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Nov 12th, 2017
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  1. pub const int_least8_t = i8;
  2. pub const int_least16_t = c_short;
  3. pub const int_least32_t = c_int;
  4. pub const int_least64_t = c_long;
  5. pub const uint_least8_t = u8;
  6. pub const uint_least16_t = c_ushort;
  7. pub const uint_least32_t = c_uint;
  8. pub const uint_least64_t = c_ulong;
  9. pub const int_fast8_t = i8;
  10. pub const int_fast16_t = c_long;
  11. pub const int_fast32_t = c_long;
  12. pub const int_fast64_t = c_long;
  13. pub const uint_fast8_t = u8;
  14. pub const uint_fast16_t = c_ulong;
  15. pub const uint_fast32_t = c_ulong;
  16. pub const uint_fast64_t = c_ulong;
  17. pub const intmax_t = c_long;
  18. pub const uintmax_t = c_ulong;
  19. pub const __u_char = u8;
  20. pub const __u_short = c_ushort;
  21. pub const __u_int = c_uint;
  22. pub const __u_long = c_ulong;
  23. pub const __int8_t = i8;
  24. pub const __uint8_t = u8;
  25. pub const __int16_t = c_short;
  26. pub const __uint16_t = c_ushort;
  27. pub const __int32_t = c_int;
  28. pub const __uint32_t = c_uint;
  29. pub const __int64_t = c_long;
  30. pub const __uint64_t = c_ulong;
  31. pub const __quad_t = c_long;
  32. pub const __u_quad_t = c_ulong;
  33. pub const __dev_t = c_ulong;
  34. pub const __uid_t = c_uint;
  35. pub const __gid_t = c_uint;
  36. pub const __ino_t = c_ulong;
  37. pub const __ino64_t = c_ulong;
  38. pub const __mode_t = c_uint;
  39. pub const __nlink_t = c_ulong;
  40. pub const __off_t = c_long;
  41. pub const __off64_t = c_long;
  42. pub const __pid_t = c_int;
  43. pub const __fsid_t = extern struct {
  44. __val: [2]c_int,
  45. };
  46. pub const __clock_t = c_long;
  47. pub const __rlim_t = c_ulong;
  48. pub const __rlim64_t = c_ulong;
  49. pub const __id_t = c_uint;
  50. pub const __time_t = c_long;
  51. pub const __useconds_t = c_uint;
  52. pub const __suseconds_t = c_long;
  53. pub const __daddr_t = c_int;
  54. pub const __key_t = c_int;
  55. pub const __clockid_t = c_int;
  56. pub const __timer_t = ?&c_void;
  57. pub const __blksize_t = c_long;
  58. pub const __blkcnt_t = c_long;
  59. pub const __blkcnt64_t = c_long;
  60. pub const __fsblkcnt_t = c_ulong;
  61. pub const __fsblkcnt64_t = c_ulong;
  62. pub const __fsfilcnt_t = c_ulong;
  63. pub const __fsfilcnt64_t = c_ulong;
  64. pub const __fsword_t = c_long;
  65. pub const __ssize_t = c_long;
  66. pub const __syscall_slong_t = c_long;
  67. pub const __syscall_ulong_t = c_ulong;
  68. pub const __loff_t = __off64_t;
  69. pub const __qaddr_t = ?&__quad_t;
  70. pub const __caddr_t = ?&u8;
  71. pub const __intptr_t = c_long;
  72. pub const __socklen_t = c_uint;
  73. pub const u_char = __u_char;
  74. pub const u_short = __u_short;
  75. pub const u_int = __u_int;
  76. pub const u_long = __u_long;
  77. pub const quad_t = __quad_t;
  78. pub const u_quad_t = __u_quad_t;
  79. pub const fsid_t = __fsid_t;
  80. pub const loff_t = __loff_t;
  81. pub const ino_t = __ino_t;
  82. pub const dev_t = __dev_t;
  83. pub const gid_t = __gid_t;
  84. pub const mode_t = __mode_t;
  85. pub const nlink_t = __nlink_t;
  86. pub const uid_t = __uid_t;
  87. pub const off_t = __off_t;
  88. pub const pid_t = __pid_t;
  89. pub const id_t = __id_t;
  90. pub const daddr_t = __daddr_t;
  91. pub const caddr_t = __caddr_t;
  92. pub const key_t = __key_t;
  93. pub const clock_t = __clock_t;
  94. pub const time_t = __time_t;
  95. pub const clockid_t = __clockid_t;
  96. pub const timer_t = __timer_t;
  97. pub const ulong = c_ulong;
  98. pub const ushort = c_ushort;
  99. pub const uint = c_uint;
  100. pub const u_int8_t = u8;
  101. pub const u_int16_t = c_ushort;
  102. pub const u_int32_t = c_uint;
  103. pub const u_int64_t = c_ulong;
  104. pub const register_t = c_long;
  105. pub const __sig_atomic_t = c_int;
  106. pub const __sigset_t = extern struct {
  107. __val: [16]c_ulong,
  108. };
  109. pub const sigset_t = __sigset_t;
  110. pub const struct_timespec = extern struct {
  111. tv_sec: __time_t,
  112. tv_nsec: __syscall_slong_t,
  113. };
  114. pub const struct_timeval = extern struct {
  115. tv_sec: __time_t,
  116. tv_usec: __suseconds_t,
  117. };
  118. pub const suseconds_t = __suseconds_t;
  119. pub const __fd_mask = c_long;
  120. pub const fd_set = extern struct {
  121. __fds_bits: [16]__fd_mask,
  122. };
  123. pub const fd_mask = __fd_mask;
  124. pub extern fn select(__nfds: c_int, noalias __readfds: ?&fd_set, noalias __writefds: ?&fd_set, noalias __exceptfds: ?&fd_set, noalias __timeout: ?&struct_timeval) -> c_int;
  125. pub extern fn pselect(__nfds: c_int, noalias __readfds: ?&fd_set, noalias __writefds: ?&fd_set, noalias __exceptfds: ?&fd_set, noalias __timeout: ?&const struct_timespec, noalias __sigmask: ?&const __sigset_t) -> c_int;
  126. pub extern fn gnu_dev_major(__dev: c_ulonglong) -> c_uint;
  127. pub extern fn gnu_dev_minor(__dev: c_ulonglong) -> c_uint;
  128. pub extern fn gnu_dev_makedev(__major: c_uint, __minor: c_uint) -> c_ulonglong;
  129. pub const blksize_t = __blksize_t;
  130. pub const blkcnt_t = __blkcnt_t;
  131. pub const fsblkcnt_t = __fsblkcnt_t;
  132. pub const fsfilcnt_t = __fsfilcnt_t;
  133. pub const pthread_t = c_ulong;
  134. pub const struct___pthread_internal_list = extern struct {
  135. __prev: ?&struct___pthread_internal_list,
  136. __next: ?&struct___pthread_internal_list,
  137. };
  138. pub const __pthread_list_t = struct___pthread_internal_list;
  139. pub const pthread_key_t = c_uint;
  140. pub const pthread_once_t = c_int;
  141. pub const pthread_spinlock_t = c_int;
  142. pub const ngx_queue_t = struct_ngx_queue_s;
  143. pub const struct_ngx_queue_s = extern struct {
  144. prev: ?&ngx_queue_t,
  145. next: ?&ngx_queue_t,
  146. };
  147. pub const struct_stat = extern struct {
  148. st_dev: __dev_t,
  149. st_ino: __ino_t,
  150. st_nlink: __nlink_t,
  151. st_mode: __mode_t,
  152. st_uid: __uid_t,
  153. st_gid: __gid_t,
  154. __pad0: c_int,
  155. st_rdev: __dev_t,
  156. st_size: __off_t,
  157. st_blksize: __blksize_t,
  158. st_blocks: __blkcnt_t,
  159. st_atim: struct_timespec,
  160. st_mtim: struct_timespec,
  161. st_ctim: struct_timespec,
  162. __glibc_reserved: [3]__syscall_slong_t,
  163. };
  164. pub extern fn stat(noalias __file: ?&const u8, noalias __buf: ?&struct_stat) -> c_int;
  165. pub extern fn fstat(__fd: c_int, __buf: ?&struct_stat) -> c_int;
  166. pub extern fn fstatat(__fd: c_int, noalias __file: ?&const u8, noalias __buf: ?&struct_stat, __flag: c_int) -> c_int;
  167. pub extern fn lstat(noalias __file: ?&const u8, noalias __buf: ?&struct_stat) -> c_int;
  168. pub extern fn chmod(__file: ?&const u8, __mode: __mode_t) -> c_int;
  169. pub extern fn lchmod(__file: ?&const u8, __mode: __mode_t) -> c_int;
  170. pub extern fn fchmod(__fd: c_int, __mode: __mode_t) -> c_int;
  171. pub extern fn fchmodat(__fd: c_int, __file: ?&const u8, __mode: __mode_t, __flag: c_int) -> c_int;
  172. pub extern fn umask(__mask: __mode_t) -> __mode_t;
  173. pub extern fn mkdir(__path: ?&const u8, __mode: __mode_t) -> c_int;
  174. pub extern fn mkdirat(__fd: c_int, __path: ?&const u8, __mode: __mode_t) -> c_int;
  175. pub extern fn mknod(__path: ?&const u8, __mode: __mode_t, __dev: __dev_t) -> c_int;
  176. pub extern fn mknodat(__fd: c_int, __path: ?&const u8, __mode: __mode_t, __dev: __dev_t) -> c_int;
  177. pub extern fn mkfifo(__path: ?&const u8, __mode: __mode_t) -> c_int;
  178. pub extern fn mkfifoat(__fd: c_int, __path: ?&const u8, __mode: __mode_t) -> c_int;
  179. pub extern fn utimensat(__fd: c_int, __path: ?&const u8, __times: ?&const struct_timespec, __flags: c_int) -> c_int;
  180. pub extern fn futimens(__fd: c_int, __times: ?&const struct_timespec) -> c_int;
  181. pub extern fn __fxstat(__ver: c_int, __fildes: c_int, __stat_buf: ?&struct_stat) -> c_int;
  182. pub extern fn __xstat(__ver: c_int, __filename: ?&const u8, __stat_buf: ?&struct_stat) -> c_int;
  183. pub extern fn __lxstat(__ver: c_int, __filename: ?&const u8, __stat_buf: ?&struct_stat) -> c_int;
  184. pub extern fn __fxstatat(__ver: c_int, __fildes: c_int, __filename: ?&const u8, __stat_buf: ?&struct_stat, __flag: c_int) -> c_int;
  185. pub extern fn __xmknod(__ver: c_int, __path: ?&const u8, __mode: __mode_t, __dev: ?&__dev_t) -> c_int;
  186. pub extern fn __xmknodat(__ver: c_int, __fd: c_int, __path: ?&const u8, __mode: __mode_t, __dev: ?&__dev_t) -> c_int;
  187. pub const struct_flock = extern struct {
  188. l_type: c_short,
  189. l_whence: c_short,
  190. l_start: __off_t,
  191. l_len: __off_t,
  192. l_pid: __pid_t,
  193. };
  194. pub extern fn fcntl(__fd: c_int, __cmd: c_int) -> c_int;
  195. pub extern fn open(__file: ?&const u8, __oflag: c_int) -> c_int;
  196. pub extern fn openat(__fd: c_int, __file: ?&const u8, __oflag: c_int) -> c_int;
  197. pub extern fn creat(__file: ?&const u8, __mode: mode_t) -> c_int;
  198. pub extern fn lockf(__fd: c_int, __cmd: c_int, __len: off_t) -> c_int;
  199. pub extern fn posix_fadvise(__fd: c_int, __offset: off_t, __len: off_t, __advise: c_int) -> c_int;
  200. pub extern fn posix_fallocate(__fd: c_int, __offset: off_t, __len: off_t) -> c_int;
  201. pub const struct_iovec = extern struct {
  202. iov_base: ?&c_void,
  203. iov_len: usize,
  204. };
  205. pub extern fn readv(__fd: c_int, __iovec: ?&const struct_iovec, __count: c_int) -> isize;
  206. pub extern fn writev(__fd: c_int, __iovec: ?&const struct_iovec, __count: c_int) -> isize;
  207. pub extern fn preadv(__fd: c_int, __iovec: ?&const struct_iovec, __count: c_int, __offset: __off_t) -> isize;
  208. pub extern fn pwritev(__fd: c_int, __iovec: ?&const struct_iovec, __count: c_int, __offset: __off_t) -> isize;
  209. pub const socklen_t = __socklen_t;
  210. pub const SOCK_STREAM: c_uint = 1;
  211. pub const SOCK_DGRAM: c_uint = 2;
  212. pub const SOCK_RAW: c_uint = 3;
  213. pub const SOCK_RDM: c_uint = 4;
  214. pub const SOCK_SEQPACKET: c_uint = 5;
  215. pub const SOCK_DCCP: c_uint = 6;
  216. pub const SOCK_PACKET: c_uint = 10;
  217. pub const SOCK_CLOEXEC: c_uint = 524288;
  218. pub const SOCK_NONBLOCK: c_uint = 2048;
  219. pub const enum___socket_type = c_uint;
  220. pub const sa_family_t = c_ushort;
  221. pub const struct_sockaddr = extern struct {
  222. sa_family: sa_family_t,
  223. sa_data: [14]u8,
  224. };
  225. pub const struct_sockaddr_storage = extern struct {
  226. ss_family: sa_family_t,
  227. __ss_padding: [118]u8,
  228. __ss_align: c_ulong,
  229. };
  230. pub const MSG_OOB: c_uint = 1;
  231. pub const MSG_PEEK: c_uint = 2;
  232. pub const MSG_DONTROUTE: c_uint = 4;
  233. pub const MSG_CTRUNC: c_uint = 8;
  234. pub const MSG_PROXY: c_uint = 16;
  235. pub const MSG_TRUNC: c_uint = 32;
  236. pub const MSG_DONTWAIT: c_uint = 64;
  237. pub const MSG_EOR: c_uint = 128;
  238. pub const MSG_WAITALL: c_uint = 256;
  239. pub const MSG_FIN: c_uint = 512;
  240. pub const MSG_SYN: c_uint = 1024;
  241. pub const MSG_CONFIRM: c_uint = 2048;
  242. pub const MSG_RST: c_uint = 4096;
  243. pub const MSG_ERRQUEUE: c_uint = 8192;
  244. pub const MSG_NOSIGNAL: c_uint = 16384;
  245. pub const MSG_MORE: c_uint = 32768;
  246. pub const MSG_WAITFORONE: c_uint = 65536;
  247. pub const MSG_BATCH: c_uint = 262144;
  248. pub const MSG_FASTOPEN: c_uint = 536870912;
  249. pub const MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC: c_uint = 1073741824;
  250. pub const struct_msghdr = extern struct {
  251. msg_name: ?&c_void,
  252. msg_namelen: socklen_t,
  253. msg_iov: ?&struct_iovec,
  254. msg_iovlen: usize,
  255. msg_control: ?&c_void,
  256. msg_controllen: usize,
  257. msg_flags: c_int,
  258. };
  259. pub const struct_cmsghdr = @OpaqueType();
  260. pub extern fn __cmsg_nxthdr(__mhdr: ?&struct_msghdr, __cmsg: ?&struct_cmsghdr) -> ?&struct_cmsghdr;
  261. pub const SCM_RIGHTS: c_uint = 1;
  262. pub const struct_linger = extern struct {
  263. l_onoff: c_int,
  264. l_linger: c_int,
  265. };
  266. pub const struct_osockaddr = extern struct {
  267. sa_family: c_ushort,
  268. sa_data: [14]u8,
  269. };
  270. pub const SHUT_RD: c_uint = 0;
  271. pub const SHUT_WR: c_uint = 1;
  272. pub const SHUT_RDWR: c_uint = 2;
  273. pub extern fn socket(__domain: c_int, __type: c_int, __protocol: c_int) -> c_int;
  274. pub extern fn socketpair(__domain: c_int, __type: c_int, __protocol: c_int, __fds: ?&c_int) -> c_int;
  275. pub extern fn bind(__fd: c_int, __addr: ?&const struct_sockaddr, __len: socklen_t) -> c_int;
  276. pub extern fn getsockname(__fd: c_int, noalias __addr: ?&struct_sockaddr, noalias __len: ?&socklen_t) -> c_int;
  277. pub extern fn connect(__fd: c_int, __addr: ?&const struct_sockaddr, __len: socklen_t) -> c_int;
  278. pub extern fn getpeername(__fd: c_int, noalias __addr: ?&struct_sockaddr, noalias __len: ?&socklen_t) -> c_int;
  279. pub extern fn send(__fd: c_int, __buf: ?&const c_void, __n: usize, __flags: c_int) -> isize;
  280. pub extern fn recv(__fd: c_int, __buf: ?&c_void, __n: usize, __flags: c_int) -> isize;
  281. pub extern fn sendto(__fd: c_int, __buf: ?&const c_void, __n: usize, __flags: c_int, __addr: ?&const struct_sockaddr, __addr_len: socklen_t) -> isize;
  282. pub extern fn recvfrom(__fd: c_int, noalias __buf: ?&c_void, __n: usize, __flags: c_int, noalias __addr: ?&struct_sockaddr, noalias __addr_len: ?&socklen_t) -> isize;
  283. pub extern fn sendmsg(__fd: c_int, __message: ?&const struct_msghdr, __flags: c_int) -> isize;
  284. pub extern fn recvmsg(__fd: c_int, __message: ?&struct_msghdr, __flags: c_int) -> isize;
  285. pub extern fn getsockopt(__fd: c_int, __level: c_int, __optname: c_int, noalias __optval: ?&c_void, noalias __optlen: ?&socklen_t) -> c_int;
  286. pub extern fn setsockopt(__fd: c_int, __level: c_int, __optname: c_int, __optval: ?&const c_void, __optlen: socklen_t) -> c_int;
  287. pub extern fn listen(__fd: c_int, __n: c_int) -> c_int;
  288. pub extern fn accept(__fd: c_int, noalias __addr: ?&struct_sockaddr, noalias __addr_len: ?&socklen_t) -> c_int;
  289. pub extern fn shutdown(__fd: c_int, __how: c_int) -> c_int;
  290. pub extern fn sockatmark(__fd: c_int) -> c_int;
  291. pub extern fn isfdtype(__fd: c_int, __fdtype: c_int) -> c_int;
  292. pub const in_addr_t = u32;
  293. pub const struct_in_addr = extern struct {
  294. s_addr: in_addr_t,
  295. };
  296. pub const struct_ip_opts = extern struct {
  297. ip_dst: struct_in_addr,
  298. ip_opts: [40]u8,
  299. };
  300. pub const struct_ip_mreqn = extern struct {
  301. imr_multiaddr: struct_in_addr,
  302. imr_address: struct_in_addr,
  303. imr_ifindex: c_int,
  304. };
  305. pub const struct_in_pktinfo = extern struct {
  306. ipi_ifindex: c_int,
  307. ipi_spec_dst: struct_in_addr,
  308. ipi_addr: struct_in_addr,
  309. };
  310. pub const IPPROTO_IP: c_uint = 0;
  311. pub const IPPROTO_ICMP: c_uint = 1;
  312. pub const IPPROTO_IGMP: c_uint = 2;
  313. pub const IPPROTO_IPIP: c_uint = 4;
  314. pub const IPPROTO_TCP: c_uint = 6;
  315. pub const IPPROTO_EGP: c_uint = 8;
  316. pub const IPPROTO_PUP: c_uint = 12;
  317. pub const IPPROTO_UDP: c_uint = 17;
  318. pub const IPPROTO_IDP: c_uint = 22;
  319. pub const IPPROTO_TP: c_uint = 29;
  320. pub const IPPROTO_DCCP: c_uint = 33;
  321. pub const IPPROTO_IPV6: c_uint = 41;
  322. pub const IPPROTO_RSVP: c_uint = 46;
  323. pub const IPPROTO_GRE: c_uint = 47;
  324. pub const IPPROTO_ESP: c_uint = 50;
  325. pub const IPPROTO_AH: c_uint = 51;
  326. pub const IPPROTO_MTP: c_uint = 92;
  327. pub const IPPROTO_BEETPH: c_uint = 94;
  328. pub const IPPROTO_ENCAP: c_uint = 98;
  329. pub const IPPROTO_PIM: c_uint = 103;
  330. pub const IPPROTO_COMP: c_uint = 108;
  331. pub const IPPROTO_SCTP: c_uint = 132;
  332. pub const IPPROTO_UDPLITE: c_uint = 136;
  333. pub const IPPROTO_MPLS: c_uint = 137;
  334. pub const IPPROTO_RAW: c_uint = 255;
  335. pub const IPPROTO_MAX: c_uint = 256;
  336. pub const IPPROTO_HOPOPTS: c_uint = 0;
  337. pub const IPPROTO_ROUTING: c_uint = 43;
  338. pub const IPPROTO_FRAGMENT: c_uint = 44;
  339. pub const IPPROTO_ICMPV6: c_uint = 58;
  340. pub const IPPROTO_NONE: c_uint = 59;
  341. pub const IPPROTO_DSTOPTS: c_uint = 60;
  342. pub const IPPROTO_MH: c_uint = 135;
  343. pub const in_port_t = u16;
  344. pub const IPPORT_ECHO: c_uint = 7;
  345. pub const IPPORT_DISCARD: c_uint = 9;
  346. pub const IPPORT_SYSTAT: c_uint = 11;
  347. pub const IPPORT_DAYTIME: c_uint = 13;
  348. pub const IPPORT_NETSTAT: c_uint = 15;
  349. pub const IPPORT_FTP: c_uint = 21;
  350. pub const IPPORT_TELNET: c_uint = 23;
  351. pub const IPPORT_SMTP: c_uint = 25;
  352. pub const IPPORT_TIMESERVER: c_uint = 37;
  353. pub const IPPORT_NAMESERVER: c_uint = 42;
  354. pub const IPPORT_WHOIS: c_uint = 43;
  355. pub const IPPORT_MTP: c_uint = 57;
  356. pub const IPPORT_TFTP: c_uint = 69;
  357. pub const IPPORT_RJE: c_uint = 77;
  358. pub const IPPORT_FINGER: c_uint = 79;
  359. pub const IPPORT_TTYLINK: c_uint = 87;
  360. pub const IPPORT_SUPDUP: c_uint = 95;
  361. pub const IPPORT_EXECSERVER: c_uint = 512;
  362. pub const IPPORT_LOGINSERVER: c_uint = 513;
  363. pub const IPPORT_CMDSERVER: c_uint = 514;
  364. pub const IPPORT_EFSSERVER: c_uint = 520;
  365. pub const IPPORT_BIFFUDP: c_uint = 512;
  366. pub const IPPORT_WHOSERVER: c_uint = 513;
  367. pub const IPPORT_ROUTESERVER: c_uint = 520;
  368. pub const IPPORT_RESERVED: c_uint = 1024;
  369. pub const IPPORT_USERRESERVED: c_uint = 5000;
  370. pub const struct_in6_addr = @OpaqueType();
  371. pub extern const in6addr_any: struct_in6_addr;
  372. pub extern const in6addr_loopback: struct_in6_addr;
  373. pub const struct_sockaddr_in = extern struct {
  374. sin_family: sa_family_t,
  375. sin_port: in_port_t,
  376. sin_addr: struct_in_addr,
  377. sin_zero: [8]u8,
  378. };
  379. pub const struct_sockaddr_in6 = extern struct {
  380. sin6_family: sa_family_t,
  381. sin6_port: in_port_t,
  382. sin6_flowinfo: u32,
  383. sin6_addr: struct_in6_addr,
  384. sin6_scope_id: u32,
  385. };
  386. pub const struct_ip_mreq = extern struct {
  387. imr_multiaddr: struct_in_addr,
  388. imr_interface: struct_in_addr,
  389. };
  390. pub const struct_ip_mreq_source = extern struct {
  391. imr_multiaddr: struct_in_addr,
  392. imr_interface: struct_in_addr,
