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Apr 25th, 2017
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  1. Boole was born of humble parents in Lincoln, England.
  3. His father provided an early influence on his son by teaching him mathematics
  4. (Его отец оказал раннее влияние на сына, обучив его математике)
  6. He taught in various schools near Lincoln, and developed his mathematical knowledge by working his way through the work of outstanding personalities like Newton, Laplace, Lagrange
  7. (Он преподавал в различных школах недалеко от Линкольна и развивал свои математические знания, прокладывая себе дорогу в работе таких выдающихся личностей, как Ньютон, Лаплас, Лагранж)
  9. He published regular papers, and these included contributions to probability theory, differential equations, and finite differences.
  10. (Он публиковал регулярные статьи, в том числе вклады в теорию вероятностей, дифференциальные уравнения и конечные разности.)
  13. In 1847 he published a paper titled “Mathematical Analysis of Logic”
  15. He showed how Aristotle's logic could be rendered as algebraic equations.
  17. He was awarded for several papers in particular for an paper on Logic And he became the first professor of mathematics at Queens University of Cork
  19. He used the quantity 1 to represent the universe of thinkable objects, with the quantity 0 representing the absence of any objects.
  20. (Он использовал величину 1 для представления вселенной мыслимых объектов, причем величина 0 представляла отсутствие каких-либо объектов)
  22. Next, he introduced three operators (multiplication, addition, negation) that combined classes of objects.
  24. For example, the expression x multiplied by y combines the two classes x, y to form the new class xy. It is class whose objects satisfy the two meanings represented by the classes x and y.
  25. (Например, выражение x, умноженное на y, объединяет два класса x, y, чтобы сформировать новый класс xy. Это класс, чьи объекты удовлетворяют двум значениям, представленным классами x и y.)
  27. Boole showed how these symbols could be used to reduce propositions to equations, and algebraic rules could be used to solve the equations.
  28. (Буль показал, как эти символы могут быть использованы для сокращения предложений к уравнениям, и алгебраические правила могут быть использованы для решения уравнений.)
  30. Boole made contributions to other areas. He also published a book on differential equations which was used as a text-book at Cambridge University in England.
  32. Boole married Mary Everest in 1855 and they lived in Lichfield Cottage in Ballintemple, Cork. The Booles had five daughters.
  34. Boole died at 49 years old from pneumonia.
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