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May 26th, 2016
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  1. --[[
  2. Name: "init.lua".
  3. Product: "EvoRP (Roleplay)".
  4. --]]
  5. require("tmysql4")
  6. SetGlobalInt("evorp_cycle", 1)
  8. -- Include the shared gamemode file.
  9. include("sh_init.lua");
  11. -- Add the Lua files that we need to send to the client.
  12. AddCSLuaFile("cl_init.lua");
  13. AddCSLuaFile("sh_init.lua");
  14. AddCSLuaFile("core/sh_configuration.lua");
  15. AddCSLuaFile("core/sh_enumerations.lua");
  16. AddCSLuaFile("core/scoreboard/admin_buttons.lua");
  17. AddCSLuaFile("core/scoreboard/player_frame.lua");
  18. AddCSLuaFile("core/scoreboard/player_infocard.lua");
  19. AddCSLuaFile("core/scoreboard/player_row.lua");
  20. AddCSLuaFile("core/scoreboard/scoreboard.lua");
  21. AddCSLuaFile("core/scoreboard/vote_button.lua");
  23. -- Enable realistic fall damage for this gamemode.
  24. game.ConsoleCommand("mp_falldamage 1\n");
  25. game.ConsoleCommand("sbox_godmode 0\n");
  27. -- Check to see if local voice is enabled.
  28. if (evorp.configuration["Local Voice"]) then
  29. game.ConsoleCommand("sv_voiceenable 1\n");
  30. game.ConsoleCommand("sv_alltalk 1\n");
  31. game.ConsoleCommand("sv_voicecodec vaudio_speex\n");
  32. --game.ConsoleCommand("sv_voicequality 5\n");
  33. end;
  35. -- Some useful ConVars that can be changed in game.
  36. CreateConVar("evorp_ooc", 1);
  38. -- Store the old hook.Call function.
  39. hookCall = hook.Call;
  43. -- Overwrite the hook.Call function.
  44. function hook.Call(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z)
  45. if (a == "PlayerSay") then d = string.Replace(d, "$q", "\""); end;
  47. -- Call the original hook.Call function.
  48. return hookCall(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z);
  49. end;
  51. -- A table that will hold entities that were there when the map started.
  52. GM.entities = {};
  53. local DBConn = nil
  55. function GetCManagerID() -- Community Manager ID (This guy will have some power on the server!!)
  56. return 'STEAM_0:0:13657884';
  57. end
  59. -- Called when the server initializes.
  60. function GM:Initialize()
  61. local host = evorp.configuration["MySQL Host"];
  62. local username = evorp.configuration["MySQL Username"];
  63. local password = evorp.configuration["MySQL Password"];
  64. local database = evorp.configuration["MySQL Database"];
  66. -- Initialize a connection to the MySQL database.
  67. local db, err = tmysql.initialize(host, username, password, database, 3306, 5, 5);
  68. DBConn = db
  69. local scode = GetConVar("sv_logdownloadlist"):GetString();
  70. resource.AddFile("maps/"..string.lower(game.GetMap())..".bsp")
  71. print("SERVER CODE: "..scode)
  73. -- Call the base class function.
  74. return self.BaseClass:Initialize();
  75. end;
  77. function GetDBConnection()
  78. return DBConn or nil;
  79. end
  81. -- Called when a player switches their flashlight on or off.
  82. function GM:PlayerSwitchFlashlight(player, on)
  83. if (player.evorp._Arrested or player._KnockedOut) then
  84. return false;
  85. else
  86. return true;
  87. end;
  88. end;
  90. function GM:ScalePlayerDamage(ply, hitgroup, dmginfo)
  91. if (hitgroup == HITGROUP_HEAD) then
  92. dmginfo:ScaleDamage(5)
  93. elseif (hitgroup == HITGROUP_CHEST) then
  94. dmginfo:ScaleDamage(1)
  95. else
  96. dmginfo:ScaleDamage(0.7)
  97. end
  98. end
  100. -- Called when a player attempts to use an entity.
  101. function GM:PlayerUse(player, entity)
  102. if (player._KnockedOut) then
  103. return false;
  104. elseif (player.evorp._Arrested and entity:GetClass() != "prop_vehicle_jeep" and (evorp.entity.isDoor(entity) or entity:GetClass() == "prop_dynamic") ) then
  105. if ( !player._NextNotify or player._NextNotify < CurTime() ) then
  106. evorp.player.notify(player, "You cannot do that in this state!", 1);
  108. -- Set their next notify so that they don't get spammed with the message.
  109. player._NextNotify = CurTime() + 2;
  110. end;
  112. -- Return false because they are arrested.
  113. return false;
  114. elseif (evorp.entity.isDoor(entity) or entity:GetClass() == "prop_dynamic") then
  115. if (evorp.player.hasDoorAccess(player, entity)) then
  116. evorp.entity.openDoor(entity, 0);
  117. end;
  118. end;
  120. -- Call the base class function.
  121. return self.BaseClass:PlayerUse(player, entity);
  122. end;
  124. -- Called when a player's warrant has expired.
  125. function GM:PlayerWarrantExpired(player, class) end;
  127. -- Called when a player demotes another player.
  128. function GM:PlayerDemote(player, target, team) end;
  130. -- Called when a player knocks out another player.
  131. function GM:PlayerKnockOut(player, target) end;
  133. -- Called when a player wakes up another player.
  134. function GM:PlayerWakeUp(player, target) end;
  136. -- Called when a player arrests another player.
  137. function GM:PlayerArrest(player, target) end;
  139. -- Called when a player unarrests another player.
  140. function GM:PlayerUnarrest(player, target) end;
  142. -- Called when a player warrants another player.
  143. function GM:PlayerWarrant(player, target, class) end;
  145. -- Called when a player unwarrants another player.
  146. function GM:PlayerUnwarrant(player, target) end;
  148. -- Called when a player attempts to own a door.
  149. function GM:PlayerCanOwnDoor(player, door) return true; end;
  151. -- Called when a player attempts to view a door.
  152. function GM:PlayerCanViewDoor(player, door) return true; end;
  154. -- Called when a player attempts to holster a weapon.
  155. function GM:PlayerCanHolster(player, weapon, silent) return true; end;
  157. -- Called when a player attempts to drop a weapon.
  158. function GM:PlayerCanDrop(player, weapon, silent, attacker) return true; end;
  160. -- Called when a player attempts to use an item.
  161. function GM:PlayerCanUseItem(player, item, silent) return true; end;
  163. -- Called when a player attempts to warrant a player.
  164. function GM:PlayerCanWarrant(player, target) return true; end;
  166. -- Called when a player attempts to use a door.
  167. function GM:PlayerCanUseDoor(player, door)
  168. if ( IsValid(door._Owner) ) then
  169. if (!door._Owner._Warranted and door._Owner != player) then
  170. return false;
  171. end;
  172. end;
  174. -- Return true because we can use this door.
  175. return true;
  176. end;
  178. -- Called when a player enters a vehicle.
  179. function GM:PlayerEnteredVehicle(player, vehicle, role)
  180. if (vehicle:GetClass() == "prop_vehicle_jeep") then
  181. player.nextHyd = CurTime() + 5
  182. if not (evorp.player.hasDoorAccess(player, vehicle) or vehicle:GetNetworkedBool("HotWired") or vehicle:GetNetworkedBool("NeedsFix")) then
  183. vehicle:Fire("TurnOff", "" , 0)
  184. evorp.player.notify(player, "You're not in the access list, you might need to hotwire the car.", 0);
  185. else
  186. vehicle:Fire("TurnOn", "" , 0)
  187. end
  188. player:SetNetworkedInt("nextHyd", player.nextHyd )
  189. player:ConCommand("enteredvehicle")
  190. end
  191. end;
  193. function GM:CheckPassword(SteamID, IP, sv_logdownloadlist, ClientPassword, PlayerName)
  194. return true;
  195. end
  197. -- Called when a player attempts to join a team.
  198. function GM:PlayerCanJoinTeam(player, team)
  199. team =;
  201. -- Check if this is a valid team.
  202. if (team) then
  203. if (player._NextChangeTeam[team.index]) then
  204. if ( player._NextChangeTeam[team.index] > CurTime() ) then
  205. local seconds = math.floor( player._NextChangeTeam[team.index] - CurTime() );
  207. -- Notify them that they cannot change to this team yet.
  208. evorp.player.notify(player, "You must wait "..seconds.." second(s) to become a ""!", 1);
  210. -- Return here because they can't become this team.
  211. return false;
  212. end;
  213. end;
  214. end;
  216. -- Check if the player is warranted.
  217. if (player._Warranted) then
  218. evorp.player.notify(player, "You cannot do that while you are warranted!", 1);
  220. -- Return here because they can't become this team.
  221. return false;
  222. end;
  224. -- Check if the player is knocked out.
  225. if (player._KnockedOut) then
  226. evorp.player.notify(player, "You can't change team in your current state!", 1);
  228. -- Return here because they can't become this team.
  229. return false;
  230. end;
  232. -- Return true because they can join this team.
  233. return true;
  234. end;
  236. -- Called when a player earns contraband money.
  237. function GM:PlayerCanEarnContraband(player) return true; end;
  239. -- Called when a player attempts to unwarrant a player.
  240. function GM:PlayerCanUnwarrant(player, target)
  241. if ( player:IsAdmin() ) then
  242. return true;
  243. end
  244. end;
  247. -- Called when a player attempts to demote another player.
  248. function GM:PlayerCanDemote(player, target)
  249. if ( !player:IsAdmin() ) then
  250. evorp.player.notify(player, "You do not have access to demote this player!", 1);
  252. -- Return false because they cannot demote this player.
  253. return false;
  254. else
  255. return true;
  256. end;
  257. end;
  259. -- Called when all of the map entities have been initialized.
  260. function GM:InitPostEntity()
  261. --It's always sunny in EVORP :)
  262. if string.lower(game.GetMap()) == "rp_evocity_v33x" then
  263. engine.LightStyle(0, "t")
  264. print("Made things a little brighter today.")
  265. end
  267. for k, v in pairs( ents.GetAll() ) do self.entities[v] = v; end;
  269. -- Call the base class function.
  270. return self.BaseClass:InitPostEntity();
  271. end;
  273. -- Called when a player attempts to say something in-character.
  274. function GM:PlayerCanSayIC(player, text)
  275. if (!player:Alive() or player._KnockedOut and string.sub(text, 1, 6) != "/admin") then
  276. evorp.player.notify(player, "You cannot talk in this state!", 1);
  278. -- Return false because we can't say anything.
  279. return false;
  280. else
  281. return true;
  282. end;
  283. end;
  285. -- Called when a player attempts to say something in OOC.
