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Nov 26th, 2018
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  1. # The language which will be used to display the messages
  2. language: en
  4. # Prevents the same denial message to spam the player's chat when the player keeps trying to do what was denied.
  5. # A value of zero will disable the cooldown
  6. message-cooldown: 3
  8. # USE ONLY 1.13+ Materials!
  9. infoitem: BLAZE_ROD
  10. # The date format. More info:
  11. infoitemDateFormat: "MM/dd/yyyy"
  13. cooldown-on-checking-placed: false
  15. # The integration level which this plugin will integrate to WorldEdit when it's available on load
  16. # 0: Disabled
  17. # 1: All affected blocks will be marked as creative. Air and untracked blocks will be unmarked
  18. # 2: Only changed blocks will be marked. Unchanged blocks will be untouched
  19. # 3: Full integration. Also checks gravity and physics of special blocks
  20. # creativesecurity.bypass.worldedit.block to bypass mark with worldedit
  21. worldedit-integration: 1
  23. # Enable the data.log file
  24. debug-data: false
  26. # Disable only if you are experiencing conflicts with other "ride" plugins (this change require a server restart)
  27. disable-ride-system: false
  29. # Disable only if you are experiencing conflicts with other "backpacks" plugins (this change require a server restart)
  30. disable-backpacks-system: false
  32. disable-gamemode-changes: false
  34. # Disable only if you are experiencing performance issues
  35. disable-BlockPhysicsEvent-checks: false
  37. disable-commands-suggestions:
  38. # Whether to restrict 1.13 commands suggestions
  39. enabled: true
  40. # Not blocked suggestions
  41. # Use an empty list [] to block every suggestion)
  42. whitelists:
  43. # Whitelist for players without any of the following permissions
  44. default:
  45. - "spawn"
  46. - "warp"
  47. - "home"
  48. - "msg"
  49. - "reply"
  50. - "r"
  51. - "help"
  52. - "money"
  53. - "balance"
  54. - "baltop"
  55. - "tpa"
  56. - "kick"
  57. - "ban"
  58. - "mute"
  59. # etc.
  61. # Permissions format: creativesecurity.tabsuggestwhitelist.{SECTION-NAME}
  63. # Whitelist for players with the permission
  64. # For example, the permission for this section is creativesecurity.tabsuggestwhitelist.staff
  65. staff:
  66. - "fly"
  67. - "kick"
  68. - "ban"
  69. - "mute"
  70. # etc.
  72. # You can add as many sub sections as you want
  75. wanted-fine:
  76. # Represent the level. You can add/delete as many as you want
  77. 1: 1000
  78. 2: 2000
  79. 3: 3000
  80. 4: 4000
  81. 5: 5000
  82. 6: 6000
  83. 7: 7000
  84. 8: 8000
  85. 9: 9000
  86. 10: 10000
  88. # Money (multiplied by level) received for killing a wanted player
  89. wanted-kill-bounty: 150
  90. # How much money to lose when dying while being wanted
  91. wanted-death-money: 300
  93. # Commands that cannot be run by players while they are wanted
  94. blacklisted-wanted-commands: []
  96. bounty:
  97. min: 1000
  98. # max allowed value: 2,147,483,647
  99. max: 9999999
  101. player-info:
  102. header:
  103. - '&a&l&m---------------------------------------------'
  104. - ' &a&l[&c{player_name} &b&l- &cInformations&a&l]'
  105. - ''
  106. footer:
  107. - '&a&l&m---------------------------------------------'
  108. previous-page: "&c&l[&bPrevious Page&c&l]"
  109. buttons-spacer: " &7(&c{current}&7/&c{total}&7) "
  110. next-page: "&c&l[&bNext Page&c&l]"
  111. # You can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders
  112. pages:
  113. '1':
  114. - "&bPlayer name&c: &3{player_name}"
  115. - "&bUUID&c: &7{player_uuid}"
  116. - "&bWanted level&c: &6{wanted_level}"
  117. - "&bBounty&c: &6{bounty}"
  118. - "&bMoney&c: &2%cmi_user_balance%&c$"
  119. - "&bPlaytime: &a%cmi_user_playtime_days% &edays &e%cmi_user_playtime_hours% hours &c%cmi_user_playtime_minutes% &eminutes"
  120. - "&bCountry: &a%cmi_user_country% &c&l(&3%cmi_user_country_code%&c&l) &e%cmi_user_city%"
  121. # Ecc....
