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Apr 26th, 2017
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  1. ///\file proiect.c
  2. ///\brief C library implementation for operations with large numbers.
  3. ///
  4. /// Created by Cristescu Ovidiu
  5. /// Implements addition, substraction, multiplication, division and the square root
  8. #include<string.h>
  9. #include<stdio.h>
  10. #define MAX 10000
  11. ///\def #define MAX 10000
  12. ///\brief Define the maximum number possible as 10000.
  14. typedef int bool;
  17. void addition(char s1[256], char s2[256])
  18. {
  19. ///\fn void addition(char s1[256], char s2[256])
  20. ///\brief In this function, we calculate the addition of two numbers
  21. ///\param s1 First number
  22. ///\param s2 Second number
  23. /// We calculate the addition by transforming the input numbers from char to integers
  25. int num1[255], num2[255], sum[255];
  26. ///num1 is an array used to store the first number
  27. ///num2 is an array used to store the second number
  28. ///sum is an array used to calculate the addition of the two numbers num1 and num 2
  30. int l1, l2;
  31. ///l1 is the lenght of the first number
  32. ///l2 is the lenghtof the second number
  35. for (l1 = 0; s1[l1] != '\0'; l1++)
  36. {
  37. ///Transformation from char to integer;
  38. num1[l1] = s1[l1] - '0';
  39. }
  42. for (l2 = 0; s2[l2] != '\0'; l2++)
  43. {
  44. ///Transformation from char to integer;
  45. num2[l2] = s2[l2] - '0';
  46. }
  48. ///Carry is a variable used when the sum of num1[i] and num2[j] is bigger than 9
  49. int carry = 0;
  50. int k = 0;
  51. int i = l1 - 1;
  52. int j = l2 - 1;
  54. for (; i >= 0 && j >= 0; i--, j--, k++)
  55. {
  56. ///Calculate the sum
  57. sum[k] = (num1[i] + num2[j] + carry) % 10;
  58. ///Calculate the carry (if we have one)
  59. carry = (num1[i] + num2[j] + carry) / 10;
  60. }
  64. if (l1 > l2)
  65. {
  66. ///If the first number is longer than the other, we add the carry that remains (if it exists) to the next digit
  67. while (i >= 0) {
  69. sum[k++] = (num1[i] + carry) % 10;
  70. carry = (num1[i--] + carry) / 10;
  71. }
  73. }
  74. else
  75. ///Otherwise, we do the same thing, but with the second number
  76. if (l1 < l2)
  77. {
  78. while (j >= 0)
  79. {
  80. sum[k++] = (num2[j] + carry) % 10;
  81. carry = (num2[j--] + carry) / 10;
  82. }
  83. }
  84. ///If we finished the numbers, but we still have the carry, we add him to the sum
  85. else
  86. {
  87. if (carry > 0)
  88. sum[k++] = carry;
  89. }
  92. ///We print the sum from the end the of array
  93. for (k--; k >= 0; k--)
  94. printf("%d", sum[k]);
  95. }
  98. void reverse(char *from, char *to )
  99. {
  100. ///\fn void reverse(char *from, char *to )
  101. ///\brief This function is used to reverse a number
  102. ///\param from Pointer to the number we want to reverse
  103. ///\param to Pointer to the number we want to store the reversed number
  105. int len = strlen(from);
  106. int l;
  108. for(l=0;l<len;l++)
  109. {
  110. ///here, the process of reversing is made
  111. to[l]=from[len-l-1];
  112. }
  114. to[len] = '\0';
  115. }
  118. int call_minus(char *large, char *small, char *result)
  119. {
  120. ///\fn int call_minus(char *large, char *small, char *result)
  121. ///\brief In this function, we calculate the substraction of two numbers
  122. ///\param large Pointer to the first number, who is supposed to be larger
  123. ///\param small Pointer to the second number which is supposed to be lower
  124. ///\param result Pointer to a char where we calculate the result of the substraction
  127. char L[MAX], S[MAX];
  128. int l, s, now, hold, diff;
  130. /// the lenght of the first number
  131. l = strlen(large);
  133. ///the lenght of the second number
  134. s = strlen(small);
  136. ///sign is a boolean variable, we store in it the sign of our substraction
  137. bool sign = 0;
  140. if(l < s)
  141. {
  142. ///If the first number is smaller than the second, we interchange them, and our sign is 1, that means our result is negative
  143. ///Using the function strcpy we iterchange the numbers
  144. strcpy(result, large);
  145. strcpy(large, small);
  146. strcpy(small, result);
  148. ///Using the variable now, we also interchange the lenghts of the numbers
  149. now = l;
  150. l = s;
  151. s = now;
  152. sign = 1;
  153. }
  155. if(l == s)
  156. {
  157. ///If the lenghts of the numbers are equals
  158. if(strcmp(large, small) < 0)
  159. {
  160. ///if the first one is smaller:
  161. ///We interchange them, and our sign is 1, that means our result is negative
  162. strcpy(result, large);
  163. strcpy(large, small);
  164. strcpy(small, result);
  166. ///Using the variable now, we also interchange the lenghts of the numbers
  167. now = l;
  168. l = s;
  169. s = now;
  170. sign = 1;
  171. }
  172. }
  173. ///We reverse the numbers to calculate the substraction.