  393. imr_sourceaddr: struct_in_addr,
  394. };
  395. pub const struct_ipv6_mreq = extern struct {
  396. ipv6mr_multiaddr: struct_in6_addr,
  397. ipv6mr_interface: c_uint,
  398. };
  399. pub const struct_group_req = extern struct {
  400. gr_interface: u32,
  401. gr_group: struct_sockaddr_storage,
  402. };
  403. pub const struct_group_source_req = extern struct {
  404. gsr_interface: u32,
  405. gsr_group: struct_sockaddr_storage,
  406. gsr_source: struct_sockaddr_storage,
  407. };
  408. pub const struct_ip_msfilter = extern struct {
  409. imsf_multiaddr: struct_in_addr,
  410. imsf_interface: struct_in_addr,
  411. imsf_fmode: u32,
  412. imsf_numsrc: u32,
  413. imsf_slist: [1]struct_in_addr,
  414. };
  415. pub const struct_group_filter = extern struct {
  416. gf_interface: u32,
  417. gf_group: struct_sockaddr_storage,
  418. gf_fmode: u32,
  419. gf_numsrc: u32,
  420. gf_slist: [1]struct_sockaddr_storage,
  421. };
  422. pub extern fn ntohl(__netlong: u32) -> u32;
  423. pub extern fn ntohs(__netshort: u16) -> u16;
  424. pub extern fn htonl(__hostlong: u32) -> u32;
  425. pub extern fn htons(__hostshort: u16) -> u16;
  426. pub extern fn bindresvport(__sockfd: c_int, __sock_in: ?&struct_sockaddr_in) -> c_int;
  427. pub extern fn bindresvport6(__sockfd: c_int, __sock_in: ?&struct_sockaddr_in6) -> c_int;
  428. pub const tcp_seq = u_int32_t;
  429. pub const struct_tcphdr = @OpaqueType();
  430. pub const TCP_ESTABLISHED: c_uint = 1;
  431. pub const TCP_SYN_SENT: c_uint = 2;
  432. pub const TCP_SYN_RECV: c_uint = 3;
  433. pub const TCP_FIN_WAIT1: c_uint = 4;
  434. pub const TCP_FIN_WAIT2: c_uint = 5;
  435. pub const TCP_TIME_WAIT: c_uint = 6;
  436. pub const TCP_CLOSE: c_uint = 7;
  437. pub const TCP_CLOSE_WAIT: c_uint = 8;
  438. pub const TCP_LAST_ACK: c_uint = 9;
  439. pub const TCP_LISTEN: c_uint = 10;
  440. pub const TCP_CLOSING: c_uint = 11;
  441. pub const TCP_CA_Open: c_uint = 0;
  442. pub const TCP_CA_Disorder: c_uint = 1;
  443. pub const TCP_CA_CWR: c_uint = 2;
  444. pub const TCP_CA_Recovery: c_uint = 3;
  445. pub const TCP_CA_Loss: c_uint = 4;
  446. pub const enum_tcp_ca_state = c_uint;
  447. pub const struct_tcp_info = @OpaqueType();
  448. pub const struct_tcp_md5sig = extern struct {
  449. tcpm_addr: struct_sockaddr_storage,
  450. __tcpm_pad1: u_int16_t,
  451. tcpm_keylen: u_int16_t,
  452. __tcpm_pad2: u_int32_t,
  453. tcpm_key: [80]u_int8_t,
  454. };
  455. pub const struct_tcp_repair_opt = extern struct {
  456. opt_code: u_int32_t,
  457. opt_val: u_int32_t,
  458. };
  459. pub const TCP_NO_QUEUE = 0;
  460. pub const TCP_RECV_QUEUE = 1;
  461. pub const TCP_SEND_QUEUE = 2;
  462. pub const TCP_QUEUES_NR = 3;
  463. pub const struct_tcp_cookie_transactions = extern struct {
  464. tcpct_flags: u_int16_t,
  465. __tcpct_pad1: u_int8_t,
  466. tcpct_cookie_desired: u_int8_t,
  467. tcpct_s_data_desired: u_int16_t,
  468. tcpct_used: u_int16_t,
  469. tcpct_value: [536]u_int8_t,
  470. };
  471. pub extern fn inet_addr(__cp: ?&const u8) -> in_addr_t;
  472. pub extern fn inet_lnaof(__in: struct_in_addr) -> in_addr_t;
  473. pub extern fn inet_makeaddr(__net: in_addr_t, __host: in_addr_t) -> struct_in_addr;
  474. pub extern fn inet_netof(__in: struct_in_addr) -> in_addr_t;
  475. pub extern fn inet_network(__cp: ?&const u8) -> in_addr_t;
  476. pub extern fn inet_ntoa(__in: struct_in_addr) -> ?&u8;
  477. pub extern fn inet_pton(__af: c_int, noalias __cp: ?&const u8, noalias __buf: ?&c_void) -> c_int;
  478. pub extern fn inet_ntop(__af: c_int, noalias __cp: ?&const c_void, noalias __buf: ?&u8, __len: socklen_t) -> ?&const u8;
  479. pub extern fn inet_aton(__cp: ?&const u8, __inp: ?&struct_in_addr) -> c_int;
  480. pub extern fn inet_neta(__net: in_addr_t, __buf: ?&u8, __len: usize) -> ?&u8;
  481. pub extern fn inet_net_ntop(__af: c_int, __cp: ?&const c_void, __bits: c_int, __buf: ?&u8, __len: usize) -> ?&u8;
  482. pub extern fn inet_net_pton(__af: c_int, __cp: ?&const u8, __buf: ?&c_void, __len: usize) -> c_int;
  483. pub extern fn inet_nsap_addr(__cp: ?&const u8, __buf: ?&u8, __len: c_int) -> c_uint;
  484. pub extern fn inet_nsap_ntoa(__len: c_int, __cp: ?&const u8, __buf: ?&u8) -> ?&u8;
  485. pub const struct_rpcent = extern struct {
  486. r_name: ?&u8,
  487. r_aliases: ?&(?&u8),
  488. r_number: c_int,
  489. };
  490. pub extern fn setrpcent(__stayopen: c_int);
  491. pub extern fn endrpcent();
  492. pub extern fn getrpcbyname(__name: ?&const u8) -> ?&struct_rpcent;
  493. pub extern fn getrpcbynumber(__number: c_int) -> ?&struct_rpcent;
  494. pub extern fn getrpcent() -> ?&struct_rpcent;
  495. pub extern fn getrpcbyname_r(__name: ?&const u8, __result_buf: ?&struct_rpcent, __buffer: ?&u8, __buflen: usize, __result: ?&(?&struct_rpcent)) -> c_int;
  496. pub extern fn getrpcbynumber_r(__number: c_int, __result_buf: ?&struct_rpcent, __buffer: ?&u8, __buflen: usize, __result: ?&(?&struct_rpcent)) -> c_int;
  497. pub extern fn getrpcent_r(__result_buf: ?&struct_rpcent, __buffer: ?&u8, __buflen: usize, __result: ?&(?&struct_rpcent)) -> c_int;
  498. pub const struct_netent = extern struct {
  499. n_name: ?&u8,
  500. n_aliases: ?&(?&u8),
  501. n_addrtype: c_int,
  502. n_net: u32,
  503. };
  504. pub extern fn __h_errno_location() -> ?&c_int;
  505. pub extern fn herror(__str: ?&const u8);
  506. pub extern fn hstrerror(__err_num: c_int) -> ?&const u8;
  507. pub const struct_hostent = extern struct {
  508. h_name: ?&u8,
  509. h_aliases: ?&(?&u8),
  510. h_addrtype: c_int,
  511. h_length: c_int,
  512. h_addr_list: ?&(?&u8),
  513. };
  514. pub extern fn sethostent(__stay_open: c_int);
  515. pub extern fn endhostent();
  516. pub extern fn gethostent() -> ?&struct_hostent;
  517. pub extern fn gethostbyaddr(__addr: ?&const c_void, __len: __socklen_t, __type: c_int) -> ?&struct_hostent;
  518. pub extern fn gethostbyname(__name: ?&const u8) -> ?&struct_hostent;
  519. pub extern fn gethostbyname2(__name: ?&const u8, __af: c_int) -> ?&struct_hostent;
  520. pub extern fn gethostent_r(noalias __result_buf: ?&struct_hostent, noalias __buf: ?&u8, __buflen: usize, noalias __result: ?&(?&struct_hostent), noalias __h_errnop: ?&c_int) -> c_int;
  521. pub extern fn gethostbyaddr_r(noalias __addr: ?&const c_void, __len: __socklen_t, __type: c_int, noalias __result_buf: ?&struct_hostent, noalias __buf: ?&u8, __buflen: usize, noalias __result: ?&(?&struct_hostent), noalias __h_errnop: ?&c_int) -> c_int;
  522. pub extern fn gethostbyname_r(noalias __name: ?&const u8, noalias __result_buf: ?&struct_hostent, noalias __buf: ?&u8, __buflen: usize, noalias __result: ?&(?&struct_hostent), noalias __h_errnop: ?&c_int) -> c_int;
  523. pub extern fn gethostbyname2_r(noalias __name: ?&const u8, __af: c_int, noalias __result_buf: ?&struct_hostent, noalias __buf: ?&u8, __buflen: usize, noalias __result: ?&(?&struct_hostent), noalias __h_errnop: ?&c_int) -> c_int;
  524. pub extern fn setnetent(__stay_open: c_int);
  525. pub extern fn endnetent();
  526. pub extern fn getnetent() -> ?&struct_netent;
  527. pub extern fn getnetbyaddr(__net: u32, __type: c_int) -> ?&struct_netent;
  528. pub extern fn getnetbyname(__name: ?&const u8) -> ?&struct_netent;
  529. pub extern fn getnetent_r(noalias __result_buf: ?&struct_netent, noalias __buf: ?&u8, __buflen: usize, noalias __result: ?&(?&struct_netent), noalias __h_errnop: ?&c_int) -> c_int;
  530. pub extern fn getnetbyaddr_r(__net: u32, __type: c_int, noalias __result_buf: ?&struct_netent, noalias __buf: ?&u8, __buflen: usize, noalias __result: ?&(?&struct_netent), noalias __h_errnop: ?&c_int) -> c_int;
  531. pub extern fn getnetbyname_r(noalias __name: ?&const u8, noalias __result_buf: ?&struct_netent, noalias __buf: ?&u8, __buflen: usize, noalias __result: ?&(?&struct_netent), noalias __h_errnop: ?&c_int) -> c_int;
  532. pub const struct_servent = extern struct {
  533. s_name: ?&u8,
  534. s_aliases: ?&(?&u8),
  535. s_port: c_int,
  536. s_proto: ?&u8,
  537. };
  538. pub extern fn setservent(__stay_open: c_int);
  539. pub extern fn endservent();
  540. pub extern fn getservent() -> ?&struct_servent;
  541. pub extern fn getservbyname(__name: ?&const u8, __proto: ?&const u8) -> ?&struct_servent;
  542. pub extern fn getservbyport(__port: c_int, __proto: ?&const u8) -> ?&struct_servent;
  543. pub extern fn getservent_r(noalias __result_buf: ?&struct_servent, noalias __buf: ?&u8, __buflen: usize, noalias __result: ?&(?&struct_servent)) -> c_int;
  544. pub extern fn getservbyname_r(noalias __name: ?&const u8, noalias __proto: ?&const u8, noalias __result_buf: ?&struct_servent, noalias __buf: ?&u8, __buflen: usize, noalias __result: ?&(?&struct_servent)) -> c_int;
  545. pub extern fn getservbyport_r(__port: c_int, noalias __proto: ?&const u8, noalias __result_buf: ?&struct_servent, noalias __buf: ?&u8, __buflen: usize, noalias __result: ?&(?&struct_servent)) -> c_int;
  546. pub const struct_protoent = extern struct {
  547. p_name: ?&u8,
  548. p_aliases: ?&(?&u8),
  549. p_proto: c_int,
  550. };
  551. pub extern fn setprotoent(__stay_open: c_int);
  552. pub extern fn endprotoent();
  553. pub extern fn getprotoent() -> ?&struct_protoent;
  554. pub extern fn getprotobyname(__name: ?&const u8) -> ?&struct_protoent;
  555. pub extern fn getprotobynumber(__proto: c_int) -> ?&struct_protoent;
  556. pub extern fn getprotoent_r(noalias __result_buf: ?&struct_protoent, noalias __buf: ?&u8, __buflen: usize, noalias __result: ?&(?&struct_protoent)) -> c_int;
  557. pub extern fn getprotobyname_r(noalias __name: ?&const u8, noalias __result_buf: ?&struct_protoent, noalias __buf: ?&u8, __buflen: usize, noalias __result: ?&(?&struct_protoent)) -> c_int;
  558. pub extern fn getprotobynumber_r(__proto: c_int, noalias __result_buf: ?&struct_protoent, noalias __buf: ?&u8, __buflen: usize, noalias __result: ?&(?&struct_protoent)) -> c_int;
  559. pub extern fn setnetgrent(__netgroup: ?&const u8) -> c_int;
  560. pub extern fn endnetgrent();
  561. pub extern fn getnetgrent(noalias __hostp: ?&(?&u8), noalias __userp: ?&(?&u8), noalias __domainp: ?&(?&u8)) -> c_int;
  562. pub extern fn innetgr(__netgroup: ?&const u8, __host: ?&const u8, __user: ?&const u8, __domain: ?&const u8) -> c_int;
  563. pub extern fn getnetgrent_r(noalias __hostp: ?&(?&u8), noalias __userp: ?&(?&u8), noalias __domainp: ?&(?&u8), noalias __buffer: ?&u8, __buflen: usize) -> c_int;
  564. pub extern fn rcmd(noalias __ahost: ?&(?&u8), __rport: c_ushort, noalias __locuser: ?&const u8, noalias __remuser: ?&const u8, noalias __cmd: ?&const u8, noalias __fd2p: ?&c_int) -> c_int;
  565. pub extern fn rcmd_af(noalias __ahost: ?&(?&u8), __rport: c_ushort, noalias __locuser: ?&const u8, noalias __remuser: ?&const u8, noalias __cmd: ?&const u8, noalias __fd2p: ?&c_int, __af: sa_family_t) -> c_int;
  566. pub extern fn rexec(noalias __ahost: ?&(?&u8), __rport: c_int, noalias __name: ?&const u8, noalias __pass: ?&const u8, noalias __cmd: ?&const u8, noalias __fd2p: ?&c_int) -> c_int;
  567. pub extern fn rexec_af(noalias __ahost: ?&(?&u8), __rport: c_int, noalias __name: ?&const u8, noalias __pass: ?&const u8, noalias __cmd: ?&const u8, noalias __fd2p: ?&c_int, __af: sa_family_t) -> c_int;
  568. pub extern fn ruserok(__rhost: ?&const u8, __suser: c_int, __remuser: ?&const u8, __locuser: ?&const u8) -> c_int;
  569. pub extern fn ruserok_af(__rhost: ?&const u8, __suser: c_int, __remuser: ?&const u8, __locuser: ?&const u8, __af: sa_family_t) -> c_int;
  570. pub extern fn iruserok(__raddr: u32, __suser: c_int, __remuser: ?&const u8, __locuser: ?&const u8) -> c_int;
  571. pub extern fn iruserok_af(__raddr: ?&const c_void, __suser: c_int, __remuser: ?&const u8, __locuser: ?&const u8, __af: sa_family_t) -> c_int;
  572. pub extern fn rresvport(__alport: ?&c_int) -> c_int;
  573. pub extern fn rresvport_af(__alport: ?&c_int, __af: sa_family_t) -> c_int;
  574. pub const struct_addrinfo = extern struct {
  575. ai_flags: c_int,
  576. ai_family: c_int,
  577. ai_socktype: c_int,
  578. ai_protocol: c_int,
  579. ai_addrlen: socklen_t,
  580. ai_addr: ?&struct_sockaddr,
  581. ai_canonname: ?&u8,
  582. ai_next: ?&struct_addrinfo,
  583. };
  584. pub extern fn getaddrinfo(noalias __name: ?&const u8, noalias __service: ?&const u8, noalias __req: ?&const struct_addrinfo, noalias __pai: ?&(?&struct_addrinfo)) -> c_int;
  585. pub extern fn freeaddrinfo(__ai: ?&struct_addrinfo);
  586. pub extern fn gai_strerror(__ecode: c_int) -> ?&const u8;
  587. pub extern fn getnameinfo(noalias __sa: ?&const struct_sockaddr, __salen: socklen_t, noalias __host: ?&u8, __hostlen: socklen_t, noalias __serv: ?&u8, __servlen: socklen_t, __flags: c_int) -> c_int;
  588. pub const cc_t = u8;
  589. pub const speed_t = c_uint;
  590. pub const tcflag_t = c_uint;
  591. pub const struct_termios = extern struct {
  592. c_iflag: tcflag_t,
  593. c_oflag: tcflag_t,
  594. c_cflag: tcflag_t,
  595. c_lflag: tcflag_t,
  596. c_line: cc_t,
  597. c_cc: [32]cc_t,
  598. c_ispeed: speed_t,
  599. c_ospeed: speed_t,
  600. };
  601. pub extern fn cfgetospeed(__termios_p: ?&const struct_termios) -> speed_t;
  602. pub extern fn cfgetispeed(__termios_p: ?&const struct_termios) -> speed_t;
  603. pub extern fn cfsetospeed(__termios_p: ?&struct_termios, __speed: speed_t) -> c_int;
  604. pub extern fn cfsetispeed(__termios_p: ?&struct_termios, __speed: speed_t) -> c_int;
  605. pub extern fn cfsetspeed(__termios_p: ?&struct_termios, __speed: speed_t) -> c_int;
  606. pub extern fn tcgetattr(__fd: c_int, __termios_p: ?&struct_termios) -> c_int;
  607. pub extern fn tcsetattr(__fd: c_int, __optional_actions: c_int, __termios_p: ?&const struct_termios) -> c_int;
  608. pub extern fn cfmakeraw(__termios_p: ?&struct_termios);
  609. pub extern fn tcsendbreak(__fd: c_int, __duration: c_int) -> c_int;
  610. pub extern fn tcdrain(__fd: c_int) -> c_int;
  611. pub extern fn tcflush(__fd: c_int, __queue_selector: c_int) -> c_int;
  612. pub extern fn tcflow(__fd: c_int, __action: c_int) -> c_int;
  613. pub extern fn tcgetsid(__fd: c_int) -> __pid_t;
  614. pub const struct_passwd = extern struct {
  615. pw_name: ?&u8,
  616. pw_passwd: ?&u8,
  617. pw_uid: __uid_t,
  618. pw_gid: __gid_t,
  619. pw_gecos: ?&u8,
  620. pw_dir: ?&u8,
  621. pw_shell: ?&u8,
  622. };
  623. pub const struct__IO_FILE = @OpaqueType();
  624. pub const FILE = struct__IO_FILE;
  625. pub extern fn setpwent();
  626. pub extern fn endpwent();
  627. pub extern fn getpwent() -> ?&struct_passwd;
  628. pub extern fn fgetpwent(__stream: ?&FILE) -> ?&struct_passwd;
  629. pub extern fn putpwent(noalias __p: ?&const struct_passwd, noalias __f: ?&FILE) -> c_int;
  630. pub extern fn getpwuid(__uid: __uid_t) -> ?&struct_passwd;
  631. pub extern fn getpwnam(__name: ?&const u8) -> ?&struct_passwd;
  632. pub extern fn getpwent_r(noalias __resultbuf: ?&struct_passwd, noalias __buffer: ?&u8, __buflen: usize, noalias __result: ?&(?&struct_passwd)) -> c_int;
  633. pub extern fn getpwuid_r(__uid: __uid_t, noalias __resultbuf: ?&struct_passwd, noalias __buffer: ?&u8, __buflen: usize, noalias __result: ?&(?&struct_passwd)) -> c_int;
  634. pub extern fn getpwnam_r(noalias __name: ?&const u8, noalias __resultbuf: ?&struct_passwd, noalias __buffer: ?&u8, __buflen: usize, noalias __result: ?&(?&struct_passwd)) -> c_int;
  635. pub extern fn fgetpwent_r(noalias __stream: ?&FILE, noalias __resultbuf: ?&struct_passwd, noalias __buffer: ?&u8, __buflen: usize, noalias __result: ?&(?&struct_passwd)) -> c_int;
  636. pub extern fn sem_unlink(__name: ?&const u8) -> c_int;
  637. pub const struct_sched_param = extern struct {
  638. __sched_priority: c_int,
  639. };
  640. pub const struct___sched_param = extern struct {
  641. __sched_priority: c_int,
  642. };
  643. pub const __cpu_mask = c_ulong;
  644. pub const cpu_set_t = extern struct {
  645. __bits: [16]__cpu_mask,
  646. };
  647. pub extern fn __sched_cpucount(__setsize: usize, __setp: ?&const cpu_set_t) -> c_int;
  648. pub extern fn __sched_cpualloc(__count: usize) -> ?&cpu_set_t;
  649. pub extern fn __sched_cpufree(__set: ?&cpu_set_t);
  650. pub extern fn sched_setparam(__pid: __pid_t, __param: ?&const struct_sched_param) -> c_int;
  651. pub extern fn sched_getparam(__pid: __pid_t, __param: ?&struct_sched_param) -> c_int;
  652. pub extern fn sched_setscheduler(__pid: __pid_t, __policy: c_int, __param: ?&const struct_sched_param) -> c_int;
  653. pub extern fn sched_getscheduler(__pid: __pid_t) -> c_int;
  654. pub extern fn sched_yield() -> c_int;
  655. pub extern fn sched_get_priority_max(__algorithm: c_int) -> c_int;
  656. pub extern fn sched_get_priority_min(__algorithm: c_int) -> c_int;
  657. pub extern fn sched_rr_get_interval(__pid: __pid_t, __t: ?&struct_timespec) -> c_int;
  658. pub const struct_tm = extern struct {
  659. tm_sec: c_int,
  660. tm_min: c_int,
  661. tm_hour: c_int,
  662. tm_mday: c_int,
  663. tm_mon: c_int,
  664. tm_year: c_int,
  665. tm_wday: c_int,
  666. tm_yday: c_int,
  667. tm_isdst: c_int,
  668. tm_gmtoff: c_long,
  669. tm_zone: ?&const u8,
  670. };
  671. pub const struct_itimerspec = extern struct {
  672. it_interval: struct_timespec,
  673. it_value: struct_timespec,
  674. };
  675. pub const struct_sigevent = @OpaqueType();
  676. pub extern fn clock() -> clock_t;
  677. pub extern fn time(__timer: ?&time_t) -> time_t;
  678. pub extern fn difftime(__time1: time_t, __time0: time_t) -> f64;
  679. pub extern fn mktime(__tp: ?&struct_tm) -> time_t;
  680. pub extern fn strftime(noalias __s: ?&u8, __maxsize: usize, noalias __format: ?&const u8, noalias __tp: ?&const struct_tm) -> usize;
  681. pub const struct___locale_data = @OpaqueType();
  682. pub const struct___locale_struct = extern struct {
  683. __locales: [13](?&struct___locale_data),
  684. __ctype_b: ?&const c_ushort,
  685. __ctype_tolower: ?&const c_int,
  686. __ctype_toupper: ?&const c_int,
  687. __names: [13](?&const u8),
  688. };
  689. pub const __locale_t = ?&struct___locale_struct;
  690. pub const locale_t = __locale_t;
  691. pub extern fn strftime_l(noalias __s: ?&u8, __maxsize: usize, noalias __format: ?&const u8, noalias __tp: ?&const struct_tm, __loc: __locale_t) -> usize;
  692. pub extern fn gmtime(__timer: ?&const time_t) -> ?&struct_tm;
  693. pub extern fn localtime(__timer: ?&const time_t) -> ?&struct_tm;