  286. function GM:PlayerCanSayOOC(player, text)
  287. if (player:IsAdmin()) then return true end
  288. if not (player._NextOOC) then player._NextOOC = 0; end
  289. if not (CurTime() > player._NextOOC) then
  290. evorp.player.notify(player, "You may not use this command yet!", 1);
  291. return false;
  292. end
  293. if (evorp.player.hasAccess(player, "u")) then
  294. player._NextOOC = CurTime() + 10;
  295. return true;
  296. else
  297. evorp.player.notify(player, "You are banned from using OOC chat.", 1);
  299. -- Return false because we cannot talk out-of-character.
  300. return false;
  301. end;
  302. end;
  304. -- Called when a player attempts to say something in local OOC.
  305. function GM:PlayerCanSayLOOC(player, text) return true; end;
  307. -- Called when attempts to use a command.
  308. function GM:PlayerCanUseCommand(player, command, arguments)
  309. if (command == "admin") then return true end
  310. if (command == "wakeup" and player:Alive() and !player.evorp._Arrested and player._Sleeping) then
  311. return true;
  312. else
  313. if (!player:Alive() or player._KnockedOut or player.evorp._Arrested) then
  314. evorp.player.notify(player, "You cannot do that in this state!", 1);
  316. -- Return false because we can't say anything.
  317. return false;
  318. else
  319. return true;
  320. end;
  321. end;
  322. end;
  324. -- Called when a player says something.
  325. function GM:PlayerSay(player, text, public)
  327. -- Fix Valve's errors.
  328. text = string.Replace(text, " ' ", "'");
  329. text = string.Replace(text, " : ", ":");
  331. -- Check if we're speaking on OOC.
  332. if (string.sub(text, 1, 2) == "//") then
  333. if (string.Trim( string.sub(text, 3) ) != "") then
  334. if ( hook.Call("PlayerCanSayOOC", GAMEMODE, player, text) ) then
  335. EVPlayerLog(player, text, public);
  336. evorp.chatBox.add( nil, player, "ooc", string.Trim( string.sub(text, 3) ) );
  337. end;
  338. end;
  339. elseif (string.sub(text, 1, 3) == ".//") then
  340. if (string.Trim( string.sub(text, 4) ) != "") then
  341. if ( hook.Call("PlayerCanSayLOOC", GAMEMODE, player, text) ) then
  342. EVPlayerLog(player, text, public);
  343. evorp.chatBox.addInRadius(player, "looc", string.Trim( string.sub(text, 4) ), player:GetPos(), evorp.configuration["Talk Radius"]);
  344. end;
  345. end;
  346. else
  347. if ( string.sub(text, 1, 1) == evorp.configuration["Command Prefix"] ) then
  348. evorp.command.ConCommand(player, string.sub(text, 2));
  349. else
  350. if ( hook.Call("PlayerCanSayIC", GAMEMODE, player, text) ) then
  351. EVPlayerLog(player, text, public);
  352. if (player.evorp._Arrested) then
  353. evorp.chatBox.addInRadius(player, "arrested", text, player:GetPos(), evorp.configuration["Talk Radius"]);
  354. else
  355. evorp.chatBox.addInRadius(player, "ic", text, player:GetPos(), evorp.configuration["Talk Radius"]);
  356. end;
  357. end;
  358. end;
  360. end;
  362. -- Return an empty string so the text doesn't show.
  363. return "";
  364. end;
  366. -- Called when a player attempts suicide.
  367. function GM:CanPlayerSuicide(player) return false; end;
  369. hook.Add( "CanProperty", "canprophook", function( ply, property, ent )
  370. ret = false;
  371. if (ply.evorp._Donator > os.time() or ply.evorp._AdminLevel > 2) and (property == "skin" or property == "bodygroups") and (ent:CPPIGetOwner() == ply) then
  372. ret = true;
  373. end
  374. if (ply.evorp._AdminLevel > 4) then ret = true end
  375. return ret;
  376. end )
  378. function GM:CanProperty( ply, property, ent ) end
  380. -- Called when a player attempts to punt an entity with the gravity gun.
  381. function GM:GravGunPunt(player, entity) return false; end;
  383. -- Called when a player attempts to pick up an entity with the physics gun.
  384. function GM:PhysgunPickup(player, entity)
  385. if (self.entities[entity]) then return false; end;
  387. -- Check if the player is an administrator.
  388. if ( player:IsAdmin() ) then
  389. if ( entity:IsPlayer() ) then
  390. if ( !entity:InVehicle() ) then
  391. entity:SetMoveType(MOVETYPE_NOCLIP);
  392. else
  393. return false;
  394. end;
  395. end;
  397. -- Return true because administrators can pickup any entity.
  398. return true;
  399. end;
  401. -- Check if this entity is a player's ragdoll.
  402. if ( IsValid(entity._Player) ) then return false; end;
  404. -- Check if the entity is a forbidden class.
  405. if ( string.find(entity:GetClass(), "npc_" or entity:IsRagdoll( ))
  406. or string.find(entity:GetClass(), "prop_dynamic") ) then
  407. return false;
  408. end;
  410. -- Call the base class function.
  411. return self.BaseClass:PhysgunPickup(player, entity);
  412. end;
  414. -- Called when a player attempts to drop an entity with the physics gun.
  415. function GM:PhysgunDrop(player, entity)
  416. if ( entity:IsPlayer() ) then entity:SetMoveType(MOVETYPE_WALK); end;
  417. end;
  419. -- Called when a player attempts to spawn an NPC.
  420. function GM:PlayerSpawnNPC(player, model)
  421. -- Check if the player is an administrator.
  422. if ( player:IsSuperAdmin() ) then
  423. return true;
  424. else
  425. return false;
  426. end;
  427. end;
  429. -- Called when a player attempts to spawn a prop.
  430. function GM:PlayerSpawnProp(player, model)
  431. local hours = math.floor((player:GetNetworkedInt("evorp_PlayTime", 0) + (os.time() - player:GetNetworkedInt("evorp_JoinCurTime", 0))) / 3600)
  432. if (hours < 2) then
  433. evorp.player.notify(player, "You need atleast two hours of playtime to spawn props.", 0)
  434. return false;
  435. end
  436. if ( !evorp.player.hasAccess(player, "e") ) then
  437. evorp.player.notify(player, "You are banned from spawning props.", 1)
  438. return false;
  439. end;
  441. -- Check if the player can spawn this prop.
  442. if (!player:Alive() or player.evorp._Arrested or player._KnockedOut) then
  443. evorp.player.notify(player, "You cannot do that in this state!", 1);
  445. -- Return false because we cannot spawn it.
  446. return false;
  447. end;
  449. -- Check if the player is an administrator.
  450. if ( player:IsSuperAdmin() ) then return true; end;
  452. local maxprops = 15;
  453. if (player.evorp._Donator > os.time()) then maxprops = 20 end;
  454. if (player:IsAdmin()) then maxprops = 20; end
  455. if (player:GetCount("props") >= maxprops) then evorp.player.notify(player, "You have hit the prop limit!", 1); return false; end;
  457. -- Escape the bad characters from the model.
  458. model = string.Replace(model, "\\", "/");
  459. model = string.Replace(model, "//", "/");
  461. -- Loop through our banned props to see if this one is banned.
  462. if ( evorp.configuration["Banned Props"][string.lower(model)] ) or string.find(string.lower(model), "models/xqm/coastertrack") or string.find(string.lower(model), "models/props_explosive") then
  463. evorp.player.notify(player, "This prop is banned!", 1);
  464. -- Return false because we cannot spawn it.
  465. return false;
  466. end;
  468. -- Call the base class function.
  469. return self.BaseClass:PlayerSpawnProp(player, model);
  470. end;
  472. function GM:PlayerSpawnedRagdoll(ply, model, ent )
  473. if (IsValid(ent)) then
  474. ent:SetCollisionGroup(COLLISION_GROUP_WORLD)
  475. end
  476. end
  478. -- Called when a player attempts to spawn a ragdoll.
  479. function GM:PlayerSpawnRagdoll(player, model)
  480. return false;
  482. --[[
  483. if (!player:Alive() or player.evorp._Arrested or player._KnockedOut) then
  484. evorp.player.notify(player, "You cannot do that in this state!", 1);
  486. -- Return false because we cannot spawn it.
  487. return false;
  488. end;
  490. -- Check if the player is an administrator.
  491. if ( !player:IsSuperAdmin() ) then
  492. return false;
  493. else
  494. return true;
  495. end;]]
  496. end;
  498. -- Called when a player attempts to spawn an effect.
  499. function GM:PlayerSpawnEffect(player, model)
  500. if (!player:Alive() or player.evorp._Arrested or player._KnockedOut) then
  501. evorp.player.notify(player, "You cannot do that in this state!", 1);
  503. -- Return false because we cannot spawn it.
  504. return false;
  505. end;
  507. -- Check if the player is an administrator.
  508. if ( !player:IsAdmin() ) then
  509. return false;
  510. else
  511. return true;
  512. end;
  513. end;
  515. function GM:PlayerSpawnedVehicle(player, vehicle)
  516. local model = vehicle:GetModel()
  517. if (model == "models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl" or model == "models/nova/jeep_seat.mdl" or model == "models/nova/chair_wood01.mdl" or model == "models/nova/chair_office02.mdl" or model == "models/nova/chair_plastic01.mdl") then
  518. --if not (player.evorp._Donator > os.time()) then
  519. player._SpawnedChair = vehicle;
  520. --end
  521. end
  522. end
  524. -- Called when a player attempts to spawn a vehicle.
  525. function GM:PlayerSpawnVehicle(player, model)
  526. if (model == "models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl" or model == "models/nova/jeep_seat.mdl" or model == "models/nova/chair_wood01.mdl" or model == "models/nova/chair_office02.mdl" or model == "models/nova/chair_plastic01.mdl") then
  527. if ( !evorp.player.hasAccess(player, "e") ) then
  528. evorp.player.notify(player, "You are banned from spawning.", 1)
  529. return false;
  530. end;
  531. if IsValid(player._SpawnedChair) then
  532. evorp.player.notify(player, "You already have a spawned chair!", 1);
  533. return false;
  534. else
  535. return true;
  536. end
  537. end
  538. if (player.evorp._AdminLevel > 4) then
  539. return true
  540. else
  541. return false
  542. end
  543. end;
  546. -- A function to check whether we're running on a listen server.
  547. function GM:IsListenServer()
  548. for k, v in pairs( g_Player.GetAll() ) do
  549. if ( v:IsListenServerHost() ) then return true; end;
  550. end;
  552. -- Check if we're running on single player.