  122. '2':
  123. - "&bCity&c: &6{city}"
  124. - "&bGender&c: &6{gender}"
  125. - "&bRace&c: &6{race}"
  126. - "&bRank&c: &6%cmi_user_rank%"
  127. - "&bGroup&c: &6%cmi_user_group%"
  129. # As many pages as you want
  131. # Max "/creativesecurity cmdblock [radius] ..." blocks radius
  132. cmdblock-max-radius: 1000
  134. backpacks:
  135. inventory-name-format: "&9[&c{player}&9] &3{size} backpack &c#&a{number}"
  136. per-size: 10
  137. size:
  138. small: 9
  139. medium: 27
  140. large: 54
  142. block-place-cooldown:
  143. enabled: false
  144. # In ticks (1 second = 20 ticks)
  145. cooldown: 3
  147. # On server startup the plugin loads materials, sounds and entity type from the config.
  148. # CreativeSecurity validate them and if any is invalid, notify the console
  149. # Please disable only if you really know what you are doing
  150. validate-enums-messages: true
  152. # Adjusts how the player inventories are stored.
  153. persistence:
  154. # Enables database persistence.
  155. # Not recommend as it can getInstance out of sync with the world on crashes or partial rollbacks
  156. # Only change this on new installation or all data can be lost or become outdated, causing inventory loss or item duplication.
  157. jdbc: false
  159. # The database settings bellow are optional and are only used when jdbc is enabled
  160. # If you are updating connection information, make sure it points to the same database or the same issues stated above will happen
  161. driver: mysql
  162. host: localhost
  163. port: 3306
  164. username: root
  165. password: ''
  166. database: creativesecurity
  168. # When specified, the driver, host, port and database settings will be ignored and this JDBC URL will be used instead
  169. # This allows you to specify load balancing databases and more advanced settings
  170. # Examples:
  171. # jdbc:mysql//primaryhost,secondaryhost1,secondaryhost2/databasename
  172. # jdbc:mysql:loadbalance://localhost:3306,localhost:3310/databasename
  173. # jdbc:mysql:replication://master,slave1,slave2,slave3/databasename
  174. #
  175. # This is only for advanced users. Leave "default" if you don't know what this is
  177. url: "default"
  178. # Toggles general checks that are done by the plugin
  179. check:
  180. # Players picking up dropped items generated from different game modes
  181. #
  182. # Can be bypassed with:
  183. # creativesecurity.bypass.action.pickup
  184. # creativesecurity.bypass.action.pickupsurvival
  185. item-pickup: false
  187. # Players in creative mode dropping items
  188. #
  189. # Can by bypassed with:
  190. # creativesecurity.bypass.action.drop
  191. creative-drop: false
  193. # Players in survival mode dropping creative items. True will destroy the item, false will drop and mark the entity.
  194. survival-drop: false
  196. # Toggles if this plugin will affect or not the player deaths
  197. player-death: true
  199. # Checks related to mob spawner blocks and entities
  200. mob-spawner:
  201. # Stops players in creative mode from placing monster spawners.
  202. # Includes: The mob spawner block (minecraft:mob_spawner) and the silverfish block (minecraft:monster_egg)
  203. placement: false
  205. # Stops players from changing monster spawners with spawn eggs (minecraft:spawn_egg)
  206. #
  207. # Can be bypassed with:
  208. # creativesecurity.bypass.modify.mobspawner
  209. # creativesecurity.bypass.modify.mobspawnersurvival
  210. changing: false
  212. # Stops players from shooting with bow while in creative mode.
  213. #
  214. # Can be bypassed with:
  215. # creativesecurity.bypass.use.bow
  216. creative-bow-shots: false
  218. # Stops players in creative mode from using name tags in entities.
