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Apr 22nd, 2018
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  1. Vulpera have been speculated to be an allied race in the future, based on having a full suite of customization options (unusual among NPC races). Blizzard has stated that setting up certain races that way is advantageous for development and is not necessarily a sign that there are any plans to make them playable.[8] Vulpera also received a complete model update during Alpha, and notably received tails and tattoos. They also have faces rigged for animations, underwear (which is something that is normally unique to playable races), and their texture sheet is ordered like that of a playable race. For a race that only appears in a significant way in only one zone, Vol'dun, all of this might be seen as odd, especially compared to the other, main Vol'dun race, the Sethrak, who are much more prominent and important but barely get any customization and are purely NPC models.
  2. The only known friendly Vulpera faction, the Voldunai, are Horde-aligned, so they would be a Horde race.
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