
Sugarboy's first sermon

Jun 22nd, 2019
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  1. [18:14] The common folk arrive, weary and tired are the faithful, people generally asleep at this hour. Roused with the news of a new mass, conducted by a Chosen of Death.
  3. As before, this Chosen of Death, the people standing amid the monoliths of power at the foot of the statue, turns to face it, kneeling before it, arms outstretched and head bowed. The crowd follows suit, bowing their heads to the image of their Lord, the Dawnbringer.
  5. The first words are said as she turns to face the crowd, the wind picking up around the site, the cool, smooth voice of the Oscuri not just amplified, but delivered on a downwards gust, as if the words themselves come from the sky.
  7. "We gather here today in worship and exaltation of our great Lord, Azrael. I, Ophelia Cirocco Mistral de' Fiano, priest with the Order of the Morninglord, will be leading it."
  9. The wind ruffles through the trees, tousling her platinum-white locks and tugging at her billowing robes as she, now facing the crowd oncemore, begins the initial prayers.
  11. "Kyrie eleison
  12. Azrael eleison"
  14. With these words, the faint music of an organ can be heard, brought amid the wind, paired with the indistinct singing of a choir. The commoners, well versed with the words, echo an 'amen', following the prayer, many repeating the words as she speaks it.
  16. The second prayer follows the first.
  18. "Glory to you who has shown us the light.
  19. Glory to Azrael, may he be unsealed.
  20. We praise you, we bless you, we worship you, we glorify you, and we give thanks to you.
  21. Azrael, Bringer of Dawn, take away our mortality, so we may live free of the strings of fate, we invoke your image, Savior of Humanity, to inspire ourselves to reach untold heights.
  22. Receive our prayer, even if your soul is distant, held far from us by the tyrannical Angels, know that we continue, even in your absence.
  23. For you are our savior, the one that brought a light to the world, and with it, liberty unknown.
  24. Each day I shall bless you, and I will praise your name forever.
  25. Amen."
  27. After that resounding 'amen', the leader of the prayers addresses the crowd oncemore, her eyes a burning emerald, while her face remains cool and detached. Tone ever smooth, like a fine suede.
  29. "Our Lord believed in humanity, our capacity for growth and betterment, and urged us to focus on our own self-improvement. I invite all present to bow their head in His name, and make a silent resolution."
  31. All of the commoners bow her heads as her words are spoken, including the priestly Oscuri herself, silence coming over the crowd as the moon sits high in the sky...
  32. (Ophelia de' Fiano)
  33. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  35. [18:19] Sugarboy would Amen with the crowd, and bow his head with the silence. The word of Azrael was new to him since joining the house Ruger. However, the teachings of The Morninglord truly resonated with him. The sacrifice, the kindness he expressed for our plight in a cruel world. Sugarboy was truly thankful for how is life had lead him here.
  36. (Sugarboy)
  37. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  39. [18:28] Raising her head, the Oscuri finds that many of the commoners have likewise raised their own heads. She gives a minute or two for others to finish their silent resolutions, before speaking aloud. Now is the time for the sermon, and such a thing is told with a certain few motes of zealousness, this time. A little more impassioned then her previous sermons told in a cool, detached tone;
  41. "Unity among men.
  43. Such a thing is sought after, to have those who worship the corrupt Angels and Divines become aware that the pillars of this malformed world are painted white to conceal the rot underneath. To realize that the Angels keep people hungry and weak, give their blessings to some and not all, and make sure human lifespan is limited, so we can never grow to be able to oppose them.
  45. However, unity among men is not always possible when confronted with the ignorant and the zealous. The treacherous Inquisitor of the Grey Church, Astaria Rosenkreuz, believed in unity. She had a weak heart, like Azrael Himself as He witnessed the suffering of man. She believed that she could cease war through convincing the children of Huangzhou to worship the Dreamer and achieve its dream of this unity.
  47. Unlike Azrael, Astaria was not able to harden her heart, to develop the will to do what must be done. She betrayed us by listening to the drivel and sweet promises of the Angel worshippers, she lost sight of our greater goal by allowing children who only care about their temporary enjoyment to impart their values upon her.
  49. Such is the draw of this flawed world, under the Angels. A temporary happiness provided to you as you keep yourself on their leash and do not challenge them. To embrace childish wishes that aim to satisfy one's own desires, to be afraid of causing conflict that is needed to make change.
  51. Azrael knew that violence is necessary for change, and so, when we are set against enemies that give us no quarter, that wholesale seek to corrupt or slaughter us in the name of their so called ‘purity’...
  53. We must use the most potent weapons of all, that which the black-winged Azrael armed Himself with. His loving heart covered in the armor of contempt, His shepherding hand wielding the shield of disgust, and His righteous arm bearing the sword of hatred.
  55. For if we cannot bring ourselves to wield these weapons against our most stubborn and implacable foes, the doll-like Qilin, programmed to destroy us, or the zealots of the Archangel and Jiuweihu, then they will use them against us."
  57. Several moments of silence trail after her sermon, allowing the words to sink in for a time. The next prayer is spoken with that same cool tone, allowing the notes of passion to filter out of the rieka-marked woman's words.
  59. "Morninglord, I believe in you: increase my faith.
