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a guest
Dec 14th, 2018
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  1. Game 1:
  3. Pre Game Lobby:
  4. Honorable: adc
  5. Honorable: adc
  6. Honorable: adc
  7. Honorable: adc
  8. Honorable: adc
  11. In Game:
  12. Honorable: fk
  13. Honorable: wanted stack
  14. Honorable: 85 hp
  15. Honorable: solo again ..
  16. Honorable: dunno why you didnt sync b before
  17. Honorable: are you a female irl by any chance?
  18. Honorable: you play like one
  19. Honorable: you are, aren't you?
  20. Honorable: fuck me
  21. Honorable: why
  22. Honorable: why me
  23. Honorable: 'lul'
  24. Honorable: ok
  25. Honorable: rakan
  26. Honorable: you're fucking trolling
  27. Honorable: ward
  28. Honorable: the river
  29. Honorable: like I fucking pinged
  30. Honorable: as we pushed up
  31. Honorable: no iq
  32. Honorable: yea nice
  33. Honorable: ping that
  34. Honorable: ping that beforehand
  35. Honorable: nice
  36. Honorable: good teamwork
  37. Honorable: int lane 3 times
  38. Honorable: no head
  39. Honorable: watch dmeo
  40. Honorable: idiot
  41. Honorable: of all the times
  42. Honorable: and places
  43. Honorable: to fucking ward
  44. Honorable: its there
  45. Honorable: in the middle of the fight
  46. Honorable: you're a lost cause
  47. Honorable: please do away
  48. Honorable: go mid
  49. Honorable: I dont care
  50. Honorable: no
  51. Honorable: I odnt love you
  52. Honorable: im not mad
  53. Honorable: im just sick of you
  54. Honorable: leave my life its over
  55. [All]Honorable: mb
  56. [All]Honorable: should have dodged
  57. [All]Honorable: dunno why I dont
  58. [All]Honorable: I do this shit to myself
  59. [All]Honorable: thresh honest question
  60. [All]Honorable: are you premade with ezreal ?
  61. [All]Honorable: survey time
  62. Honorable: having a bad game rumble? :D
  63. [All]Honorable: open
  64. [All]Honorable: Gg
  65. [All]Honorable: we lose
  66. [All]Honorable: unlucky support diff
  67. [All]Honorable: sucks go next
  68. [All]Honorable: dont waste my time further
  69. Honorable: yea
  70. Honorable: im with garen
  71. Honorable: who said no ?
  72. Honorable: premade jungle and support
  73. Honorable: they trolling
  74. Honorable: its obvious
  75. Honorable: whatever
  76. Honorable: lol
  77. Honorable: ok
  78. Honorable: sure
  79. Honorable: I pointed out his mistakes
  80. Honorable: nothing more
  81. Honorable: then asked if h ewas a female
  82. Honorable: because he played like a <SMART PLAYER>
  83. Honorable: watch the demo
  84. Honorable: then speak to me
  85. Honorable: idiot
  86. Honorable: he inted lane
  87. Honorable: or maybe gold your elo reflects your iq
  88. Honorable: probs negative
  89. Honorable: you went afk
  90. Honorable: literally
  91. Honorable: dude
  92. Honorable: you werent even in lane
  93. Honorable: you admittewd to texting
  94. Honorable: in lane
  95. Honorable: you got hooked
  96. Honorable: and desyncd
  97. Honorable: you're an idiot
  98. Honorable: just stop typing
  99. Honorable: stay gold forever hardstuck
  100. Honorable: ff
  101. Honorable: yea dude
  102. Honorable: memes
  103. Honorable: ff
  104. [All]Honorable: ggwp
  105. [All]Honorable: close game
  106. [All]Honorable: oh wait
  107. [All]Honorable: nvm
  108. [All]Honorable: need 1 more
  109. [All]Honorable: interesting
  110. [All]Honorable: complain to riot about it
  111. [All]Honorable: im sure they'll do something
  112. [All]Honorable: ;D
  113. [All]Honorable: Gg
  114. Honorable: "toxic"
  115. Honorable: ok
  116. Honorable: lol
  119. Post-Game:
  120. Honorable: ty for game
  121. Honorable: bit of a waste of time tbh if you go into expecting to soft int
  122. Honorable: but hey
  123. Honorable: im not negative iq like rakan
  124. Honorable: so I don't think like a dumbass
  125. Honorable: im sorry
  126. Honorable: am I acting liek a 12 year old?
  127. Honorable: I dont understand what you want from me
  128. Honorable: he threw the lane
  129. Honorable: multiple times
  130. Honorable: and you still want to find any excuse
  131. Honorable: to point the finger at me?
  132. Honorable: lol
  133. Honorable: I would go play draft
  135. Honorable: flame?
  136. Honorable: "flame"?
  137. Honorable: ALL I SAID
  138. Honorable: WAS THAT HE THREW THE LANE
  139. Honorable: you're an idiot
  140. Honorable: yea
  141. Honorable: like you
  144. Game 2:
  146. Pre Game Lobby:
  149. In Game:
  150. Honorable: why run it down ?
  151. Honorable: can you die?
  152. [All]Honorable: We open
  153. [All]Honorable: fuck this support
  154. Honorable: you're fucking huffing paint
  155. Honorable: shoving the lane for no reason
  156. Honorable: ???
  157. Honorable: please just go mid
  158. Honorable: or top
  159. Honorable: I dont care
  160. Honorable: stop leeching my exp
  161. Honorable: you're nothing
  162. Honorable: you offer nothing
  163. Honorable: just stop
  164. Honorable: why do I need to lane with you
  165. Honorable: female irl
  166. Honorable: I can smell it
  167. [All]Honorable: do it
  168. Honorable: ok
  169. Honorable: ill leave
  170. Honorable: no problem
  171. Honorable: pain in the fucking ass.,
  172. [All]Honorable: gg
  173. [All]Honorable: we open
  174. [All]Honorable: literally 1v5
  175. Honorable: YOU'RE TROLLING BOT LANE
  176. Honorable: WHAT DO YOU EXPECT ?
  177. [All]Honorable: ???
  178. [All]Honorable: alright
  179. [All]Honorable: zed is afk behind tower
  180. [All]Honorable: support trolling huffing paint
  181. [All]Honorable: we have a top yi
  182. [All]Honorable: our rengar has no pressure anywhere besides top lane
  183. [All]Honorable: like
  184. [All]Honorable: the game is stagnant for at least another 25 minutes, without any guarantee of us even getting ahead
  185. [All]Honorable: and there's no clue if zed is even going to come back to his computer
  186. [All]Honorable: ??
  188. Honorable: ???
  189. Honorable: ???
  190. Honorable: tell me im wrong
  191. Honorable: do it
  192. [All]Honorable: we all in base
  193. [All]Honorable: please put us our of our misery
  194. [All]Honorable: couldnt ff
  195. [All]Honorable: 2 said no
  196. [All]Honorable: "ironic that it's probably the support
  197. [All]Honorable: x dd
  198. Honorable: no support item or red trinket
  199. Honorable: but im the problem
  200. Honorable: right?
  201. [All]Honorable: Gg
  204. Post-Game:
  205. Honorable: my support flash inted level 4
  206. Honorable: they didnt get a support item
  207. Honorable: they didnt get red trinket
  208. Honorable: how fucking dare all you assholes point the finger at me.
  209. Honorable: thanks for the fun experience
  210. Honorable: I really loved how you ruined the match
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