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- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <!--
- NTSC and scanline code
- Author: Themaister
- Gaussian Blur code
- Author: cgwg
- PhosphorLUT code
- Author: hunterk
- This shader uses an external lookup texture (LUT) to create a shadow mask with individual RGB phosphor lenses.
- You can swap out the LUTs by changing the 'file' referenced in Line 16.
- Adjust the 'brightness' variable toward the end of the file if the LUT makes things too dark.
- License: GPLv3 (contains code from other GPL shaders).
- -->
- <shader language="GLSL" style="GLES2">
- <texture id="phosphorLUT" file="480pvert.png" filter="linear"/>
- <!-- 1st pass: Scale and modulate YIQ -->
- <vertex><![CDATA[
- #version 120
- uniform mat4 rubyMVPMatrix;
- attribute vec2 rubyVertexCoord;
- attribute vec2 rubyTexCoord;
- varying vec2 tex_coord;
- varying vec2 pix_no;
- uniform vec2 rubyTextureSize;
- uniform vec2 rubyInputSize;
- uniform vec2 rubyOutputSize;
- void main()
- {
- gl_Position = rubyMVPMatrix * vec4(rubyVertexCoord, 0.0, 1.0);
- tex_coord = rubyTexCoord;
- pix_no = rubyTexCoord * rubyTextureSize * (rubyOutputSize / rubyInputSize);
- }
- ]]></vertex>
- <fragment filter="nearest" scale_x="4.0" scale_y="1.0" frame_count_mod="2" float_framebuffer="true"><![CDATA[
- #version 120
- varying vec2 tex_coord;
- uniform sampler2D rubyTexture;
- uniform int rubyFrameCount;
- varying vec2 pix_no;
- #define PI 3.14159265
- #define CHROMA_MOD_FREQ (0.4 * PI)
- #define CHROMA_AMP 1.0
- #define ENCODE_GAMMA (1.0 / 2.2)
- const mat3 yiq_mat = mat3(
- 0.2989, 0.5959, 0.2115,
- 0.5870, -0.2744, -0.5229,
- 0.1140, -0.3216, 0.3114);
- vec3 rgb2yiq(vec3 col)
- {
- return yiq_mat * col;
- }
- void main()
- {
- vec3 col = texture2D(rubyTexture, tex_coord).rgb;
- vec3 yiq = rgb2yiq(pow(col, vec3(ENCODE_GAMMA)));
- float chroma_phase = PI * 0.6667 * (mod(pix_no.y, 3.0) + float(rubyFrameCount));
- float mod_phase = chroma_phase + pix_no.x * CHROMA_MOD_FREQ;
- float i_mod = CHROMA_AMP * cos(mod_phase);
- float q_mod = CHROMA_AMP * sin(mod_phase);
- yiq = vec3(yiq.x, yiq.y * i_mod, yiq.z * q_mod);
- gl_FragColor = vec4(yiq, 1.0);
- }
- ]]></fragment>
- <!-- 2nd pass - Create composite signal,
- low-pass and demodulate separately -->
- <vertex><![CDATA[
- #version 120
- uniform mat4 rubyMVPMatrix;
- attribute vec2 rubyVertexCoord;
- attribute vec2 rubyTexCoord;
- uniform vec2 rubyTextureSize;
- uniform vec2 rubyOutputSize;
- varying vec2 tex_coord;
- varying vec2 pix_no;
- void main()
- {
- gl_Position = rubyMVPMatrix * vec4(rubyVertexCoord, 0.0, 1.0);
- tex_coord = rubyTexCoord;
- pix_no = rubyTexCoord * rubyTextureSize;
- }
- ]]></vertex>
- <fragment filter="nearest" scale="1.0" frame_count_mod="2" float_framebuffer="true"><![CDATA[
- #version 120
- uniform sampler2D rubyTexture;
- uniform vec2 rubyTextureSize;
- uniform int rubyFrameCount;
- varying vec2 tex_coord;
- varying vec2 pix_no;
- #define PI 3.14159265
- #define CHROMA_MOD_FREQ (0.4 * PI)
- #define CHROMA_AMP 1.0
- #define SATURATION 1.0
- #define BRIGHTNESS 1.0
