TEMPTING FATE)
  397. [23:12] <Lucy_Dowell> "Aye I have to agree there but I'd rather you didn't jinx it with a comment like that."
  398. [23:12] <Lucy_Dowell> "So how are you holding up?"
  399. [23:13] <Parkkinen> "Not bad, I slept for few hours last night, I was busy bandaging up the wounded."
  400. [23:14] <Parkkinen> "Though I still wonder how the Neuroi managed to slip so far unnoticed.. it's like that day all over again.."
  401. [23:15] <@Hina_Brace> "How much Morphine is in that candy Dr Brace?"
  402. [23:17] <Lucy_Dowell> "Yeah I guess the early warning system guys are kicking themselves pretty badly."
  403. [23:17] <Lucy_Dowell> "I'd hate to be in their posistion."
  404. 07[23:18] * @Hina_Brace bites her lip as Lucy says that. why diden't I see it coming?
  405. [23:18] <~DM-R-Blade> "A proper ammount, Hina,"  "The proper ammount for a Repair spell."
  406. [23:19] <@Hina_Brace> RETCON, Hina does not hear that, but still thinks that.
  407. [23:19] <Parkkinen> "And this is kinda different situation."
  408. [23:20] <Parkkinen> "It was just tents worth a company in a forest, instead of a whole base."
  409. 07[23:21] * Mariah finishes her meal and heads to the barracks to sleep. she spent the whole night previous looking all over the base for the falchion.
  410. 07[23:21] * @Hina_Brace does not seem to believe that, and heads to the showers. What a hollow relatonship.
  411. [23:22] <Lucy_Dowell> "Well I guess its best not to think about it. They say the best thing to do right now is work hard and play hard."
  412. 07[23:22] * Mariah falls into a deep sleep
  413. [23:23] <Parkkinen> "Yeah, this whole thing just reminded me of it."
  414. [23:23] <Lucy_Dowell> "Come here you."
  415. 07[23:23] * Lucy_Dowell motions for Parkkinen to come closer.
  416. 07[23:24] * Parkkinen looks at Lucy for few moments, before stepping out from the shower
  417. 07[23:24] * @Hina_Brace walks in on something.
  418. 07[23:26] * Lucy_Dowell out her arm round Parkkinen shoulder. "Now listen if you keep dwelling on those thoughts like I am with Hakan you'll turn out just like me execpt a babby arse rathen than a tough girl like me."
  419. 07[23:26] * @Hina_Brace almost walks into Parkkinen.
  420. [23:27] <Lucy_Dowell> "So chin up before I knock it up for you."
  421. [23:27] <Lucy_Dowell> "Okay?"
  422. 07[23:27] * Parkkinen laughs
  423. [23:27] <Parkkinen> "..Thanks."
  424. [23:27] <@Hina_Brace> "...excuse me."
  425. [23:27] <Parkkinen> "No worries Hina."
  426. 07[23:28] * Lucy_Dowell put on a posh voice, "Why hello there Miss Brace what can we do do for you today?"
  427. 07[23:28] * @Hina_Brace looks emberased that she might be intrupting something.
  428. 07[23:28] * Parkkinen joins the fray "I'm afraid you have to take your clothes off in this building."
  429. 07[23:29] * @Hina_Brace responds plainly, "Of corse, taking a shower with clothing on only gets you clothes wet."
  430. 07[23:30] * Parkkinen takes her chance to check Lucy out
  431. 07[23:31] * @Hina_Brace starts striping out of her tanktop and bikini.
  432. [23:31] <Parkkinen> "As much as I enjoy this situation, I think it's time to finish the shower."
  433. 03[23:32] * Arceonnn is now known as Arai_Kiyone
  434. [23:33] <Lucy_Dowell> "Yeah yeah if you say so."
  435. 07[23:33] * Lucy_Dowell releases Parllinen
  436. 07[23:33] * Parkkinen walks back to the still running shower, and finishes cleaning herself
  437. [23:34] <Parkkinen> "And now, the battle is officially over for me."
  438. 07[23:34] * Parkkinen turns off the shower, and steps out to dry herself
  439. 07[23:35] * @Hina_Brace steps into the stall Parkkinen was in and turns the water on.
  440. 07[23:36] * Parkkinen looks at the others "Alright, you can find me on my room if you need something. See you around."
  441. [23:36] <Lucy_Dowell> "See you later Parkky"
  442. 07[23:36] * Parkkinen exits the showers and heads for the barracks
  443. 07[23:38] * Parkkinen arrives to the seemingly empty barracks
  444. 07[23:38] * Mariah is in her room, sleeping soundly
  445. [23:41] <Lucy_Dowell> "Well I best get out before I get shouted at for wasting water."
  446. 07[23:42] * Lucy_Dowell starts to dry herself off
  447. 07[23:43] * @Hina_Brace nods to Lucy_Dowell "Yes, conservation of wartime resources is important."
  448. 07[23:44] * Arai_Kiyone exits her room.
  449. [23:45] <Parkkinen> "Hey Arai, good to see you. I was just about to visit you."
  450. 03[23:45] * Hakan_Saevas is now known as Njek
  451. [23:45] <Arai_Kiyone> ". . .Uh huh?"
  452. [23:45] <Parkkinen> "Feeling any better?"
  453. [23:45] <Arai_Kiyone> "Yeah. . ."
  454. [23:46] <Parkkinen> "Want to grab something to eat?"
  455. [23:46] <Arai_Kiyone> ". . .Sure."
