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Transcript of the Q&A Video from AnActualJoke

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Feb 28th, 2018
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  1. UPDATE: Ok. So currently, I’m working on a lot of collaborative projects. It’s delaying some content in the editing process, but I already have a lot of Scripts lined up. ALSO: I’m going to start voice training soon, but before that, I’ll line up some finished scripts and record them in advance, so, be prepared for my voice to eventually change
  2. FAQ:
  3. What’s your Name:
  4. Sonia
  5. How Old Are you:
  6. 18 as of recording
  7. What do you do?
  8. I currently go to school for music composition, and do youtube when I can, as to spread my message.
  9. Gender? Pronouns?
  10. I’m a woman. a Trans Woman. I use She/Her Pronouns.
  11. Orientation?
  12. I’d say lesbian, but I’m not sure. I’ll just say queer.
  13. I missed this Q&A, what should I do?
  14. wait for the next video Q&A, or just ask me a question on my curiouscat
  15. 4k Q& A QUESTIONS
  16. 4K Q&A who are your favorite left wing YouTubers? – Anonymous
  17. Mexie, Muke (xexizy), Peter Coffin, LibSocRants, BadMouse’s stuff I enjoy when he’s making it; Hbomb, Contra, I think Dan Olson is left wing? The Magic Theatre, The Moa, Bat’ko, even though some of his stuff can be problematique TM, Libertarian Socialist Rants, Jeffrey Almonte, Thought Slime, anarchopac, Rasmp(FOLLOW HIM ASAP), Blond Panda, Thom Avella, Anti Social Media (Check him out, DO IT), Kat Blaque, Kevin Logan, SHAUN The friendly skull, If I forgot anyone, I’m sorry. These are just off the top of my head
  19. 4K Q&A Favorite movies? – Anonymous
  20. 2001 A Space Odyssey
  21. Swiss Army Man
  22. Whiplash (even though it’s not realistic the drama is great)
  23. Citizen Kane (obviously)
  24. Star Wars ( a new hope) and The Empire Strikes Back, because I’m a (homer simpson clip NEEERD)
  25. What We Do in the Shadows
  26. Children of Men
  27. John Wick
  28. Pacific Rim
  29. The Book Of Life
  30. Get Out
  31. Moonlight
  32. I have more but I’ll stop for now
  33. I will ask you the same thing I ask everyone.
  35. Race/Class/Alignment – Ron The Rugged Midwesterner (Check him out)
  36. Elf Bard Chaotic Good
  38. 4k Q&A What inanimate object will you eliminate from existence once we have socialism? – Anonymous
  39. Guns tbh. I personally don’t like em. Actually, Let’s go with tootbrushes, for the meme.
  40. Dogs or Cats? – Anonymous
  41. Why not both?
  43. Snog, marry, kill: Marx, Goldman, Mao – Anonymous
  44. I had to look up snog. I’m American. 2 of them are men. And Recently, even though I’ve been questioning my sexuality and stuff. I think I’m back to being a lesbian. But I’ll just say I’m queer. But If I had to. Snog Marx, marry Goldman, kill… Mao. Sorry Maoists. I don’t mean to shit on you. I just. Couldn’t be with mao on ideological grounds.
  46. 4K Q&A How much does George Soros pay you/Have you gotten paid yet? – Anonymous
  47. I should be getting a shit ton as an Antifa propagandist. But the check’s still in the mail.
  49. Have you seen the movie Coco? If so what're your thoughts? – Anonymous
  50. Nope. Looks like a Book Of Life rip off, and I’m loyal to Papa Guillermo.
  52. Which historical figure would you like to meet and why – Brendan Davison
  53. Emma Goldman. She seemed Rad. She’s like a hero to me anyways. Or I’d like to meet George Gershwin only so I could know his composing secrets.
  54. Hiya. Ron here. So I have maybe an odd question? I'm sure you're at least vaguely aware of the number of people ousted from positions of power in recent...months? Let's say to sexual misconduct. Hell, I was checking the news and two RNC officials (one of them a senator) are on the out as of today.