  694. pub extern fn gmtime_r(noalias __timer: ?&const time_t, noalias __tp: ?&struct_tm) -> ?&struct_tm;
  695. pub extern fn localtime_r(noalias __timer: ?&const time_t, noalias __tp: ?&struct_tm) -> ?&struct_tm;
  696. pub extern fn asctime(__tp: ?&const struct_tm) -> ?&u8;
  697. pub extern fn ctime(__timer: ?&const time_t) -> ?&u8;
  698. pub extern fn asctime_r(noalias __tp: ?&const struct_tm, noalias __buf: ?&u8) -> ?&u8;
  699. pub extern fn ctime_r(noalias __timer: ?&const time_t, noalias __buf: ?&u8) -> ?&u8;
  700. pub extern var __tzname: [2](?&u8);
  701. pub extern var __daylight: c_int;
  702. pub extern var __timezone: c_long;
  703. pub extern var tzname: [2](?&u8);
  704. pub extern fn tzset();
  705. pub extern var daylight: c_int;
  706. pub extern var timezone: c_long;
  707. pub extern fn stime(__when: ?&const time_t) -> c_int;
  708. pub extern fn timegm(__tp: ?&struct_tm) -> time_t;
  709. pub extern fn timelocal(__tp: ?&struct_tm) -> time_t;
  710. pub extern fn dysize(__year: c_int) -> c_int;
  711. pub extern fn nanosleep(__requested_time: ?&const struct_timespec, __remaining: ?&struct_timespec) -> c_int;
  712. pub extern fn clock_getres(__clock_id: clockid_t, __res: ?&struct_timespec) -> c_int;
  713. pub extern fn clock_gettime(__clock_id: clockid_t, __tp: ?&struct_timespec) -> c_int;
  714. pub extern fn clock_settime(__clock_id: clockid_t, __tp: ?&const struct_timespec) -> c_int;
  715. pub extern fn clock_nanosleep(__clock_id: clockid_t, __flags: c_int, __req: ?&const struct_timespec, __rem: ?&struct_timespec) -> c_int;
  716. pub extern fn clock_getcpuclockid(__pid: pid_t, __clock_id: ?&clockid_t) -> c_int;
  717. pub extern fn timer_create(__clock_id: clockid_t, noalias __evp: ?&struct_sigevent, noalias __timerid: ?&timer_t) -> c_int;
  718. pub extern fn timer_delete(__timerid: timer_t) -> c_int;
  719. pub extern fn timer_settime(__timerid: timer_t, __flags: c_int, noalias __value: ?&const struct_itimerspec, noalias __ovalue: ?&struct_itimerspec) -> c_int;
  720. pub extern fn timer_gettime(__timerid: timer_t, __value: ?&struct_itimerspec) -> c_int;
  721. pub extern fn timer_getoverrun(__timerid: timer_t) -> c_int;
  722. pub extern fn timespec_get(__ts: ?&struct_timespec, __base: c_int) -> c_int;
  723. pub const __jmp_buf = [8]c_long;
  724. pub const PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE = 0;
  725. pub const PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED = 1;
  726. pub const PTHREAD_MUTEX_TIMED_NP: c_uint = 0;
  727. pub const PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE_NP: c_uint = 1;
  728. pub const PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK_NP: c_uint = 2;
  729. pub const PTHREAD_MUTEX_ADAPTIVE_NP: c_uint = 3;
  730. pub const PTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL: c_uint = 0;
  731. pub const PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE: c_uint = 1;
  732. pub const PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK: c_uint = 2;
  733. pub const PTHREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULT: c_uint = 0;
  734. pub const PTHREAD_MUTEX_STALLED: c_uint = 0;
  735. pub const PTHREAD_MUTEX_STALLED_NP: c_uint = 0;
  736. pub const PTHREAD_MUTEX_ROBUST: c_uint = 1;
  737. pub const PTHREAD_MUTEX_ROBUST_NP: c_uint = 1;
  738. pub const PTHREAD_PRIO_NONE = 0;
  739. pub const PTHREAD_PRIO_INHERIT = 1;
  740. pub const PTHREAD_PRIO_PROTECT = 2;
  741. pub const PTHREAD_RWLOCK_PREFER_READER_NP: c_uint = 0;
  742. pub const PTHREAD_RWLOCK_PREFER_WRITER_NP: c_uint = 1;
  744. pub const PTHREAD_RWLOCK_DEFAULT_NP: c_uint = 0;
  745. pub const PTHREAD_INHERIT_SCHED = 0;
  746. pub const PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED = 1;
  747. pub const PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM = 0;
  748. pub const PTHREAD_SCOPE_PROCESS = 1;
  749. pub const PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE = 0;
  750. pub const PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED = 1;
  751. pub const struct__pthread_cleanup_buffer = extern struct {
  752. __routine: ?extern fn(?&c_void),
  753. __arg: ?&c_void,
  754. __canceltype: c_int,
  755. __prev: ?&struct__pthread_cleanup_buffer,
  756. };
  757. pub const PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE = 0;
  758. pub const PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE = 1;
  759. pub const PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED = 0;
  761. pub extern fn pthread_exit(__retval: ?&c_void) -> noreturn;
  762. pub extern fn pthread_join(__th: pthread_t, __thread_return: ?&(?&c_void)) -> c_int;
  763. pub extern fn pthread_detach(__th: pthread_t) -> c_int;
  764. pub extern fn pthread_self() -> pthread_t;
  765. pub extern fn pthread_equal(__thread1: pthread_t, __thread2: pthread_t) -> c_int;
  766. pub extern fn pthread_setschedparam(__target_thread: pthread_t, __policy: c_int, __param: ?&const struct_sched_param) -> c_int;
  767. pub extern fn pthread_getschedparam(__target_thread: pthread_t, noalias __policy: ?&c_int, noalias __param: ?&struct_sched_param) -> c_int;
  768. pub extern fn pthread_setschedprio(__target_thread: pthread_t, __prio: c_int) -> c_int;
  769. pub extern fn pthread_once(__once_control: ?&pthread_once_t, __init_routine: ?extern fn()) -> c_int;
  770. pub extern fn pthread_setcancelstate(__state: c_int, __oldstate: ?&c_int) -> c_int;
  771. pub extern fn pthread_setcanceltype(__type: c_int, __oldtype: ?&c_int) -> c_int;
  772. pub extern fn pthread_cancel(__th: pthread_t) -> c_int;
  773. pub extern fn pthread_testcancel();
  774. pub const __pthread_unwind_buf_t = extern struct {
  775. __cancel_jmp_buf: [1]extern struct {
  776. __cancel_jmp_buf: __jmp_buf,
  777. __mask_was_saved: c_int,
  778. },
  779. __pad: [4](?&c_void),
  780. };
  781. pub const struct___pthread_cleanup_frame = extern struct {
  782. __cancel_routine: ?extern fn(?&c_void),
  783. __cancel_arg: ?&c_void,
  784. __do_it: c_int,
  785. __cancel_type: c_int,
  786. };
  787. pub extern fn __pthread_register_cancel(__buf: ?&__pthread_unwind_buf_t);
  788. pub extern fn __pthread_unregister_cancel(__buf: ?&__pthread_unwind_buf_t);
  789. pub extern fn __pthread_unwind_next(__buf: ?&__pthread_unwind_buf_t) -> noreturn;
  790. pub const struct___jmp_buf_tag = @OpaqueType();
  791. pub extern fn __sigsetjmp(__env: ?&struct___jmp_buf_tag, __savemask: c_int) -> c_int;
  792. pub extern fn pthread_spin_init(__lock: ?&volatile pthread_spinlock_t, __pshared: c_int) -> c_int;
  793. pub extern fn pthread_spin_destroy(__lock: ?&volatile pthread_spinlock_t) -> c_int;
  794. pub extern fn pthread_spin_lock(__lock: ?&volatile pthread_spinlock_t) -> c_int;
  795. pub extern fn pthread_spin_trylock(__lock: ?&volatile pthread_spinlock_t) -> c_int;
  796. pub extern fn pthread_spin_unlock(__lock: ?&volatile pthread_spinlock_t) -> c_int;
  797. pub extern fn pthread_key_create(__key: ?&pthread_key_t, __destr_function: ?extern fn(?&c_void)) -> c_int;
  798. pub extern fn pthread_key_delete(__key: pthread_key_t) -> c_int;
  799. pub extern fn pthread_getspecific(__key: pthread_key_t) -> ?&c_void;
  800. pub extern fn pthread_setspecific(__key: pthread_key_t, __pointer: ?&const c_void) -> c_int;
  801. pub extern fn pthread_getcpuclockid(__thread_id: pthread_t, __clock_id: ?&__clockid_t) -> c_int;
  802. pub extern fn pthread_atfork(__prepare: ?extern fn(), __parent: ?extern fn(), __child: ?extern fn()) -> c_int;
  803. pub extern fn __sigismember(arg0: ?&const __sigset_t, arg1: c_int) -> c_int;
  804. pub extern fn __sigaddset(arg0: ?&__sigset_t, arg1: c_int) -> c_int;
  805. pub extern fn __sigdelset(arg0: ?&__sigset_t, arg1: c_int) -> c_int;
  806. pub const sig_atomic_t = __sig_atomic_t;
  807. pub const __sigchld_clock_t = __clock_t;
  808. pub const siginfo_t = @OpaqueType();
  809. pub const SI_ASYNCNL: c_int = -4294967236;
  810. pub const SI_TKILL: c_int = -4294967290;
  811. pub const SI_SIGIO: c_int = -4294967291;
  812. pub const SI_ASYNCIO: c_int = -4294967292;
  813. pub const SI_MESGQ: c_int = -4294967293;
  814. pub const SI_TIMER: c_int = -4294967294;
  815. pub const SI_QUEUE: c_int = -4294967295;
  816. pub const SI_USER: c_int = 0;
  817. pub const SI_KERNEL: c_int = 128;
  818. pub const ILL_ILLOPC: c_uint = 1;
  819. pub const ILL_ILLOPN: c_uint = 2;
  820. pub const ILL_ILLADR: c_uint = 3;
  821. pub const ILL_ILLTRP: c_uint = 4;
  822. pub const ILL_PRVOPC: c_uint = 5;
  823. pub const ILL_PRVREG: c_uint = 6;
  824. pub const ILL_COPROC: c_uint = 7;
  825. pub const ILL_BADSTK: c_uint = 8;
  826. pub const FPE_INTDIV: c_uint = 1;
  827. pub const FPE_INTOVF: c_uint = 2;
  828. pub const FPE_FLTDIV: c_uint = 3;
  829. pub const FPE_FLTOVF: c_uint = 4;
  830. pub const FPE_FLTUND: c_uint = 5;
  831. pub const FPE_FLTRES: c_uint = 6;
  832. pub const FPE_FLTINV: c_uint = 7;
  833. pub const FPE_FLTSUB: c_uint = 8;
  834. pub const SEGV_MAPERR: c_uint = 1;
  835. pub const SEGV_ACCERR: c_uint = 2;
  836. pub const BUS_ADRALN: c_uint = 1;
  837. pub const BUS_ADRERR: c_uint = 2;
  838. pub const BUS_OBJERR: c_uint = 3;
  839. pub const BUS_MCEERR_AR: c_uint = 4;
  840. pub const BUS_MCEERR_AO: c_uint = 5;
  841. pub const CLD_EXITED: c_uint = 1;
  842. pub const CLD_KILLED: c_uint = 2;
  843. pub const CLD_DUMPED: c_uint = 3;
  844. pub const CLD_TRAPPED: c_uint = 4;
  845. pub const CLD_STOPPED: c_uint = 5;
  846. pub const CLD_CONTINUED: c_uint = 6;
  847. pub const POLL_IN: c_uint = 1;
  848. pub const POLL_OUT: c_uint = 2;
  849. pub const POLL_MSG: c_uint = 3;
  850. pub const POLL_ERR: c_uint = 4;
  851. pub const POLL_PRI: c_uint = 5;
  852. pub const POLL_HUP: c_uint = 6;
  853. pub const sigevent_t = struct_sigevent;
  854. pub const SIGEV_SIGNAL: c_uint = 0;
  855. pub const SIGEV_NONE: c_uint = 1;
  856. pub const SIGEV_THREAD: c_uint = 2;
  857. pub const SIGEV_THREAD_ID: c_uint = 4;
  858. pub const __sighandler_t = ?extern fn(c_int);
  859. pub extern fn __sysv_signal(__sig: c_int, __handler: __sighandler_t) -> __sighandler_t;
  860. pub extern fn signal(__sig: c_int, __handler: __sighandler_t) -> __sighandler_t;
  861. pub extern fn kill(__pid: __pid_t, __sig: c_int) -> c_int;
  862. pub extern fn killpg(__pgrp: __pid_t, __sig: c_int) -> c_int;
  863. pub extern fn raise(__sig: c_int) -> c_int;
  864. pub extern fn ssignal(__sig: c_int, __handler: __sighandler_t) -> __sighandler_t;
  865. pub extern fn gsignal(__sig: c_int) -> c_int;
  866. pub extern fn psignal(__sig: c_int, __s: ?&const u8);
  867. pub extern fn psiginfo(__pinfo: ?&const siginfo_t, __s: ?&const u8);
  868. pub extern fn sigblock(__mask: c_int) -> c_int;
  869. pub extern fn sigsetmask(__mask: c_int) -> c_int;
  870. pub extern fn siggetmask() -> c_int;
  871. pub const sig_t = __sighandler_t;
  872. pub extern fn sigemptyset(__set: ?&sigset_t) -> c_int;
  873. pub extern fn sigfillset(__set: ?&sigset_t) -> c_int;
  874. pub extern fn sigaddset(__set: ?&sigset_t, __signo: c_int) -> c_int;
  875. pub extern fn sigdelset(__set: ?&sigset_t, __signo: c_int) -> c_int;
  876. pub extern fn sigismember(__set: ?&const sigset_t, __signo: c_int) -> c_int;
  877. pub const struct_sigaction = @OpaqueType();
  878. pub extern fn sigprocmask(__how: c_int, noalias __set: ?&const sigset_t, noalias __oset: ?&sigset_t) -> c_int;
  879. pub extern fn sigsuspend(__set: ?&const sigset_t) -> c_int;
  880. pub extern fn sigaction(__sig: c_int, noalias __act: ?&const struct_sigaction, noalias __oact: ?&struct_sigaction) -> c_int;
  881. pub extern fn sigpending(__set: ?&sigset_t) -> c_int;
  882. pub extern fn sigwait(noalias __set: ?&const sigset_t, noalias __sig: ?&c_int) -> c_int;
  883. pub extern fn sigwaitinfo(noalias __set: ?&const sigset_t, noalias __info: ?&siginfo_t) -> c_int;
  884. pub extern fn sigtimedwait(noalias __set: ?&const sigset_t, noalias __info: ?&siginfo_t, noalias __timeout: ?&const struct_timespec) -> c_int;
  885. pub extern const _sys_siglist: [65](?&const u8);
  886. pub extern const sys_siglist: [65](?&const u8);
  887. pub const struct__fpx_sw_bytes = extern struct {
  888. magic1: __uint32_t,
  889. extended_size: __uint32_t,
  890. xstate_bv: __uint64_t,
  891. xstate_size: __uint32_t,
  892. padding: [7]__uint32_t,
  893. };
  894. pub const struct__fpreg = extern struct {
  895. significand: [4]c_ushort,
  896. exponent: c_ushort,
  897. };
  898. pub const struct__fpxreg = extern struct {
  899. significand: [4]c_ushort,
  900. exponent: c_ushort,
  901. padding: [3]c_ushort,
  902. };
  903. pub const struct__xmmreg = extern struct {
  904. element: [4]__uint32_t,
  905. };
  906. pub const struct__fpstate = extern struct {
  907. cwd: __uint16_t,
  908. swd: __uint16_t,
  909. ftw: __uint16_t,
  910. fop: __uint16_t,
  911. rip: __uint64_t,
  912. rdp: __uint64_t,
  913. mxcsr: __uint32_t,
  914. mxcr_mask: __uint32_t,
  915. _st: [8]struct__fpxreg,
  916. _xmm: [16]struct__xmmreg,
  917. padding: [24]__uint32_t,
  918. };
  919. pub const struct_sigcontext = @OpaqueType();
  920. pub const struct__xsave_hdr = extern struct {
  921. xstate_bv: __uint64_t,
  922. reserved1: [2]__uint64_t,
  923. reserved2: [5]__uint64_t,
  924. };
  925. pub const struct__ymmh_state = extern struct {
  926. ymmh_space: [64]__uint32_t,
  927. };
  928. pub const struct__xstate = extern struct {
  929. fpstate: struct__fpstate,
  930. xstate_hdr: struct__xsave_hdr,
  931. ymmh: struct__ymmh_state,
  932. };
  933. pub extern fn sigreturn(__scp: ?&struct_sigcontext) -> c_int;
  934. pub extern fn siginterrupt(__sig: c_int, __interrupt: c_int) -> c_int;
  935. pub const struct_sigstack = extern struct {
  936. ss_sp: ?&c_void,
  937. ss_onstack: c_int,
  938. };
  939. pub const SS_ONSTACK: c_uint = 1;
  940. pub const SS_DISABLE: c_uint = 2;
  941. pub const struct_sigaltstack = extern struct {
  942. ss_sp: ?&c_void,
  943. ss_flags: c_int,
  944. ss_size: usize,
  945. };
  946. pub const stack_t = struct_sigaltstack;
  947. pub const greg_t = c_longlong;
  948. pub const gregset_t = [23]greg_t;
  949. pub const struct__libc_fpxreg = extern struct {
  950. significand: [4]c_ushort,
  951. exponent: c_ushort,
  952. padding: [3]c_ushort,
  953. };
  954. pub const struct__libc_xmmreg = extern struct {
  955. element: [4]__uint32_t,
  956. };
  957. pub const struct__libc_fpstate = extern struct {
  958. cwd: __uint16_t,
  959. swd: __uint16_t,
  960. ftw: __uint16_t,
  961. fop: __uint16_t,
  962. rip: __uint64_t,
  963. rdp: __uint64_t,
  964. mxcsr: __uint32_t,
  965. mxcr_mask: __uint32_t,
  966. _st: [8]struct__libc_fpxreg,
  967. _xmm: [16]struct__libc_xmmreg,
  968. padding: [24]__uint32_t,
  969. };
  970. pub const fpregset_t = ?&struct__libc_fpstate;
  971. pub const mcontext_t = extern struct {
  972. gregs: gregset_t,
  973. fpregs: fpregset_t,
  974. __reserved1: [8]c_ulonglong,
  975. };
  976. pub const struct_ucontext = extern struct {
  977. uc_flags: c_ulong,
  978. uc_link: ?&struct_ucontext,
  979. uc_stack: stack_t,
  980. uc_mcontext: mcontext_t,
  981. uc_sigmask: __sigset_t,
  982. __fpregs_mem: struct__libc_fpstate,
  983. };
  984. pub const ucontext_t = struct_ucontext;
  985. pub extern fn sigstack(__ss: ?&struct_sigstack, __oss: ?&struct_sigstack) -> c_int;
  986. pub extern fn sigaltstack(noalias __ss: ?&const struct_sigaltstack, noalias __oss: ?&struct_sigaltstack) -> c_int;
  987. pub extern fn pthread_sigmask(__how: c_int, noalias __newmask: ?&const __sigset_t, noalias __oldmask: ?&__sigset_t) -> c_int;
  988. pub extern fn pthread_kill(__threadid: pthread_t, __signo: c_int) -> c_int;
  989. pub extern fn __libc_current_sigrtmin() -> c_int;
  990. pub extern fn __libc_current_sigrtmax() -> c_int;
  991. pub const UV_UNKNOWN: c_int = -4294967295;
  992. pub const UV_OK: c_int = 0;
  993. pub const UV_EOF: c_int = 1;
  994. pub const UV_EADDRINFO: c_int = 2;
  995. pub const UV_EACCES: c_int = 3;
  996. pub const UV_EAGAIN: c_int = 4;
  997. pub const UV_EADDRINUSE: c_int = 5;
  998. pub const UV_EADDRNOTAVAIL: c_int = 6;
  999. pub const UV_EAFNOSUPPORT: c_int = 7;
  1000. pub const UV_EALREADY: c_int = 8;
  1001. pub const UV_EBADF: c_int = 9;
  1002. pub const UV_EBUSY: c_int = 10;
  1003. pub const UV_ECONNABORTED: c_int = 11;
  1004. pub const UV_ECONNREFUSED: c_int = 12;
  1005. pub const UV_ECONNRESET: c_int = 13;
  1006. pub const UV_EDESTADDRREQ: c_int = 14;
  1007. pub const UV_EFAULT: c_int = 15;
  1008. pub const UV_EHOSTUNREACH: c_int = 16;
  1009. pub const UV_EINTR: c_int = 17;
  1010. pub const UV_EINVAL: c_int = 18;
  1011. pub const UV_EISCONN: c_int = 19;
  1012. pub const UV_EMFILE: c_int = 20;
  1013. pub const UV_EMSGSIZE: c_int = 21;
  1014. pub const UV_ENETDOWN: c_int = 22;
  1015. pub const UV_ENETUNREACH: c_int = 23;
  1016. pub const UV_ENFILE: c_int = 24;
  1017. pub const UV_ENOBUFS: c_int = 25;
  1018. pub const UV_ENOMEM: c_int = 26;
  1019. pub const UV_ENOTDIR: c_int = 27;
  1020. pub const UV_EISDIR: c_int = 28;
  1021. pub const UV_ENONET: c_int = 29;
  1022. pub const UV_ENOTCONN: c_int = 31;
  1023. pub const UV_ENOTSOCK: c_int = 32;
  1024. pub const UV_ENOTSUP: c_int = 33;
  1025. pub const UV_ENOENT: c_int = 34;
  1026. pub const UV_ENOSYS: c_int = 35;
  1027. pub const UV_EPIPE: c_int = 36;
  1028. pub const UV_EPROTO: c_int = 37;
  1029. pub const UV_EPROTONOSUPPORT: c_int = 38;
  1030. pub const UV_EPROTOTYPE: c_int = 39;
  1031. pub const UV_ETIMEDOUT: c_int = 40;
  1032. pub const UV_ECHARSET: c_int = 41;
  1033. pub const UV_EAIFAMNOSUPPORT: c_int = 42;
  1034. pub const UV_EAISERVICE: c_int = 44;
  1035. pub const UV_EAISOCKTYPE: c_int = 45;
  1036. pub const UV_ESHUTDOWN: c_int = 46;
  1037. pub const UV_EEXIST: c_int = 47;
  1038. pub const UV_ESRCH: c_int = 48;
  1039. pub const UV_ENAMETOOLONG: c_int = 49;
  1040. pub const UV_EPERM: c_int = 50;
  1041. pub const UV_ELOOP: c_int = 51;
  1042. pub const UV_EXDEV: c_int = 52;
  1043. pub const UV_ENOTEMPTY: c_int = 53;
  1044. pub const UV_ENOSPC: c_int = 54;
  1045. pub const UV_EIO: c_int = 55;
  1046. pub const UV_EROFS: c_int = 56;
  1047. pub const UV_ENODEV: c_int = 57;
  1048. pub const UV_ESPIPE: c_int = 58;
  1049. pub const UV_ECANCELED: c_int = 59;
  1050. pub const UV_EFBIG: c_int = 60;
  1051. pub const UV_ENOPROTOOPT: c_int = 61;
  1052. pub const UV_ETXTBSY: c_int = 62;
