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May 21st, 2018
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  1. Western Civilisation is just as opposed to the nonsensical grab for a few fleeting dollars at the expense of serious inevitable and potential environmental damage and especially the pushing to make such damage more inevitable by rescinding or sidestepping regulation as Castro or anarchist communes.
  3. We have to live on this earth for a lot longer than these gas reserves will last, and we will live with the consequences of extraction. The pure unbridled mercenary attitude is what I’d expect from unethical exploiters of natural resources, the panicked association of unethical environmental exploitation with civilisation itself is on the other hand patently absurd.
  5. We are consuming more than ever and it does nothing for our quality of life, all it does is prop up a system which is needlessly based on an unsustainable perpetual growth. You don’t have to be a statist to see that that is not only a bad thing but also a stupid one.
  7. All my life I have been told “we are cutting down the rainforest” “we are polluting the earth” and you know what I realised recently? I am not!
  8. I would NEVER sign a piece of paper allowing those things. I would HAPPILY accept less consumer goods in exchange for a cleaner and more sustainable planet, so would most people on the planet if they understood the risks.
  10. But mostly they don’t because people only in it for temporary financial gains engage in constant propaganda to secure their ill-gotten profits. It’s wrong, it’s stupid, it’s shortsighted and it is being pushed on the world by a small minority acting in their own interests and not anyone else’s whatever they say about “our way of life” (which has only been the way it currently is for a ridiculously short time).
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