Guest User


a guest
May 2nd, 2017
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  1. <?php
  2. // Heading
  3. $_['heading_title'] = 'Settings';
  5. // Text
  6. $_['text_success'] = 'Success: You have successfully saved your settings!';
  7. $_['text_mail'] = 'Mail';
  8. $_['text_smtp'] = 'SMTP';
  9. $_['text_image_manager'] = 'Image Manager';
  11. // Entry
  12. $_['entry_store'] = 'Store Name:';
  13. $_['entry_title'] = 'Title:';
  14. $_['entry_meta_description'] = 'Meta Tag Description:';
  15. $_['entry_logo'] = 'Store Logo:';
  16. $_['entry_welcome'] = 'Welcome Message:';
  17. $_['entry_owner'] = 'Store Owner:';
  18. $_['entry_address'] = 'Address:';
  19. $_['entry_email'] = 'E-Mail:';
  20. $_['entry_telephone'] = 'Telephone:';
  21. $_['entry_fax'] = 'Fax:';
  22. $_['entry_template'] = 'Template:';
  23. $_['entry_country'] = 'Country:';
  24. $_['entry_zone'] = 'Region / State:';
  25. $_['entry_language'] = 'Language:';
  26. $_['entry_admin_language'] = 'Administration Language:';
  27. $_['entry_currency'] = 'Currency:';
  28. $_['entry_currency_auto'] = 'Auto Update Currency:<br /><span class="help">Set your store to automatically update currencies daily.</span>';
  29. $_['entry_tax'] = 'Display Prices With Tax:';
  30. $_['entry_weight_class'] = 'Weight Class:';
  31. $_['entry_measurement_class'] = 'Measurement Class:';
  32. $_['entry_alert_mail'] = 'Alert Mail:<br /><span class="help">Send a email to the store owner when a new order is created.</span>';
  33. $_['entry_customer_group'] = 'Customer Group:<br /><span class="help">Default customer group.</span>';
  34. $_['entry_customer_price'] = 'Login Display Prices:<br /><span class="help">Only show prices when a customer is logged in.</span>';
  35. $_['entry_customer_approval'] = 'Approve New Customers:<br /><span class="help">Don\'t allow new customer to login until their account has been approved.</span>';
  36. $_['entry_guest_checkout'] = 'Guest Checkout:<br /><span class="help">Allow customers to checkout without creating an account. This will not be available when a downloadable product is in the shopping cart.</span>';
  37. $_['entry_account'] = 'Account Terms:<br /><span class="help">Forces people to agree to terms before an account can be created.</span>';
  38. $_['entry_checkout'] = 'Checkout Terms:<br /><span class="help">Forces people to agree to terms before an a customer can checkout.</span>';
  39. $_['entry_order_status'] = 'Order Status:<br /><span class="help">Set the default order status when an order is processed.</span>';
  40. $_['entry_stock_display'] = 'Display Stock:<br /><span class="help">Display stock quantity on the product page.</span>';
  41. $_['entry_stock_check'] = 'Show Out Of Stock:<br /><span class="help">Display out of stock message on the shopping cart page if a product is out of stock.</span>';
  42. $_['entry_stock_checkout'] = 'Stock Checkout:<br /><span class="help">Allow customers to still checkout if the products they are ordering are not in stock.</span>';
  43. $_['entry_stock_subtract'] = 'Stock Subtract:<br /><span class="help">Subtract product quantity when an order is processed.</span>';
  44. $_['entry_stock_status'] = 'Stock Status:';
  45. $_['entry_download'] = 'Allow Downloads:';
  46. $_['entry_download_status'] = 'Download Order Status:<br /><span class="help">Set the order status the customers order must reach before they are allowed to access their downloadable products.</span>';
  47. $_['entry_icon'] = 'Icon:';
  48. $_['entry_image_thumb'] = 'Product Image Thumb Size:';
  49. $_['entry_image_popup'] = 'Product Image Popup Size:';
  50. $_['entry_image_category'] = 'Category List Size:';
  51. $_['entry_image_product'] = 'Product List Size:';
  52. $_['entry_image_additional'] = 'Additional Product Image Size:';
  53. $_['entry_image_related'] = 'Related Product Image Size:';
  54. $_['entry_image_cart'] = 'Cart Image Size:';
  55. $_['entry_mail_protocol'] = 'Mail Protocol:<span class="help">Only choose \'Mail\' unless your host has disabled the php mail function.';
  56. $_['entry_smtp_host'] = 'SMTP Host:';
  57. $_['entry_smtp_username'] = 'SMTP Username:';
  58. $_['entry_smtp_password'] = 'SMTP Password:';
  59. $_['entry_smtp_port'] = 'SMTP Port:';
  60. $_['entry_smtp_timeout'] = 'SMTP Timeout:';
  61. $_['entry_ssl'] = 'Use SSL:<br /><span class="help">To use SSL check with your host if a SSL certificate is installed and then add the SSL address in your config file.</span>';
  62. $_['entry_encryption'] = 'Encryption Key:<br /><span class="help">Please provide a secret key that will be used to encrypt private information when processing orders.</span>';
  63. $_['entry_seo_url'] = 'Use SEO URL\'s:<br /><span class="help">To use SEO URL\'s apache module mod-rewrite must be installed and you need to rename the htaccess.txt to .htaccess.</span>';
  64. $_['entry_compression'] = 'Output Compression Level:<br /><span class="help">GZIP for more efficient transfer to requesting clients. Compression level must be between 0 - 9</span>';
  65. $_['entry_error_display'] = 'Display Errors:';
  66. $_['entry_error_log'] = 'Log Errors:';
  67. $_['entry_error_filename'] = 'Error Log Filename:';
  69. // Error
  70. $_['error_permission'] = 'Warning: You do not have permission to modify settings!';
  71. $_['error_store'] = 'Store Name must be greater than 3 and less than 32 characters!';
  72. $_['error_title'] = 'Title must be greater than 3 and less than 32 characters!';
  73. $_['error_owner'] = 'Store Owner must be greater than 3 and less than 64 characters!';
  74. $_['error_address'] = 'Store Address must be greater than 10 and less than 128 characters!';
  75. $_['error_email'] = 'E-Mail Address does not appear to be valid!';
  76. $_['error_telephone'] = 'Telephone must be greater than 3 and less than 32 characters!';
  77. $_['error_error_filename'] = 'Error Log Filename required!';
  78. ?>
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