  553. if ( game.SinglePlayer() ) then return true; end;
  555. -- Return false because there is no listen server host and it isn't single player.
  556. return false;
  557. end;
  559. -- Called when a player attempts to use a tool.
  560. function GM:CanTool(player, trace, tool)
  561. if (IsValid(trace.Entity)) then
  562. if tool == "remover" and !trace.Entity:GetOwner():IsWorld() and player.evorp._AdminLevel > 0 then return true end;
  563. if trace.Entity.nodupe then return false end
  564. local constraints = constraint.GetAllConstrainedEntities(trace.Entity);
  566. -- Loop through the constained entities.
  567. for k, v in pairs(constraints) do
  568. if (IsValid(v) and v.nodupe) then return false; end;
  569. end
  570. end
  572. --if ( player:IsAdmin() ) then return true; end;
  574. -- Check if the trace entity is valid.
  575. if ( IsValid(trace.Entity) ) then
  576. if (tool == "nail") then
  577. local line = {};
  579. -- Set the information for the trace line.
  580. line.start = trace.HitPos;
  581. line.endpos = trace.HitPos + player:GetAimVector() * 16;
  582. line.filter = {player, trace.Entity};
  584. -- Perform the trace line.
  585. line = util.TraceLine(line);
  587. -- Check if the trace entity is valid.
  588. if ( IsValid(line.Entity) ) then
  589. if (self.entities[line.Entity]) then return false; end;
  590. end;
  591. end
  593. -- Check if we're using the remover tool and we're trying to remove constrained entities.
  594. if ( tool == "remover" and player:KeyDown(IN_ATTACK2) and !player:KeyDownLast(IN_ATTACK2) ) then
  595. local entities = constraint.GetAllConstrainedEntities(trace.Entity);
  597. -- Loop through the constained entities.
  598. for k, v in pairs(entities) do
  599. if (self.entities[v]) then return false; end;
  600. end
  601. end
  603. -- Check if this entity cannot be used by the tool.
  604. if (self.entities[trace.Entity]) then return false; end;
  606. -- Check if this entity is a player's ragdoll.
  607. if ( IsValid(trace.Entity._Player) ) then return false; end;
  608. end;
  610. -- Call the base class function.
  611. return self.BaseClass:CanTool(player, trace, tool);
  612. end;
  614. -- Called when a player attempts to noclip.
  615. function GM:PlayerNoClip(player)
  616. if ( player:IsAdmin() or player:GetUserGroup() == "moderator") then
  617. return true;
  618. else
  619. return false;
  620. end;
  621. end;
  623. -- Called when the player has initialized.
  624. function GM:PlayerInitialized(player) end;
  626. local celebrateseventy = false;
  628. timer.Create("Salary", evorp.configuration["Salary Interval"], 0, function()
  629. local timeStart = SysTime()
  630. local totalplayers = table.Count(g_Player.GetAll( ))
  631. --Remember to remove
  632. if (totalplayers == 70 and !celebrateseventy) then
  633. celebrateseventy = true;
  635. for k, player in pairs( g_Player.GetAll() ) do
  636. if (IsValid(player)) then
  637. if (player._Initialized) then
  638. evorp.player.giveMoney(player, 10000);
  640. -- Print a message to the player letting them know they received their salary.
  641. evorp.player.notify(player, "You received $10000!! WE HIT 70 PLAYERS!.", 0);
  642. end;
  643. end
  644. end;
  645. end
  648. local govplayers = g_Team.NumPlayers(TEAM_SS) + g_Team.NumPlayers(TEAM_HOSS) + g_Team.NumPlayers(TEAM_PRESIDENT) + g_Team.NumPlayers(TEAM_COMMANDER) + g_Team.NumPlayers(TEAM_OFFICER) + g_Team.NumPlayers(TEAM_SECRETARY) + g_Team.NumPlayers(TEAM_PARAMEDIC) + g_Team.NumPlayers(TEAM_FIREMAN)
  649. local taxsplit = math.floor(((totalplayers - govplayers) * 25) / govplayers);
  650. for k, player in pairs( g_Player.GetAll() ) do
  651. if (IsValid(player)) then
  652. if (player._Initialized and player:Alive() and !player.evorp._Arrested) then
  653. local payable = player._Salary;
  654. if (, "radio", "") != "R_GOV") then
  655. payable = payable - 25;
  656. else
  657. payable = payable + taxsplit;
  658. end
  659. evorp.player.giveMoney(player, payable);
  661. -- Print a message to the player letting them know they received their salary.
  662. evorp.player.notify(player, "You received $"..payable.." as salary.", 0);
  663. evorp.player.saveData(player);
  664. end;
  665. end
  666. end;
  667. local text = "EVORP CYCLE #"..GetGlobalInt( "evorp_cycle" ).." COMPLETED IN "..SysTime()-timeStart.." WITH "..totalplayers.." players.";
  668. exsto.GetPlugin("logs"):SaveEvent(text, "evorp")
  669. --print(text)
  670. SetGlobalInt( "evorp_cycle", GetGlobalInt( "evorp_cycle" ) + 1 )
  671. end);
  676. -- Called when a player's data is loaded.
  677. function GM:PlayerDataLoaded(player, success)
  678. player._Job = evorp.configuration["Default Job"];
  679. player._Ammo = {};
  680. player._Gender = "Male";
  681. player._Salary = 0;
  682. player._Ragdoll = {};
  683. player._Sleeping = false;
  684. player._Warranted = false;
  685. player._LightSpawn = false;
  686. player._ScaleDamage = false;
  687. player._Initialized = true;
  688. player._ChangeTeam = false;
  689. player._NextChangeTeam = {};
  690. player._NextSpawnGender = "";
  691. player._HideHealthEffects = false;
  692. player._CannotBeWarranted = 0;
  694. -- Some player variables based on configuration.
  695. player._SpawnTime = evorp.configuration["Spawn Time"];
  696. player._KnockOutTime = evorp.configuration["Knock Out Time"];
  697. player._ArrestTime = 360;
  699. -- Call a hook for the gamemode.
  700. hook.Call("PlayerInitialized", GAMEMODE, player);
  702. -- Respawn them now that they have initialized and then freeze them.
  703. player:Spawn();
  704. player:Freeze(true);
  706. -- Unfreeze them in a second from now.
  707. timer.Simple(1, function()
  708. if ( IsValid(player) ) then
  709. player:Freeze(false);
  711. -- We can now start updating the player's data.
  712. if (success) then
  713. player._UpdateData = true;
  714. end
  716. player:SetNetworkedInt("evorp_PlayTime", player.evorp._PlayTime);
  717. player:SetNetworkedInt("evorp_JoinCurTime", os.time());
  718. NettyPlayerConnect(player)
  719. -- Send a user message to remove the loading screen.
  720. umsg.Start("evorp.player.initialized", player); umsg.End();
  721. end;
  722. end);
  724. -- Check if the player is arrested.
  725. if (player.evorp._Arrested) then evorp.player.arrest(player, true, true); end;
  726. end;
  728. -- Called when a player initially spawns.
  729. function GM:PlayerInitialSpawn(player)
  731. if ( IsValid(player) ) then
  733. evorp.player.loadData(player);
  736. player:SetNetworkedInt("LastRevive", -300)
  737. -- A table of valid door classes.
  738. local doorClasses = {
  739. "func_door",
  740. "func_door_rotating",
  741. "prop_door_rotating",
  742. "prop_dynamic",
  743. "prop_vehicle_jeep"
  744. };
  746. -- Loop through our table of valid door classes.
  747. for k, v in pairs(doorClasses) do
  748. for k2, v2 in pairs( ents.FindByClass(v) ) do
  749. if ( evorp.entity.isDoor(v2) ) then
  750. if (player:UniqueID() == v2._UniqueID) then
  751. v2._Owner = player;
  753. -- Set the networked owner so that the client can get it.
  754. v2:SetNetworkedEntity("evorp_Owner", player);
  755. end;
  756. end;
  757. end;
  758. end;
  760. -- A table to store every contraband entity.
  761. local contraband = {};
  763. -- Loop through each contraband class.
  764. for k, v in pairs( evorp.configuration["Contraband"] ) do
  765. table.Add( contraband, ents.FindByClass(k) );
  766. end;
  768. -- Loop through all of the contraband.
  769. for k, v in pairs(contraband) do
  770. if (player:UniqueID() == v._UniqueID) then v:SetPlayer(player); end;
  771. end;
  773. -- Kill them silently until we've loaded the data.
  774. --player:KillSilent();
  775. end;
  776. end
  778. -- Called every frame that a player is dead.
  779. function GM:PlayerDeathThink(player)
  780. if (!player._Initialized) then return true; end;
  782. -- Check if the player is a bot.
  783. if (player:SteamID() == "BOT") then
  784. if (player.NextSpawnTime and CurTime() >= player.NextSpawnTime) then player:Spawn(); end;
  785. end;
  787. -- Return the base class function.
  788. return self.BaseClass:PlayerDeathThink(player);
  789. end;
  791. -- Called when a player's salary should be adjusted.
  792. function GM:PlayerAdjustSalary(player) end;
  793. --[[
  794. function GM:ShouldCollide( ent1, ent2 )
  795. if (ent1.GST and IsValid(ent1) and IsValid(ent2)) then
  796. local ret = true;
  797. local class = string.lower(ent2:GetClass());
  798. if (class == "player" or string.find(class, "prop_vehicle")) then
  799. ret = false;
  800. end
  801. return ret;
  802. end
  803. return self.BaseClass:ShouldCollide(ent1, ent2)
  804. end]]
  806. -- Called when a player should gain a frag.
  807. function GM:PlayerCanGainFrag(player, victim) return true; end;
  809. -- Called when a player's model should be set.
  810. function GM:PlayerSetModel(player)
  811. local models =, "models");
  813. -- Check if the models table exists.
  814. if (models) then
  815. models = models[ string.lower(player._Gender) ];
  817. -- Check if the models table exists for this gender.
  818. if (models) then
  819. local model = models[ math.random(1, #models) ];
  821. -- Set the player's model to the we got.
  822. player:SetModel(model);
  823. end;
  824. end;
  825. end;
  827. -- Called when a player spawns.
  828. function GM:PlayerSpawn(player)
  829. if (player._Initialized) then
  830. if (player._NextSpawnGender != "") then
  831. player._Gender = player._NextSpawnGender; player._NextSpawnGender = "";
  832. end;
  834. -- Set it so that the player does not drop weapons.
  835. player:ShouldDropWeapon(false);
  837. -- Check if we're not doing a light spawn.
  838. if (!player._LightSpawn) then
  839. -- Set some of the player's variables.
