

Apr 28th, 2017
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  1. <!DOCTYPE profile>
  2. <profile>
  3. <data name="CommandPrefix">0x0</data>
  4. <data name="UseObjectsQueue">True</data>
  5. <data name="ShowCorpseNames">True</data>
  6. <data name="ShowCreatureNames">False</data>
  7. <data name="OpenCorpses">True</data>
  8. <data name="OpenCorpsesRange">0x2</data>
  9. <data name="ShowMobileHits">False</data>
  10. <data name="PositionInTitle">True</data>
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  12. <data name="GameWindowWidth">0x708</data>
  13. <data name="GameWindowHeight">0x258</data>
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  17. <data name="FilterSound">False</data>
  18. <data name="FilterWeather">True</data>
  19. <data name="FilterSeason">False</data>
  20. <data name="FixedSeason">0x0</data>
  21. <data name="FilterDeath">True</data>
  22. <data name="FilterRepeatedMessages">True</data>
  23. <data name="FilterOthersSpeechColor">False</data>
  24. <data name="FilterSnoopingMessages">False</data>
  25. <data name="FilterTradeWindow">False</data>
  26. <data name="FilterRewardGump">False</data>
  27. <data name="HandsBeforePotions">False</data>
  28. <data name="HandsBeforeCasting">True</data>
  29. <data name="SmartTarget">0x0</data>
  30. <data name="SmartTargetRange">True</data>
  31. <data name="SmartTargetRangeValue">0xc</data>
  32. <data name="HighlightCurrentTarget">True</data>
  33. <data name="BlockInvalidHeal">True</data>
  34. <data name="ActionDelay">0x258</data>
  35. <data name="UseObjectsLimit">0x5</data>
  36. <data name="TargetShare">0x0</data>
  37. <data name="MountSerial">0xffffffff</data>
  38. <data name="BladeSerial">0xffffffff</data>
  39. <data name="BoneCutter">True</data>
  40. <data name="AutoMount">False</data>
  41. <data name="AutoBandage">False</data>
  42. <data name="AutoBandageTarget">0x0</data>
  43. <data name="AutoBandageScale">False</data>
  44. <data name="AutoBandageCount">False</data>
  45. <data name="AutoBandageStart">False</data>
  46. <data name="AutoBandageStartValue">0x5f</data>
  47. <data name="AutoBandageDelay">0x9c4</data>
  48. <data name="AutoBandageFormula">False</data>
  49. <data name="AutoBandageHidden">False</data>
  50. <data name="OpenDoors">True</data>
  51. <data name="UseDoors">False</data>
  52. <data name="SpellsColor">True</data>
  53. <data name="SpellsMode">0x2</data>
  54. <data name="SpellsTargetShare">0x0</data>
  55. <data name="OpenDoorsMode">0x0</data>
  56. <data name="OpenCorpsesMode">0x3</data>
  57. <data name="ShowMobileFlags">False</data>
  58. <data name="StateHighlightMode">0x0</data>
  59. <data name="StaticFields">True</data>
  60. <data name="CountStealthSteps">True</data>
  61. <data name="FriendsListOnly">False</data>
  62. <data name="FriendsParty">False</data>
  63. <data name="MoveConflictingItems">False</data>
  64. <data name="CustomCaption">True</data>
  65. <data name="CustomCaptionMode">0x1</data>
  66. <data name="CustomCaptionText">UO - $name $statusbar - $hits/$mana/$stam</data>
  67. <data name="WarnCounters">True</data>
  68. <data name="WarnCountersValue">0x5</data>
  69. <data name="HighlightReagents">True</data>
  70. <data name="DisplayCountersName">False</data>
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  72. <data name="CaptionUseNotoHue">True</data>
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  74. <data name="FilterKarmaMessages">True</data>
  75. <data name="FilterFameMessages">True</data>