  56. I suppose my question is..really two questions;
  57. 1) I think it's fair to say the ousting is a recent development, being as a lot of these people have allegations that are literally decades old. What do you think brought on this wave of allegations? What do you think convinced these women (and men, in some cases) to come forward?
  60. I think, it took one person to be believed in the media for all these people to come forward. Because if one can get justice, we all deserve justice. That applies to political philosophy as well imo.
  62. 2) We've seen a lot of people get ousted. Again, two GOP officials are on the out as of today. Do you think there will be any long-term effect on the existing power structure due to what seems to be a change in moral standards?
  63. I don’t know honestly, but I hope there is. Even if it just turns to bland neolibs, that would still be less toxic to our world.
  66. I have my own thoughts, but I also am of the mind that other people's opinions are always more interesting than mine. – Ron The rugged Midwesterner
  67. Thanks Ron. You’re a good comrade.
  69. Do you participate in any kind of political action where you live? Marches, rallies, etc? And this might sound like kind of a stupid question considering how overt you are about your politics, but what kind of actions do you participate in? – Anonymous
  70. I participate in marches now. I used to do more. Direct action. But as of recently my chronic disease caught up with me and I started to be unable to move as much, and this caused me to gain a lot of weight. Now all I can do are marches and rallies unfortunately. I actually now do canvassing in order to try to influence politicians in my area to move further left. I’m also hoping to do work on Chelsea manning’s campaign.
  71. 4K Q&A
  72. Are you reading anything right now? – Anonymous
  73. I got an early copy of Peter Coffin’s Custom Reality and You You should all go order it. It has a lot of important things to say, and I’m not even finished with the book.
  74. I’m also reading Bad Samaritans, and 23 Things they don’t tell you about capitalism. For the second time each. For a future video. Both of those by Ha Joon Chang btw.
  75. And lastly, for fiction, I’m reading Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five
  77. 4K Q&A
  78. What leftist school of through do you gravitate towards the most – Anonymous
  79. Queer Anarchism. That’s why I represent myself with the pink and black. Followed by Anarcho Communism with leaning towards Communalism
  81. any advice for people looking to make content for leftist youtube? is it easy to get known? – Anonymous
  82. I was lucky enough to get noticed and signal boosted by Anti Social Media, and Peter Coffin. As I said before, please go check them out and give them some love, Especially ben from Anti Social Media, he’s very funny, even if he’s not as far to the left as I am. I wanna also do my best to boost others in hopes they get noticed. So my curiouscat is open if you wanna send me videos to check out/ signal boost. Also. I got noticed because I put my 5 years of editing experience to work. It’s a long road, I’m lucky I got here. Thanks to every subscriber for getting me here, by the way.
  84. Reform or Revolution? Is either of those even possible? – Anon
  85. I think some amount of both is required to get anywhere, as you need reform to stop the bleeding, and when that fails, it shows the people that the system is failing, and that you can radicalize them.
  86. Who is more punchable: Ted Cruz or Richard Spencer? – Anon
  87. Tough Choice. But Richard Spencer because he’s an overt Nazi.
  88. Thoughts on Stalinism? – Anon
  89. Hate it tbh. Tankies are insufferable IMO. I will work with non DPRK/Stalin apologist/ Soviet Larping/ Assad supporting MLs aka MLs who realize like some of the big ones fucked up ROYALLY. But yeah, MLs who do work and don’t LARP, I will engage in discussion with them, and work with them to fight fascist. I won’t always trust them, but like. I’ll work with them for now. But Stalinists/ tankies. Not associating with them.
  90. 4k q&a
  91. (If you're okay with saying this) How did you come out as trans? And what advice would you give to young trans people who want to come out? – Anon
  92. BE SAFE. GAUGE your situation. I want nothing more than young trans people to be accepted. But you gotta like. Gauge the situation in your household. If it’s not good. Just wait to get out of there. It WILL suck, I know. BUT it will keep you alive. Because you don’t know what your parents reaction will be if they’re not supportive. Also if you do decide to come out, and it doesn’t work out, look up the underground rainbow for assistance. Seriously, all my trans children out there. Please be safe. I know it sucks to stay closeted. I did for 18 years. But if you can stay alive, you will make it.