  841. player._Ammo = {};
  842. player._Sleeping = false;
  843. player._ScaleDamage = false;
  844. player._HideHealthEffects = false;
  845. player._CannotBeWarranted = CurTime() + 30;
  846. player:SetNetworkedBool("cuffed", false);
  847. player:SetNetworkedBool("hostaged", false)
  848. player:SetNetworkedBool("FakeDeathing", false)
  849. timer.Destroy("RealDeath_"..player:UniqueID())
  850. -- Make the player become conscious again.
  851. evorp.player.knockOut(player, false, nil, true);
  853. -- Set the player's model and give them their loadout.
  854. self:PlayerSetModel(player);
  855. self:PlayerLoadout(player);
  856. player._AttachmentKit = false;
  858. if (player._ChangeTeam and player._EVORPVehicle and IsValid(player._EVORPVehicle) and player._EVORPVehicle._Class) then
  859. player._EVORPVehicle:Remove()
  860. end
  861. end;
  862. if IsValid(player.BackGun) then
  863. player.BackGun:Remove()
  864. end
  866. local oldhands = player:GetHands()
  867. if ( IsValid( oldhands ) ) then oldhands:Remove() end
  869. local hands = ents.Create( "gmod_hands" )
  870. if ( IsValid( hands ) ) then
  871. player:SetHands( hands )
  872. hands:SetOwner( player )
  874. -- Which hands should we use?
  875. local cl_playermodel = player:GetInfo( "cl_playermodel" )
  876. local info = player_manager.TranslatePlayerHands( cl_playermodel )
  877. if ( info ) then
  878. hands:SetModel( info.model )
  879. hands:SetSkin( )
  880. hands:SetBodyGroups( info.body )
  881. end
  883. -- Attach them to the viewmodel
  884. local vm = player:GetViewModel( 0 )
  885. hands:AttachToViewmodel( vm )
  887. vm:DeleteOnRemove( hands )
  888. player:DeleteOnRemove( hands )
  890. hands:Spawn()
  891. end
  893. -- Call a gamemode hook for when the player has finished spawning.
  894. hook.Call("PostPlayerSpawn", GAMEMODE, player, player._LightSpawn, player._ChangeTeam);
  896. -- Set some of the player's variables.
  897. player._LightSpawn = false;
  898. player._ChangeTeam = false;
  899. else
  900. player:KillSilent();
  901. end;
  902. end;
  904. function GM:ShouldKnockOut(player, attacker)
  905. if (attacker and IsValid(attacker) and attacker:GetClass() == "prop_physics" or attacker:GetClass() == "worldspawn") then
  906. return true
  907. end
  908. end
  910. -- Called when a player should take damage.
  911. function NoPropDMG(player, attacker)
  912. --if (IsValid(attacker) and attacker:GetClass() == "prop_physics") or (attacker:GetClass() == "worldspawn") then
  913. -- return false
  914. --end
  915. end
  917. hook.Add( "PlayerShouldTakeDamage", "NoPropDMG", NoPropDMG)
  919. function GM:ShouldAct( ply, actname, actid )
  920. if not (ply:GetActiveWeapon() and ply:GetActiveWeapon() == "evorp_hands") then
  921. evorp.player.notify(player, "You can only use act commands with your hands out.", 0)
  922. return false;
  923. elseif (ply:InVehicle()) then
  924. evorp.player.notify(player, "You can't use act commands while you're inside a vehile or while sitting in a chair.", 0)
  925. return false;
  926. else
  927. return true;
  928. end
  929. end
  930. hook.Add( "PlayerShouldAct", "CanAct", ShouldAct );
  932. -- Called when a player is attacked by a trace.
  933. function GM:PlayerTraceAttack(player, damageInfo, direction, trace)
  934. player._LastHitGroup = trace.HitGroup;
  936. -- Return false so that we don't override internals.
  937. return false;
  938. end;
  940. -- Called just before a player dies.
  941. function GM:DoPlayerDeath(player, attacker, damageInfo)
  942. --[[
  943. for k, v in pairs( player:GetWeapons() ) do
  944. local class = v:GetClass();
  946. -- Check if this is a valid item.
  947. if (evorp.item.stored[class]) then
  948. if ( hook.Call("PlayerCanDrop", GAMEMODE, player, class, true, attacker) ) then
  949. evorp.item.make( class.."Broken", player:GetPos(), 1 );
  950. end;
  951. end;
  952. end;
  954. -- Loop through the player's weapons drop them.
  955. if (player._Ragdoll.weapons) then
  956. for k, v in pairs(player._Ragdoll.weapons) do
  957. if (player._Ragdoll.weapons[v] and evorp.item.stored[ v[1] ]) then
  958. if ( hook.Call("PlayerCanDrop", GAMEMODE, player, v[1], true, attacker) ) then
  959. evorp.item.make( v[1].."Broken", player:GetPos(), 1 );
  960. end;
  961. player._Ragdoll.weapons[v] = 72;
  962. end;
  963. end
  964. end
  965. ]]
  966. -- Strip the player's weapons and ammo.
  967. player:StripWeapons();
  968. player.evorp._Weps = "";
  970. -- Add a death to the player's death count.
  971. player:AddDeaths(1);
  973. -- Check it the attacker is a valid entity and is a player.
  974. if ( IsValid(attacker) and attacker:IsPlayer() ) then
  975. if (player != attacker) then
  976. if ( hook.Call("PlayerCanGainFrag", GAMEMODE, attacker, player) ) then
  977. attacker:AddFrags(1);
  978. end;
  979. end;
  980. end;
  981. end;
  983. -- Called when a player dies.
  984. function GM:PlayerDeath(player, inflictor, attacker, ragdoll)
  985. evorp.player.warrant(player, false);
  986. evorp.player.arrest(player, false, true);
  987. evorp.player.bleed(player, false);
  988. player:StripAmmo();
  989. if (ragdoll != false) then
  990. player._Ragdoll.weapons = {};
  991. = player:Health();
  992. player._Ragdoll.model = player:GetModel();
  993. = player:Team();
  995. -- Knockout the player to simulate their death.
  996. evorp.player.knockOut(player, true);
  997. end;
  998. player._LastDeathTime = os.time();
  999. player._LastDeathLocation = player:GetPos();
  1000. player:ConCommand("DrawDeathMsg")
  1001. evorp.chatBox.add( nil, player, "nlr", player.evorp._NameIC.." ("..player:Nick()..") died." );
  1002. -- Set their next spawn time.
  1003. player.NextSpawnTime = CurTime() + player._SpawnTime;
  1005. -- Set it so that we can the next spawn time client side.
  1006. evorp.player.setLocalPlayerVariable(player, CLASS_LONG, "_NextSpawnTime", player.NextSpawnTime);
  1008. if (player:Team() == TEAM_PRESIDENT) then
  1009. if not (IsValid(attacker) and attacker:IsPlayer() and, "radio", "") == "R_GOV" and !attacker:Team() == TEAM_PRESIDENT) then
  1010., "Unemployed");
  1011. end
  1012. end
  1013. end;
  1015. -- Called when a player's weapons should be given.
  1016. function GM:PlayerLoadout(player)
  1017. -- Give the player the camera, the hands and the physics cannon.
  1018. player:Give("evorp_hands"); -- Random placement? Yes.
  1019. player:Give("gmod_camera");
  1020. if (evorp.player.hasAccess(player, "t")) then player:Give("gmod_tool"); else evorp.player.notify(player, "You are temporarily banned from using the tool gun, you will not receive it.", 1); end;
  1021. if (evorp.player.hasAccess(player, "p")) then player:Give("weapon_physgun"); else evorp.player.notify(player, "You are temporarily banned from using the physics gun, you will not receive it.", 1); end;
  1022. -- Call the player loadout hook.
  1023."playerLoadout", player);
  1024. end
  1026. -- Called when the server shuts down or the map changes.
  1027. function GM:ShutDown()
  1028. for k, v in pairs( g_Player.GetAll() ) do
  1029. --Contrarefund?
  1031. -- Save the player's data.
  1032. evorp.player.saveData(v);
  1033. end;
  1034. end;
  1036. -- Called when a player presses F1.
  1037. function GM:ShowHelp(player) end;
  1039. -- Called when a player presses F2.
  1040. function GM:ShowTeam(player)
  1041. local door = player:GetEyeTrace().Entity;
  1043. -- Check if the player is aiming at a door.
  1044. if ( IsValid(door) and evorp.entity.isDoor(door) ) then
  1045. if (door:GetPos():Distance( player:GetPos() ) <= 128) then
  1046. if ( hook.Call("PlayerCanViewDoor", GAMEMODE, player, door) ) then
  1047. umsg.Start("evorp_Door", player);
  1048. umsg.Bool(door._Unsellable or false);
  1050. -- Check if the owner is a valid entity.
  1051. if ( IsValid(door._Owner) ) then
  1052. umsg.Entity(door._Owner);
  1053. else
  1054. umsg.Entity(NULL);
  1055. end;
  1057. -- Send the door as an entity and unsellable as a bool.
  1058. umsg.Entity(door);
  1060. -- Check if the door has access.
  1061. if (door._Access) then
  1062. for k, v in pairs( g_Player.GetAll() ) do
  1063. if (v != door._Owner) then
  1064. local uniqueID = v:UniqueID();
  1066. -- Check if they have access.
  1067. if (door._Access[uniqueID]) then
  1068. umsg.Short( v:EntIndex() );
  1069. umsg.Short(1);
  1070. else
  1071. umsg.Short( v:EntIndex() );
  1072. umsg.Short(0);
  1073. end;
  1074. end;
  1075. end;
  1076. end;
  1077. umsg.End();
  1078. end;
  1079. end;
  1080. end;
  1081. end;
  1083. -- Called when an entity takes damage.
  1084. function GM:EntityTakeDamage(entity, damageInfo)
  1085. local inflictor = damageInfo:GetInflictor();
  1086. local attacker = damageInfo:GetAttacker();
  1087. local amount= damageInfo:GetDamage();
  1089. if (attacker and attacker:IsPlayer() and IsValid( attacker:GetActiveWeapon() )) then
  1090. if attacker:GetActiveWeapon():GetClass() == "weapon_crowbar" then
  1091. damageInfo:ScaleDamage(0.35);
  1092. elseif attacker:GetActiveWeapon():GetClass() == "evorp_hands" then
  1093. damageInfo:ScaleDamage(1);
  1094. end
  1095. end
  1097. if (entity:GetClass() == "prop_vehicle_jeep") then
  1098. if not (IsValid(attacker) and attacker:IsPlayer() and IsValid( attacker:GetActiveWeapon() ) and (attacker:GetActiveWeapon():GetClass() == "weapon_crowbar")) then
  1099. --VehicleHealth(entity, damageInfo)
  1100. if IsValid(entity:GetDriver()) then
  1101. entity:GetDriver():TakeDamage(amount, attacker, inflictor)
  1102. end
  1103. end
  1104. end
  1106. -- Check if the entity that got damaged is a player.