  1053. pub const UV_ERANGE: c_int = 63;
  1054. pub const UV_ENXIO: c_int = 64;
  1055. pub const UV_EMLINK: c_int = 65;
  1056. pub const UV_MAX_ERRORS: c_int = 66;
  1057. pub const uv_err_code = c_int;
  1058. pub const struct_uv_err_s = extern struct {
  1059. code: uv_err_code,
  1060. sys_errno_: c_int,
  1061. };
  1062. pub const uv_err_t = struct_uv_err_s;
  1063. pub const uv__io_t = struct_uv__io_s;
  1064. pub const struct_uv_loop_s = @OpaqueType();
  1065. pub const uv__io_cb = ?extern fn(?&struct_uv_loop_s, ?&struct_uv__io_s, c_uint);
  1066. pub const struct_uv__io_s = extern struct {
  1067. cb: uv__io_cb,
  1068. pending_queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1069. watcher_queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1070. pevents: c_uint,
  1071. events: c_uint,
  1072. fd: c_int,
  1073. };
  1074. pub const uv__async_cb = ?extern fn(?&struct_uv_loop_s, ?&struct_uv__async, c_uint);
  1075. pub const struct_uv__async = extern struct {
  1076. cb: uv__async_cb,
  1077. io_watcher: uv__io_t,
  1078. wfd: c_int,
  1079. };
  1080. pub const struct_uv__work = extern struct {
  1081. work: ?extern fn(?&struct_uv__work),
  1082. done: ?extern fn(?&struct_uv__work, c_int),
  1083. loop: ?&struct_uv_loop_s,
  1084. wq: ngx_queue_t,
  1085. };
  1086. pub const uv_buf_t = extern struct {
  1087. base: ?&u8,
  1088. len: usize,
  1089. };
  1090. pub const uv_file = c_int;
  1091. pub const uv_os_sock_t = c_int;
  1092. pub const uv_statbuf_t = struct_stat;
  1093. pub const uv_once_t = pthread_once_t;
  1094. pub const uv_thread_t = pthread_t;
  1095. pub const uv_gid_t = gid_t;
  1096. pub const uv_uid_t = uid_t;
  1097. pub const uv_lib_t = extern struct {
  1098. handle: ?&c_void,
  1099. errmsg: ?&u8,
  1100. };
  1101. pub const UV_UNKNOWN_HANDLE: c_uint = 0;
  1102. pub const UV_ASYNC: c_uint = 1;
  1103. pub const UV_CHECK: c_uint = 2;
  1104. pub const UV_FS_EVENT: c_uint = 3;
  1105. pub const UV_FS_POLL: c_uint = 4;
  1106. pub const UV_HANDLE: c_uint = 5;
  1107. pub const UV_IDLE: c_uint = 6;
  1108. pub const UV_NAMED_PIPE: c_uint = 7;
  1109. pub const UV_POLL: c_uint = 8;
  1110. pub const UV_PREPARE: c_uint = 9;
  1111. pub const UV_PROCESS: c_uint = 10;
  1112. pub const UV_STREAM: c_uint = 11;
  1113. pub const UV_TCP: c_uint = 12;
  1114. pub const UV_TIMER: c_uint = 13;
  1115. pub const UV_TTY: c_uint = 14;
  1116. pub const UV_UDP: c_uint = 15;
  1117. pub const UV_SIGNAL: c_uint = 16;
  1118. pub const UV_FILE: c_uint = 17;
  1119. pub const UV_HANDLE_TYPE_MAX: c_uint = 18;
  1120. pub const uv_handle_type = c_uint;
  1121. pub const UV_UNKNOWN_REQ: c_uint = 0;
  1122. pub const UV_REQ: c_uint = 1;
  1123. pub const UV_CONNECT: c_uint = 2;
  1124. pub const UV_WRITE: c_uint = 3;
  1125. pub const UV_SHUTDOWN: c_uint = 4;
  1126. pub const UV_UDP_SEND: c_uint = 5;
  1127. pub const UV_FS: c_uint = 6;
  1128. pub const UV_WORK: c_uint = 7;
  1129. pub const UV_GETADDRINFO: c_uint = 8;
  1130. pub const UV_REQ_TYPE_MAX: c_uint = 9;
  1131. pub const uv_req_type = c_uint;
  1132. pub const uv_loop_t = struct_uv_loop_s;
  1133. pub const uv_handle_t = struct_uv_handle_s;
  1134. pub const uv_close_cb = ?extern fn(?&uv_handle_t);
  1135. pub const struct_uv_handle_s = extern struct {
  1136. close_cb: uv_close_cb,
  1137. data: ?&c_void,
  1138. loop: ?&uv_loop_t,
  1139. type: uv_handle_type,
  1140. handle_queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1141. flags: c_int,
  1142. next_closing: ?&uv_handle_t,
  1143. };
  1144. pub const uv_alloc_cb = ?extern fn(?&uv_handle_t, usize) -> uv_buf_t;
  1145. pub const uv_stream_t = struct_uv_stream_s;
  1146. pub const uv_read_cb = ?extern fn(?&uv_stream_t, isize, uv_buf_t);
  1147. pub const uv_pipe_t = struct_uv_pipe_s;
  1148. pub const uv_read2_cb = ?extern fn(?&uv_pipe_t, isize, uv_buf_t, uv_handle_type);
  1149. pub const uv_connect_t = struct_uv_connect_s;
  1150. pub const uv_connect_cb = ?extern fn(?&uv_connect_t, c_int);
  1151. pub const struct_uv_connect_s = extern struct {
  1152. data: ?&c_void,
  1153. type: uv_req_type,
  1154. active_queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1155. cb: uv_connect_cb,
  1156. handle: ?&uv_stream_t,
  1157. queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1158. };
  1159. pub const uv_connect_t = struct_uv_connect_s;
  1160. pub const uv_shutdown_t = struct_uv_shutdown_s;
  1161. pub const uv_shutdown_cb = ?extern fn(?&uv_shutdown_t, c_int);
  1162. pub const struct_uv_shutdown_s = extern struct {
  1163. data: ?&c_void,
  1164. type: uv_req_type,
  1165. active_queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1166. handle: ?&uv_stream_t,
  1167. cb: uv_shutdown_cb,
  1168. };
  1169. pub const uv_shutdown_t = struct_uv_shutdown_s;
  1170. pub const uv_connection_cb = ?extern fn(?&uv_stream_t, c_int);
  1171. pub const struct_uv_pipe_s = extern struct {
  1172. close_cb: uv_close_cb,
  1173. data: ?&c_void,
  1174. loop: ?&uv_loop_t,
  1175. type: uv_handle_type,
  1176. handle_queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1177. flags: c_int,
  1178. next_closing: ?&uv_handle_t,
  1179. write_queue_size: usize,
  1180. alloc_cb: uv_alloc_cb,
  1181. read_cb: uv_read_cb,
  1182. read2_cb: uv_read2_cb,
  1183. connect_req: ?&uv_connect_t,
  1184. shutdown_req: ?&uv_shutdown_t,
  1185. io_watcher: uv__io_t,
  1186. write_queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1187. write_completed_queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1188. connection_cb: uv_connection_cb,
  1189. delayed_error: c_int,
  1190. accepted_fd: c_int,
  1191. ipc: c_int,
  1192. pipe_fname: ?&const u8,
  1193. };
  1194. pub const uv_pipe_t = struct_uv_pipe_s;
  1195. pub const uv_read2_cb = ?extern fn(?&uv_pipe_t, isize, uv_buf_t, uv_handle_type);
  1196. pub const struct_uv_stream_s = extern struct {
  1197. close_cb: uv_close_cb,
  1198. data: ?&c_void,
  1199. loop: ?&uv_loop_t,
  1200. type: uv_handle_type,
  1201. handle_queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1202. flags: c_int,
  1203. next_closing: ?&uv_handle_t,
  1204. write_queue_size: usize,
  1205. alloc_cb: uv_alloc_cb,
  1206. read_cb: uv_read_cb,
  1207. read2_cb: uv_read2_cb,
  1208. connect_req: ?&uv_connect_t,
  1209. shutdown_req: ?&uv_shutdown_t,
  1210. io_watcher: uv__io_t,
  1211. write_queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1212. write_completed_queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1213. connection_cb: uv_connection_cb,
  1214. delayed_error: c_int,
  1215. accepted_fd: c_int,
  1216. };
  1217. pub const struct_uv_tcp_s = extern struct {
  1218. close_cb: uv_close_cb,
  1219. data: ?&c_void,
  1220. loop: ?&uv_loop_t,
  1221. type: uv_handle_type,
  1222. handle_queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1223. flags: c_int,
  1224. next_closing: ?&uv_handle_t,
  1225. write_queue_size: usize,
  1226. alloc_cb: uv_alloc_cb,
  1227. read_cb: uv_read_cb,
  1228. read2_cb: uv_read2_cb,
  1229. connect_req: ?&uv_connect_t,
  1230. shutdown_req: ?&uv_shutdown_t,
  1231. io_watcher: uv__io_t,
  1232. write_queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1233. write_completed_queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1234. connection_cb: uv_connection_cb,
  1235. delayed_error: c_int,
  1236. accepted_fd: c_int,
  1237. };
  1238. pub const uv_tcp_t = struct_uv_tcp_s;
  1239. pub const uv_udp_t = struct_uv_udp_s;
  1240. pub const uv_udp_recv_cb = ?extern fn(?&uv_udp_t, isize, uv_buf_t, ?&struct_sockaddr, c_uint);
  1241. pub const struct_uv_udp_s = extern struct {
  1242. close_cb: uv_close_cb,
  1243. data: ?&c_void,
  1244. loop: ?&uv_loop_t,
  1245. type: uv_handle_type,
  1246. handle_queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1247. flags: c_int,
  1248. next_closing: ?&uv_handle_t,
  1249. alloc_cb: uv_alloc_cb,
  1250. recv_cb: uv_udp_recv_cb,
  1251. io_watcher: uv__io_t,
  1252. write_queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1253. write_completed_queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1254. };
  1255. pub const struct_uv_tty_s = extern struct {
  1256. close_cb: uv_close_cb,
  1257. data: ?&c_void,
  1258. loop: ?&uv_loop_t,
  1259. type: uv_handle_type,
  1260. handle_queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1261. flags: c_int,
  1262. next_closing: ?&uv_handle_t,
  1263. write_queue_size: usize,
  1264. alloc_cb: uv_alloc_cb,
  1265. read_cb: uv_read_cb,
  1266. read2_cb: uv_read2_cb,
  1267. connect_req: ?&uv_connect_t,
  1268. shutdown_req: ?&uv_shutdown_t,
  1269. io_watcher: uv__io_t,
  1270. write_queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1271. write_completed_queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1272. connection_cb: uv_connection_cb,
  1273. delayed_error: c_int,
  1274. accepted_fd: c_int,
  1275. orig_termios: struct_termios,
  1276. mode: c_int,
  1277. };
  1278. pub const uv_tty_t = struct_uv_tty_s;
  1279. pub const uv_poll_t = struct_uv_poll_s;
  1280. pub const uv_poll_cb = ?extern fn(?&uv_poll_t, c_int, c_int);
  1281. pub const struct_uv_poll_s = extern struct {
  1282. close_cb: uv_close_cb,
  1283. data: ?&c_void,
  1284. loop: ?&uv_loop_t,
  1285. type: uv_handle_type,
  1286. handle_queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1287. flags: c_int,
  1288. next_closing: ?&uv_handle_t,
  1289. poll_cb: uv_poll_cb,
  1290. io_watcher: uv__io_t,
  1291. };
  1292. pub const uv_timer_t = struct_uv_timer_s;
  1293. pub const uv_timer_cb = ?extern fn(?&uv_timer_t, c_int);
  1294. pub const struct_uv_timer_s = extern struct {
  1295. close_cb: uv_close_cb,
  1296. data: ?&c_void,
  1297. loop: ?&uv_loop_t,
  1298. type: uv_handle_type,
  1299. handle_queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1300. flags: c_int,
  1301. next_closing: ?&uv_handle_t,
  1302. tree_entry: extern struct {
  1303. rbe_left: ?&struct_uv_timer_s,
  1304. rbe_right: ?&struct_uv_timer_s,
  1305. rbe_parent: ?&struct_uv_timer_s,
  1306. rbe_color: c_int,
  1307. },
  1308. timer_cb: uv_timer_cb,
  1309. timeout: u64,
  1310. repeat: u64,
  1311. start_id: u64,
  1312. };
  1313. pub const uv_prepare_t = struct_uv_prepare_s;
  1314. pub const uv_prepare_cb = ?extern fn(?&uv_prepare_t, c_int);
  1315. pub const struct_uv_prepare_s = extern struct {
  1316. close_cb: uv_close_cb,
  1317. data: ?&c_void,
  1318. loop: ?&uv_loop_t,
  1319. type: uv_handle_type,
  1320. handle_queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1321. flags: c_int,
  1322. next_closing: ?&uv_handle_t,
  1323. prepare_cb: uv_prepare_cb,
  1324. queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1325. };
  1326. pub const uv_check_t = struct_uv_check_s;
  1327. pub const uv_check_cb = ?extern fn(?&uv_check_t, c_int);
  1328. pub const struct_uv_check_s = extern struct {
  1329. close_cb: uv_close_cb,
  1330. data: ?&c_void,
  1331. loop: ?&uv_loop_t,
  1332. type: uv_handle_type,
  1333. handle_queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1334. flags: c_int,
  1335. next_closing: ?&uv_handle_t,
  1336. check_cb: uv_check_cb,
  1337. queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1338. };
  1339. pub const uv_idle_t = struct_uv_idle_s;
  1340. pub const uv_idle_cb = ?extern fn(?&uv_idle_t, c_int);
  1341. pub const struct_uv_idle_s = extern struct {
  1342. close_cb: uv_close_cb,
  1343. data: ?&c_void,
  1344. loop: ?&uv_loop_t,
  1345. type: uv_handle_type,
  1346. handle_queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1347. flags: c_int,
  1348. next_closing: ?&uv_handle_t,
  1349. idle_cb: uv_idle_cb,
  1350. queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1351. };
  1352. pub const uv_async_t = struct_uv_async_s;
  1353. pub const uv_async_cb = ?extern fn(?&uv_async_t, c_int);
  1354. pub const struct_uv_async_s = extern struct {
  1355. close_cb: uv_close_cb,
  1356. data: ?&c_void,
  1357. loop: ?&uv_loop_t,
  1358. type: uv_handle_type,
  1359. handle_queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1360. flags: c_int,
  1361. next_closing: ?&uv_handle_t,
  1362. async_cb: uv_async_cb,
  1363. queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1364. pending: c_int,
  1365. };
  1366. pub const uv_process_t = struct_uv_process_s;
  1367. pub const uv_exit_cb = ?extern fn(?&uv_process_t, c_int, c_int);
  1368. pub const struct_uv_process_s = extern struct {
  1369. close_cb: uv_close_cb,
  1370. data: ?&c_void,
  1371. loop: ?&uv_loop_t,
  1372. type: uv_handle_type,
  1373. handle_queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1374. flags: c_int,
  1375. next_closing: ?&uv_handle_t,
  1376. exit_cb: uv_exit_cb,
  1377. pid: c_int,
  1378. queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1379. errorno: c_int,
  1380. };
  1381. pub const uv_fs_event_t = struct_uv_fs_event_s;
  1382. pub const uv_fs_event_cb = ?extern fn(?&uv_fs_event_t, ?&const u8, c_int, c_int);
  1383. pub const struct_uv_fs_event_s = extern struct {
  1384. close_cb: uv_close_cb,
  1385. data: ?&c_void,
  1386. loop: ?&uv_loop_t,
  1387. type: uv_handle_type,
  1388. handle_queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1389. flags: c_int,
  1390. next_closing: ?&uv_handle_t,
  1391. filename: ?&u8,
  1392. cb: uv_fs_event_cb,
  1393. watchers: ngx_queue_t,
  1394. wd: c_int,
  1395. };
  1396. pub const struct_uv_fs_poll_s = extern struct {
  1397. close_cb: uv_close_cb,
  1398. data: ?&c_void,
  1399. loop: ?&uv_loop_t,
  1400. type: uv_handle_type,
  1401. handle_queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1402. flags: c_int,
  1403. next_closing: ?&uv_handle_t,
  1404. poll_ctx: ?&c_void,
  1405. };
  1406. pub const uv_fs_poll_t = struct_uv_fs_poll_s;
  1407. pub const uv_signal_t = struct_uv_signal_s;
  1408. pub const uv_signal_cb = ?extern fn(?&uv_signal_t, c_int);
  1409. pub const struct_uv_signal_s = extern struct {
  1410. close_cb: uv_close_cb,
  1411. data: ?&c_void,
  1412. loop: ?&uv_loop_t,
  1413. type: uv_handle_type,
  1414. handle_queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1415. flags: c_int,
  1416. next_closing: ?&uv_handle_t,
  1417. signal_cb: uv_signal_cb,
  1418. signum: c_int,
  1419. tree_entry: extern struct {
  1420. rbe_left: ?&struct_uv_signal_s,
  1421. rbe_right: ?&struct_uv_signal_s,
  1422. rbe_parent: ?&struct_uv_signal_s,
  1423. rbe_color: c_int,
  1424. },
  1425. caught_signals: c_uint,
  1426. dispatched_signals: c_uint,
  1427. };
  1428. pub const struct_uv_req_s = extern struct {
  1429. data: ?&c_void,
  1430. type: uv_req_type,
  1431. active_queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1432. };
  1433. pub const uv_req_t = struct_uv_req_s;
  1434. pub const uv_getaddrinfo_t = struct_uv_getaddrinfo_s;
  1435. pub const uv_getaddrinfo_cb = ?extern fn(?&uv_getaddrinfo_t, c_int, ?&struct_addrinfo);
  1436. pub const struct_uv_getaddrinfo_s = extern struct {
  1437. data: ?&c_void,
  1438. type: uv_req_type,
  1439. active_queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1440. loop: ?&uv_loop_t,
  1441. work_req: struct_uv__work,
  1442. cb: uv_getaddrinfo_cb,
  1443. hints: ?&struct_addrinfo,
  1444. hostname: ?&u8,
  1445. service: ?&u8,
  1446. res: ?&struct_addrinfo,
  1447. retcode: c_int,
  1448. };
  1449. pub const uv_write_t = struct_uv_write_s;
  1450. pub const uv_write_cb = ?extern fn(?&uv_write_t, c_int);
  1451. pub const struct_uv_write_s = extern struct {
  1452. data: ?&c_void,
  1453. type: uv_req_type,
  1454. active_queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1455. cb: uv_write_cb,
  1456. send_handle: ?&uv_stream_t,
  1457. handle: ?&uv_stream_t,
  1458. queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1459. write_index: c_int,
  1460. bufs: ?&uv_buf_t,
  1461. bufcnt: c_int,
  1462. @"error": c_int,
  1463. bufsml: [4]uv_buf_t,
  1464. };
  1465. pub const uv_udp_send_t = struct_uv_udp_send_s;
  1466. pub const uv_udp_send_cb = ?extern fn(?&uv_udp_send_t, c_int);
  1467. pub const struct_uv_udp_send_s = extern struct {
  1468. data: ?&c_void,
  1469. type: uv_req_type,
  1470. active_queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1471. handle: ?&uv_udp_t,
  1472. cb: uv_udp_send_cb,
  1473. queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1474. addr: struct_sockaddr_in6,
  1475. bufcnt: c_int,
  1476. bufs: ?&uv_buf_t,
  1477. status: isize,
  1478. send_cb: uv_udp_send_cb,
  1479. bufsml: [4]uv_buf_t,
  1480. };
  1481. pub const UV_FS_UNKNOWN: c_int = -4294967295;
  1482. pub const UV_FS_CUSTOM: c_int = 0;
  1483. pub const UV_FS_OPEN: c_int = 1;
  1484. pub const UV_FS_CLOSE: c_int = 2;
  1485. pub const UV_FS_READ: c_int = 3;
  1486. pub const UV_FS_WRITE: c_int = 4;
  1487. pub const UV_FS_SENDFILE: c_int = 5;
  1488. pub const UV_FS_STAT: c_int = 6;
  1489. pub const UV_FS_LSTAT: c_int = 7;
  1490. pub const UV_FS_FSTAT: c_int = 8;
  1491. pub const UV_FS_FTRUNCATE: c_int = 9;
  1492. pub const UV_FS_UTIME: c_int = 10;
  1493. pub const UV_FS_FUTIME: c_int = 11;
  1494. pub const UV_FS_CHMOD: c_int = 12;
  1495. pub const UV_FS_FCHMOD: c_int = 13;
  1496. pub const UV_FS_FSYNC: c_int = 14;
  1497. pub const UV_FS_FDATASYNC: c_int = 15;
  1498. pub const UV_FS_UNLINK: c_int = 16;
  1499. pub const UV_FS_RMDIR: c_int = 17;
  1500. pub const UV_FS_MKDIR: c_int = 18;
  1501. pub const UV_FS_RENAME: c_int = 19;
  1502. pub const UV_FS_READDIR: c_int = 20;
  1503. pub const UV_FS_LINK: c_int = 21;
  1504. pub const UV_FS_SYMLINK: c_int = 22;
  1505. pub const UV_FS_READLINK: c_int = 23;
  1506. pub const UV_FS_CHOWN: c_int = 24;
  1507. pub const UV_FS_FCHOWN: c_int = 25;
  1508. pub const uv_fs_type = c_int;
  1509. pub const uv_fs_t = struct_uv_fs_s;
  1510. pub const uv_fs_cb = ?extern fn(?&uv_fs_t);
  1511. pub const struct_uv_fs_s = extern struct {
  1512. data: ?&c_void,
  1513. type: uv_req_type,
  1514. active_queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1515. fs_type: uv_fs_type,
  1516. loop: ?&uv_loop_t,
  1517. cb: uv_fs_cb,
  1518. result: isize,
  1519. ptr: ?&c_void,
  1520. path: ?&const u8,
  1521. errorno: uv_err_code,
  1522. statbuf: uv_statbuf_t,
  1523. new_path: ?&const u8,
  1524. file: uv_file,
  1525. flags: c_int,
  1526. mode: mode_t,
  1527. buf: ?&c_void,
  1528. len: usize,
  1529. off: off_t,
  1530. uid: uv_uid_t,