  93. 4k q&a
  95. (long set up, simple question. i hope that’s okay)
  97. i’m new to anarchist thought. i like the theory, i like the history, and i like the little pockets of anarchist movements around the world (continue to fuck up daesh, rojava!). however, i’m worried about the antisemitism in some of the early thinkers and theorists. i know you are jewish, so i hope this isn’t insensitive. i’m not jewish myself, but my politics stems from my anti-bigotry ethics, which are foundational to who i am. the zeitgeist movie is garbage, but it was something that allowed me to open up to the idea of radical politics. i didn’t even notice that it was pretty antisemitic. this worries me because if i couldn’t see it there, am i missing it here? (to sum up: is anarchism built on subtle antisemitic premises?) – Anon
  98. Ok. Even though Bakunin was an anti-Semite, that doesn’t tarnish the whole movement. Especially a movement with figures like Emma Goldman. To say that there isn’t value in what the antisemitc individual anarchist say is ridiculous. Marx was anti-Semitic as well, despite being Ethnically jewish. This doesn’t mean Marx was wrong about Capitalism. I think you shouldn’t take the words of individual anarchists as a tar brush for the whole movement. Anarchists are often defenders of jews from Nazis. So just like, chill out. The movement as a whole rejects anti-Semitism because it is an unjustified hierarchy that unfairly discriminates against jews. Chill out my friend. It is 100% in anarchisms core theory to be against any bigotry, including anti-Semitism.
  100. Why did you pick Sonia as your chosen name? - wertercatt
  101. It was my great grandmothers name. No one was named after her in my family.
  103. Are you a vegan? – Anon
  104. No. I would like to one day, but protein synthesis problems exist for me. So I have to use animal proteins for now.
  105. 4k q&a do you smoke? – Anon
  106. I vape/ I smoke …. Weed.
  108. Are you for or against disinviting speakers that are conservative at college campuses?- Anon
  109. Tbh, if you can disinvite them, I only kinda care. What’s better is ridiculing them by turning their shit against them if you can. Or filling their event with the get there first seating, and having the whole audience just walk out. That’s direct action as well. So if you can. Go for it, you might as well, because they’re bigots. BUT if you can’t, stage direct action.
  111. Opinion on the whole "it's okay to be white" meme. 4k Q&A – Anon
  112. Opinion on the "It's okay to be white" fad, how would you respond to it. 4k Q&A – Anon (duplicate)
  113. I can’t just come out and say that “it’s not ok to be white”. Because it is. The problem is the white nationalists are using this to justify their idea that it’s ONLY ok to be white. Shaun puts It better here. *play clip of shaun*
  114. 4kQ&A:
  115. 1. Given that firearms will likely be necessary for any leftist revolution (though there are theoretical revolutions that would be nonviolent, etc.), what approach should leftists take towards gun ownership? Is it a necessary evil for overthrowing capitalism? If so, do leftists have a responsibility to be trained in firearm use and, most importantly, safety? After the revolution, what would happen to the firearms? What if people were to refuse to surrender their weapons, if that is the desired result?
  116. I personally cannot handle firearms, simply because I know I would have been gone a long time ago around firearms. My advice to those who can handle them? It’s a pretty necessary evil. But also, Be wary. Reform may do some good. Like. Maybe legislation banning drones or something. Because then. In the rev, *hypothetically of course, NSA* there will be more of an even footing ish? I think, if you’re going to pick up a gun, get trained in A) Gun use and safety. B) Close combat and C) a backup plan for when everything goes to shit. Hopefully after the revolution we can just disarm and then guns will only be used for like. Firing ranges and such. It’s something called mutual disarmament. Because if we ensure we give up our guns, if they give up theirs.
  119. 2. In the wake of the mainstream finally realizing that rape is bad (at least most have realized that), and with more celebrities being outed as having engaged in sexual misconduct, what possibility is there for separating the art from the artist? I keep thinking back to wonderful stand up routines I have memorized only to remember that the comedian in question was actually a sexual assaulter. While it is impossible to separate the two totally, to what extent is it doable? I know with Eric Andre (who I also love), I keep remembering the times he or Hannibal (who I also also love) used the word "tr*nny" and it makes me feel conflicted about their work. Long winded questions, I know, but I really would like to hear your answers.