  1107. if ( entity:IsPlayer() ) then
  1108. if not (entity:GetNetworkedBool("FakeDeathing")) then
  1109. if (attacker:IsVehicle()) then
  1110. --AMB_KillVelocity(attacker)
  1111. evorp.player.knockOut(entity, true, 10);
  1112. if (attacker:IsVehicle() and IsValid(attacker:GetDriver())) then
  1113. --notifyAllAdm(attacker:GetDriver():Nick().." knocked out "..entity:Name().." with a car.", 0)
  1114. evorp.player.printConsoleAccess(attacker:GetDriver():Nick().." knocked out "..entity:Name().." with a car.", "a", "kills", attacker);
  1115. else
  1116. evorp.player.printConsoleAccess(entity:Nick().." got knocked out by "..attacker:GetClass().." ["..attacker:EntIndex().."]", "a", "kills", attacker);
  1117. end
  1118. return
  1119. end
  1120. if (entity._KnockedOut) then
  1121. if ( IsValid(entity._Ragdoll.entity) ) then
  1122. hook.Call("EntityTakeDamage", GAMEMODE, entity._Ragdoll.entity, damageInfo);
  1123. end;
  1124. else
  1125. if ( entity:InVehicle() and damageInfo:IsExplosionDamage() ) then
  1126. if (!damageInfo:GetDamage() or damageInfo:GetDamage() == 0) then
  1127. damageInfo:SetDamage(100);
  1128. end;
  1129. end;
  1130. -- Check if the player has a last hit group defined.
  1131. --[[
  1132. if (entity._LastHitGroup) then
  1133. if (entity._LastHitGroup == HITGROUP_HEAD) then
  1134. damageInfo:ScaleDamage( evorp.configuration["Scale Head Damage"] );
  1135. elseif (entity._LastHitGroup == HITGROUP_CHEST or entity._LastHitGroup == HITGROUP_GENERIC) then
  1136. damageInfo:ScaleDamage( evorp.configuration["Scale Chest Damage"] );
  1137. elseif (entity._LastHitGroup == HITGROUP_LEFTARM or
  1138. entity._LastHitGroup == HITGROUP_RIGHTARM or
  1139. entity._LastHitGroup == HITGROUP_LEFTLEG or
  1140. entity._LastHitGroup == HITGROUP_RIGHTLEG or
  1141. entity._LastHitGroup == HITGROUP_GEAR) then
  1142. damageInfo:ScaleDamage( evorp.configuration["Scale Limb Damage"] );
  1143. end;
  1145. -- Set the last hit group to nil so that we don't use it again.
  1146. entity._LastHitGroup = nil;
  1147. end;
  1149. -- Check if the player is supposed to scale damage.
  1150. if (entity._ScaleDamage) then damageInfo:ScaleDamage(entity._ScaleDamage); end;
  1151. ]]
  1152. -- Make the player bleed.
  1153. evorp.player.bleed( entity, true, evorp.configuration["Bleed Time"] );
  1154. local player = entity;
  1155. if player:InVehicle() then player:SetHealth( math.max(player:Health() - damageInfo:GetDamage(), 0) ) damageInfo:SetDamage(0) end
  1156. if (player:Health() - damageInfo:GetDamage() <= 0 and player:Alive()) then
  1157. if not (hook.Call( "PlayerShouldTakeDamage", GAMEMODE, player, attacker )) then return end
  1158. if (IsValid(attacker)) then
  1159. if ( attacker:IsPlayer() ) then
  1160. if ( IsValid( attacker:GetActiveWeapon() ) ) then
  1161. evorp.player.printConsoleAccess(attacker:Name().. " [".. attacker:SteamID() .. "] killed "..player:Name().. " [".. player:SteamID() .. "] with "..attacker:GetActiveWeapon():GetClass()..".", "a", "kills", attacker);
  1162. else
  1163. evorp.player.printConsoleAccess(attacker:Name().. " [".. attacker:SteamID() .. "] killed "..player:Name().. " [".. player:SteamID() .. "].", "a", "kills", attacker);
  1164. end;
  1165. else
  1166. local str = attacker:GetClass();
  1167. if (IsValid(attacker) and string.find(str, "prop_vehicle_jeep") and IsValid(attacker:GetDriver())) then
  1168. evorp.player.printConsoleAccess(attacker:GetDriver():Nick().." killed "..player:Name().." with a car.", "a", "kills", attacker);
  1169. notifyAllAdm(attacker:GetDriver():Nick().." killed "..player:Name().." with a car.", 1)
  1170. end
  1171. evorp.player.printConsoleAccess(str.." killed "..player:Name().. " [".. player:SteamID() .. "]"..".", "a", attacker);
  1172. end;
  1173. end
  1174. if (CurTime() > player:GetNetworkedInt("LastRevive") + 150) then
  1175. player:SetNetworkedBool("FakeDeathing", true)
  1176. player:SetNetworkedInt("FakeDeathTimer", CurTime() + 120)
  1177. evorp.player.knockOut(player, true);
  1178. player._FakePlayer = player;
  1179. player._FakeAttacker = attacker;
  1180. player._FakeDmgInfo = damageInfo;
  1181. player._FakeInflictor = inflictor;
  1182. hook.Call("DoPlayerDeath", GAMEMODE, player, attacker, damageInfo);
  1183. timer.Create( "RealDeath_"..player:UniqueID(), 120, 1, function()
  1184. if not (IsValid (player)) then return end
  1185. player:KillSilent();
  1186. player:SetNetworkedBool("FakeDeathing", false)
  1187. -- Call some gamemode hooks to fake the player's death.
  1188. hook.Call("PlayerDeath", GAMEMODE, player, inflictor, attacker, true);
  1189. player.NextSpawnTime = CurTime();
  1190. evorp.player.setLocalPlayerVariable(player, CLASS_LONG, "_NextSpawnTime", player.NextSpawnTime);
  1191. end)
  1192. player:SetHealth(0);
  1193. else
  1194. player:KillSilent();
  1195. hook.Call("DoPlayerDeath", GAMEMODE, player, attacker, damageInfo);
  1196. hook.Call("PlayerDeath", GAMEMODE, player, inflictor, attacker, true);
  1197. end
  1198. return
  1199. end
  1200. end;
  1201. end
  1202. elseif ( entity:IsNPC() ) then
  1203. if (attacker and attacker:IsPlayer() and IsValid( attacker:GetActiveWeapon() )
  1204. and attacker:GetActiveWeapon():GetClass() == "weapon_crowbar") then
  1205. damageInfo:ScaleDamage(0.25);
  1206. end;
  1207. end;
  1209. -- Check if the entity is a knocked out player.
  1210. if ( IsValid(entity._Player) ) then
  1211. local player = entity._Player;
  1212. if not (entity:GetNetworkedBool("FakeDeathing")) then
  1213. -- Set the damage to the amount we're given.
  1214. if (damageInfo) then
  1215. damageInfo:SetDamage(amount);
  1216. end
  1217. -- Check if the attacker is not a player.
  1218. if ( !attacker:IsPlayer() ) then
  1219. if ( attacker == game.GetWorld() ) then
  1220. if ( ( entity._NextWorldDamage and entity._NextWorldDamage > CurTime() )
  1221. or damageInfo:GetDamage() <= 10 ) then return; end;
  1223. -- Set the next world damage to be 1 second from now.
  1224. entity._NextWorldDamage = CurTime() + 1;
  1225. else
  1226. if (damageInfo:GetDamage() <= 25) then return; end;
  1227. end;
  1228. else
  1229. damageInfo:ScaleDamage( evorp.configuration["Scale Ragdoll Damage"] );
  1230. end;
  1232. -- Check if the player is supposed to scale damage.
  1233. if (entity._Player._ScaleDamage) then damageInfo:ScaleDamage(entity._Player._ScaleDamage); end;
  1235. -- Take the damage from the player's health.
  1236. player:SetHealth( math.max(player:Health() - damageInfo:GetDamage(), 0) );
  1238. -- Set the player's conscious health.
  1239. = player:Health();
  1241. -- Create new effect data so that we can create a blood impact at the damage position.
  1242. local effectData = EffectData();
  1243. effectData:SetOrigin( damageInfo:GetDamagePosition() );
  1244. util.Effect("BloodImpact", effectData);
  1246. -- Loop from 1 to 4 so that we can draw some blood decals around the ragdoll.
  1247. for i = 1, 2 do
  1248. local trace = {};
  1250. -- Set some settings and information for the trace.
  1251. trace.start = damageInfo:GetDamagePosition();
  1252. trace.endpos = trace.start + (damageInfo:GetDamageForce() + (VectorRand() * 16) * 128);
  1253. trace.filter = entity;
  1255. -- Create the trace line from the set information.
  1256. trace = util.TraceLine(trace);
  1258. -- Draw a blood decal at the hit position.
  1259. util.Decal("Blood", trace.HitPos + trace.HitNormal, trace.HitPos - trace.HitNormal);
  1260. end;
  1262. -- Check to see if the player's health is less than 0 and that the player is alive.
  1263. if ( player:Health() <= 0 and player:Alive() ) then
  1264. if not (player:GetNetworkedBool("FakeDeathing")) then
  1265. if not (hook.Call( "PlayerShouldTakeDamage", GAMEMODE, player, attacker )) then return end
  1266. -- Check if the attacker is a player.
