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a guest
Jun 29th, 2017
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  1. adq_fCorpseDebrisFpsTreshold = 25;
  2. adq_fParticlesFpsTreshold = 25;
  3. adq_fRagdollFpsTreshold = 25; _(version="2")
  4. ats_bAutoCreateBugs = 0;
  5. ats_bShowAssetTaskInfoInInfoTips = 1;
  6. ats_bVerifyAssetTaskBugs = 0;
  7. ats_iTasksFilter = 4;
  8. bmk_bBenchmarkDemos = 0;
  9. bmk_bOnScreenReport = 1;
  10. bot_bAllowDeath = 0;
  11. bot_bAllowSprinting = 1;
  12. bot_bGodMode = 0;
  13. bot_bIgnoreEnemies = 0;
  14. bot_bIgnoreSecrets = 0;
  15. bot_bInfiniteAmmo = 0;
  16. bot_bShowName = 1;
  17. bot_bSkipTerminalsAndMessages = 0;
  18. bot_bTouchScreenAiming = 0;
  19. bot_bUseOnlyLaserPistolInVR = 0;
  20. bot_ctSpectatedNPCs = 1;
  21. bot_ctVRRoundRetries = 10;
  22. bot_fThreatAngleAdd = 1.1; _(version="1")
  23. bot_fThreatAngleMulti = 10; _(version="3")
  24. bot_fThreatDistanceMulti = 0.5; _(version="1")
  25. bot_iLogActivity = 0;
  26. bot_iRecordPlayerActions = 0;
  27. bot_iSpectatedNPCsBottomWindowOffset = 100;
  28. bot_iSpectatedNPCsWindowWidth = 533;
  29. bot_iStopBotOnErrors = 0;
  30. ccn_fLineFadeTime = 2; _(version="1")
  31. ccn_fLineLifeTime = 10; _(version="2")
  32. ccn_fTextStretch = 0.7;
  33. ccn_iLastLines = 8; _(version="1")
  34. ccn_iMaxChatConsoleMessages = 50;
  35. cht_bEnableCheats = 0;
  36. cht_bUnlockMentalMode = 0;
  37. ckey_fBrightness = 0;
  38. ckey_fContrast = 0;
  39. ckey_fGamma = 0;
  40. ckey_ulKeyColor = 65280;
  41. ckey_ulKeyColorSpillReduction = 104;
  42. ckey_ulOpacity = 100;
  43. ckey_ulSimilarity = 20;
  44. ckey_ulSmoothness = 47;
  45. cld_iMaxThreads = 0; _(version="3")
  46. cli_iMaxBPS = 6000; _(version="4")
  47. cli_iMaxOutBPS = 6000; _(version="3")
  48. cmp_bLowQuality = 0;
  49. cmp_iBaseMip = 0;
  50. cmp_pixMaxSize = 4096; _(version="2")
  51. cmt_bUseSSL = 1;
  52. cmt_strBugzillaServer = "";
  53. cmt_strUserName = "";
  54. con_fHeightRatio = 0.333;
  55. con_fLastLinesFadeTime = 2;
  56. con_fLastLinesStayTime = 5;
  57. con_iLastLines = 0;
  58. con_strLastLinesFilter = "Info|Warning|Error|Fatal";
  59. con_strMainFilter = "Info|Log|Warning|Error|Fatal";
  60. crm_bAllowRendering = 1;
  61. crm_bOcclusionCulling = 1;
  62. crm_bRenderFarCrumbs = 1;
  63. crm_fDensityBias = 0.924;
  64. crm_fDistanceBias = 0.93;
  65. crm_fMaxCachingTime = 1;
  66. crm_iCastShadows = 1;
  67. crm_iMaxAllowedLayers = 4;
  68. ctd_fTypingMultiplier = 1;
  69. cwp_fIdleVibrationStrength = 0.8;
  70. d3d_bAllow11_1 = 1;
  71. d3d_bAllowResolutionChange = 1; _(version="2")
  72. d3d_bAlternateConstantBuffers = 1;
  73. d3d_bAlternateDynamicBuffers = 0;
  74. d3d_bAmdAGS = 1; _(version="2")
  75. d3d_bFastTextureUploading = 1;
  76. d3d_bForcePixelProgramPartialPrecision = 0;
  77. d3d_bLiquidVR = 1; _(version="2")
  78. d3d_bMultiThreadedDevice = 1; _(version="2")
  79. d3d_bOptimizeShaders = 1;
  80. d3d_bTripleBuffering = 0;
  81. d3d_bUseExtendedDevice = 0;
  82. d3d_bVRWorksSLI = 1;