  219. #
  220. # Can be bypassed with:
  221. # creativesecurity.bypass.action.applynametag
  222. apply-nametag: false
  224. # When true players won't be able to break bedrocks even in creative mode
  225. #
  226. # Can be bypassed with:
  227. # creativesecurity.bypass.break.bedrock
  228. breaking-bedrock: false
  230. # Chat help menu. Output of the command "/creativesecurity"
  231. helpmenu:
  232. header:
  233. - '&a&l&m---------------------------------------------'
  234. - ' &c&l CreativeSecurity'
  235. - ''
  236. footer:
  237. - '&a&l&m---------------------------------------------'
  238. previous-page: "&c&l[&bPrevious Page&c&l]"
  239. buttons-spacer: " &7(&c{current}&7/&c{total}&7) "
  240. next-page: "&c&l[&bNext Page&c&l]"
  241. pages:
  242. 1:
  243. - '&c/&ecreativesecurity reload'
  244. - '&c/&ecreativesecurity unmarkblocks'
  245. - '&c/&ecreativesecurity cmdblock'
  246. - '&c/&ecreativesecurity status &7[offline person]'
  247. - '&c/&ecreativesecurity invsee &7[person] (gamemode) (inventory)'
  248. - '&c/&ecreativesecurity clear'
  249. - '&c/&emark'
  250. - '&c/&eop'
  251. - '&c/&edeop'
  252. - '&c/&econsole'
  253. - '&c/&egmset'
  254. - '&c/&egmgui'
  255. - '&c/&egmc'
  256. - '&c/&egms'
  257. - ''
  258. 2:
  259. - '&c/&ecreativesecurity clear'
  260. - '&c/&ecreativesecurity clear &7[person] [gamemode] [inventory]'
  261. - ''
  262. sub-helpmenus: []
  263. # The helpmenu page containing bounty commands
  266. # rob commands settings
  267. rob-system:
  268. rob:
  269. # The maximum percentage of money a player can steal (integer value)
  270. percentage: 0
  271. # in minutes
  272. cooldown: 10
  273. # Commands executed after a successful rob
  274. # Placeholders:
  275. # {executor} -> executor name
  276. # {target} -> target name
  277. commands: []
  279. stealfrom:
  280. percentage: 0
  281. cooldown: 15
  282. commands:
  283. - "wanted add {executor} 1"
  285. stealmorefrom:
  286. percentage: 0
  287. cooldown: 30
  288. commands:
  289. - "wanted add {executor} 1"
  291. stealallfrom:
  292. percentage: 0
  293. cooldown: 60
  294. commands:
  295. - "wanted add {executor} 1"
  297. max-distance: 4
  299. # Whether to hide player's name tag while he is a robber
  300. hide-nametag-while-robber: false
  302. # Determines what happens with the experience and the active inventory when a player dies...
  303. # Can be disabled by the setting "check.player-death" above.
  304. death:
  305. # ... in creative mode
  306. creative:
  307. # When true, no item will be dropped and the player will keep everything on respawn regardless of the world's gamerule.
  308. # When false, the world's gamerule or other plugins will decide if the items will be dropped or not.
  309. keep-inventory: true
  311. # When true, no experience orb will be spawned and the player will keep all experience on respawn
  312. keep-level: true
  314. # Only works when keep_inventory is false. No creative item will be spawned, they will be destroyed.
  315. destroy-creative-drops: true
  317. # ... in non-creative mode, may be adventure or spectator
  318. survival:
  319. # When true, no item will be dropped and the player will keep everything on respawn regardless of the world's gamerule.
  320. # When false, the world's gamerule or other plugins will decide if the items will be dropped or not.
  321. keep-inventory: false
  323. # When true, no experience orb will be spawned and the player will keep all experience on respawn
  324. keep-level: false
  326. # Only works when keep_inventory is false. No creative item will be spawned, they will be destroyed.