  1531. gid: uv_gid_t,
  1532. atime: f64,
  1533. mtime: f64,
  1534. work_req: struct_uv__work,
  1535. };
  1536. pub const uv_work_t = struct_uv_work_s;
  1537. pub const uv_work_cb = ?extern fn(?&uv_work_t);
  1538. pub const uv_after_work_cb = ?extern fn(?&uv_work_t, c_int);
  1539. pub const struct_uv_work_s = extern struct {
  1540. data: ?&c_void,
  1541. type: uv_req_type,
  1542. active_queue: ngx_queue_t,
  1543. loop: ?&uv_loop_t,
  1544. work_cb: uv_work_cb,
  1545. after_work_cb: uv_after_work_cb,
  1546. work_req: struct_uv__work,
  1547. };
  1548. pub const struct_uv_cpu_times_s = extern struct {
  1549. user: u64,
  1550. nice: u64,
  1551. sys: u64,
  1552. idle: u64,
  1553. irq: u64,
  1554. };
  1555. pub const struct_uv_cpu_info_s = extern struct {
  1556. model: ?&u8,
  1557. speed: c_int,
  1558. cpu_times: struct_uv_cpu_times_s,
  1559. };
  1560. pub const uv_cpu_info_t = struct_uv_cpu_info_s;
  1561. pub const struct_uv_interface_address_s = @OpaqueType();
  1562. pub const uv_interface_address_t = struct_uv_interface_address_s;
  1563. pub const UV_LOOP_BLOCK_SIGNAL = 0;
  1564. pub const uv_loop_option = extern enum {
  1566. };
  1567. pub const UV_RUN_DEFAULT: c_uint = 0;
  1568. pub const UV_RUN_ONCE: c_uint = 1;
  1569. pub const UV_RUN_NOWAIT: c_uint = 2;
  1570. pub const uv_run_mode = c_uint;
  1571. pub extern fn uv_version() -> c_uint;
  1572. pub extern fn uv_version_string() -> ?&const u8;
  1573. pub extern fn uv_loop_new() -> ?&uv_loop_t;
  1574. pub extern fn uv_loop_delete(arg0: ?&uv_loop_t);
  1575. pub extern fn uv_default_loop() -> ?&uv_loop_t;
  1576. pub extern fn uv_loop_configure(loop: ?&uv_loop_t, option: uv_loop_option) -> c_int;
  1577. pub extern fn uv_run(arg0: ?&uv_loop_t, mode: uv_run_mode) -> c_int;
  1578. pub extern fn uv_stop(arg0: ?&uv_loop_t);
  1579. pub extern fn uv_ref(arg0: ?&uv_handle_t);
  1580. pub extern fn uv_unref(arg0: ?&uv_handle_t);
  1581. pub extern fn uv_update_time(arg0: ?&uv_loop_t);
  1582. pub extern fn uv_now(arg0: ?&uv_loop_t) -> u64;
  1583. pub extern fn uv_backend_fd(arg0: ?&const uv_loop_t) -> c_int;
  1584. pub extern fn uv_backend_timeout(arg0: ?&const uv_loop_t) -> c_int;
  1585. pub const uv_walk_cb = ?extern fn(?&uv_handle_t, ?&c_void);
  1586. pub const uv_fs_poll_cb = ?extern fn(?&uv_fs_poll_t, c_int, ?&const uv_statbuf_t, ?&const uv_statbuf_t);
  1587. pub const UV_LEAVE_GROUP: c_uint = 0;
  1588. pub const UV_JOIN_GROUP: c_uint = 1;
  1589. pub const uv_membership = c_uint;
  1590. pub extern fn uv_last_error(arg0: ?&uv_loop_t) -> uv_err_t;
  1591. pub extern fn uv_strerror(err: uv_err_t) -> ?&const u8;
  1592. pub extern fn uv_err_name(err: uv_err_t) -> ?&const u8;
  1593. pub extern fn uv_shutdown(req: ?&uv_shutdown_t, handle: ?&uv_stream_t, cb: uv_shutdown_cb) -> c_int;
  1594. pub extern fn uv_handle_size(type: uv_handle_type) -> usize;
  1595. pub extern fn uv_req_size(type: uv_req_type) -> usize;
  1596. pub extern fn uv_is_active(handle: ?&const uv_handle_t) -> c_int;
  1597. pub extern fn uv_walk(loop: ?&uv_loop_t, walk_cb: uv_walk_cb, arg: ?&c_void);
  1598. pub extern fn uv_close(handle: ?&uv_handle_t, close_cb: uv_close_cb);
  1599. pub extern fn uv_buf_init(base: ?&u8, len: c_uint) -> uv_buf_t;
  1600. pub extern fn uv_strlcpy(dst: ?&u8, src: ?&const u8, size: usize) -> usize;
  1601. pub extern fn uv_strlcat(dst: ?&u8, src: ?&const u8, size: usize) -> usize;
  1602. pub extern fn uv_listen(stream: ?&uv_stream_t, backlog: c_int, cb: uv_connection_cb) -> c_int;
  1603. pub extern fn uv_accept(server: ?&uv_stream_t, client: ?&uv_stream_t) -> c_int;
  1604. pub extern fn uv_read_start(arg0: ?&uv_stream_t, alloc_cb: uv_alloc_cb, read_cb: uv_read_cb) -> c_int;
  1605. pub extern fn uv_read_stop(arg0: ?&uv_stream_t) -> c_int;
  1606. pub extern fn uv_read2_start(arg0: ?&uv_stream_t, alloc_cb: uv_alloc_cb, read_cb: uv_read2_cb) -> c_int;
  1607. pub extern fn uv_write(req: ?&uv_write_t, handle: ?&uv_stream_t, bufs: ?&uv_buf_t, bufcnt: c_int, cb: uv_write_cb) -> c_int;
  1608. pub extern fn uv_write2(req: ?&uv_write_t, handle: ?&uv_stream_t, bufs: ?&uv_buf_t, bufcnt: c_int, send_handle: ?&uv_stream_t, cb: uv_write_cb) -> c_int;
  1609. pub extern fn uv_is_readable(handle: ?&const uv_stream_t) -> c_int;
  1610. pub extern fn uv_is_writable(handle: ?&const uv_stream_t) -> c_int;
  1611. pub extern fn uv_is_closing(handle: ?&const uv_handle_t) -> c_int;
  1612. pub extern fn uv_tcp_init(arg0: ?&uv_loop_t, handle: ?&uv_tcp_t) -> c_int;
  1613. pub extern fn uv_tcp_open(handle: ?&uv_tcp_t, sock: uv_os_sock_t) -> c_int;
  1614. pub extern fn uv_tcp_nodelay(handle: ?&uv_tcp_t, enable: c_int) -> c_int;
  1615. pub extern fn uv_tcp_keepalive(handle: ?&uv_tcp_t, enable: c_int, delay: c_uint) -> c_int;
  1616. pub extern fn uv_tcp_simultaneous_accepts(handle: ?&uv_tcp_t, enable: c_int) -> c_int;
  1617. pub extern fn uv_tcp_bind(handle: ?&uv_tcp_t, arg1: struct_sockaddr_in) -> c_int;
  1618. pub extern fn uv_tcp_bind6(handle: ?&uv_tcp_t, arg1: struct_sockaddr_in6) -> c_int;
  1619. pub extern fn uv_tcp_getsockname(handle: ?&uv_tcp_t, name: ?&struct_sockaddr, namelen: ?&c_int) -> c_int;
  1620. pub extern fn uv_tcp_getpeername(handle: ?&uv_tcp_t, name: ?&struct_sockaddr, namelen: ?&c_int) -> c_int;
  1621. pub extern fn uv_tcp_connect(req: ?&uv_connect_t, handle: ?&uv_tcp_t, address: struct_sockaddr_in, cb: uv_connect_cb) -> c_int;
  1622. pub extern fn uv_tcp_connect6(req: ?&uv_connect_t, handle: ?&uv_tcp_t, address: struct_sockaddr_in6, cb: uv_connect_cb) -> c_int;
  1623. pub const UV_UDP_IPV6ONLY: c_uint = 1;
  1624. pub const UV_UDP_PARTIAL: c_uint = 2;
  1625. pub const enum_uv_udp_flags = c_uint;
  1626. pub extern fn uv_udp_init(arg0: ?&uv_loop_t, handle: ?&uv_udp_t) -> c_int;
  1627. pub extern fn uv_udp_open(handle: ?&uv_udp_t, sock: uv_os_sock_t) -> c_int;
  1628. pub extern fn uv_udp_bind(handle: ?&uv_udp_t, addr: struct_sockaddr_in, flags: c_uint) -> c_int;
  1629. pub extern fn uv_udp_bind6(handle: ?&uv_udp_t, addr: struct_sockaddr_in6, flags: c_uint) -> c_int;
  1630. pub extern fn uv_udp_getsockname(handle: ?&uv_udp_t, name: ?&struct_sockaddr, namelen: ?&c_int) -> c_int;
  1631. pub extern fn uv_udp_set_membership(handle: ?&uv_udp_t, multicast_addr: ?&const u8, interface_addr: ?&const u8, membership: uv_membership) -> c_int;
  1632. pub extern fn uv_udp_set_multicast_loop(handle: ?&uv_udp_t, on: c_int) -> c_int;
  1633. pub extern fn uv_udp_set_multicast_ttl(handle: ?&uv_udp_t, ttl: c_int) -> c_int;
  1634. pub extern fn uv_udp_set_broadcast(handle: ?&uv_udp_t, on: c_int) -> c_int;
  1635. pub extern fn uv_udp_set_ttl(handle: ?&uv_udp_t, ttl: c_int) -> c_int;
  1636. pub extern fn uv_udp_send(req: ?&uv_udp_send_t, handle: ?&uv_udp_t, bufs: ?&uv_buf_t, bufcnt: c_int, addr: struct_sockaddr_in, send_cb: uv_udp_send_cb) -> c_int;
  1637. pub extern fn uv_udp_send6(req: ?&uv_udp_send_t, handle: ?&uv_udp_t, bufs: ?&uv_buf_t, bufcnt: c_int, addr: struct_sockaddr_in6, send_cb: uv_udp_send_cb) -> c_int;
  1638. pub extern fn uv_udp_recv_start(handle: ?&uv_udp_t, alloc_cb: uv_alloc_cb, recv_cb: uv_udp_recv_cb) -> c_int;
  1639. pub extern fn uv_udp_recv_stop(handle: ?&uv_udp_t) -> c_int;
  1640. pub extern fn uv_tty_init(arg0: ?&uv_loop_t, arg1: ?&uv_tty_t, fd: uv_file, readable: c_int) -> c_int;
  1641. pub extern fn uv_tty_set_mode(arg0: ?&uv_tty_t, mode: c_int) -> c_int;
  1642. pub extern fn uv_tty_reset_mode();
  1643. pub extern fn uv_tty_get_winsize(arg0: ?&uv_tty_t, width: ?&c_int, height: ?&c_int) -> c_int;
  1644. pub extern fn uv_guess_handle(file: uv_file) -> uv_handle_type;
  1645. pub extern fn uv_pipe_init(arg0: ?&uv_loop_t, handle: ?&uv_pipe_t, ipc: c_int) -> c_int;
  1646. pub extern fn uv_pipe_open(arg0: ?&uv_pipe_t, file: uv_file) -> c_int;
  1647. pub extern fn uv_pipe_bind(handle: ?&uv_pipe_t, name: ?&const u8) -> c_int;
  1648. pub extern fn uv_pipe_connect(req: ?&uv_connect_t, handle: ?&uv_pipe_t, name: ?&const u8, cb: uv_connect_cb);
  1649. pub extern fn uv_pipe_pending_instances(handle: ?&uv_pipe_t, count: c_int);
  1650. pub const UV_READABLE: c_uint = 1;
  1651. pub const UV_WRITABLE: c_uint = 2;
  1652. pub const enum_uv_poll_event = c_uint;
  1653. pub extern fn uv_poll_init(loop: ?&uv_loop_t, handle: ?&uv_poll_t, fd: c_int) -> c_int;
  1654. pub extern fn uv_poll_init_socket(loop: ?&uv_loop_t, handle: ?&uv_poll_t, socket: uv_os_sock_t) -> c_int;
  1655. pub extern fn uv_poll_start(handle: ?&uv_poll_t, events: c_int, cb: uv_poll_cb) -> c_int;
  1656. pub extern fn uv_poll_stop(handle: ?&uv_poll_t) -> c_int;
  1657. pub extern fn uv_prepare_init(arg0: ?&uv_loop_t, prepare: ?&uv_prepare_t) -> c_int;
  1658. pub extern fn uv_prepare_start(prepare: ?&uv_prepare_t, cb: uv_prepare_cb) -> c_int;
  1659. pub extern fn uv_prepare_stop(prepare: ?&uv_prepare_t) -> c_int;
  1660. pub extern fn uv_check_init(arg0: ?&uv_loop_t, check: ?&uv_check_t) -> c_int;
  1661. pub extern fn uv_check_start(check: ?&uv_check_t, cb: uv_check_cb) -> c_int;
  1662. pub extern fn uv_check_stop(check: ?&uv_check_t) -> c_int;
  1663. pub extern fn uv_idle_init(arg0: ?&uv_loop_t, idle: ?&uv_idle_t) -> c_int;
  1664. pub extern fn uv_idle_start(idle: ?&uv_idle_t, cb: uv_idle_cb) -> c_int;
  1665. pub extern fn uv_idle_stop(idle: ?&uv_idle_t) -> c_int;
  1666. pub extern fn uv_async_init(arg0: ?&uv_loop_t, async: ?&uv_async_t, async_cb: uv_async_cb) -> c_int;
  1667. pub extern fn uv_async_send(async: ?&uv_async_t) -> c_int;
  1668. pub extern fn uv_timer_init(arg0: ?&uv_loop_t, handle: ?&uv_timer_t) -> c_int;
  1669. pub extern fn uv_timer_start(handle: ?&uv_timer_t, cb: uv_timer_cb, timeout: u64, repeat: u64) -> c_int;
  1670. pub extern fn uv_timer_stop(handle: ?&uv_timer_t) -> c_int;
  1671. pub extern fn uv_timer_again(handle: ?&uv_timer_t) -> c_int;
  1672. pub extern fn uv_timer_set_repeat(handle: ?&uv_timer_t, repeat: u64);
  1673. pub extern fn uv_timer_get_repeat(handle: ?&const uv_timer_t) -> u64;
  1674. pub extern fn uv_getaddrinfo(loop: ?&uv_loop_t, req: ?&uv_getaddrinfo_t, getaddrinfo_cb: uv_getaddrinfo_cb, node: ?&const u8, service: ?&const u8, hints: ?&const struct_addrinfo) -> c_int;
  1675. pub extern fn uv_freeaddrinfo(ai: ?&struct_addrinfo);
  1676. pub const UV_IGNORE: c_uint = 0;
  1677. pub const UV_CREATE_PIPE: c_uint = 1;
  1678. pub const UV_INHERIT_FD: c_uint = 2;
  1679. pub const UV_INHERIT_STREAM: c_uint = 4;
  1680. pub const UV_READABLE_PIPE: c_uint = 16;
  1681. pub const UV_WRITABLE_PIPE: c_uint = 32;
  1682. pub const uv_stdio_flags = c_uint;
  1683. pub const struct_uv_stdio_container_s = @OpaqueType();
  1684. pub const uv_stdio_container_t = struct_uv_stdio_container_s;
  1685. pub const struct_uv_process_options_s = extern struct {
  1686. exit_cb: uv_exit_cb,
  1687. file: ?&const u8,
  1688. args: ?&(?&u8),
  1689. env: ?&(?&u8),
  1690. cwd: ?&u8,
  1691. flags: c_uint,
  1692. stdio_count: c_int,
  1693. stdio: ?&uv_stdio_container_t,
  1694. uid: uv_uid_t,
  1695. gid: uv_gid_t,
  1696. };
  1697. pub const uv_process_options_t = struct_uv_process_options_s;
  1698. pub const UV_PROCESS_SETUID: c_uint = 1;
  1699. pub const UV_PROCESS_SETGID: c_uint = 2;
  1700. pub const UV_PROCESS_WINDOWS_VERBATIM_ARGUMENTS: c_uint = 4;
  1701. pub const UV_PROCESS_DETACHED: c_uint = 8;
  1702. pub const UV_PROCESS_WINDOWS_HIDE: c_uint = 16;
  1703. pub const enum_uv_process_flags = c_uint;
  1704. pub extern fn uv_spawn(arg0: ?&uv_loop_t, arg1: ?&uv_process_t, options: uv_process_options_t) -> c_int;
  1705. pub extern fn uv_process_kill(arg0: ?&uv_process_t, signum: c_int) -> c_int;
  1706. pub extern fn uv_kill(pid: c_int, signum: c_int) -> uv_err_t;
  1707. pub extern fn uv_queue_work(loop: ?&uv_loop_t, req: ?&uv_work_t, work_cb: uv_work_cb, after_work_cb: uv_after_work_cb) -> c_int;
  1708. pub extern fn uv_cancel(req: ?&uv_req_t) -> c_int;
  1709. pub extern fn uv_setup_args(argc: c_int, argv: ?&(?&u8)) -> ?&(?&u8);
  1710. pub extern fn uv_get_process_title(buffer: ?&u8, size: usize) -> uv_err_t;
  1711. pub extern fn uv_set_process_title(title: ?&const u8) -> uv_err_t;
  1712. pub extern fn uv_resident_set_memory(rss: ?&usize) -> uv_err_t;
  1713. pub extern fn uv_uptime(uptime: ?&f64) -> uv_err_t;
  1714. pub extern fn uv_cpu_info(cpu_infos: ?&(?&uv_cpu_info_t), count: ?&c_int) -> uv_err_t;
  1715. pub extern fn uv_free_cpu_info(cpu_infos: ?&uv_cpu_info_t, count: c_int);
  1716. pub extern fn uv_interface_addresses(addresses: ?&(?&uv_interface_address_t), count: ?&c_int) -> uv_err_t;
  1717. pub extern fn uv_free_interface_addresses(addresses: ?&uv_interface_address_t, count: c_int);
  1718. pub extern fn uv_fs_req_cleanup(req: ?&uv_fs_t);
  1719. pub extern fn uv_fs_close(loop: ?&uv_loop_t, req: ?&uv_fs_t, file: uv_file, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int;
  1720. pub extern fn uv_fs_open(loop: ?&uv_loop_t, req: ?&uv_fs_t, path: ?&const u8, flags: c_int, mode: c_int, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int;
  1721. pub extern fn uv_fs_read(loop: ?&uv_loop_t, req: ?&uv_fs_t, file: uv_file, buf: ?&c_void, length: usize, offset: i64, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int;
  1722. pub extern fn uv_fs_unlink(loop: ?&uv_loop_t, req: ?&uv_fs_t, path: ?&const u8, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int;
  1723. pub extern fn uv_fs_write(loop: ?&uv_loop_t, req: ?&uv_fs_t, file: uv_file, buf: ?&c_void, length: usize, offset: i64, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int;
  1724. pub extern fn uv_fs_mkdir(loop: ?&uv_loop_t, req: ?&uv_fs_t, path: ?&const u8, mode: c_int, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int;
  1725. pub extern fn uv_fs_rmdir(loop: ?&uv_loop_t, req: ?&uv_fs_t, path: ?&const u8, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int;
  1726. pub extern fn uv_fs_readdir(loop: ?&uv_loop_t, req: ?&uv_fs_t, path: ?&const u8, flags: c_int, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int;
  1727. pub extern fn uv_fs_stat(loop: ?&uv_loop_t, req: ?&uv_fs_t, path: ?&const u8, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int;
  1728. pub extern fn uv_fs_fstat(loop: ?&uv_loop_t, req: ?&uv_fs_t, file: uv_file, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int;
  1729. pub extern fn uv_fs_rename(loop: ?&uv_loop_t, req: ?&uv_fs_t, path: ?&const u8, new_path: ?&const u8, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int;
  1730. pub extern fn uv_fs_fsync(loop: ?&uv_loop_t, req: ?&uv_fs_t, file: uv_file, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int;
  1731. pub extern fn uv_fs_fdatasync(loop: ?&uv_loop_t, req: ?&uv_fs_t, file: uv_file, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int;
  1732. pub extern fn uv_fs_ftruncate(loop: ?&uv_loop_t, req: ?&uv_fs_t, file: uv_file, offset: i64, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int;
  1733. pub extern fn uv_fs_sendfile(loop: ?&uv_loop_t, req: ?&uv_fs_t, out_fd: uv_file, in_fd: uv_file, in_offset: i64, length: usize, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int;
  1734. pub extern fn uv_fs_chmod(loop: ?&uv_loop_t, req: ?&uv_fs_t, path: ?&const u8, mode: c_int, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int;
  1735. pub extern fn uv_fs_utime(loop: ?&uv_loop_t, req: ?&uv_fs_t, path: ?&const u8, atime: f64, mtime: f64, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int;
  1736. pub extern fn uv_fs_futime(loop: ?&uv_loop_t, req: ?&uv_fs_t, file: uv_file, atime: f64, mtime: f64, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int;
  1737. pub extern fn uv_fs_lstat(loop: ?&uv_loop_t, req: ?&uv_fs_t, path: ?&const u8, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int;
  1738. pub extern fn uv_fs_link(loop: ?&uv_loop_t, req: ?&uv_fs_t, path: ?&const u8, new_path: ?&const u8, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int;
  1739. pub extern fn uv_fs_symlink(loop: ?&uv_loop_t, req: ?&uv_fs_t, path: ?&const u8, new_path: ?&const u8, flags: c_int, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int;
  1740. pub extern fn uv_fs_readlink(loop: ?&uv_loop_t, req: ?&uv_fs_t, path: ?&const u8, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int;
  1741. pub extern fn uv_fs_fchmod(loop: ?&uv_loop_t, req: ?&uv_fs_t, file: uv_file, mode: c_int, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int;
  1742. pub extern fn uv_fs_chown(loop: ?&uv_loop_t, req: ?&uv_fs_t, path: ?&const u8, uid: uv_uid_t, gid: uv_gid_t, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int;
  1743. pub extern fn uv_fs_fchown(loop: ?&uv_loop_t, req: ?&uv_fs_t, file: uv_file, uid: uv_uid_t, gid: uv_gid_t, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int;
  1744. pub const UV_RENAME: c_uint = 1;
  1745. pub const UV_CHANGE: c_uint = 2;
  1746. pub const enum_uv_fs_event = c_uint;
  1747. pub extern fn uv_fs_poll_init(loop: ?&uv_loop_t, handle: ?&uv_fs_poll_t) -> c_int;
  1748. pub extern fn uv_fs_poll_start(handle: ?&uv_fs_poll_t, poll_cb: uv_fs_poll_cb, path: ?&const u8, interval: c_uint) -> c_int;
  1749. pub extern fn uv_fs_poll_stop(handle: ?&uv_fs_poll_t) -> c_int;
  1750. pub extern fn uv_signal_init(loop: ?&uv_loop_t, handle: ?&uv_signal_t) -> c_int;
  1751. pub extern fn uv_signal_start(handle: ?&uv_signal_t, signal_cb: uv_signal_cb, signum: c_int) -> c_int;
  1752. pub extern fn uv_signal_stop(handle: ?&uv_signal_t) -> c_int;
  1753. pub extern fn uv_loadavg(avg: ?&f64);
  1754. pub const UV_FS_EVENT_WATCH_ENTRY: c_uint = 1;
  1755. pub const UV_FS_EVENT_STAT: c_uint = 2;
  1756. pub const UV_FS_EVENT_RECURSIVE: c_uint = 3;
  1757. pub const enum_uv_fs_event_flags = c_uint;
  1758. pub extern fn uv_fs_event_init(loop: ?&uv_loop_t, handle: ?&uv_fs_event_t, filename: ?&const u8, cb: uv_fs_event_cb, flags: c_int) -> c_int;
  1759. pub extern fn uv_ip4_addr(ip: ?&const u8, port: c_int) -> struct_sockaddr_in;
  1760. pub extern fn uv_ip6_addr(ip: ?&const u8, port: c_int) -> struct_sockaddr_in6;
  1761. pub extern fn uv_ip4_name(src: ?&struct_sockaddr_in, dst: ?&u8, size: usize) -> c_int;
  1762. pub extern fn uv_ip6_name(src: ?&struct_sockaddr_in6, dst: ?&u8, size: usize) -> c_int;
  1763. pub extern fn uv_inet_ntop(af: c_int, src: ?&const c_void, dst: ?&u8, size: usize) -> uv_err_t;
  1764. pub extern fn uv_inet_pton(af: c_int, src: ?&const u8, dst: ?&c_void) -> uv_err_t;
  1765. pub extern fn uv_exepath(buffer: ?&u8, size: ?&usize) -> c_int;