  83. d3d_bVRWorksSPS = 1; _(version="2")
  84. d3d_bWaitOcclusionResult = 1;
  85. d3d_iRenderingDevice = 0;
  86. d3d_iShaderFlowControl = 0;
  87. d3d_iUseExtendedConstantBuffers = 0;
  88. dbg_bShowFreeMemory = 0;
  89. dcl_bAutoRemoveCounterLimitedDecals = 1;
  90. dcl_bAutoRemoveGeometryLimitedDecals = 1;
  91. dcl_bAutoRemoveTimeLimitedDecals = 1;
  92. dcl_ctMaxNewTrianglesPerFrame = 4096;
  93. dcl_ctMaxTrianglesPerGroup = 8192; _(version="2")
  94. dcl_iDynamicDecalAddingPerFrameLimitMilliseconds = 5;
  95. dcl_iDynamicUpdateLevel = 0;
  96. dsd_bAllowEmulation = 1;
  97. dsd_iSoftwareProcessing = 0;
  98. edt_bKeepTextureContent = 0;
  99. efx_bAmbientOcclusion = 1;
  100. efx_bAutoExposure = 1;
  101. efx_bChannelOffset = 1;
  102. efx_bDepthOfField = 1; _(version="2")
  103. efx_bExpandOcclusionEdges = 0;
  104. efx_bFastBloomBlur = 0;
  105. efx_bFastBlur = 1;
  106. efx_bFixOcclusionEdges = 1;
  107. efx_bGaussianBlur = 1; _(version="2")
  108. efx_bLightStreaks = 1;
  109. efx_bMotionBlur = 0; _(version="2")
  110. efx_bOptimizeDoF = 1;
  111. efx_bRealsRGB = 1;
  112. efx_bSharpStreaks = 1;
  113. efx_fBlurPrecision = 0.0001; _(version="2")
  114. efx_fDesiredLuminance = 0.18;
  115. efx_fFixedEV = 0; _(version="2")
  116. efx_fOcclusionBufferScale = 0.75;
  117. efx_fOcclusionDepthOffset = 15; _(version="2")
  118. efx_fOcclusionDithering = 1;
  119. efx_fOcclusionFallOff = 0.5;
  120. efx_fOcclusionRadius = 0.5;
  121. efx_fOcclusionRadiusMaxStretch = 15;
  122. efx_fOcclusionRadiusMaxStretchDistance = 1000;
  123. efx_fOcclusionRadiusMinStretchDistance = 1;
  124. efx_fOcclusionRadiusWeaponStretch = 0.01; _(version="2")
  125. efx_fStreaksDithering = 0.2;
  126. efx_iBloom = 3;
  127. efx_iDownsampleQuality = 2;
  128. efx_iLensFlareQuality = 2;
  129. efx_iMaxRippleSources = 20; _(version="2")
  130. efx_iOcclusionBlur = 2;
  131. efx_iOcclusionQuality = 1;
  132. efx_iStreaksQuality = 3;
  133. fnt_bFontKerning = 1;
  134. fnt_bFontMips = 1;
  135. fnt_bGlyphCachingPass = 1;
  136. fnt_bTrilinearFontFiltering = 1;
  137. fnt_ctGlyphOutlinePoolSize = 100;
  138. fnt_fOutlineStrength = 2; _(version="2")
  139. fnt_iOutlineQuality = 2; _(version="2")
  140. fnt_pixGlyphMapRegionSize = 256; _(version="3")
  141. fnt_pixGlyphMapSize = 1024; _(version="3")
  142. fnt_pixGlyphMapUploadSize = 128; _(version="3")
  143. fnt_pixGlyphMaxSize = 50; _(version="3")
  144. fxd_bAllowFillRateControl = 1;
  145. fxd_bAutoAdaptiveQuality = 1;
  146. fxd_ctMaxActiveEffects = 50;
  147. fxd_ctMaxFadingEffects = 50;
  148. fxd_fDesiredFrameTime = 33;
  149. fxd_fEffectFadeOutTime = 0.5;
  150. gam_bAllowArmorItems = 1;
  151. gam_bAllowHealthItems = 1;
  152. gam_bAllowJoinInProgress = 0;
  153. gam_bAllowPowerupItems = 1;
  154. gam_bAllowSeriousBombItems = 1;
  155. gam_bAmmoStays = 1;
  156. gam_bArmorStays = 1;
  157. gam_bAutoCycleMaps = 0;
  158. gam_bCustomizedDifficulty = 0;
  159. gam_bExtraMPEnemies = 1;
  160. gam_bFlatFriendlyMode = 1;
  161. gam_bForceVRTrackpadLocomotion = 0;
