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a guest
Jun 26th, 2019
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  1. lnamorata: lose the ranch and i'm there
  2. Archovies: the ranch gives it the most flavor
  3. Archovies: fkn weirdo
  4. lnamorata: ew
  5. lnamorata: ranch is nasty
  6. Archovies: tf wrong w u
  7. Screamer: i'm trying that
  8. Screamer: frfr
  9. Archovies: LMAOO
  10. Archovies: andy its so good
  11. pntxx: @ranch is nasty
  12. Screamer: archie the genius
  13. pntxx: What burned your taste buds
  14. Screamer: ^
  15. beIIyache: ight ima go now
  16. lnamorata: RANCH IS DISGUSTAN
  17. Screamer: she busted her taste buds
  18. pntxx: Adioss Jessss
  19. lnamorata: i don't like sauces
  20. Screamer: later jessyboo
  21. lnamorata: it's the texture
  22. beIIyache: no andu
  23. beIIyache: no
  24. beIIyache: nope
  25. Screamer: o3o
  26. Archovies: i dont have a name 4 it
  27. Archovies: but
  28. Screamer: nope what
  29. Archovies: i jus call it my lil creation
  30. beIIyache: no to u
  31. Archovies: it so good
  32. beIIyache: ho
  33. lnamorata: i mean i like cool ranch doritos
  34. Screamer: why to me
  35. lnamorata: but not ranch the sauce
  36. beIIyache: caue
  37. beIIyache: cause*
  38. Screamer: cause why
  39. Screamer: why u being a butt
  40. beIIyache: cause im mad
  41. Archovies: u broke ur taste buds as a child or sum
  42. Screamer: at me?
  43. Screamer: ^^ she did
  44. lnamorata: i had a weak stomach lol
  45. lnamorata: i threw up a lot
  46. lnamorata: so its v possible
  47. beIIyache: just mad
  48. Screamer: okay then
  49. Archovies: ya they broke asf
  50. Screamer: ^
  51. Screamer: z
  52. beIIyache: its nothing to talk abt cause ull get mad at me
  53. Screamer: Okayyy then we wont talk about it then ig
  54. lnamorata hangs a sign on my tongue that says "broke af"
  55. beIIyache: ye
  56. lnamorata: wait i have a tongue ring i literally could do that
  57. Screamer: oop
  58. Archovies: oboy
  59. Screamer: kinda cute
  60. Archovies breakin all the rules
  61. lnamorata: o 0o
  62. lnamorata: #rebel
  63. lnamorata: wait ur a mod
  64. lnamorata: u dork
  65. lnamorata: mods can sit there
  66. Archovies: i look like ur guys dad
  67. Archovies: jus like
  68. Archovies: watchin u
  69. beIIyache: nah only me andy and kyle
  70. beIIyache: and apparently u
  71. lnamorata: no u dont
  72. lnamorata: my dad isnt around
  73. Archovies: i said dad not daddy
  74. lnamorata: you'd have to be invisible
  75. beIIyache: SAVAGE
  76. Archovies: LMAO
  77. Screamer: mods can sit there yah
  78. Archovies: same tho
  79. beIIyache: when were not here
  80. Screamer: @his head through the thingy
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