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Mar 21st, 2019
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  1. import imageProcess
  2. import pyautogui
  3. import numpy as np
  4. from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe
  7. """
  8. This module was writen by Dr_Pixelz on March 7th, 2019
  9. ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ _______ ___ ________
  10. |\ ___ \ |\ __ \ |\ __ \ |\ \ |\ \ / /||\ ___ \ |\ \ |\_____ \
  11. \ \ \_|\ \\ \ \|\ \\ \ \|\ \\ \ \ \ \ \/ / /\ \ __/| \ \ \ \|___/ /|
  12. \ \ \ \\ \\ \ _ _\\ \ ____\\ \ \ \ \ / / \ \ \_|/__\ \ \ / / /
  13. \ \ \_\\ \\ \ \\ \|\ \ \___| \ \ \ / \/ \ \ \_|\ \\ \ \____ / /_/__
  14. \ \_______\\ \__\\ _\ \ \__\ \ \__\ / /\ \ \ \_______\\ \_______\|\________\
  15. \|_______| \|__|\|__| \|__| \|__|/__/ /\ __\ \|_______| \|_______| \|_______|
  16. |__|/ \|__|
  17. """
  20. #Game Process is responsible for processing position data of variables in gameProcess
  21. #and responding with a risk assesment level and then reacting based on risk level
  22. def gameProcess(conn):
  23. while 1== 1:
  24. #Counters for AI Logic
  25. #-------------------------
  26. fr_mins = 0
  27. en_mins = 0
  28. fr_champ = 0
  29. en_champ = 0
  30. en_turret = 0
  31. fr_turret = 0
  32. #-------------------------
  33. #Location Arrays
  34. en_minion_arr = []
  35. fr_minion_arr = []
  36. en_champ_arr = []
  37. fr_champ_arr = []
  38. en_turret_arr = []
  39. fr_turret_arr = []
  40. league_Loc = (0,0)
  41. #-------------------------
  42. #Booleans for AI logic
  43. #-------------------------
  44. #Within range to affect AI
  45. fr_mins_close = False
  46. en_mins_close = False
  47. fr_champ_close = False
  48. en_champ_close = False
  49. en_turret_close = False
  50. fr_turret_close = False
  51. #On Screen but not within range to affect AI
  52. fr_mins_on_screen = False
  53. en_mins_on_screen = False
  54. fr_champ_on_screen = False
  55. en_champ_on_screen = False
  56. en_turret_on_screen = False
  57. fr_turret_on_screen = False
  58. #-------------------------
  60. #Waits for Pipe from imageProcessing to become active
  61. if conn.recv():
  62. #Iterates over information recvieved from Pipe
  63. for items in conn.recv():
  64. try:
  65. #Pulls label out of array recieved from Pipe
  66. #then updates counters, and location arrays
  67. if items[1] == 'League Client':
  68. league_Loc = (items[0][0], items[0][1])
  69. elif items[1] == 'Friendly Minion':
  70. fr_minion_arr.insert(fr_mins,items[0])
  71. fr_mins = fr_mins + 1
  72. elif items[1] == 'Enemy Minion':
  73. en_minion_arr.insert(fr_mins,items[0])
  74. en_mins = en_mins + 1
  75. elif items[1] == 'Friendly Champion':
  76. fr_champ_arr.insert(fr_champ, items[0])
  77. fr_champ = fr_champ + 1
  78. elif items[1] == 'Enemy Champion':
  79. en_champ_arr.insert(en_champ, items[0])
  80. en_champ = en_champ + 1
  81. elif items[1] == 'Enemy Turret':
  82. en_turret_arr.insert(en_turret, items[0])
  83. en_turret = en_turret + 1
  84. #Except all errors and then pass so program continues to run
  85. #Despite errors
  86. except:
  87. pass
  88. #Finally processes information into risk assesment and then
  89. #chooses action based on risk level
  90. finally:
  91. print("-------------------")
  92. print("Enemy Turrets: " + str(en_turret))
  93. print("Enemy Champions: " + str(en_champ))
  94. print("Friendly Champions: " + str(fr_champ))
  95. print("Enemy Minions: " + str(en_mins))
  96. print("Friendly Minions: " + str(fr_mins))
  97. print("-------------------")
  99. #Image Processing is responsible from generating labels, and location data
  100. #for searches on screen. This information is then sent via the Pipe to gameProcess
  101. def imageProcessing(conn):
  102. while 1 == 1:
  103. #Generates a screenshot of desktop screen to use image searches on
  104. screenshot = pyautogui.screenshot()
  105. #Converts screenshot into numpy array
  106. img = np.array(screenshot)
  107. #Sends array of labels, and location data to gameProcess via the Pipe
  108. conn.send(imageProcess.leagueClient(screenshot))
  109. conn.send(imageProcess.minionSearch(screenshot))
  110. conn.send(imageProcess.enemyTurretSearch(screenshot))
  111. conn.send(imageProcess.alsoEnemyTurret(screenshot))
  112. conn.send(imageProcess.healthBar(screenshot))
  118. if __name__ == '__main__':
  119. #Initializes Pipe
  120. parent_conn, child_conn = Pipe()
  121. #Defines Process 1 for imageProcessing
  122. p1 = Process(target=imageProcessing, args=(child_conn,))
  123. #Defines Process 2 for gameProcess
  124. p2 = Process(target=gameProcess, args=(parent_conn,))
  125. #Starts Process 1 for imageProcessing
  126. p1.start()
  127. #Starts Process 2 for gameProcess
  128. p2.start()
  129. #Joins console output for Process 1
  130. p1.join()
  131. #Joins console output for Process 2
  132. p2.join()
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