  76. <data name="PreventDismount">False</data>
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  78. <data name="AutoSearchContainers">False</data>
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  86. <objects>
  87. <obj name="arms">0x400b3dcd</obj>
  88. <obj name="chest">0x400b3d2e</obj>
  89. <obj name="pet">0x303a</obj>
  90. <obj name="tobetamed">0x4e3b9</obj>
  91. </objects>
  92. <hotkeys>
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  96. <hotkey key="0x841" action="actions.creatures.follow" pass="False"/>
  97. <hotkey key="0x844" action="actions.creatures.kill" pass="False"/>
  98. <hotkey key="0x853" action="actions.creatures.guard" pass="False"/>
  99. <hotkey key="0x846" action="actions.creatures.stay" pass="False"/>
  100. <hotkey key="0x246" action="actions.grabitem" pass="False"/>
  101. <hotkey key="0x847" action="" pass="False"/>
  102. <hotkey key="0x851" action="spells.bigheal.self" pass="False"/>
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  106. <hotkey key="0x854" action="spells.magery.teleport" pass="False"/>
  107. </hotkeys>
  108. <macros>
  109. <macro loop="True" name="taming" interrupt="True">// Author: Di //v release;// Description: find, chase and tame nearby pets accordingly to skill level;// v2.1: pet release and tamed detection improvements;// v2.0: improved pets list and created unstuck pathfind heuristic;// Configure skill limit ▼;if skill! 'animal taming' >= 120;stop;endif;@createlist 'pets';@clearlist 'pets';if skill 'animal taming' &lt; 60;// Eagle;pushlist 'pets' 0x5;// Goat;pushlist 'pets' 0xd1;// Pig;pushlist 'pets' 0xcb;pushlist 'pets' 0x122;// Hind;pushlist 'pets' 0xed;// Timber wolf;pushlist 'pets' 0xe1;// Llama;pushlist 'pets' 0xdc;// Horse;pushlist 'pets' 0xcc;pushlist 'pets' 0xe2;pushlist 'pets' 0xe4;pushlist 'pets' 0xc8;pushlist 'pets' 0x3e9f;pushlist 'pets' 0x3ea0;pushlist 'pets' 0x3ea1;pushlist 'pets' 0x3ea2;// Cow;pushlist 'pets' 0xe7;pushlist 'pets' 0xd8;// Bear;pushlist 'pets' 0xa7;pushlist 'pets' 0xd3;// Cougar;pushlist 'pets' 0x3f;elseif skill 'animal taming' &lt; 75;// Grizzly Bear;pushlist 'pets' 0xd4;// Grey Wolf;pushlist 'pets' 0x1b;pushlist 'pets' 0x19;// Snow Leopard;pushlist 'pets' 0x41;pushlist 'pets' 0x40;// Walrus;pushlist 'pets' 0xdd;// Polar Bear;pushlist 'pets' 0xd5;// Great Hart;pushlist 'pets' 0xea;elseif skill 'animal taming' &lt; 95.1;// Gaman;pushlist 'pets' 0xf8;// Bull;pushlist 'pets' 0xe8;pushlist 'pets' 0xe9;// Great Hart;pushlist 'pets' 0xea;// White Wolf;pushlist 'pets' 0x25;pushlist 'pets' 0x22;// Snow Leopard;pushlist 'pets' 0x41;pushlist 'pets' 0x40;else;// Bull;pushlist 'pets' 0xe8;pushlist 'pets' 0xe9;// Unicorn;pushlist 'pets' 0x7a;// Ki-rin;pushlist 'pets' 0x84;endif;if not listexists 'errors';createlist 'errors';pushlist 'errors' 'too many owners';pushlist 'errors' 'only be tamed by';pushlist 'errors' 'no chance of taming';pushlist 'errors' 'looks tame already';//pushlist 'errors' 'clear path to the animal';pushlist 'errors' 'cannot be seen';endif;@createlist 'unstuck';if list 'unstuck' == 0;pushlist 'unstuck' 'east';pushlist 'unstuck' 'west';pushlist 'unstuck' 'south';pushlist 'unstuck' 'north';endif;// Search;if not @findobject 'pet';for 0 to 'pets';if @findtype 'pets[]' 'any' 'ground';@settimer 'stuck' 0;@setalias 'pet' 'found';break;endif;endfor;else;// Pathfind;@settimer 'pathfind' 0;while @findobject 'pet' and not @inrange 'pet' 2;if dead;break;elseif @timer 'pathfind' >= 5000;// Diverge;if direction == 0;@poplist 'unstuck' 'north';elseif direction == 