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Jun 24th, 2017
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  1. - (XXX Event)
  2. - This prompts Team Shourai to travel to Hoenn
  3. - Team Rocket(secretely) owns the Mossdeep Space Center(won't be revealed till later), which Team Shourai eventually reach
  4. - A rocket is launched to space when Team Shourai gets there
  5. - The rocket detects an incoming Meteorite, and in an attempt to avoid collison, fired a laser beam at the meteorite
  6. - The Meteorite did not budge, and continued its course, where it fell towards Meteor Falls
  7. - Eventually, at the end of the Hoenn arc, Team Shourai visit Meteor Falls, and find the freshly crashed meteor
  8. - The Meteorite then opens up, revealing a Jirachi to the group
  9. - Unknown to Team Shourai, a Space Virus had attached itself onto the meteor during its time in space, and the laser had shot the Virus, mutating it
  10. - The result is a Deoxys, which had detached itself from the meteor while in the sky, and absorbed a lot of energy from the meteorite
  11. - An aurora can be seen in the skies above Meteor Falls
  12. - However, the 4 Team Rocket Executives arrive, intending to take Jirachi for themselves
  13. - Despite the efforts of Team Shourai, the Team Rocket Executives defeat them, and they start writing their wishes on Jirachi
  14. - They wish to bring Kyogre, Groudon and Rayquaza under their control, but Jirachi, having its energy drained by Deoxys, was unable to fully grant the wish, and instead brings the Red/Blue/Green Orb, which were lost in the earlier arc, to the Executives, and teleports the Executives(And Titan trio) to the Embedded Tower, where the three Titans could be controlled to an extent
  15. - As Jirachi is set to leave in 7 days, Team Shourai contact Mr Briney, who says that even the fastest boat will take about 6 days to reach Cianwood City.
  16. - Due to XXX reason, Team Shourai makes haste and sets out to the Embedded Tower
  17. - As they arrive at the Embedded Tower, and have one day left to spare, Jirou, Miyu and Reiko split to free the three titans
  18. - Reiko travels to underneathe the tower, where the legendary Kyogre lies, guarded by Proton and Petrel, who possess the Blue Orb
  19. - Miyu travels to the initial floor, where Ariana waits with the Red Orb
  20. - Jirou walks to the highest floor, where Archer, with the Green Orb in hand, awaits.
  21. - Team Shourai all win their respective matches after intense and grueling battles, and with the Executives defeated, no one was tending to the orbs, and the three titans become free, escaping the tower, seemingly thankful to the respective members of Team Shourai that set them free.
  22. - A small event involving Jirachi takes place, before it's sent back to space
  23. - The tower appears to start crumbling slightly, and the Orbs roll away and disappear in the ensuing chaos, while Reiko and Jirou have to get back to the initial floor quickly
  24. - Team Shourai escape the ensuing chaos, and the insides of the tower become rather damaged due to Kyogre/Groudon/Rayquaza leaving
  25. - Giovanni turns out to now possess the Red/Blue/Green Orb, and carved them into the Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, intending to use it in a future plot.
  26. - In one of his final moments, Archer mentions to Jirou that Giovanni was not the only person in Team Rocket that was stronger than him, and that someone else was behind Team Rocket before Giovanni rejoined it.
  27. - Mr Edelfelt, in the meantime, hears of the Executive's failures, and decides to set his own plan in motion, revealing that he has a Silver and Rainbow Wing...
  30. - After some time passes, Team Shourai gets back together and travels to Kanto, where Team Rocket still remains.
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