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Satyre and Aranea porn

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Jul 18th, 2014
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  1. Black unshod hooves clacked slowly along the flat cobblestones. Enialis craned his hirsute neck every few steps, marvelling at the towering masonry on every side. A passing merchant on horseback stared at him with an undisguised mixture of curiosity and fear. Enialis smiled and held out his hand.
  3. "Hello, my friend! I am to be called Enialis, it is so wonderful to see you here!"
  5. The merchant gave a half-hearted wave, and muttered something that may have been "Hello". He did not stop or turn as he passed by.
  7. "Eni!", Gorren called, "Keep up!"
  9. Enialis obediently trotted to catch up to the group. He stuck his horned head in between Gorren and Renora, clapping them both on the shoulders as he did so.
  11. "This is so wonderful!", he said with childlike enthusiasm, "All everywhere, the stones are stacked high, dwelling places teeming with peoples. Never have I dreamed of so many friends completely, all living together!"
  13. "Eni,", Gorren said, "You can't just... look, you probably shouldn't say hello to everyone you see here in town. It's just not a good idea."
  15. Enialis quirked an eyebrow with exaggerated confusion. "Surely not, my friend! If I am to see a person, I am to be saying hello always! Else, how should he know he is my friend? I do not wish to be a sneaker of backs!"
  17. The wizard bit his lip and mouthed a few words in deliberation before replying.
  19. "Eni, the city is home to thousands of people. If everyone stopped to say hello when they passed each other, no one would be able to get anything done. So it's customary not to speak to a person you don't know unless you have something specific to say."
  21. Renora nodded as she adjusted her hooded cloak, making sure her own horns were well hidden. "Yeah, it's a city thing. Kinda important. Speakin'a which...", she pointed a finger at his muscular chest, "...I'm thinkin' we gotta get you a shirt of some sort. And probably pants. Or, y'know, a loincloth. Whatever goes with goat legs."
  23. Enialis frowned and removed his hands from his companions' shoulders. "But I am not at all feeling a cold. Am I to be considered so unattractive, then, to human eyes?"
  25. "No, no, no.", Renora backtracked. "Nooo, definitely not. It's just... well... here in civilization, even the attractive people - especially the attractive people, really - we gotta wear clothing that covers the uh, the interesting bits." She jiggled her flat chest for emphasis. "Unless you're swimming. Or in your bedroom. Or dancing. But only in, um, in certain special designated clubs."
  27. "I do not understand this thing, my friend."
  29. Farris turned in his saddle to address the satyr, which was somewhat of a challenge in fullplate. "Look, Enialis, we humans are the most numerous race in the world. We live everywhere, and we CAN live everywhere. And yet, we're not especially strong, we're not especially intelligent, we don't have any inborn magical talents... do you know why the human race has endured for so long?"
  31. "Because your stable family structure allows you to have many of the babies?"
  33. "Well.... well, yes, but there's another reason. We have a saying - 'When in Thay, be as the Thayans.'."
  35. "I am to be cutting off all of my hairs?"
  37. "No, it's just... adaptability, Enialis. You have to do what you have to do to fit in. Wear what you have to wear, say what you have to say, eat what you have to eat. You have to accept that what is polite in your culture might not be polite in another culture, and adjust accordingly."
  39. The faun snorted derisively. "Farris, my friend, I am not the grass underfoot, to be stepped so easily. Are you wanting I should be like the troll when I am with the troll, or be like the undead when I am with the undead?"
  41. "No, no, certainly not, Eni, I would never say such a thing." Farris smiled and gestured carefully with his gauntleted hands. "There are evils all good men must fight. But in small things, matters of etiquette and politeness, simple things such as when you say hello or when you accept food, it is better to concede to local custom. So long as no one asks you to steal or to hurt someone else, it's not such a big thing, is it?"
  43. "I suppose not."
  45. "And while we're on the subject of etiquette..." Gorren segued, "I'm thinking now's a good time to recommend you not play the, uh, the Song of Friendship while you're in town."
  47. Enialis' eyes bugged and he clutched his bag to his chest with both hands. "I am not to have any of the friends here?!?"
  49. "You can make friends without your song, Eni.", Renora assured him, "It's just that most people tend to... not like it when you try to use a magical effect to mess with their minds, even if you mean well. Remember when you used it on us at first, and we resisted it and tried to beat you up? Same deal."
  51. "What about the Songs of Slumber and Fleeing?"
  53. "Only in emergencies, sweetheart."
  55. Farris dismounted with a series of loud clangs and led his horse into a stable that was recessed into the wall. Gorren and Renora entered through a narrow set of double doors, under a painted sign of an inebriated pig. Enialis followed in after them.
  57. The inn was crowded and dimly lit. The tables were packed with people of all shapes and sizes, mostly human, mostly eating a brown stew and talking. A few hooded ne'er-do-wells sulked in the available corners over their pewter tankards, saying nothing. A fat bald man stood impassively behind an oaken counter, pouring a shot of something clear into a tiny tin cup. Without even hesitating to restopper the bottle, he hoisted the vessel and gulped.
  59. Renora strode up to the bar, elbowed a spot between two people and grinned. "Hey, Baldy!", she yelled over the tide of crossways conversations, "You got rooms for a quartet?"
  61. "Basket!" He poured another shot and handed it to her. "You're in luck, girl, I got two customers leavin' today. I can have'em ready for you by sundown."
  63. "Great!" She downed the shot and grimaced. "I've got business in town with the you-know-whos right now, but I should be back before then. You stay pretty."
