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a guest
Aug 18th, 2019
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text 2.35 KB | None | 0 0
  1. 7FF6EA6B0000 - 48 A3 9D006BEAF67F0000 - mov [g_PlayerBase],rax { -362086243 }
  2. 7FF6EA6B000A - 83 3D 94000000 00 - cmp dword ptr [_Health],00 { (0),0 }
  3. 7FF6EA6B0011 - 74 10 - je 7FF6EA6B0023
  4. 7FF6EA6B0013 - 90 - nop
  5. 7FF6EA6B0014 - 90 - nop
  6. 7FF6EA6B0015 - 90 - nop
  7. 7FF6EA6B0016 - 90 - nop
  8. 7FF6EA6B0017 - D9 80 D8000000 - fld dword ptr [rax+000000D8]
  9. 7FF6EA6B001D - D9 98 10080000 - fstp dword ptr [rax+00000810]
  10. 7FF6EA6B0023 - 83 3D 7F000000 00 - cmp dword ptr [_Stamina],00 { (0),0 }
  11. 7FF6EA6B002A - 74 10 - je 7FF6EA6B003C
  12. 7FF6EA6B002C - 90 - nop
  13. 7FF6EA6B002D - 90 - nop
  14. 7FF6EA6B002E - 90 - nop
  15. 7FF6EA6B002F - 90 - nop
  16. 7FF6EA6B0030 - D9 80 DC000000 - fld dword ptr [rax+000000DC]
  17. 7FF6EA6B0036 - D9 98 14080000 - fstp dword ptr [rax+00000814]
  18. 7FF6EA6B003C - 83 3D 6A000000 00 - cmp dword ptr [_Oxygen],00 { (0),0 }
  19. 7FF6EA6B0043 - 74 10 - je 7FF6EA6B0055
  20. 7FF6EA6B0045 - 90 - nop
  21. 7FF6EA6B0046 - 90 - nop
  22. 7FF6EA6B0047 - 90 - nop
  23. 7FF6EA6B0048 - 90 - nop
  24. 7FF6EA6B0049 - D9 80 E4000000 - fld dword ptr [rax+000000E4]
  25. 7FF6EA6B004F - D9 98 1C080000 - fstp dword ptr [rax+0000081C]
  26. 7FF6EA6B0055 - 83 3D 55000000 00 - cmp dword ptr [_Food],00 { (0),0 }
  27. 7FF6EA6B005C - 74 10 - je 7FF6EA6B006E
  28. 7FF6EA6B005E - 90 - nop
  29. 7FF6EA6B005F - 90 - nop
  30. 7FF6EA6B0060 - 90 - nop
  31. 7FF6EA6B0061 - 90 - nop
  32. 7FF6EA6B0062 - D9 80 E8000000 - fld dword ptr [rax+000000E8]
  33. 7FF6EA6B0068 - D9 98 20080000 - fstp dword ptr [rax+00000820]
  34. 7FF6EA6B006E - 83 3D 40000000 00 - cmp dword ptr [_Water],00 { (0),0 }
  35. 7FF6EA6B0075 - 74 10 - je 7FF6EA6B0087
  36. 7FF6EA6B0077 - 90 - nop
  37. 7FF6EA6B0078 - 90 - nop
  38. 7FF6EA6B0079 - 90 - nop
  39. 7FF6EA6B007A - 90 - nop
  40. 7FF6EA6B007B - D9 80 EC000000 - fld dword ptr [rax+000000EC]
  41. 7FF6EA6B0081 - D9 98 24080000 - fstp dword ptr [rax+00000824]
  42. 7FF6EA6B0087 - F3 0F10 88 20080000 - movss xmm1,[rax+00000820]
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