  122. It is possible to separate an artist from the art when it comes to fuck ups, but when it comes to crimes like sexual assault, why fucking bother? Like. I understand this is kinda shitty to say. But like. It’s not worth it to me. But if you want to, the furthest you can go is watch the movie critically of the artist, and still watch the art. It’ll probably not be that fun for you though.
  124. 3. Have you seen Magnolia? If so, did you like it?
  125. Haven’t unfortunately
  128. 4. Death Grips: love 'em or hate 'em? If you like them, what is your favorite song of theirs?
  133. 5. Musical guilty pleasure?
  134. I would say EMOTION by CRJ, but I don’t feel guilty about that at all. Instead I’ll say broadway musicals are a guilty pleasure. I’m not a fan of broadway’s politics though.
  138. 6. What is the best pop song of the 2000s and why is it Hey Ya! by Outkast?
  139. Hey Ya by Outkast. Because Andre 3000 is incredibly talented.
  143. 7. What is college life like for you?
  146. Pretty fucking great tbh, even though I’m stressed about keeping up, I have a really great network of friends. Even though one of them jokes about but also is kinda not joking about being anti civ. I’m trying to prevent her from going from irony to post irony on that.
  148. 8. Did you know there are things called "stool deodorants" for smelly flatulence or feces? Blew my mind
  149. I found out about them like. Last year.
  151. 9. Have you ever read the wikipedia page of unusual wikipedia articles? If so, what is your favorite unusual wikipedia article?
  152. No, but I’ll check it out.
  156. 10. Thoughts on Irish unification? On the one hand, the Northern Irish generally want to stay in the UK, while the Irish want a unified country. If you are in favor of Irish unification, have you had any difficulties in dealing with the conflicting desires of two different sets of people who each have a legitimate claim to a piece of territory? I know anarchism would solve that pretty easily, but I mean in the world we live in at the moment.
  157. I support Irish unification, but that may be the white half of me, which is Irish. The Northern Irish can like. Understand that if they don’t reunite, there will eventually be more troubles. Because a lot of people don’t like the british still being in fucking irish lands. Which includes me. I support the goals of the ira, especially the socialist republicans.
  161. 11. Should the U.S. back Rojavan forces? While Rojava is goddamn awesome, having the U.S. involved in yet another conflict makes many leftists afraid of capitalism hijacking a legitimate leftist movement. What are your thoughts?
  162. Don’t gotta worry about that anymore *price is right airhorn over HR McMaster Decree*
  163. Love the channel and keep up the good work! – Anon
  164. Do you share the consearn common among MLs that Chelsea Manning campaign could just be a front to dull the militant left by diverting the anger at institutional mismanagement into a lefty looking candidate that will surmount to little more than tokenizing?- Anon
  165. ML’s are fucking wrong, and can fuck off about this. She’s not a fucking conspiracy, she went to solitary confinement for years, dipshits, and leaked a shit to of top secret info. If this was to be a long con for the suppression of the radical left, don’t you think they would’ve PROMOTED Bernie? She’s actually trying to do what little she can on her own. I support her attempt, even if it does end up futile because of the electoral system. It’s not a fucking conspiracy. She just doesn’t know optics. Grow. The fuck. Up.
  167. 4kqa | what's your stance on worker's gun ownership, whilst the capitalist system still drives the marginalized workers to crime and poverty? – Anon
  168. Answered this before. Guns are important for defense, but I’d be dead if I owned one.
  170. Will everybody be thicc under communism? - Anon
  171. Ideally.
  172. Q&A: 1) in your opinion, who is the dumbest/nastiest Fascist on youtube
  173. Either Love Life and “anarchy” is one of the dumbest. the nastiest i don’t even know who to decide.
  174. 2) in the terms of music, who are your favourite artists?
  175. Miles Davis
  176. Woody Shaw
  177. AJJ
  178. Johnny Hobo
  179. McKinley Dixon ( look him up)
  180. I got a shit ton more, but I won’t go into it.
  181. 3 ) if you were a heavy duty mining/construction machine, what would you be
  182. I’d be a dump truck because I’m trash filled.
  183. anon
  184. What is your favorite book? - Anon
  185. 1984, I’m cheesy.
