
Output of master as of July 27

Jul 27th, 2019
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  1. ❌ @babel/code-frame is not ES5
  2. ❌ @babel/core is not ES5
  3. ❌ @babel/generator is not ES5
  4. ❌ @babel/helper-annotate-as-pure is not ES5
  5. ❌ @babel/helper-builder-binary-assignment-operator-visitor is not ES5
  6. ❌ @babel/helper-builder-react-jsx is not ES5
  7. ❌ @babel/helper-call-delegate is not ES5
  8. ❌ @babel/helper-create-class-features-plugin is not ES5
  9. ❌ @babel/helper-define-map is not ES5
  10. ❌ @babel/helper-explode-assignable-expression is not ES5
  11. ❌ @babel/helper-function-name is not ES5
  12. ❌ @babel/helper-get-function-arity is not ES5
  13. ❌ @babel/helper-hoist-variables is not ES5
  14. ❌ @babel/helper-member-expression-to-functions is not ES5
  15. ❌ @babel/helper-module-transforms is not ES5
  16. ❌ @babel/helper-optimise-call-expression is not ES5
  17. ❌ @babel/helper-plugin-utils is not ES5
  18. ❌ @babel/helper-regex is not ES5
  19. ❌ @babel/helper-remap-async-to-generator is not ES5
  20. ❌ @babel/helper-replace-supers is not ES5
  21. ❌ @babel/helper-simple-access is not ES5
  22. ❌ @babel/helper-split-export-declaration is not ES5
  23. ❌ @babel/helper-wrap-function is not ES5
  24. ❌ @babel/helpers is not ES5
  25. ❌ @babel/highlight is not ES5
  26. ❌ @babel/plugin-proposal-async-generator-functions is not ES5
  27. ❌ @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties is not ES5
  28. ❌ @babel/plugin-proposal-json-strings is not ES5
  29. ❌ @babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread is not ES5
  30. ❌ @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-catch-binding is not ES5
  31. ❌ @babel/plugin-proposal-unicode-property-regex is not ES5
  32. ❌ @babel/plugin-syntax-async-generators is not ES5
  33. ❌ @babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import is not ES5
  34. ❌ @babel/plugin-syntax-json-strings is not ES5
  35. ❌ @babel/plugin-syntax-jsx is not ES5
  36. ❌ @babel/plugin-syntax-object-rest-spread is not ES5
  37. ❌ @babel/plugin-syntax-optional-catch-binding is not ES5
  38. ❌ @babel/plugin-transform-arrow-functions is not ES5
  39. ❌ @babel/plugin-transform-async-to-generator is not ES5
  40. ❌ @babel/plugin-transform-block-scoped-functions is not ES5
  41. ❌ @babel/plugin-transform-block-scoping is not ES5
  42. ❌ @babel/plugin-transform-classes is not ES5
  43. ❌ @babel/plugin-transform-computed-properties is not ES5
  44. ❌ @babel/plugin-transform-destructuring is not ES5
  45. ❌ @babel/plugin-transform-dotall-regex is not ES5
  46. ❌ @babel/plugin-transform-duplicate-keys is not ES5
  47. ❌ @babel/plugin-transform-exponentiation-operator is not ES5
  48. ❌ @babel/plugin-transform-for-of is not ES5
  49. ❌ @babel/plugin-transform-function-name is not ES5
  50. ❌ @babel/plugin-transform-literals is not ES5
  51. ❌ @babel/plugin-transform-modules-amd is not ES5
  52. ❌ @babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs is not ES5
  53. ❌ @babel/plugin-transform-modules-systemjs is not ES5
  54. ❌ @babel/plugin-transform-modules-umd is not ES5
  55. ❌ @babel/plugin-transform-new-target is not ES5
  56. ❌ @babel/plugin-transform-object-assign is not ES5
  57. ❌ @babel/plugin-transform-object-super is not ES5
  58. ❌ @babel/plugin-transform-parameters is not ES5
  59. ❌ @babel/plugin-transform-react-display-name is not ES5
  60. ❌ @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx is not ES5
  61. ❌ @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx-self is not ES5
  62. ❌ @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx-source is not ES5
  63. ❌ @babel/plugin-transform-regenerator is not ES5
  64. ❌ @babel/plugin-transform-runtime is not ES5
  65. ❌ @babel/plugin-transform-shorthand-properties is not ES5
  66. ❌ @babel/plugin-transform-spread is not ES5
  67. ❌ @babel/plugin-transform-sticky-regex is not ES5
  68. ❌ @babel/plugin-transform-template-literals is not ES5
