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Apr 12th, 2017
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  1. MemoryRecord Class:
  2. The memoryrecord objects are the entries you see in the addresslist
  4. properties
  5. ID: Integer - Unique ID
  6. Index: Integer - The index ID for this record. 0 is top. (ReadOnly)
  7. Description: string- The description of the memory record
  8. Address: string - Get/set the interpretable address string. Useful for simple address settings.
  9. OffsetCount: integer - The number of offsets. Set to 0 for a normal address
  10. Offset[] : integer - Array to access each offset
  11. OffsetText[] : string - Array to access each offset using the interpretable text style
  13. CurrentAddress: integer - The address the memoryrecord points to
  14. Type: ValueType - The variable type of this record. See vtByte to vtCustom
  15. If the type is vtString then the following properties are available:
  16. String.Size: Number of characters in the string
  17. String.Unicode: boolean
  19. If the type is vtBinary then the following properties are available
  20. Binary.Startbit: First bit to start reading from
  21. Binary.Size : Number of bits
  23. If the type is vtByteArray then the following properties are available
  24. Aob.Size : Number of bytes
  26. CustomTypeName: String - If the type is vtCustomType this will contain the name of the CustomType
  27. Script: String - If the type is vtAutoAssembler this will contain the auto assembler script
  28. Value: string - The value in stringform.
  29. Selected: boolean - Set to true if selected (ReadOnly)
  30. Active: boolean - Set to true to activate/freeze, false to deactivate/unfreeze
  31. Color: integer
  32. ShowAsHex: boolean - Self explanatory
  33. ShowAsSigned: boolean - Self explanatory
  34. AllowIncrease: boolean - Allow value increasing, unfreeze will reset it to false
  35. AllowDecrease: boolean - Allow value decreasing, unfreeze will reset it to false
  36. Collapsed: boolean - Set to true to collapse this record or false to expand it. Use expand/collapse methods for recursive operations.
  37. IsGroupHeader: boolean - Set to true if the record was created as a Group Header with no address or value info. (ReadOnly)
  38. IsReadable: boolean - Set to false if record contains an unreadable address. NOTE: This property will not be set until the value property is accessed at least once. (ReadOnly)
  40. Count: Number of children
  41. Child[index] : Array to access the child records
  42. [index] = Child[index]
  44. HotkeyCount: integer - Number of hotkeys attached to this memory record
  45. Hotkey[] : Array to index the hotkeys
  47. OnActivate: function(memoryrecord,before,currentstate):boolean - The function to call when the memoryrecord will change (or changed) Active to true. If before is true, not returning true will cause the activation to stop.
  48. OnDeactivate: function(memoryrecord,before,currentstate):boolean - The function to call when the memoryrecord will change (or changed) Active to false. If before is true, not returning true will cause the deactivation to stop.
  49. OnDestroy: function() - Called when the memoryrecord is destroyed.
  50. DontSave: boolean - Don't save this memoryrecord and it's children
  52. methods
  53. getDescription()
  54. setDescription()
  55. getAddress() : Returns the interpretable addressstring of this record. If it is a pointer, it returns a second result as a table filled with the offsets
  56. setAddress(string) : Sets the interpretable address string, and if offsets are provided make it a pointer
  58. getOffsetCount(): Returns the number of offsets for this memoryrecord
  59. setOffsetCount(integer): Lets you set the number of offsets
  61. getOffset(index) : Gets the offset at the given index
  62. setOffset(index, value) : Sets the offset at the given index
  64. getCurrentAddress(): Returns the current address as an integer (the final result of the interpretable address and pointer offsets)
  66. appendToEntry(memrec): Appends the current memory record to the given memory record
  68. getHotkey(index): Returns the hotkey from the hotkey array
  69. getHotkeyByID(integer): Returns the hotkey with the given id
  71. createHotkey({keys}, action, value OPTIONAL): Returns a hotkey object
  73. global events
  74. function onMemRecPreExecute(memoryrecord, newstate BOOLEAN):
  75. If above function is defined it will be called before action* has been performed.
  76. Active property is about to change to newState.
  78. function onMemRecPostExecute(memoryrecord, newState BOOLEAN, succeeded BOOLEAN):
  79. If above function is defined it will be called after action*.
  80. Active property was supposed to change to newState.
  81. If 'succeeded' is true it means that Active state has changed and is newState.
  83. newState and succeeded are read only.
  85. *action can be: running auto assembler script (ENABLE or DISABLE section), freezing and unfreezing.
