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Aug 2nd, 2017
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  1. Scenario: Press Cancel
  2. Given I am logged in as
  3. And I have Coaching Administrator role
  4. When I go to the create new engagement page
  5. Then I should be on the create new engagement page
  6. And I should see "Create an Engagement"
  7. When I click "Cancel"
  8. Then I should be on the engagements page
  10. Scenario: Create new engagement without data
  11. Given I am logged in as
  12. And I have Coaching Administrator role
  13. When I go to the create new engagement page
  14. Then I should be on the create new engagement page
  15. And I should see "Create an Engagement"
  16. When I press "Save"
  17. Then I should see "Please correct the error(s) marked below"
  18. And I should see "You must enter a value."
  20. Scenario: Create new engagement with correct data
  21. Given I am logged in as
  22. And I have Coaching Administrator role
  23. When I go to the create new engagement page
  24. Then I should be on the create new engagement page
  25. And the "engagement_engagement_manager_full_email" field should contain "John Quentine <>"
  26. When I fill in "engagement_client_full_email" with ""
  27. And I fill in "engagement_client_manager_full_email" with ""
  28. And I fill in "start_date" with "11/01/2011"
  29. And I fill in "f_date2" with "4"
  30. And I fill in "Expected Completion for Selecting a Coach" with "2"
  31. And I fill in "engagement_min_coach_sessions" with "2"
  32. And I check "Allow client to select a coach from company coach catalog."
  33. And I uncheck "Coach to conduct stakeholder interviews."
  34. And I uncheck "Coach and client to set goals for engagement."
  35. And I uncheck "Coach to provide a final summary for engagement."
  36. And I press "Save"
  37. Then I should see "Engagement was successfully created"
  39. Scenario: Should see notice if client does not exist
  40. Given I am logged in as
  41. And I have Coaching Administrator role
  42. When I go to the create new engagement page
  43. Then I should be on the create new engagement page
  44. And the "engagement_engagement_manager_full_email" field should contain "John Quentine <>"
  45. When I fill in "engagement_client_full_email" with ""
  46. Then I should see "User is currently not registered."
  47. And I should see "An email invitation will be sent inviting user to register."
  49. Scenario: Should see notice if user was created already
  50. Given I am logged in as
  51. And I have Coaching Administrator role
  52. When I go to the create new engagement page
  53. Then I should be on the create new engagement page
  54. When I fill in "engagement_engagement_manager_full_email" with ""
  55. Then I should see "John Quentine"
  57. Scenario: Try to create new engagement with empty start date and end date
  58. Given I am logged in as
  59. And I have Coaching Administrator role
  60. When I go to the create new engagement page
  61. Then I should be on the create new engagement page
  62. When I fill in "engagement_client_full_email" with ""
  63. And I fill in "engagement_client_manager_full_email" with ""
  64. And I fill in "start_date" with ""
  65. And I fill in "f_date2" with ""
  66. And I press "Save"
  67. Then I should see "You must enter a start date."
  69. Scenario: Try to create engagement with negative Coaching Sessions data
  70. Given I am logged in as
  71. And I have Coaching Administrator role
  72. When I go to the create new engagement page
  73. Then I should be on the create new engagement page
  74. When I fill in "engagement_client_full_email" with ""
  75. And I fill in "engagement_client_manager_full_email" with ""
  76. And I fill in "f_date2" with "11/01/2011"
  77. And I fill in "f_date2" with "11/03/2011"
  78. And I fill in "engagement_min_coach_sessions" with "-1"
  79. And I press "Save"
  80. Then I should see "You must enter a value greater than 0."
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