  174. ///In L we store the bigger number.
  175. reverse(large,L);
  176. ///In S we store the smaller number.
  177. reverse(small,S);
  179. for(; s<l; s++)
  180. {
  181. ///We complete the smaller number with 0, because it doesn't affect our calculations
  182. S[s] = '0';
  183. }
  184. ///the end of the string
  185. S[s]='\0';
  187. for(now=0,hold=0;now<l;now++)
  188. {
  189. ///we calculate the difference between L[now] and S[now]
  190. ///hold is a variable used when L[now] (a digit of the first number) is smaller than S[now] (a digit from the second number
  191. diff = L[now] - (S[now]+hold);
  193. if(diff < 0)
  194. {
  195. ///If our difference is smaller than 0, hold becomes 1 and at our result we add diff (the differrece) at the result
  196. hold = 1;
  197. ///We add ten because we borrow it from the next digit, this is why our hold becomes 1 */
  198. result[now] = 10 + diff + '0';
  199. }
  201. else
  202. {
  203. ///Otherwise , we simply add our difference to the result
  204. result[now] = diff + '0';
  205. ///Hold becomes 0 because we didn't have to borrow, because the digit L[now] was greater than the digit S[now]
  206. hold = 0;
  207. }
  208. }
  210. for(now=l-1; now>0; now--){
  211. if(result[now] != '0')
  212. break;
  213. }
  214. ///end of string
  215. result[now + 1] = '\0';
  216. ///We reverse the result, because when we store it, we start with the end of the result
  217. reverse(result, L);
  218. ///We copy the new result in the char result
  219. strcpy(result, L);
  220. /// we return the sign because we have to know if the output will be positive of negative
  221. return sign;
  222. }
  224. void subtraction(char fir[256], char sec[256])
  225. {
  226. ///\fn void subtraction(char fir[256], char sec[256])
  227. ///\brief In this function we call the function call_minus and we print the result of the substraction
  228. ///\param *fir First number
  229. ///\param sec Second number
  230. int i;
  231. ///In res we store the result, calculated in the function call_minus
  232. char res[MAX];
  235. if(call_minus(fir, sec, res) == 1)
  236. {
  237. ///If the function call_minus return 1, it means our result is negative and we have to print "-" ar the beginning of the result
  238. printf("\n-");
  239. }
  241. int len = strlen(res);
  244. for(i=0; i<len; i++)
  245. {
  246. ///Printing the result of the substraction
  247. printf("%c",res[i]);
  248. }
  250. printf("\n");
  251. }
  254. char * multiply(char a[256],char b_1[256])
  255. {
  256. ///\fn char * multiply(char a[256],char b_1[256])
  257. ///\brief This function is used to calculate the multiplication of two numbers
  258. ///\param a First number
  259. ///\param b Second number
  260. ///The operation is made transforming the numbers from char to integers
  262. static char mul[MAX];
  263. char c[MAX];
  264. char temp[MAX];
  265. int la, lb;
  266. int i, j, k=0, x=0, y;
  267. long int r=0;
  268. long sum = 0;
  269. char d[MAX];
  271. /// We copy our number in the string d because in this function there are made some changes, and the number is modified on the way
  272. strcpy(d,a);
  274. la = strlen(d) - 1;
  275. lb = strlen(b_1) - 1;
  277. for(i=0; i<=la; i++)
  278. {
  279. /// We transform the first number from char to integer, every character becomes a digit of the number
  280. d[i] = d[i] - '0';
  281. }
  283. for(i=0; i<=lb; i++)
  284. {
  285. /// We transform the second number from char to integer, every character becomes a digit of the number
  286. b_1[i] = b_1[i] - '0';
  287. }
  289. for(i=lb; i>=0; i--)
  290. {
  291. r = 0;
  292. for(j=la; j>=0; j--)
  293. {
  294. ///We multiply the numbers, digit by digit, and we store them in parameter temp
  295. temp[k++] = (b_1[i]*d[j] + r)%10;
  296. ///r is a parameter used to store the div by ten of the multiplication of the numbers, digit by digit.
