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Oct 23rd, 2017
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  2. Panoramic - Today at 12:58 PM
  3. Bruh
  4. Don't kick her
  5. I saw the logs lol
  6. William - Today at 12:58 PM
  7. wats a tay?
  8. Panoramic - Today at 12:58 PM
  9. Dude idk why people don't like her she's really cool actually like yall should give her a chance
  10. William - Today at 12:59 PM
  11. u tried to dox her a week ago
  12. Panoramic - Today at 12:59 PM
  13. Tbh I didn't rly try it was banter. We ip grabbed her phone and that was it. And I apologized a lot to her and she gave me a chance
  14. William - Today at 1:00 PM
  15. lol...
  16. Panoramic - Today at 1:00 PM
  17. So now we're gucci
  18. William - Today at 1:00 PM
  19. ok that doesnt mean u have to leave us for her
  20. Panoramic - Today at 1:00 PM
  21. I'm not allowed to make new friends?
  22. Yeah
  23. That's what I thought
  24. William - Today at 1:02 PM
  25. u left her
  26. us
  27. and just went with her
  28. lol
  29. and for like 4 hours
  30. Panoramic - Today at 1:04 PM
  31. I talk to people for long periods of time when I meet them for the first time.
  32. So I can get to know them.
  33. William - Today at 1:04 PM
  34. who else did u do that with
  35. lol
  36. Panoramic - Today at 1:04 PM
  37. I did that with hallie
  38. And aztecs
  39. William - Today at 1:04 PM
  40. the difference no one was asking to be moved
  41. Panoramic - Today at 1:05 PM
  42. I'm not gonna move annoying bitchasses into my call when I'm trying to tell her about my life and people keep interrupting me.
  43. William - Today at 1:05 PM
  44. lol
  45. ur telling her ur whole life
  46. u knew her for 2 hours
  47. Panoramic - Today at 1:05 PM
  48. I told her about taykor
  49. Taylor
  50. And she told me shit about her relationships too
  51. I'm a pretty open person
  52. I'll talk about anything
  53. William - Today at 1:06 PM
  54. thats obviously leading to one thing
  55. edating lmao
  56. Panoramic - Today at 1:06 PM
  57. U can think what you want
  58. Just don't kick her
  59. William - Today at 1:06 PM
  60. lol(edited)
  61. Panoramic - Today at 1:06 PM
  62. Idc what anyone says.
  63. I'm used to it
  64. I'm used to being roasted and toasted
  65. William - Today at 1:07 PM
  66. lol yea but this is difference
  67. u hardly know her
  68. atleast tay and hallie u knew for like a week +
  69. Panoramic - Today at 1:07 PM
  70. So tell me, I'm confused, what's the problem again?
  71. William - Today at 1:07 PM
  72. u ditched us to edate this rnady
  73. Panoramic - Today at 1:07 PM
  74. We're not edating though
  75. William - Today at 1:08 PM
  76. lol talking about previous realtionships for 5+ hours, not letting anyone else in
  77. sounds like what u and hallie did
  78. Panoramic - Today at 1:09 PM
  79. Like I said think what you want
  80. But
  81. I wanted
  82. To start fresh
  83. And apologize to her
  84. For being being a dick
  85. William - Today at 1:09 PM
  86. for 4+ hours
  87. lol
  88. Panoramic - Today at 1:09 PM
  89. Bruh
  90. William - Today at 1:10 PM
  91. 7 hours
  92. even worse
  93. Panoramic - Today at 1:10 PM
  94. It's fine dude
  95. I don't like group calls
  96. I prefer 1 on 1
  97. William - Today at 1:10 PM
  98. lol
  99. ur in group calls all the time(edited)
  100. Panoramic - Today at 1:10 PM
  101. But not when I'm telling stories of my past
  102. William - Today at 1:11 PM
  103. what u on aout
  104. about
  105. u have done that b4
  106. Panoramic - Today at 1:11 PM
  107. Bruh
  108. Why r u on my head so hard rn
  109. William - Today at 1:11 PM
  110. and idc what u say the tay story does not take 7 hours to explain
  111. Panoramic - Today at 1:11 PM
  112. We talked about other stuff
  113. She told me her own stories
  114. It got personal
  115. So we kept it probate
  116. Private
  117. William - Today at 1:12 PM
  118. lol again u just became cool with her
  119. Panoramic - Today at 1:12 PM
  120. Yeah
  121. So?
  122. William - Today at 1:12 PM
  123. so u r edating her?
  124. Panoramic - Today at 1:12 PM
  125. No
  126. ?