  1267. if (IsValid(attacker)) then
  1268. if ( attacker:IsPlayer() ) then
  1269. if ( IsValid( attacker:GetActiveWeapon() ) ) then
  1270. evorp.player.printConsoleAccess(attacker:Name().. " [".. attacker:SteamID() .. "] killed "..player:Name().. " [".. player:SteamID() .. "] with "..attacker:GetActiveWeapon():GetClass()..".", "a", "kills", attacker);
  1271. else
  1272. evorp.player.printConsoleAccess(attacker:Name().. " [".. attacker:SteamID() .. "] killed "..player:Name().. " [".. player:SteamID() .. "].", "a", "kills", attacker);
  1273. end;
  1274. else
  1275. local str = attacker:GetClass();
  1276. if (IsValid(attacker) and string.find(str, "prop_vehicle_jeep") and IsValid(attacker:GetDriver())) then
  1277. notifyAllAdm(attacker:GetDriver():Nick().." killed "..player:Name().." with a car.", 1)
  1278. end
  1279. evorp.player.printConsoleAccess(str.." killed "..player:Name().. " [".. player:SteamID() .. "]"..".", "a", "kills", attacker);
  1280. end;
  1281. end
  1282. if (CurTime() > player:GetNetworkedInt("LastRevive") + 150) then
  1283. player._FakePlayer = player;
  1284. player._FakeAttacker = attacker;
  1285. player._FakeDmgInfo = damageInfo;
  1286. player._FakeInflictor = inflictor;
  1287. player:SetNetworkedBool("FakeDeathing", true)
  1288. player:SetNetworkedInt("FakeDeathTimer", CurTime() + 120)
  1289. timer.Destroy("Become Conscious: "..player:UniqueID())
  1290. hook.Call("DoPlayerDeath", GAMEMODE, player, attacker, damageInfo);
  1291. timer.Create( "RealDeath_"..player:UniqueID(), 120, 1, function()
  1292. if not (IsValid (player)) then return end
  1293. player:KillSilent();
  1294. player:SetNetworkedBool("FakeDeathing", false)
  1295. -- Call some gamemode hooks to fake the player's death.
  1296. hook.Call("PlayerDeath", GAMEMODE, player, inflictor, attacker, true);
  1297. player.NextSpawnTime = CurTime();
  1298. evorp.player.setLocalPlayerVariable(player, CLASS_LONG, "_NextSpawnTime", player.NextSpawnTime);
  1299. end)
  1300. else
  1301. player:KillSilent();
  1302. hook.Call("DoPlayerDeath", GAMEMODE, player, attacker, damageInfo);
  1303. hook.Call("PlayerDeath", GAMEMODE, player, inflictor, attacker, true);
  1304. end
  1305. end
  1306. end;
  1307. end
  1308. end;
  1309. end;
  1311. -- Called when a player has disconnected.
  1312. function GM:PlayerDisconnected(player)
  1313. if not (!player:Alive() or player:GetNetworkedBool("hostaged") or player:GetNetworkedBool("FakeDeathing") or player:GetNetworkedBool("cuffed") or player._KnockedOut) then
  1314. evorp.player.holsterAll(player);
  1315. end
  1316. if (player._Ragdoll and player._Ragdoll.weapons) then
  1317. player._Ragdoll.weapons = false;
  1318. end
  1320. evorp.player.knockOut(player, false, nil, true);
  1322. -- Save the player's data.
  1323. evorp.player.saveData(player);
  1325. -- Call the base class function.
  1326. self.BaseClass:PlayerDisconnected(player);
  1327. end;
  1329. -- Called when a player attempts to spawn a SWEP.
  1330. function GM:PlayerSpawnSWEP(player, class, weapon)
  1331. if not ( player.evorp._AdminLevel > 4 ) then
  1332. return false;
  1333. else
  1334. return true;
  1335. end;
  1336. end;
  1338. -- Called when a player is given a SWEP.
  1339. function GM:PlayerGiveSWEP(player, class, weapon)
  1340. if not ( player.evorp._AdminLevel > 4 ) then
  1341. return false;
  1342. else
  1343. player._SpawnWeapons[class] = true;
  1344. return true;
  1345. end;
  1346. end;
  1348. -- Called when attempts to spawn a SENT.
  1349. function GM:PlayerSpawnSENT(player, class)
  1350. if not ( player.evorp._AdminLevel > 4) then
  1351. return false;
  1352. else
  1353. return true;
  1354. end;
  1355. end;
  1357. -- Called when a player presses a key.
  1358. function GM:KeyPress(player, key)
  1359. if (player.LastControl and player.LastControl + .5 > CurTime()) then
  1360. return
  1361. end
  1362. player.LastControl = CurTime()
  1363. if (key == IN_WALK and player:InVehicle()) then
  1364. local dist1 = 0;
  1365. local dist2 = 0;
  1366. if string.lower(game.GetMap()) == "rp_evocity_v2d_sexy_v2" then
  1367. dist1 = player:GetPos():Distance(Vector( -6498, -6615, 72 ))
  1368. dist2 =player:GetPos():Distance(Vector( -6494, -6320, 72 ))
  1369. end
  1370. if string.lower(game.GetMap()) == "rp_evocity_v2d" then
  1371. dist1 = player:GetPos():Distance(Vector( -6494, -6550, 72 ))
  1372. dist2 =player:GetPos():Distance(Vector( -6494, -6255, 72 ))
  1373. end
  1374. if string.lower(game.GetMap()) == "rp_evocity_v33x" then
  1375. dist1 = player:GetPos():Distance(Vector( -6485, -6555, 72 ))
  1376. dist2 =player:GetPos():Distance(Vector( -6485, -6320, 72 ))
  1377. if (player:GetPos():Distance(Vector( 10796, 13418, 58 )) < 325 or player:GetPos():Distance(Vector( 9991, 13419, 58 )) < 325) then
  1378. dist1 = 1; dist2 = 1;
  1379. end
  1380. end
  1381. if string.lower(game.GetMap()) == "rp_chaos_city_v33x_03" then
  1382. dist1 = player:GetPos():Distance(Vector( 4131, 535, -1876 ))
  1383. dist2 =player:GetPos():Distance(Vector( 4124, 288, -1876 ))
  1384. if (player:GetPos():Distance(Vector( -7361, 5234, -1489 )) < 500 or player:GetPos():Distance(Vector( -8282, 5223, -1489 )) < 500) then
  1385. dist1 = 1; dist2 = 1;
  1386. end
  1387. end
  1388. if (dist1 > 250 and dist2 > 250) then
  1389. return
  1390. end
  1391. local fee = 300
  1392. if (player.evorp._Donator > os.time()) then fee = 150 end;
  1393. if evorp.player.canAfford(player, fee) then
  1394. evorp.player.giveMoney(player, -fee);
  1395. player:GetVehicle()._Fuel = 100;
  1396. player:GetVehicle():SetNetworkedInt("fuel", 100)
  1397. evorp.player.notify(player, "Your vehicle has been refueled!", 0)
  1398. else
  1399. evorp.player.notify(player, "Not enough money!", 1)
  1400. end
  1401. end
  1402. if (key == IN_USE) then
  1403. local trace = player:GetEyeTrace();
  1404. if ( IsValid(trace.Entity) and trace.Entity.iDoorSID ) then
  1405. if (evorp.player.hasDoorAccess(player, trace.Entity) ) then
  1406. if not (trace.Entity:GetNetworkedBool("dlocked")) then
  1407. if (trace.Entity.iOpen) then
  1408. trace.Entity:Fire("setanimation", "close", "0");
  1409. trace.Entity.iOpen = false
  1410. else
  1411. trace.Entity:Fire("setanimation", "open", "0");
  1412. trace.Entity.iOpen = true
  1413. end
  1414. else
  1415. trace.Entity:EmitSound("doors/door_latch3.wav")
  1416. end
  1417. end
  1418. end
  1419. end
  1420. if (key == IN_JUMP and player._StuckInWorld) then
  1421. UnstuckPlayer(player)
  1422. --evorp.player.holsterAll(player);
  1424. -- Spawn them lightly now that we holstered their weapons.
  1425. --evorp.player.lightSpawn(player);
  1426. end;
  1427. end;
  1429. -- Create a timer to automatically clean up decals.
  1430. timer.Create("Cleanup Decals", 60, 0, function()
  1431. if ( evorp.configuration["Cleanup Decals"] ) then
  1432. for k, v in pairs( g_Player.GetAll() ) do v:ConCommand("r_cleardecals\n"); end;
  1433. end;
  1434. end);
  1436. -- Create a timer to give players money for their contraband.
  1437. timer.Create("Contraband", evorp.configuration["Contraband Interval"], 0, function()
  1438. local players = {};
  1439. local contraband = {};
  1441. -- Loop through each contraband class.
  1442. for k, v in pairs( evorp.configuration["Contraband"] ) do
  1443. table.Add( contraband, ents.FindByClass(k) );
  1444. end;
  1446. -- Loop through all of the contraband.
  1447. for k, v in pairs(contraband) do
  1448. local player = v:GetPlayer();
  1450. -- Check if the player is a valid entity,
  1451. if ( IsValid(player) and player:Team() != TEAM_PRESIDENT and player:Team() != TEAM_HOSS and player:Team() != TEAM_SS and player:Team() != TEAM_COMMANDER and player:Team() != TEAM_OFFICER) then
  1452. players[player] = players[player] or {refill = 0, money = 0};
  1454. -- Decrease the energy of the contraband.
  1455. v._Energy = math.Clamp(v._Energy - 1, 0, 5);
  1457. -- Set the networked variable so that the client can use it.
  1458. v:SetNetworkedInt("evorp_Energy", v._Energy);
  1459. v:SetNetworkedInt("evorp_CMoney", (5-v._Energy) * evorp.configuration["Contraband"][ v:GetClass() ].money);
  1461. -- Check the energy of the contraband.
  1462. if (v._Energy == 0) then
  1463. players[player].refill = players[player].refill + 1;
  1464. else
  1465. --players[player].money = players[player].money + evorp.configuration["Contraband"][ v:GetClass() ].money;
  1466. end;
  1467. end;
  1468. end;
  1470. -- Loop through our players list.
  1471. for k, v in pairs(players) do
  1472. if ( hook.Call("PlayerCanContraband", GAMEMODE, k) ) then
  1473. if (v.refill > 0) then
  1474. evorp.player.notify(k, v.refill.." of your contraband need refilling!", 1);
  1475. elseif ( > 0) then
  1476. --evorp.player.notify(k, "You earned $"" from contraband.", 0);
  1478. -- Give the player their money.