  327. destroy-creative-drops: true
  329. # Toggles some safety checks that are done by this plugin when a player changes from or to the creative game mode
  330. when-gamemode-changes:
  331. # Removes all potion effects when entering/leaving the creative game mode
  332. remove-potions: false
  334. # Unleashes all leashed entities when entering/leaving the creative game mode
  335. # Prevents incorrect tracking from the leash item
  336. unleash-entities: true
  338. # Closes the inventory GUI, prevents incorrect tracking of items stored in the GUI and unauthorized use of creative items on machines.
  339. close-inventory: true
  341. # Moves creative armor to the player inventory, or drop it when it is full.
  342. # Only happens when changing from creative to any other game mode
  343. #
  344. # Bypassed with:
  345. # creativesecurity.bypass.use.marked
  346. remove-creative-armor: true
  348. # Toggles tracking of creative items.
  349. # Disabling one of this setting may allow players to transform creative items into normal items
  350. # or make a creative item / entity / block produce normal items
  351. track:
  352. # Players in creative mode spawning items using the creative inventory or special clicks
  353. creative-item-spawn: true
  355. # Players placing blocks which are marked as creative item in the inventory
  356. place-creative: true
  358. # Items dropped by players in creative mode
  359. creative-drop: true
  361. # Entity spawning by creative spawn eggs.
  362. entity-spawn-by-egg: true
  364. # Fishing hooks spawned using a creative fishing rod
  365. fishing-hook: true
  367. # Loots fished by a creative fishing hook
  368. fish: true
  370. # Fishes spawned by marked fish buckets placing
  371. creative-fish-bucket: true
  373. # Arrows shot by players in creative mode
  374. # Will not detect which arrow stack was actually used, so players in survival mode will be able to use
  375. # creative item arrows and the projectile will not be tracked!
  376. arrows: true
  378. # Creative splash and lingering potions thrown will be marked
  379. thrown-potions: true
  381. # Creative experience bottle entities thrown by a creative item will be marked.
  382. exp-bottle: true
  384. # Snowball thrown using a creative item stack
  385. snowball: true
  387. # Ender pearls thrown using a creative item stack
  388. ender-pearl: true
  390. # Eggs thrown using a creative item stack
  391. egg: true
  393. # Ender Eye (also known as ENDER_SIGNAL) throw using a creative item stack
  394. ender-eye: true
  396. # Items dropped when a creative creature dies
  397. creative-creature-loot: true
  399. # Snow layers placed by creative snowman will be marked as creative blocks
  400. snowman-trail: true
  402. # Blocks dropping because the block which was holding it was broken
  403. attached-drops: true
  405. # When a TNT which was created from a creative inventory is primed, the primed entity will be marked
  406. tnt: true
  408. # Structures (trees, big mushrooms) grown by a creative sapling/mushroom will contains only creative blocks
  409. creative-structures: true
  411. # Creative plants spreading to other blocks will mark the target block as creative
  412. # Examples:
  413. # * Mushroom/Grass/Mycelium/Fire spreading to other blocks
  414. # * Watermelon/Pumpkin steam placing watermelon/pumpkin blocks next to it
  415. # * Cactus/Sugar cane growing up
  416. creative-spread: true
  418. # Items dropped while harvesting plants which were originally created from a creative inventory
  419. creative-plant-loot: true
  421. # Entities being formed by block placement. Namely: Snowman, Iron Golem and Wither
  422. # Will not track respawned Ender Dragon!
  423. entity-forming: true
  425. # Item frames placed from a creative item stack will be marked and will have special treatment
  426. item-frame: true
  428. # Armor stand placed from a creative item stack will be marked and will have special treatment
  429. armor-stand: true
  431. # Painting placed from a creative item stack will be marked
  432. painting: true
  434. # Silverfish spawning from a creative spawn_eggs block
  435. creative-silverfish-hatching: true
  437. # Creative silverfish entering a block
  438. creative-silverfish-hiding: true
  440. # Adjusts how entities are marked
  441. # This can be changed at any time without loss of data
  442. entity-mark:
  443. # Sets a custom name to creative entities.
  444. # When this is false the creative entities will still be renamed but to an uglier name, like the creator UUID.
  445. apply-name: true
  447. # Makes the custom name visible to everybody. Requires apply-name.