  127. Why r u on my head so hard rn
  128. William - Today at 1:12 PM
  129. who in the world would try to dox someone a week later talk to them, then share there life story
  130. Panoramic - Today at 1:13 PM
  131. Someone who regretted what they did and wanted a second chance.
  132. William - Today at 1:13 PM
  133. ok say sorry
  134. get it over with
  135. lol
  136. Panoramic - Today at 1:13 PM
  137. It's not that simple
  138. She didn't trust me at first
  139. William - Today at 1:13 PM
  140. it would make sense if u did dox her
  141. but u didnt
  143. Panoramic - Today at 1:14 PM
  144. I didn't dox her because tbh it was just banter
  145. I didn't even try
  146. William - Today at 1:14 PM
  147. again
  148. Panoramic - Today at 1:14 PM
  149. Str8 ipgrabbed her phone
  150. That's all
  151. William - Today at 1:14 PM
  153. Panoramic - Today at 1:14 PM
  154. U mad bro
  155. ?
  156. William - Today at 1:14 PM
  157. yes
  158. Panoramic - Today at 1:14 PM
  159. Why?
  160. William - Today at 1:14 PM
  161. you're acting dumb
  162. Panoramic - Today at 1:15 PM
  163. How
  164. Just cuz I wanna make a new friend
  165. ?
  166. William - Today at 1:15 PM
  167. why do you want her to trust you?
  168. Panoramic - Today at 1:15 PM
  169. Why wouldnt i?
  170. William - Today at 1:15 PM
  171. thats nopt what u do when u try to make a friend
  172. Panoramic - Today at 1:15 PM
  173. Yeah it is
  174. U build trust
  175. And now we trust eachother
  176. William - Today at 1:15 PM
  177. No its not lmao
  178. Panoramic - Today at 1:15 PM
  179. So we can share more personal info
  180. William - Today at 1:16 PM
  181. why do u wanna share more personal info
  182. lmao
  183. Panoramic - Today at 1:16 PM
  184. Because I enjoy talking to her
  185. Why would I talk to her for so long if I didn't like talking to her lmao
  186. She's chill and funny
  187. So I said flip it
  188. William - Today at 1:16 PM
  189. never said u didnt like talking to her
  190. Panoramic - Today at 1:16 PM
  191. I'll talk to her
  192. William - Today at 1:17 PM
  193. talk to all of us
  194. Panoramic - Today at 1:17 PM
  195. I do
  196. A lot
  197. William - Today at 1:17 PM
  198. no u dont
  199. Panoramic - Today at 1:17 PM
  200. Just cuz I spend 1 evening with her doesn't mean I don't talk to u wtf
  201. William - Today at 1:17 PM
  202. u talk to me but we never have those good fun group calls any more
  203. we had a chance
  204. Panoramic - Today at 1:17 PM
  205. Well the past week we could have
  206. It was just us tho
  207. William - Today at 1:18 PM
  208. who falls asleep in a call with someone they just met
  210. Panoramic - Today at 1:18 PM
  211. Hallie does lol
  212. Hallie fell asleep in call with me really early
  213. William - Today at 1:18 PM
  214. she has known u for a while
  215. well not a while
  216. but longer than 1 day
  217. b4 u started edating
  218. Panoramic - Today at 1:19 PM
  219. Alright let's not use that word
  220. So what now.
  221. William - Today at 1:21 PM
  222. u give edating a break(edited)
  223. Panoramic - Today at 1:21 PM
  224. I'm not edating..
  225. William - Today at 1:21 PM
  226. you said that exact thing after taylor
  227. Panoramic - Today at 1:22 PM
  228. I only ever edated 1 time
  229. With hallie
  230. That's it
  231. William - Today at 1:22 PM
  232. and tak(edited)
  233. Panoramic - Today at 1:22 PM
  234. Lol
  235. William - Today at 1:22 PM
  236. back to back(edited)
  237. Panoramic - Today at 1:22 PM
  238. Never edated taylor
  239. William - Today at 1:22 PM
  240. sure kid
  241. Panoramic - Today at 1:22 PM
  242. We were never a thing anyway.
  243. William - Today at 1:22 PM
  244. that was prob the worst one
  245. lies lmao
  246. Panoramic - Today at 1:23 PM
  247. Duh she was the worst. This new tay is a lot cooler than her anyway
  248. Is hallie actually mad at me
  249. And how so
  250. William - Today at 1:23 PM
  251. taylor was also cool when we first met her
  252. that doesnt mean anything
  253. Panoramic - Today at 1:24 PM
  254. Is hallie actually mad at me
  255. And not all girls are like her
  256. Not all girls are scums
  257. William - Today at 1:24 PM
  258. she is a scum(edited)
  259. Panoramic - Today at 1:25 PM
  260. Dude
  261. No she's not
  262. William - Today at 1:25 PM
  263. she hangs out with championbran
  264. that should tell u a lot
  265. Panoramic - Today at 1:25 PM
  266. How is she a scum u don't evem know her
  267. William - Today at 1:25 PM
  268. she is a attention whore
  270. Panoramic - Today at 1:25 PM
  271. Alright dude those r some unnecessary words
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