- #define chroma_mod (2.0 * SATURATION / CHROMA_AMP)
- const float filter[9] = float[9](
- 0.0019, 0.0031, -0.0108, 0.0, 0.0407,
- -0.0445, -0.0807, 0.2913, 0.5982
- );
- vec3 fetch_offset(float offset, float one_x)
- {
- return texture2D(rubyTexture, tex_coord + vec2(offset * one_x, 0.0)).xyz;
- }
- void main()
- {
- float one_x = 1.0 / rubyTextureSize.x;
- float chroma_phase = PI * 0.6667 * (mod(pix_no.y, 3.0) + float(rubyFrameCount));
- float mod_phase = chroma_phase + pix_no.x * CHROMA_MOD_FREQ;
- float signal = 0.0;
- for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
- {
- float offset = float(i);
- float sums =
- dot(fetch_offset(offset - 8.0, one_x), vec3(1.0)) +
- dot(fetch_offset(8.0 - offset, one_x), vec3(1.0));
- signal += sums * filter[i];
- }
- signal += dot(texture2D(rubyTexture, tex_coord).xyz, vec3(1.0)) * filter[8];
- float i_mod = chroma_mod * cos(mod_phase);
- float q_mod = chroma_mod * sin(mod_phase);
- vec3 out_color = vec3(signal) * vec3(BRIGHTNESS, i_mod, q_mod);
- gl_FragColor = vec4(out_color, 1.0);
- }
- ]]></fragment>
- <!-- 3rd pass - Low-pass luma and chroma, decode to RGB -->
- <vertex><![CDATA[
- #version 120
- uniform mat4 rubyMVPMatrix;
- attribute vec2 rubyVertexCoord;
- attribute vec2 rubyTexCoord;
- varying vec2 tex_coord;
- void main()
- {
- gl_Position = rubyMVPMatrix * vec4(rubyVertexCoord, 0.0, 1.0);
- tex_coord = rubyTexCoord;
- }
- ]]></vertex>
- <fragment scale="1.0" filter="nearest"><![CDATA[
- #version 120
- varying vec2 tex_coord;
- uniform sampler2D rubyTexture;
- uniform vec2 rubyTextureSize;
- #define NTSC_GAMMA 2.2
- const float luma_filter[9] = float[9](
- -0.0020, -0.0009, 0.0038, 0.0178, 0.0445,
- 0.0817, 0.1214, 0.1519, 0.1634
- );
- const float chroma_filter[9] = float[9](
- 0.0046, 0.0082, 0.0182, 0.0353, 0.0501,
- 0.0832, 0.1062, 0.1222, 0.1280
- );
- const mat3 yiq2rgb_mat = mat3(
- 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
- 0.956, -0.2720, -1.1060,
- 0.6210, -0.6474, 1.7046);
- vec3 yiq2rgb(vec3 yiq)
- {
- return yiq2rgb_mat * yiq;
- }
- vec3 fetch_offset(float offset, float one_x)
- {
- return texture2D(rubyTexture, tex_coord + vec2(offset * one_x, 0.0)).xyz;
- }
- void main()
- {
- float one_x = 1.0 / rubyTextureSize.x;
- vec3 signal = vec3(0.0);
- for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
- {
- float offset = float(i);
- vec3 sums = fetch_offset(offset - 8.0, one_x) +
- fetch_offset(8.0 - offset, one_x);
- signal += sums * vec3(luma_filter[i], chroma_filter[i], chroma_filter[i]);
- }
- signal += texture2D(rubyTexture, tex_coord).xyz *
- vec3(luma_filter[8], chroma_filter[8], chroma_filter[8]);
- vec3 rgb = pow(yiq2rgb(signal), vec3(NTSC_GAMMA));
- gl_FragColor = vec4(rgb, 1.0);
- }
- ]]></fragment>
- <vertex><![CDATA[
- uniform mat4 rubyMVPMatrix;
- uniform vec2 rubyTextureSize;
- uniform vec2 rubyInputSize;
- uniform vec2 rubyOutputSize;
- attribute vec2 rubyVertexCoord;
- attribute vec2 rubyTexCoord;
- attribute vec2 rubyLUTTexCoord;
- varying vec2 tex_coord;
- varying vec2 lut_coord;
- varying vec2 omega;
- void main()
- {
- gl_Position = rubyMVPMatrix * vec4(rubyVertexCoord, 0.0, 1.0);