  162. gam_bFriendlyFire = 0;
  163. gam_bHealthStays = 1;
  164. gam_bInfiniteAmmo = 0;
  165. gam_bPowerupsStay = 1;
  166. gam_bRankedMatch = 0;
  167. gam_bRespawnCreditsPerPlayer = 0;
  168. gam_bRespawnInPlace = 1;
  169. gam_bVRFriendlyMode = 0;
  170. gam_bWeaponsStay = 1;
  171. gam_ctFragsLimit = 20;
  172. gam_ctGoalsLimit = 10;
  173. gam_ctMaxPlayers = 1;
  174. gam_ctMinPlayers = 1;
  175. gam_ctPrivateSlots = 0;
  176. gam_ctRoundLimit = 10;
  177. gam_ctTimeLimit = 10;
  178. gam_gdDifficulty = 3;
  179. gam_iExtraEnemyDamagePerPlayer = 0;
  180. gam_iExtraEnemyStrength = 0;
  181. gam_iExtraEnemyStrengthPerPlayer = 0;
  182. gam_iInvulnerableAfterSpawning = 0;
  183. gam_iRespawnCredits = -1;
  184. gfx_bAllowDiscards = 1;
  185. gfx_bAllowMonitorSelection = 0;
  186. gfx_bAutoConfigureExtraWideScreen = 1; _(version="2")
  187. gfx_bAutoUploadGeometry = 1;
  188. gfx_bBatchLimitIndexed = 1;
  189. gfx_bFloatZBuffer = 1;
  190. gfx_bForceSyncPipelineStateCreation = 0;
  191. gfx_bFullScreen = 1;
  192. gfx_bHDROutput = 0;
  193. gfx_bInvertZBuffer = 1;
  194. gfx_bLastGoodFullScreen = 0;
  195. gfx_bLocalPacketReplay = 0;
  196. gfx_bMaximized = 1;
  197. gfx_bPrecreateShaders = 1;
  198. gfx_bReportCanvasManagement = 0;
  199. gfx_bScreenShotAlpha = 0;
  200. gfx_bSimulatedFullScreen = 1;
  201. gfx_fAspectRatio = 0;
  202. gfx_fBlueBias = 1;
  203. gfx_fBrightness = 0;
  204. gfx_fContrast = 1;
  205. gfx_fFreeOcclusionTime = 60;
  206. gfx_fGammaCorrection = 1;
  207. gfx_fGreenBias = 1;
  208. gfx_fRedBias = 1;
  209. gfx_fSafeAreaPosX = 0.5;
  210. gfx_fSafeAreaPosY = 0.5;
  211. gfx_fSafeAreaSDX = 0.85;
  212. gfx_fSafeAreaSDY = 0.85;
  213. gfx_fSafeAreaX = 1;
  214. gfx_fSafeAreaY = 1;
  215. gfx_fSaturation = 0.4;
  216. gfx_fSplitDepthDivisor = 2048;
  217. gfx_fSplitDepthExponent = 4;
  218. gfx_iAllowPreClears = 1;
  219. gfx_iAntiAliasingSamples = 2;
  220. gfx_iCommandBufferSize = 1024; _(version="2")
  221. gfx_iCommonVertexBuffers = 4;
  222. gfx_iCommonVertexBufferSize = 2048;
  223. gfx_iDebugPreClears = 1;
  224. gfx_iDelayReleaseDuration = 1;
  225. gfx_iFinish = 0; _(version="2")
  226. gfx_iFullscreenMonitor = 0;
  227. gfx_iFXAA = 3; _(version="2")
  228. gfx_iMaxCreatedShadersPerFrame = 1024;
  229. gfx_iMaxFPSActive = 60; _(version="2")
  230. gfx_iMaxFPSInactive = 20;
  231. gfx_iMaxQueryIterations = 999999;
  232. gfx_iOutputLevels = 256;
  233. gfx_iRefreshRate = 0;
  234. gfx_iRelaxedOcclusionTest = 0;
  235. gfx_iScreenShotFormat = 3; _(version="2")
  236. gfx_iScreenShotJpgQuality = 90; _(version="2")
  237. gfx_iScreenShotPngCompression = 3;
  238. gfx_iTransparencyAntiAliasing = 2;
  239. gfx_iVRScreenShotView = 0;
  240. gfx_iWaitVSyncs = 0;
  241. gfx_pixLastGoodResHeight = 1080;
  242. gfx_pixLastGoodResWidth = 1920;
  243. gfx_pixLastGoodWinHeight = 1080;
  244. gfx_pixLastGoodWinWidth = 1920;
  245. gfx_pixResHeight = 1080;
  246. gfx_pixResWidth = 1920;
  247. gfx_pixWinHeight = 1080;
  248. gfx_pixWinPosX = 0;