  65. "Yeah, yeah."
  67. Renora left as Farris came in. The knight sniffed disdainfully as he entered the tavern, as though it were all beneath him. He was still wearing most of his armour. Stiffly, he sidestepped around the other patrons and sat heavily at the bench Gorren had cleared. The wizard passed him a mug of something frothy, which he ignored.
  69. Enialis was looking around the tavern with wide-eyed wonder. The other patrons were all staring back at him, but whenever he turned to make eye contact, they swiveled and pretended to have been looking at something over his shoulder. The satyr grabbed the beer Farris wasn't drinking, took an experimental sip, and stuck out his tongue.
  71. "Alright,", Farris said, "So we stay here the night, and meet with this 'Mister Femur' tomorrow at noon at the neutral temple of Helm."
  73. Gorren nodded.
  75. "And we're supposed to trust that he's going to provide us with the information we seek in exchange for the skull, and not simply throng us with undead as soon as the opportunity presents itself. To say nothing of the Misters Tibia and Ulna and Clavicle and Coccyx that are almost certainly in his employ."
  77. Gorren nodded again. Enialis, taking to heart Farris' earlier advice, nodded as well.
  79. "Alright, well, considering that we'll most likely be engaging in combat in a populated area, perhaps it would be in our best interests to co-ordinate our tactics now, before you prepare your spells in the morning."
  81. Gorren hurriedly rummaged through his pack and procured a sheet of parchment and a chewed stub of pencil, and immediately began scribbling.
  83. "Now, if I recall correctly, you have a spell that encases someone in a shining sphere without hurting them, so I'm thinking you could use that in cases of-"
  85. "Shut up!", Gorren hissed, sticking his left finger in his ear and focusing on some sound only he could hear. His right hand was scratching like mad on the parchment, leaving behind a scrawl legible only to himself. After a few more tense seconds of writing, he put the pencil down and began searching frantically through his pack. Enialis helpfully held the velvet flaps open as Gorren's fingers darted through a series of hidden inner pockets.
  87. "Where is it, where is it...", he muttered to himself. "Why do I even HAVE the spell if I'm not going to carry the damn component..." He looked up. "I don't suppose either of you have a short piece of copper wire on you?"
  89. Farris and Enialis shook their heads. Gorren stood up on the bench and waved his hands in the air.
  91. "Excuse me? Excuse me, everyone, can I have your attention please? Does anyone here have a piece of copper wire I could borrow? I'll pay you for it!"
  93. A few people made a show of rummaging through their pockets, but no one came forward.
  95. "Damnit!" Gorren got back down, closed his pack, and ran out of the room, parchment crumpled in one hand. He ran back after a few seconds.
  97. "I have to stop in at the Wizard's College, I'll be right back.", he said to Farris, and pointed at Enialis. "Don't let him get into any trouble." After saying this, he hurried out again.
  99. Farris pursed his lips, considering his fate, then shrugged. Enialis looked down at the mugs of ale between them, and back up at the knight's face. "Don't look at me.", Farris said, "I'm not drinking it."
  101. "Perhaps we then should converse of the strategy, my friend?"
  103. "Alright... other than the three songs and your archery, what else do you usually do in a fight?"
  105. "Well, I am very capable of running into the enemies and hitting them with my head!" Enialis tapped his horns confidently with one finger.
  107. "Right." Farris said. "Well, the Songs of Slumber and Fleeing probably won't work on the monsters we'd be facing, so you'll hang back and shoot the bad guys if trouble starts, and then run in and headbutt them when you run out of arrows."
  109. "That is a good plan, my friend!"
  111. "Good, good. That's good." Farris looked around disinterestedly. "Good talk, Eni. I'm going to go get some of that stew, I think. Wait here."
  113. Obediently, Enialis stayed at the bench while Farris shouldered his way through the crowd. Despite the press of bodies, no one was moving in to the places the wizard and paladin had vacated. The satyr fidgeted in his seat, tracing the crude metalwork of the mugs with his fingertip. He twitched his pointed ears, taking in the conversations that floated through the air. The strangers around him - especially the ones standing behind him - who refused to acknowledge his friendship were setting him on edge, and the hairs along the back of his neck were visibly standing up.
  115. He jumped when the sudden scream blasted through the bar, overturning his mug and nearly falling off the bench. The scream was accompanied by scraping, scuffling, and the sound of breaking glass. Farris had his sword drawn, and was trying to chase what looked like a small skeletal snake through the crowd, yelling apologies and warnings as he went. The snake zig-zagged unnaturally up the side of the wall, broke a hole in the window glass with its skull, and slithered out into the streets.
  117. Farris whistled loudly as he exited the building, and Enialis could hear the sound of hoofbeats on the cobbles, which gradually faded away. The woman who had screamed was being helped to her feet, and the bottle that had broken was being cleaned up. The murmur of conversation in the room was louder now, dozens of people discussing the excitement with everyone but the naked faun in the spilled beer.
  119. Enialis carefully picked up the remaining tankard and, spotting a vacant corner, walked over and sat there. He tried to mimic the angsty bitter expression of one of his fellow corner-dwellers, and sipped reluctantly at the bitter, watered-down ale. One of the braver corner-dwellers shot him an evil glare, and Enialis returned it.
  121. "What're you lookin' at?", the dark-skinned elf grunted, barely audible from across the room.
  123. "I suppose I am looking at you, my friend.", Enialis replied in a genial tone. The elf grunted indistinctly and continued drinking.