  1479. --evorp.player.giveMoney(k,;
  1480. end;
  1481. end;
  1482. end;
  1484. end);
  1486. timer.Create("SpawnPropPhysRemover", 20, 0, function()
  1487. local mapname = string.lower(game.GetMap());
  1488. if mapname == "rp_chaos_city_v33x_03" then
  1489. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(Vector( 6765, -5554, -1868 ), 700)) do
  1490. if (string.find( ent:GetClass( ), "prop_physics" )) then
  1491. ent:Remove()
  1492. end
  1493. end
  1494. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(Vector( 6413, -5552, -1868 ), 700)) do
  1495. if (string.find( ent:GetClass( ), "prop_physics" )) then
  1496. ent:Remove()
  1497. end
  1498. end
  1499. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(Vector( 6038, -5548, -1868 ), 700)) do
  1500. if (string.find( ent:GetClass( ), "prop_physics" )) then
  1501. ent:Remove()
  1502. end
  1503. end
  1504. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(Vector( 5765, -5495, -1868 ), 700)) do
  1505. if (string.find( ent:GetClass( ), "prop_physics" )) then
  1506. ent:Remove()
  1507. end
  1508. end
  1509. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(Vector( 5325, -5289, 1868 ), 300)) do
  1510. if (string.find( ent:GetClass( ), "prop_physics" )) then
  1511. ent:Remove()
  1512. end
  1513. end
  1514. end
  1515. if mapname == "rp_evocity_v2d" or mapname == "rp_evocity_v33x" or mapname == "rp_evocity_v2d_sexy_v2" then
  1516. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(Vector( -3427, -10392, 71 ), 700)) do
  1517. if (string.find( ent:GetClass( ), "prop_physics" )) then
  1518. ent:Remove()
  1519. end
  1520. end
  1521. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(Vector( -4062, -10399, 71 ), 700)) do
  1522. if (string.find( ent:GetClass( ), "prop_physics" )) then
  1523. ent:Remove()
  1524. end
  1525. end
  1526. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(Vector( -4645, -10404, 71 ), 700)) do
  1527. if (string.find( ent:GetClass( ), "prop_physics" )) then
  1528. ent:Remove()
  1529. end
  1530. end
  1531. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(Vector( -5170, -10384, 71 ), 700)) do
  1532. if (string.find( ent:GetClass( ), "prop_physics" )) then
  1533. ent:Remove()
  1534. end
  1535. end
  1536. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(Vector( -5531, -10094, 71 ), 300)) do
  1537. if (string.find( ent:GetClass( ), "prop_physics" )) then
  1538. ent:Remove()
  1539. end
  1540. end
  1541. end
  1542. end)
  1544. timer.Create("Vehicles", 2, 0, function()
  1545. for _, v in ipairs( g_Player.GetAll() ) do
  1546. --print(v:GetPos())
  1547. if (IsValid(v) and v:InVehicle()) then
  1548. local vehicle = v:GetVehicle()
  1549. if (vehicle._Fuel) then
  1550. local eph = math.abs(math.floor(vehicle:GetVelocity():Length()/ 25.33));
  1551. if eph < 5 then eph = 0 end --Meh..Didn't even test if it was going to bug, but this doesn't hurt.
  1552. vehicle._Fuel = math.Clamp(vehicle._Fuel - (math.Clamp(eph * (0.01), .1, 100)), 0, 100);
  1553. vehicle:SetNetworkedInt("fuel", vehicle._Fuel)
  1554. if vehicle._Fuel < 1 then
  1555. vehicle:Fire("TurnOff", "" , 0)
  1556. vehicle._Off = true
  1557. else
  1558. if (vehicle._Off and !vehicle:GetNetworkedBool("punched")) then vehicle:Fire("TurnOn", "" , 0); v._Off = false; end
  1559. end
  1560. end
  1561. end
  1562. end
  1563. if string.lower(game.GetMap()) == "rp_chaos_city_v33x_03" then
  1564. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(Vector( 3207, -99, -1876 ), 400)) do
  1565. if (string.find( ent:GetClass( ), "prop_vehicle_jeep" )) then
  1566. if (IsValid(ent:GetDriver())) then
  1567. if (ent:GetNetworkedBool("NeedsFix")) then
  1568. evorp.player.notify(ent:GetDriver(), "You need to repair this vehicle before parking it!", 0)
  1569. return;
  1570. end
  1571. ent:GetDriver():ExitVehicle();
  1572. evorp.player.notify(ent:GetDriver(), "Your vehicle has been parked!", 0)
  1573. end
  1574. ent:Remove()
  1575. end
  1576. end
  1577. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(Vector( 4131, 749, -1868 ), 100)) do
  1578. if (string.find( ent:GetClass( ), "prop_vehicle_jeep") and ent:GetDriver() and IsValid(ent:GetDriver())) then
  1579. if not (ent.VehicleTable.nopaint) then
  1580. local rand = evorp.configuration["Default Colors"][ math.random( #evorp.configuration["Default Colors"] ) ]
  1581. ent:SetColor(rand);
  1582. --ent:SetSkin(math.random(11, 15))
  1583. ent:EmitSound("carStools/spray.wav",80,70)
  1584. end
  1585. end
  1586. end
  1587. end
  1588. if string.lower(game.GetMap()) == "rp_evocity_v33x" then
  1589. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(Vector( -7572, -7226, 64 ), 350)) do
  1590. if (string.find( ent:GetClass( ), "prop_vehicle_jeep" )) then
  1591. if (IsValid(ent:GetDriver())) then
  1592. if (ent:GetNetworkedBool("NeedsFix")) then
  1593. evorp.player.notify(ent:GetDriver(), "You need to repair this vehicle before parking it!", 0)
  1594. return;
  1595. end
  1596. ent:GetDriver():ExitVehicle();
  1597. evorp.player.notify(ent:GetDriver(), "Your vehicle has been parked!", 0)
  1598. end
  1599. ent:Remove()
  1600. end
  1601. end
  1602. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(Vector( -6489, -5959, 72 ), 100)) do
  1603. if (string.find( ent:GetClass( ), "prop_vehicle_jeep") and ent:GetDriver() and IsValid(ent:GetDriver())) then
  1604. if not (ent.VehicleTable.nopaint) then
  1605. local rand = evorp.configuration["Default Colors"][ math.random( #evorp.configuration["Default Colors"] ) ]
  1606. ent:SetColor(rand);
  1607. --ent:SetSkin(math.random(11, 15))
  1608. ent:EmitSound("carStools/spray.wav",80,70)
  1609. end
  1610. end
  1611. end
  1612. end
  1613. if string.lower(game.GetMap()) == "rp_evocity_v2d" then
  1614. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(Vector( -7209, -7056, 64 ), 40)) do
  1615. if (string.find( ent:GetClass( ), "prop_vehicle_jeep" )) then
  1616. if (IsValid(ent:GetDriver())) then
  1617. if (ent:GetNetworkedBool("NeedsFix")) then
  1618. evorp.player.notify(ent:GetDriver(), "You need to repair this vehicle before parking it!", 0)
  1619. return;
  1620. end
  1621. ent:GetDriver():ExitVehicle();
  1622. evorp.player.notify(ent:GetDriver(), "Your vehicle has been parked!", 0)
  1623. end
  1624. ent:Remove()
  1625. end
  1626. end
  1627. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(Vector( -6493, -5960, 72 ), 100)) do
  1628. if (string.find( ent:GetClass( ), "prop_vehicle_jeep") and ent:GetDriver() and IsValid(ent:GetDriver())) then
  1629. if not (ent.VehicleTable.nopaint) then
  1630. local rand = evorp.configuration["Default Colors"][ math.random( #evorp.configuration["Default Colors"] ) ]
  1631. ent:SetColor(rand);
  1632. --ent:SetSkin(math.random(11, 15))
  1633. ent:EmitSound("carStools/spray.wav",80,70)
  1634. end
  1635. end
  1636. end
  1637. end
  1638. if string.lower(game.GetMap()) == "rp_evocity_v2d_sexy_v2" then
  1639. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(Vector( -7230, -6735, 64 ), 40)) do
  1640. if (string.find( ent:GetClass( ), "prop_vehicle_jeep" )) then
  1641. if (IsValid(ent:GetDriver())) then
  1642. if (ent:GetNetworkedBool("NeedsFix")) then
  1643. evorp.player.notify(ent:GetDriver(), "You need to repair this vehicle before parking it!", 0)
  1644. return;
  1645. end
  1646. ent:GetDriver():ExitVehicle();
  1647. evorp.player.notify(ent:GetDriver(), "Your vehicle has been parked!", 0)
  1648. end
  1649. ent:Remove()
  1650. end
  1651. end
  1652. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(Vector( -6491, -5960, 72 ), 100)) do
  1653. if (string.find( ent:GetClass( ), "prop_vehicle_jeep") and ent:GetDriver() and IsValid(ent:GetDriver())) then
  1654. if not (ent.VehicleTable.nopaint) then
  1655. local rand = evorp.configuration["Default Colors"][ math.random( #evorp.configuration["Default Colors"] ) ]
  1656. ent:SetColor(rand);
  1657. --ent:SetSkin(math.random(11, 15))
  1658. ent:EmitSound("carStools/spray.wav",80,70)
  1659. end
  1660. end
  1661. end
  1662. end
  1663. end);
  1665. timer.Create("WalkAdvice", 1, 0, function()
  1666. if string.lower(game.GetMap()) == "rp_chaos_city_v33x_03" then
  1667. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(Vector( 3207, -99, -1876 ), 450)) do
  1668. if (ent:IsPlayer()) then
  1669. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Bring your car here to park it.")
  1670. end
  1671. end
  1672. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(Vector( 4131, 535, -1876 ), 200)) do
  1673. if (ent:IsPlayer()) then
  1674. if (ent:InVehicle()) then
  1675. if not (ent.evorp._Donator > os.time()) then
  1676. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Tap 'ALT' to refill car for $300.")
  1677. else
  1678. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Tap 'ALT' to refill car for $150.")
  1679. end
  1680. else
  1681. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Bring your car here to refuel it.")
  1682. end
  1683. end
  1684. end
  1685. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(Vector( 4124, 288, -1876 ), 200)) do
  1686. if (ent:IsPlayer()) then
  1687. if (ent:InVehicle()) then
  1688. if not (ent.evorp._Donator > os.time()) then
  1689. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Tap 'ALT' to refill car for $300.")
  1690. else
  1691. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Tap 'ALT' to refill car for $150.")
  1692. end
  1693. else
  1694. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Bring your car here to refuel it.")
  1695. end
  1696. end
  1697. end
  1698. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(Vector( -7361, 5234, -1489 ), 500)) do
  1699. if (ent:IsPlayer()) then
  1700. if (ent:InVehicle()) then
  1701. if not (ent.evorp._Donator > os.time()) then
  1702. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Tap 'ALT' to refill car for $300.")
  1703. else
  1704. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Tap 'ALT' to refill car for $150.")
  1705. end
  1706. else
  1707. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Bring your car here to refuel it.")
  1708. end
  1709. end
  1710. end
  1711. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(Vector( -8282, 5223, -1489 ), 500)) do
  1712. if (ent:IsPlayer()) then
  1713. if (ent:InVehicle()) then
  1714. if not (ent.evorp._Donator > os.time()) then
  1715. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Tap 'ALT' to refill car for $300.")
  1716. else
  1717. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Tap 'ALT' to refill car for $150.")
  1718. end
  1719. else
  1720. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Bring your car here to refuel it.")
  1721. end
  1722. end
  1723. end
  1725. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(Vector( 4131, 749, -1868 ), 200)) do
  1726. if (ent:IsPlayer() and !ent:InVehicle()) then
  1727. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Bring your car here for a paint job.")