  69. ❌ @babel/plugin-transform-typeof-symbol is not ES5
  70. ❌ @babel/plugin-transform-unicode-regex is not ES5
  71. ❌ @babel/preset-env is not ES5
  72. ❌ @babel/preset-react is not ES5
  73. ❌ @babel/register is not ES5
  74. ⚠️ @babel/runtime was not checked because no entry script was found
  75. ❌ @babel/template is not ES5
  76. ❌ @babel/traverse is not ES5
  77. ❌ @babel/types is not ES5
  78. ❌ @csstools/convert-colors is not ES5
  79. ❌ @mrmlnc/readdir-enhanced is not ES5
  80. ❌ @nodelib/fs.stat is not ES5
  81. ❌ @rails/webpacker is not ES5
  82. ⚠️ @sinonjs/formatio was not checked because no entry script was found
  83. ⚠️ @sinonjs/samsam was not checked because no entry script was found
  84. ⚠️ @types/lodash was not checked because no entry script was found
  85. ⚠️ @types/node was not checked because no entry script was found
  86. ⚠️ @types/prop-types was not checked because no entry script was found
  87. ⚠️ @types/q was not checked because no entry script was found
  88. ⚠️ @types/react was not checked because no entry script was found
  89. ❌ abab is not ES5
  90. ❌ ansi-colors is not ES5
  91. ❌ ansi-escapes is not ES5
  92. ❌ ansi-styles is not ES5
  93. ❌ ast-types-flow is not ES5
  94. ⚠️ async-foreach was not checked because no entry script was found
  95. ⚠️ autoprefixer was not checked because no entry script was found
  96. ❌ babel-loader is not ES5
  97. ❌ babel-plugin-lodash is not ES5
  98. ❌ babel-plugin-macros is not ES5
  99. ⚠️ babel-runtime was not checked because no entry script was found
  100. ⚠️ base64-arraybuffer was not checked because no entry script was found
  101. ❌ caller-callsite is not ES5
  102. ❌ case-sensitive-paths-webpack-plugin is not ES5
  103. ❌ chai-as-promised is not ES5
  104. ❌ chalk is not ES5
  105. ⚠️ check-types was not checked because no entry script was found
  106. ❌ chownr is not ES5
  107. ❌ cli-cursor is not ES5
  108. ⚠️ colors was not checked because no entry script was found
  109. ⚠️ combined-stream was not checked because no entry script was found
  110. ❌ consola is not ES5
  111. ❌ constants-browserify is not ES5
  112. ❌ cosmiconfig is not ES5
  113. ❌ cross-spawn is not ES5
  114. ❌ css-blank-pseudo is not ES5
  115. ❌ css-color-names is not ES5
  116. ❌ css-declaration-sorter is not ES5
  117. ❌ css-has-pseudo is not ES5
  118. ❌ css-loader is not ES5
  119. ❌ css-prefers-color-scheme is not ES5
  120. ⚠️ css-tree was not checked because no entry script was found
  121. ❌ cssnano is not ES5
  122. ❌ cssnano-preset-default is not ES5
  123. ❌ cssnano-util-get-arguments is not ES5
  124. ❌ cssnano-util-get-match is not ES5
  125. ❌ cssnano-util-raw-cache is not ES5
  126. ❌ cssnano-util-same-parent is not ES5
  127. ⚠️ csso was not checked because no entry script was found
  128. ⚠️ csstype was not checked because no entry script was found
  129. ❌ dashdash is not ES5
  130. ❌ data-urls is not ES5
  131. ❌ default-gateway is not ES5
  132. ❌ del is not ES5
  133. ⚠️ delayed-stream was not checked because no entry script was found
  134. ❌ dir-glob is not ES5
  135. ❌ dot-prop is not ES5
  136. ❌ enhanced-resolve is not ES5
  137. ❌ eslint is not ES5
  138. ❌ eslint-import-resolver-webpack is not ES5
  139. ⚠️ eslint-module-utils was not checked because no entry script was found
  140. ❌ eslint-plugin-import is not ES5
  141. ❌ eslint-plugin-react is not ES5
  142. ❌ eslint-scope is not ES5
  143. ❌ eslint-visitor-keys is not ES5
  144. ⚠️ eventsource was not checked because no entry script was found
  145. ❌ execa is not ES5
  146. ❌ fast-glob is not ES5
  147. ⚠️ faye-websocket was not checked because no entry script was found
  148. ❌ figgy-pudding is not ES5
  149. ❌ figures is not ES5
  150. ❌ file-entry-cache is not ES5
  151. ❌ file-loader is not ES5
  152. ⚠️ filesize was not checked because no entry script was found
  153. ❌ find-cache-dir is not ES5
  154. ❌ find-up is not ES5
  155. ⚠️ form-data was not checked because no entry script was found