  125. "Excuse me," the voice came from elbow level, "Was that a Sylvan accent?"
  127. Enialis turned. The halfling was tall for her race, dark haired and fair skinned. A single braid hung all the way down her back, and a dark green skirt hung from there to her feet. A calfskin bodice with a modest, square neckline covered her small breasts. Her face was broad and full-featured, but exceedingly feminine, accented by a hint of beryl eyeshadow.
  129. "Why yes, my friend," Enialis said, grateful for the conversation, "Yes, Sylvan is the language I speak in my childhood."
  131. "Gods," the halfling exclaimed, "It's been ages since I've heard any Sylvan... Sforem nagrunda bis setye?"
  133. "Sedre.", the satyr corrected her, "Sfellum sedre mi calso esna bo'tskanna tfor eh."
  135. "Ah." The halfling looked embarrassed. "I think your Common is probably better than my Sylvan."
  137. "That is very complimentary, thank you. I am not speaking it very often, but I am needing it very much with my new adventuring friends."
  139. The halfling looked around the room, one eyebrow raised pointedly.
  141. "They are very busy peoples right now, but they will return.", Enialis said sheepishly. He held out his hand. "I am to be called Enialis!"
  143. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Enialis.", the halfling said as her delicate hand was entirely enveloped by his. "And I am to be called Tienna."
  145. "It is much of a good name, Tienna!" Enialis beamed as the halfling hopped up and sat beside him on the padded bench that ran along the wall. She ran a hand lightly over his bicep appreciatively.
  147. "So," Tienna purred, "You're an adventurer?"
  149. "Oh, yes, I believe I am so.", the faun stated, "Previously before, I was only a guardman and singer of my peoples. But the adventurers, they came when my peoples were greatly threatened by a very bad dragon, and they assisted us very much in its killing, though their barbarian friend was lost in the striving. And so, the chief of the family gives to them a great artifact for which they seek, and I journey with them in the place of their warrior who is ended."
  151. "Mm. That's very brave of you." The satyr shrugged modestly and took another sip of the ale. Tienna studied his facial expression.
  153. "Not a fan?"
  155. "I'm sorry?"
  157. "That beer. You don't like it?"
  159. "Ah. No. It is not my favorite. I am thinking perhaps they are using some sort of plant that has become bitter in its brewing."
  161. "Yeah," Tienna said, taking the mug from his hand and placing it on the table, "It's called hops. They do that on purpose. It's kind of an acquired taste. Let me get you something a little sweeter."
  163. Nimbly, Tienna navigated her way around the larger patrons and made her way up to the bar, hopping up on a special tiered barstool for gnomes and halflings.
  165. "Hey, Wolsen!", she yelled, slapping a silver piece on the counter, "Two Marlisses, full size."
  167. The bald bartender fished out a large, sticky bottle from his collection and poured a generous helping of purple liquid into two unadorned wooden cups.
  169. "There ya go, Legs.", he said. "How's ah... how's business?"
  171. "Oh, you know me," Tienna replied, "Always working."
  173. "Good. Well, I really do wish you the best of luck, there." He indicated the faun with a nod.
  175. "Thanks." She descended the barstool as Wolsen was called away to fill another order, and sashayed her way back to the faun in the corner. He accepted the cup eagerly, and sniffed it before raising the cup tentatively to his lips.
  177. "No, no, no." Tienna said, pulling his hands back down. "It's a shot. Like this." In one smooth movement, she tilted her head back, drained the entire drink in one gulp, then slammed the empty cup back down on the table. She gestured to the satyr, indicating that it was his turn.
  179. Carefully mimicking her, Enialis drank the entire shot in one swallow and banged his cup as he put it down. The liquor was sticky and sweet, and coated his tongue pleasantly even as it burned its way through his insides. He grinned and licked his lips.
  181. "Is good!", he declared.
  183. "Is good?"
  185. "Is very good! What grapes they must have here!"
  187. "It's not grapes." Tienna said, "It's made from beets. Local specialty. It's called Marliss' Crimson Wonder. I can get us a whole bottle, if you like."
  189. "Oh, it is too expensive, please. I will pay." Enialis dug through his satchel and fished out a handful of gold coins, pressing them into Tienna's hands. Tienna looked down.
  191. "Well, alright then!" she said happily. She skipped back to the bar and returned with the whole bottle, held in a cloth napkin. The napkin stuck to the side of the bottle as she placed it on the table in front of them. Enialis poured them another pair of shots, and they drank them in unison.
  193. "So then," Enialis said as he poured a third round, "The bald man, he calls you 'Legs'. Am I to ask why this is?" Tienna stared at him in astonishment.
  195. "Wow.", she said, "You heard that from all the way over here?"
  197. "These ears," he said, indicating the side of his head, "They are not just for the looking good."
  199. "Well, yeah," Tienna said, "Wolsen, he has these little nicknames for people he really knows and likes. It's just his way, helps to make the bar a friendlier place."
  201. "And he has 'Legs' for you why?"
  203. In response, Tienna downed her third shot, then raised one high-heeled boot and propped it against the table. The green skirt was slit up to the hip, and fell away to reveal a long, flawlessly toned thigh. Several of the conversations around them faded noticeably as the display of flesh distracted nearby males. Tienna smirked confidently.
  205. Enialis regarded the strangely hairless limb for a few seconds, then raised his own furry haunch and placed his left hoof on up on the table. Tienna laughed.
