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a guest
Jun 17th, 2018
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  1. <Def ParentName="ObjectiveBase">
  2. <defName>HasScienceGoneToFar</defName>
  3. <description>It might be that we are going places here.</description>
  4. <label>Take some time to read through this.</label>
  5. <objectiveType>Wait</objectiveType>
  6. <!-- Only For Skilled Pawns -->
  7. <skillRequirements>
  8. <Intellectual>9000</Intellectual>
  9. <Artistic>10</Artistic>
  10. </skillRequirements>
  11. <objectiveRequisites>
  12. <li>SomeOtherObjective</li>
  13. <li>AnotherOne</li>
  14. <li>AndOneMoreNeededUntilThisOneGetsActive</li>
  15. </objectiveRequisites>
  16. <targetThings>
  17. <li>ThingToTarget</li>
  18. <li>ToExamine</li>
  19. <li>OrDestroy</li>
  20. </targetThings>
  21. <stationDefs>
  22. <li>ABenchToWorkAt</li>
  23. <li>SomeTree</li>
  24. <li>OrWhateverYouFeelLike</li>
  25. </stationDefs>
  26. <targetPawns>
  27. <li>APawnKindDefBelongsHere</li>
  28. <li>InCaseYouWannaHuntSomething</li>
  29. </targetPawns>
  30. <!-- Gotta stay away from bad targets-->
  31. <distanceToTarget>10000</distanceToTarget>
  32. <dependantOn>
  33. <li>AnObjective</li>
  34. <li>ThatThisOneDependsOn</li>
  35. <li>IfTheOtherIsDoneThisOneIsDoneToo</li>
  36. </dependantOn>
  37. <incidentsOnCompletion>
  38. <li Class="MissionsAndObjectives.IncidentProperties">
  39. <type>Skyfaller</type>
  40. <!-- A workerClass replaces the rest of the incidentProperties -->
  41. <workerClass>CouldAddAVanillaIncidentWorkerHere</workerClass>
  42. <!-- Multiply the given points - make huge raids because you can -->
  43. <pointMultiplier>999</pointMultiplier>
  44. <!-- Or simply define your own scale -->
  45. <pointsOverride>1</pointsOverride>
  46. <!-- False for everything in the following lists, true for a random thing -->
  47. <random>false</random>
  48. <spawnList>
  49. <li>SimpleThingToSpawn</li>
  50. <li>ItsNotReallyThatComplex</li>
  51. </spawnList>
  52. <skyfallerSpawnList>
  53. <li>ThingGoesHere,SkyfallerGoesHere</li>
  54. <li>TiberiumCraterGreen_TBNS,GreenTiberiumMeteorIncoming</li>
  55. </skyfallerSpawnList>
  56. <!-- define a ruleset for the spawn location, avoid terrain, certain things, or force to spawn at a certain thing -->
  57. <filter>
  58. <terrainToAvoid>
  59. <li>AvoidCertainTerrainsToSpawnAt</li>
  60. </terrainToAvoid>
  61. <spawnAt>
  62. <li>AThingToMakeYourOtherThingsSpawnAt</li>
  63. <li>ThereCanBeMultiple</li>
  64. </spawnAt>
  65. <distanceFromThings>
  66. <li>ThingToSpawnAwayFrom,10</li>
  67. <li>AnotherOneAAAH,10000</li>
  68. </distanceFromThings>
  69. <!-- Define areas; Allow - Allow that area, Prefer - spawn only in that area, Avoid - don't spawn in that area -->
  70. <avoidRoofs>Prefer</avoidRoofs>
  71. <avoidHome>Avoid</avoidHome>
  72. </filter>
  73. </li>
  74. </incidentsOnCompletion>
  75. <incidentsOnFail>
  76. <!-- Do some crappy thing to punish the ones who fail -->
  77. </incidentsOnFail>
  78. <!--The amount of work that needs to be done-->
  79. <workCost>127634</workCost>
  80. <!-- The time until a timer runs out-->
  81. <timerDays>3</timerDays>
  82. <images>
  83. <li>Add/Some/Funny/Images</li>
  84. <li>Just/Use/The/Correct/Path</li>
  85. </images>
  86. </Def>
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