Guest User


a guest
Jun 18th, 2019
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  1. advanced superadmin commands:
  3. !querywhois NameP1 (don't use brackets for that function,free for the superadmin, other players need nevel 7 and 2 credit per use and command for them is !whois)
  4. !openbets [NameP1] [NameP2] (opens a ft10 betting if they exist in the odds table, if some players are not there or the odds are insane lmk)
  5. !closebets (you should use this not too late after the ft10 is started to avoid ppl betting on a winner streak)
  6. !cancelbets (this will cancel all current bets, everyone is refunded with their initialbets)
  7. !resolvebets [NameWinner] (this will credit the winner and loser automatically, no need to use the function givecredits to pay them)
  8. !shitlist [Name] (this will block a user from using the bot, it will also block all their IP related accounts, this is brutal so use only if necessary. There is currently nobody on the shitlist.)
  9. !shitlist [Name] [-delete] (remove a player from the shitlist)
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