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a guest
May 23rd, 2018
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  1. {{!-- Related posts --}}
  2. {{#get "posts" filter="tags:[{{tags[*].slug}}]+id:-{{id}}" limit="3" include="tags" as |related_posts|}}
  3. {{#foreach related_posts}}
  4. {{#if @first}}
  5. <section class="read-next inner">
  6. <h2 class="read-next-title">Read Next</h2>
  7. {{/if}}
  8. <article class="{{post_class}}">
  9. <header class="post-header">
  10. <div class="post-meta">
  11. <time class="published" datetime="{{date format='YYYY-MM-DD'}}">{{date format="MMMM DD, YYYY"}}</time>
  12. ยท {{reading_time}}
  13. </div><!-- .post-meta -->
  14. <h3 class="post-title"><a href="{{{url}}}" rel="bookmark">{{title}}</a></h3>
  15. {{#if tags}}
  16. <p class="post-tags">{{tags separator=" "}}</p>
  17. {{/if}}
  18. </header><!-- .post-header -->
  19. {{#if feature_image}}
  20. <a href="{{url}}" class="post-thumbnail"><img src="{{feature_image}}" alt="{{title}}" /></a>
  21. {{/if}}
  22. </article><!-- .post -->
  23. {{#if @last}}
  24. </section><!-- .read-next -->
  25. {{/if}}
  26. {{/foreach}}
  27. {{/get}}
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