  207. "Ah." she said, slowly lowering her foot back to the floor, "I guess that's not quite as attractive to you, huh?"
  209. "Oh, no," the satyr replied, gesturing with his liquor, "I can say you are very much of the attractive to me, although, of course, you are sadly lacking of the handlebars."
  211. Tienna laughed again and leaned up against Enialis' hairy shoulder. She raised her foot back up and hugged her knee to her chest, exposing her leg again. "So," she inquired, "Leaving your home behind... that must have been hard. There wasn't someone... special?"
  213. Enialis looked genuinely confused. "I do not understand what you mean, my friend."
  215. "There's no Mrs. Enialis?"
  217. "Oh! Of the marriage, you mean! No, of the satyrs, all are the specials. We do not have the missusses or the misters. Of the specials I have had, I did leave behind many, and sad will I be for them, but they will be together happy in my absence, and I will have many specials again in my travels." Somber now, Enialis poured himself another drink, and attempted to change the subject. "So of you I ask, friend Tienna, how many specials do you have?"
  219. "Well, if you're asking how many sexual partners I've had, then that is a very rude question to ask in our culture and I'm highly offended." Tienna smiled and had another drink to show she was nothing of the sort. "But if you're asking about my family... well, no. My parents passed away some time ago. Truth be told, I'm pretty much on my own, these days."
  221. Enialis frowned. "That is very sad to hear, friend Tienna. When heard I of the city with the many peoples living together, I first thought it was so wonderful of all the specials together at once. But now I see these peoples, they do not even speak together, so that a man might be as close as shoulders with another man, and they are as far as miles away. I am thinking I will like it again when I leave this place."
  223. "Oh, don't say that, sweetheart. The city has its charms. You can find love here... or so they tell me, anyway." Tienna put her hand in Enialis', splaying her fingers wide to lock with his. "And maybe, if you like, I could be your special, even if I am lacking in handlebars."
  225. The faun poured out the last of the Marliss with his free hand and offered it to her. She accepted the drink, drank it, and balanced her empty cup on top of his. The cup teetered for a second, then fell over. Tienna laughed at it.
  227. "Whoo.", she said, "That's a lot of booze on an empty stomach. I'm all wobbly."
  229. "Yes indeed you are.", Enialis observed sagely. "We say in Sylvan, you are at the 'ethparad himla yarno'. It is a good place to be."
  231. Tienna looked up at him with a wide grin. "You're pretty big.", she said, "You're probably not at the ethparad yet."
  233. "Oh, I assure you, I salma arno tarrunda ethparad. You do not see the wobble in me because we wobble together." He picked up one of the cups and licked the sweet purple residue from the inside. "So! Surely now we must journey together from ethparad to esselparad. What other finery might we purchase this night?"
  235. "Ehh.", Tienna waved a floppy hand dismissively, "Wolsen doesn't have anything else good, not after this crowd. I got some cloverwine back at my place, though. It's sweet, but not so sugary. Should be a good chaser. S'not far."
  237. "Ah, but my adventure friends will return most soonly, and I do not wish for them to find me away."
  239. "Well, being adventurers, I'm assuming they're planning to stay here in one of the upper rooms tonight?"
  241. "Yes, I do believe indeed that that is indeed their plan."
  243. "Well, then, you know where they'll be tonight, you don't have to wait here for them. They didn't feel the need to wait here for you, did they?"
  245. Enialis considered this. "I suppose I am truly a Thayan in Thay this day.", he said enigmatically, "I only hope I should not be cutting of my hairs."
  247. Tienna took him by the hand and led him carefully out of the crowd and into the street. As they walked, Tienna ran her hand lightly up the inside of his forearm. The streets were still quite crowded, and the halfling had to direct Enialis around slower-moving pedestrians. After a few minutes of this slow pace, the satyr bent down and picked Tienna up by the slender hips, hoisting her up to his shoulders.
  249. The slit in the skirt exposed the halfling's left leg in its entirety, which rubbed against the satyr's chest as he walked. Moving at double speed now, they made good if erratic progress down the street. Tienna held onto Enialis' horns as they went, steering him with exaggerated care around fruit stalls and horses. After a couple of blocks, the halfling steered him to a narrow wooden door in an alley. She fished a tiny brass key from some place in her bodice and passed it down to him.
  251. The stairs were at halfling scale, and Enialis had to grab the bannister while Tienna held onto his head for dear life. The single room was small as well, but had a human-sized bed, which took up nearly half of the floor space. Tienna directed her mount to the middle of the room, where she reached up with one hand and touched the center of the ceiling. Enialis held still as his rider grabbed a pinch of moss from some hidden pocket and mumbled a few words in a language neither of them understood. A patch of the ceiling plaster began to glow with an indistinct white light, illuminating the entire dwelling.
  253. Enialis bowed slowly, and Tienna disengaged from his horns. She stood on the bed and regarded him for a moment before beckoning him down with one finger. He bowed again, and they bumped foreheads. She grinned. "You're cute.", she said, and kissed him lightly on the lips.
  255. She hopped down past him, closed the shutters, and began rummaging in a small wooden cabinet, turning her back to the satyr. She found two glasses, sprinkled a little white powder residue into the bottom of one, and filled them with a clear fizzy pink liquid, stirring them both with a tiny glass rod. She turned, drinks in hand, smiling.
  257. Enialis was sitting on the bed facing her, a wide, eager boyish grin on his face. A hint of pink was beginning to protrude from the fur around his waist. He seemed to be blithely oblivious to his own visible arousal, or else ignorant of its societal impact. Tienna stared. The thing was less than half erect and still growing, but it was already as big around as her wrist.