  249. gfx_pixWinPosXMaximized = 0;
  250. gfx_pixWinPosY = 0;
  251. gfx_pixWinPosYMaximized = 0;
  252. gfx_pixWinWidth = 1920;
  253. gfx_strAPI = "Direct3D11";
  254. gst_iStatsUploadType = 0; _(version="3")
  255. gt_strGameTitle = "";
  256. hud_bAllowBatching = 1; _(version="2")
  257. hud_bAnimateRodSelection = 1; _(version="1")
  258. hud_bFixedCrosshair = 0; _(version="3")
  259. hud_bFullScreenClock = 1;
  260. hud_bShowAnalyze = 1;
  261. hud_bShowCheats = 1;
  262. hud_bShowClock = 0;
  263. hud_bShowCoords = 0;
  264. hud_bShowCrosshair = 1;
  265. hud_bShowGfxAPI = 0;
  266. hud_bShowHudInfo = 1;
  267. hud_bShowLevelName = 0;
  268. hud_bShowPause = 1; _(version="2")
  269. hud_bShowPing = 0;
  270. hud_bShowRenderingResolution = 0;
  271. hud_bShowShortPlayerList = 1;
  272. hud_bShowTerminalUI = 1;
  273. hud_bShowTime = 0;
  274. hud_fCustomHudScale = 1; _(version="3")
  275. hud_fNetricsaHUDSpeed = 10;
  276. hud_fShortPlayerListScale = 1;
  277. hud_fStereoDepth = 1;
  278. hud_fVotingInfoScale = 1; _(version="2")
  279. hud_iShowBandwidth = 0;
  280. inp_bDebugTouchEvents = 0;
  281. inp_bDisableGamepads = 0;
  282. inp_bDisableWinMMGamepads = 0;
  283. inp_bInvertTouchLook = 0; _(version="2")
  284. inp_bInvertTouchMove = 0; _(version="3")
  285. inp_bRawInput = 1; _(version="2")
  286. inp_bTouchGamepadControls = 0;
  287. inp_bTouchLookInertia = 1;
  288. inp_bTouchMoveInertia = 1;
  289. inp_bTouchSmoothing = 0;
  290. inp_fAutoMoveGoalThreshold = 1;
  291. inp_fDesiredHorizonPitch = -8;
  292. inp_fGamepadDetectionTime = 5;
  293. inp_fGuidedJumpTapRadius = 0.5;
  294. inp_fLookMinPitchRatio = 0.30000002;
  295. inp_fTouchGamepadDeadzone = 0.1;
  296. inp_fTouchLookIntertiaCutoff = 0.02;
  297. inp_fTouchLookSensitivity = 1.5;
  298. inp_fTouchLookVelocityDamping = 2;
  299. inp_fTouchMoveIntertiaCutoff = 0.2;
  300. inp_fTouchMoveSensitivityX = 2;
  301. inp_fTouchMoveSensitivityZ = 5;
  302. inp_fTouchMoveVelocityDamping = 5;
  303. lfx_bEnabled = 0;
  304. lfx_colDamage = -65536;
  305. lfx_colHealthMax = -16711936;
  306. lfx_colHealthMed = -256;
  307. lfx_colHealthMin = -65536;
  308. lfx_colMenu = -32768;
  309. lfx_colPlayerDead = -65536;
  310. lg_bAutoStart = 1;
  311. lg_bEnableLCD = 1; _(version="1")
  312. lg_ulUpdatesPerSec = 2;
  313. lmp_bLowQuality = 0;
  314. lmp_iBaseMip = 0;
  315. mdl_bHardwareSkinning = 1;
  316. mdl_bMorphedShadows = 0;
  317. mdl_ctMaxCachedModels = 256;
  318. mem_iOptimizeCopy = 8;
  319. men_bAllowGlowing = 1; _(version="2")
  320. men_bDetectVideoChange = 0; _(version="2")
  321. men_bDontWaitForConfirmations = 0;
  322. men_bHideNetricsaExit = 0;
  323. men_bHideNetricsaInfo = 0;
  324. men_bHideNetricsaList = 0;
  325. men_bShowActiveProfile = 0;
  326. men_bShowIntroCutscene = 1; _(version="2")
  327. men_bSplitScreenInputDeviceSharing = 0;
  328. men_bUseMenuSimulation = 1;
  329. men_ctMaxHistoryEntries = 40;
  330. men_fFlashDelay = 5;
  331. men_fFlashPeriod = 3;
  332. men_fMusicVolumeLoadingMenu = 1;