  60. I trust in you: strengthen my trust.
  61. I love you: let me love you more and more.
  62. I am sorry for my frailties: deepen my sorrow.
  63. I worship you as my liberator,
  64. I long for your return,
  65. I praise you for our gifts,
  66. And I call on your memory as my loving protector.
  68. Guide me with your convictions,
  69. Correct me with your teachings,
  70. Comfort me with your compassion,
  71. Protect me with your power.
  73. I offer you, Lord, my thoughts: to be fixed on you;
  74. My words: To have you for their theme;
  75. My actions: To reflect my love for you;
  76. My sufferings: to be endured for the greater glory.
  78. Amen."
  80. An 'amen' spoken in response, the people wait for the next part - the blessing. They do not need to wait long, as the priestly Oscuri speaks, after a short pause;
  82. "I offer any who wish for a blessing, to form an orderly line, bringing yourself to me. If you do not wish to receive a blessing, remain where you are and meditate on your resolution."
  84. With those words spoken, a line is created, commoners bringing themselves to the Oscuri. Her lines of rieka flare, green, jagged shapes that glow faintly through her priest's garb. A touch is given to all who come up to her, a simple palm lain upon their forehead, the most subdued experience of Azrael's mana making contact with them.
  86. To some, they gain visions of Azrael, nothing to dramatic, merely the image of the savior of humanity within their mind's eye. White-winged and hopeful, or black-winged and forceful. Through all blessings visited upon magi and commoner's alike, she grants them a small blessing, a simple whisper of;
  88. "Azrael liberate you."
  89. (Ophelia de' Fiano)
  90. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  92. [18:37] Sugarboy would continue to Amen with the crowd, unable to express the passion he felt towards the sermon, he would simply opt to Amen louder to compensate.
  94. Upon the blessings being dished out, The paled man would happily join the line, waiting patiently before having the vision stowed upon him. He would be met with the young, white-winged angel. Matching his own desire to help those that suffered before him, it only strengthened his resolve to work and support the people he came to see as his family, and the other inhabitants of Dawn.
  95. (Sugarboy)
  96. [18:43] Once the line had been thinned down, people given their blessing and the most minute touch of rieka, including that of the paled servant of Ruger, all return to their place before her. Now is the time for the last part of the sermon, a concluding prayer and the dismissal. The prayer is spoken in that same cool, detached tone.
  98. "Morninglord, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis.
  99. Morninglord, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis.
  100. Morninglord, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona nobis pacem."
  102. With those words, she turns to face the statue, kneeling to it, arms outstretched and head bowed. The windswept priest remains in such a posture for a time, other bowing their head. The wind begins to die down subtly, turning to face the crowd oncemore;
  104. "Go forth, the mass is ended. Any who wish to remain to ask questions, learn of our Lord, or meet with me, is invited to stay."
  106. Words spoken, the commoners depart. Dawn is an industrious place where people work hard to assist in the realization of Azrael's dream, even in their own small way. The people must rest. However, such a thing gives an opportunity to speak with the priest, herself, remaining in place at the foot of the statue.
  107. (Ophelia de' Fiano)
  108. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  110. [18:47] Ophelia de' Fiano says, "Thank you. There will be more in the future."
  111. [18:47] Ophelia de' Fiano says, "Transcriptions of past sermons can also be found, if you wish to study them."
  113. [18:50] Sugarboy nods at the offer to read more transcripts, "I would highly enjoy that." He would fondly pat a tome of The Morninglord that sat under his left arm, "I was just about to start my fourth read of this, but new reading material, especially of our lord, will be a nice change."
  114. (Sugarboy)
  115. [18:55] Despite the odd name of the other, the cold, detached Oscuri seems to have a few muted, pleased notes within her burning, piercing gaze of fiery emerald, nodding to the other.
  117. "I'm glad to hear that Sir Gideon has found himself a retainer with a strong faith. Such a thing is rare. You'll go far with such persistence."
  119. It's rather rare to hear praise from the platinum-white haired Oscuri, but it's given without any notes of sarcasm, told straight and sincerely.
  120. (Ophelia de' Fiano)
  121. [18:57] Gideon cracked a smile his own emerald hues reflected much darker accents to them, Yet the still sprung froth a great deal of pleasure at Ophelia's words.
  123. "A man without faith in the Morninglord is a man without reason to exist within Dawn. At least that is the way I see it. "
  124. (Gideon Ruger)
  125. [19:02] The tall Oscuri stands up straight and proud, as usual, a little more tired after the conducting of her mass. She generally looks the slightest bit tired, however, and it does not impede her functioning.
  127. "I agree, Sir Gideon. Dawn is definitely not the place for the impious."
  129. Turning her burning gaze to the retainer, she asks;
  131. "I'd like to request a Mana Amnesia potion brewed, when possible."
  132. (Ophelia de' Fiano)
  134. [19:05] The alchemist would be humbled by the praise of such a prestigious member of the church. A small smile would grow across his face upon being requested for his services. "I believe I have everything I need to make one. I shall return with it shortly." his emotionless voice couldn't portray the excitement he felt to be such a useful tool to the Ruger household and The Faith of the Morninglord. He would sprint off rigidly to quickly brew the requested potion.
  135. (Sugarboy)
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