  448. set-name-visible: true
  450. # Entity types which will never have the name visible even if apply-name and set-name-visible are true
  451. # A list can be found at:
  452. hide-name-for:
  453. - PAINTING
  454. - ITEM_FRAME
  457. - LEASH_HITCH
  458. - ENDER_PEARL
  461. - ARMOR_STAND
  462. - SNOWBALL
  464. - ARROW
  466. # Settings which disables things
  467. disable:
  468. # Hoppers will be unable to pickup items recently spawned (3 ticks)
  469. # This prevents some items like skull and string from being recycled from creative mode
  470. # but may break very precise redstone systems which depends
  471. early-hopper-pickup: true
  473. # Players in survival mode won't be allowed to use items which was spawned from a creative inventory
  474. usage-of-creative-items: true
  476. # Players in survival mode won't be allowed to use machines which was originally spawned from a creative inventory
  477. usage-of-creative-blocks: true
  479. # Creative items wont't be usable on anvils
  480. usage-of-creative-items-on-anvil: true
  482. # Players outside the creative mode won't be able to use creative equipment on armor slot
  483. usage-of-creative-armor: true
  485. # Enchantment table won't be able to enchant creative items
  486. creative-enchantment: true
  488. # Furnace won't smelt creative items
  489. creative-smelting: true
  491. # Furnace won't accept creative items as fuel
  492. creative-fuel: true
  494. # Dispensers and droppers won't be able to drop creative items
  495. creative-dispensing: true
  497. creative-trident-usage: true
  499. # Dispensers won't drop items when a creative entity is in front of it
  500. # That would allow to make creative entities wear non-creative items
  501. dispensing-to-creative-entities: true
  503. # Dispensers won't place pumpkin or wither skull when it detects that a snowman, iron golem or wither would be formed
  504. # using a creative block
  505. dispensers-forming-entities-from-creative-blocks: true
  507. # If a player throws a creative egg, it will not hatch
  508. chicken-spawning-from-creative-eggs: true
  510. # If a player throws a creative ender peral, no endermite will spawn from it
  511. endermite-spawning-from-creative-ender-pearls: true
  513. # If a player throws a creative ender eye, it will always break
  514. creative-ender-eye-dropping: true
  516. # Players won't be allowed to use creative items in crafting grids (both 2x2 and 3x3)
  517. creative-crafting: true
  519. # Players won't be able to drink creative potions
  520. creative-potion: true
  522. # Players in creative mode won't trample crops
  523. trampling-farmlands: true
  525. # Enderman will not be able to pick creative blocks
  526. enderman-getting-creative-blocks: true
  528. # Skeletons and other monsters won't be able to break creative item frames
  529. creative-item-frame-getting-hit-by-monsters: true
  531. # Skeletons and other monsters won't be able to break creative armor stands
  532. creative-armor-stand-getting-hit-by-monsters: true
  534. # No creative hanging entity will break by physics.
  535. creative-hanging-from-breaking: true
  537. # Hoppers won't pickup creative drops
  538. hoppers-picking-up-creative-items: true
  540. # Hoppers won't move creative items to other inventories
  541. hoppers-moving-creative-items: true
  543. # Miscellaneous things that doesn't matches other categories
  544. misc:
  545. # This item will be displayed on empty creative item frames
  546. # It is used to show that the frame is creative.
  547. # The players will not be able to getInstance it and it will not affect how the item frame works.
  548. # The only exception is that it does affect redstone signal emitted by comparators.
