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Jun 24th, 2017
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  1. reateObject(8209, 1153.3345947266, -1996.8957519531, 71.108840942383, 0, 0, 180);
  2. CreateObject(987, 1221.9814453125, -1996.5622558594, 63.670433044434, 0, 340, 180);
  3. CreateObject(987, 1233.0969238281, -1996.5417480469, 59.372581481934, 0, 340, 180);
  4. CreateObject(987, 1212.8629150391, -1996.580078125, 67.646545410156, 0, 0, 180);
  5. CreateObject(8210, 1257.1999511719, -1996.5933837891, 59, 0, 0, 180);
  6. CreateObject(8210, 1284.5634765625, -2023.2299804688, 59, 0, 0, 90);
  7. CreateObject(980, 1284.9310302734, -2056.6994628906, 60.510696411133, 0, 0, 270);
  8. CreateObject(3749, 1286.7507324219, -2056.7421875, 63.545459747314, 0, 0, 90);
  9. CreateObject(8209, 1153.3833007813, -2076.8305664063, 71.108840942383, 0, 0, 0);
  10. CreateObject(987, 1202.9934082031, -2077.2055664063, 68.0078125, 0, 0, 0);
  11. CreateObject(987, 1212.2895507813, -2077.2109375, 67.971145629883, 0, 20, 0);
  12. CreateObject(987, 1223.5151367188, -2077.2016601563, 63.902446746826, 0, 20, 0);
  13. CreateObject(8210, 1259.8439941406, -2077.1000976563, 59.5, 0, 0, 0);
  14. CreateObject(987, 1287.5593261719, -2077.3679199219, 56.183917999268, 0, 0, 90);
  15. CreateObject(3279, 1174.705078125, -2036.8101806641, 67.949996948242, 0, 0, 0);
  16. CreateObject(8210, 1103.8385009766, -2024.3625488281, 71.108840942383, 0, 0, 270);
  17. CreateObject(8210, 1103.7867431641, -2049.2463378906, 71.108840942383, 0, 0, 270);
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