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a guest
Jul 18th, 2018
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  1. .method public hidebysig static void Main() cil managed
  2. {
  3. .entrypoint
  4. // Code size 3301 (0xce5)
  5. .maxstack 3
  6. .locals init (uint32 V_0,
  7. int32 V_1,
  8. int32 V_2,
  9. int32 V_3,
  10. int32 V_4,
  11. bool V_5)
  12. IL_0000: nop
  13. IL_0001: call void Mosa.HelloWorld.Screen::Clear()
  14. IL_0006: nop
  15. IL_0007: ldc.i4.s 14
  16. IL_0009: stsfld uint8 Mosa.HelloWorld.Screen::Color
  17. IL_000e: ldc.i4.s 24
  18. IL_0010: ldc.i4.0
  19. IL_0011: call void Mosa.HelloWorld.Screen::SetCursor(int32,
  20. int32)
  23. .method public hidebysig static void Main() cil managed
  24. {
  25. .entrypoint
  26. // Code size 2899 (0xb53)
  27. .maxstack 3
  28. .locals init (uint32 V_0,
  29. uint32 V_1,
  30. uint32 V_2,
  31. uint32 V_3,
  32. int32 V_4,
  33. int32 V_5,
  34. int32 V_6,
  35. int32 V_7,
  36. int32 V_8,
  37. int32 V_9,
  38. int32 V_10)
  39. IL_0000: call void Mosa.HelloWorld.Screen::Clear()
  40. IL_0005: ldc.i4.s 14
  41. IL_0007: stsfld uint8 Mosa.HelloWorld.Screen::Color
  42. IL_000c: ldc.i4.s 24
  43. IL_000e: ldc.i4.0
  44. IL_000f: call void Mosa.HelloWorld.Screen::SetCursor(int32,
  45. int32)
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