  549. empty-creative-item-frame-marker: STRUCTURE_VOID
  551. # Players in non-creative game mode will have to wait this time in seconds to be able to use an other ender pearl
  552. # 0 disables this setting
  553. #
  554. # Can by bypassed with:
  555. # creativesecurity.bypass.delay.survival.enderpearl
  556. survival-ender-pearl-cooldown: 10
  558. # Players in creative game mode will have to wait this time in seconds to be able to use an other ender pearl
  559. # 0 disables this setting
  560. #
  561. # Can by bypassed with:
  562. # creativesecurity.bypass.delay.creative.enderpearl
  563. creative-ender-pearl-cooldown: 15
  565. # Grass block will be considered as plant, as it can spread into dirt
  566. treat-grass-as-plant: false
  568. # Grass block will be considered as plant as it can spread into dirt
  569. treat-mycelium-as-plant: true
  571. # Even thought it doesn't grow, it will duplicate if somebody uses bone meal
  572. # So, setting this to true will make it be treated like a normal growable plant
  573. treat-double-pant-as-plant: true
  575. # Mushroom blocks will be considered as plant as it can spread into blocks
  576. treat-mushrooms-as-plant: true
  578. # Vines will be considered as plant as it can spread
  579. treat-vine-as-plant: true
  581. # When a player disconnects from the server the default server game mode will be applied
  582. # and the player inventory appropriately
  583. change-to-default-gamemode-on-quit: false
  585. # Same as above but you can specify a game mode which differs from the default
  586. # Leave empty to disable. Valid values are: survival, creative, spectator, adventure
  587. # This will be ignored if change-to-default-gamemode-on-quit is true
  588. change-to-specific-gamemode-on-quit: survival
  590. # If the plugin detects that the player inventory mismatches the persisted inventory
  591. # It will restore the inventory contents from the previous persisted inventory when the current inventory is empty
  592. # This can be used to restore a corrupted player inventory but may cause compatibility issues with plugins which
  593. # configured to clear the player inventory on quit/join or other conditions.
  594. restore-empty-inventories: false
  596. # If you want to prevent teleportation for players when pressing buttons
  597. # in spectator mode set this on true
  598. prevent-spectator-teleport: false
  600. allow-forcing-already-used-inv: true
  602. # List of commands which cannot be used by players in certain game mode
  603. # No alias will be checked, so make sure to cover all aliases
  604. blocked-commands:
  605. # Blocked commands in creative mode
  606. creative: []
  607. # Blocked commands in any mode different from creative mode
  608. non-creative: []
  610. # Blocked commands in other specific mods. Only creative mode has a "non-" key
  611. survival: []
  612. adventure: []
  613. spectator: []
  615. # List of commands which cannot be executed by the console (lower case)
  616. blocked-commands-console: []
  618. # List of commands which cannot be executed by command blocks (lower case)
  619. blocked-commands-cmd-blocks: []
  621. # These materials will never be marked as creative item, even when directly spawned by a creative player
  622. untracked-materials: []
  624. # Lists material items which are blocked in certain conditions
  625. blocked-items:
  626. # These items cannot be used on anvils
  627. #
  628. # Can be bypassed with:
  629. # creativesecurity.bypass.use.blockedanvilitem
  630. into-anvil: []
  632. # These items cannot be spawned by players in creative mode
  633. #
  634. # Can be bypassed with:
  635. # creativesecurity.bypass.action.spawncreativeblocked
  636. creative-spawn: []
  638. # These items cannot be used by players in creative mode (right/left click on blocks, air or entities)
  639. #
  640. # Can be bypassed with:
  641. # creativesecurity.use.blockedcreative
  642. creative-usage: []
  644. # These blocks won't be pushable by pistons
  645. immovable-blocks: []
  647. # Allows you to specify a couple of functions to be executed when a player changes the game mode.
  648. change-gamemode-hooks:
  649. # You can set a list of commands to run as if the player had executed the command.
  650. # These commands will execute on every gamemode change, including changes where the creative game rule is not involved
  651. # "[]" is an empty list
  652. # You can use the following replacement tokens:
  653. # {player} - The player name
  654. # {uuid} - The player UUID
  655. # {from} - The previous game mode name. Example: SURVIVAL, CREATIVE, ADVENTURE, SPECTATOR
  656. # {to} - The new game mode name.
  657. # {from-id} - The previous game mode ID. Example: 0, 1, 2, 3 for survival, creative, adventure and spectator, respectively.
  658. # {to-id} - The new game mode ID.
  659. run-as-player: []
  661. # These commands will be executed by the console instead of the player.
  662. # You can use the same replacement tokens as above on all run blocks
  663. run-as-console: []
  665. # The player will receive those permissions only during the execution of the commands
  666. run-with-permissions:
  667. # Permissions to be applied temporarily
  668. permissions: []
  669. # Commands to be executed with the permissions above
  670. commands: []
  672. # These commands will be executed by player as if the player had OP. Use with caution and only as last resort!