  333. men_fMusicVolumeMainMenu = 0.2; _(version="1")
  334. men_fMusicVolumeStartMenu = 1;
  335. men_fPulseFrequency = 1.3333;
  336. men_fScaleOverride = 0; _(version="3")
  337. men_fTextScrollSpeed = 30;
  338. men_fWidgetGlowStrength = 0.12;
  339. men_iMaxAllowedFPS = 66;
  340. men_iMaxGlows = 5;
  341. men_pixWidgetGlowRadius = 6; _(version="3")
  342. mgr_fTextureSizeMultiplier = 1;
  343. mgr_slMaxBatchTextureSize = 1024;
  344. mgr_slMaxModelTextureSize = 1024;
  345. nav_bRenderOneWayVerticalLinks = 1;
  346. nav_bRenderVerticalLinks = 1;
  347. nav_fRenderAlpha = 1;
  348. net_bClientsMayPause = 0;
  349. net_fConnectionTimeout = 15;
  350. net_fProblemsTimeout = 15;
  351. net_fRenderableRelevantDistanceMultiplier = 1.3;
  352. net_strLocalHost = "";
  353. nex_iTerminalDisplayQuality = 1; _(version="2")
  354. nmp_bLowQuality = 0;
  355. nmp_iBaseMip = 0;
  356. nmp_pixMaxSize = 4096; _(version="2")
  357. ogl_bCompressCachedShaders = 1;
  358. ogl_bConservativeOcclusion = 1;
  359. ogl_bDisableShaderCaching = 0;
  360. ogl_bEmulateOSX = 0;
  361. ogl_bFastSRGB = 1;
  362. ogl_bPreferDiscard = 0;
  363. ogl_bStreamDynamicBuffers = 0;
  364. ogl_bUseSamplerObjects = 0;
  365. ogl_bUseSeparateShaders = 0;
  366. ogl_bUseTextureStorage = 0; _(version="2")
  367. ogl_bVSyncTearing = 0; _(version="3")
  368. ogl_bWaitOcclusionResult = 0;
  369. ogl_iFlushDynamicBuffers = 0;
  370. ogl_iUseDynamicBuffers = 1;
  371. pfx_lrmLightningRenderingMode = 0;
  372. phe_fontMagnifier = 3;
  373. phy_fPolygonCacheExpand = 0.5;
  374. phy_fPolygonCacheLimit = 5;
  375. phy_fPolygonCacheTime = 0.5;
  376. phy_iMaxSweepingThreads = 0;
  377. phy_iMaxThreads = 0; _(version="2")
  378. plr_bAllowGuidedJump = 1;
  379. plr_bAllowPlayerAutoJump = 1;
  380. plr_bDeathScreenMuffling = 0;
  381. plr_fFOVOverride = 83.4;
  382. prf_bShowFPS = 1;
  383. prf_bShowFPSGraph = 0;
  384. prf_bSimulationFPSGraph = 0;
  385. prf_fFPSGraphMax = -1;
  386. prf_fFPSGraphMin = -1;
  387. prf_iShowFPSVariation = 1;
  388. prf_strFPSTicker = "---\\\\\\|||///";
  389. prf_tmGfxStallsInterval = 1;
  390. prf_tmGraphInterval = 0;
  391. prf_tmRefreshInterval = 1;
  392. prj_bAimDOF = 1;
  393. prj_bAllowGibs = 1;
  394. prj_bBlockCloseEvent = 0;
  395. prj_bConfirmPreviousVersionLoad = 1;
  396. prj_bDebrisCastShadow = 1; _(version="2")
  397. prj_bDisableConsolePause = 0;
  398. prj_bDisableRagdollDeaths = 0; _(version="1")
  399. prj_bEnableClientSideEffects = 1;
  400. prj_bEnableDynamicDecals = 1;
  401. prj_bGenerateChapterAutoSaveThumbnail = 0;
  402. prj_bHardwareMouseCursor = 1;
  403. prj_bIdleAutoRestart = 0;
  404. prj_bIdleAutoShutdownInstead = 0;
  405. prj_bKioskMode = 0;
  406. prj_bKioskModeSkipStartScreen = 0;
  407. prj_bRenderVRLaserSight = 1;
  408. prj_bSimpleCharacterDestructions = 0; _(version="1")
  409. prj_bStartupAutoDetection = 1;
  410. prj_bSymbolicPingDisplay = 0;
  411. prj_bVRSmoothViewY = 1;
  412. prj_ctFeetAdjustmentIKIterations = 4;
  413. prj_ctMaxCorpses = 50;
  414. prj_ctMaxDebris = 1800;