  297. r = (b_1[i]*d[j]+r)/10;
  298. }
  300. ///If at the end of the digits, we still have the r, we add him in our temp
  301. temp[k++] = r;
  302. x++;
  304. for(y = 0; y<x; y++)
  305. {
  306. temp[k++] = 0;
  307. }
  308. }
  310. k = 0;
  311. r = 0;
  313. for(i=0; i<la+lb+2; i++)
  314. {
  316. ///After we store the multiplication of the digits, we sum them, to obtain the final result
  317. sum = 0;
  318. y = 0;
  320. for(j=1; j<=lb+1; j++)
  321. {
  322. if(i <= la+j)
  323. {
  324. sum = sum + temp[y+i];
  325. }
  327. y += j + la + 1;
  328. }
  330. c[k++] = (sum + r) % 10;
  331. r = (sum + r)/10;
  332. }
  334. c[k] = r;
  335. j=0;
  337. for(i=k-2; i>=0; i--)
  338. {
  339. ///We transform from integer to char
  340. mul[j++]=c[i] + '0';
  341. }
  343. mul[j]='\0';
  344. return mul;
  345. }
  347. void multiplication(char a[256], char b_1[256])
  348. {
  349. ///\fn void multiplication(char a[256], char b_1[256])
  350. ///\brief In this function we call the function multiply and we print the result using parameter c
  351. ///\param a First number
  352. ///\param b_1 Second number
  354. char *c;
  356. printf("Multiplication of two numbers : ");
  357. c = multiply(a,b_1);
  358. printf("%s\n",c);
  361. }
  363. char * division(char a[256],unsigned long b)
  364. {
  365. ///\fn char * division(char a[256],unsigned long b)
  366. ///\brief The function is used to calculate the division of two numbers
  367. ///\param a First number
  368. ///\param b Second number
  369. static char c[MAX];
  370. int la;
  371. int i, k=0, flag = 0;
  372. unsigned long temp = 1, reminder;
  373. char number[256];
  375. ///We copy the number a in the parameter number, because during this function, the number is modified and it may cause errors at the other functions
  376. strcpy( number,a);
  378. la=strlen( number);
  380. for(i=0;i<=la;i++)
  381. {
  382. ///We transform from char to integer
  383. number[i] = number[i] - '0';
  384. }
  386. temp = number[0];
  387. reminder = number[0];
  389. for(i=1; i<=la; i++)
  390. {
  391. ///Here, we calculate the division
  392. if(b <= temp)
  393. {
  394. ///If the divisor (b ) is smaller or equal than the first digit, we devide it and we store the rest in the parameter reminder
  395. ///Parameter c is used to store the result
  396. c[k++] = temp/b;
  397. temp = temp % b;
  398. reminder = temp;
  399. temp = temp * 10 + number[i];
  400. flag = 1;
  402. }
  403. else
  404. {
  405. ///Otherwise, we store the temp in the reminder
  406. reminder = temp;
  407. temp = temp * 10 + number[i];
  409. if(flag == 1 )
  410. c[k++] = 0;
  411. }
  412. }
  414. for(i=0;i<k;i++)
  415. {
  416. ///We trasform from integer to char
  417. c[i]=c[i] + 48;
  418. }
  420. c[i]= '\0';
  422. printf("Reminder of division: %lu ", reminder);
  423. return c;
  424. }
  426. void division_function(char a[256])
  427. {
  428. ///\fn void division_function(char a[256])
  429. ///\brief This function is used to call the function division and print the result, using parameter c
  430. ///\param a Our dividend
  431. char *c;
  432. unsigned long b;
  434. printf("\nInsert the divisor: ");
  435. scanf("%lu", &b);