  156. ❌ fs-minipass is not ES5
  157. ⚠️ gaze was not checked because no entry script was found
  158. ❌ get-stream is not ES5
  159. ❌ getpass is not ES5
  160. ❌ global-modules-path is not ES5
  161. ❌ globby is not ES5
  162. ⚠️ globule was not checked because no entry script was found
  163. ❌ growl is not ES5
  164. ❌ gzip-size is not ES5
  165. ❌ has-flag is not ES5
  166. ❌ home-or-tmp is not ES5
  167. ❌ html-encoding-sniffer is not ES5
  168. ❌ ignore-walk is not ES5
  169. ❌ import-cwd is not ES5
  170. ❌ import-fresh is not ES5
  171. ❌ import-from is not ES5
  172. ❌ import-local is not ES5
  173. ❌ internal-ip is not ES5
  174. ❌ interpret is not ES5
  175. ❌ invert-kv is not ES5
  176. ⚠️ ip was not checked because no entry script was found
  177. ❌ ip-regex is not ES5
  178. ❌ is-color-stop is not ES5
  179. ❌ is-fullwidth-code-point is not ES5
  180. ❌ is-root is not ES5
  181. ❌ is-svg is not ES5
  182. ❌ is-wsl is not ES5
  183. ❌ jsdom is not ES5
  184. ❌ json-parse-better-errors is not ES5
  185. ⚠️ json3 was not checked because no entry script was found
  186. ❌ last-call-webpack-plugin is not ES5
  187. ❌ lcid is not ES5
  188. ❌ loader-utils is not ES5
  189. ❌ locate-path is not ES5
  190. ❌ lodash-webpack-plugin is not ES5
  191. ⚠️ loglevel was not checked because no entry script was found
  192. ❌ make-dir is not ES5
  193. ❌ map-age-cleaner is not ES5
  194. ❌ mem is not ES5
  195. ❌ merge2 is not ES5
  196. ❌ mimic-fn is not ES5
  197. ❌ minipass is not ES5
  198. ❌ minizlib is not ES5
  199. ⚠️ needle was not checked because no entry script was found
  200. ⚠️ node-releases was not checked because no entry script was found
  201. ⚠️ nomnom was not checked because no entry script was found
  202. ❌ normalize-url is not ES5
  203. ❌ npm-bundled is not ES5
  204. ❌ npm-packlist is not ES5
  205. ❌ npm-run-path is not ES5
  206. ⚠️ nwsapi was not checked because no entry script was found
  207. ❌ onetime is not ES5
  208. ❌ opn is not ES5
  209. ❌ optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin is not ES5
  210. ❌ os-locale is not ES5
  211. ❌ p-defer is not ES5
  212. ❌ p-finally is not ES5
  213. ❌ p-is-promise is not ES5
  214. ❌ p-limit is not ES5
  215. ❌ p-locate is not ES5
  216. ❌ p-map is not ES5
  217. ❌ p-try is not ES5
  218. ❌ path-complete-extname is not ES5
  219. ❌ path-exists is not ES5
  220. ❌ path-key is not ES5
  221. ❌ pify is not ES5
  222. ❌ pirates is not ES5
  223. ❌ pkg-dir is not ES5
  224. ❌ pkg-up is not ES5
  225. ⚠️ pn was not checked because no entry script was found
  226. ❌ pnp-webpack-plugin is not ES5
  227. ⚠️ portfinder was not checked because no entry script was found
  228. ⚠️ postcss was not checked because no entry script was found
  229. ❌ postcss-color-functional-notation is not ES5
  230. ❌ postcss-color-gray is not ES5
  231. ❌ postcss-color-mod-function is not ES5
  232. ❌ postcss-color-rebeccapurple is not ES5
  233. ❌ postcss-colormin is not ES5
  234. ❌ postcss-convert-values is not ES5
  235. ❌ postcss-custom-properties is not ES5
  236. ❌ postcss-custom-selectors is not ES5
  237. ❌ postcss-dir-pseudo-class is not ES5
  238. ❌ postcss-discard-comments is not ES5
  239. ❌ postcss-discard-duplicates is not ES5
  240. ❌ postcss-discard-empty is not ES5
  241. ❌ postcss-discard-overridden is not ES5
  242. ❌ postcss-double-position-gradients is not ES5
  243. ❌ postcss-env-function is not ES5
  244. ❌ postcss-focus-visible is not ES5
  245. ❌ postcss-focus-within is not ES5
  246. ❌ postcss-font-family-system-ui is not ES5
  247. ❌ postcss-gap-properties is not ES5
  248. ❌ postcss-image-set-function is not ES5
  249. ❌ postcss-import is not ES5
  250. ❌ postcss-lab-function is not ES5
  251. ❌ postcss-load-config is not ES5
  252. ❌ postcss-loader is not ES5
  253. ❌ postcss-logical is not ES5
  254. ❌ postcss-merge-longhand is not ES5
  255. ❌ postcss-merge-rules is not ES5
  256. ❌ postcss-minify-font-values is not ES5
  257. ❌ postcss-minify-gradients is not ES5