  89. Addresslist Class: (Inheritance: Panel->WinControl->Control->Component->Object)
  90. properties
  91. Count: Integer - The number of records in the table
  92. SelCount: integer- The number of records that are selected
  93. SelectedRecord: MemoryRecord - The main selected record
  94. MemoryRecord[]: MemoryRecord - Array to access the individial memory records
  95. [] = MemoryRecord - Default accessor
  97. methods
  98. getCount()
  99. getMemoryRecord(index)
  100. getMemoryRecordByDescription(description): returns a MemoryRecord object
  101. getMemoryRecordByID(ID)
  102. createMemoryRecord() : creates an generic cheat table entry and add it to the list
  104. getSelectedRecords(): Returns a table containing all the selected records
  106. doDescriptionChange() : Will show the GUI window to change the description of the selected entry
  107. doAddressChange() : Will show the GUI window to change the address of the selected entry
  108. doTypeChange() : Will show the GUI window to change the type of the selected entries
  109. doValueChange() : Will show the GUI window to change the value of the selected entries
  111. getSelectedRecord() : Gets the main selected memoryrecord
  112. setSelectedRecord(memrec) : Sets the currently selected memoryrecord. This will unselect all other entries
  117. MemScan Class (Inheritance: Object)
  118. getCurrentMemscan() : Returns the current memory scan object. If tabs are used the current tab's memscan object
  119. createMemScan(progressbar OPTIONAL) : Returns a new MemScan class object
  121. properties
  122. OnScanDone: function(memscan) - Set a function to be called when the scan has finished
  123. FoundList: FoundList - The foundlist currently attached to this memscan object
  124. OnlyOneResult: boolean - If this is set to true memscan will stop scanning after having found the first result, and written the address to "Result"
  125. Result: Integer - If OnlyOneResult is used this will contain the address after a scan has finished
  128. methods
  130. firstScan(scanoption, vartype, roundingtype, input1, input2 ,startAddress ,stopAddress ,protectionflags ,alignmenttype ,"alignmentparam" ,isHexadecimalInput ,isNotABinaryString, isunicodescan, iscasesensitive);
  131. Does an initial scan.
  132. memscan: The MemScan object created with createMemScan
  133. scanOption: Defines what type of scan is done. Valid values for firstscan are:
  134. soUnknownValue: Unknown initial value scan
  135. soExactValue: Exact Value scan
  136. soValueBetween: Value between scan
  137. soBiggerThan: Bigger than ... scan
  138. soSmallerThan: smaller than ... scan
  140. vartype: Defines the variable type. Valid variable types are:
  141. vtByte
  142. vtWord 2 bytes
  143. vtDword 4 bytes
  144. vtQword 8 bytes
  145. vtSingle float
  146. vtDouble
  147. vtString
  148. vtByteArray
  149. vtGrouped
  150. vtBinary
  151. vtAll
  153. roundingtype: Defined the way scans for exact value floating points are handled
  154. rtRounded : Normal rounded scans. If exact value = "3" then it includes 3.0 to 3.49999999. If exact value is "3.0" it includes 3.00 to 3.0499999999
  155. rtTruncated: Truncated algorithm. If exact value = "3" then it includes 3.0 to 3.99999999. If exact value is "3.0" it includes 3.00 to 3.099999999
  156. rtExtremerounded: Rounded Extreme. If exact value = "3" then it includes 2.0000001 to 3.99999999. If exact value is "3.0" it includes 2.900000001 to 3.099999999
  158. input1: If required by the scanoption this is a string of the given variable type
  159. input2: If requires by the scanoption this is the secondary input
  161. startAddress : The start address to scan from. You want to set this to 0
  162. stopAddress : The address the scan should stop at. (You want to set this to 0xffffffffffffffff)
  164. protectionflags : See aobscan about protectionflags
  165. alignmenttype : Scan alignment type. Valid options are:
  166. fsmNotAligned : No alignment check
  167. fsmAligned : The address must be dividable by the value in alignmentparam
  168. fsmLastDigits : The last digits of the address must end with the digits provided by alignmentparam
  170. alignmentparam : String that holds the alignment parameter.
  172. isHexadecimalInput: When true this will handle the input field as a hexadecimal string else decimal
  173. isNotABinaryString: When true and the varType is vtBinary this will handle the input field as a decimal instead of a binary string
  174. isunicodescan: When true and the vartype is vtString this will do a unicode (utf16) string scan else normal utf8 string
  175. iscasesensitive : When true and the vartype is vtString this check if the case matches
  179. RadioGroup class: (Inheritance: GroupBox->WinControl->Control->Component->Object)
  180. createRadioGroup(owner): Creates a RadioGroup class object which belongs to the given owner. Owner can be any object inherited from WinControl
  182. properties
  183. Items: Strings - Strings derived object containings all the items in the list
  184. Columns: Integer - The number of columns to split the items into
  185. ItemIndex: Integer - The currently selected item
  186. OnClick: Called when the control is clicked
  188. methods
  189. getRows(): Returns the number of rows
  190. getItems(): Returns a Strings object
  191. getColumns(): Returns the nuber of columns
  192. setColumns(integer)
  193. getItemIndex()
  194. setItemIndex(integer)
  195. setOnClick(function)
  196. getOnClick()
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