  673. run-as-op: []
  675. # You can set "from" blocks to be executed when a player changes from a specific game mode to any other.
  676. # The "from" blocks can't have a "to" block inside it.
  677. # The "from" blocks specifications are detailed inside the "to-creative" block.
  678. from-creative: []
  680. # This block determines the actions that happens when a player changes the game mode to creative from any other game mode.
  681. to-creative:
  682. # You can add the same command blocks as above here, the difference is that this commands will be executed only
  683. # when the player is changing to the creative game mode, no matter what game mode the player was before.
  684. run-as-player: []
  685. run-as-console: []
  686. run-with-permissions:
  687. permissions: []
  688. commands: []
  689. run-as-op: []
  691. # Now here you can add commands to be executed ONLY when a player changes from SURVIVAL to CREATIVE game mode.
  692. from-survival:
  693. run-as-player: []
  694. run-as-console: []
  695. run-with-permissions:
  696. permissions: []
  697. commands: []
  698. run-as-op: []
  700. # The same but from ADVENTURE to CREATIVE
  701. from-adventure:
  702. run-as-player: []
  703. run-as-console: []
  704. run-with-permissions:
  705. permissions: []
  706. commands: []
  707. run-as-op: []
  710. from-spectator:
  711. run-as-player: []
  712. run-as-console: []
  713. run-with-permissions:
  714. permissions: []
  715. commands: []
  716. run-as-op: []
  718. # Now here you can define what happens when the player changes TO the SURVIVAL game mode
  719. # You can apply the same block structures as to-creative.
  720. # You can omit what you don't need, I wrote all those empty run blocks above only for example.
  721. to-survival:
  722. from-creative: []
  723. from-adventure: []
  724. from-spectator: []
  726. # The same happens to adventure and spectator mode,
  727. # just make sure to do not set a to-adventure from-adventure setting, neither a to-creative from-creative, etc, that won't work.
  728. to-adventure: []
  729. to-spectator: []
  732. # Execute commands when a player join certain gamemode inventory
  733. # Available placeholders:
  734. # {player_name} -> The name of the player
  735. # {player_uuid} -> The uuid of the player
  736. execute-on-inventory-join:
  737. # you can add/delete as many keys as you want
  739. # Example: creative-1
  741. #creative-1:
  742. # - "msg {player_name} you joined creative 1 inventory!"
  743. creative-4: []
  744. survival-2: []
  745. # etc.
  747. # prevent region of player using enderpearl teleporting
  748. # permission creativesecurity.bypass.regionenderpearl
  749. prevent-enderpearl-region:
  750. - "disabledregion1"
  751. - "parkour"
  753. more:
  754. # permission to use creativesecurity.use.oppassword
  755. op-security:
  756. enabled: false
  757. password: secretpassword
  759. # permission to use creativesecurity.use.consoleingame
  760. console-ingame:
  761. enabled: false
  762. password: secretpassword2
  764. melon-arrow-destroy:
  765. enabled: false
  766. sound: BLOCK_GLASS_BREAK
  767. dropmelon: false
  768. worldguard: true
  770. # More instructions and information you can find on plugin wikipedia, there is infinity abilities that you can do with these
  771. key-binding:
  772. # # Format without shift: KEY (example: 1)
  773. # # Format with shift: shift+KEY (example: shift+1)
  774. # 2:
  775. # # You can name this feature as you want
  776. # # In order to execute these commands the player must have a permission.
  777. # # Permission example: "creativesecurity.keybind.${BIND_KEY}.${CONFIGURATION_KEY}"
  778. # # In this case the permission is ""
  779. # # To execute a command from console just add a "CONSOLE:" prefix (case sensitive) to the message (there is an example in the "fly section")
  780. # fly:
  781. # - "fly"
  782. # - "me I have the permission to bind the fly command!"
  783. # - "CONSOLE:broadcast %player% has the permission to bind the fly command"
  784. # hi:
  785. # - "me Hi!"