  258. ❌ postcss-minify-params is not ES5
  259. ❌ postcss-minify-selectors is not ES5
  260. ❌ postcss-modules-extract-imports is not ES5
  261. ❌ postcss-modules-local-by-default is not ES5
  262. ❌ postcss-modules-scope is not ES5
  263. ❌ postcss-modules-values is not ES5
  264. ❌ postcss-nesting is not ES5
  265. ❌ postcss-normalize-charset is not ES5
  266. ❌ postcss-normalize-display-values is not ES5
  267. ❌ postcss-normalize-positions is not ES5
  268. ❌ postcss-normalize-repeat-style is not ES5
  269. ❌ postcss-normalize-string is not ES5
  270. ❌ postcss-normalize-timing-functions is not ES5
  271. ❌ postcss-normalize-unicode is not ES5
  272. ❌ postcss-normalize-url is not ES5
  273. ❌ postcss-normalize-whitespace is not ES5
  274. ❌ postcss-ordered-values is not ES5
  275. ❌ postcss-overflow-shorthand is not ES5
  276. ❌ postcss-place is not ES5
  277. ❌ postcss-preset-env is not ES5
  278. ❌ postcss-pseudo-class-any-link is not ES5
  279. ❌ postcss-pseudoelements is not ES5
  280. ❌ postcss-reduce-initial is not ES5
  281. ❌ postcss-reduce-transforms is not ES5
  282. ❌ postcss-replace-overflow-wrap is not ES5
  283. ⚠️ postcss-safe-parser was not checked because no entry script was found
  284. ❌ postcss-selector-not is not ES5
  285. ❌ postcss-svgo is not ES5
  286. ❌ postcss-unique-selectors is not ES5
  287. ❌ postcss-values-parser is not ES5
  288. ❌ pretty-time is not ES5
  289. ❌ promise-inflight is not ES5
  290. ❌ punycode is not ES5
  291. ⚠️ react-dev-utils was not checked because no entry script was found
  292. ❌ regexpp is not ES5
  293. ❌ regexpu-core is not ES5
  294. ⚠️ regjsparser was not checked because no entry script was found
  295. ❌ resolve-cwd is not ES5
  296. ❌ resolve-from is not ES5
  297. ❌ restore-cursor is not ES5
  298. ❌ rgb-hex is not ES5
  299. ⚠️ samsam was not checked because no entry script was found
  300. ❌ sass-loader is not ES5
  301. ❌ schema-utils is not ES5
  302. ❌ selfsigned is not ES5
  303. ⚠️ shellwords was not checked because no entry script was found
  304. ❌ slice-ansi is not ES5
  305. ⚠️ was not checked because no entry script was found
  306. ⚠️ spdx-exceptions was not checked because no entry script was found
  307. ⚠️ spdx-license-ids was not checked because no entry script was found
  308. ⚠️ spdy was not checked because no entry script was found
  309. ⚠️ spdy-transport was not checked because no entry script was found
  310. ❌ ssri is not ES5
  311. ❌ string-width is not ES5
  312. ❌ strip-ansi is not ES5
  313. ❌ stylehacks is not ES5
  314. ❌ supports-color is not ES5
  315. ❌ svgo is not ES5
  316. ❌ symbol-tree is not ES5
  317. ❌ terser-webpack-plugin is not ES5
  318. ❌ tmp is not ES5
  319. ❌ to-fast-properties is not ES5
  320. ⚠️ tough-cookie was not checked because no entry script was found
  321. ❌ tr46 is not ES5
  322. ⚠️ tryer was not checked because no entry script was found
  323. ❌ ts-pnp is not ES5
  324. ❌ typed-styles is not ES5
  325. ❌ unicode-match-property-ecmascript is not ES5
  326. ❌ unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript is not ES5
  327. ❌ v8-compile-cache is not ES5
  328. ❌ w3c-hr-time is not ES5
  329. ❌ webidl-conversions is not ES5
  330. ❌ webpack is not ES5
  331. ❌ webpack-assets-manifest is not ES5
  332. ❌ webpack-bundle-analyzer is not ES5
  333. ❌ webpack-cli is not ES5
  334. ❌ webpack-dev-middleware is not ES5
  335. ❌ webpack-dev-server is not ES5
  336. ❌ webpack-log is not ES5
  337. ⚠️ websocket-driver was not checked because no entry script was found
  338. ⚠️ websocket-extensions was not checked because no entry script was found
  339. ❌ whatwg-encoding is not ES5
  340. ❌ whatwg-mimetype is not ES5
  341. ❌ worker-farm is not ES5
  342. ❌ ws is not ES5
  343. ❌ xml-name-validator is not ES5
  344. ⚠️ xtend was not checked because no entry script was found
  345. ❌ yargs is not ES5
  346. ❌ yargs-parser is not ES5
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