  1766. pub extern fn uv_cwd(buffer: ?&u8, size: usize) -> uv_err_t;
  1767. pub extern fn uv_chdir(dir: ?&const u8) -> uv_err_t;
  1768. pub extern fn uv_get_free_memory() -> u64;
  1769. pub extern fn uv_get_total_memory() -> u64;
  1770. pub extern fn uv_hrtime() -> u64;
  1771. pub extern fn uv_disable_stdio_inheritance();
  1772. pub extern fn uv_dlopen(filename: ?&const u8, lib: ?&uv_lib_t) -> c_int;
  1773. pub extern fn uv_dlclose(lib: ?&uv_lib_t);
  1774. pub extern fn uv_dlsym(lib: ?&uv_lib_t, name: ?&const u8, ptr: ?&(?&c_void)) -> c_int;
  1775. pub extern fn uv_dlerror(lib: ?&uv_lib_t) -> ?&const u8;
  1776. pub extern fn uv_once(guard: ?&uv_once_t, callback: ?extern fn());
  1777. pub extern fn uv_thread_create(tid: ?&uv_thread_t, entry: ?extern fn(?&c_void), arg: ?&c_void) -> c_int;
  1778. pub extern fn uv_thread_self() -> c_ulong;
  1779. pub extern fn uv_thread_join(tid: ?&uv_thread_t) -> c_int;
  1780. pub const __BYTE_ORDER__ = __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__;
  1781. pub const __DECIMAL_DIG__ = __LDBL_DECIMAL_DIG__;
  1782. pub const __WCHAR_MAX = __WCHAR_MAX__;
  1783. pub const WCHAR_MAX = __WCHAR_MAX;
  1784. pub const __BYTE_ORDER = __LITTLE_ENDIAN;
  1785. pub const __FLOAT_WORD_ORDER = __BYTE_ORDER;
  1786. pub const LITTLE_ENDIAN = __LITTLE_ENDIAN;
  1787. pub const BIG_ENDIAN = __BIG_ENDIAN;
  1788. pub const PDP_ENDIAN = __PDP_ENDIAN;
  1789. pub const BYTE_ORDER = __BYTE_ORDER;
  1790. pub const FD_SETSIZE = __FD_SETSIZE;
  1791. pub const _STAT_VER = _STAT_VER_LINUX;
  1792. pub const S_IFMT = __S_IFMT;
  1793. pub const S_IFDIR = __S_IFDIR;
  1794. pub const S_IFCHR = __S_IFCHR;
  1795. pub const S_IFBLK = __S_IFBLK;
  1796. pub const S_IFREG = __S_IFREG;
  1797. pub const S_IFIFO = __S_IFIFO;
  1798. pub const S_IFLNK = __S_IFLNK;
  1799. pub const S_IFSOCK = __S_IFSOCK;
  1800. pub const S_ISUID = __S_ISUID;
  1801. pub const S_ISGID = __S_ISGID;
  1802. pub const S_ISVTX = __S_ISVTX;
  1803. pub const S_IRUSR = __S_IREAD;
  1804. pub const S_IWUSR = __S_IWRITE;
  1805. pub const S_IXUSR = __S_IEXEC;
  1806. pub const S_IREAD = S_IRUSR;
  1807. pub const S_IWRITE = S_IWUSR;
  1808. pub const S_IEXEC = S_IXUSR;
  1809. pub const O_NDELAY = O_NONBLOCK;
  1810. pub const O_FSYNC = O_SYNC;
  1811. pub const O_DIRECTORY = __O_DIRECTORY;
  1812. pub const O_NOFOLLOW = __O_NOFOLLOW;
  1813. pub const O_CLOEXEC = __O_CLOEXEC;
  1814. pub const O_DSYNC = __O_DSYNC;
  1815. pub const O_RSYNC = O_SYNC;
  1816. pub const F_SETOWN = __F_SETOWN;
  1817. pub const F_GETOWN = __F_GETOWN;
  1818. pub const FAPPEND = O_APPEND;
  1819. pub const FFSYNC = O_FSYNC;
  1820. pub const FASYNC = O_ASYNC;
  1821. pub const FNONBLOCK = O_NONBLOCK;
  1822. pub const FNDELAY = O_NDELAY;
  1825. pub const PF_UNIX = PF_LOCAL;
  1826. pub const PF_FILE = PF_LOCAL;
  1827. pub const PF_ROUTE = PF_NETLINK;
  1828. pub const AF_UNSPEC = PF_UNSPEC;
  1829. pub const AF_LOCAL = PF_LOCAL;
  1830. pub const AF_UNIX = PF_UNIX;
  1831. pub const AF_FILE = PF_FILE;
  1832. pub const AF_INET = PF_INET;
  1833. pub const AF_AX25 = PF_AX25;
  1834. pub const AF_IPX = PF_IPX;
  1835. pub const AF_APPLETALK = PF_APPLETALK;
  1836. pub const AF_NETROM = PF_NETROM;
  1837. pub const AF_BRIDGE = PF_BRIDGE;
  1838. pub const AF_ATMPVC = PF_ATMPVC;
  1839. pub const AF_X25 = PF_X25;
  1840. pub const AF_INET6 = PF_INET6;
  1841. pub const AF_ROSE = PF_ROSE;
  1842. pub const AF_DECnet = PF_DECnet;
  1843. pub const AF_NETBEUI = PF_NETBEUI;
  1844. pub const AF_SECURITY = PF_SECURITY;
  1845. pub const AF_KEY = PF_KEY;
  1846. pub const AF_NETLINK = PF_NETLINK;
  1847. pub const AF_ROUTE = PF_ROUTE;
  1848. pub const AF_PACKET = PF_PACKET;
  1849. pub const AF_ASH = PF_ASH;
  1850. pub const AF_ECONET = PF_ECONET;
  1851. pub const AF_ATMSVC = PF_ATMSVC;
  1852. pub const AF_RDS = PF_RDS;
  1853. pub const AF_SNA = PF_SNA;
  1854. pub const AF_IRDA = PF_IRDA;
  1855. pub const AF_PPPOX = PF_PPPOX;
  1856. pub const AF_WANPIPE = PF_WANPIPE;
  1857. pub const AF_LLC = PF_LLC;
  1858. pub const AF_IB = PF_IB;
  1859. pub const AF_MPLS = PF_MPLS;
  1860. pub const AF_CAN = PF_CAN;
  1861. pub const AF_TIPC = PF_TIPC;
  1862. pub const AF_BLUETOOTH = PF_BLUETOOTH;
  1863. pub const AF_IUCV = PF_IUCV;
  1864. pub const AF_RXRPC = PF_RXRPC;
  1865. pub const AF_ISDN = PF_ISDN;
  1866. pub const AF_PHONET = PF_PHONET;
  1867. pub const AF_IEEE802154 = PF_IEEE802154;
  1868. pub const AF_CAIF = PF_CAIF;
  1869. pub const AF_ALG = PF_ALG;
  1870. pub const AF_NFC = PF_NFC;
  1871. pub const AF_VSOCK = PF_VSOCK;
  1872. pub const AF_KCM = PF_KCM;
  1873. pub const AF_MAX = PF_MAX;
  1874. pub const SO_GET_FILTER = SO_ATTACH_FILTER;
  1875. pub const SCM_TIMESTAMP = SO_TIMESTAMP;
  1878. pub const SCM_WIFI_STATUS = SO_WIFI_STATUS;
  1879. pub const SO_DETACH_BPF = SO_DETACH_FILTER;
  1880. pub const IP_RECVRETOPTS = IP_RETOPTS;
  1882. pub const IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP = IPV6_JOIN_GROUP;
  1884. pub const IPV6_RXHOPOPTS = IPV6_HOPOPTS;
  1885. pub const IPV6_RXDSTOPTS = IPV6_DSTOPTS;
  1886. pub const NO_ADDRESS = NO_DATA;
  1887. pub const EXTA = B19200;
  1888. pub const EXTB = B38400;
  1889. pub const __MAX_BAUD = B4000000;
  1890. pub const TTYDEF_SPEED = B9600;
  1891. pub const CBRK = CEOL;
  1892. pub const SIGCLD = SIGCHLD;
  1893. pub const SIGPOLL = SIGIO;
  1894. pub const NSIG = _NSIG;
  1895. pub const SA_NOMASK = SA_NODEFER;
  1896. pub const SA_ONESHOT = SA_RESETHAND;
  1897. pub const SA_STACK = SA_ONSTACK;
  1898. pub const UV_ONCE_INIT = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
  1899. pub const SOL_TCP = 6;
  1900. pub const TCP_NODELAY = 1;
  1901. pub const CMIN = 1;
  1902. pub const SIGPIPE = 13;
  1903. pub const __BIGGEST_ALIGNMENT__ = 16;
  1904. pub const SIGTERM = 15;
  1905. pub const __INT64_FMTd__ = c"ld";
  1906. pub const __STDC_VERSION__ = c_long(201112);
  1907. pub const TOSTOP = 256;
  1908. pub const IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS = 58;
  1909. pub const __INT_LEAST8_FMTi__ = c"hhi";
  1910. pub const TCP_QUEUE_SEQ = 21;
  1911. pub const SOL_NFC = 280;
  1912. pub const R_OK = 4;
  1913. pub const PF_INET6 = 10;
  1914. pub const IP_MINTTL = 21;
  1915. pub const IP_PMTUDISC_PROBE = 3;
  1916. pub const __GCC_ATOMIC_LLONG_LOCK_FREE = 2;
  1917. pub const B500000 = 4101;
  1918. pub const __clang_version__ = c"5.0.1 (branches/release_50)";
  1919. pub const __UINT_LEAST8_FMTo__ = c"hho";
  1920. pub const INLCR = 64;
  1921. pub const B460800 = 4100;
  1922. pub const __INTMAX_FMTd__ = c"ld";
  1923. pub const POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED = 3;
  1924. pub const __CLANG_ATOMIC_CHAR_LOCK_FREE = 2;
  1925. pub const __INT_LEAST16_FMTi__ = c"hi";
  1926. pub const PF_ROSE = 11;
  1927. pub const __O_NOATIME = 262144;
  1928. pub const __MMX__ = 1;
  1929. pub const INTPTR_MAX = c_long(9223372036854775807);
  1930. pub const SOL_IRDA = 266;
  1931. pub const IPV6_HOPLIMIT = 52;
  1932. pub const CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID = 2;
  1933. pub const _PATH_SERVICES = c"/etc/services";
  1934. pub const SOL_RAW = 255;
  1935. pub const POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL = 2;
  1936. pub const __WCHAR_WIDTH__ = 32;
  1937. pub const TIMER_ABSTIME = 1;
  1938. pub const IN_CLASSB_NET = 4294901760;
  1939. pub const B3000000 = 4109;
  1940. pub const __USE_MISC = 1;
  1941. pub const NCCS = 32;
  1942. pub const __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_ATTR_T = 56;
  1943. pub const __PTRDIFF_FMTd__ = c"ld";
  1944. pub const __FLT_EVAL_METHOD__ = 0;
  1945. pub const __SSE_MATH__ = 1;
  1946. pub const TCP_KEEPINTVL = 5;
  1947. pub const SO_BINDTODEVICE = 25;
  1948. pub const TCP_MD5SIG = 14;
  1949. pub const UIO_MAXIOV = 1024;
  1950. pub const __UINT_FAST8_FMTo__ = c"hho";
  1951. pub const CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID = 3;
  1952. pub const __UINT_LEAST64_MAX__ = c_ulong(18446744073709551615);
  1953. pub const __UINT_LEAST64_FMTx__ = c"lx";
  1954. pub const __INT8_MAX__ = 127;
  1955. pub const LOCK_NB = 4;
  1956. pub const B2400 = 11;
  1957. pub const __DBL_DECIMAL_DIG__ = 17;
  1958. pub const B300 = 7;
  1959. pub const __PTHREAD_MUTEX_HAVE_PREV = 1;
  1960. pub const __O_DSYNC = 4096;
  1961. pub const SIG_BLOCK = 0;
  1962. pub const VSWTC = 7;
  1963. pub const LOCK_EX = 2;
  1964. pub const UV_VERSION_MINOR = 10;
  1965. pub const __CONSTANT_CFSTRINGS__ = 1;
  1966. pub const _SYS_CDEFS_H = 1;
  1967. pub const _ATFILE_SOURCE = 1;
  1968. pub const _BITS_SIGTHREAD_H = 1;
  1969. pub const __LDBL_MAX_EXP__ = 16384;
  1970. pub const __USE_POSIX199309 = 1;
  1971. pub const NSS_BUFLEN_PASSWD = 1024;
  1972. pub const SIGCHLD = 17;
  1973. pub const __NO_MATH_INLINES = 1;
  1974. pub const FIOSETOWN = 35073;
  1975. pub const OFDEL = 128;
  1976. pub const TAB3 = 6144;
  1977. pub const __LONG_MAX__ = c_long(9223372036854775807);
  1978. pub const MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE = 43;
  1979. pub const TH_RST = 4;
  1980. pub const IN_LOOPBACKNET = 127;
  1981. pub const SIGSTKFLT = 16;
  1982. pub const SCM_TIMESTAMPING_OPT_STATS = 54;
  1983. pub const __PTRDIFF_WIDTH__ = 64;
  1984. pub const __INT_FAST16_FMTi__ = c"hi";
  1985. pub const TH_PUSH = 8;
  1986. pub const O_RDWR = 2;
  1987. pub const __LDBL_DENORM_MIN__ = 0.000000;
  1988. pub const IP_PKTINFO = 8;
  1989. pub const INPCK = 16;
  1990. pub const NL1 = 256;
  1991. pub const SO_RCVLOWAT = 18;
  1992. pub const IP_RECVTOS = 13;
  1993. pub const MCAST_EXCLUDE = 0;
  1994. pub const IPV6_PKTINFO = 50;
  1995. pub const SOL_TIPC = 271;
  1996. pub const _SYS_SOCKET_H = 1;
  1997. pub const CRTSCTS = 2147483648;
  1998. pub const __SIZEOF_PTRDIFF_T__ = 8;
  1999. pub const PF_ASH = 18;
  2000. pub const SO_NO_CHECK = 11;
  2001. pub const PF_INET = 2;
  2002. pub const __SIG_ATOMIC_MAX__ = 2147483647;
  2003. pub const PF_CAIF = 37;
  2004. pub const __USE_ATFILE = 1;
  2005. pub const SIGSYS = 31;
  2006. pub const TCOON = 1;
  2007. pub const __UINT64_MAX__ = c_ulong(18446744073709551615);
  2008. pub const __FLT_DECIMAL_DIG__ = 9;
  2009. pub const __DBL_DIG__ = 15;
  2010. pub const IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL = 1;
  2011. pub const __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE = 2;
  2012. pub const BSDLY = 8192;
  2013. pub const TCPOLEN_SACK_PERMITTED = 2;
  2014. pub const __UINT_FAST16_FMTu__ = c"hu";
  2015. pub const __INTPTR_FMTi__ = c"li";
  2016. pub const __SIGRTMIN = 32;
  2017. pub const _BITS_WCHAR_H = 1;
  2018. pub const __UINT_FAST8_FMTX__ = c"hhX";
  2019. pub const SIGIOT = 6;
  2020. pub const B19200 = 14;
  2021. pub const B57600 = 4097;
  2022. pub const __UINT8_FMTo__ = c"hho";
  2023. pub const __UINT_LEAST16_FMTx__ = c"hx";
  2024. pub const IP_RECVERR = 11;
  2025. pub const __UINT_FAST16_FMTX__ = c"hX";
  2026. pub const __VERSION__ = c"4.2.1 Compatible Clang 5.0.1 (branches/release_50)";
  2027. pub const __UINT_FAST32_FMTx__ = c"x";
  2028. pub const __UINT_FAST8_FMTu__ = c"hhu";
  2029. pub const CLOCK_REALTIME = 0;
  2030. pub const __UINT_LEAST64_FMTo__ = c"lo";
  2031. pub const __clockid_t_defined = 1;
  2032. pub const IPV6_MTU_DISCOVER = 23;
  2033. pub const __UINT_LEAST8_MAX__ = 255;
  2034. pub const SIGURG = 23;
  2035. pub const O_ACCMODE = 3;
  2036. pub const _SS_SIZE = 128;
  2037. pub const ONOCR = 16;
  2038. pub const SO_RXQ_OVFL = 40;
  2039. pub const UINT8_MAX = 255;
  2040. pub const SOL_PPPOL2TP = 273;
  2041. pub const TCP_SAVE_SYN = 27;
  2042. pub const __UINT16_MAX__ = 65535;
  2043. pub const __x86_64 = 1;
  2044. pub const __PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INT_FLAGS_SHARED = 1;
  2045. pub const TCP_LINGER2 = 8;
  2046. pub const __SIZEOF_WINT_T__ = 4;
  2047. pub const SA_NOCLDWAIT = 2;
  2048. pub const POSIX_FADV_NORMAL = 0;
  2049. pub const SIGUNUSED = 31;
  2050. pub const __UINTMAX_FMTo__ = c"lo";
  2051. pub const __UINT_LEAST8_FMTX__ = c"hhX";
  2052. pub const IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT = 24;
  2053. pub const SIGABRT = 6;
  2054. pub const __WINT_UNSIGNED__ = 1;
  2055. pub const SIG_ATOMIC_MAX = 2147483647;
  2056. pub const TCPOPT_SACK_PERMITTED = 4;
  2057. pub const __S_IEXEC = 64;
  2058. pub const __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_RWLOCKATTR_T = 8;
  2059. pub const __POINTER_WIDTH__ = 64;
  2060. pub const __PTRDIFF_MAX__ = c_long(9223372036854775807);
  2061. pub const PF_PACKET = 17;
  2062. pub const SOL_ATM = 264;
  2063. pub const SA_NOCLDSTOP = 1;
  2064. pub const __SIZEOF_LONG__ = 8;
  2065. pub const IPV6_PATHMTU = 61;
  2066. pub const IN_CLASSB_MAX = 65536;
  2067. pub const F_GETLK64 = 5;
  2068. pub const SO_ATTACH_BPF = 50;
  2069. pub const IPV6_NEXTHOP = 9;
  2070. pub const NGREG = 23;
  2071. pub const __NO_INLINE__ = 1;
  2072. pub const TCP_THIN_LINEAR_TIMEOUTS = 16;
  2073. pub const B115200 = 4098;
  2074. pub const VLNEXT = 15;
  2075. pub const _TIME_H = 1;
  2076. pub const __INT_FAST32_MAX__ = 2147483647;
  2077. pub const SO_LOCK_FILTER = 44;
  2078. pub const IP_PKTOPTIONS = 9;
  2079. pub const __UINTMAX_FMTu__ = c"lu";
  2080. pub const IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS = 18;
  2081. pub const INT_FAST8_MAX = 127;
  2082. pub const __FLT_RADIX__ = 2;
  2083. pub const AI_CANONNAME = 2;
  2084. pub const IGNCR = 128;
  2085. pub const CR0 = 0;
  2086. pub const __GLIBC_MINOR__ = 24;
  2087. pub const PARMRK = 8;
  2088. pub const _STDINT_H = 1;
  2089. pub const OLCUC = 2;
  2090. pub const _BITS_BYTESWAP_H = 1;
  2091. pub const IPV6_RECVRTHDR = 56;
  2092. pub const EAI_OVERFLOW = -12;
  2093. pub const AT_EACCESS = 512;
  2094. pub const TCP_KEEPCNT = 6;
  2095. pub const _BITS_SETJMP_H = 1;
  2096. pub const __SIZEOF_SEM_T = 32;
  2097. pub const _RPC_NETDB_H = 1;
  2098. pub const __PRAGMA_REDEFINE_EXTNAME = 1;
  2099. pub const B4000000 = 4111;
  2100. pub const SOL_PNPIPE = 275;
  2101. pub const SIGTTIN = 21;
  2102. pub const IPV6_AUTHHDR = 10;
  2103. pub const __UINTMAX_WIDTH__ = 64;
  2104. pub const TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT = 14;
  2105. pub const CERASE = 127;
  2106. pub const CIBAUD = 269418496;
  2107. pub const IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE = 37;
  2108. pub const IPV6_2292DSTOPTS = 4;
  2109. pub const __INT64_FMTi__ = c"li";
  2110. pub const __UINT_FAST64_FMTu__ = c"lu";
  2111. pub const PF_IEEE802154 = 36;
  2112. pub const IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT = 16;
  2113. pub const PF_KEY = 15;
  2114. pub const SO_LINGER = 13;
  2115. pub const TCP_THIN_DUPACK = 17;
  2116. pub const __DBL_MAX_10_EXP__ = 308;
  2117. pub const __LDBL_MIN__ = 0.000000;
  2118. pub const OPOST = 1;
  2119. pub const __CLANG_ATOMIC_LLONG_LOCK_FREE = 2;
  2120. pub const SO_PEERCRED = 17;
  2121. pub const _STAT_VER_LINUX = 1;
  2122. pub const TCP_TIMESTAMP = 24;
  2123. pub const CSIZE = 48;
  2124. pub const _SEMAPHORE_H = 1;
  2125. pub const _DEFAULT_SOURCE = 1;
  2126. pub const __FD_SETSIZE = 1024;
  2127. pub const __LDBL_DECIMAL_DIG__ = 21;
  2128. pub const _STRUCT_TIMEVAL = 1;
  2129. pub const O_SYNC = 1052672;
  2130. pub const __S_IFDIR = 16384;
  2131. pub const __UINT_LEAST64_FMTX__ = c"lX";
  2132. pub const __clang_minor__ = 0;
  2133. pub const __S_IFLNK = 40960;
  2134. pub const IP_ROUTER_ALERT = 5;
  2135. pub const IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT = 8;
  2136. pub const TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT = 9;
  2137. pub const __SIZEOF_FLOAT128__ = 16;
  2138. pub const VINTR = 0;
  2139. pub const PF_SECURITY = 14;
  2140. pub const __UINT_FAST64_FMTo__ = c"lo";
  2141. pub const PF_TIPC = 30;
  2142. pub const TABDLY = 6144;
  2143. pub const __DBL_MAX__ = 179769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878;
  2144. pub const BRKINT = 2;
  2145. pub const __UINT64_FMTx__ = c"lx";
  2146. pub const AI_V4MAPPED = 8;
  2147. pub const SIGQUIT = 3;
  2148. pub const X_OK = 1;
  2149. pub const SO_SECURITY_ENCRYPTION_NETWORK = 24;
  2150. pub const EAI_NONAME = -2;
  2151. pub const TCP_QUICKACK = 12;
  2152. pub const IP_TTL = 2;
  2153. pub const _NETDB_H = 1;
  2154. pub const TCPOPT_NOP = 1;
  2155. pub const IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP = 21;
  2156. pub const CLOCK_TAI = 11;
  2157. pub const SEEK_END = 2;
  2158. pub const SO_BUSY_POLL = 46;
  2159. pub const IP_UNICAST_IF = 50;
  2160. pub const _DEBUG = 1;
  2161. pub const __O_DIRECTORY = 65536;
  2162. pub const _BITS_SIGCONTEXT_H = 1;
  2163. pub const __UINT8_FMTX__ = c"hhX";
  2164. pub const IP_RETOPTS = 7;
  2165. pub const UINT_FAST8_MAX = 255;
  2166. pub const __UINTPTR_WIDTH__ = 64;
  2167. pub const __time_t_defined = 1;
  2168. pub const __S_ISGID = 1024;
  2169. pub const MINSIGSTKSZ = 2048;
  2170. pub const SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF = 52;
  2171. pub const TCPOPT_SACK = 5;
  2172. pub const __k8 = 1;
  2173. pub const TCP_SYNCNT = 7;
  2174. pub const VERASE = 2;
  2175. pub const SIGUSR1 = 10;
  2176. pub const __F_GETOWN_EX = 16;
  2177. pub const NI_DGRAM = 16;
  2178. pub const __S_ISVTX = 512;
  2179. pub const __UINT8_FMTx__ = c"hhx";
  2180. pub const B921600 = 4103;
  2181. pub const __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__ = 1234;
  2182. pub const O_TRUNC = 512;
  2183. pub const __INT16_FMTd__ = c"hd";
  2184. pub const TCIFLUSH = 0;
  2185. pub const VWERASE = 14;
  2186. pub const __GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_4 = 1;
  2187. pub const NL0 = 0;
  2188. pub const __INTMAX_WIDTH__ = 64;
  2189. pub const VTIME = 5;
  2190. pub const IP_TOS = 1;
  2191. pub const INET_ADDRSTRLEN = 16;
  2192. pub const AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 256;
  2193. pub const __CLANG_ATOMIC_BOOL_LOCK_FREE = 2;
  2194. pub const __USE_POSIX = 1;
  2195. pub const __POSIX_FADV_NOREUSE = 5;
  2196. pub const TCIOFF = 2;
  2197. pub const IPV6_JOIN_ANYCAST = 27;
  2198. pub const __SIZE_FMTo__ = c"lo";
  2199. pub const __PDP_ENDIAN = 3412;
  2200. pub const __INT_FAST8_FMTi__ = c"hhi";
  2201. pub const __UINT_LEAST32_FMTo__ = c"o";
  2202. pub const SA_INTERRUPT = 536870912;