  786. #
  787. # shift+2:
  788. # user-message:
  789. # - "me you are shifting 2"
  791. # Prevent players from executing certain commands while they're holding certain items
  792. block-commands-hold:
  793. # Bypass permission:
  794. blocked-display-names:
  795. - "Kit-Staff"
  796. - "Creative-Item"
  797. - "Diamond"
  798. # Bypass permission: creativesecurity.bypass.hold.lore
  799. # Placeholder: %player% -> Command executor's name
  800. blocked-lores:
  801. - "Creative item by %player%"
  802. - "Staff kit"
  803. - "Police gadget"
  804. used-for-commands:
  805. - "sell"
  806. - "rename"
  807. - "shop"
  808. - "/wand"
  810. # Prevent players from executing certain commands while they have items with specific display name and lore in their current inventory
  811. block-commands-inventory:
  812. # Bypass permission:
  813. blocked-display-names:
  814. - "Creative-Item"
  815. # Bypass permission: creativesecurity.bypass.inventory.lore
  816. # Placeholder: %player% -> Command executor's name
  817. blocked-lores:
  818. - "No sell"
  819. - "%player%'s diamond"
  820. used-for-commands:
  821. - "sell all"
  823. block-commands-inventory-items:
  824. used-for-commands:
  825. - "tps"
  826. # etc.
  827. items:
  828. '1':
  829. # Available types: ITEM, PLAYER_SKULL, POTION
  830. type: ITEM
  831. material: DIAMOND
  832. '2':
  833. type: PLAYER_SKULL
  834. # Skull owner name
  835. owner: "Gasha"
  836. '3':
  837. type: POTION
  838. #
  839. effect: REGENERATION
  841. adventure-mode-restrictions:
  842. disable-dropping-items: true
  843. disable-pickup-items: true
  845. # Change golden apple cooldown and effects
  846. player-item-consume-control:
  847. golden-apple:
  848. enabled: true
  849. # Cooldown in seconds (set 0 to disable)
  850. cooldown: 10
  851. cooldown-message: "&cYou have to wait {amount} seconds before consuming &bGolden Apples &cagain"
  852. # The food level is measured in half-shanks in the hunger bar. Whole numbers please.
  853. food-level: 4
  854. saturation: 9.6
  856. # A list of types can be found here:
  857. # e.g. REGENERATION:20:2 would give the player regeneration for 1 second (20 ticks). It would be level 3 because the amplifier = level minus one.
  858. effects:
  859. - "ABSORPTION:2400:0"
  860. - "REGENERATION:100:1"
  861. enchanted-golden-apple:
  862. enabled: true
  863. cooldown: 30
  864. cooldown-message: "&cYou have to wait {amount} seconds before consuming &5Enchanted Golden Apples &cagain"
  865. food-level: 4
  866. saturation: 9.6
  867. effects:
  868. - "ABSORPTION:2400:0"
  869. - "REGENERATION:100:1"
  871. #
  873. #
  874. #
  875. punishment-commands-cuffed:
  876. - 'broadcast %player% disconnect while being cuffed!'
  877. - 'say %player% disconnected while being cuffed!'
  878. punishment-commandstasered:
  879. - 'broadcast %player% disconnect while being tased!'
  880. - 'say %player% disconnect while being tased!'
  881. cuffed-blocked-commands:
  882. - "me"
  883. - "spawn"
  884. - "cmi spawn"
  885. - "warp"
  886. - "home"
  887. - "suicide"
  888. - "msg"
  889. tasered-blocked-commands:
  890. - "me"
  891. - "spawn"
  892. - "cmi spawn"
  893. - "warp"
  894. - "home"
  895. - "suicide"
  896. - "msg"
  897. froozen-blocked-commands:
  898. - "me"
  899. - "spawn"
  900. - "cmi spawn"
  901. - "warp"
  902. - "home"
  903. - "suicide"
  904. - "msg"
  905. max-cuff-distance: 10
  906. max-uncuff-distance: 10
  907. max-untie-distance: 10
  908. max-taser-distance: 5
  909. taser-time: 5
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