Guest User


a guest
May 10th, 2018
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  1. blindness: false
  2. sounds:
  3. open: CHEST_OPEN;1.0;1.0
  4. changePage: CLICK;1.0;1.0
  5. close: CHEST_CLOSE;1.0;1.0
  6. ranks:
  7. god:
  8. vaults: 3
  9. permission: "hcvault.god"
  10. op: true
  11. items:
  12. next: WOOL;1;5
  13. next-disabled: WOOL;1;8
  14. previous: WOOL;1;14
  15. previous-disabled: WOOL;1;8
  16. language:
  17. next-page: "&aNext Vault >"
  18. previous-page: "&6< Previous Vault"
  19. no-vault: "&cYou dont have a vault!"
  20. targer-no-vault: "&cPlayer %s doesn't have a vault!"
  21. no-page-number: "&cWrong format!"
  22. vault-not-found: "&cVault not found!"
  23. failing-to-open-page: "&cFailed to open page &b%s &cfrom &b%s&c's vault!"
  24. target-not-online: "&cCan't open the vault of an offline player!"
  25. no-perm: "&cNo permission."
  26. reloaded: "&aConfig Reloaded."
  27. #Variables:
  28. # %player- replaces the name of the vault owner.
  29. # %pagenumber- replaces the current page.
  30. # %maxpages- replaces the max pages of the owner which can be changed under vaults option.
  31. GuiTitle: "&f&l%player &e&l%pagenumber&7/&e&l%maxpages"
  32. mysql:
  33. enabled: false
  34. user: 'root'
  35. password: ''
  36. server: localhost
  37. port: 3306
  38. database: 'playervaults'
  39. table-prefix: ''
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