  1728. end
  1729. end
  1730. end
  1731. if string.lower(game.GetMap()) == "rp_evocity_v33x" then
  1732. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(Vector( -7571, -7201, 64 ), 350)) do
  1733. if (ent:IsPlayer()) then
  1734. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Bring your car here to park it.")
  1735. end
  1736. end
  1737. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(Vector( -6503, -6614, 72 ), 200)) do
  1738. if (ent:IsPlayer()) then
  1739. if (ent:InVehicle()) then
  1740. if not (ent.evorp._Donator > os.time()) then
  1741. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Tap 'ALT' to refill car for $300.")
  1742. else
  1743. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Tap 'ALT' to refill car for $150.")
  1744. end
  1745. else
  1746. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Bring your car here to refuel it.")
  1747. end
  1748. end
  1749. end
  1750. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(Vector( -6494, -6315, 72 ), 200)) do
  1751. if (ent:IsPlayer()) then
  1752. if (ent:InVehicle()) then
  1753. if not (ent.evorp._Donator > os.time()) then
  1754. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Tap 'ALT' to refill car for $300.")
  1755. else
  1756. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Tap 'ALT' to refill car for $150.")
  1757. end
  1758. else
  1759. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Bring your car here to refuel it.")
  1760. end
  1761. end
  1762. end
  1763. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(Vector( 10796, 13418, 58 ), 200)) do
  1764. if (ent:IsPlayer()) then
  1765. if (ent:InVehicle()) then
  1766. if not (ent.evorp._Donator > os.time()) then
  1767. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Tap 'ALT' to refill car for $300.")
  1768. else
  1769. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Tap 'ALT' to refill car for $150.")
  1770. end
  1771. else
  1772. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Bring your car here to refuel it.")
  1773. end
  1774. end
  1775. end
  1776. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(Vector( 9991, 13419, 58 ), 200)) do
  1777. if (ent:IsPlayer()) then
  1778. if (ent:InVehicle()) then
  1779. if not (ent.evorp._Donator > os.time()) then
  1780. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Tap 'ALT' to refill car for $300.")
  1781. else
  1782. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Tap 'ALT' to refill car for $150.")
  1783. end
  1784. else
  1785. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Bring your car here to refuel it.")
  1786. end
  1787. end
  1788. end
  1789. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(Vector( -6484, -6024, 72 ), 200)) do
  1790. if (ent:IsPlayer() and !ent:InVehicle()) then
  1791. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Bring your car here for a paint job.")
  1792. end
  1793. end
  1794. end
  1795. if string.lower(game.GetMap()) == "rp_evocity_v2d" then
  1796. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(Vector( -7209, -7056, 64 ), 150)) do
  1797. if (ent:IsPlayer()) then
  1798. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Bring your car here to park it.")
  1799. end
  1800. end
  1801. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(Vector( -6494, -6550, 72 ), 200)) do
  1802. if (ent:IsPlayer()) then
  1803. if (ent:InVehicle()) then
  1804. if not (ent.evorp._Donator > os.time()) then
  1805. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Tap 'ALT' to refill car for $300.")
  1806. else
  1807. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Tap 'ALT' to refill car for $150.")
  1808. end
  1809. else
  1810. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Bring your car here to refuel it.")
  1811. end
  1812. end
  1813. end
  1814. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(Vector( -6494, -6255, 72 ), 200)) do
  1815. if (ent:IsPlayer()) then
  1816. if (ent:InVehicle()) then
  1817. if not (ent.evorp._Donator > os.time()) then
  1818. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Tap 'ALT' to refill car for $300.")
  1819. else
  1820. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Tap 'ALT' to refill car for $150.")
  1821. end
  1822. else
  1823. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Bring your car here to refuel it.")
  1824. end
  1825. end
  1826. end
  1827. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(Vector( -6493, -5960, 72 ), 100)) do
  1828. if (ent:IsPlayer() and !ent:InVehicle()) then
  1829. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Bring your car here for a paint job.")
  1830. end
  1831. end
  1832. end
  1833. if string.lower(game.GetMap()) == "rp_evocity_v2d_sexy_v2" then
  1834. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(Vector( -7230, -6735, 64 ), 150)) do
  1835. if (ent:IsPlayer()) then
  1836. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Bring your car here to park it.")
  1837. end
  1838. end
  1839. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(Vector( -6498, -6615, 72 ), 200)) do
  1840. if (ent:IsPlayer()) then
  1841. if (ent:InVehicle()) then
  1842. if not (ent.evorp._Donator > os.time()) then
  1843. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Tap 'ALT' to refill car for $300.")
  1844. else
  1845. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Tap 'ALT' to refill car for $150.")
  1846. end
  1847. else
  1848. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Bring your car here to refuel it.")
  1849. end
  1850. end
  1851. end
  1852. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(Vector( -6494, -6320, 72 ), 200)) do
  1853. if (ent:IsPlayer()) then
  1854. if (ent:InVehicle()) then
  1855. if not (ent.evorp._Donator > os.time()) then
  1856. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Tap 'ALT' to refill car for $300.")
  1857. else
  1858. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Tap 'ALT' to refill car for $150.")
  1859. end
  1860. else
  1861. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Bring your car here to refuel it.")
  1862. end
  1863. end
  1864. end
  1865. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(Vector( -6491, -5960, 72 ), 100)) do
  1866. if (ent:IsPlayer() and !ent:InVehicle()) then
  1867. ent:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Bring your car here for a paint job.")
  1868. end
  1869. end
  1870. end
  1871. end);
  1873. hook.Add("KeyPress", "InVehicleLock", function(ply, key)
  1874. if (ply:GetNetworkedBool("FakeDeathing") and key == 1) then
  1875. if not (CurTime() > ply:GetNetworkedInt("FakeDeathTimer") - 120 + ply._SpawnTime) then return end
  1876. local player = ply
  1877. ply:SetNetworkedBool("FakeDeathing", false)
  1878. timer.Destroy( "RealDeath_"..player:UniqueID())
  1879. player:KillSilent();
  1880. -- Call some gamemode hooks to fake the player's death.
  1881. --hook.Call("DoPlayerDeath", GAMEMODE, player._FakePlayer, player._FakeAttacker, player._FakeDmgInfo);
  1882. hook.Call("PlayerDeath", GAMEMODE, player._FakePlayer, player._FakeInflictor , player._FakeAttacker, true);
  1883. player.NextSpawnTime = CurTime();
  1884. evorp.player.setLocalPlayerVariable(player, CLASS_LONG, "_NextSpawnTime", player.NextSpawnTime);
  1885. end
  1886. if !ply:InVehicle() || key != 1 then return end -- 1 is IN_ATTACK
  1887. --local trace = ply:GetEyeTrace();
  1888. if !( IsValid(ply:GetVehicle()) ) then
  1889. return;
  1890. end
  1891. if !(string.find( ply:GetVehicle():GetClass(), "prop_vehicle_jeep" )) then
  1892. return
  1893. end
  1894. local car = ply:GetVehicle();
  1895. if (car:GetNetworkedBool("locked")) then
  1896. car:SetNetworkedBool("locked", false)
  1897. car:EmitSound("doors/door_latch3.wav")
  1898. else
  1899. car:SetNetworkedBool("locked", true)
  1900. car:EmitSound("doors/door_latch3.wav")
  1901. end
  1902. end)
  1904. timer.Create("UpdateOnline", 20, 0, function()
  1905. local steamids = "('EX1', 'EX2'" -- Logic fail, this is the fix.
  1906. for _, v in ipairs( g_Player.GetAll() ) do
  1907. steamids = steamids..", '"..v:SteamID().."'"
  1908. end
  1909. steamids = steamids..")"
  1910. GetDBConnection():Query("UPDATE players SET _Online = 'NO' WHERE _SteamID NOT IN "..steamids.." AND _Online = '"..GetConVar("sv_logdownloadlist"):GetString().."'")
  1911. end)
  1913. timer.Create("NLR Reminder", 10, 0, function()
  1914. for _, v in ipairs( g_Player.GetAll() ) do
  1915. if (!v:Alive()) then return end
  1916. if (v._LastDeathLocation and v._LastDeathTime) then
  1917. if (os.time() - v._LastDeathTime < 330 and os.time() - v._LastDeathTime > 60) then
  1918. for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(v._LastDeathLocation, 650)) do
  1919. if (ent:IsPlayer() and ent:UniqueID() == v:UniqueID()) then
  1920. evorp.player.printConsoleAccess(v:Nick().." is breaking NLR.", 1, "a", "kills", v);
  1921. --notifyAllAdm(v:Nick().." is breaking NLR.", 1)
  1922. end
  1923. end
  1924. end
  1925. end
  1926. end
  1927. end)
  1929. timer.Create("DonationCheck", 60, 0, function()
  1930. GetDBConnection():Query("SELECT * FROM donations WHERE _Credited = '0'", function(result)
  1931. if (result and type(result) == "table" and #result > 0) then
  1932. for index,value in ipairs(result) do
  1933. local column = result[index];
  1934. local steamID = column._SteamID
  1935. local credits = tonumber(column._Credits)
  1937. for _, player in ipairs( g_Player.GetAll() ) do
  1938. if (player._Initialized and string.lower(player:SteamID()) == string.lower(steamID)) then
  1939. player.evorp._DonorCredits = player.evorp._DonorCredits + credits;
  1940. GetDBConnection():Query("UPDATE donations SET _Credited = '1' WHERE _Key = "..column._Key)
  1941. evorp.player.saveData(player)
  1942. evorp.player.notify(player, "You have been credited for you donation!", 0)
  1943. end
  1944. end
  1945. end
  1946. end;
  1947. end, 1);
  1948. end)
  1950. timer.Create("BansCheck", 120, 0, function()
  1951. for _, player in ipairs( g_Player.GetAll() ) do
  1952. if (player._Initialized and player._Bans) then
  1953. for k, column in ipairs(player._Bans) do
  1954. if not (os.time() < tonumber(column._Until) or tonumber(column._Until) == 0) then
  1955. if not (evorp.player.hasAccess(player, column._Access)) then
  1956. evorp.player.giveAccess(player, column._Access)
  1957. evorp.player.notify(player, "A ban on you has been lifted!", 0)
  1958. end
  1959. end
  1960. end
  1961. end
  1962. end
  1963. end)
  1965. function notifyAllAdm(txt, type)
  1966. for __, vv in ipairs( g_Player.GetAll() ) do
  1967. if(vv:IsAdmin()) then
  1968. evorp.player.notify(vv , txt, type)
  1969. end
  1970. end
  1971. end
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