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Nov 20th, 2018
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  1. Disciple of Odin: heya sis
  2. Honey Apples is now Away.
  3. Honey Apples is now Online.
  4. Honey Apples: Laceey!
  5. Disciple of Odin: Honeeey!
  6. Disciple of Odin: <3
  7. Honey Apples is now Away.
  8. Honey Apples is now Online.
  9. Honey Apples: I missed youuuu
  10. Disciple of Odin: awww
  11. Disciple of Odin: really?
  12. Disciple of Odin: :c
  13. Disciple of Odin: that's cute
  14. Disciple of Odin: I miss pretty much everything whenever I'm not at home in front of my computer :c
  15. Honey Apples: Well
  16. Honey Apples: I use a lot of messengers on my phone
  17. Honey Apples: But no ones there to really talk to me usually
  18. Disciple of Odin: aww
  19. Disciple of Odin: but now im here
  20. Honey Apples: But what to talk about
  21. Disciple of Odin: mhhh
  22. Disciple of Odin: what do you enjoy?
  23. Honey Apples: Thats
  24. Honey Apples: Kinda a problem i have
  25. Honey Apples: I dont have any hobbies
  26. Honey Apples: So i dont have things to talk about with people
  27. Honey Apples: So i dont make friends easily or often
  28. Your state is set to Offline.
  29. Honey Apples is now Offline.
  30. Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
  31. Connected again and rejoined chat.
  32. Honey Apples is now Online.
  33. Honey Apples is now Offline.
  34. Your state is set to Offline.
  35. Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
  36. Connected again and rejoined chat.
  37. Honey Apples is now Online.
  38. Honey Apples is now Online.
  39. Honey Apples: Laceeeeey
  40. Honey Apples: Im boooored
  41. Disciple of Odin: Honeeeeeeey
  42. Disciple of Odin: my internet is lame
  43. Disciple of Odin: :c
  44. Disciple of Odin: also you said you have no hobbies
  45. Disciple of Odin: didnt you say you like pathfinder?
  46. Honey Apples: For like a week
  47. Honey Apples: We played it twice
  48. Disciple of Odin: well!
  49. Disciple of Odin: you could try to find an online group!
  50. Disciple of Odin: or check the internet for local groups
  51. Honey Apples: Im not really that into playing anymore
  52. Honey Apples: And i have no mode of transportation so i cant go anywhere
  53. Disciple of Odin: didnt you say you had a car? :c
  54. Honey Apples: At home
  55. Honey Apples: Not here
  56. Disciple of Odin: ooh
  57. Disciple of Odin: that's lame
  58. Disciple of Odin: when I started playing I had no car either
  59. Disciple of Odin: I always had to ask to be picked up
  60. Honey Apples: Also
  61. Honey Apples: I dont know if i could roleplay really in real life
  62. Honey Apples: And im bad at describing on the interwebs
  63. Disciple of Odin: psh
  64. Disciple of Odin: you're better at describing stuff than I am
  65. Disciple of Odin: also!
  66. Honey Apples: I can only describe sexual things
  67. Disciple of Odin: A good way to get into RL roleplaying is, instead of saying "Oh fair maiden, may I ask you for a cup of your finest wine?" "My character asks the fair maiden for a cup of wine"
  68. Disciple of Odin: and sshh its just that you never try
  69. Honey Apples: I cant do that :v its embarrassing and i dont think well if its on the fly
  70. Disciple of Odin: dont be so pessimistiiiiic
  71. Disciple of Odin: I used to think like that too
  72. Disciple of Odin: and it IS embarassing if you think like that
  73. Disciple of Odin: but at one point
  74. Disciple of Odin: I just decided
  75. Disciple of Odin: "yeah naw fuck it"
  76. Disciple of Odin: and said whatever I felt like
  77. Honey Apples: Regardless
  78. Disciple of Odin: and suddenly you're good
  79. Honey Apples: This university is very far away from reality
  80. Disciple of Odin: start a group at your uni!
  81. Disciple of Odin: solves the mobility problem too
  82. Honey Apples: Theres no way of spreading the word really
  83. Disciple of Odin: im calling bullshit if you tell me you guys have no blackboard :c
  84. Honey Apples: Clubs came and went and were only stupid charities
  85. Honey Apples: And we have boards where you can pin stuff up but
  86. Honey Apples: Theyre crammed full with teachers postings
  87. Disciple of Odin: dont be so pessimistiiiiiiic
  88. Honey Apples: Aaand
  89. Honey Apples: If i did find people
  90. Honey Apples: Id have to dm
  91. Honey Apples: Again
  92. Disciple of Odin: says who?
  93. Honey Apples: And dming is so boriing
  94. Disciple of Odin: If you find no volunteer DM (those actually exist) you can just DM in rotation
  95. Honey Apples is now Online.
  96. Honey Apples: Itd be hard enough to get people as is i dont think theyd want to dm
  97. Honey Apples: Pluuus
  98. Honey Apples: Theres no where to play
  99. Disciple of Odin: bulllllshiiiiit
  100. Disciple of Odin: make it a club and tell the administration to give you a room, a table and five chairs
  101. Honey Apples: There are no real clubs
  102. Honey Apples: Theyre just charities and stuff
  103. Disciple of Odin: stiiiilll
  104. Honey Apples: And
  105. Honey Apples: They dont just give out stuff like that
  106. Disciple of Odin: I'm giving you a task, lil' sis! Write a notice up how you're looking for pathfinder players and add your mobile number, room number, steam ID or something
  107. Disciple of Odin: and pin it up!
  108. Honey Apples: Never!
  109. Honey Apples is now Online.
  110. Disciple of Odin: I thought you wouldn't refuse your sis!
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