
cool vibes (uxie x yourlocal-eboyy)

Oct 15th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. [border=transparent;
  3. *the main colour of the borders n stuff;
  4. --color-1: #334DFE;
  6. *the dark colour where most of the content-text is;
  7. --bg-color: #1B2630;
  9. *the colour of ur text;
  10. --t-color: #fff;
  12. *this is the icon, put your image link between the '';
  13. --img-1: url('https://i.pinimg.com/originals/cf/d1/b5/cfd1b543bd090a737f78796acf0a2b55.jpg');
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  30. ----* * *put your character's name here!----
  31. [/comment][font=Coiny]name here[/font][/border]
  32. [/border]
  34. [comment]----details one----[/comment]
  35. [border=transparent; height:55%; width:48.5%; background-color: var(--bg-color); padding:5px 0px; box-sizing:border-box; display:flex; flex-direction:column; overflow:hidden;][border=transparent; height:100%; width:200%; padding:0; overflow-y:scroll;][border=transparent; height:auto; width:50%; padding:0px 5px; box-sizing:border-box; line-height:130%; font-size:10px; color: var(--t-color);][font=Comfortaa][comment]
  37. ----your details start after this comment----
  39. [/comment][border=transparent; height:fit-content; width:fit-content; padding:0; font-weight:bold; line-height:130%; font-weight:bold; font-size:11px;][font=Coiny]interactions:[/font][/border][comment]
  40. ----- * * *your interactions here!----
  41. [/comment]interactions here
  42. [border=transparent; height:fit-content; width:fit-content; padding:0; font-weight:bold; line-height:130%; font-weight:bold; font-size:12px;][font=Coiny]mentions:[/font][/border][comment]
  43. ----- * * *your mentions here!----
  44. [/comment]mentions here
  45. [border=transparent; height:fit-content; width:fit-content; padding:0; font-weight:bold; line-height:130%; font-weight:bold; font-size:12px][font=Coiny]tags:[/font][/border][comment]
  46. -----* **your tags here!----
  47. [/comment]tags here
  48. [/font][/border][/border][/border]
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  51. [comment]----details two end----[/comment]
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  54. ----your details start after this comment----
  56. [/comment][border=transparent; height:fit-content; width:fit-content; padding:0; font-weight:bold; line-height:130%; font-weight:bold; font-size:12px;][font=Coiny]mood:[/font][/border][comment]
  57. ----- * * *your mood here!----
  58. [/comment]mood here
  59. [border=transparent; height:fit-content; width:fit-content; padding:0; font-weight:bold; line-height:130%; font-weight:bold; font-size:12px;][font=Coiny]location:[/font][/border][comment]
  60. ----- * * *your location here!----
  61. [/comment]location here
  62. [border=transparent; height:fit-content; width:fit-content; padding:0; font-weight:bold; line-height:130%; font-weight:bold; font-size:12px;][font=Coiny]outfit:[/font][/border][comment]
  63. -----* **your outfit here!----
  64. [/comment]outfit here
  65. [/font][/border][/border][/border]
  66. [comment]----details two end----[/comment]
  68. [/border]
  69. [comment]----details area end----[/comment]
  71. [comment]----body----[/comment]
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  73. ----- your post starts here ----
  74. [/comment]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque ac dapibus nunc. Vivamus faucibus metus id vehicula rutrum. Vestibulum tincidunt, erat quis gravida rhoncus, turpis massa aliquam tortor, eu pharetra nisi ligula et lorem. Donec et dignissim mauris, quis tincidunt erat. Quisque bibendum tristique quam, eu euismod lorem tempus nec. Ut molestie pharetra nunc. Suspendisse vitae ante ut lacus suscipit efficitur. Aliquam eu vulputate risus, consectetur vulputate tellus.
  76. Quisque sit amet ornare diam, sed tincidunt ipsum. Vivamus mollis, massa a rutrum blandit, felis risus tincidunt diam, a iaculis dolor nisi commodo neque. Cras metus ligula, aliquet sed est vel, placerat tincidunt leo. Curabitur dignissim orci interdum rutrum rutrum. Maecenas nec nibh a augue ultricies convallis. Donec tempor lectus a mattis facilisis. Sed et fermentum diam.
  78. Duis enim nisi, semper et risus rhoncus, rhoncus mattis nibh. Integer ac tempor risus. Sed nulla diam, venenatis eget sapien mattis, laoreet luctus magna. Sed a interdum nulla. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse ullamcorper, lacus sed condimentum suscipit, nisi felis condimentum mi, in congue arcu odio vel ligula. Phasellus ut neque metus. Sed bibendum leo at dolor mollis, id laoreet est sagittis. Vivamus blandit in tellus vel egestas. Praesent a enim vitae lacus tempor elementum.
  80. [/font][/border][/border][/border]
  81. [comment]----body end----[/comment]
  83. [comment]----quote----[/comment]
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  86. [border=transparent; height:fit-content; width:fit-content; padding:0; font-size:18px; line-height:120%; color: var(--t-color);][font=Coiny][comment]
  87. -----put a quote here! one line only!------
  88. [/comment]quote here[/font][/border]
  89. [border=transparent; height:fit-content; width:fit-content; padding:0; font-size:25px; line-height:120%; margin:0px 5px; color: var(--t-color);]❞[/border]
  90. [/border]
  92. [/border]
  93. [comment]----main container end----[/comment]
  95. [/border]
  96. [/border][comment]---signature! do not remove!----
  97. [/comment][bg=transparent; height:fit-content; padding:0; width:fit-content; margin:auto; z-index:4;opacity:0.9;font-size:10px;text-align:center; line-height:130%; margin-top:3px;][font=Open Sans]♡design by yourlocal-eboyy, coded by uxie♡[/font][/bg]
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