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Jul 19th, 2018
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  1. First run of (nothing changed)
  2. step 0, training accuracy 0.18
  3. step 100, training accuracy 0.88
  4. step 200, training accuracy 0.94
  5. step 300, training accuracy 0.96
  6. step 400, training accuracy 0.92
  7. test accuracy 0.9433
  8. Time for building convnet:
  9. 103588
  11. First run of (dataset changed to fashion-mnist-master/data/fashion)]
  12. step 0, training accuracy 0.08
  13. step 100, training accuracy 0.62
  14. step 200, training accuracy 0.7
  15. step 300, training accuracy 0.86
  16. step 400, training accuracy 0.84
  17. test accuracy 0.8282
  18. Time for building convnet:
  19. 94340
  21. Fifth run of (AdaGrad Optimizer, no change)]
  22. step 0, training accuracy 0.14
  23. step 100, training accuracy 0.72
  24. step 200, training accuracy 0.9
  25. step 300, training accuracy 0.8
  26. step 400, training accuracy 0.82
  27. test accuracy 0.8171
  28. Time for building convnet:
  29. 111625
  31. Seventeenth run of (GradientDescent - 16,36,128 in/out channels)
  32. step 0, training accuracy 0.22
  33. step 100, training accuracy 0.78
  34. step 200, training accuracy 0.8
  35. step 300, training accuracy 0.78
  36. step 400, training accuracy 0.8
  37. test accuracy 0.8268
  38. Time for building convnet:
  39. 46309
  41. Process finished with exit code 0
  42. Eighteenth run of (GradientDescent - 8,45,128 in/out channels)
  43. step 0, training accuracy 0.26
  44. step 100, training accuracy 0.74
  45. step 200, training accuracy 0.92
  46. step 300, training accuracy 0.8
  47. step 400, training accuracy 0.88
  48. test accuracy 0.8124
  49. Time for building convnet:
  50. 34380
  52. Nineteenth run of (GradientDescent - 8,45,200 in/out channels)
  53. step 0, training accuracy 0.14
  54. step 100, training accuracy 0.7
  55. step 200, training accuracy 0.88
  56. step 300, training accuracy 0.8
  57. step 400, training accuracy 0.9
  58. test accuracy 0.8379
  59. Time for building convnet:
  60. 35690
  62. Run # 20 (Final run) (GradientDescent -- 8,45,500 -- steps = 900 (from 500))
  63. step 0, training accuracy 0.34
  64. step 100, training accuracy 0.9
  65. step 200, training accuracy 0.88
  66. step 300, training accuracy 0.86
  67. step 400, training accuracy 0.9
  68. step 500, training accuracy 0.86
  69. step 600, training accuracy 0.86
  70. step 700, training accuracy 0.76
  71. step 800, training accuracy 0.9
  72. test accuracy 0.8584
  73. Time for building convnet:
  74. 64197
  76. From my observations the GitHub ReadMe for A MNIST-like fashion product database was completely accurate in that it is easy
  77. to get a 93% accuracy from the minst dataset, once the data was changed it hovered around approx 82%, as you can see it wasn't
  78. until I changed the step count to almost 1000, the in/out channels to 8,45,500 and applied the gradient descent optimizer
  79. that I was able to achieve an 86% accuracy. I strongly believe that if I kept recording data and the separation of channels
  80. and increased the amount of steps significantly that I might achieve a 90%, but 94% as in the MINST dataset is not achievable
  81. at my level of knowledge...
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