- tex_coord = rubyTexCoord;
- lut_coord = rubyLUTTexCoord;
- omega = vec2(3.1415 * rubyOutputSize.x * rubyTextureSize.x / rubyInputSize.x, 2.0 * 3.1415 * rubyTextureSize.y);
- }
- ]]></vertex>
- <fragment filter="linear" outscale="2.0"><![CDATA[
- uniform sampler2D rubyTexture;
- uniform sampler2D phosphorLUT;
- uniform vec2 rubyTextureSize;
- uniform vec2 rubyInputSize;
- uniform vec2 rubyOutputSize;
- varying vec2 tex_coord;
- varying vec2 lut_coord;
- varying vec2 omega;
- const float base_brightness = 0.95;
- const vec2 sine_comp = vec2(0.05, 0.85);
- void main()
- {
- vec4 frame = texture2D(rubyTexture, tex_coord.xy);
- vec4 inverse = 1 - texture2D(rubyTexture, tex_coord.xy);
- vec4 screen = texture2D(phosphorLUT, lut_coord.xy);
- vec4 final = screen - inverse;
- vec4 scanline = final * (base_brightness + dot(sine_comp * sin(tex_coord.xy * omega), vec2(1.0)));
- gl_FragColor = clamp(scanline, 0.0, 1.0);
- }
- ]]></fragment>
- <vertex><![CDATA[
- #version 120
- uniform mat4 rubyMVPMatrix;
- attribute vec2 rubyVertexCoord;
- attribute vec2 rubyTexCoord;
- varying vec2 tex_coord;
- varying vec2 pix_no;
- uniform vec2 rubyTextureSize;
- uniform vec2 rubyInputSize;
- uniform vec2 rubyOutputSize;
- void main()
- {
- gl_Position = rubyMVPMatrix * vec4(rubyVertexCoord, 0.0, 1.0);
- tex_coord = rubyTexCoord;
- pix_no = rubyTexCoord * rubyTextureSize * (rubyOutputSize / rubyInputSize);
- }
- ]]></vertex>
- <fragment filter="linear" outscale="1.0"><![CDATA[
- uniform sampler2D rubyTexture;
- uniform vec2 rubyTextureSize;
- uniform vec2 rubyInputSize;
- uniform vec2 rubyOutputSize;
- varying vec2 tex_coord;
- #define CRTgamma 2.5
- #define display_gamma 2.0
- #define TEX2D(c) pow(texture2D(rubyTexture,(c)),vec4(CRTgamma))
- void main()
- {
- vec2 xy =;
- float oney = 1.0/rubyTextureSize.y;
- float wid = 2.0;
- float c1 = exp(-1.0/wid/wid);
- float c2 = exp(-4.0/wid/wid);
- float c3 = exp(-9.0/wid/wid);
- float c4 = exp(-16.0/wid/wid);
- float norm = 1.0 / (1.0 + 2.0*(c1+c2+c3+c4));
- vec4 sum = vec4(0.0);
- sum += TEX2D(xy + vec2(0.0, -4.0 * oney)) * vec4(c4);
- sum += TEX2D(xy + vec2(0.0, -3.0 * oney)) * vec4(c3);
- sum += TEX2D(xy + vec2(0.0, -2.0 * oney)) * vec4(c2);
- sum += TEX2D(xy + vec2(0.0, -1.0 * oney)) * vec4(c1);
- sum += TEX2D(xy);
- sum += TEX2D(xy + vec2(0.0, +1.0 * oney)) * vec4(c1);
- sum += TEX2D(xy + vec2(0.0, +2.0 * oney)) * vec4(c2);
- sum += TEX2D(xy + vec2(0.0, +3.0 * oney)) * vec4(c3);
- sum += TEX2D(xy + vec2(0.0, +4.0 * oney)) * vec4(c4);
- gl_FragColor = pow(sum*vec4(norm),vec4(1.0/display_gamma));
- }
- ]]></fragment>
- <vertex><![CDATA[
- #version 120
- uniform mat4 rubyMVPMatrix;
- attribute vec2 rubyVertexCoord;
- attribute vec2 rubyTexCoord;
- varying vec2 tex_coord;
- varying vec2 pix_no;
- uniform vec2 rubyTextureSize;
- uniform vec2 rubyInputSize;
- uniform vec2 rubyOutputSize;
- void main()
- {
- gl_Position = rubyMVPMatrix * vec4(rubyVertexCoord, 0.0, 1.0);
- tex_coord = rubyTexCoord;
- pix_no = rubyTexCoord * rubyTextureSize * (rubyOutputSize / rubyInputSize);
- }
- ]]></vertex>
- <fragment filter="linear" outscale="1.0"><![CDATA[