  415. prj_ctMaxFlamesPerSurface = 15; _(version="2")
  416. prj_ctMaxQuickMatchTries = 5; _(version="2")
  417. prj_ctTimeBanMinutes = 60;
  418. prj_fAllItemsDistanceFar = 300; _(version="2")
  419. prj_fAllItemsDistanceNear = 60; _(version="3")
  420. prj_fCameraDistanceFactor = 1;
  421. prj_fCutSceneDontSkipPeriod = 1;
  422. prj_fDebrisScreenSizeRatioCull = 0.006; _(version="2")
  423. prj_fDistanceBetweenVRPlayersOnChapter = 1;
  424. prj_fIdleAutoRestartTimer = 120;
  425. prj_fMaxFeetAdjustmentDistance = 100;
  426. prj_fMaxWaitForPeacefulAutoSaveTimeOut = 30;
  427. prj_fMinAutoSaveDeltaTime = 60;
  428. prj_fMinFlameFastLightDistance = 1;
  429. prj_fRaycastVehicleSubstepFPS = 100;
  430. prj_fVoteDuration = 60;
  431. prj_fVoteEndDelay = 3;
  432. prj_fVotePercentageToPass = 0.5;
  433. prj_fVRMovementDeadZoneRadius = 0.25;
  434. prj_fVRMovementThresholdY = 0.1; _(version="1")
  435. prj_fVRWeaponAdjustB = 0;
  436. prj_fVRWeaponAdjustH = 0;
  437. prj_fVRWeaponAdjustP = 0;
  438. prj_fVRWeaponAdjustX = 0;
  439. prj_fVRWeaponAdjustY = 0;
  440. prj_fVRWeaponAdjustZ = 0;
  441. prj_iBloodAndGoreSkin = 0;
  442. prj_iBotViewType = 0;
  443. prj_iCPUSpeed = 4;
  444. prj_iFlashlightType = 3; _(version="3")
  445. prj_iGPUMemory = 4;
  446. prj_iGPUSpeed = 4;
  447. prj_iWorldCacheMode = 2; _(version="5")
  448. prj_smSubtitleMode_copy = 1;
  449. prj_strDisabledCompatibilityCheckMessages = "";
  450. prj_strDisabledVoteTypes = "";
  451. prj_strElohimVoice = "";
  452. prj_strGfxUserInfoDate = "";
  453. prj_strGraphicCardName = "";
  454. prj_strLastAutoDetectSetup = "sys_bUserSpaceGPU=false,vr_bSteamVRForceInterleavedReprojection=false,sys_iCPUMHz=3407,gfx_iShaderModelVersion=50,sys_strPlatform=Win64,sys_iGPUVendorID=4318,gfx_ulVideoMemoryMB=4059,gfx_ctConcurrentGPUs=1,sys_strCPUVendor=GenuineIntel,gfx_ulFreeTextureMemoryMB=12218,vr_iUsingSinglePassStereo=0,sys_iCPUFamily=6,gfx_iRelaxedOcclusionTest=0,gfx_bTileBasedGPU=false,sys_iGPUDeviceID=5058,sys_slRAMPhysMB=16319,sys_b32bitOS=0,";
  455. prj_strLastCompatibilityCheckSetup = "";
  456. prj_strMapList = "";
  457. prj_strMultiplayerSessionName = ""; _(version="2")
  458. prj_strTalosPlayerModel = "";
  459. prt_bSmoothTextureAnimation = 1;
  460. prt_fDampingFactor = 1;
  461. ptt_strDefault = "4b663f2304780206f27ba2c3cd74fc0db3e4c339a11547de5e24f3e10a276f92";
  462. ptt_strDemo = "bccec1836e18dc14ada30b017cd492303f279bd74f926b2498a85b4bdd1bbabf";
  463. ptt_strUnrestricted = "bccec1836e18dc14ada30b017cd492303f279bd74f926b2498a85b4bdd1bbabf";
  464. rcon_slMaxBufferSize = 131072;
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  467. rcts_strAcceptFilter = "; <IP>/24";
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  469. rcts_strWelcomeNote = "RCon telnet server";
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  480. ren_bLightsOcclusion = 1;
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  501. ren_fRenderingSizeRatio = 1;
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  529. sfx_fCompressorReleaseTime = 500;