  259. She turned back around, and placed the drinks on the top of the cabinet. Her hands shook slightly. She was already breathing heavily. Silently, she mouthed the word "WOW".
  261. She faced him again, leaning back against the furniture for support. She licked her lips and smiled broadly.
  263. "Perhaps," she said, her voice dropping into a husky alto, "We could take a little break from the alcohol." She walked slowly toward him, tracing a finger down her neckline, hips swaying in exaggerated circles. Enialis sat, waiting, hands on his hairy knees, ready to emulate whatever behaviour Tienna deemed appropriate. She beckoned him with her finger again, and he leaned forward. She ran the back of her hand along his cheek and locked eyes with him as she traced a digit down the bridge of his nose. Enialis took her hand in his and kissed the palm, lightly. A shiver ran along the halfling's spine.
  265. "Stand.", she said.
  267. Obligingly, Enialis rose to his hooves. His erection was almost full now, nearly two feet long with a head on it like a ripe peach. The skin was surprisingly smooth, with few veins. Although she was already eye level with it, Tienna sank to her knees, panting through her open mouth. She buried her hands in the fur of Enialis' thighs, clutching at the hair there.
  269. The phallus stood above her, gradually swelling and raising itself up with the glory of a sun, the majesty of a temple. Tienna quivered, overcome with an almost religious devotion. She hadn't expected to encounter such a vision of pure masculinity in one of her targets. Mere minutes ago, she had thought of Enialis as a simpleton, a good-natured patsy, a bumbling country boy lost in civilization, a suitable dupe. Now she regarded him as a god of nature, an elemental force, a wellspring of life.
  271. Tienna kind of had a thing for big dicks.
  273. The satyr looked down at her with a bemused smile, uncertain of how to proceed. Eager to please, he held his member in both hands, pushing it down so it dipped to her face. Tienna accepted the penis with her fingers, running them lightly back and forth over the surface of the shaft. She craned her neck up and kissed the tip lightly. The taste was strong, like sea salt.
  275. Regaining some measure of control, she rose to her feet again and ran her tongue in a line up the shaft from the place where it emerged from the hair. She moved slowly, carefully. The phallus seemed to stretch on for miles. Her fingers danced back and forth along its length, stroking it lightly. She couldn't even get her hands all the way around it.
  277. Tienna's tongue moved in circles around the head, her wide lips gliding over the sensitive skin. Enialis groaned and caressed her shoulders and the back of her head. Tienna stroked harder, worshipping the phallus with kisses up and down its length.
  279. Enialis whooped with unhindered pleasure as he orgasmed, shooting vast quantities of white semen out into Tienna's mouth and over her face. Tienna tried not to show her disappointment at the abrupt end to the act. She focused her attention on slurping up the ejaculate, licking every drop as it dribbled down the shaft, not letting a single drop hit the floor.
  281. The skin of the penis was slick now with semen and saliva, exuding the potent smell of masculine musk. Tienna breathed heavily through her nose as she worked, revelling in the animal odour. To her surprise, the faun orgasmed again, spurting another full-size load onto her forehead and into her hair.
  283. Tienna looked up, collecting the semen from her cheek with the back of her thumb and popping it into her mouth. "You... you can... how many times can you do that?"
  285. Enialis shrugged and tweaked one of her ears gently. "How many times do you like, my special?"
  287. -------------------------------------
  289. Renora sauntered casually back into the Drunken Swine, a padded sack of gold coins clinking on either hip. The Thieves' Guild had been remarkably co-operative, not to mention generous. It was midevening now, and the dinner crowd had gone back to their homes. Only a few stragglers remained, working their way through Wolsen's ale stores with slow determination. Wolsen, still behind the bar, nodded to her and smiled. He didn't take his hand out of the mug he was wiping, but indicated the far end of the bar with his elbow.
  291. Gorren was spooning his way through the evaporated dregs of the stew pot, delicately trying to keep the broth from dripping into his beard. He seemed worn out and exasperated with the world, as he often did when he had expended all of his magical energy. Renora picked out a stool next to him, and dropped a sack of money beside his soup bowl. Gorren barely acknowledged her presence.
  293. "What the hell happened to you?"
  295. Gorren grunted. "My stupid little brother down at the College called me. Some... some goddamn thing just showed up from some other plane. Ate the dean and a couple of professors. We got them back, of course, but it was just... It was just stupid. The whole thing. They think it might have been psionic. No idea. I mostly ran support."
  297. "And now you're gonna be cranky?"
  299. "And now I intend to be very cranky, yes. How did it go with the thing I don't want to know about with the people I don't believe exist?"
  301. "Very well, thanks for asking. You seen Farris and our goaty friend?"
  303. "I just got back. It was... it was just so goddamn stupid, you have no idea. I neither know nor care where Farris and Eni are."
  305. As if on cue, the doors swung open again, and Farris marched into the bar with a manly swagger. His armour was splattered in places with the grisly ichor of the undead, and an unhealed wound on his cheek was bent around a ferocious grin.
  307. "Barkeep!", he yelled in no particular direction, "A round for everyone in the place, on me!" He plunked down beside his travelling companions, and scattered a handful of burnt out onyx stones on the bar in front of him. "You know," he mused loudly, "I'm thinking of making a necklace."