  2203. pub const F_EXLCK = 4;
  2204. pub const __UINT_FAST16_FMTx__ = c"hx";
  2205. pub const __FLT_MIN_EXP__ = -125;
  2206. pub const _SIGSET_H_types = 1;
  2207. pub const SA_ONSTACK = 134217728;
  2208. pub const PF_BLUETOOTH = 31;
  2209. pub const __UINT_LEAST64_FMTu__ = c"lu";
  2210. pub const IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP = 35;
  2211. pub const __GCC_ATOMIC_LONG_LOCK_FREE = 2;
  2212. pub const SO_DOMAIN = 39;
  2213. pub const PF_UNSPEC = 0;
  2214. pub const __INT_FAST64_FMTd__ = c"ld";
  2215. pub const INT_LEAST8_MIN = -128;
  2216. pub const __STDC_NO_THREADS__ = 1;
  2217. pub const TCP_INFO = 11;
  2218. pub const __CLANG_ATOMIC_LONG_LOCK_FREE = 2;
  2219. pub const SA_SIGINFO = 4;
  2220. pub const __GXX_ABI_VERSION = 1002;
  2221. pub const IP_MULTICAST_LOOP = 34;
  2222. pub const SO_SNDTIMEO = 21;
  2223. pub const __FLT_MANT_DIG__ = 24;
  2224. pub const PF_BRIDGE = 7;
  2225. pub const PARENB = 256;
  2226. pub const __UINT_FAST64_FMTx__ = c"lx";
  2227. pub const TH_URG = 32;
  2228. pub const SIGALRM = 14;
  2229. pub const __STDC__ = 1;
  2230. pub const __INTPTR_FMTd__ = c"ld";
  2231. pub const __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__ = 1;
  2232. pub const IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP = 1;
  2233. pub const TCPOLEN_MAXSEG = 4;
  2234. pub const __UINT_LEAST8_FMTx__ = c"hhx";
  2235. pub const __SIZE_WIDTH__ = 64;
  2236. pub const __INT_LEAST64_FMTi__ = c"li";
  2237. pub const NI_NUMERICHOST = 1;
  2238. pub const __INT_FAST16_MAX__ = 32767;
  2239. pub const SO_PRIORITY = 12;
  2240. pub const IPV6_XFRM_POLICY = 35;
  2241. pub const __CLANG_ATOMIC_CHAR16_T_LOCK_FREE = 2;
  2242. pub const __have_pthread_attr_t = 1;
  2243. pub const __INT_MAX__ = 2147483647;
  2244. pub const SIGINT = 2;
  2245. pub const F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC = 1030;
  2246. pub const __DBL_DENORM_MIN__ = 0.000000;
  2247. pub const TCPOLEN_WINDOW = 3;
  2248. pub const TCPI_OPT_SYN_DATA = 32;
  2249. pub const IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT = 51;
  2250. pub const __clang_major__ = 5;
  2251. pub const PF_ATMSVC = 20;
  2252. pub const F_GETLK = 5;
  2253. pub const SOL_DECNET = 261;
  2254. pub const _HAVE_STRUCT_TERMIOS_C_OSPEED = 1;
  2255. pub const UINTPTR_MAX = c_ulong(18446744073709551615);
  2256. pub const OFILL = 64;
  2257. pub const IPV6_HOPOPTS = 54;
  2258. pub const SO_PEERNAME = 28;
  2259. pub const CREAD = 128;
  2260. pub const __FLT_DENORM_MIN__ = 0.000000;
  2261. pub const SO_PASSCRED = 16;
  2262. pub const IPV6_MULTICAST_IF = 17;
  2263. pub const SO_SNDLOWAT = 19;
  2264. pub const __BIG_ENDIAN = 4321;
  2265. pub const __UINT_LEAST16_MAX__ = 65535;
  2266. pub const TCP_SAVED_SYN = 28;
  2267. pub const __LDBL_HAS_DENORM__ = 1;
  2268. pub const __LDBL_HAS_QUIET_NAN__ = 1;
  2269. pub const SIOCGPGRP = 35076;
  2270. pub const __UINT_FAST8_MAX__ = 255;
  2271. pub const B1500000 = 4106;
  2272. pub const _FCNTL_H = 1;
  2273. pub const __DBL_MIN_10_EXP__ = -307;
  2274. pub const __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_MUTEX_T = 40;
  2275. pub const __UINT8_FMTu__ = c"hhu";
  2276. pub const __OFF_T_MATCHES_OFF64_T = 1;
  2278. pub const IP_MULTICAST_IF = 32;
  2279. pub const ECHOK = 32;
  2280. pub const IPV6_DONTFRAG = 62;
  2281. pub const SIGTSTP = 20;
  2282. pub const __have_siginfo_t = 1;
  2283. pub const IPV6_2292PKTINFO = 2;
  2284. pub const NI_MAXHOST = 1025;
  2285. pub const __UINT16_FMTu__ = c"hu";
  2286. pub const ONLCR = 4;
  2287. pub const ISIG = 1;
  2288. pub const __SIZE_FMTu__ = c"lu";
  2289. pub const __LDBL_MIN_EXP__ = -16381;
  2290. pub const __UINT_FAST32_FMTu__ = c"u";
  2291. pub const SIZE_MAX = c_ulong(18446744073709551615);
  2292. pub const __clang_patchlevel__ = 1;
  2293. pub const IN_CLASSA_NET = 4278190080;
  2294. pub const IPV6_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE = 4;
  2295. pub const IP_PASSSEC = 18;
  2296. pub const IP_NODEFRAG = 22;
  2297. pub const VT1 = 16384;
  2298. pub const CR1 = 512;
  2299. pub const __FXSR__ = 1;
  2300. pub const PF_IRDA = 23;
  2301. pub const NOFLSH = 128;
  2302. pub const AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 1024;
  2303. pub const IP_PMTUDISC = 10;
  2304. pub const CS7 = 32;
  2305. pub const __UINT32_FMTx__ = c"x";
  2306. pub const F_SETLK64 = 6;
  2307. pub const IP_PMTUDISC_DONT = 0;
  2308. pub const __UINT32_FMTu__ = c"u";
  2309. pub const __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_COND_T = 48;
  2310. pub const __SIZE_MAX__ = c_ulong(18446744073709551615);
  2311. pub const SOL_SOCKET = 1;
  2312. pub const IP_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE = 4;
  2313. pub const O_NONBLOCK = 2048;
  2314. pub const TCP_MSS_DESIRED = c_uint(1220);
  2315. pub const IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT = 8;
  2316. pub const __USE_ISOC11 = 1;
  2317. pub const SO_PEERSEC = 31;
  2318. pub const SIOCGSTAMP = 35078;
  2319. pub const NI_NUMERICSERV = 2;
  2320. pub const __tune_k8__ = 1;
  2321. pub const UINT32_MAX = c_uint(4294967295);
  2322. pub const __x86_64__ = 1;
  2323. pub const FP_XSTATE_MAGIC1 = c_uint(1179670611);
  2324. pub const __WORDSIZE_TIME64_COMPAT32 = 1;
  2325. pub const __UINTMAX_FMTx__ = c"lx";
  2326. pub const __clock_t_defined = 1;
  2327. pub const __INT_LEAST16_MAX__ = 32767;
  2328. pub const __UINT32_FMTo__ = c"o";
  2329. pub const _SCHED_H = 1;
  2330. pub const _SYS_SELECT_H = 1;
  2331. pub const MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP = 46;
  2332. pub const TCPI_OPT_ECN = 8;
  2333. pub const _PATH_HOSTS = c"/etc/hosts";
  2334. pub const _SYS_TYPES_H = 1;
  2335. pub const F_TEST = 3;
  2336. pub const IPV6_CHECKSUM = 7;
  2337. pub const SOL_NETBEUI = 267;
  2338. pub const NETDB_INTERNAL = -1;
  2339. pub const IPV6_V6ONLY = 26;
  2340. pub const __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__ = 4321;
  2341. pub const __LDBL_MIN_10_EXP__ = -4931;
  2342. pub const TCP_USER_TIMEOUT = 18;
  2343. pub const __S_ISUID = 2048;
  2344. pub const SIOCSPGRP = 35074;
  2345. pub const SO_NOFCS = 43;
  2346. pub const __SIZEOF_INT__ = 4;
  2347. pub const __USE_POSIX_IMPLICITLY = 1;
  2348. pub const INT8_MIN = -128;
  2349. pub const TCP_REPAIR_QUEUE = 20;
  2350. pub const __POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED = 4;
  2351. pub const HOST_NOT_FOUND = 1;
  2352. pub const EAI_AGAIN = -3;
  2353. pub const __amd64 = 1;
  2354. pub const SO_ERROR = 4;
  2355. pub const __OBJC_BOOL_IS_BOOL = 0;
  2356. pub const _MKNOD_VER = 0;
  2357. pub const O_EXCL = 128;
  2358. pub const TIME_UTC = 1;
  2359. pub const __LDBL_MAX_10_EXP__ = 4932;
  2360. pub const __SIZEOF_INT128__ = 16;
  2361. pub const PF_MPLS = 28;
  2362. pub const IPV6_JOIN_GROUP = 20;
  2363. pub const IP_MTU_DISCOVER = 10;
  2364. pub const PF_NFC = 39;
  2365. pub const __linux = 1;
  2366. pub const CBAUDEX = 4096;
  2367. pub const __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_MUTEXATTR_T = 4;
  2368. pub const IXOFF = 4096;
  2369. pub const SOL_IP = 0;
  2370. pub const IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT = 1;
  2371. pub const _PWD_H = 1;
  2372. pub const __F_SETOWN = 8;
  2373. pub const __clang__ = 1;
  2374. pub const INT_FAST16_MAX = c_long(9223372036854775807);
  2375. pub const PF_PHONET = 35;
  2376. pub const IP_TRANSPARENT = 19;
  2377. pub const _BITS_TIME_H = 1;
  2378. pub const EAI_SYSTEM = -11;
  2379. pub const __LDBL_DIG__ = 18;
  2380. pub const __GCC_ATOMIC_CHAR32_T_LOCK_FREE = 2;
  2381. pub const POSIX_FADV_RANDOM = 1;
  2382. pub const _NETINET_IN_H = 1;
  2383. pub const TCP_MAXWIN = 65535;
  2384. pub const _PATH_NETWORKS = c"/etc/networks";
  2385. pub const SIGXCPU = 24;
  2386. pub const PENDIN = 16384;
  2387. pub const __UINT64_FMTo__ = c"lo";
  2388. pub const __INT_FAST32_FMTd__ = c"d";
  2389. pub const IPV6_TCLASS = 67;
  2390. pub const __ATOMIC_ACQ_REL = 4;
  2391. pub const CLOCK_MONOTONIC = 1;
  2392. pub const SIGUSR2 = 12;
  2393. pub const PF_ECONET = 19;
  2394. pub const SO_DONTROUTE = 5;
  2395. pub const O_WRONLY = 1;
  2396. pub const TCP_MSS_DEFAULT = c_uint(536);
  2397. pub const _ENDIAN_H = 1;
  2398. pub const SOL_DCCP = 269;
  2399. pub const __GLIBC__ = 2;
  2400. pub const PF_IUCV = 32;
  2401. pub const SO_TIMESTAMPNS = 35;
  2402. pub const TAB0 = 0;
  2403. pub const __WORDSIZE = 64;
  2404. pub const SOL_KCM = 281;
  2405. pub const IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0 = 0;
  2406. pub const __INT64_MAX__ = c_long(9223372036854775807);
  2407. pub const IMAXBEL = 8192;
  2408. pub const ECHOPRT = 1024;
  2409. pub const _SYS_UIO_H = 1;
  2410. pub const __INT_LEAST64_MAX__ = c_long(9223372036854775807);
  2411. pub const _PATH_HEQUIV = c"/etc/hosts.equiv";
  2412. pub const W_OK = 2;
  2413. pub const B110 = 3;
  2414. pub const PF_DECnet = 12;
  2415. pub const __FLT_HAS_DENORM__ = 1;
  2416. pub const SOL_LLC = 268;
  2417. pub const _SYS_UCONTEXT_H = 1;
  2418. pub const __INT32_FMTi__ = c"i";
  2419. pub const SOL_CAIF = 278;
  2420. pub const __DBL_HAS_INFINITY__ = 1;
  2421. pub const __FINITE_MATH_ONLY__ = 0;
  2422. pub const IP_MULTICAST_ALL = 49;
  2423. pub const FIOGETOWN = 35075;
  2424. pub const SIG_SETMASK = 2;
  2425. pub const __GCC_ATOMIC_TEST_AND_SET_TRUEVAL = 1;
  2426. pub const _STDC_PREDEF_H = 1;
  2427. pub const CLOCAL = 2048;
  2428. pub const __SIZEOF_FLOAT__ = 4;
  2429. pub const IPV6_2292HOPOPTS = 3;
  2430. pub const __INT_LEAST32_FMTi__ = c"i";
  2431. pub const IP_IPSEC_POLICY = 16;
  2432. pub const SOL_IPV6 = 41;
  2433. pub const AI_ALL = 16;
  2434. pub const __LDBL_EPSILON__ = 0.000000;
  2435. pub const IP_BLOCK_SOURCE = 38;
  2436. pub const __STDC_UTF_32__ = 1;
  2437. pub const __INT_LEAST32_FMTd__ = c"d";
  2438. pub const F_SETFD = 2;
  2439. pub const __SIG_ATOMIC_WIDTH__ = 32;
  2440. pub const CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE = 5;
  2441. pub const __FD_ZERO_STOS = c"stosq";
  2442. pub const AT_REMOVEDIR = 512;
  2443. pub const __UINT_FAST64_FMTX__ = c"lX";
  2444. pub const __F_GETSIG = 11;
  2445. pub const TCIOFLUSH = 2;
  2446. pub const SOL_RDS = 276;
  2447. pub const __SIZEOF_DOUBLE__ = 8;
  2448. pub const IP_RECVOPTS = 6;
  2449. pub const SO_TIMESTAMP = 29;
  2450. pub const __USE_KERNEL_IPV6_DEFS = 0;
  2451. pub const EAI_SOCKTYPE = -7;
  2452. pub const SIGPROF = 27;
  2453. pub const __GCC_ATOMIC_SHORT_LOCK_FREE = 2;
  2454. pub const B2500000 = 4108;
  2455. pub const SCHED_OTHER = 0;
  2456. pub const FLUSHO = 4096;
  2457. pub const UV_VERSION_MAJOR = 0;
  2458. pub const __SIZE_FMTX__ = c"lX";
  2459. pub const IP_FREEBIND = 15;
  2460. pub const __CPU_SETSIZE = 1024;
  2461. pub const CLOCK_BOOTTIME = 7;
  2462. pub const _BITS_TYPES_H = 1;
  2463. pub const _SYS_SYSMACROS_H = 1;
  2464. pub const SOMAXCONN = 128;
  2465. pub const IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT = 24;
  2466. pub const __STDC_IEC_559_COMPLEX__ = 1;
  2467. pub const CBAUD = 4111;
  2468. pub const TCP_COOKIE_MIN = 8;
  2469. pub const FF1 = 32768;
  2470. pub const SIGBUS = 7;
  2471. pub const __DBL_MIN_EXP__ = -1021;
  2472. pub const PF_RDS = 21;
  2473. pub const B50 = 1;
  2474. pub const EAI_FAMILY = -6;
  2475. pub const F_GETFD = 1;
  2476. pub const IPV6_RECVERR = 25;
  2477. pub const IPV6_PMTUDISC_DO = 2;
  2478. pub const SIGWINCH = 28;
  2479. pub const LOCK_UN = 8;
  2480. pub const __DBL_HAS_DENORM__ = 1;
  2481. pub const __FLOAT128__ = 1;
  2482. pub const __ATOMIC_RELAXED = 0;
  2483. pub const SO_REUSEPORT = 15;
  2484. pub const __SIZEOF_SHORT__ = 2;
  2485. pub const __UINT16_FMTX__ = c"hX";
  2486. pub const __UINT_FAST16_MAX__ = 65535;
  2487. pub const TCP_COOKIE_MAX = 16;
  2488. pub const VQUIT = 1;
  2489. pub const __CLANG_ATOMIC_SHORT_LOCK_FREE = 2;
  2490. pub const _HAVE_STRUCT_TERMIOS_C_ISPEED = 1;
  2491. pub const PTRDIFF_MAX = c_long(9223372036854775807);
  2492. pub const IP_PMTUDISC_DO = 2;
  2493. pub const __STDC_ISO_10646__ = c_long(201605);
  2494. pub const IGNBRK = 1;
  2495. pub const PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT = 0;
  2496. pub const __SIGEV_MAX_SIZE = 64;
  2497. pub const __STDC_HOSTED__ = 1;
  2498. pub const ONLRET = 32;
  2499. pub const SIGPWR = 30;
  2500. pub const VT0 = 0;
  2501. pub const CR2 = 1024;
  2502. pub const __SCHAR_MAX__ = 127;
  2503. pub const SO_BSDCOMPAT = 14;
  2504. pub const __USE_POSIX2 = 1;
  2505. pub const IXANY = 2048;
  2506. pub const CS6 = 16;
  2507. pub const IP_OPTIONS = 4;
  2508. pub const B150 = 5;
  2509. pub const SO_CNX_ADVICE = 53;
  2510. pub const __USE_XOPEN2K = 1;
  2511. pub const B230400 = 4099;
  2512. pub const __SI_MAX_SIZE = 128;
  2513. pub const __USE_FORTIFY_LEVEL = 0;
  2514. pub const __ELF__ = 1;
  2515. pub const TCPOPT_WINDOW = 3;
  2516. pub const __LDBL_MANT_DIG__ = 64;
  2517. pub const O_ASYNC = 8192;
  2518. pub const PARODD = 512;
  2519. pub const __USE_XOPEN2K8 = 1;
  2520. pub const __CLANG_ATOMIC_INT_LOCK_FREE = 2;
  2521. pub const AI_NUMERICSERV = 1024;
  2522. pub const CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW = 4;
  2523. pub const MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE = 44;
  2524. pub const F_TLOCK = 2;
  2525. pub const __UINT64_FMTX__ = c"lX";
  2526. pub const __S_IWRITE = 128;
  2527. pub const PF_PPPOX = 24;
  2528. pub const __S_IFREG = 32768;
  2529. pub const SO_PROTOCOL = 38;
  2530. pub const __DBL_MANT_DIG__ = 53;
  2531. pub const __INT_LEAST32_MAX__ = 2147483647;
  2532. pub const SOL_ICMPV6 = 58;
  2533. pub const ECHOE = 16;
  2534. pub const PF_LLC = 26;
  2535. pub const __USE_ISOC95 = 1;
  2536. pub const SA_RESETHAND = 2147483648;
  2537. pub const AI_ADDRCONFIG = 32;
  2538. pub const IPV6_MTU = 24;
  2539. pub const __timespec_defined = 1;
  2540. pub const __LITTLE_ENDIAN__ = 1;
  2541. pub const __SSE__ = 1;
  2542. pub const __FLT_HAS_QUIET_NAN__ = 1;
  2543. pub const VREPRINT = 12;
  2544. pub const __SIZEOF_SIZE_T__ = 8;
  2545. pub const __UINT_LEAST16_FMTo__ = c"ho";
  2546. pub const SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS = 48;
  2547. pub const __CLANG_ATOMIC_WCHAR_T_LOCK_FREE = 2;
  2548. pub const TCPOPT_TIMESTAMP = 8;
  2549. pub const PF_NETLINK = 16;
  2550. pub const __UINTPTR_MAX__ = c_ulong(18446744073709551615);
  2551. pub const EAI_MEMORY = -10;
  2552. pub const _BITS_PTHREADTYPES_H = 1;
  2553. pub const UINT16_MAX = 65535;
  2554. pub const __UINT_LEAST8_FMTu__ = c"hhu";
  2555. pub const PF_APPLETALK = 5;
  2556. pub const VTDLY = 16384;
  2557. pub const IUTF8 = 16384;
  2558. pub const __O_NOFOLLOW = 131072;
  2559. pub const B1152000 = 4105;
  2560. pub const __O_LARGEFILE = 0;
  2561. pub const TCP_MD5SIG_MAXKEYLEN = 80;
  2562. pub const VSTART = 8;
  2563. pub const SO_ACCEPTCONN = 30;
  2564. pub const B3500000 = 4110;
  2565. pub const __SIZEOF_WCHAR_T__ = 4;
  2566. pub const __LDBL_MAX__ = inf;
  2567. pub const _LP64 = 1;
  2568. pub const CSTOPB = 64;
  2569. pub const VSTOP = 9;
  2570. pub const linux = 1;
  2571. pub const ECHOCTL = 512;
  2572. pub const TCPOLEN_TIMESTAMP = 10;
  2573. pub const __FLT_DIG__ = 6;
  2574. pub const __O_CLOEXEC = 524288;
  2575. pub const O_RDONLY = 0;
  2576. pub const __INT16_MAX__ = 32767;
  2577. pub const TCSADRAIN = 1;
  2578. pub const __FLT_MAX_10_EXP__ = 38;
  2579. pub const __S_IFCHR = 8192;
  2580. pub const _FEATURES_H = 1;
  2581. pub const __UINT_LEAST16_FMTu__ = c"hu";
  2582. pub const __CLANG_ATOMIC_POINTER_LOCK_FREE = 2;
  2583. pub const __UINTPTR_FMTX__ = c"lX";
  2584. pub const __WINT_WIDTH__ = 32;
  2585. pub const TCPI_OPT_ECN_SEEN = 16;
  2586. pub const SO_SNDBUF = 7;
  2587. pub const PF_RXRPC = 33;
  2588. pub const __SHRT_MAX__ = 32767;
  2589. pub const SO_MARK = 36;
  2590. pub const CLOCK_BOOTTIME_ALARM = 9;
  2591. pub const __GCC_ATOMIC_BOOL_LOCK_FREE = 2;
  2592. pub const __F_GETOWN = 9;
  2593. pub const NI_NAMEREQD = 8;
  2594. pub const _TERMIOS_H = 1;
  2595. pub const _PTHREAD_H = 1;
  2596. pub const __S_IFIFO = 4096;
  2597. pub const TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT = 25;
  2598. pub const __INT32_FMTd__ = c"d";
  2599. pub const __DBL_MIN__ = 0.000000;
  2600. pub const TCION = 3;
  2601. pub const ECHOKE = 2048;
  2602. pub const __INTPTR_WIDTH__ = 64;
  2603. pub const OCRNL = 8;
  2604. pub const IP_MSFILTER = 41;
  2605. pub const _PATH_PROTOCOLS = c"/etc/protocols";
  2606. pub const __S_IREAD = 256;
  2607. pub const __S_IFMT = 61440;
  2608. pub const IPV6_RTHDR = 57;
  2609. pub const PF_MAX = 42;
  2610. pub const _POSIX_SOURCE = 1;
  2611. pub const __LITTLE_ENDIAN = 1234;
  2612. pub const __UINT_FAST32_FMTX__ = c"X";
  2613. pub const MCAST_INCLUDE = 1;
  2614. pub const __gnu_linux__ = 1;
  2615. pub const IP_CHECKSUM = 23;
  2616. pub const _BITS_SOCKADDR_H = 1;
  2617. pub const NO_RECOVERY = 3;
  2618. pub const TAB1 = 2048;
  2619. pub const __FILE_defined = 1;
  2620. pub const MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP = 45;
  2621. pub const TCPI_OPT_WSCALE = 4;
  2622. pub const IPV6_HDRINCL = 36;
  2623. pub const SO_WIFI_STATUS = 41;
  2624. pub const F_SHLCK = 8;
  2625. pub const TH_SYN = 2;
  2626. pub const __timer_t_defined = 1;
  2627. pub const __GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_1 = 1;
  2628. pub const INT_FAST8_MIN = -128;
  2629. pub const __GCC_ATOMIC_INT_LOCK_FREE = 2;
  2630. pub const NI_MAXSERV = 32;
  2631. pub const VDISCARD = 13;
  2632. pub const EAI_FAIL = -4;
  2633. pub const PF_ATMPVC = 8;
  2634. pub const SOL_NETLINK = 270;
  2635. pub const __INT_FAST8_FMTd__ = c"hhd";
  2636. pub const __S_IFBLK = 24576;
  2637. pub const TCP_COOKIE_TRANSACTIONS = 15;
  2638. pub const SEEK_SET = 0;
  2639. pub const __USE_POSIX199506 = 1;
  2640. pub const _PATH_NSSWITCH_CONF = c"/etc/nsswitch.conf";
  2641. pub const SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 33;
  2642. pub const TCP_CONGESTION = 13;
  2643. pub const BS0 = 0;
  2644. pub const __FLT_MIN__ = 0.000000;
  2645. pub const _ARPA_INET_H = 1;
  2646. pub const VKILL = 3;
  2647. pub const __INT8_FMTd__ = c"hhd";
  2648. pub const PF_CAN = 29;
  2649. pub const TCP_MSS = 512;
