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a guest
Apr 27th, 2018
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text 2.43 KB | None | 0 0
  1. retcheck - 0x58b070
  2. lua_getfield(3 args) - /*updated*/ 0x73F8D0 __stdcall
  3. lua_setfield - /*updated*/ 0x741640 __cdecl
  4. lua_tolstring - /*updated*/ 0x741C50 __cdecl
  5. lua_settop - /*updated*/ 0x741A10 __fastcall
  6. lua_toboolean - /*updated*/ 0x741B90 __cdecl
  7. lua_pushvalue - /*updated*/ 0x740D30 __stdcall
  8. lua_pushnumber - 0x740be0 __cdecl
  9. lua_pushstring - /*updated*/ 0x740C70 __stdcall
  10. lua_pcall - /*updated*/ 0x7406B0 __cdecl
  11. lua_pushnil - /*updated*/ 0x740B70 __cdecl
  12. lua_next - /*updated*/ 0x740530 __cdecl
  13. lua_pushboolean - 0x740770 __cdecl
  14. lua_tonumber - /*updated*/ 0x741F30 __cdecl
  15. lua_pushcclosure - /*updated*/ 0x7407F0 __fastcall
  16. luaD_precall - 0x738690
  17. lua_checkstack - 0x73f360
  18. lua_createtable - /*updated*/ 0x73F580 __cdecl
  19. lua_insert - /*updated*/ 0x73FEA0 __cdecl
  20. lua_newthread - /*updated*/ 0x740380 __cdecl
  21. lua_newuserdata - /*updated*/ 0x740470 __cdecl
  22. lua_pushfstring - 0x73a270
  23. lua_pushthread - /*updated*/ 0x740CB0 __cdecl
  24. lua_rawgeti - /*updated*/ 0x740FE0 __cdecl
  25. lua_rawseti - /*updated*/ 0x741150 __cdecl
  26. lua_rawset - 0xc11b90
  27. lua_rawget - /*updated*/ 0x740E90 __cdecl
  28. lua_remove - /*updated*/ 0x741270 __cdecl
  29. lua_setfenv - /*updated*/ 0x741540 __cdecl
  30. lua_setmetatable - /*updated*/ 0x7417F0 __cdecl
  31. lua_getmetatable - /*updated*/ 0x73FBA0 __stdcall
  32. lua_xmove - 0x7420d0
  33. ScriptContextVFTable - 0x6b9e0e //0x111915C
  34. lua_close - 0x781310
  35. lua_touserdata - /*updated*/ 0x742060 __cdecl
  36. ContextLevel - 0x598950
  37. lua_call - 0x73f2d0
  38. ScriptContextVFTable2 - 0x6b8ce6 //0x111915C
  39. lua_type - /*updated*/ 0x742090 __cdecl
  40. luaS_newlstr - 0x73b330
  41. luaV_gettable - /*updated*/ 0x73EB60 __cdecl
  42. luaV_settable - /*updated*/ 0x73ED50 __cdecl
  43. lua_resume - 0x741420
  44. rawrjz - 0x738a07
  45. index2adr - /*updated*/ 0x737320 __fastcall
  46. luaL_ref - /*updated*/ 0x73A8B0 __cdecl
  47. lua_settable - /*updated*/ 0x741980 __cdecl
  48. lua_gettable - /*updated*/ 0x73FD50 __cdecl
  49. Arith - ?????
  50. luaH_new - 0x739880
  51. lua_pushlightuserdata - /*updated*/ 0x740A50 __cdecl
  52. luaL_getmetafield - 0x73a440
  53. lua_yield - /*updated*/ 0x742190 __cdecl
  54. spawn - 0x6c7b30
  55. luaL_unref - 0x73abd0
  56. lua_topointer - /*updated*/ 0x741FB0 __cdecl
  57. retflag1 - 0x16EA650
  58. retflag2 - 0x16EDA1C
  59. retfunc - 0x16EA620
  60. luaF_newCclosure - 0x739240 __cdecl
  61. XORCONSTANT - 0x15F86F0
  62. identity - 0x16EF838
  63. gettop - 0x73FDD0 __cdecl
  64. Top - 8
  65. Base - 12
  66. Env - 64
  67. cdt - 36
  68. v50 = v41 + 56 * v49 + 164 + *(DWORD *)(v41 + 56 * v49 + 164);
  69. v50 = (int)&v41[14 * v49 + 41] + v41[14 * v49 + 41];
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