  309. Renora and Gorren regarded him impassively. "Farris," Gorren inquired, voice laden with frustration and ennui, "Where's Eni?". Farris, still smiling, looked around the bar for a few seconds, as though the question had been rhetorical. The satyr was not present.
  311. "I..." His smile faltered. "There was this snake thing. I only left for a moment!"
  313. Gorren dropped his face into both palms and groaned softly. "I told you.", he stated, "I told you to watch him. I told you to make sure he didn't get into any trouble. And what. Did you. Do."
  315. Farris leaned back behind Gorren and silently mouthed 'out of spells?' to Renora. Renora ignored him.
  317. "Yo, Wolsen!", she hollered, "There was a guy with goat legs in here earlier, you see where he went?"
  319. Wolsen nodded as he continued to rub at a stubborn lipstick mark. "Yeah.", he said, "Took off about an hour ago, and I say good riddance." He spat on his floor for emphasis.
  321. "Good riddance?", Farris inclined one eyebrow. "Was he causing trouble?"
  323. "Nah, but I heard of things like that. Lure men into swamps and suck their blood. One'a them goat-leggers got my cousin a few months back, he never had a chance. Nasty bastards, I hope somebody sticks'im."
  325. "No, no, no." Gorren glared at the bartender with bloodshot eyes. "You're thinking of glaistigs. They've got the goat legs, but they don't have horns. They've got long white hair, and they stand around in ponds all day."
  327. Renora made a fiddly gesture with her hand. "I thought the glaistigs were little cricket people."
  329. "That's grigs."
  331. "No, that's not right.", Farris insisted, "I fought a grig once. Big snaky thing with tentacles on its face."
  333. "That's a GRICK.", Gorren growled. "Gricks are snake monsters, grigs are cricket people, glaistigs live in ponds and kill people, and Enialis is a SATYR, also known as a FAUN, and he is our FRIEND. Now where IS he?"
  335. "I'm fairly certain a fawn is a baby deer..." Renora muttered to herself.
  337. "Oh. Friend of yours.", Wolsen looked nervous and apologetic. "Well, uh, he left with an aranea named Tienna."
  339. "Aranea?" Farris asked with incredulity in his voice, "You serve angels in this place?"
  341. "An aranea's not an angel.", Wolsen said, "It's a shapeshifting giant spider that kidnaps people professionally."
  343. Renora sprayed someone else's drink. "Oh, man.", she said, pointing at Farris, "You are SUCH a blackguard right now!"
  345. "You let something like that drink here?", Farris demanded.
  347. Wolsen shrugged. "What can I say, she tips well."
  349. "She abducts your customer base!", Gorren snarled, "That HAS to be bad for business."
  351. "Well," Wolsen said defensively, "I let you people in here, and you kill sentient beings for money."
  353. "Hey!" Farris pointed a gauntleted finger at the bartender' chest. "We do not kill sentient beings for money. We kill sentient beings out of the goodness of our hearts."
  355. "Really." Wolsen crossed his arms. "Well, you're the richest charity workers I've ever met."
  357. "This is getting us nowhere.", Renora stated, "Wolsen, what's the deal with this arena thing? Can it shapeshift to mimic other people? Does it drink blood? Is it gonna try to sell Eni's soul to some sort of demon?"
  359. "She.", Wolsen said in gruff tones, "Does nothing of the sort. She lives here in town like a normal person, she conducts business in an orderly fashion, and you'll likely receive a ransom note for a thoroughly reasonable amount within twenty-four hours."
  361. "I don't want to DEAL with this crap.", Gorren expressed through gritted teeth. "Eni is our FRIEND, he's been KIDNAPPED, we need to go BUST SOME HEADS."
  363. "No we don't.", Renora gestured with a single digit. "You need to sleep for eight hours, we'll give Mr. Femur the skull in the morning, kick his minions' asses if necessary, get the ransom note later that day, and negotiate payment for Enialis' release like nonviolent, civilized people."
  365. "Except," Farris winced, "Enialis may have had the skull on him when I left."
  367. Renora considered this for a second. "Right", she said, "We need to go bust some heads. Wolsen, where does this Tienna person live?"
  369. "What incentive, exactly, do you imagine I have to divulge that information, even if I had it?"
  371. Renora sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Wolsen", she said, "You're my friend. You're a good man. I've known you since I was twelve, when you caught me picking pockets right over there and refused to turn me in to the authorities. You're a real stand-up guy, and one of the few true allies a girl like me has in this world. You're the father I never had. Please don't make me rough you up for information."
  373. Farris shook his head. "Nobody's roughing up anybody. Renora, my share from the last job, please."
  375. Renora retrieved a sack of coins and placed them on the bar in front of the knight. Solemnly, he upended the bag onto the countertop, spilling out a shower of gold, platinum, diamonds, and expensive-looking promissory notes. Wolsen looked at the display of wealth, did some calculations in his head, held up one finger, and reached back behind the liquor shelf. He pulled out a heavy crossbow, cocked it, and loaded it with something that glittered.
  377. "Right, then.", he declared cheerfully, "I believe somebody said we were busting heads?"
  379. ------------------------------------------
  381. The light spell had burned out, and the room was now illuminated by a half dozen candles. Though they had stopped intermittently for unmodified drinks, the halfling had been fellating the satyr for the better part of an hour. Enialis lay on his back on the bed, Tienna kneeling on his thighs. The faun had left his satchel and quiver on the floor, but the halfling had not yet removed any of her clothing. Her skirt was hiked up to her hips so that she could squeeze his phallus between the flawless skin of her calves and thighs. She rubbed it vigorously with both hands. Her tongue moved in slow but unceasing loops over the head.
