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  1. History 2610
  2. U.S. History to 1865
  3. Mark Stanley, Instructor
  4. Review Test Two
  7. Review Terms
  9. Articles of Confederation Henry Clay Cato’s Letters
  10. Constitutional Convention John C. Calhoun Anti-Federalist
  11. Virginia Plan Carolina Exposition and Protest Federalist
  12. New Jersey Plan Northwest Ordinance Andrew Jackson
  13. Connecticut Compromise Shay’s Rebellion Proclamation of 1763
  14. Ratification Pontiac’s Rebellion William Henry Harrison
  15. The Federalist Papers Benjamin Franklin Newburgh Conspiracy
  16. Bill of Rights James Monroe The American System
  17. Alexander Hamilton Whiskey Rebellion Embargo Act
  18. Report on Credit Judiciary Act of 1789 XYZ Affair
  19. Report on Manufactures Declaratory Act Nullification Crisis
  20. First Bank of the United States Stamp Act Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
  21. John Marshall Battle of Saratoga
  22. Marbury v. Madison Battle of Yorktown
  25. Essay Question
  27. Why was the Constitutional Convention called?
  29. To amend the AoC because the National gov wasn’t powerful enough. States were taxing each other and harming the economy.
  31. What were the key issues the framers of the Constitution had to deal with?
  33. Had to be complete agreement to amend the AoC, Face that it would be too difficult to amend the AoC and draft an entirely new Document. Becomes the constitution. Levels of government, had to separate the powers to ensure the gov isn’t too powerful. Create
  35. How did the framers of the Constitution deal with the issue of slavery?
  37. 3/5’s of a person. Avoided it all together, never used the word slavery. Will only do it if forced.
  40. Later, how did the Federalists act to utilize and expand the powers of the federal government?
  42. Court system, there would be a supreme court for interpretation. Marburry v Madison puts the judicial power at even power …….. Alien and Sedition Act, Whiskey rebellion
  45. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  51. What was the first challenge to the federal government?
  53. Whiskey Rebellion, whiskey excise tax name it, what it do? Talk about how the people reacted in w. pennslyvania.
  56. How did President Washington react to that challenge?
  58. He got the troops and rode w/ an army to enforce the tax. Taxing and feathering of tax officials. Rode as commander in chief, and pardoned people that were convicted. Wash was making all the points of the powers of the presidency
  60. How did Anti-Federalists respond?
  62. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  65. New Jersey Plan - Wanted equal representation for each state
  67. Connecticut Compromise - a compromise adopted at the Constitutional Convention, providing the states with equal representation in the Senate and proportional representation in the House of Representatives.
  69. Newburgh Conspiracy – Issue was the army hadn’t been paid, and that the continental army should watch to Philadelphia to get payment. Washington said no that he’d not lead it.
  71. Embargo Act – Shutting down trade w/ all the nations, and almost ruining the economy
  73. Articles of Confederation - Temp constitution to fit the needs of the revolutionary country, Replaced w/ constitution.
  75. Constitution - Framework of government
  77. Report on Credit – (Expand Powers of Fed Gove Essay) Dealing w/ the debt problem, not a report on debt a report on credit.
  79. Report on Manufactures – Basically we don’t want to be a colonial country to provide to other countries to turn into finished goods. Wanted to encourage manufacturing
  81. First Bank of the U.S. - Where the government could deposit $ control the money supply
  83. Marbury v Madison – Judicial Review; First decision by the Supreme Court to declare a law unconstitutional
  85. Virginia Plan - A proposal by Virginia delegates for a bicameral legislative branch
  87. Ratification - Making something valid by formally ratifying or confirming it
  89. John Marshall - Was the Chief Justice of the United States (1801–1835) whose court opinions helped lay the basis for American constitutional law and made the Supreme Court of the United States a coequal branch of government along with the legislative and executive branches.
  91. Henry Clay / John C Calhoun – He and his colleagues Daniel Webster and John C. Calhoun, he was instrumental in formulating the Missouri Compromise of 1820 and the Compromise of 1850.
  93. Shays Rebellion - Shays' Rebellion was an armed uprising that took place in central and western Massachusetts from 1786 to 1787. The rebellion took place in a political climate where the reform of the country's governing document, the Articles of Confederation, was widely seen as necessary.
  95. Pontiacs Rebellion - Warriors from numerous tribes joined the uprising in an effort to drive British soldiers and settlers out of the region. British officers at Fort Pitt attempted to infect the besieging Native Americans with smallpox using blankets that had been exposed to the virus.
  97. Whiskey Rebellion - The Whiskey Rebellion, or Whiskey Insurrection, was a tax protest in the United States beginning in 1791, during the presidency of George Washington. Farmers who sold their grain in the form of whiskey had to pay a new tax which they strongly resented. On the western frontier, protesters used violence and intimidation to prevent federal officials from collecting the tax. Resistance came to a climax in July 1794, when a U.S. marshal arrived in western Pennsylvania to serve writs to distillers who had not paid the excise.
  99. Judiciary Act of 1789 - 1789 law that created the Judicial Branch of the federal government. Among the things provided for in the Act:
  101. • the number of members of the Supreme Court (6)
  102. • the number of lower district courts (13)
  103. • the idea that the Supreme Court can settle disputes between states
  104. • the idea that a decision by the Supreme Court is final.
  106. Cato’s Letters - The Letters are considered a seminal work in the tradition of the Commonwealth men. The 144 essays were published originally in the London Journal, later in the British Journal. These newspaper essays condemning tyranny and advancing principles of freedom of conscience and freedom of speech, were a main vehicle for spreading the concepts that had been developed by John Locke.
  108. Proclamation of 1763 - The purpose of the proclamation was to organize Great Britain's new North American empire and to stabilize relations with Native North Americans through regulation of trade, settlement, and land purchases on the western frontier.
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