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  533. sfx_fMaxTotalVolume = 3; _(version="3")
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  571. shb_fShadowDepthScaleOmni = 0.015; _(version="3")
  572. shb_fShadowDepthScaleSpot = 0.0010000002; _(version="3")
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  575. shb_pixMaxShadowSize = 8192; _(version="2")
  576. shb_pixShadowDensity = 128; _(version="2")
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  584. sim_iFixMicroStuttering = 2;
  585. snd_fDistanceAttenuationPower = 2; _(version="2")
  586. snd_fEffectsVolume = 0.81; _(version="3")
  587. snd_fMovieVolume = 0.7; _(version="3")
  588. snd_fMusicVolume = 0.49; _(version="3")
  589. snd_fVoiceCommVolume = 0.7;
  590. snd_fVoiceoverVolume = 1;
  591. str_strForcedLocale = "";
  592. str_strForcedVoiceLocale = "";
  593. str_strGenvAutoLocale = "enu";
  594. tex_bAllowDownload = 1;
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  602. tex_iFiltering = 22; _(version="2")
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  605. thr_bBusyWaitingWorkers = 0;
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  607. thr_iCoreOffset = 0;
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  609. thr_iOverrideNumberOfCPUs = -1;
  610. thr_iOverrideSupportThreadCores = -1;
  611. thr_iOverrideWorkerCoresSharing = -1;
  612. thr_iOverrideWorkerThreadCores = -1;
  613. tim_bLogTimerOffsets = 0;
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  615. vis_iScannerPolyFilter = -1;
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  618. vlk_bBatchQueryResults = 1;
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  637. vo_bMicBoost = 1;
  638. vo_bUsingPushToTalk = 1;
  639. vo_bVoiceEnabled = 1;
  640. vo_fMicSensitivity = 0; _(version="3")
  641. vo_fVoiceReceiveVolume = 0.7;
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  643. vr_bAllowMovementOnRotationController = 1;
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  647. vr_bEnableGPUAffinity = 1;
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  666. vr_fComfortLocomotionMaskGradientExponent = 4; _(version="2")
  667. vr_fComfortLocomotionMaskRadius = 0.25; _(version="2")
  668. vr_fComfortLocomotionMaskXOffset = 0;
  669. vr_fContinuousMovementDeadzone = 0.2;
  670. vr_fCutsceneFadeTimes = 0.30000002;
  671. vr_fEmulatedAllowedPlayerEyeHeightOffset = 0;
  672. vr_fEmulatedPlayerEyeHeight = 1.7;
  673. vr_fFirstPersonInMixedRealityAspectRatio = 1.3333334;
  674. vr_fFirstPersonInMixedRealitySizeRatio = 0.30000002;
  675. vr_fForceVideoFPS = -1;
  676. vr_fMenuMovementSpeed = 0.1;
  677. vr_fMixedRealityCameraAspectRatio = 1.7777778;
  678. vr_fMixedRealityCameraFarClipPlaneDistance = 10000;
  679. vr_fMixedRealityCameraNearClipPlaneDistance = 0.1;
  680. vr_fMixedRealityCameraOffset_Banking = 0;
  681. vr_fMixedRealityCameraOffset_Heading = 0;
  682. vr_fMixedRealityCameraOffset_Pitch = 0;
  683. vr_fMixedRealityCameraOffset_X = 0;