  383. Despite Enialis' claims of inexhaustibility, his orgasms came less frequently now, and with less volume. Tienna's enthusiasm, on the other hand, remained at a fever pitch. Enialis gasped as he came again, and Tienna caught it all in her mouth. She let her head fall back as she savoured the mouthful before swallowing. Her face and neck glistened in the candlelight with sweat and sperm.
  385. Enialis reached forward and caressed Tienna's bare knees with his hands. Unsure as he was of proper protocol, he felt that, by this point, some form of reciprocation would be polite. "I am thinking now, perhaps," he ventured, "that after so much joy you have given me, it is now my turn to bring the joy to you?"
  387. Tienna hugged his penis and leaned around it to smile at him. She kissed his phallus again and sighed.
  389. "Alright," she said, "Put your hands above your head and close your eyes."
  391. Obediently, Enialis held his wrists against the headboard and squinted his eyes closed. He felt Tienna disengage from his cock, allowing it to slap upwards against his chest. There was a long period of silence in which the satyr could hear the subtle clicks of the boots and bodice being unbuckled. Tiny fingers tied something thin and tight around the base of his penis.
  393. There was a sudden jolt to the bed, as though something heavy had landed on it. Enialis felt a peculiar cold splatter against his hands and stick them in place, like some sort of glue had fastened him to the headboard.
  395. "Tienna, my friend.", he inquired placidly, holding still, eyes still closed, "May I ask why it is that you have bound me to this wall?"
  397. "Oh, you beautiful thing." A hand traced lightly up his pectoral muscle. Tienna's voice was somehow deeper. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry to do this to you. But I can't have you leaving, not now. And most men... most men run away from me when they finally see what I truly am."
  399. "You mean that you are a male person in a dress?"
  401. There was a long pause.
  403. "...You knew about that?"
  405. "Of course I knew, my special! You think I am so blind that I do not see the person from which I receive such joys?"
  407. "And... and you let me suck your cock anyway?"
  409. "But of course! You are very much of the special to me. You see me in the sadness and you get for me many tasty things, you listen as I tell you my sadnesses, you are very pretty for me, and you make very nicely of the mouthsex. Should I not have accepted your gifts? Is this a bad thing, in cities?"
  411. There was another long pause. Enialis thought he could discern the sound of crying. He opened his eyes.
  413. Tienna had doubled in size, and now looked more like a half-elf than a halfling. She was kneeling between his legs, covering her face with both hands. Her flat chest was bare now, and the green skirt only came up to her knees. Her skin still glistened in the candlelight. Enialis felt he should sit up and comfort her, but his arms were pinned in place. He struggled for something meaningful to say instead.
  415. "Essu talma pei, my pretty one, essu talma pei. How long must you have hidden in your own sadnesses. Essada teth welno pei farnoss a talma."
  417. Tienna took her hands away from her face. Her features were different now, her nose smaller and her lips thinner in proportion to the rest of her face. She was more noticeably masculine, yet still undeniably attractive. The green eye makeup had stretched over a wider expanse of skin, and now showed cracks. Her long black braid, without the ribbon to hold it, was slowly unravelling behind her.
  419. "The satyrs," Enialis continued, "We say of certain peoples that they are numa tei dialno farsen, a soul that is lost in the wrong place. Is this the thing with you?"
  421. Tienna held her hands over her flat chest and shook her head. "Oh, no, sweetie," she said, exposing a set of fangs behind her lips, "You don't know. You just don't know."
  423. Enialis said nothing, trusting that Tienna would come clean in her own time.
  425. "I lied to you.", she said. "The whole reason I brought you back here... I... I was going to drug you and hold you for ransom. I thought... I mean, adventurers are so rich, and I... I'm such a terrible person. I lied. My parents aren't dead. They... they tried to kill me when I told them I didn't want to live in the forest like an animal, I wanted to come to the city and live among the humans and the elves and I wanted to be pretty and I wanted to have lots of friends and oh gods I just wanted to be pretty but I just fell into the family business anyway and I'm nothing but a monster." A tear ran freely down Tienna's cheek, and nothing stopped it on its way to her chin.
  427. "Tienna.", Enialis said, trying to fill his voice with nonjudgemental warmth, "You are not a monster. You say you were going to drug and ransom, but you did not do these things. It is not matter if you intend of theft and stealing! Instead you have given me the joys and the truths. This is what you do in actualness, and it is a beautiful thing, not a thing of monsters."
  429. "But I am a monster!", Tienna protested, "I'm not a halfling! I'm not even a mammal! I'm... I'm a goddamn werespider!"
  431. "And me, I am a goatperson! It is a pleasure to meet you!"
  433. Tienna laughed in spite of herself, with tears still on her face. She wiped at her cheek with the back of her hand.
  435. "Tienna, my beautiful.", the satyr said, "Show me yourself."
  437. Tienna shook her head.
  439. "Please.", he added.
  441. "You'll hate me."
  443. "I promise I will not."
  445. "You can't promise that."
  447. Enialis shrugged in his contorted position. His hands were still bound in place. "Then you will have me in my tied up, and we will sex with my eyes still closed as you have asked. But only I must see you one time, my Tienna. I wish this."
  449. Tienna bit her lip and nodded. Slowly, she unfastened her skirt and pulled it aside, revealing a hairless erection that was dwarfed by Enialis' giant priapism. Tienna ran her hands nervously over her naked body, the pale skin of her chest and thighs. She relaxed, and allowed the change to happen slowly.