2;@poplist 'unstuck' 'east';elseif direction == 4;@poplist 'unstuck' 'south';elseif direction == 6;@poplist 'unstuck' 'west';endif;// Unstuck;if list 'unstuck' != 0;for 5;run 'unstuck[0]';pause 100;endfor;poplist 'unstuck' 'front';endif;break;elseif @x 'pet' > x 'self' and @y 'pet' > y 'self';run 'southeast';elseif @x 'pet' &lt; x 'self' and @y 'pet' > y 'self';run 'southwest';elseif @x 'pet' > x 'self' and @y 'pet' &lt; y 'self';run 'northeast';elseif @x 'pet' &lt; x 'self' and @y 'pet' &lt; y 'self';run 'northwest';elseif @x 'pet' > x 'self' and @y 'pet' == y 'self';run 'east';elseif @x 'pet' &lt; x 'self' and @y 'pet' == y 'self';run 'west';elseif @x 'pet' == x 'self' and @y 'pet' > y 'self';run 'south';elseif @x 'pet' == x 'self' and @y 'pet' &lt; y 'self';run 'north';endif;pause 100;endwhile;if @inrange 'pet' 2;// Tame;clearjournal;useskill 'animal taming';waitfortarget 1000;target! 'pet';// Handle;if @property '(tame)' 'pet';msg 'test';for 5;if @gumpexists 0x909cc741 or not @findobject 'pet';break;elseif dead or followers == 0;break;elseif @name 'pet' != 'trashpet';rename 'pet' 'trashpet';else;msg 'trashpet release';endif;pause 500;endfor;replygump 0x909cc741 2;sysmsg 'Success: tamed and released!' 88;ignoreobject 'pet';@unsetalias 'pet';else;@settimer 'stuck' 0;for 0 to 'errors';if @injournal 'errors[]';sysmsg 'Ignore: error message!' 25;ignoreobject 'pet';@unsetalias 'pet';break;endif;endfor;endif;elseif @timer 'stuck' >= 20000;sysmsg 'Ignore: stuck timeout!' 25;ignoreobject 'pet';@unsetalias 'pet';endif;endif;</macro>
  110. <macro loop="False" name="feed" interrupt="True">//ribs 0x9f1;//meta 0x25d25;//mare 0x1e169;movetype 0x9f1 'backpack' 0x25d25 0 0 0 'any' 10;pause 600;movetype 0x9f1 'backpack' 0x1e169 0 0 0 'any' 10;//pause 1h;pause 3600000;pause 3600000;</macro>
  111. <macro loop="True" name="temp" interrupt="True">useskill 'Animal Lore';waitfortarget 15000;target! 0x25d25;waitforgump 0xa012f8c2 15000;pause 1000;</macro>
  112. <macro loop="True" name="bods" interrupt="True">waitforcontext 0x49b 1 600;waitforgump 'any' 600;replygump 'any' 1;waitforcontext 0x49c 1 600;waitforgump 'any' 600;replygump 'any' 1;pause 60000;</macro>
  113. <macro loop="False" name="bank" interrupt="True">msg 'Vendor Buy Bank Guards';</macro>
  114. <macro loop="False" name="bods2" interrupt="True">//XPEH BOD AQUIRE;if not findalias 'blacksmith';promptalias 'blacksmith';endif;if not findalias 'tailor';promptalias 'tailor';endif;if not timerexists 'smithbod';createtimer 'smithbod';endif;if not timerexists 'tailorbod';createtimer 'tailorbod';endif;//Smith BOD;if timer 'smithbod' > 1850000;headmsg 'AQUIRING SMITH BOD';pause 1000;waitforcontext 'blacksmith' 1 10000;pause 2000;waitforgump 'any' 15000;replygump 0xd4c83318 1;pause 500;settimer 'smithbod' 0;endif;//Tailor BOD;if timer 'tailorbod' > 1850000;headmsg 'AQUIRING TAILOR BOD';pause 1000;waitforcontext 'tailor' 1 10000;pause 2000;waitforgump 'any' 15000;replygump 0xd4c83318 1;pause 500;settimer 'tailorbod' 0;endif;</macro>