- uniform sampler2D rubyTexture;
- uniform vec2 rubyTextureSize;
- uniform vec2 rubyInputSize;
- uniform vec2 rubyOutputSize;
- varying vec2 tex_coord;
- #define CRTgamma 2.5
- #define display_gamma 2.0
- #define TEX2D(c) pow(texture2D(rubyTexture,(c)),vec4(CRTgamma))
- void main()
- {
- vec2 xy =;
- float oney = 1.0/rubyTextureSize.x;
- float wid = 2.0;
- float c1 = exp(-1.0/wid/wid);
- float c2 = exp(-4.0/wid/wid);
- float c3 = exp(-9.0/wid/wid);
- float c4 = exp(-16.0/wid/wid);
- float norm = 1.0 / (1.0 + 2.0*(c1+c2+c3+c4));
- vec4 sum = vec4(0.0);
- sum += TEX2D(xy + vec2(0.0, -4.0 * oney)) * vec4(c4);
- sum += TEX2D(xy + vec2(0.0, -3.0 * oney)) * vec4(c3);
- sum += TEX2D(xy + vec2(0.0, -2.0 * oney)) * vec4(c2);
- sum += TEX2D(xy + vec2(0.0, -1.0 * oney)) * vec4(c1);
- sum += TEX2D(xy);
- sum += TEX2D(xy + vec2(0.0, +1.0 * oney)) * vec4(c1);
- sum += TEX2D(xy + vec2(0.0, +2.0 * oney)) * vec4(c2);
- sum += TEX2D(xy + vec2(0.0, +3.0 * oney)) * vec4(c3);
- sum += TEX2D(xy + vec2(0.0, +4.0 * oney)) * vec4(c4);
- gl_FragColor = pow(sum*vec4(norm),vec4(1.0/display_gamma));
- }
- ]]></fragment>
- <vertex><![CDATA[
- attribute vec2 rubyOrigTexCoord;
- varying vec2 orig_tex;
- uniform mat4 rubyMVPMatrix;
- attribute vec2 rubyVertexCoord;
- attribute vec2 rubyTexCoord;
- varying vec2 lut_coord;
- attribute vec2 rubyLUTTexCoord;
- varying vec2 tex_coord;
- void main()
- {
- gl_Position = rubyMVPMatrix * vec4(rubyVertexCoord, 0.0, 1.0);
- orig_tex = rubyOrigTexCoord;
- lut_coord.xy = rubyLUTTexCoord.xy;
- }
- ]]></vertex>
- <fragment filter="linear" outscale="1.0"><![CDATA[
- uniform sampler2D rubyOrigTexture;
- uniform sampler2D phosphorLUT;
- varying vec2 orig_tex;
- uniform float brightness;
- varying vec2 lut_coord;
- void main()
- {
- float brightness = 1.1;
- vec4 frame = texture2D(rubyOrigTexture, orig_tex);
- vec4 inverse = 1 - (brightness * texture2D(rubyOrigTexture, orig_tex));
- vec4 screen = texture2D(phosphorLUT, lut_coord);
- gl_FragColor = screen - inverse;
- }
- ]]></fragment>
- <vertex><![CDATA[
- uniform mat4 rubyMVPMatrix;
- attribute vec2 rubyVertexCoord;
- attribute vec2 rubyPass4TexCoord;
- attribute vec2 rubyPass5TexCoord;
- varying vec2 pass4_tex;
- varying vec2 pass5_tex;
- attribute vec2 rubyTexCoord;
- varying vec2 tex_coord;
- void main() {
- gl_Position = rubyMVPMatrix * vec4(rubyVertexCoord, 0.0, 1.0);
- tex_coord = rubyTexCoord;
- pass4_tex = rubyPass4TexCoord;
- pass5_tex = rubyPass5TexCoord;
- }
- ]]></vertex>
- <fragment filter="linear"><![CDATA[
- uniform sampler2D rubyPass4Texture; // Result from Pass 4.
- uniform sampler2D rubyPass5Texture; // Result from Pass 5.
- uniform sampler2D rubyTexture; // Result from Pass 3 (previous pass).
- varying vec2 pass4_tex;
- varying vec2 pass5_tex;
- varying vec2 tex_coord;
- void main() {
- vec4 pass4 = texture2D(rubyPass4Texture, pass4_tex);
- vec4 pass5 = texture2D(rubyPass5Texture, pass5_tex);
- vec4 pass6 = texture2D(rubyTexture, tex_coord.xy);
- gl_FragColor = 1.0 - (1.0 - pass4) * (1.0 - pass5);
- }
- ]]></fragment>
- </shader>
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