  451. The first thing Enialis noticed was that her skin was getting lighter. It slowly faded from pink to white to green, becoming smoother and harder as it did so. Buds appeared on Tienna's forehead, opening into an array of emerald eyes. Finely articulated limbs grew slowly from her sides and folded neatly before her. Her torso shifted and bulged, expanding in places and shrinking in others. Her hands became even more fluid and dextrous, the fingers flexible with extra joints. Fine tracery of chitin ran in elaborate patterns over the surface of her rounded abdomen.
  453. Enialis kept looking, keeping his eyes open. Tienna's nonhuman body language conveyed extreme embarrassment, her legs fidgeting, her hands covering her mouth. Enialis maintained a smile.
  455. "Tienna.", he said at last, "I want the touch of you."
  457. Slowly, Tienna moved over him, her frictionless body sliding lightly on his chest. Her head was level with his face, her eyes unblinking, her teeth exposed. Enialis craned his neck upwards and kissed her, once, in the middle of her face.
  459. Tienna's hands were delicate and articulated. They caressed Enialis' cheek and forehead with smooth strokes, feather touches on his skin. The satyr kissed at them, and on the contours of Tienna's face.
  461. "Tell me.", he said, "Tell me how I shall please you."
  463. "My hands.", Tienna whispered, "My hands."
  465. Enialis opened his mouth, and a finger ran around the circumference of his lips. Tienna's arachnoid body shivered at the sensation, and mimicked it with another finger, then another. Enialis took the digits into his mouth and sucked them gently. The spider gasped.
  467. Enialis smiled with his eyes and shifted underneath her, swinging his digitigrade legs up, wrapping their fuzzy length around Tienna's body. His erection, full and throbbing, rubbed against the smooth underside of her abdomen. Tienna was breathing heavily, and Enialis could feel the intake and output of breath on either side of his genitals, rustling the fur around his waist.
  469. Enialis licked and sucked at the hand in his mouth. It was nimble and double-jointed, and lingered on his tongue, rather than thrusting back and forth. Tienna's other hand moved between them, circling his nipple before sliding back and forth along the length of his penis. It dipped up somewhere into the aranea's body and returned, slick with some foreign fluid.
  471. Enialis accepted the other hand into his mouth, slurping audibly at the substance that covered it. Tienna's semen was thick and syrupy, with a complex flavour like a fine wine. The satyr savoured the taste, rolling it around in his mouth with his tongue. Tienna pulled back slightly. Her face and body language were difficult to read, but her voice betrayed an excited nervousness.
  473. "Is it okay?", she asked.
  475. Enialis grinned. "Is much more than okay, my special!"
  477. "Really?"
  479. "Really!"
  481. "You're not just saying that?"
  483. "Tienna, Tienna, Tienna, talma de numa essa miadatento. So beautiful you are in all ways. I wish to drink of you as you have drunk of myself."
  485. Slowly, one thin leg at a time, Tienna turned in place and presented her pale underbelly to the satyr's face. Enialis' eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he studied the anatomy. Toward the center, near her thin waist, he saw a bead of moisture glistening in the candlelight. He craned his neck and touched it with his tongue, sending new shivers of delight over the aranea's body.
  487. Tienna was caressing his penis again, her double-jointed hands running over the shaft. She had tied her green hair ribbon tight at his groin, and his erection bulged below her with masculine power. She allowed it to rub against the side of her face, taking in every angle of its majesty with her compound eyes. She shuddered in ecstasy at the satyr's touch.
  489. Enialis probed the duct with his tongue, slowly working in tiny circles. His shoulders strained at the webbing as he instinctively tried to work with his fingers. The semen was clear and sticky, sweet and spicy, and Enialis allowed it to dribble over his chin. Tienna's hands sped up, and Enialis grunted as he orgasmed again, sending an arc of pressurized sperm over her head and onto her back. Joyous, she continued rubbing the penis, her hands covered in the faun's adoration, slick and slippery with his passion and intensity.
  491. There was a sudden bang at the door as a booted foot kicked it open. Farris was leading, sword held high. Renora had her lockpicks clenched in her teeth and a wickedly curved dagger in either hand. Wolsen had his crossbow out and loaded, extra bolts at the ready. Gorren was taking up the rear with wands in both fists and a dangerous expression on his face. Tienna screamed and scrambled behind the faun, shaking in sudden shock. Enialis turned to face the door and grinned.
  493. "Ah, my friends!", he greeted them with his characteristic enthusiasm, his gigantic slippery phallus flopping to point in their direction. "This is Tienna! We are having the freaky sex! You wish to join us?"
  495. The vigilante posse froze in their tracks, assessing the situation. Enialis grinned and raised his eyebrows, jostling his pelvis so that his massive erection wiggled in their general direction. Farris, without saying a word, sword still raised, walked slowly backward and out of the door. Wolsen cleared his throat noisily and ran a hand over his face. Silently, they carefully filed out of the room and back into the hallway. Renora, last to leave, raised a single forefinger and inhaled as if she was about to speak, then simply shook her head and closed the door behind her.
  497. Gorren winced as he whispered "Did you know he was..." and indicated a length of two feet with his hands. Renora shrugged and shook her head, eyes still wide.
  499. Farris was sitting on the step with his head in his hands. "There was a ribbon on it.", he groaned silently. "Why was there a ribbon on it?"
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