  456. 07[23:47] * Parkkinen walks to the relatively unharmed mess hall with Arai
  457. [23:47] <Arai_Kiyone> "I'm grounded for a while, huh. . .?"
  458. [23:48] <Parkkinen> "Why would you be grounded?"
  459. [23:48] <Arai_Kiyone> ". . .The hanger. . .my strikers. . ."
  460. 04[23:48] * Parkkinen laughs "Oh, you meant that. The replacements are already on their way. Delsma lost her strikers too."
  461. [23:49] <Parkkinen> "But now that I think of that, I don't know if there are Strikers coming. Supplies and weapons at least."
  462. [23:50] <Parkkinen> "I'd like to hear what happened from your perspective yesterday."
  463. [23:52] <Parkkinen> "You just kinda disappeared, and showed up at the artillery positions.."
  464. [23:53] <Arai_Kiyone> "I was heading to the hanger and it. . .exploded."
  465. [23:54] <Parkkinen> "I'm glad that you didn't manage to get in."
  466. [23:54] <Arai_Kiyone> "So, I went to the flak-positions instead, since I could enchant the rounds. . ."
  467. 07[23:54] * Lucy_Dowell is now clothed and clean, having found her coat she is dressed properly for once.
  468. 03[23:54] * Hina_Brace is now known as ZZeva
  469. 03[23:55] * ZZeva is now known as Hina_Brace
  470. [23:55] <Parkkinen> "Enchant the rounds? Sounds quite similar to me."
  471. 07[23:55] * @Hina_Brace towels off, still naked.
  472. [23:55] <Arai_Kiyone> ". . .Its not difficult.
  473. 07[23:55] * @Hina_Brace get's dressed.
  474. [23:56] <Parkkinen> "I'm kinda rookie myself, do you have any tricks?"
  475. [23:56] <Arai_Kiyone> "Tricks. . .?"
  476. [23:56] <Parkkinen> "You know, any specific things I should know about it."
  477. [23:57] <Parkkinen> "I just.. focus on the weapon for a while and fire."
  478. [23:57] <Parkkinen> "Though it's quite exhausting, I could pull it off few times in a battle."
  479. [23:58] <Arai_Kiyone> "Well, the round itself is just surrounded by magic for a short period. . .long enough to impact the target."
  480. [23:58] <Arai_Kiyone> "It's akin to what normally happens when we fire our weapons. . .just intentional and concentrated."
  481. 03[23:59] * Hina_Brace is now known as ZZeva
  482. [23:59] <Parkkinen> "Say, can you charge a round without a weapon? I just can't do it, there has to be a weapon to focus on."
  483. 07[00:00] * Arai_Kiyone nods.
  484. [00:00] <Parkkinen> "Damn, I need to learn how. Have you tested how long the charge stays on?"
  485. 07[00:01] * Arai_Kiyone shakes her head.
  486. 07[00:02] * Parkkinen places her hand on Arai's shoulder "Could you show me how you do it someday?"
  487. [00:02] <Arai_Kiyone> "Okay. . .?"
  488. 07[00:03] * Parkkinen smiles "Thanks, let's hit the firing range sometime."
  489. 08[00:04] * Lucy_Dowell ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  490. 07[00:04] * Parkkinen sits down on a table and grins "Alright, what shall we eat this time?"
  491. 07[00:05] * Arai_Kiyone ponders for a moment, ". . .Do you want anything?"
  492. [00:05] <Parkkinen> "Anything goes, can't be picky when you can't cook almost anything yourself."
  493. 07[00:07] * Arai_Kiyone trots over to the kitchen, reaching up to get the apron.
  494. 07[00:10] * Parkkinen leans on the table, and can't help but to sigh with a smile as she looks at the girl in the kitchen
  495. 07[00:10] * Arai_Kiyone pulls the steamer from under the counter.
  496. [00:12] <Arai_Kiyone> *Thirty minutes later*
  497. 07[00:12] * Arai_Kiyone puts the apron on the doorway before carrying a plate of onigiri to the table.
  498. [00:13] <Parkkinen> "One good thing about all these transfers is that you get to eat everything exotic."
  499. [00:14] <Parkkinen> "Have you been transferred many times?"
  500. [00:15] <Arai_Kiyone> "Only twice."
  501. 07[00:16] * Parkkinen grabs some of the food and starts eating
  502. [00:16] <Parkkinen> "I was transferred to air forces for training, and then straight to here."
  503. [00:17] <Arai_Kiyone> "Soumus. . .then here."
  504. 07[00:18] * Parkkinen pauses for a moment "Hey, where did you serve on Suomus?"
  505. [00:19] <Arai_Kiyone> "Hmm?"
  506. [00:21] <Parkkinen> "How did you handle the cold?"
  507. [00:21] <Arai_Kiyone> ". . .Well?"
  508. 07[00:23] * Parkkinen leans forward "And more importantly, did you go to sauna?"
  509. 07[00:23] * Arai_Kiyone nods.
  510. 07[00:23] * Parkkinen grins "Did you run outside naked and roll in the snow?"
  511. [00:24] <Arai_Kiyone> "What."
  512. [00:24] <Parkkinen> "Aww, you missed the best part."
  513. [00:25] <Parkkinen> "If we go to somewhere where there is snow and sauna during our mission, we are definately going to do that."
  514. [00:26] <Arai_Kiyone> ". . ."
  515. 07[00:27] * Parkkinen leans back "Alright, it's decided. Of course others are invited too."
  516. 07[00:27] * Arai_Kiyone has no words.
  517. 07[00:32] * Parkkinen finishes eating
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