  187. 1. what should anarchists do in places with no organisation, and who are having difficulties organizing? - Anon
  188. Be more covert with your beliefs and try to spread to progressives and liberals ideals of anarchism. Do your best to use accessible language, and make a point or two about capitalism. Also do work in setting up workers unions and cooperatives if you can.
  189. 4k Q&A: What are your thoughts Israel/Palestine conflicts? More importantly, do you think denying Israel's right to exist in antisemitism? - Anon
  190. I think there should be a secular Palestine with protections for jewish citizens there, of course. I think it's rather that I oppose israel, denying it’s right to exist at all, might not be anti semitism, but there is also a contingent of anti semites who deny israel’s right to exist. I hate to talk about this though, but I am going to make a video on it in the future.
  191. What is your favorite fiction book? - Anon
  192. 1984, I said that earlier, but again, cheesy.
  193. 4K Q&A: What got you into leftism and what do you think is the best medium to spread our message? There's a big debate going on about whether debating with right-wing figures is useful, where do you stand on that? - COmrade Sloth
  194. Response videos are a good way to hook people, but also, making accessible videos to spread our ideas on why capitalism is failing, etc. I think if they’re not a fascist, you should maybe try engaging, if you think you can reach their audience. If they are a fascist, its a grey area, and I don’t know yet. I want them deplatformed, but I also considered hijacking their platforms that they already have. But I really would rather people wouldn’t legitimize nazis with debate.
  195. For the 4k Q&A: what's the last movie that you saw and made some sort of impact on your way of thinking? - Anon
  196. Swiss Army Man, it made a big deal about acceptance of yourself (and might be a trans narrative, ooh that’s a hot take that’s already been said before). But yeah. Big important point about me starting to get over some massive dysphoric problems.
  197. What's your favourite Polychaete (Bristle) worm?-anon
  198. No idea about that. Sorry.
  199. How did you realize you were trans?-anon
  200. I always knew I was a girl, but I didn’t know being trans was possible until I was 15. And that’s kinda it. I never had an egg stage. once I knew I could be trans, I accepted that I was.
  201. Thoughts on the Chapo Trap House? - anon
  202. Chapo is a good introduction for people who want like. Humorous ironic content, and lean towards leftism. They’re often problematic, but I enjoy their podcasts often. I keep up with them to really keep up with the largest online leftist presence ( at least on patreon and twitter etc)
  204. 4k q&a
  205. what do you think about the animal liberation front? - anon
  206. I’m for it, but humans come first. Sorry.
  207. 4kQnA 1. what's your thoughts on Star wars: the last jedi?
  208. Spoiler Free: The high points were incredibly high, It was beautifully shot, daisy ridley killed it. The low points however made it end up an alright movie. better than the prequels and rogue one. and better than return. But below New Hope, Empire, and TFA, not in that order.
  209. 2. What's the best way to retain information from a book?
  210. Handwritten notes. Make two copies. One in a notebook. But with a number on it. Then number a sticky note and place it on the page with the number corresponding to the journal notes. You can do this digitally as well. But handwritten is a bit better.
  211. 3. Who's your favorite MLP?
  212. I’m Sorry, I don’t watch the show. Thank you Anon for the questions though
  214. What are your thoughts on Posadism, and its relevance to the current international tensions? - Anon
  215. Posadism is something I don’t know whether to view it as a meme or not. Nuclear War is pretty scary. Idk, it’s a fun meme, but I haven’t read enough posadas for actual relevant thought.
  216. Q: are you part of any local anarchist groups/movements? are your fam and friends onboard with your politics? - Mexie
  217. I am part of anarchist organizing in my home city, but in my college city, I don’t know where to go for organizing just yet. I’m working on it. I used to do more.... direct action before I became fatigued due to chronic illness and gained a lot of weight. My friends I’ve all converted to some type of leftist. My family thinks my politics are “unrealistic” bc they’re libs. Thanks for the question Mexie!!
  218. That’s Gonna be it for questions. Like I said before, If you have any questions you want answered, you can either wait till the next video, or ask them on my curiouscat
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