  684. vr_fMixedRealityCameraOffset_Y = 0;
  685. vr_fMixedRealityCameraOffset_Z = 0;
  686. vr_fMixedRealityCameraVerticalFOV = 90;
  687. vr_fMixedRealityControllerPredictionTimeOffset = -0.07; _(version="2")
  688. vr_fMixedRealityPlayerImposterBrightness = 0.5;
  689. vr_fMixedRealityPlayerImposterHeight = 2.3;
  690. vr_fMixedRealityPlayerImposterWidth = 1.8;
  691. vr_fMixedRealityRealCameraVerticalFOV = 90;
  692. vr_fOculusEyeLevelOriginHeightAdjustment = 1;
  693. vr_fOculusVibrationCoef = 0.30000002;
  694. vr_fRenderingPixelRatio = 1;
  695. vr_fRotationAngle = 90;
  696. vr_fRotationFrequency = 2;
  697. vr_fRotationSensitivity = 0.5;
  698. vr_fScreenRenderZoomFactor = 1.25;
  699. vr_fSteamVRPitchAdjustment = 0; _(version="2")
  700. vr_fStrafeThreshold = 0.5;
  701. vr_fTeleportFadeTime = 0.2;
  702. vr_fVRControllerIdleRotationPositionInsensibility = 10;
  703. vr_fVRControllerIdleTime = 1;
  704. vr_fVRIdleDistanceThreshold = 0.01; _(version="3")
  705. vr_fVRIdleTestSamplingTime = 0.02;
  706. vr_fVRMinStopIdleDistance = 0.5; _(version="3")
  707. vr_fVROffsetFromHandsX = 0;
  708. vr_fVROffsetFromHandsY = 0;
  709. vr_fVROffsetFromHandsZ = 0;
  710. vr_fVRWeaponPitchAdjustment = 0;
  711. vr_fWeaponSelectionDepthDistanceFromHead = 0.64999996;
  712. vr_fWeaponSelectionHeightDistanceFromHead = 0.4;
  713. vr_fWeaponSelectionStretchOverride = -1; _(version="1")
  714. vr_iDisplayEyeOnScreen = 1;
  715. vr_iEnableMixedRealityControllerPredictionTimeOffset = 2; _(version="2")
  716. vr_iFirstPersonInMixedRealityCorner = 0;
  717. vr_iForceVideoColorMatrix = -1;
  718. vr_iForceVideoFormat = -1;
  719. vr_iForceVideoHeight = -1;
  720. vr_iForceVideoStride = -1;
  721. vr_iForceVideoUpsideDown = -1;
  722. vr_iForceVideoWidth = -1;
  723. vr_iMixedRealityCameraVerticalRenderingResolution = -1; _(version="2")
  724. vr_iMixedRealityVideoCaptureAPI = 0;
  725. vr_iMixedRealityVideoCaptureDeviceIndex = 0;
  726. vr_iMixedRealityVideoCaptureFormatIndex = -1;
  727. vr_iOculusTrackingOrigin = 0;
  728. vr_iRotationController = 2;
  729. vr_iRotationMethod = 0;
  730. vr_iSteamVRPostPresentHandoffCallTime = 4;
  731. vr_iSteamVRWaitGetPosesCallTime = 0;
  732. vr_strAPI = "Emulated";
  733. vr_strForceAux0ControllerSN = "";
  734. vr_strForceLeftHandControllerSN = "";
  735. vr_strForceRightHandControllerSN = "";
  736. vr_strWeaponEffectsSkippedInMidedRealityView = "";
  737. vr_vMixedRealityPlayerImposterOffset.x = 0;
  738. vr_vMixedRealityPlayerImposterOffset.y = 0;
  739. vr_vMixedRealityPlayerImposterOffset.z = 0;
  740. vr_vwsslWeaponSelectionLocation = 0; _(version="2")
  741. vsl_fGlobalVibrationStrength = 1; _(version="2")
  742. wbs_bAutoPopulateP4Changelists = 1;
  743. wbs_bHighlightMine = 1;
  744. wbs_bLogBugzillaRequestInfo = 0;
  745. wbs_iStatusFilter = 0;
  746. wbs_strDefaultAssignee = "";
  747. wbs_strProductName = "";
  748. xad_bInstantUpdates = 0;
  749. xad_bReuseVoices = 1;
  750. xad_fStereoSeparation = 0.8;
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