  115. <macro loop="False" name="stealth" interrupt="True">////////////////////////////////////;// Go to any public moongate for //;// this to work. Also, bring a //;// ringmail tunic and sleeves. //;// This macrois designed for //;// training stealth from 0. //;// //;// Turn on loop and click play! //;// //;// ~~Made by kdivers~~ //;////////////////////////////////////;if skill 'hiding' &lt; 80;headmsg 'Train your hiding to 80.0 first!';stop;endif;if not @findobject 'chest' and not @findtype 0x13ec 'any' 'self';headmsg 'Buy a ringmail tunic';stop;else;setalias 'chest' 'found';endif;if not @findobject 'arms' and not @findtype 0x13ee 'any' 'self';headmsg 'Buy ringmail sleeves';stop;else;setalias 'arms' 'found';endif;if skill 'stealth' &lt; 80;if usetype 0xf6c 'any' 'ground';waitforgump 0xe0e675b8 15000;replygump 0xe0e675b8 1 1;pause 10000;useskill 'stealth';pause 600;endif;if usetype 0xf6c 'any' 'ground';waitforgump 0xe0e675b8 15000;replygump 0xe0e675b8 1 0;pause 10000;useskill 'stealth';pause 600;endif;elseif skill 'stealth' &lt; 100;if not @findlayer 'self' 13;@equipitem 'chest' 13;pause 600;endif;if not @findlayer 'self' 19;@equipitem 'arms' 19;pause 600;endif;if usetype 0xf6c 'any' 'ground';waitforgump 0xe0e675b8 15000;replygump 0xe0e675b8 1 1;pause 10000;useskill 'stealth';pause 600;endif;if usetype 0xf6c 'any' 'ground';waitforgump 0xe0e675b8 15000;replygump 0xe0e675b8 1 0;pause 10000;useskill 'stealth';pause 600;endif;endif;</macro>
  116. <macro loop="False" name="hiding" interrupt="True">if skill! 'hiding' >= 100;stop;endif;useskill 'Hiding';pause 11000;replay;</macro>
  117. <macro loop="False" name="mageryResists" interrupt="True">////////////////////////////////////;// This macro is designed for //;// training both magery and //;// resist from 30. It is intended //;// for characters with 40+ //;// intelligence. //;// //;// Turn on loop and click play! //;////////////////////////////////////;if skill 'magery' &lt; 100;if @injournal 'insufficient mana';clearjournal;useskill 'meditation';while mana &lt; maxmana;endwhile;else;if skill 'magery' &lt; 30;headmsg 'Buy more skill!';stop;elseif skill 'magery' &lt; 45;cast 'bless' 'self';pause 1000;elseif skill 'magery' &lt; 55;cast 'mana drain' 'self';pause 1000;elseif skill 'magery' &lt; 75;cast 'invisibility' 'self';pause 1000;elseif skill 'magery' &lt; 100;cast 'mana vampire' 'self';pause 1000;else;headmsg 'Magery complete!';stop;endif;endif;elseif skill 'resisting spells' &lt; 100;if @injournal 'insufficient mana';clearjournal;useskill 'meditation';while mana &lt; maxmana;endwhile;else;cast 'mana vampire' 'self';pause 1000;endif;else;headmsg 'Magery and resisting spells complete!';stop;endif;</macro>
  118. <macro loop="False" name="scrollTrainer" interrupt="True">if not @listexists 'Scrolls';createlist 'Scrolls';pushlist 'Scrolls' 0x1f66;endif;if mana &lt; 30;clearjournal;useskill 'meditation';while mana &lt; maxmana;endwhile;else;if @counttype 0xfbf 0x0 'backpack' &lt; 2;movetype 0xfbf 'restock' 'backpack' 0 0 0 0x0 3;pause 1000;endif;if not @findtype 0xfbf 0x0 'backpack';headmsg 'Get more Pens!';stop;endif;if not @findobject 'Completed';headmsg 'Select your Storage for Finished Goods';promptalias 'Completed';endif;if not @findobject 'restock';headmsg 'Select the container with your materials';promptalias 'restock';useobject 'restock';endif;if @counttype 0x1f66 0x0 'backpack' &lt; 1;movetype 0x1f66 'restock' 'backpack' 0 0 0 0x0 10;pause 1000;endif;if @counttype 0xf88 0x0 'backpack' &lt; 10;movetype 0xf88 'restock' 'backpack' 0 0 0 0x0 50;pause 1000;endif;if @counttype 0xf86 0x0 'backpack' &lt; 10;movetype 0xf86 'restock' 'backpack' 0 0 0 0x0 50;pause 1000;endif;if @counttype 0xef3 0x0 'backpack' &lt; 10;movetype 0xef3 'restock' 'backpack' 0 0 0 0x0 50;pause 1000;endif;if @counttype 0xf7b 0x0 'backpack' &lt; 10;movetype 0xf7b 'restock' 'backpack' 0 0 0 0x0 50;pause 1000;endif;if @counttype 0xf7a 0x0 'backpack' &lt; 10;movetype 0xf7a 'restock' 'backpack' 0 0 0 0x0 50;pause 1000;endif;if skill 'Magery' &lt; 88;headmsg 'Buy more skill!';stop;elseif skill 'Magery' &lt; 101;if usetype 0xfbf 0x0 'backpack';waitforgump 0x38920abd 15000;replygump 0x38920abd 51;waitforgump 0x38920abd 15000;replygump 0x38920abd 51;waitforgump 0x38920abd 2000;endif;else;headmsg 'Out of Stock!';stop;endif;if @counttype 0x1f4c 0x0 'backpack' > 10;movetype 0x1f4c 'backpack' 'Completed';pause 1000;endif;endif;pause 600;</macro>
