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Mar 18th, 2018
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  1. 137 – The Systems Builder Archetype
  3. If you are a 137, you are diligent, ambitious and innovative. You want to be ethical, efficient and upbeat. You are self-motivated and want to achieve your goals in a positive and effective way. You want to do your best and want to enjoy doing it. You focus on success and seek ways to measure it.
  4. Your life mission is to figure out what needs to be done and find a pleasant way to do it. A true perfectionist, you are happiest when you enjoy life while successfully meeting your goals.
  5. You can be so focused on what others view as appropriate, positive and successful that you miss seeing what is necessary and truly important to you.
  7. The 371 is very positive, orderly and success oriented. They are focused on the goal and building the foundation especially if self-pres. They are often empire builders. They need completion. The 271 is less foundational and more people oriented. They are very positive and upbeat. They focus more on relationship whereas the 371 focuses on the achievement.
  9. The 731 Tritype is known as the "Systems Builder" Tritype, which is a very focused, productive, and creative Tritype! The 731, even moreso if the 7 is in charge, will like to be positive and upbeat, and will be focused on finding out what needs to be done, and finding the most pleasant and efficient way to do so. One blindspot is that this Tritype can be very perfectionistic, and can have a tendency to miss seeing what is important to them because they have become overly focused on what appears to be successful, positive, or appropriate to others.
  11. (3)-7-1 - The Idealistic 3
  12. 3-(7)-1 - The Competent 7
  13. 3-7-(1) - The Aggressive 1
  15. Pseudo-realist. They believe they know who they are and what the world is like. May suffer from delusions.
  17. Transcribed from the Fauvres’ video: “Well, it’s an interesting combination, because the 1, the 3 and the 7 are all focused on different ways to look at something to build. So, the 1 is looking at the foundational details and qualities needed for something to be done well. And, the 3 is looking for the most effective and efficient way to do something. And, the 7 has the vision. So, those three types come together you have someone that’s really good at knowing what to do and how to approach it in a fun way. So, they want to meet their goals (and in this case 3 is in charge), but they also want to do it in a way that’s pleasant. They want it to be enjoyable. They want to be interpersonal. But they want to do it well. [This is someone who has two perfectionist types, 1 and 3, but then they have that 7 coming in there, saying ‘Let’s make it fun and let’s keep it positive’. The life purpose for this type is to figure out what needs to be done and find a pleasant way to do it. They’re a true systems builder with a positive attitude. The blind spot for this type is that they can be so focused on what others view as appropriate, positive and successful that they miss seeing what is necessary and truly important to themselves.] Let’s look at the growing edge, what happens when you have that blindspot. Then, the growing edge is to focus on your inner world, because those three types tend to focus on external successes, especially when 3 is in charge. And the journey for this archetype, tritype, is to begin to look at the resources internally, and have the internal and external match.
  18. [So, my tritype is 371 and it took me a while observing strategies I was using and I definitely realized that I did use the 3, the 7 and the 1. One of the ways that I recognized that is that I have a lot of perfectionism in my work. I want to make sure that whatever it is I’m doing, it’s just not the best, but it’s also really just perfect. And, at the same time, I like to be creative, and I like my freedom. So, I knew that 7 was in there someplace.]
  19. Well, the knowing what is pleasant, like ending with a smile. We’ll notice that not everyone ends with a smile. Both the image type of 3 wants to have that pleasant quality, it’s appropriate for the 1, and it’s enjoyable for the 7. So you’ll see it in the micro-expressions and you’ll see it also in the word choices.”
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