  436. c = division(a,b);
  437. printf("\nResult of the division : ");
  438. printf("%s\n",c);
  440. }
  443. void square_root(char numar[256])
  444. {
  445. ///\fn void square_root(char numar[256])
  446. ///\brief This function is used to calculate the square root of our number, grouping the digits of the number in twos
  447. ///\param a The number
  448. ///The result is printed digit by digit, every time we execute the operation of the pairs of two digits
  451. unsigned long reminder, lungime, i, k, modulo, nr, rez = 0, lung;
  452. int j;
  454. lungime = strlen(numar);
  456. for(i=0; i<lungime; i++)
  457. {
  458. ///We transform from char to integer
  459. numar[i] = numar[i] - '0';
  460. }
  462. ///We need to know if the lenght of our number is even or odd
  463. modulo = lungime % 2;
  465. if(modulo == 0)
  466. {
  467. ///If the lenght is even we calculate the square root, grouping the digits in twos
  468. lung = 0;
  469. reminder = 0;
  470. ///First, we calculate for the first two digits and we need to find the biggest digit that has his square smaller or equal with them
  471. nr = (reminder * 100) + (numar[0] * 10) + numar[1];
  472. ///Parameter j is used to find the digit, and we start with the biggest one and we decrease it untill we find it
  473. j=9;
  474. while(!(((j*j) <= nr)))
  475. {
  477. j--;
  478. }
  479. ///After we found it, we use the reminder to store the rest between our number consisted of the two first digits and the square of the digit found
  480. reminder = nr - (j*j);
  481. ///We calculate the result in parameter rez
  482. rez = rez * 10 + j;
  483. ///To continue the calculations for the rest of the digits, we need to store the double of the result in the parameter k
  484. k = 2 * rez;
  486. printf("%d", j);
  488. for (i=2; i<lungime; i=i+2)
  489. {
  490. ///For the rest of the digits, we do the same as above
  491. nr = (reminder * 100) + (numar[i] * 10) + numar[i+1];
  492. j=9;
  493. ///This time, we have to find the biggest digit that added to the end of k (our result doubled) and we multiply the obtained number by that digit and the result must be smaller or equal than our number consists of the two digits
  494. while(!(((((k*10) + j) * j)) <= nr))
  495. {
  497. j--;
  498. }
  500. reminder = nr - (((k*10) + j) * j);
  501. rez =rez * 10 + j;
  502. k = 2 * rez;
  504. printf("%d", j);
  505. }
  506. }
  507. else
  508. {
  509. ///Otherwise, if the lenght is odd, we do the same as above, but we start with the first digit, and then continue with the others, making pairs of two
  510. lung = 0;
  511. reminder = 0;
  512. nr = (reminder * 100) + numar[0];
  513. j=9;
  514. while(!(((j*j) <= nr)))
  515. {
  516. j--;
  517. }
  518. reminder = nr - (j*j);
  520. rez =rez * 10 + j;
  521. k = 2 * rez;
  522. printf("%d", j);
  524. for (i=1; i<lungime; i=i+2)
  525. {
  526. nr = (reminder * 100) + (numar[i] * 10) + numar[i+1];
  527. j=9;
  528. while(!(((((k*10) + j) * j)) <= nr))
  529. {
  531. j--;
  532. }
  533. reminder = nr - (((k*10) + j) * j);
  534. rez = rez * 10 + j;
  535. k = 2 * rez;
  536. printf("%d", j);
  538. }
  539. }
  541. }
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