  119. <macro loop="True" name="taming2" interrupt="True">if not listexists 'NameTheTamed';createlist 'NameTheTamed';pushlist 'NameTheTamed' 'r';endif;if not listexists 'tameables';createlist 'tameables';pushlist 'tameables' 0x7t //Hellcat (Large);pushlist 'tameables' 0x62 //Hellhound;pushlist 'tameables' 0xbc //Savage Ridgeback;pushlist 'tameables' 0xbb //Ridgeback;pushlist 'tameables' 0x17 //Dire Wolf;pushlist 'tameables' 0xce //Lava Lizard;pushlist 'tameables' 0x14 //Frost spider;pushlist 'tameables' 0xc9 //Hellcat (Small);pushlist 'tameables' 0xda //Frenzied Ostard;pushlist 'tameables' 0x50 //Giant Toad;pushlist 'tameables' 0xe8 //Bull;pushlist 'tameables' 0xe9 //Bull2;pushlist 'tameables' 0x22 //White Wolf;pushlist 'tameables' 0x25 //White Wolf2;pushlist 'tameables' 0xd4 //Grizzly Bear;pushlist 'tameables' 0xea //Great Hart;pushlist 'tameables' 0x41 //Snow leopard;pushlist 'tameables' 0x40 //Snow leopard;pushlist 'tameables' 0xd6 //Panther;pushlist 'tameables' 0xdd //Walrus;pushlist 'tameables' 0xd5 //Polar Bear;pushlist 'tameables' 0xdb //Forest Ostard;pushlist 'tameables' 0xd2 //Desert Ostard;endif;if not @inrange 'tobetamed' 2;@unsetalias 'tobetamed';for 0 in 'tameables';if @findtype tameables[] 'any' 'ground' 1 2;@setalias 'tobetamed' 'found';break;endif;endfor;endif;if not @inrange 'tobetamed' 2;headmsg 'No new creatures near you!';replay;endif;clearjournal;while name 'tobetamed' != NameTheTamed[0];autotargetobject 'tobetamed';useskill 'animal taming';pause 1000;@rename 'tobetamed' NameTheTamed[0];pause 1000;if not @inrange 'tobetamed' 1;if @x 'tobetamed' > x 'self' and @y 'tobetamed' > y 'self';walk 'Southeast';elseif @x 'tobetamed' &lt; x 'self' and @y 'tobetamed' > y 'self';walk 'Southwest';elseif @x 'tobetamed' > x 'self' and @y 'tobetamed' &lt; y 'self';walk 'Northeast';elseif @x 'tobetamed' &lt; x 'self' and @y 'tobetamed' &lt; y 'self';walk 'Northwest';elseif @x 'tobetamed' > x 'self' and @y 'tobetamed' == y 'self';walk 'East';elseif @x 'tobetamed' &lt; x 'self' and @y 'tobetamed' == y 'self';walk 'West';elseif @x 'tobetamed' == x 'self' and @y 'tobetamed' > y 'self';walk 'South';elseif @x 'tobetamed' == x 'self' and @y 'tobetamed' &lt; y 'self';walk 'North';endif;endif;endwhile;//waitforcontext 'tobetamed' 8 20000;//waitforgump 0x909cc741 15000;//@replygump 0x909cc741 2;msg 'r Release';pause 1000;replygump 0xf23b432f 2;@ignoreobject 'tobetamed';@unsetalias 'tobetamed';replay;</macro>
  120. <macro loop="True" name="stealth2" interrupt="True">while not hidden and skill 'hiding' >= 80;useskill 'hiding';headmsg 'Stelth Macro Enabled';pause 11000;endwhile;while hidden and skill 'hiding' > 80;useskill 'stealth';pause 11000;endwhile;</macro>
  121. </macros>
  122. <autoloot>
  123. <enabled>True</enabled>
  124. <container>0xffffffff</container>
  125. <guards>True</guards>
  126. </autoloot>
  127. <scavenger enabled="True"/>
  128. <organizer>
  129. <group loop="False" complete="False" name="Organizer-1" source="0x12028a8" stack="False" target="0x20"/>
  130. </organizer>
  131. <spellgrid/>
  132. <counters/>
  133. </profile>
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