  2650. pub const SIOCATMARK = 35077;
  2651. pub const __FLT_MAX_EXP__ = 128;
  2652. pub const SIGTRAP = 5;
  2653. pub const TCP_FASTOPEN = 23;
  2654. pub const B134 = 4;
  2655. pub const HUPCL = 1024;
  2656. pub const __INT_FAST64_FMTi__ = c"li";
  2657. pub const CTIME = 0;
  2658. pub const __INT_LEAST8_FMTd__ = c"hhd";
  2659. pub const __UINT_LEAST32_FMTX__ = c"X";
  2660. pub const __UINTMAX_MAX__ = c_ulong(18446744073709551615);
  2661. pub const IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS = 53;
  2662. pub const __UINT_FAST16_FMTo__ = c"ho";
  2663. pub const IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP = 40;
  2664. pub const SOL_PACKET = 263;
  2665. pub const TCOOFF = 0;
  2666. pub const IPV6_ADDRFORM = 1;
  2667. pub const IP_MULTICAST_TTL = 33;
  2668. pub const CEOL = 0;
  2669. pub const IPV6_RECVTCLASS = 66;
  2670. pub const __defined_schedparam = 1;
  2671. pub const F_SETLKW64 = 7;
  2672. pub const __O_DIRECT = 16384;
  2673. pub const F_SETLK = 6;
  2674. pub const UV_FS_SYMLINK_JUNCTION = 2;
  2675. pub const NETDB_SUCCESS = 0;
  2676. pub const ISTRIP = 32;
  2677. pub const __SIZE_FMTx__ = c"lx";
  2678. pub const TCP_REPAIR = 19;
  2679. pub const __DBL_EPSILON__ = 0.000000;
  2680. pub const IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT = 22;
  2681. pub const FF0 = 0;
  2682. pub const B4800 = 12;
  2683. pub const INT32_MAX = 2147483647;
  2684. pub const __have_sigevent_t = 1;
  2685. pub const B0 = 0;
  2686. pub const TCP_CC_INFO = 26;
  2687. pub const __CHAR_BIT__ = 8;
  2688. pub const F_WRLCK = 1;
  2689. pub const IP_MTU = 14;
  2690. pub const ICRNL = 256;
  2691. pub const __INT16_FMTi__ = c"hi";
  2692. pub const SEEK_CUR = 1;
  2693. pub const CQUIT = 28;
  2694. pub const __GNUC_MINOR__ = 2;
  2695. pub const SIGIO = 29;
  2696. pub const __UINT_FAST32_MAX__ = c_uint(4294967295);
  2697. pub const SO_TIMESTAMPING = 37;
  2698. pub const PF_ALG = 38;
  2699. pub const SOL_AAL = 265;
  2700. pub const __FLT_EPSILON__ = 0.000000;
  2701. pub const IP_PMTUDISC_OMIT = 5;
  2702. pub const INT_FAST32_MAX = c_long(9223372036854775807);
  2703. pub const IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS = 20;
  2704. pub const __llvm__ = 1;
  2705. pub const MCAST_JOIN_GROUP = 42;
  2706. pub const __UINT_FAST64_MAX__ = c_ulong(18446744073709551615);
  2707. pub const IP_ORIGDSTADDR = 20;
  2708. pub const CS8 = 48;
  2709. pub const __INT_FAST32_FMTi__ = c"i";
  2710. pub const _SIGSET_H_fns = 1;
  2711. pub const SA_RESTART = 268435456;
  2712. pub const IGNPAR = 4;
  2713. pub const __O_PATH = 2097152;
  2714. pub const TH_FIN = 1;
  2715. pub const INT16_MAX = 32767;
  2716. pub const __FLT_HAS_INFINITY__ = 1;
  2717. pub const TCP_WINDOW_CLAMP = 10;
  2718. pub const __have_sigval_t = 1;
  2719. pub const CR3 = 1536;
  2720. pub const IP_PMTUDISC_WANT = 1;
  2721. pub const B2000000 = 4107;
  2722. pub const __GCC_ATOMIC_CHAR16_T_LOCK_FREE = 2;
  2723. pub const __UINT32_FMTX__ = c"X";
  2724. pub const CS5 = 0;
  2725. pub const UINT_LEAST8_MAX = 255;
  2726. pub const VEOF = 4;
  2727. pub const ECHONL = 64;
  2728. pub const SCHED_FIFO = 1;
  2729. pub const PF_SNA = 22;
  2730. pub const MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP = 47;
  2731. pub const PF_X25 = 9;
  2732. pub const __INT32_MAX__ = 2147483647;
  2733. pub const __GCC_ATOMIC_CHAR_LOCK_FREE = 2;
  2734. pub const SOL_RXRPC = 272;
  2735. pub const PF_LOCAL = 1;
  2736. pub const __BIT_TYPES_DEFINED__ = 1;
  2737. pub const IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP = 19;
  2738. pub const IPV6_DSTOPTS = 59;
  2739. pub const __DBL_HAS_QUIET_NAN__ = 1;
  2740. pub const SO_RCVTIMEO = 20;
  2741. pub const __STDC_UTF_16__ = 1;
  2742. pub const __UINT_LEAST32_MAX__ = c_uint(4294967295);
  2743. pub const __ATOMIC_RELEASE = 3;
  2744. pub const IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS = 16;
  2745. pub const __SIZEOF_LONG_DOUBLE__ = 16;
  2746. pub const __ORDER_PDP_ENDIAN__ = 3412;
  2747. pub const __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_BARRIER_T = 32;
  2748. pub const UV_FS_SYMLINK_DIR = 1;
  2749. pub const SO_MAX_PACING_RATE = 47;
  2750. pub const SO_INCOMING_CPU = 49;
  2751. pub const PF_WANPIPE = 25;
  2752. pub const SO_PASSSEC = 34;
  2753. pub const SO_DEBUG = 1;
  2754. pub const __SSE2_MATH__ = 1;
  2755. pub const UINT_LEAST16_MAX = 65535;
  2756. pub const B1200 = 9;
  2757. pub const UINT_LEAST32_MAX = c_uint(4294967295);
  2758. pub const IXON = 1024;
  2759. pub const IPV6_PMTUDISC_DONT = 0;
  2760. pub const ICANON = 2;
  2761. pub const IEXTEN = 32768;
  2762. pub const __INT_FAST8_MAX__ = 127;
  2763. pub const F_ULOCK = 0;
  2764. pub const TCP_KEEPIDLE = 4;
  2765. pub const SO_KEEPALIVE = 9;
  2766. pub const SO_REUSEADDR = 2;
  2767. pub const __STDC_IEC_559__ = 1;
  2768. pub const SIGCONT = 18;
  2769. pub const __USE_ISOC99 = 1;
  2770. pub const __INTPTR_MAX__ = c_long(9223372036854775807);
  2771. pub const IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP = 39;
  2772. pub const B600 = 8;
  2773. pub const O_CREAT = 64;
  2774. pub const FFDLY = 32768;
  2775. pub const AI_PASSIVE = 1;
  2776. pub const __UINT64_FMTu__ = c"lu";
  2777. pub const TCPI_OPT_TIMESTAMPS = 1;
  2778. pub const __SSE2__ = 1;
  2779. pub const INET6_ADDRSTRLEN = 46;
  2780. pub const B200 = 6;
  2781. pub const _BITS_STAT_H = 1;
  2782. pub const __INTMAX_FMTi__ = c"li";
  2783. pub const __GNUC__ = 4;
  2784. pub const NO_DATA = 4;
  2785. pub const __UINT32_MAX__ = c_uint(4294967295);
  2786. pub const IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY = 34;
  2787. pub const CMSPAR = 1073741824;
  2788. pub const SA_NODEFER = 1073741824;
  2789. pub const VSUSP = 10;
  2790. pub const _POSIX_C_SOURCE = c_long(200809);
  2791. pub const F_RDLCK = 0;
  2792. pub const PF_NETROM = 6;
  2793. pub const PF_IB = 27;
  2794. pub const SO_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION = 22;
  2795. pub const IP_RECVTTL = 12;
  2796. pub const _XLOCALE_H = 1;
  2797. pub const __DBL_MAX_EXP__ = 1024;
  2798. pub const __INT8_FMTi__ = c"hhi";
  2799. pub const IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE = 0;
  2800. pub const F_OK = 0;
  2801. pub const AI_NUMERICHOST = 4;
  2802. pub const IUCLC = 512;
  2803. pub const SCHED_RR = 2;
  2804. pub const _NSIG = 65;
  2805. pub const IN_CLASSC_NET = 4294967040;
  2806. pub const F_SETLKW = 7;
  2807. pub const NI_NOFQDN = 4;
  2808. pub const TCSAFLUSH = 2;
  2809. pub const PF_IPX = 4;
  2810. pub const SO_DETACH_FILTER = 27;
  2811. pub const WINT_MAX = c_uint(4294967295);
  2812. pub const B1000000 = 4104;
  2813. pub const UINT_FAST16_MAX = c_ulong(18446744073709551615);
  2814. pub const IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS = 6;
  2815. pub const __INT_FAST64_MAX__ = c_long(9223372036854775807);
  2816. pub const F_UNLCK = 2;
  2817. pub const TCP_MAXSEG = 2;
  2818. pub const __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST = 5;
  2819. pub const IPV6_RECVPKTINFO = 49;
  2820. pub const __F_SETSIG = 10;
  2821. pub const TAB2 = 4096;
  2822. pub const SIGSEGV = 11;
  2823. pub const SO_SELECT_ERR_QUEUE = 45;
  2824. pub const IN_CLASSA_MAX = 128;
  2825. pub const __SIZEOF_LONG_LONG__ = 8;
  2826. pub const SO_ATTACH_FILTER = 26;
  2827. pub const IP_HDRINCL = 3;
  2828. pub const __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__ = 1;
  2829. pub const S_BLKSIZE = 512;
  2830. pub const __UINT8_MAX__ = 255;
  2831. pub const F_DUPFD = 0;
  2832. pub const __GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_2 = 1;
  2833. pub const SO_TYPE = 3;
  2834. pub const EAI_BADFLAGS = -1;
  2835. pub const __UINT16_FMTo__ = c"ho";
  2836. pub const INT_LEAST8_MAX = 127;
  2837. pub const __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_CONDATTR_T = 4;
  2838. pub const B9600 = 13;
  2839. pub const SIGVTALRM = 26;
  2840. pub const __SIZEOF_POINTER__ = 8;
  2841. pub const SO_RCVBUF = 8;
  2842. pub const __unix = 1;
  2843. pub const B38400 = 15;
  2844. pub const __INT_FAST16_FMTd__ = c"hd";
  2845. pub const unix = 1;
  2846. pub const VMIN = 6;
  2847. pub const SIGSTKSZ = 8192;
  2848. pub const __UINT_LEAST32_FMTu__ = c"u";
  2849. pub const PF_AX25 = 3;
  2850. pub const BS1 = 8192;
  2851. pub const __FLT_MAX__ = 340282346999999984391321947108527833088.000000;
  2852. pub const IPV6_2292RTHDR = 5;
  2853. pub const SIGHUP = 1;
  2854. pub const __GCC_ATOMIC_WCHAR_T_LOCK_FREE = 2;
  2855. pub const __k8__ = 1;
  2856. pub const PF_NETBEUI = 13;
  2857. pub const SIGSTOP = 19;
  2858. pub const __ATOMIC_CONSUME = 1;
  2859. pub const __unix__ = 1;
  2860. pub const CSTATUS = 0;
  2861. pub const IPV6_PMTUDISC_WANT = 1;
  2862. pub const __LDBL_HAS_INFINITY__ = 1;
  2863. pub const _SYS_STAT_H = 1;
  2864. pub const SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF = 51;
  2865. pub const __GNU_LIBRARY__ = 6;
  2866. pub const SIGFPE = 8;
  2867. pub const TCOFLUSH = 1;
  2868. pub const IPV6_RECVPATHMTU = 60;
  2869. pub const EAI_SERVICE = -8;
  2870. pub const __FLT_MIN_10_EXP__ = -37;
  2871. pub const SIGTTOU = 22;
  2872. pub const O_NOCTTY = 256;
  2873. pub const __UINTPTR_FMTo__ = c"lo";
  2874. pub const __INT_LEAST16_FMTd__ = c"hd";
  2875. pub const __UINTPTR_FMTx__ = c"lx";
  2876. pub const AT_FDCWD = -100;
  2877. pub const __GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_8 = 1;
  2878. pub const SO_OOBINLINE = 10;
  2879. pub const __INT_LEAST64_FMTd__ = c"ld";
  2880. pub const TCPOPT_MAXSEG = 2;
  2881. pub const PF_ISDN = 34;
  2882. pub const __INT_LEAST8_MAX__ = 127;
  2883. pub const O_APPEND = 1024;
  2884. pub const SO_BROADCAST = 6;
  2885. pub const SO_SNDBUFFORCE = 32;
  2886. pub const TH_ACK = 16;
  2887. pub const SOL_ALG = 279;
  2888. pub const __GCC_ATOMIC_POINTER_LOCK_FREE = 2;
  2889. pub const IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP = 36;
  2890. pub const TRY_AGAIN = 2;
  2891. pub const CRDLY = 1536;
  2892. pub const SO_PEEK_OFF = 42;
  2893. pub const INT8_MAX = 127;
  2894. pub const F_SETFL = 4;
  2895. pub const IPV6_PMTUDISC_PROBE = 3;
  2896. pub const TCP_CORK = 3;
  2897. pub const ECHO = 8;
  2898. pub const EXTPROC = 65536;
  2899. pub const XTABS = 6144;
  2900. pub const __UINT_FAST8_FMTx__ = c"hhx";
  2901. pub const SOL_X25 = 262;
  2902. pub const UINT_FAST32_MAX = c_ulong(18446744073709551615);
  2903. pub const _NETINET_TCP_H = 1;
  2904. pub const __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_RWLOCK_T = 56;
  2905. pub const VEOL2 = 16;
  2906. pub const IP_XFRM_POLICY = 17;
  2907. pub const __UINT16_FMTx__ = c"hx";
  2908. pub const __UINTPTR_FMTu__ = c"lu";
  2909. pub const __UINT_LEAST16_FMTX__ = c"hX";
  2910. pub const __amd64__ = 1;
  2911. pub const F_LOCK = 1;
  2912. pub const PF_KCM = 41;
  2913. pub const __S_IFSOCK = 49152;
  2914. pub const __UINT_FAST32_FMTo__ = c"o";
  2915. pub const __linux__ = 1;
  2916. pub const TCP_REPAIR_OPTIONS = 22;
  2917. pub const __LP64__ = 1;
  2918. pub const __SYSCALL_WORDSIZE = 64;
  2919. pub const __PTRDIFF_FMTi__ = c"li";
  2920. pub const MCAST_MSFILTER = 48;
  2921. pub const VEOL = 11;
  2922. pub const XCASE = 4;
  2923. pub const _BITS_TYPESIZES_H = 1;
  2924. pub const SOL_BLUETOOTH = 274;
  2925. pub const IPV6_PMTUDISC_OMIT = 5;
  2926. pub const PF_VSOCK = 40;
  2927. pub const TCPI_OPT_SACK = 2;
  2928. pub const SIGILL = 4;
  2929. pub const SIGXFSZ = 25;
  2930. pub const _STAT_VER_KERNEL = 0;
  2931. pub const SIGKILL = 9;
  2932. pub const B75 = 2;
  2933. pub const __SIZEOF_PTHREAD_BARRIERATTR_T = 4;
  2934. pub const __LONG_LONG_MAX__ = c_longlong(9223372036854775807);
  2935. pub const FD_CLOEXEC = 1;
  2936. pub const PTHREAD_BARRIER_SERIAL_THREAD = -1;
  2937. pub const _BITS_UIO_H = 1;
  2938. pub const INT_LEAST16_MAX = 32767;
  2939. pub const __INO_T_MATCHES_INO64_T = 1;
  2940. pub const F_GETFL = 3;
  2941. pub const INT_LEAST32_MAX = 2147483647;
  2942. pub const B576000 = 4102;
  2943. pub const __INTMAX_MAX__ = c_long(9223372036854775807);
  2944. pub const __UINT_LEAST32_FMTx__ = c"x";
  2945. pub const __WCHAR_MAX__ = 2147483647;
  2946. pub const SOL_IUCV = 277;
  2947. pub const __CLANG_ATOMIC_CHAR32_T_LOCK_FREE = 2;
  2948. pub const __F_SETOWN_EX = 15;
  2949. pub const TCSANOW = 0;
  2950. pub const NLDLY = 256;
  2951. pub const __UINTMAX_FMTX__ = c"lX";
  2952. pub const IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS = 55;
  2953. pub const B1800 = 10;
  2954. pub const IPV6_LEAVE_ANYCAST = 28;
  2955. pub const _MKNOD_VER_LINUX = 0;
  2956. pub const TCPOPT_EOL = 0;
  2957. pub const SIG_UNBLOCK = 1;
  2958. pub const FP_XSTATE_MAGIC2 = c_uint(1179670597);
  2959. pub const CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE = 6;
  2960. pub const LOCK_SH = 1;
  2961. pub const SIOCGSTAMPNS = 35079;
  2962. pub const CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM = 8;
  2963. pub const timespec = struct_timespec;
  2964. pub const timeval = struct_timeval;
  2965. pub const __pthread_internal_list = struct___pthread_internal_list;
  2966. pub const ngx_queue_s = struct_ngx_queue_s;
  2967. pub const flock = struct_flock;
  2968. pub const iovec = struct_iovec;
  2969. pub const __socket_type = enum___socket_type;
  2970. pub const sockaddr = struct_sockaddr;
  2971. pub const sockaddr_storage = struct_sockaddr_storage;
  2972. pub const msghdr = struct_msghdr;
  2973. pub const cmsghdr = struct_cmsghdr;
  2974. pub const linger = struct_linger;
  2975. pub const osockaddr = struct_osockaddr;
  2976. pub const in_addr = struct_in_addr;
  2977. pub const ip_opts = struct_ip_opts;
  2978. pub const ip_mreqn = struct_ip_mreqn;
  2979. pub const in_pktinfo = struct_in_pktinfo;
  2980. pub const in6_addr = struct_in6_addr;
  2981. pub const sockaddr_in = struct_sockaddr_in;
  2982. pub const sockaddr_in6 = struct_sockaddr_in6;
  2983. pub const ip_mreq = struct_ip_mreq;
  2984. pub const ip_mreq_source = struct_ip_mreq_source;
  2985. pub const ipv6_mreq = struct_ipv6_mreq;
  2986. pub const group_req = struct_group_req;
  2987. pub const group_source_req = struct_group_source_req;
  2988. pub const ip_msfilter = struct_ip_msfilter;
  2989. pub const group_filter = struct_group_filter;
  2990. pub const tcphdr = struct_tcphdr;
  2991. pub const tcp_ca_state = enum_tcp_ca_state;
  2992. pub const tcp_info = struct_tcp_info;
  2993. pub const tcp_md5sig = struct_tcp_md5sig;
  2994. pub const tcp_repair_opt = struct_tcp_repair_opt;
  2995. pub const tcp_cookie_transactions = struct_tcp_cookie_transactions;
  2996. pub const rpcent = struct_rpcent;
  2997. pub const netent = struct_netent;
  2998. pub const hostent = struct_hostent;
  2999. pub const servent = struct_servent;
  3000. pub const protoent = struct_protoent;
  3001. pub const addrinfo = struct_addrinfo;
  3002. pub const termios = struct_termios;
  3003. pub const passwd = struct_passwd;
  3004. pub const _IO_FILE = struct__IO_FILE;
  3005. pub const sched_param = struct_sched_param;
  3006. pub const __sched_param = struct___sched_param;
  3007. pub const tm = struct_tm;
  3008. pub const itimerspec = struct_itimerspec;
  3009. pub const sigevent = struct_sigevent;
  3010. pub const __locale_data = struct___locale_data;
  3011. pub const __locale_struct = struct___locale_struct;
  3012. pub const _pthread_cleanup_buffer = struct__pthread_cleanup_buffer;
  3013. pub const __pthread_cleanup_frame = struct___pthread_cleanup_frame;
  3014. pub const __jmp_buf_tag = struct___jmp_buf_tag;
  3015. pub const _fpx_sw_bytes = struct__fpx_sw_bytes;
  3016. pub const _fpreg = struct__fpreg;
  3017. pub const _fpxreg = struct__fpxreg;
  3018. pub const _xmmreg = struct__xmmreg;
  3019. pub const _fpstate = struct__fpstate;
  3020. pub const sigcontext = struct_sigcontext;
  3021. pub const _xsave_hdr = struct__xsave_hdr;
  3022. pub const _ymmh_state = struct__ymmh_state;
  3023. pub const _xstate = struct__xstate;
  3024. pub const _libc_fpxreg = struct__libc_fpxreg;
  3025. pub const _libc_xmmreg = struct__libc_xmmreg;
  3026. pub const _libc_fpstate = struct__libc_fpstate;
  3027. pub const ucontext = struct_ucontext;
  3028. pub const uv_err_s = struct_uv_err_s;
  3029. pub const uv_loop_s = struct_uv_loop_s;
  3030. pub const uv__io_s = struct_uv__io_s;
  3031. pub const uv__async = struct_uv__async;
  3032. pub const uv__work = struct_uv__work;
  3033. pub const uv_handle_s = struct_uv_handle_s;
  3034. pub const uv_connect_s = struct_uv_connect_s;
  3035. pub const uv_shutdown_s = struct_uv_shutdown_s;
  3036. pub const uv_pipe_s = struct_uv_pipe_s;
  3037. pub const uv_stream_s = struct_uv_stream_s;
  3038. pub const uv_tcp_s = struct_uv_tcp_s;
  3039. pub const uv_udp_s = struct_uv_udp_s;
  3040. pub const uv_tty_s = struct_uv_tty_s;
  3041. pub const uv_poll_s = struct_uv_poll_s;
  3042. pub const uv_timer_s = struct_uv_timer_s;
  3043. pub const uv_prepare_s = struct_uv_prepare_s;
  3044. pub const uv_check_s = struct_uv_check_s;
  3045. pub const uv_idle_s = struct_uv_idle_s;
  3046. pub const uv_async_s = struct_uv_async_s;
  3047. pub const uv_process_s = struct_uv_process_s;
  3048. pub const uv_fs_event_s = struct_uv_fs_event_s;
  3049. pub const uv_fs_poll_s = struct_uv_fs_poll_s;
  3050. pub const uv_signal_s = struct_uv_signal_s;
  3051. pub const uv_req_s = struct_uv_req_s;
  3052. pub const uv_getaddrinfo_s = struct_uv_getaddrinfo_s;
  3053. pub const uv_write_s = struct_uv_write_s;
  3054. pub const uv_udp_send_s = struct_uv_udp_send_s;
  3055. pub const uv_fs_s = struct_uv_fs_s;
  3056. pub const uv_work_s = struct_uv_work_s;
  3057. pub const uv_cpu_times_s = struct_uv_cpu_times_s;
  3058. pub const uv_cpu_info_s = struct_uv_cpu_info_s;
  3059. pub const uv_interface_address_s = struct_uv_interface_address_s;
  3060. pub const uv_udp_flags = enum_uv_udp_flags;
  3061. pub const uv_poll_event = enum_uv_poll_event;
  3062. pub const uv_stdio_container_s = struct_uv_stdio_container_s;
  3063. pub const uv_process_options_s = struct_uv_process_options_s;
  3064. pub const uv_process_flags = enum_uv_process_flags;
  3065. pub const uv_fs_event = enum_uv_fs_event;
  3066. pub const uv_fs_event_flags = enum_uv_fs_event_flags;
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